X. H. AUIL, E.DITOR. A Card of Thanks. I desire to express my sincere appreciation of the efforts of those who kindly rendered my home as sistance during the last ilness of my wife. They may safely rest in the assurance - that their kindness shall not be forgot. Respectfully, John J. Mayer. Death of a Child. Luther Alonzo, the child of Mr. George E. and Mrs. Dessie Krell, born Sept. 13, 1898, died October 23, 1903, aged 5 years, r ionth and 10 days. Christmas Goods. Messrs. Counts and Dickert are making a run on Christmas goods. Davenport & Cavenaugh. Davenport and Cavenaugh, who are conducting a first-class grocery store, are ready for the Christmas trade. lie Quick. Not a minute to be lost when a child shows symptoms of- croup. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Smith Drug Co., Newberry, S. C., and Prosperity Drug Co., Prosperity, S. C. The Price of Millinery REDUCED! 1*-All of our MILLINERY will be sol' at reduced prices through the holidays. Come and buy your wife or daughter a pretty Hat for Christmas. We have j ust received the latest Novelties in Ladies Neckwear, Combs, Belts, Belt Pins and Wrist Bags, In Red, Black and Tan. Pearl Shirt Waist Sets at 19c. per set. We will have a full line of Toys and Holi day Goods at prices right. Come to see us. nair & Havird 'I RIGIIT [PRICEC STORIE, ier Bros.' Block Near D)epot. r ARRIVED! ;ins, Currants, ()n. Also new ble. on Layer l'eer N uts, & c. elWeese, The emrel, Pigs Feet, ""n'd , H ams, &c. eraz~y. .)ranges, will follow Li''something good I . '.1epit. Call 10) 'ee us5 herr~y Cotton i l)oan's OIlilImt orrhidls for yea Stn d. out on my~ legs ,2 help1 it. I have Op haveI gotteni out I) until miy legs were i('.ters and and1( 1 felt. as t,hough a1 kilfe anid scrapediS I, onily miade it wor.se. 2 I(ce me some1 Halve and1( . three iffer'ent ol imob . on but ntin did any.rvic i proeueCd aI boxI of D)oai Pe'lhamn's d rug tore,.loa had it on ten mninult,es ht lief. A continuationl of as i diret.etd entirely s misery and no0 one know.ib it has been. I can take o no0w and1 sleep inl pealce- HFl yourii last dollar on 0ne1,r and all the time.'' For . dealers5, pice 50 cent Is. F"ost. ('0 l'utfa~lo N. Y. sole agen1tsg tremembher theo n ame D)oani' no other. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN) COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-I COMMON PLEAS. Francis L. Britt, Plaintiff, aguinst Ezylphia Gauntt, Dolly Brogden, Eli: Gunter, Polly Gunter, Alfr( Gauntt, Jacob Gauntt, Mrs. Ris John Lindsay, Henry Lindsay, Fai ny Lindsay, Eliza Ann Killoug] Martha Ann Johnson, Eloise 'ia thews, the heirs at law of Hen Gauntt, and the heirs at law < Isreal Gauntt, whose names at places of iesidence are unknown I the plaintiff. Defendants. Summons for Relief. [Complaint filed.] YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONE and required to answer the con plaint in this action which is filed in tf office of Clerk of Court for said count2 State aforesaid, and to serve a copy ( your answer to the said complaint c the subscriber at the law office of Lan bert W. Jones at Newberry, Sout Carolina, wiihin twenty days after tI service hereof; exclusive of the day < such service; and if you fail to answe the complaint within the time afor( said, the plaintiff in this action will at ply to the Court for the relief deman( ed in the complaint. LAMBERT W. JONES, Plaintiff's Attorney. [J. F. J. CALDWELL,] of Counsel Dated Oct. 18, A. D. 1897. Tf the Defendants, Eliza Gunter, Poll Gunter, Mrs. Rish, also the heirs o law of Henry Gauntt and heirs o law of Isreal Gauntt, whose name and places of residence are unknow to the Plaintiff: Take notice that the complaint i this action together with the summon of which the foregoing is a copy, wer filed with the Clerk of the Court o Common Pleas, for Newberry County in the State of South Carolina, on th fourteenth day of October, A D. 189! LAMBERT W. JONES, Plaintiff's Attorney. Newberry, S. C. of Newberry, S. C. OrganrisneC. 