IN MBlk1Y OF HAMPTON. Committee Appointed To Rtaise Newberry's Share of Monument Fund Issues An Address. At the last session of the legis lature a bill was passed appropriat ing $xo,ooo to be used with a Simi lar amount to be contributed by the people of South Carolina, for the erectioj of a monument to the men. ory of General Wade Hampton. The appropriation by the legisla ture becomes available only when the. ike amount has been contribut ed by the people of the State. The committee which was ap pointed to take the matter in charge made a report several clays ago show ing that only about half of the $xo, ooo to be secured in voluntary sub scriptions had been raised. The next session of the legislature is only a few weeks off. Should the other $5,ooo not be raised by that time the legislature may rescind its sp piopriation or take further action looking towards the erection of the monument. IL is desired, however, to raise all of the amount, if possible, before the legislature convenes. Newber ry's share is only $1oo. Newberry is called upon to contribute only $ioo for the erection of a monument to perpetuate the memory of the man whom she followed blindly but wisely in the darkest period of the State's history and who led her and the whole State Into the light of a better day! The committee appoint ed to raise this amount has issued the following address: AN ADDRESS. To the People of Newberry: We have been appointed a coi mitte to raise $oo, Newberry's share of the amount desired to be raiscd in voliutary contributions irom the people of his State to erect a monument to Wade Hampton. We feel that no appeal should be necessary to induce you to contri bute to this fund. Every veteran, every ian, woman and child in the county should know the honor this monument will (1o his memory. Contributions in any amount will be received by all the banks in New berry and Prosperity, and by our selves. We urge you to act at once before the meeting of the legisla. ture. N.. A. Carlisle, J. M. Kinard, James McIntosh, R. TI. C. Hunter, WV. 0. Peterson, Comm iittee. Be Quick. Not a minute to be lost wvhen a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy given as soonl as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, wvili prevent the attack. It never~ fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Smith Drug Co., Newberry, S. C., and Prosperity Drug Co., Prosperity, S. C. ALL TIRED OUT. Hundreds More in Newberry in the Same light. Weary and( wornI 0out night, and day. Back aches; side aches. All on account of the kidneys. Must help them Uit their work. A Ne wherry citizen shows you how. P. Lawson, livin~g in Company H-ouse P. No :32 emll)oyed in the cotton mill says: "Don n' Kidney Pills cured my backache arnd I have not fc't It sinc'e using them. B3elore gettinig the pills at, W. 10. I 'elhiam & Son d r; st,ore the pain in my back was constant and I had to.0 tuit wVm k severali t.imes on ac count, of it. I eould( not sl-eep nigh ts, would go to bed tiredi111 bt after sleeping a couple of hours I would awaken wvith an awful backacehe. If I had been lay ing up~on a pile of store it could not have felt worse. I wamnted1 to turn over but, the first move I made caused such acute pain that it was something awful. I had nmo strength in iny back anmd would have to take both hands to pull1 myself over the terrible palins tearIng at me all the tIme. No remedies I could get benofitted me until I tried Doan's Kid *cy Pills. I was surprIsed at the result if their use. I felt better almost at nee and since using them the pains in ay back have left me. They are a 'onderful remedy for the back and 1(1nelye." *For sale by all dealers. PrIce 50 ents. Foster-Milburni Co., BuTalo, N. 1. solo agents for the Ujnited States. Remember the name i)'ns and take mo substitt e. NEW~( We are receiving new goc complete and up to date line goods ever opened in N,,wbe sell you one piece or a who any other house in the State are going to sell them cheap SHELLEY, DE Newberry Hardware The Nashville, St. Louis Ry., ern and A The Scenic B To the North, Noi Best Equipped Trainm Quickest Time. For etc., or any informati< JNO. E, Traveli No. 1 North Pryor St. Opposite Union Dep Why not take through FLORIJ beautiful State been brought v by the splendid vice of the Al LINE, the gr^ea the Tropics. W ets are now on in Florida and H schedules, map: steamship accoi to Gen'l Pass. i "What to Say in Spanish and I receipt of a two cent postage strm Hands' EXCELSIOR KI OF UNI Fl FTY famuilies or about T t ers, Loopers andI Finishers, good1 wages at a.ny and all o wvhich is niice~ and easy, at higher than p)aid by any och WVe have .5~ ounig men and $25.00 to $35 each per mont SApply to J. H. GAl Advertised Letters Remaining in Postoflice for tli week ending Decc. 19, 1903. A-Carrie Aiston, Mrs. Maggi B. Adams, John Allen, Thomi: Ad1amis. B---Redie BLrry, Pleaisanit Boy( J. C. Browin, WVra. Beamner, Mit Fannie Bnsser. C-Mrs. I lenster Can non, Ernect Cannon, Cyrns Camnpfield, D). ( Chandler, Mrs. P'onniee Cronmer. D-Miss Connie D)errick, Mis Mary Derrick, Mrs. A. M. D)ickeri S. 0. Dov'er. 0-General Graham, Jimi Glent Miss Lizzie