ESTABLISHED IX 1SC9. Published Three Times Each Week Ob Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Entered as second class matter on January 0, 1009, at the post office at Orangeburg, S. C, under the Act of Congress of March,' 1S79. 7m. L. Sims, - Editor and Prop. Pas. Izlar Sims, ? - Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year. . .$1.50 One year, by carrier.. .. .. .. 2.00 Six months .. ,j>.*. .. .75 --Three months. .40 Remittances should be made pay able to The Times and Democrat, OranRebnrg, S. C, by registered let ter, check or money order. Religion does not consist in a man's belief in what he does with his belief. He who does a good deed simply for the sake of being repaid has the spirit of usury and not of humanity. On the, day after Christmas the average boy thinks the next Christ mas is ages away, while his parents j hare the idea that it is close at hand. The Charleston Post says that' President Taft is now engaged in pulling-some of the wool from his eyes. He will hare It all pulled out sometime next November by the peo ple. That recent hanging in the opera | house at Jackson, Ga., seems to have been an exclusive social function with relatives of the murdered man in the boxes and friends of the sheriff in the front seats. We specially request all of our subscribers who have not already done so to pay up their subscription and vote for some one of the candi ?^Tki^es in our Popularity Contest. HelpN>ut the young ladies. Nothing is more pitiful than a life j spent in thinking of nothing but self. And the pitifulness of it is more ap-J parent at Christmastlde as it stands! In abhorent 'Contrast to the unselfish ness that then so generally shows it self. We hope that the Legislature will rot allow Governor Blease to abolish the Agricultural Department of the State. Should, he veto the appropria tion for this useful branch of the State Government the Legislature! should promptly pas.-, it over his veto. Col. Henry Wattcrson, editor of The Louisvill? Courier-Journal and dean of American journalism, will not speak in Charleston on peace, his date for that city having been cancelled because the Irish and Ger-j mans down there did not want to hoar him. On the first of the new year the British government will take control c t the entire telephone system in the British Isles. Aa it already owns the telegraph system besides, of course, having the postoffice it is giv ing the world a striking example of government ownership. Several trusts havi been dissolved of late hut the consumer does not find any reduction in the price of the commodities those same trusts pro duce. If no such advantage can be gained by dissolution Borne other and more effective method of dealing with hlg business will have to be found. A great many New Tear resolu tions are like pie crust?easily brok en. But that usually ia because the promise is made impulsively or that it is well nigh impossible of fulfill ment. New Year resolutions if right ir. themselves and honeBt efforts are made to keep them are of great ben efit. The Agricultural Department is a most useful branch of the State Gov ernment, and tho man who under takes to kill it is no friend of the farmers. Commissioner Watson took a most active part in the fight to prevent the farmers from being forc ed to sell their cotton below the cost of production. It Is a splendid thing to have a gcod memory, but sometimes It Is just as well to have a good "forget ery." To brood over funded or real wrongs, treasure ttem up In one's memory until one gets sour and syn ical is foolish. It is well to forget many of these .things?the chivalrous mind prevents lots of unpleasantness and worry. There is a good deal of truth In the assertion that egotism and false benevolence marks those men who .have mad* millions of money out o!1 the people and then given back in charity or education what is a mere fraction of their wealth on condition that their names are perpetuated in the institutions helped. Considering the way much of the wealth has been made their action suggests the old Spanish proverb, "Steal the pig In God's name and given the trotters to the poor." ; The indicted Chicago packers are in an awkward dilemma. They have been fighting persistently for delay and naturally would like their trial delayed until doomsday. But the British government, which annually buys $30,909,000 or more pounds of canned meat irom Chicago packers has just notified tho:ie same packers that no bids will be received until tho trial is ended. This means that the more extended the delay tho greater the lose of trade. On the oth er hand the packers naturally dread a trial and verdict. It seems to be a case of "between tho devil and the deep sea." .., iv..~....... ...