jiSTABLISHED 1865 NEWBERIRY. S. C.. TUE,SDAY. NO'VEMlBE'R 2-1. 1903. NI\IJ?A VICK. :35)A.YA OLOMBIA INDIGNANT AND TALKING WAR VER 100,000 MEN TENDER HER THEIR SERVICES Seek Amicable Settlement First Canal Treaty As Finally tSigned By United States and Panama. The signing of the treatv by Secretary Hay, oil the part of the United States, and the minister from Panama, providing for the construction of the Panana canal by the United States, has be,en fol lowed by great rejoicing aiong the people of Panama and by consid erable exciteemnent in Colomiilia. Panama grants to the United States the perpetual use and con trol of a zone of territory ten miiles wide across the isthmus for the canal. with the right to acquire by purchase orhy the cxercise of cmi inent doimain any other lands in Panaima wherever :itlatc(d, whifehm in the juidgment of the United States imay he wecessary 'or the con struction of the canial, the provi sie of it, supp of 'ater and proper sanuitatio- of th:- cities of Pianama and Colon and other terri tory adjacent to the caial route. Under it the United States guaran tees aid agrees to maintain the in dependence of Panamim It is tin (eistood that this claus, was in serted in order to set at rest all qiiestions a!- to the recognition of Panama as anl independent nation by the other G-overnments. Panama is to receiVe $o,ooo,ooo and an annual payien.t of'$250,000, beginning nine years from the date of the treaty. Panama grants to the United States inl perpetuity a monopoly of any system of comimnunication across its territory by canal or by rail road. PANAAA \1US'T PAY PART. It is reported from London that the luropeanl creditors of Colom bia, although they hav no objec tion to Pananm's inIepiendenlce. think she should pay a fair part, say onie- third of the 11mey horrow t:d ' Colomni,i of wdhich Panama re ceived a great part of the benefit. The total ColAibianl debt is aboult $15,000,000, With inte:rest. The British hoid-holders would rather accept their share in Pananian than in Columbi?,n hoilds WAR TAI,K FROAl COI,OInlIA. General Reyes, the distinuguished Colombian soldier, whoi~ is onhi way to WVashington for- the purpose of doinag his utmost to amicably ar range affairs, while at Colon last week, gave out a statement in which he saidl that if tihe Isthmian tr- uhkis are not settledl satisfactory to Co loimbia "the Unil-d States would have to fight the enitilre Colombian people, anmd that it wvonid be a sec )nd1 Bour war.''- 'Cuohnnbia is in I 'residen:t Nla rro(Inil, of Colomm bia, has i-nnaed a sutemient to the Associated P ress ini wich hd e makes an appeal to the senate and( thie peo pie of the Unuite(d States, saying': that the Unmi ted States is hound by solemniu treaty to respect tihe sover eignty of Colombia ov'er the isthmuus and to help Colombhia nu,ntainm her soverecignty. The conul(mct of tihe ex ecutive dlepartimnt of the United States government in the Panama matter. lie says, isa disaefrul breach of faith, which he is unwilling to believe that tie people of the Uni ted State., will defend or exetme It is said that public opiniont in Co loibia demands that Panama be compelled to submit to the govern ment of Colombia, which will thenl conclude a canal treaty with the United States. THIS SOUNDS WAR LIKE. Bogota, November 21.---A man prominent in public affairs informed le correspondent of the Associated Press tcday that the Colombian government would await the result of the mission to Washington of Gen. Reyes before deciding upon its policy as regards the new Repub lic of Panama. The general opin ion here is that there will be war, but that the government will first do its utmost to effect a diplomatic arrangement. The helief is expressed iii govern ment circles that the United States seIate will n1ot ap)rovC of the action of Preskzident Roc.,evelt regirding affairs inl the isthmus. A11 partics 1lere have offered their aLid to the governmeat, and over one h1undred thoosand volunteers have tend.-red their services in the event of a decla ration of hostilities. TERRIBLE CRIME SHOCKS BAMB1ERG. W. B. Varn, a Prominent Merchant Way laid and Bit utally Murdered -Arrests Made. The State. Bamberg, Nov. 20.