THE CITY PRIMARY COMES ON TUESDAY. THERE ARE TWO CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE 0r MAYOR. Among tile C"Ididates for Aldermen Therejs Opposition Only in Wards 1 and 3. The first city pi imary will be held on Tuesday. As there are not more than two candidates in any of the races, this primary will be de cisive, except in case of a tie. In that instance a second primary will be held on Friday the 27th. The time for filing pledges ex pired at 12 o'clock on Wednesday. The following candidates had filed their pledges. FOR MAYOR. John W. Earhiardt. Robert H1. \Velch. FO')I AI.I*.'RMEsIN. \Ward : M. M. Harris and John T -Lutchitlson. WVard 2: A. '. Brovin. \Ward 3: Van Smith and H. E. Tood Ward 4: C. M. West. \Vard 5: J. M. Guill. Thell puls Xvill be located il cotitn cil ch:ier, openin.g at ' a. ill. and clo-sing at 4 p). 1 All Demiicra.: VII 1.:1Ve dtu'\' register(d for tle mi ial elect ion of n903 shall have m:iht to xotV. ThI., m1anag1rs (of elect:om are: Jacoh S.:n1), GI. S. Nolan, mild F. W. IIign MAYORt JNO. W. EAPHARDT lFsues a Card Stating His Reasons for Not Making a Persomial Canvas-le Wishes to Stand on Ills Record. Io the Deiocratic Voters of Newherry : I have beeni aiiounced a e21mdidate for re-election to the office of mayor, which position I have filled for one term. During the past year I have sought to do mylv (lIlyt as I sav it. and above all tiigs to give the tvwn a clean ad Illilistration. I have :iotght to ad vance the tvwii along moral and material litis of progress. It is for you to judge the ineasure of success which has attended miy efforts. The absence o,f a stench which was in the nostriis of the comriluity when I came in to onice speaks for itself, as does the material progress of the city Owing to a recent afllictioni ini miy famiily ando t', the pressurie of duties, I have beeni uniible to make a per s(onal can vass of the city. I feel, hiowevert, t hat t here is nieedi of nione. Th'le reco id of myv administration is known, and it is upon this record alone that I :tsk :i second term at your hands. I ha ze nio promises tomake except that, if re-elected, I sha:ll strive ti do myt duty as I seie it, as I hae xc >n)te ini thle pas5t, and to give von :a cleant andi honiest ad Thiankinmg you for the support and co-op)erat ion wvhichi yont have ex tcmede mie duIntmg miy term of office, and with grat itutde for the many wvords of enicouragenment and as su rancoes of sutpport which I ihave received d uring this campaign, I beg~ to remlaini. Volrt O>lieniitt set Vatll, Hose Wagon Broke Down. Wiie going to a sma:ll lire at thfe hiouse' of 1 ack Wtlson, colored, wxho lives in thle negro village oti lie west ern ottsk irt s of the city, on lTuesday m tornintg, thle hios wvagoni sitruck one oft thle rocks across5 Hountdary st reet ntear IMr. C . \il. West's residence, andl t right hiind wheel was comnpletely brokeni down. It was necessary to Carry t he hose to thle f ire on aniot her wagon. The fire causedC( little dlamiage. The wagont is being re p)airedl amid will probably be ready PURELY PERSONAL. The Movements of Many People, Newber rians and Those Who Visit Newberry. Mr I. H Hunt went to Columbia yesterday on professional business The Rev. R. E. Livingston will ' preach at Beth Eden Sunday morn- g ing at ii o'clock. Misses Y'Jenia and Marguerite S Harmon, of Prosperity, were in 1, Newberry on Wednesday. Dr. I. E. Criintum, the eye special tist. went to Prosperity last night u and will spend the day there. Rev. and Irs E. C. Cronk, of e the Lutheran mist ion of Atlanta, 0 were in the city yesterday. Mrs. F. J. Womble, after a pleas- c ant visit to the family of Col. D. A. a Dickert, has returned to Columbia. The Rev. S. C. Ballentine, of White Rock, secretary of the South Carolinf. Synod, was in the city e yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Cook, of Co lumbia, visited relatives atid friends' in Newberrv and in the counay this d week. s Miss Gussie Dickert, after spend ing severall days vith her father. Col. D. A. Dickert, has gone to Augusta on a visit. Air. L. 11 N':son, reprelelting Ch:1-s. M . Stieff, of lialtimore, Nld., h Is just old t wo beautiful Sticff itIanos in Newberry this week. Mr and N rs. Johnson are in the city. Mr Joha:-son is hie(re in the interest of the Virginia Life In surance Company, and they will probably make- Newberry their homec<. Supt P. I. Welles, of the South- ti ern Railway, was in the city yester- 1 day looking after his track at the Cl Mollohoin mill. Supt. Welles says c< that lie and President Childs, of the 'I C. N. & L., will be in Newberry in a the next few days in connection s< with the union depot matter. r< g VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. 