MAY RUN THROUGH TO GREENVILLE. C. N. & L. Now Operating Two Passenger Coaches On Its Morning Train to Columbia. The Columbia, Newberry and Laurens road is now operating two passenger coaches on its through freight to Columbia in the morning and back to Laurens in the evening. Since the schedule was put io effect only one passenger coach had been operated, but on account of the great convenience of this schedule the patronage has increased so much that the addit-on of a second passen ger coach has been justified. The travel on this train is increas ing so materially that it is under stood the road is seriously thinking of converting the train into a solid passenger, and operating it through to Greenville. This wonld give Newherry the most convenient railroad scehlidules the town has ever had. The people of this sec tion, as now" could spend the day either in Columbia or Greenville, or intermediate points, returning to Newberry the same night;and they could, as now, spend the night in Columbia, returning early next morni:ig; and with the train operat ing through to Greenville they could spend the night in Greenville, returning home the next morning. The people of Newberry and of this section appreciate the conven ient sciedules which the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens road has given theni in the past, and the)' will appreciate any further conven iences. Gentlemen of the Jury. The following jurors have been drawn to set ve during the first week of the Court of General Sessions, which convenes on Monday, No venber 2nd : Geo. D. Lathrop. Geo. F. Abrams. Simon P. Long. H. H. Folk. J. C. Abrams. Belton Long. Juo. C. Boland. Arthur T. Wilson. Willian Johnson. Win. H. Wendt. I. Press Cannon. E. Hawkins Pugh, Geo. 11. Morris. Jos. B. Hartman. Geo. W. Davenport. Vm. W. Farrow. M. L. Connelly. T. P. Richardson. Julius J. Epting. F. Mv. Boyd. Geo. A. Lanigford. TIhomas Oxner. Wallace Goodman. J. A. Blackwehler. Jacob L4. Mayer. G. D). Bedenhaugh. Chas. B. Eargie. Will A. McFall. Jos. L4. Keitt. WV. Smith Langford. J. F. Miller. P. J. Stevens. Jais. WV. J. TP. Attaway. R. TP. C. I [unter. W\. WV. Hiornsby. Primary and Junior Union. TPhe Prinmry antd J unior Union of teachers will meet Friday after noon, October :'5d, at 4 o'clock, mn Central Met hod ist Church. M ts. MI. A. Ca\n i.isi.i;, Pres. NiR1(. lSA\ Ii, S. STA'.XM.\x N), lhrst Cost Not the Cheapest. The fi rst c'ost of an aricl ie does not nlecessily detei mine its ceapness. For intst aLnce, a sack of ''Clifton"' tlomi may cost yol' a little' mere than ot.hei so calle(d p..te.t Ilours, but it will be cheape.r to you in the endl. Why? Be cause it wi not only make more breat to the saick, b)ut will take less l ardl an( soda to make it. Order a sack of "'Clif. ton"' andl make a test fot' yourself. II will prove the truth of this statement, T.1 J. HY. PURBLY PBRSONAL. The Movements of Many People, Newber rians and Those Who Visit Newberry. -Mr. J. Roland Lyles, of Coluni bia, spent Sunday in Newberry. The Rev. J. L. Williamson went to Cheraw yesterday afternoon to attend the South Carolina Synod of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. A. H. Hawkins and Mrs. Jos. H. Hunter were in Newberry yesterday morning. Miss Lucia Dean, of Greenville, is visiting her aunt, Miss Sue Hol land, in the -ity. Messrs. Jno. F. Livingston and J. A. Summersett, of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens road, were in Newberry for a few honrs yester day. Mr. L. M. Speers left yesterday for Cheraw to attend the meeting of the Presbyterian Synod. Mrs. Ernest A. Garlington wi arrive in Newberry today to visit Mrs. Win. Y. Bair. Mr. Waller Brown, of Columbia, is in the city. Mr. Brown has ac cepted a position with the Germania Life Insurance Co., of New York, and is located in Columbia. The Rev. W. P. Cline, of Hick ory, N. C., stopped over in New berry with Mr. \V. P. Houseal on his return from the Tennessee Synod, and preached in the Luth eran Church of the Redeemer Sun day night, and made a talk to the students of Newbzrry college in chapel yesterday morning. Mr. Cline returned home yesterday. Dr. J. F. Bryant and daughter, Miss Kittie Bryant, of Franklin, Va., are at Mr. '. C. Pool's to at tend the marriage of Miss Nancy Pool and Dr. C. D. \Veeks, which is to occun on Thursday night. Mrs. L. W. Whitej of Abbeville, and Miss Nita Grinsley, of Culpep per, Va., are visiting at Mr. T. C. Pool's and will attend the Weeks Pool Marriage. Mrs. Dr. Milford, of Abbeville, is at 1lon. George S. Mower's to attend the marriage of Dr. C. D. Weeks and Miss Nancy Pool Thurs (lay night. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Miss Essie Pearson has resigned as teachler of the Fork school. Constable TF. B. Perry seized 24 quarts of whiskey at Pomariai and several gallons at Whitmire recent ly. Rosewood Camp, No. 197, Wood men of the World, of this city, was instituted on Friday night in Ma sonic hall. Policeman S. G. Carter is still looking after the collection of street duty. Mr. Carter says he will start to sunnloninlg delinquents before the Mayor today. In accordance with thle town ordi all objectionable wooden sheds in front of stores on Main street, and they will bec torn dowvn at once. There was a niice rain in Newv berry on Saturday. Cto wa.s sellinig aLt mor0Ie than nine cents inl Newberry on Satur dlay. Th'ie Buh 11 river road b)elowv Pros periity conl easily hle turnedC( into a nmecithun roaid. Th'le rocks are pilent iful and1( only need to lbe - ern1shedO anid wor)k ed inI prope)rly. W \e tremblhe to thinik what would have happened to the Hlon. George Johnstone if the 'lawyers oni the other sidle had accepted his proposi tion to submit the Tilhnan ease to the julry without arguiment.-An derson Mail. THB NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT. Pressly School Opens With A Large Bn rolment and Wilh Bright Prospects. The opening of Pressly school, in District No. 59, which occurred on the 15th of this month, was a very happy occasion. No. 59 is a new school district, and on the opening day of the school, of which Miss Carrie Lee Buford is teacher, one of tbe biggest picnics that sec tion of the county has ever known was given. Not only the children, but their parents and their friends 1 for miles around were present and enjoyed the occasion. The school opened with an enrol ment of 29, and this number will < be very materially increased during I the session. The prospects for a successful year are very encourag ing. A number of speakers had been invited to be present and to make addresses on the occasion of the opening, but they failed to come, and those present said they enjoyed the day more on that account. SH6 RIFF BUFORD PLAYS DETECTIVB He Was in Georgia in Search of a Mur- I derer and He Got His Man. t The following is from the Effing ham County News, publish at Guy ton, Ga., of October 16th: Mr. M. M. Buford, sheriff of Newberry county, S. C., arrived here Monday night with requisition papers for Wm. Bryson alias Young, .olored, wanted for murder in Lau rens county, S. C. Mr. Buford was working the case for the sheriff of Laurens county, and displayed no little detective skill in getting his iuan. On arriving here, for fear of >eing recognized by his man lie :lisguised himself with a long black >eard, and played the role of a wealthy gentleman who wished to buy syrup from our farmers. After Locating Bryson who has for some a time been working as a section - land here, he informed Mr. J. C. c Pox, town marshal, of his business, e ind together they drove out about three miles where the gang was at work and made the arrest. Bryson killed a man by the name of Watts in Laurens county, S. C., over four years ago, and has been in this county nearly ever t since. He admitted that he was the right man and claims that he! killed the man in self-defense. t Mr. Buford is a genial good nat ured gentleman and full of fun. Mr. Buford is the officer who captured Ab Ivory alias Charley Hill wanted for murder in Colum