-, v. Business Announcement. On and after ? January 1, 1912, Mr.1 James Izlar Sims will become part owner and proprietor of The Times and Democrat and its print ing plant and - of Sims Book Store. After'that date these enterprises will be run under the firm name of Jas. L. Sims & Son. For the last three years Mr. James Izlar Sims has man aged the business and'in the future he will continue , to do so. He is no trangcr to our subscribers and adver tisers, having met thousands of them since he has been in charge of the business. In this connection we de sire to thank our patrons for their liberal patronage in the past, and ask a continuance of the same kind treat ment to the new firm. They will find in the junior member of the firm a young man in every way worthy of their confidence and esteem. Conditions Necesiliry to Success. Every man who advertises does so that it may benefit his business. Very rightly he expects a financial re turn commensurate with what he spends yet not unoften he is disap pointed. This is not the fault of ad vertising?liberality, attractiveness of advertising. As a matter of fact three condi tions are necessary for successful ad vertising?liberality, arrba.ctivenesst and truthfullness. As to the first it must be evident to every business man of average discernment that a puny little ad naturally creates the impression that the man who inserts it does not care to do much business or else that he has but a poor stock. As to the second an ad should be made alluring. In size, wording and arrangement it should at once catch the eye and thereby focus attention upon it. But the first two conditions are useless without the third?that of truthfulness. A merchant must make good over the counter what he offers in his advertisement. If he fails to do this, not once or twice, but habitually, the public puts no trust in his representations and business disaster inevitably fellows. That the great majority of mer chants are honest in their business and faithfully portray the character and quality that their goods, and of the bargains they offer, is unques tioned. As a rule they are men of principle and also are shrewd enough to know that a temporary gain result ing from some misleading advertise ment is sure to be followed by a per manent reaction. In this respect the position of a (local merchant Is vastly diffedent than that of a mail order house. The constituency of the local mer chant is limited, that of the catalogue house is practically unlimited. It sends its literature all over the coun try and thereby any misleading ad vertisement does not react npon it as it would upon the business man of a small city or town. In truth it is well known that many and perhaps most of the articles advertised by mail ord er houses are deficient in quality or in weight and measure, and that their customers do not get the bar gains they suppose. The local merchant who should do this would speedily become bank rupt. He knows that to gain trade and hold his customers he must be hone3t with his customers. There fore what he states in his advertise ment may almost invariably be relied upen the mutual benefit of buyer and seller. The ono lesson Is that people should deal with the merchant who keeps faith with them, and not with houses that supply them with goods not up to the mark. Agricultural Department. On the first page of this issue we publish from The State an outline of facts and reports In which the public Is much concerned because they touch upon tht antagonism of Governor Blease to the State Depart ment of Agriculture and Industries as now operated under the intelli gent supervision of Col. E. J. Watson, who has given much attention to the duties of the important office he so admirably fills. Col Watson may not have conducted the office to suit Governor Blease, but we feel sure that he has conducted it to the sat isfaction of the farmers and others, who are more vitally interested in lit than the Governor Wo also publish In connection with the same matter a. statement from Governor Blease and Mr. Hudson. While Mr. Hudson denes the state ment that Commissioner Wat son's place has been offered him, he confirms the most im portant part of the story, which is that Governor Blease is opposed to the Agricultural and Industrial De partment, of the State as at present managed and the Governor's threat to veto the appropriation for its con tinuance unless he is given "assur ance of its doing some good for the farmers." We have been under the impression that the department has been very active in helping the far mers to get better prices for their cotton. "It will bo recalled," says The Stale, "that Governor Blease vetoed tho appropriation for factory inspec tors, who, under this department, were required to see that the laws for the. betterment of tho condition of women and children In the mills were