-This towN'n was shocked and thrown into a state of excitement Thursday night over one of the boldest and most high-handed murders that has ever happened in this State Mr. Ml. B. Varn, a prominent merchant of '.his place, left his store on Main steet last night about o o'clock to go home. Ile lived nearl\ a mile from the business portion of town. He did nct arrive at his usual hour, so abont 9 30 o'clock his vife bvcame alaried and started m accompanied by one of ler littl 1 soIs, to ewhat was th1e miLAtter. About Iou id, froim her house ther tumled over Mr. hacr's bolving: on the side walk oi his face inl a pool of, blojod, with the whole hok ol lis. lwn'.d Crushed in, n ghatl'-: Higt. Iis skull was fractured. He wa: un conscious an1d never spoke after wards. Pliysicials were hastily sum moedbt nothiing could b)e done and he die d at to. 15 o'clock. iIe was hit twice in (lie b.ack of' the head withi somec heavyv) blnt in st rumnent, lie nature of whiichi has not been determined. An axe handle anid a heavy piece of iron, a p)art of a Ibuggy spring. appartly, were found ini the street not very tar from (lie body, but no blood was on (eit her. ing, as two di fferenit tracks we re found at the body, as well as on a vacant lot on thie street ncar t Iown whviere they had sat downm ini the weedis anid wvatched for thir victimi to paiss. W\hien lie camne they' fol lowved a short tdistanice nt ji a fav orablle opportunit y for striking~ the fatal blow~ presenited itself. Mr. Varn usually took his mioiney home at niight in a little sack. IIe (lid this last niighit, counitinig it ouit in thie presence of a drummer, a gentleman from towii anid a negro. T'his ackl wna misshm from the THEUR SSTILL .....AND DIRE I I M .N MIMN WEFIRE good Otuir I far exceeds our expectation is only one way -to do busin, bet your boots that Mimnau prices and makes the barga the high price stores, I cam the leading Dry Goods, Mill and that's whaL I am doing. These Pris- H Wdne sday Thw 3 bales, NeWhI ry mis Icillini, IanVag0< 41 hv i at wordh It the iill 6 cents. .\s long t, it 1h w ly the yarl. 3 ba1es, N4 We in til's 1li ini, Vinai!,l hv th i re nI..lever louch-d it. The' 11ilpr11 is 7(', AI\l sa S as long is it lists onlY 5te Not (ver -2t) each 'ustainet.r Abig lo)t o-f Newbehe.v mi'ls wh*tevonepn wile, worh se, as long as it a;s , v A big lot of ( )tii s, wolh' , -j. 7. .8 . 10 go 5qc thle yard. 10 pieces .\pron Ginghan, worth 6.', for t only 4c. 50 Pieces, all w il Jeans, r:eived roi a bh 1 wreck, siOlitly soiled, worth 3 't the ali 1, v as The Boss 0 E NiCo ompet it iou till he1 :laCis eu11gh to this claim. Nor can our tremieilons selling p weakenedi We huy our Shows all divect fromn i tureis that. v:-nn)l afford to muake -- )+; that w,w well E-vei y pair of our Shows are .-ired ti The Great COST Sir . u;:mlwmavelor 11. fl', ain ti". we:k eo t his ile w"; Set on foot win1'1 h:1- h) nei'cssin ofi bu in oppi . ni e~s. he lit- f wi never been .ein Newo y. y pmt. this y m " The Biggest Cut Price Milli tomorrow. Be on hand. inioauglfs Sto A ii tro )ggii, the fruit of the loom1. I cenlt ti: Wec wi il give to each1 pullrchiaser oif $5~1 > (ir ''vii Igiving day the chaniice ofi buyiing ii ,... of .\ idh-i ICome to the i hiave e int ainetatttr o :ls ' E, of CLOTI Ich 2s il,el:liht c e Sh.hi, i EhY sale ever hel sd i tn the ( ;:irh. IIIfu-u0 j lirg - 1 \\hwIite (il Spr Sw. wp~'j ~ ~ 30f l'ilIeres ble gw , ine long T hanfkpri vi. disptewel Roii o n111 your- feet a r(ehi wer e frtn w ich h"Vware fi;fe. rtaife-9 11V at n dra y Gor s Aliliner y f eni hne <:sla1sme hrOillie wit the ipin IRSK Ilse mark a path in r uS to follow. best yet, and inion that there hing. You can that chops the fall in line with ioney and to do fA this section ly, Suturdau el fCt tb week: 9Sc,wrh for the w%eek t ;o, wor-th Skilt for I littl nionev. ItternIs (black ). 'lh $!OOdS dls lpitcs. VoInI Choice of Ids, to gO at Only r((t. frOtti Belfast, Ireland, 1()Ilg as. lihey last 1,0>r only W i oil the Jillil a ik ,)Il exP'l>ses ae "A dividied .ShoEs. ,qlthing atdI Lats, lk over in the S]hIe Bisi 1 hlrgainsl* in t; . lie. N.N Lown. It starts iving Day. nti thet yard IC youri bill is g Sale. >l thein, Ie h oliere a:iar C he ini rdrti(I . i R ():'M , \ \ R I ). his stippletinent te re dI by Cte peCOP!e of lamn ?rintg ai re ward1 of $200 of t he State.