bia last spring and also Hamnp Mat the ws another criminal. He left with his prisoner on the 1o o'clock train last night for South Carolina. A $10,000 Contract. Mr. E. H. Leslie went to Bishop-1 ville on Saturday to begin the erec tion of a school building in that town. The building will be a large and handsome brick structure and the contract for its erection amounts to $r o,ooo. Mr. Leslie carried a squad of hands from Newberry. lie wvill push thle wor-k rapidlyv antd will nio doubt) give satisfact ui. Letter- to S. K. Roukulght, Newberry, S. C. I )ear Sir: A man saidl: Send mec 25 gallons. Generally I use 2-1; don't think it.'l bi e enough. 110ad 7 left. Ordered 9 mnore for aniother' job; 16 for the( .iob. hlad 6 left. This comes from Messrs. WV. A. & F. Hower', Methuen, Mass. TIhey add: This has been our' experiencde all this year. New agents always have to go through it. A fter a little, they learn to guess better. Yours truly, F. W. D)EvOE & Co. P. S. -The Newberry Hardware Co., snll our nnaint. AT ST. LUKB'S .EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I Week's Services to be Conducted by the Revs. A. R. Mitchell and J. M. Ma gruder-To Begin on Sunday. On next Sunday morning, Octo >er 25th, the Rev. A. R. Mitchell mill begin a week's services at St. [uke's Episcopal church. He will )reacli morning and afternoon on 3unday at i i a. tn. and 4.30 p. In. rhe services will be continued dur ng the week by Mr. Mitchell and he Rev. J. M. Magruder. There vill be two services a day at i i a. n. and 7-30 p. In. Mr. Magruder will close on the 3unday following with two services, Rev. Mr. Mitchell has the well leserved reputation of being a >reacher of intense earnestness and nuch vigor. Both lie and the Rev. Wr. Magruder are strong men in heir denomination and popular )ersonally and officially. The public is cordially invited o attend these services. To State Fair via C., N. & L. The C., N. & L. will run special rains to Columbia on account of lie State Fair on Wednesday, the -8th, Thursday, the 2,th, Friday, he 30th, and Saturday, the 31st, eaving Newberry at 8 o'clock in he morning, and returning leaving olumbi- -it 6-30 p. i., except on friday night when the train will be ield until io p. in. in order to give mrple time to witness the Trades )isplay parade. The price of tick ts for the round trip, including ad aission to the fair grounds, will be 2.04; except on Saturday when he exceedingiy low rate of $r.74 9 i offered on account of Barnum & lailey's circus in Columbia that!I ay. Tickets on sale October 2V-39, nclusive, good to return until Toveinber 2d. Breeding Cattle to Be Sold. W. S. Holinan & Co., will sell I bout fifty head of the best Tennes ee breeding cattle at Pool's stables n October 24th, the sale beginning t io o'clock. Address by Dr. R. B. Peery. Dr. R. B. Peery, missionary tc aga, Japan, who lately returned to he United States on a vacation, vill deliver a niissionary address in he Lutheran Church of the Re- f leemer on Wednesday night. All he congregations of the city are] ordially invited to be present. An nteresting and instructive address nay be expected.4 Good Roads Committee. The committee appointed at the ecent good roads meeting of the itizens of Newberry county to pre are a plan to be submitted to the uass meeting to be held on Wed iesday, will meet at the office of l'he Herald and News on Wednes lay morning, promptly at 9 o'clock, >efore the mass meeting. Business >f importance is to be transacted, md a full meeting of the committee s desired and urged. 0. B. Mayer, Chairman. Shipped Cotton By Special Trali. Mr. Nait Gist shipped thiiree hunil lredl hale~s of cottlon to SavannahI 'esterdlay lmornling . Them cotton vas hauled by thme Colnmhia, New irry and( ILaurens' roadI( (on a spe.. -ial train. Many Mothers of a Like Opinion. M rs. P ihmner', of Cordova, Iowa, says: "One of my childrenl was subject t.o rouip of a severe type, and( the giv ng of Ch amberlain 's Cough Remedy promptly, always l>rought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the 2ame as I (do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children." F~or sale W. E. Pelham & Son, New berry, S. C., and Prosperity Drug Co. Pronemitv S. C. THE COTTON MARKET. What Rthe Fleecy Staple Was Bringing Yesterday Afternoon in thle Various Portions of the County. Newberry. (Corrected by Nat Gist.) 3ood Middling........ 