obF^rved. His statement that the agricultural department is a farce and of no service to farmers will cause a little surprise, because within iixty days he denied a request of fMarlboro farmers to take certain action, on the ground that he was not a former and was not qualified to advise them as to their interests." The Governor must have been taking lessons In agriculture since he wrote that letter to the Marlboro farmers. Pageantry and Reform. The visit of the king and queen of England to India means far more than a mere passing show. That the spectacular display of goregous uni forms, crowns, diadems and thrones appeals naturally to and impresses the oriental mind goes without say ing. The British government [shrewdly took advantage of this sus ceptibility in the recent durbar. It knew full well that the perfect riot ?of color, as seen in briliant uniforms and dresses, the stirring -sound of i music from massed bands, the marching of thousands of troops with ? flashing bayonets, the booming of guns and the rattle of musketry would impress the people with a sense of Britain's power and might. But very wisely the government has not contented itself with such a display. The crowning of the em peror of the ancieut capital ot Delhi has been accompanied by two mani festoes that may do much to allay the discontent that has long existed in India. One annunoces the change of the seat of government from Cal cutta to Delhi; the other speaks of important administrative reforms leading to a certain measure of self government. Both acts are wise and daring and not unlikely conservative statesmen in England will view them With alarm. The decision to make Delhi the capital Of the country will doubtless give satisfaction to the Hindoos as that city is so associated with the ancient glories of India.. Also it is to be hoped and expected that the grad ual conferring of political rights up on the people may be followed with best results. The one great difficul ty in this matter .ies in the religious hatreds of the people, especially as between Hindoos and Mohamedans, and in the sharp and intricate social distinctions of the innumerable castes. CLASSIFIED COLUMN One-half Cent a Word Found Notices Free. For Sale?Long leaf pine shingles. E. S. Dukes, Rowesviile, S. C. lm* Buy Your Display Yehicles?from Sifly and Frith and take the Elue Ribbon. Private School.?Miss Nettie Copes will reopen ber primary school on Tuesday, Jan. 2., at residence of Mrs. Rose R. Copes, 15 E. Amelia Street. ? It Wanted At Once?Contractor to roll six room dwelling, distance of four hundred and fifty feet. No turne, grade downward. W. M. Fair & Co., Elloree, S. C. For Sale?One good saw mill and saw. One good 20 H. P. boiler and engine. One good Timber Cart and everything used around a mill. Apply to J. W. Smoak or Mrs. F. P. Langley. Eggs and Poultry.?Black Minorcas, prize winners, beauties; largest, prettiest eggs laid, 13 for ?1.50. White Orpingtons, new breed, best and prettiest all purpose fowls, Kellerstrass strain, 15 eggs for $2.50 A few splendid cockerels, Minorcas and Orpingtons at $2.00. Trio Black Minorcas, $5.00. Any of above delivered in Orangeburg. D. O. Herbert. ?- i Receiver's Sale. The State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. Ephriam Livingston .... Plaintiff, against W. R. Livingston . . . Defendant. Pursuant to an order of the Court in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House, S. January 6th, 1912, at 11 a. m., at public auction to the highest bidder, the following personal property, to wit: One mouse colored 'lorse mule, one black horse mule and one two horse wagon. Terms ca?h. Property to be paid for before removed and In case pur chaser fails to comply, the same will be resold at the same time and place at the risk of the former purchaser. J. L. Dukes, Receiver. Sale of Personal Property. By virtue of a judgment of the Judge of Probate. I will sell at public auction, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of the 10th day of January, at tho plantation of J. P.. Traywick, de ceased, for cash, tho fcllowing arti cles of persona! propsitv; '.Material for mending wagons and buggies, (rims, spokes, hubs, shafts). 2 buggies. 4 wagons. 3 reaper and bindi-r. 1 corn binder. 1 separator for grain. 1 corn shredder. 2 .mowers. 1 lime spreader. 1 stump puller. 1 Western hay outfit (consisting of baling press, stacker and hay con veyer.) 1 ginnery outfit, (35 h. p. Foos gas engine, 2 80-saw gins, a revolving press and a. friction tamper.) 1 grist mill. 1 corn crusher. 1 corn sheller. 3 Avery cultivators. 2 King distributors and bedders. 2 weeders. 2 Middle bursters. 1 King fertilizer distributor and cultivator. 1 windmill. 1 thresher. 1 lot of oak lumber. 1 lot of piping. 2 1-horso plows (Oliver). Hogs (Berkshire3. )? 