7 The cold wave which was pre dicted has come and is now in full force and effect. The Newberry Cash Store is con ducting a six-day bargain sale, S which is drawing large crowds. T'ie Primary and Junior Teach ers' Union will meet at Central Methodist church Friday, at 3 45 l p. m. Mr-s. Herbert will teach thec temnperance les'son.- The public isc invited. ( T1he Governor has offered a re- 1 ward of $ioo for the apprehension1 and convictioni of the piarty or par ties responsible for the b urning of thme barn anid stables of Mi-s. I,aura Mia yei-. in the uipper pariit of the county, oin October- 23d1. The Kimblall piano exhib)it at G ilder and Weeks' drug store has been attracting large crowds. It is an excellent exhibit. Mr. IH. Mi. Pemberton, the manager for the factories, who is in charge, says that the instruments in this exhibit will be closed out, that they may lhe left here- as standing advei-tise 'ne-nts. POM1ARIA CHIARTER CASE. Petitloner Ruled Out of Court Oni a Ques.. tIon of Jurisdiction. The suit of Chatrles H. Counts, pet itiomier, to have the iedians and specialty artists. 'lie piece is a lively farce comedy nd tra esty inl three acts and three :enes. The entire gallery will be -erved for colored people. Prices: al1ery, 35c; down stairs, -goc and 5c. ANOTHER NEGRO BROUGHT IN. heriff Buford Captures Ben Abney Ii Greenville-Abney Gave too Many Mortgages Last Year. Sheriff B3uford returned to New erry yesterday with Ben Abney olored, wanted here on severa harges. Abney was captured it }reenville county, where lhe ha >een leading a b)rilliant life. 0Onl: ast week lie was shot while at ending a hot supper over the lii ie in A ndersoni county. Ahnmey lived in Saluda count: ast y ear and1( got in the habit ( ~oming over to Newherry and buy ng goods and giving miortgage mtd liens on property and c.1ops)c which lhe was not p)ossessedl. H] gave several of these to M r. E. Mv Evans. Sheriff Bnford had bee looking for him for somec time. Telephone Subscribers. Please add >your increasing Iit of subcribers the following: NR\VBERRY ENXCnANGHt. 96-2--C. WV. Blishiop. Residcrate limits of Newberry. High si Cte of cultivation. One hundred and fortV acres one and a half miles from town. Good creek and river bottom, fine meadows on both tracts. For in foi mation apply to G. M. B3. EPTING. or E. II. AULL. W ANTE) i--Faithful person to tW avel for well established Soise in a few counties, calling on re tail me hants and agents. Local ter ritory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses additional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses ad vanced. Position permanent. Busi ness successful and iushing. Stand;ird House, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. OR RENT--Six Room Cottage on FCollege street. in front of Collerre campus. Apply to Mis. M. E. LAKE. ELLS BORED-Although I have W bored two thousand wells in Newberry county I am still in the busi ness. Parties desiring my services may leave orders at my office over W. '. Tarrant's store I. A. McDowE' Newberry, S. k,. Get the Best For the Asking. When you order a sack of patent flour from your grocer, do not tell him to send you "a sack of good flour", but tell him to send you a sack of "Clifton," because "Clifton" is the best patent. Every sack is sold with this guarantee, and if it does not. prove as represented, your money will be refunded. "Clifton" is an all-round flour, and is as good for cake and pastry as light rolls and bis cuit. T. J. H AYs. Do you want one of the prettiest and most stylish Hlats in town this season? If so you must have it made by the ThleRiser Millillery Co Our prices are the lowest and our st.yles the newest that can be found in he city. IF NOT D)ISPOSED) OF BEFORE, I kwillI sell at public outcry, at the Coin t Hlouse, at Newberry, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on M\onday, sal eday in D)ecember being 7th (lay, the follow ing (lose ribed real estate of J. B. Graham, deceased: 166 acres located in Township No. 11 andl bounded by lands of R. P. Cromer, G. J. Wilson, Colon Gr aham and others. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one and two years, with interest from date, secured by Vond of p)urchaser and mort gage of premises with privilege to purchaser to pay all in cash. For furthier information as to land apply to t he undersigned. W. F. SUBER, as agent. The'lli miost comlejte~ line of ~Jewelry, SWatches, SDiamonds, Clocks, Silverware,* Sand Spectacles : * ever r'eu ut1 Newberry, at 'A . miy~ store. CJoune ini and see * ei the p)rettiest store inl town. * ,. Yours very truly, * SJ. GUY DANIELS.