9 65 3trict Middling..... .. 9 45 Uiddling............ 9 35 Prosperity. (Corrected by J. L. and A. G. Wise.) zood Middling........ 9 37 1-2 Market Weak. Chappells. (Corrected by John R. Scurry.) xood Middling. . . . . . . . . 9 35 Pomaria. (Corrected by Aull, Hentz & Co.) xoOd Middling . . . . . . . . Little Mountain. (Corrected by J. B. Lathan.) ood Middling . . . . . . . . 9 43 3-4 Market Weak. Kinards. (Corrected by Smith Bros.) lood Middling . . . . . . . . 9 37 1-2 Market Weak. Meeting of W. C. T. U. The ladies of the W. C. T. U., of NTewberry, are requested to meet in entral Methodist Sunday School ootm, Tuesday at 4 P. m. MRs. W. E. WHITr, Vice- President. rreasury Departniot omce of oiptrollier of the clIrrency Washington, D. C., October 12, 1903. W HEREAS, by satisfactory evi dence presented to the under igned, it has been made to appear that 'The People's National Bank of Pros >erity," located in thq Town of Pros >erity, in the County of Newberry, and Itate of South Carolina, has complied vith all the provisions of the Statutes f the United States, required to be omplied with before an association hall be authorized to commence the iusiness of Banking; Now therefore I, Thomas P. Kane, )eputy and Acting Comptroller of the .urrency, do hereby certify that "The 3eople's National Bank of Prosperity," ocate:l in the Town of Prosperity, in he County of Newberry, and State of )outh Carolina, is authorized to com nence the business of Banking as pro ,ided in Section Fifty-one hundred and ixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of he United States. n testimony whereof witness my hand L.S.] and Seal of office this Twelfth day of October, 1903. T. P. KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the urrency. Fxecutor's Sale of Land. UNDER THE POWER INVESTED in us by the last will and testa nent of George Dominick, deceased, ve will sell at public auction before the lourt House door at Newberry, South 3arolina, between the legal hours of ale, on Monday, November 2, 1903, the ollowing described property, to-wit: kil that tract, piece, parcel or planta ion of land, lymng and being situate in( 4"wberry County, State of South Car ilina, containing two hundred and wventy-six acres more or less, and >ounded by the lands of the estate of L. Hawkins, deceased, R. T. Pugh, iodfrey Harmon, L. L. Boozer andl >thers; known as the Home Place ofj iaid George Dominick, deceased. i' Terms of sale, one half cash, balance n one and two years-the credit portion , o be secured by notes of the purchaser 'j mnd a mortgage of the premises sold " md to drawv interest at 8 per cent, per mnnum: interest payable annually. All >r an.y part of the credit portion may e paid in cash at the option of the >urchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. GEORGE P. DOMINICK,( JOHN W. DOMINICK, JOHN L. HUNTER. etof George Doiik eesd Annual Meeting. FHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE .LStockholders of the Columbia, ewberry and Laurens Railroad Coin any will be held in the President's )fice at 12 o'clock Tuesday, October O0th, 1903. T1. H. GIBB3ES, N Secretary. INOl)E'R TO KEEP THlE IHECORD j str'aight, all teachers in the county ire herebly niotifiIed to bring in their ~ert ificates at sonme convenient time in he n.ext few w'eeks. in order that said ~ert ificat es miay bje recorded in this >flic . E' UJG. S. WV E IflTs, Warren White Suipher Springs. E. D. CULLI'N & SON, PRiOP~(iRIEoRs. Variety of mineral waters. Elevation 2, 100 feet. One mile from station. Four mails daily. JF;:llent table. Modern buildings and equipment. Rates $25 per month. Special rates to f,am~e.