Griffin, Miss Lular Ori fin. J-Jack Johnson. L-Mildon Lowmack, Simon L4c yd. M-Arthur Marten N-S. T. Neni. P --Mrs. Julia A. Peak. S-Miss Marther Jnhns, cereon NOODS I dm daily and now have tho most f furniture and boue furni8bing rry. Come to see us. We will le nuit of furniture cheaper than We bought them cheap and AN & SUMMER .o's. Old Stand, Main St. Rates /IA : Chattanooga and and the West tiantic R. R. attlefield Route. rth-West and West. , Superior Service and rates, schedules, maps, )n, call on or address SATTERFIELD, ng Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. lot. Bell'Phone 169. a trip this winter ~)AtoCUBA. This and Island has vithin easy reach through train ser 'LANTIC COAST t thoroughfare to 'inter tourist tick sale at all points avana. For rates, E, sleeping car and mrnmodations write W. J. CRAIG. g't, Wilmington, N. C. low to Say It'' sent to any address on Wanted. BY MITTING MILLS ON, 8. 0. W() H UN D)RED 1)Toppers, 1Knit.. ages f rom 11 to 35, to make f the work offered by us, all ot (1 the prices we pay are much er hosiery mill inl the SouIth1. young ladies who make from h. J LT, Treas. and Mgr. J. H-. Stephen, Miss 1hula Sheely, eiMiss Ellen Singleton, A. T. Sloanf J. J. Schumnpert. e\W--*Cora Adams, care of James Wallace, N. W. Williams, Miss C. P. Wilson. Persons callinxg for these letters will piensis say that they we re ad Attack. "I h-id a sevetre bilious attack anid f'et elm head was about to burst ope whn Igot. hold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dlose of them after supper and the next dlay felt like a new man and have boon feeling happ y ever since,'' says Mr. J. W. Smith ofJ Jula, Texas. For biliousness, stomach trou bles and constipation these Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by the Smith Drug Co.. Newberry, -S. C., and the Prosperiey D)rug Co., P'rosp)eritv, S. C. ITN T ED---Persimmon, D)og wood, HYlickory and HIolly Logs. Freight rpaion. caroads. .James Cock shot, Sensible There are many people who v Christmas gifts which will be Our store offers many things ii sensible gifts POCKET KNIVES, CLOTH] FOUNTAIN PENS, WI-IISK FINE WRITING PAPER, SOAIP C HIGH CLASS BOOKS, TOTH CUT GLASS, HAND HOT WATER BOTILES, JEVEL BRUSHES AND COMBS, WR ITII These are but a few suggestion, A visit to our store will give m Gilder W Particular Pharmacists. Cc NEWBERRY, - SOUTH This is no g but is simply a buy our SHC the CA We have placed in our wind contains. TWENTY DO We viiI give a Key to this Ihox Free with $I.oo or over. Two (2) Keys withli every p over. Three (3) Keys wit h every pair of sh Only'I lR EE Keys wil open this box. out you Inay try your Key. The first Key to unlock the box take! The Second Key to unlock the box take The third Key to unlock the box takes No Key will be tried unless the tag is attac to have a key. We do not know which key advertise in this paper wien all the keys a hour so everybody will have an equal chance r(WDon't lose t he Tag ----The Key is worl We have the largest selection, the best quei: stylish shoes tha( are manfetured of 1ea i th please everybody. . KL ET THE FAlP.' AND) SQUJAlRll A staitemient canniot heo too st ronig (,"y when founded on fact. Our adver- Gray Sk tising would be wasted if it were Gry 3k Gtray Sk not absolutely correct. We stake Checked our reputation on every rep)rescumta- Mixed S AMixed S tion we make, and ask our eustomi ers to hold us to a strict account All therefor. We are best liked where bes;t kinowni. The longer yotu (do Co isti business with us, the better you Chevo will alpreciatec our low prices, and( .IA(in the miore moneyW~ yotu will save in Armot the aggregate. H-avinig enjoyedI an unusually large patronage from our manym friends1 this fall anid winter, or mot we (desire to expreCss our a precia-grya tion in a sublstanitial way, namely: this eut By selling them their M id Winmter Goods ait a Big Reoductioni. The No mat goods mtenitionmed in this ad. are in cluded in this sale. .\ . Lime, -Cement, Terra Cotta Pipe, Roofing Pa Car Lots, Small Carolina Portland Cement Co., .. Gifts, lish to muiake of real use. I the way of BRUSES, ASES, BRUSII HOLDERS, BIAGS, CASES AND G CASES. of our line. My more. eeks, rner Drug Store. CAROLINA. c..I3I Lmbling .scheme, n inducement to ES from;us for SOH. ow a box which LLARS. tvery pair of Sh. sohl at iir of Shoes sold a1' .,.o0 or Oes shild at $3 () or over. A'henl Key hav Al givell TEN DOLLARS 5 SIN I))OLls. FOix DOLLARS. ied. No emplove allowed opens the box. We shall re taken and set ilday and to try his Keys. hless wvit.out it. lity, the m1ost drbeand :r -ind(I Iron, at pricc, which %' N E.,R I) EA LER. y Wool Dres. Goods ! irting wvorth $1 at. 'itle. irting wort h 75c. at,59e. irtingj, worth 600. at IXe. irt-ing worth 50e. at 44c. Skirting worth 6th. at. 48c. kirting worth (60e. at. *8e. kirtirng worth 50e. at 'le. Black Dross Goods, ig oif Serges, ttas, Caishimiers, Cloth, Granites, a's, Mohairs, anid Ps. 4ake Vtour wife or .sister er a Chiiristmais prest ntt of >url Fine Furs in black, I birown. A\ II inldeIlml iln p)rice sale er whJat prices aire quo11( by othli - Plaster, per. Lots. Write, - Charleston. S. C