4, 4 STABLISHED -1865 NEW B13101RY , S. C., T E D Y T NUA Y2 ,101 W G E K 15 IRK ~ ~ ~ S r j A B L J S I i D t 8 6 5N E W B E m n . 8 C . T U 14 1 8 1 ) A N FT JA N u Ur - Y ) . 1 9 0 -1 . .1\I E N W E , I 5 . Y A ENERAL ASSEMBLY HAS BEGUN ITS THIRD WEE] SENATOR TILLMAN WILL BE PUT BAC ON THE WINTHROP BOARD. House Yesterday Killed The Haskell Bi To Abolish Special Courts--The Work Of Friday and Saturday. (Special to Herald and News.) Columbia, January 25--T' house today killed Mr. Haskell bill to abolish special courts. Columbia, January 25.-SenatC B. R. Tillman having been legi: lated off the board of trustees c - TVinthrop by mistake, Dr. T. A Crawford, of Rock Hill, who wa elected to succeed him, has ter dered his resignation on this ac count, and the general assembl must elect another member and c course will put Mr. Tillman bac on the board. Dr. Crawford dc clined in the following message "The (list inguished services of Ser ator Tillmnan to Winthrop Coll:g render his continuance on th board a public necessity. I can nC accept the election in his stead an hereby tender my resignation." The mistake was due to cor fusion as to the time of expiratio of the terms of the various men bers. It was not definitely know what places on the board were b ing filled, and thus it was that Set ator Tillnian was dropped from tl board and Mr. Crawford chosen t succeed him. The report gained circulation i some way that in like manner Mi L. A Sease, of Newberry count) has been dropped from the Clen son board. This is clearly a mi: take, as A1r. Sease was elected i ao9:) for for a term of four years. AFeTER T11114 ELRCTIONS. The house got dowln to the rot tine work of lwasn imed em ptin g all Cneaten soliedi ately afer the elections and did hard day's w%ork on Friday. The matter of habor contract came up for a long discussion. Th action taken is given in the edi torian irrespondence i thiS iSSr nMr. TribbJe's bill was passed e, anepting all Confederate soldic and sailors who now receive a per sion from the State or aid from th county, fro the charge of any Teso rte a loing aon inusi tae penitentary atoret ain houe salfort the mnufatue aon sale fmeria frilizeriss. Th~ willh was finllyo kile Stateque OnSy, i however bthe house tpassed resolut (i oe( lofking1 heran inuiryob thet(( penitenir y a ui itthorities ini teaisai l0iy of( most oStat gi livs essaion.i ob cnut On Saturday theOL house nook A long discussiont was pm ovoke On a p)roposit ion madle by Mr. D. C Herbert, of Orangeburg, to estat lish 124 beneficiary Febolarships ftc Olemson college, withl an a ward ( $ioo to each of the scholarship this money to be paid out of th K resources of Clemson college. Th idea is to give preference to thos who take tho agricult ureal cours an to award them to the most worth and needy candid-tates who hav made at least 6( per cent. on th exam inations. It was urged by those Vl favored the scholarships that fam S mers are now paying most of th money which goes to the suppol of Clemson college while the fa mers' sons are not receiving th ir greater benefits. Mr. Arthur KiL ler, of Newberry, made a stron speech in favor of the bill. No ac tion was taken on Saturday. s IN Ti11C sKNATIC. The senate on F;iday devote y most of its time to the discussio f of the shad bill, which has come u k each year for many years past Senator Walker, of Georgetowu argued against the passage of III bill, which would prevent the shi. e ment of shad from the State. Ne: e day Senator Ragsd'le, of Florence it favored the bill, and it was finall NEtW BILLS. A number of new bills have bee r introduced in both houses, anion them some very impartant mea! ures. SCHOOL LIBRARIES. e Bill Prepared by Mr. E. H. Aull, of Newbei ry, to Give State Aid to the School Library Cause. The matter of school libraries i the State is one of growing imporl ance. Mr. E. H1. Aull, of Newbei ry, has prepared the following bill which, lie thinks, will be of mater' al assistance to the library movc ment throughout the State. An Act to encourage the establish ment of' libraries in the publi I schools of the rural districts. Be it enactedh by the General As sembly of the State of South Caro s lina: Section r. Whenever the patron and friends of a free public schoc shall raise by private subscriptioi and tender to the county supet intenldent of education, for the es tablisliment of a library to he con e nected with said school, the s,m o tenl dollars, the county board o education shall appropriate from th money belonging to that school dis trict asking for the library thest of ten dollars for this purpose. iSection 2. As soon1 as the count: board of education of any count' shall have made an appropriatioi for a library in the manner pre scribed the cotunty superintendent o education shall inufornm the secretar' e of the State boardl of education a the fact, whereupon the said Stat< a boardl of edutca tion shaill rem it thIi county superintendent of educatioi lie sont of tenl dollars for the pur1 Schase of b ooks for sa id library.. U p oin receipt of this money t he count: suintenden of educaLtion shatl turn1 oV. r to the1( pierson ap~poinRted t< select books the amitounits secure by> private subhscripti ion, b)y appl)lropi at ion fromi the counit y board c eduRca'.ionR, and( by pyhr(lpriationR from thle State ba IrdI of educeat ion Sect ion 3. A lcal boI ardl of trustee d is hereby appoinited to select tht .books and shall purchase such book - as they may deem best suited fo r such purpose, and shall file with f the cotnty superiitendent of educa , tion vouchers for the whole amount e recived : Provided, that no vouch e ers shall be vali(, except for books C an1d transportatioi charges. Pro d vided further, that such purchases y shall be from a list furnished by the e State board of education, which said e State board shall adopt books for said libraries under the law and a rules governing t he adoption of text -hooks and shall make rules