The Secret Orders, The officers of Amity Lodge No., 87, A. F. M., were installed at a special meeting of the lodge held on Friday night. Following is a comu plete list of the officers: Worshipful Master, G. S. Mower. Senior Warden, I. H. Hunt. Junior Warden, F. H. Dominick. Secretary, J. H. M. Kinard. Treasurer, L. M. Speers. Senior Deacon, Van Smith. Junior Deacon, T. 0. Stewart. Stewards, W. M. Thomas and W. A. McFall. Tyler, W. S. Mann. SIGNET CPAPTER. Signet Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M., has elected and installed the follow ing officers: E. H. P.. George S. Mower. E. K,, McK. Hutchison. S., I. H. Hunt. C. of H., Fred H. Dominick. P. S., S. H. McLean. R. A. C., Guy Daniels. M. 3 V., B. C. Matthews. M. 2 V., J. J. Mayer. M. i V., William Kibler. Treasurer, A. J. S. Langford. Secretary, Van Smith. Sentinel, W. S. Mann. THE ODD FELLoWs. Pulaski Lodge, No. 20, I.O.O.F., elected the following officers on Friday night: Noble Grand, L M. Player. Vice-Grand. J.. W. Earhardt. Secretary, W. B. Thompson. Treasurer, Theo. Danielson. Financial Secretary, F. H. Camp son. The installation will take place on January ist. Death of Mrs. Frances M. Pearcy. Mrs. Frances M. Pearcy, mothet of the Rev. J. H. Pearcy, pastor ol Whitmire, Prosperity and Enorec churches, was buried at Mt. Taboi church, near Whitmire, on Friday afternoon, the Rev. J. F. Andersor conducting the funeral services. The sermon was preached in the Whitmire Baptist church from Ps, 116: 15: "Precious in the sight oj the Lord is the death of his saints.' The deceased was born JanuarN 1ith, 1822. With her husband the Rev. George Pearcy, she spani nine years in China as a nissionar of the Cross (x8416-55). The lag ten years of her life were spent it the home of her son, the Rev. J. H Pearcy. She leaves the said so and his three children; the threir eldest children of the Rev. I. M Mercer, D). D., whose first wife wva her dlaughter, Fannie; four brothers two sisters and1( a host of relative and friends to mourni her dlepartunre She lived a life of piet y and useful nese. She died a deathi of simoh)l trust in Jesus. Thle ThIef Captured. It will b - remlen,bxeed that seve rai weeks ago the back door of Pur cell & Scott's esta:blishmenit wa: found open late at night and abou 5. ini change was found to bi missing from the money dlrawe: and it was thought sev'eral article: were taken. Vesterdamy mmorning Pol iecinan Ca rtr brouigh t in a lit tie negbo, Robecrt .11g, whod wa: selling i.oba:cco and spoon)is .n I la irst that his faxthecr had' gi;eum Yo1ds to himiu to, sell b. later ad~ egro hoy', haid promuised hhimi 2 nits for selling them. lie saih illiamus got them from Purcell 8 ott's store. The goods wer< en to the store and identified lixams denies the charge. Personal. -. C. L. McFadden, of Wofford e, will spend tile holidays his sister. Mrs. WV. B. Kinard St. Phillips section. *s Ethel J ackson, of L ancaster spend Christmnas wvith bei ., Mrs. WV R1 Kiarl. CASH HON Only 3 3 Big Value giving, mc our signs for every want in t offered at a sacrifice. Too r spring novelties ever steam< plunged to the hilt. Profits of bargain giving opportunit follow the crowds to the Cas est prices and Modern Merc Dress C 7000 bolts fin, Imported Dress Goods in tures from the world's most famous man together, goods worth 50c, 7oc and Soc SILK*4 100 yds. guaranteed 36 in. Taffeta si linas over $1.50 per yard, our 3 days price 1000 yds, peau (e Soie 36 in. wide an, $2.00 yd., our 3 days price 99c. 50 \a ist Patterns in Broken Plaids ni lengths, no0 2 pieces alike, al.d sold in Newu at$5o per pattern. 3(das sellhug $2.98e 10 pice 54 and( 56 iH. Fine Suit overloadedI suit manufacturer aniid sold in CI yard. going for the next 3 (lays selling 641c 5 pieces 56 in. R u..siana 8uiting, an 8: to the trade for BroaLdcloth by somne store selling 45c ydl. I 27 pieces fine WXest of E.ngland BIroad' per yard, we sell you what you want the: perV yardl. Now is the time toi buy your fine (lies, price Ne wberry'a greaLtest D ress G. ood' L Store. Ask your nei glhors aibomt u. ooyds. Jeares I2.1 cenit- yia. Sooi pairs1 $1 50 and Si 75 1,aice Curaii The Nea R.] STOLT ON THE IE STRE Days Till Ch ney saving days at Newberry's gre he Dress Goods and Dry Goods line. nany goods, we must have the roor 1d southward. On all winter goods I thrown to the wind. The Cash Stor ,ies grasped only in a lifetime. Be h Store, Newberry's Greatest Dry C handise. toods Dre. Black and all mix- home stretch ufacturers thrown ioo bolts yd for the great duplicated in SILKS, ]k worth the Caro- Ifinloo :79vorth $1.75 and this great sah If you ar .S. Iumum. t x prM M E M iMI: . .- . c d,J .: r in 4 yd'.M- d fl o r iYs igStre ch.h Svrh $ ( oo To niXL (0u.ll frot 7aCll :rtn( it boit ue alf5th - ia , our price3 d asl""" ' ~ and( Chilren c ~lot wort $(h .. 1 :u ext da a t 2i Q in Nlc i t abou oneehat vb<,erryCas VI CawdwelPri TCH. ristmas. atest Dry Goods Store. Hunt A splendid Up-to-Date Stock n for the greatest line of early he knife of cut prices has been e is the place to buy. 3 days Dn hand Tuesday morning and oods Store, the home of Low... S Goods days sale 471c. yd. $1.oo, $1.25, $1.50 Dress Goods that can't be Newberry, Big Store at above prices 74c yd. SILKS. miles of the Casvj Store it will pay yu to visit and buy a fine Silk Dress at one half price. e a stranger in the city just follow the crowds. lied~Ll 'l'ieking ' ard. ec ya.r<. I ' l tid-onle to' :mot her wVo i re.ich to) Sa1luda. y', vests II) c'nt, ch~ aI m yl~ ot her, b)a(c u e wec sell t) h- 5c7 d.oule hIeci rood hie vyv out ing for 3 dacyst u-lig 7e yard. just opened7( from bi eemi col;,sion, slit d4 (*1 D ress ces, Iiunt sh Sore, M/Igr.