tome 'ithily A puo,b', following: Woma kn all crea i~,and no mant Ould" hisy a youth o, nt sweetheart. so sweet thilt ,r presence and IMo the fair sex, we needs no eulogy: SWoman the tImony some bach Marr1ge, the gate happy lover leaves und and returns to To of a deaf and dumb t wished them '-un 9 iven to a writer of con ', :said: "The writer's very 1 May he live to be as old Critic: "The bench and the ere not for the bar there e use for the bench." statesman, while dining ess on her eightleth birth. sing her hiettith said: ti live, my lady duchess. Ull $ in to grow ugly." you, sir," she said, "and ilong continue your taste for .es"-LoLidon Tit-nits. #nking and Smoking, prevalent idea that drinking pking are companion vices is al wrong," said a physician who Ade a special study of dipsoma find, on the contrary, that the hl drunkard is not abnormally ed to the use of tobacco. Ile may the weed as a lesser stimulant en not strongly under the Influence alcohol, but when the drink gets .".rmly intrenched In his system he cares nothing tor tobacco, for then It has lost Its force and its influence upon his lerves. Of course I mean in extreme 0ases. "On the other hand, it is a rather curious fact that in the case of the moderate drinker, who also smokes, the cutting off of his supply of tobacco will ncrease his appetite for alcoholic bev rages, and while at first the liquor ill not affect him nearly so much as hen he is smoking, in the end it will do him up. Consequently it is safe to aSSume that the man who always used Uquor and tobacco in moderation will, eit lie gives up tobacco. take moie trongly to liquor. In fact, this is no Assumiption; it has been demonstrated 1n numerous occasions."-Philadelphia Aecord. Him IDducation Wasn't Comillete. No more courteous judge ever pre sided at a trial than the venerable for mer Justice of the New York court of common pleas, Charles P. Daly. The story is still told among our New York lawyers how on one occasion a young attorney, while trying a case, indulged in considerable vituperation of his op ponent's witnesses, finally going so far as to answer the court very sharply when requested to modify his lan guage. Knowing that Judge Daly was some what of a stickler for the dignity of the judiciary, lawyers and court at tendants gazed at the offending attos ney in amazement. There was a long interval of silence. Finally the judge leaned over the bench and said(, with an Ironical smile: "My young friend, before you are as 01(d as I am you will hav'e learned that it' is about as well to read Chesterfield as Blackstbne."-Success. Moslemn Womnen's Freedom. There has been a vast amount of pity wasted upon the Moslem wvoman. .'It may surprise even the woman suf fragist to learn that the laws of Mo hammed confer upon wvomen a greater degree of legal protection than any code of laws since the middle Roman law. Only the more recent liberties and protection granted to married wo men by the laws of dlivorce and the ex clusive property rights now In force In the United States can be p)roperly comn pared to those in Turkey. Und -r the Moslem laws the provision for secur ing to the wife the free and uncon trolled possession of her property Is minutely stipulated in the marriage contract. A suitable sunm is also ar rangedl for her maintenance in accordi ance with her husband's rank.-Cenx tury. Unader- the spell, 'Dashaway-A few short hours ago I was silting with a girl, telling her she was the only one in all the world I ever loved, andm( so forth and so forth. ('lverton-A nd she believed you. didn,'t she? "1How coithl sihe help It? Why, I be-. lievedi it my 3self"-Life. Htenver y. "John.i" wi ie red thle good wvoman in hte dea'td of' the night, "'there are biur glars dlownstauirs." '"You go (lown, dear," repliied John sleepIly. "'lThey wouldn't dare to strike at wornan." Tihe first ste- mier ont thle PTa mas was~ the Mar.jory in 181-l. lThe lii-hmondl followved hter a y'ar finer WNATCH E V E R Y 6 days of Matchless Newberry's Cheapest Dry C foreign and domestic dress of underwear for men, wom The fall business has beei every day who sells it for les customers that heard about have told us that we have th to select from than elsewl counters we hear the worc same goods. Get in line anc Only 39 days until Xmas, the Cash Store every day. Dress Goods. Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock we throw on big e>nnter ear eutranen 50 pieces fine West of England Broad Cloth. The worth of this suit material the world over is $1.25 per yard, our 6 day price only 72jc. 100 pieces fine plain and fancy Zibiline tbe rage for ladies and children suits in all the benutiful t;hades and patterns, worth up to 80c the yard, our 6 day sale price 46c yd. Don't buy your dress until you visit hev.dquarteIs. 40 pieces Bauger Venetian in tan, gar net, light blue, grey and brown, priced the state over at 62e, our price 47c yard. 1 pieces 57 inch suiting, the goods that sets the tongues of every cash store s,hop per talking, for the 6 days selling 48c yd. Silks, Silks. 6 Day Silk Selling. 20 pieces 36 inch Silk just opened in Pan de Soie and plain Taffeta. We are going to do the silk selling for the next 6 days. Now is your time to buy a fine silk dress or waist for a little money. The silk wvorms are still thriving andl we enn get more. 5 pieces 36 inch guaranteed Taffeta, $1.30 kind 89c yard. 5 pieces 36 inch g'naranteed Taffeta, $1.50 kind 99c yard. 5 pieces 36 inch Pau de Soie Silk, $1.75 kind, $1.14. 5;pieces 86 inch Pan de Soie Silk, $2.00 kind, $1.24. Ask for these numbers at Newberry's up to (date Dry GJoods store. THENEWI THE CAs D A Y T H I Bargain Giving. Join the h oods Store. The store is turn goods, 6 day sale of staple ev en and children, 6 day sale of i 'i the best in our career becat s. Every 24 hours business bi Newberry's Cheapest Dry Got ie Dress Goods stock of the toi iere and by the hundreds o is as they are passed along. i follow the crowds. Meet yo Fhe horne stretch will be a fini Underwoor We did the underwear business the last week. If every garment we sold was un raveled it would made a thread fence all around Newberry. 250 Ladies Vests piled near entrance, 11C each. Hosiery We have stacked as many feet with Cash Store Stockings as any two stores in Newberry, South Carolina, because we sell the Double Heel and Toe, Extra Heavy Ribbed Hose-- 3 p-tirs for 25v For 0 (lays longer you can, get what Non wart only 6 pairs to a customer. Bed Spreods, Coniforts, and Blankets One corner of our store room--tbe left hand cotnier, is packed wvith cold wventher Comforts. You cani ask prices elsrewhiere, but only buy at the~ Cash Store, where prices are lowest. 1,000 Dollars wortu iif all the newest creatioris in dIress trimmings just landed. BERRY CAS CALDWELL, Ma S STE E ippy band of buyers and visit ad over to you. 6 day sale of ery day dry goods, 6 day sale :apes, jackets and fur values. ise the people are finding out -ings us face to face with new >ds Store. Hundreds of ladies vn, more new up to dateness f new customers that line our Cheaper than elsewhere, the ur friends at the Cash Store. sher to all competition. Hunt Woistings On Monday evening we oponed 27 pieces the Persian fanciers in White Waistings, has the beautiful finish of Satin, will wash and improve every time. For 6 diay sell ing 24c yard. Ladies Jackets. Ouly 67 Inf( out of the big order of 9613 dollars worth--if your size can be found in the lot your price will be coniidered. For Jackets, Capes !ind Furs come to see us. 106 Plush Capes slightly danagod in rail road wrvek worth $1.50, six day price 100 Furs, to close out the lot o, vorth $1.50. 50 Furs, to close out the loi $1 24, worth $2.00. 20 Firs, tc ell ot tie lo' $1 48. worth 50(0 Towels 4ec each. tO0) T'ows 9c worth 15Se each. .3001 ali Linen T'owels worthi 30edi a.385c onily 19e each. For Men OoIy 267 Heavy W ork Shirts worth *40c and 50Oc, the teate over our 6 dlay price. 25e each. Follow the magnets of low prices. It. draws you to Newberry 's Cheapest Store. ~H STORE, nager.