1898 Capital - - - $50,00( Surplus - - - 19,50( Paid Stockholders since organization 21,00( Paid Depositors in Savings depart ment since or ganization - - $9,2'C A nian working by the day is pai for the time he puts in at work, bu when that man voti a dollar for hi lay's labor it s s for him nigbu as well as days; never lays off on at count of bad weather and never get .iek, but goes right on earning hit an11 incoie. It's a nice thing to wor for money, but it's much icer t havu moniy working for yon Tr it-'- .-n11 It 911vingr accoun.t Wi i ; and geit ome money working for yi Make a deposit in the Savings d partimont today nd let it. begin t w.rk for y.n -. ILre rco m putnd .4 per "ent January 1 and .July 1 'e ar. PULASKI LODGE NO. 20. , 'IT EEY l''HIDA Y N IGHI C,raii,'d S'-nool building Vi.sors col J1. 8. SM4 (ITil. N 0 Knights of Pythias CABSTLE HALL, iTATED CONVENTIONS OF TI'l )A ~L,odge will be held on the '2nd ar 4th Tuesnay nights of each month 8.00. Visiting knights cordially we comned. TP11OS. E'. EPTI NG. K. of R. and S. Crot well liotel Building. Harness and Saddler The argest and rnost corr plete assortment in the State. Everything kept in an Up to-date Harness Es tablish ment. DAVIS &CO 1517 Main St., Columbia, S C. (CAPUDIE (UR ES M'-M (LiUVD.) County Auditor's Notice. I OR MY AUTHORIZED AGENT will be ,at the following named places below for the purpose of taking ,a returns of personal property for the id year 1904: Newberry, January 1st to 7th. Chappells, Friday, January 8th. , Longshore's, Sat. " 9th. t- Whitmires, Mon. " 11th. -v Maybinton, Tues. " 12th. f Glymp!tville, Wed. " 13th, Walton, hurs. " 14th. ;o Pomaria, Fri. " 15th. Jolly Street, Sat. " 16th. Slighs, Mon. " 18th. Lt. Vountain, Tue. " 19th. O'Neall's, Wed. " 20th. D St. Luke's, Thurs. " 21st. I- Prosperity, Fri. &Sat. " 22nd & 23d. i e And at Newberry until February 20th, r, after which time the law requires a of penalty of 50 per cent. to be added for ,n non returns. All notes, mortgages and j - moneys are taxable. The law provides h also for an income tax on gross incomes , e of $2,500.00 and upwards. All male C ,f persons between the ages of 21 and 60 r years are liable to poll tax, except those exempt by law. Parties holding , certificates as to their inability to per- i I.. form public duty are not excused from poll tax, except by reason of their in ability they are incapable of earning a support. jon't ask that your returns be taken the same as last year; returns must be made on proper blanks and sworn to by C y parties making same. .t In making returns be sure and state 9 t whether you have bought or sold any s real estate since last year. n W. W. CROMER, Auditor Newberry Co. n - Take Things Easy f 1a e This Christmas..... Nothing gets easier by being put off until the last moment. In holiday buy ing, the easy way and the most alto gether satisfactory way is to do your choosing while you have everything to n choose from. The very things you .th want will also appeal to others. To C delay is to limit your choice and make the task of choosing correspondingly fc harder. b )~7' Do This Make a list of those you will give to, B come and look over our magnificent 0 stock to your heart's content, and it wlil .