1 pure red Poll bull. 5 mul"S. Edna I. Traywick, Executrix of the estute of J. B. Tray wick. deceased. Cope, S. C, Dec. 27, 1911. 12-30-5t Hunting and Trespassing Forbidden. Hunting and all other trespassing on our landu is strictly forbidden. Wm. C. Wolfe, Lucius B. Wolfe, Marion B. Horger. Assessment Notice, 1012, for Per sona! Property. Notice is hereby given that I, or my deputy, will be at the following named places on the days specified for the purpose of taking returns of per sonal property for taxation In Orange burg County for the fiscal year 1912. All taxpayers must give the num ber of School District in which prop erty is located. Especial care should be taken in locating property in or near special school districts. School trustees in the different townships are requested to meet the Auditor at these appointments and assist in the proper location of special school and poll taxes. All personal property owned on the first day of January, 1912, must be returned and all transfers of real estate noted. All persons whose incomes exceed $*500.00 per annum (clear of busi ness expenses) are liable to the State income tax. Blanks for Income tax returns will be furnished upon appli cation to the Auditor. Bowman, Tuesday, Jan. 2. Branchville, "Wednesday, Jan. 3. Rowesville, Thursday, an. 4. Cope, Friday, Jan. 5. Canaan Church, Saturday, Jan. 6. Holly Hill, Monday, Jan. 8. Eutawville, Tuesday, Jan. 9. Ferguson, Wednesday, Jan. 10. Vance, Thursday, Jan. 11. Parlers, Friday, Jan. 12. Livingston, Monday, Jan. 15. Dru Sawyer's, Tuesday, Jan. 16. Springfield, Wednesday, Jan. 17. Gleaton, Thursday, Jan. 18. Norway, Friday, Jan. 19. Elloree, Monday, Jan. 22. E. E. Bull's, Tuesday, Jan. 23. Wo?dford, Thursday, Jan. 25. North, Friday, Jan. 26. Phillips, Saturday, Jan. 27. Orangeburg Court House from Jan. 1st to Feb. 20th, inclusive. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 2 p. p. T. M. McMichael, County Auditor, O. C. Five Boom Cottage For Sale. Will be sold on the First Monday in January. 1912, by the Judge of Probate, at the usual hour of the Probate sales, at the request of the, owner, Mrs. E. M. Andrews, of | Charleston. This cottage is situated in the City of Orangeburg, on the east side of North Broughton Street, the second door south of Fenwick Street. The lot measures 60i^ feet, more or lesB, on the north side line, and 106 feet, more or less, on the south Bide. Terms one-third cash and the bal ance in one and two years. Purchas er to pay for papers. Office of County Treasrer, Orange-1 burg County, S. C, October 2nd, | 1911. The Regular Tax Duplicate will be open for collection of all taxes due: Office of County Treasurer, Orange burg County, from the 15th day of October to the 31st day of Decem ber, 1911. The following levy: State taxes. . . . '. .' . .5% mills. Ordinary county. ... .5 mills. County road. . . . . . .1 mills. Constitutional ischool. . .3 mills. Total. .14% mills. Also the following local Special Taxes: Special Tax. B. D. District No. 3,.3 District No. 4.4 District No. 6.3 District No. 8.7 4 District No. 11.2 District No. 12.3 District No. 13.2 District No. 18........4 2 District No. 20.4 District No. 21.2 District No. 22.2 District No. 23. . .. .. . .2 District No. 24.2 District No. 26.5 1 District No. 27.4 District No. 28.4 District No. 33.3 District No. 34..6 2 District No. 36.6 2 District No. 37.3 District No. 38.2 District No. 40.4 District No. 41.7 District No. 4 2.2 District No. 4 3.3 District No. 4 i.3 District No. 46.3 District No. 47'.3 District No. 48.4 District No. 4 f?.2 District No. 55.3 District No. 60.3 District No. 64...3 District No. 65.5 2 District No. 6S.7 District No. 70.8 2 District No. 71?.4 District No. 72.4 District No. 74.4 District No. 75.2 District No. 76.3 District No. 7S.3 District No. 82.3 District No. 33.3 Distri/ct No. S4.3 District No. 86.2 Commutation Road Tax will be re* ccived at same time and place. The time for payment of Road Taxes will expire March 1st, 1912. A. D. FAIR, County Treas , O. C. Notice of Executors' Sale. State of South Carolina, Orangeburg County. Notice is hereby given that tin undersigned duly qualified executors of tho estate of the late Paul F. Grahiling, will sell at his late resi dence, to the highest bidder for cash on the 3rd day of .January, 1912, in the County and State aforesaid, in parcels beginning at 11 o'clock a. ni. All mules, mules, cattle, hogs and utensils, tools, etc.. engine and boil er, gin and press, saw mill and grist mill, and all corn, fodder, and other forage on said plantation. Also wagon scales, and all other personal Raisins, 12c; currents, 12c; citron,! 18c, at Prescott'B, property belonging to the estate of the said Paul F. Grr.mling, deceased, not disposed off by his last will and testament.. Bertha Ann Granting. Willie P. Graiuling. A. M. Salley. 