ESTABLISHED IN J1869. Published Tliree Times Each Week On Tuesday, Tnursduy and Saturday. - Entered as second class matter on January 9, 1909, at the post ofllcc at Orangeburg, S. 0., under the Act of Congress of March, 1879. Jas. L. Sims, - Editor* and Prop. Jas- Izlar Sims, ? - Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year.. .. . '. ..'.$1.50 One year, by carrier.2.00 Six months.? .75 Three m6nths.40 Remittances should be made pay able to The Times and, Democrat, Orangeburg, S. C, by registered let ter, check or money order. ' The only cure for Socialism in this country is to inject more Democracy In the government. Let the people ?anderstand that they have some rights that even the Rockefellers, the Morgans and other such plutocrats, and the evil will cure itself. The promptness and dignity with Which young Beattie was tried and executed for a most shocking crime is Impressive evidence of the majesty Of the law nightly administered, and Virginia has set a fine example for South Carolina and all other States. Dr. Schurman and others who are holding up their hands in holy hor ror at the spread of Socialism in this country have themselves to blame for tt They vote the Republican ticket always and the policies of that party la what Is causing the ftpread of So cialism. In a little over four months from the time he murdered his young wife, Benry Clay Beattie, Jr., was exe cuted for the crime at Richmond, Va. A little of that kind of justice In South Carolina would reduce the murder record in this State to a min imum in a short time. The nation as a whede has abun dant reason to- feel gratitude to the God of Nations for the undoubted prosperity that has been visited upon the American people. The year whose lengthening shadows will now soon fade forever has been fraught with manifold blessings and material fat ness. An effort is. being made In certain Quarters to discredit the Prize Vot ing Contest now being conducted by The Times and Democrat Such spite work generally does the person It ftp aimed at more good than harm, from the fact that people can so eas ily eee the' motive thtit prompts It. We feel that such will be the result tn this ease. The Greenri lie Hewn saya: "The Democrats #111 "elect the president next year, if all the Democrats in the country will, just vote the Democratic ticket The trouble for a number of years has been that too many Democrats would rote the Republican ticket" The News la right li points out the only danger to Democratic success next year. ?The spread of Socialism in the West and East Is causing the thoughtful men of those sections to think. The South has shunned that Ism as she has all other Isms, and we are not surprised at the speech of President Schurman of Cornell Uni Terslty at Atlanta, o;! Plea*;. Shellie B. Hall, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. G. Edna Hall, et al., Det mdants. I*:: der an orJ3r of rlie K'o.i'.r of Common Pleas in the nbove entilled action, the creditors of Frances E. Hall, deceased, are required to pre sent and prove their claims before the undersigned on or before Dec ember 16th, 1911, or b*i debarred payment. ' Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as S?9. *al Referee. November 25 th, 1911. Notice of Sale of Live Stock. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg.?In Common Pleas. C W. Bair, for himself & etc., Plain tiff, versus The J. H. Blake Lum ber Co., et al., Defendants. Pursuant to an order of court made in above entitled matter, by Hon. Robert E. Copes, Judge FirBt Judicial Circuit, South Carolina, ,I will sell at public auction, at Orangeburg court house, Orangeburg, S. C, at 10:30 a. m. on Monday, December 4, 1911, to the highest bidder, for cash, the live stock of the J. H. Blake Lumber Com pany, consisting of three head of mules and three head of horses. Simon B. Rich, Receiver. Orangeburg., ?. C, Nov. 20, 1911. ll-24-2t Thanksgiv ing Novem ber 30th. ?,-1 This store will be closed Thursday to celebrate Thanks giving Day. We are very grateful for our in creased trade this Fall. It has been our best season. We thank you all for your very liber al patronage. May we ask a continu ance? We wish all a pleasant Day. i| ^Cj^lDJ&lsKir OIF ILvITTSIQ ! One Night, Wednesday, November 29 First Time Here A. G. DELAMATER and Wm. NORRIS OFFER, GEO. BARR McCUTCHEON'S MOST DELIGHTFUL ROMANCE Beverly of Graustark DRAMATIZED FROM THE NOVEL BY ROBERT M. BAKER A Story of Love, War and Laughter. A Cast of Un usual Excellence. An Elaborate and Beau tiful Scenic Production. A For tune in Georgeus Costumes Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Seats on Sale at Lowman's Drug Store. Order by Mail or Phone. .r ???; I ? ?>,;/. ml' . I jj i I - Orangeburg [Thanksgiving 1911 mm FOf? rALL- W?AJl "The PIKE" Model for Men The "Pike" is a" full, free duus ain souiuo yev? jawy and ginger so essential for a season's favorite. It pre serves in it's lin^s a symme try not found in other ex treme lasts which rely on drawing attention purely through their freakishness. Jn Patent leather as well as Gun Metal at $4 and S5. There is a WALK-OVER model just for yon. Maybe it's the "Pike," if it isn't one of the other stylish WALK OX'ER Models in our store ivc arc confident. Renneker & Riggs, THE FASHION SHOP. Municipal Reform In Georgia. For several years there has been a law forbidding the running of bulls loose on the streets. This law has not. been enofrced for several years, but it does seem that it should now be enforced, as there are several such wilmals now at large.?Blacbshear T- .es. MY THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION I have much to be thankful for this year, 191 I thank the public whose favor has enabled me to do the biggest jewelry business betwe*n two Thanksgiving Days since my first coming to Orangeburg: and I accept this favor as an obligation on me to still further improve my 6tock and my service in every possible way. Especially do I thank the many who, after finding my goods, my prices, and my ways satisfactory to them have spoken words of approval to theiir friends and so have increas ed the number of my customers, Most heartily do I thank the many hun dreds of eye-glasses and spectacle customers who have recommended me so kincly to their friends for the satisfaction they have received frori wearing my glasses, Finally I thank you for all past favors and sincerely ask for your furlhc valued patron age. no. T. Wise Jeweler and Optometrest .?50 TAST RUSSELL STREET. ORANGEBURG, 8. G. WE CARRY THE LARGEST BELTS IX STOCK IN SOUTH CARLOLVA. Wo have the 14 in 6-ply and the 1 6 and 18-in 8-ply Gandy Belt. It Is the Original Red Stitched Canvas Belt. There are a great many imitation* on the market, but you can always tell the GaDdy, for it Is stamped ev ery 10 feet (Gandy). We also have the X 4-inch 5-ply Giant Stitched. This belt has a national reputation. It Is the Original SeamlesB Ad Stit ched belt. Write for prices.. COL UMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, 823 Weit Gervais Street, Columbia, S. C