-mggest the most suitable gift for cver-yone on your list. Come early, t take all the time you want to and ask us all the questions you like. Our wide , assortment of high grade goods will turn the worry of choosing into a real a pleasure. n 0 Mayes' Book S i'e. Howm I Much better the 1TNI $ Than the old Ashion 'd ' TheMoeW Is withi thc "UNIVE'SAL" FOOD CHOPPFi Saves Time, I Labor, floniey. Dones nwnyv wit ilt ChIoppin,g N nife a Yucan1 find no better Christmas prese'nt s for1 the house wvife. VFo(1jod ebpers, Meat. Choppe rs, Slaw Cutters, Vegetable Slicers, l ard andl F Iruit Presses, Iknamnel ware, Tinware, e e. l'xamnine our stock( before you NEWBERRY HARDWARE 00. F. A. Schuimpert, Sec. & Treas. MUST BE IN EVERY HOME IN . Thle followitng druggists requests the holder's of .11U R~N A co)upoLns to bring hem ini at, once atnil secure abls.olte ly fre.e, the regular stizt bottle of the (4rent Preparation, MUI tNA WI NE L"or salo only by GJilder & Weeks Agnn. 0WER Two B Are filled fro mith desirable r mill find it ver 'iere, because ight, the prices ire polite and >e will be do, iour advantag -Pusiness. We want to empha an or will sell you g Elves. Our present c.w figures, in trutt roods on our shelves; >rices. We proposo to give our enttomi qd advanco the price on nothing a big stoi-k, too, and you must t Dress Goo Our stock is comp 3%IX nII 3Y3-7L'3 e have three experienced ladies sad fitted hire. We eau fit you ur shoe store, too, is full of gooc Walk Over Shoes for men have ir more, but there are mone bett! r the most skilled workmen. Ei )n ask. Regina Shoi .and turned, soft as a glove, Goo these elegaut Shoes: every pair deal Shoes fo Visit our stores. We will give >end with us. Yours truly, C eap Ticket Mest, Northwes' CALIFORNIA NevaLda, Idaho, Wyominig, Colo Arizona..... .. .. ... icketsi on sale from Sept. 15 to No". THlE ILLINOIS CE3NTflAL RAILROA iTers choice (I oft nto. F'ree lleel ig Chai r Car.. N4o transfers. F" himo. D)ouble t rac,k 'or full in formation, Circulars, lb andl Tickets apply to F'REDI D MILLER, Trav. Pass. Agt., Ill. Central R. R~ Atlanta, Ga. REAL ESTATE 3OUGHT_!AND 801 MONEY TO LOAN On Easy Terms ANDI For Long Periods. few more Shares of the first ser [ay be secured. Apply to Sec'y and( Treas., Newherryo S.- C'.. ;OMPANY) g Stores, m floor to ceiling nerchandise. You -y easy shopping the qualities are -are low, the clbrks everything possi ie to make it to e to give us your size the fact that no house oods cheaper than our stock was bought at very 1 we have much cotton iway under today's ruling irs the bonefit of our fortunate purchases so long as our present stock holds out. ,ake a whack at it. Wo are the leaders on cds and Silks. eto in these huos. fn our to look after your interests. Get your or your little girl in a beautiful cloak. shoes for all. no superior. There are shoes that sell ir. They are made of the best material ery pair guaranteed. What more could ,s for Women, :lyear welt, made like a man's, all styles has our guarantee. r Boys and Girls. you value received for every penny you MOWE cO. 's. i.1Insinlf nt Sqle! SGoing out of business by January 1, 1904. 1 offer my stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE,/ TABLE CUTLERY, and I ~ FANCY GOODS, atn NEW - YORK - COST - PRICE. EDUARD SCHOL.TZ3l~ JEWELER. -b-tw. 'The NEWBERRY 2 WAREHOUSE CO... h Is ready to store C~otto~~ 1o and issue receipts f)o1Xrl same, which morsey 4u sbe obtained on 4t TENEWBERRY eo WAREHOUlSE ( 10