2t. Qualified Executors. Notice to Teachers. A special teachers examination will be held at the court house on Jan uary 12. All teachers who need cer tificates are thus given a chance to get them. Notice is also given that my clerk will he in charge of my ofijce on Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and that I will be out visiting my schools on above day3 during January, February and March. On these visits special attention will be given to reading, writing and arithmetic and we request our teach ers to stress abov> subjects at once. Parents are reminded that old school books can be exchanged when new once are needed until Dec. 1912. L. W. Livingston, Co .Supt. Ed. O. C. Dec. 22, 1911.?4 t. Real Estate For Sale. Fine plantation near Four Holes Church (242 acres), $45 per acre. Easy terms. 22 acres near Orange burg city, on public road, $1G00. Suburban building lots, prices and terms to suit purchaser. 3t* Fred F. Pooser. A Happy ~~ New Year Is My Sincere Wish, May Joy and Happiness Be Your Lot For 1912 We wish to thank every one of our many customers for their loyal pat ronage this 3911. We ask a continu ance during the coming year, prom ising best values possible at satis factory prices. Start the new year 1912 with this reso lution, "to give more trade this year to" SHE GAVE UP Alt HOPE Physicians Failed To Help Mrs. Green, But She Finally Found Relief in Cardui. Meetze, Va.?Mrs. J. C. Green of thli place, says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit up. Two of the beat doctors in our town treated me, and I tried different medi cines, until I gave up all hope of evor getting well. One day, I decided to try some Car dui. It did so much for mo that I ordered some mom, and it cured me! Today, I feel as well as I ever did in my life. The pains and the trouble aro all gone. I feel like another person In every way. I wish every sufferer could know what Cardui will do for sick women." A few dosee of Cardui at the right time, will save many a big doctor bill, by preventing serious sickness. It tones up tho nervous system, and helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy. Thousands of wnak women have been restored to health and happiness by using Cardui. Suppose you try it It may be just the medicine you need. N. B.? Write to: Late' Advfiory Dtpt.. Ch??a nposa Medicine Co..Chattajiooi?. Teno., for ftwctaJ Instructions, and 64-paee bock. Home Treatment feV women," wnt In pUln wrapper, oa request. Have just returned from the Northern Markets where I bought a complete line of Clothing,' Shoes Hats and Mens Furnishings. Goods are arriving daily, and are being opened for your'inspection. All goods left over from the Big Sale will be Sold at almost your own price. No reasonable offer refus ed. Must have room for New Goods. A call will convince you. Glover BETTER LUCK NEXT TDIE won't have to he said if we furnish the gun. You'll have no kick com ing from the very first shot. Drop In and admire our guns anyway. You"ll have to do that. And your visit will also give you an idea of our Immense variety of fine hardware and house furnishing goods. what could he more attractive and serviceable than a comfortable arm chair, a reading table, a rocker or a pretty tabourette. "Nothing" you will say when you see those we have on view here. Come look at. them. The more you look and price the sur er you will be that our furniture will make both an ideal and not too ex pensive a gift. '< S. A. BLACKMON, ORANGEBURG, S. C. The People'.** Bank. Orangeburg, 'south Carolina. Capital Stock 50,000 Surplus and profits 14,500 Liability of Stock holders 50,000 Protection to Deposi tors $114,500 Highest rate of interest paid in SAVINGS DEPART # MENT And will pay 4 1-2 per cenit on CERTIFICATES of DEPOSIT Wo want your account.?We guarantee absolute safety to de positors and every courtesy to all customers. We keep your money for you free of charge and pay you Interest. We hav? ample resources to slve you accommodations. Safe, conserr> tlve, successful; protected by Fire Insurance and Burglar iijr* aurance. Call and see us or write us. O D. O. HERBERT, President. B. P. MUCR?ftrFUSS, VIce-President. J. W. CULLER CashL. 6 t*>^*^>?^,^ <> o <> FREE COUPON. Contestant. Address. Township. This Coupon, when neatly clipped ont with name and ad dress filled in and brought or sent to Contest Department of THE TIMES AND DEMOCRAT WILL COUNT AS TEN VOTES. Not Good After January 10. ??Pulleys! Pulleys I PuReys! PuReysl PuReyo/* Largest stock or Steel Split, Wood split and Universal Cast Iron Spllf Puileys with Interchangeable bushings, carried. Let us have your orders^ At least favor us with your inquiries. , ' COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, ? 828 Wec| Gervais Strega, j . j , Columbia, B. C