for the e governing of said libraries. I Section 4. The trustees of every - library shall carr v onut such rules e and regilations for the proper t.e and preservation of the books as may be enjoined by the State board of education, and shall make provi sions for having all books, when not in circulation, kept under lock and key. Section 5. The trustees of t'wo or I more libraries may, by agreement, 9 exchange libraries: Provided, that no exchange shall be made oftener thanl once in six months, and that no part of the expt-nse of exchang ing ibraries shall be borne by the public. Section 6. That the sum of five thousand dollars be annually ap propriated, to be expended by the State board of educatioi, uder the a provisions of this ict. Section 7. Not more than twelve (12) schools in any county created and operated unler the general free school law of the State, shall be en titled to the benefits of this Act, and no school district shall receive any moneys under its provisions except schools created and operating under the general free school law of the I State. The school receiving this benefit shall be decided by the county boards. Section 8. This Act shall be in1 force from and after its approval. Congressman Alken's Work. Keowee Conirier, 20th. Representative Wyatt Aiken has introduced Seiator Latimer's good roads bill in the House. Mr. Aiken says the hill will prove more satisfactory in his opinion I than the Brownlow bill. Mr. Aiken is a strong advocate of good roads . and he will exert every influence . to push the bill through the Hiouse. - Although a new man in Congress, f Mr. Aiken is fast making himself f known with the leading men here, and indications are that lie will soon . become one of the most prominent Sof the Southi's representatives. Everyt hing Else in the Shade. Mr. John R. Burke, of the Au Sgusta Chronicle, writing from Co lumnbia under date of January 21, says: The suspense is over and the fat positions in the management of the South Carolina liquor dispensary have b)een won. Themre w ere other eleet ions besides those for dhispenm penusary efleces, biut the others were scarel y hea rd of abhout the h.>itels or State house lobb~lies. E very I hing was compilhetely overshadowed b y the con test fo)r dIi spens5ary iA little fellow told his school tea schier lhe was half through the mid .(dIe of his book. Mr. L. B. Aull invites everyb)ody s to see the steam laundry machinery r in operation. I BLIZZARD AND CYCLONE, I a It AND FIRE AND FLOOD. SUFFERING IN TIIS COUNTRY AND IN f NORWAY. f A Town 1.a Alabama Completely Destroyed. Blizzard in The Northwest Other Disasters. Ch--icago, Jan. 24.--Extrele cold 1 weather is recorded in various see- v timis ot the inorth and west today t Ile COld wave extends Over a wide area, elibracing tle upper Nlissis sippi and Missouri valleys and tle western Lake region. Part iculi I y severe weather is reported in the Dakotas, eastern Moitaiia and In - diana and portions of Wisconsin and Michigan. c The thermometer today in this a city registered i i degrees below t zero. There is suffering among the 'I poor and many of the homeless ap- il plied at the police stations for shel- t ter. Only one death, that of a t fisherman, has been reported so far. t .At . Paul todai the. minimum of the oflicial tlIerIIom.ter was 3 degrccs below zero. At )tlutlh, !o Minn., it was 37 helow at one time s and Lhk, cohe-,t with 'lme exceptioln since 18(). IIE DISASTER IN NORWAY. Eleven Thousand People In Alesund Ren dered HIomeless By the Flames Three Persons Killed. c Aalesund, Norway, Jan.24.-The e fire which swept over this town yes terday morning destroyed every r bIilding in it with the exception of % the hospital. The ii,ooo inliabi i tants of Aalesund were compelled 1 to camp inl the Open as only a few I r the sufferers yesterday a fterinoon, 'bile tle pupils from the female col .ges at Tuscaloosa went to Mound ille anld served hot cof'ee and food . the destitute and wounded. RIVEL ICE GORGES. reezing Floods in the Northeast Cause Great Sufferiig and Throw Many Out of Employment. Whu.eling, V. Va., Jatn. 24.-ThIe rest of the flood swell was reached L .4 o'clock this afternoon, when ic stage was 4.1 feet, 2 inches. 'be forcast was the most accurate i years aiid there was never more me for preparation. As a result be damage here was kept down to hIe minimumII. Neveritheles- filHV oIe-thir(d of he homes in the city were wholly r partially inundated, and the harp fall in temperature, with re 1ltanlt formation of ice, accom 'tlied by shutting off of natural as in the flood districts, has caused good (eal of suffering. On the iland very few streets are out of he water and many second stories re invaded but the residents are ac ustomed to floods and have made rrangements accordigly. Nearly 11 the mills and factories are on the iver front and the damage to them vill be the most severe. Inl many ustances resumption of work will C delayed for days or weeks, and midreds of Imlenl will be teiplgorarily lit of employment. In West Virglina. New Cumberland, W. Va., Jan. 4 -Vully one-half of this town is Ider 1- fet of watf-r anld a bliz ard is ragiig. )ozCns of factories re submerged and the big Chelsea oimpanly plalt is greatly damaged. Other plIces along tihe river are I similar condition. IN TEXAS. Isastrous Fire- Not Knowi Whether Lives were Lost. Sour Lake, Texas. Janl. 24.-A estructive fire swvept Sour Lake to ay and1( destroy ed the main busi ess. portion of the town, causing ni estimated loss of $200,0oo. T1he fire began in the second story f the First National hank building. Vhether there wasjaniy loss of life nill probably never be known. lundlreds of women and men, half f whose names were p)ractically nknown, roomed in the second tory of the b)uildings that were estroyed and several persons could ave been burned to death and ever missedt. Machinme for l'ickinig ('ott On, irmingham I,A(dger. a(s beenm a perfeted, iad it has