STARTED Each Day New Contestants Are Starting We call your Atten tion to Reserve Votes and Absence of Bonus Votes NO BONUS VOTES. One of the most approved feature of oar contest is that at the closing weeks no huge offers of bonos rotes will detract from the value of the votes you already have.. A vote at the first is ae good as one at tho close. Fair chance to all. RESERVE VOTES FEATURE. We have arranged so that a con testant can conceal his real number of votes, and by reserving them keep Beeret his rral strength. These re serve votes will be accredited to you at the end of the contest, or when you want them. OUR AOS TO WORKERS. We will try to help each contestant as mach as is permissible in fairness to all. If names of non-subscribers are sent us we will send them sample copies of the paper and thereby make your job of getting their subscription easier. RACE ENDS FEB. 15. The race will close Feb. 18, after a three months' ran. An hour at the battle of Waterloo would have saved Napoleon from defeat. So a day well spent in the beginning of the contest may mean the handsome piano. 60 get busy at once. IS TOUR TOWNSHIP THERE? On page four we publish the entire list of contestants.. Is your township well represented. If not, write us at once entering your name as contest ant from that township. And you w?l get ahead of other contestants in your township. ?ta,te of South Carolina, County of .Orangeburg, In Common Pleas. J. A. Bunch, et al., PlaintiffB, vs. L. F. Bunch, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a. judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court Hou^e on the first Monday in-December, next, during the legal hours for sale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and be ing in Holly Hill Township, said County and State, containing fifty two (52) acres, more or less, and Abounded as follows: On the North, by lands of B. O. Harvey; on the East by lands of John A. Bunch- on the South by lands of Pinckney P. Bunch; and on the West by the homestead tract conveyed by the other heirs of Joel M. Bunch to Melissa S. Bunch. All that certain other piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, ly'ng and being in. Holly Hill Township, Or angeburg County and said State, con taining one "hundred forty-five (145) ?eres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of J. I). Murray, A. E. McCoy, L. F. Bun ;h and Jim Joyner; on the East by lands of John L. Wiggins: on the South and West, by lands of the San tee River CypreBS Lumber Company. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the pur chaser shall fall to comply wjth the terms of sale, then the said premises will bo resold on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. November 10th, 1911. State of South Carolina, County of n>-angeburg, In Common Pleas. Mary Lee Siroman. in her own right and aa Executrix o:' the estate of W. S. Banister, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Rose Oshear et &1., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Monday in December, next, during tho legal fcoura for sale, at the .-ink of the for mer purchaser, the following de scri'f-d real estate: All that plantation cr tract of land, eeatalning fifty (50) acres, and ?eaxded on the North by lands of i Thos. W. Porcher, the Bessie Swamp Tract; and on all other sides by the: pine lands of the estate of the late Keating L. Simmons, Esquire, de-! ceased, lying about six miles south of the Santee River on the Long Bay, j near Bessie Swamp, and Powell's Bay, in Orangeburg (formerly Berke-j ley) County being part of the pine land tract known as the Marlon Pine Lands. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and In-case the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the 6ame or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. November 10th, 1911. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg, In Common Pleas. Henrietta Klrkland, >et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Samuel Kirkland, ct al., De fendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Monday in December, next, during the legal hours for 6ale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, containing ninety-three (9.1) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being in Goodland Township, in the County of Orangeburg and State of South Carolina, and bounded: On the North b: innds of the estate of the late D. L. laust; on the East by lands now or lately of William L. Glover; rn the South by lands now or lately of R. W. Wilson; and on the West by lands now or lately of L. B. Fulmer. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the pur chaser shall fall to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent ?alesday. on the Bame termE. and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Jodge of Probate, as Special Referee. November 10th, 1911. _ di State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg, In Common Pleae. Irvin S. Harley, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. E. Edwards, Defendant. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House oh the first Monday in December, next, during the legal hours for sale, the following de^ Bcribed real estate: All that .certain lot of land situ ate, lying and being on Russell Street, in the City of Orangeburg, in Baid State, known an lot No. 14 on plat of lands of I. B. Harley, made by Sol Kohn and Samuel Dibble, Sur veyors, dated August 29, 1891, and measuring front on Russell Sttreetj sixty (60) fet, and running back and] measuring on the respective side lines two hundred and one-half (200 1-2) j feet, and measuring on the rear Idne sixty (60) feet, and bounded on thei East by said Russell Street. On the! South by lot No. 15, owned by said W. P. Edwards. On the West by a fifteen foot alley, and on the North by lot No. 1 3 on said plat. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay | for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale: and in case the pur chaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesda'y, on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. November 10th, 1911. State ouf South Carolina, County of Orangeburg, In Common Pleas. Maggio Winningham, Plaintiff, vs. Eliza Johnson, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Mon day in December, next, during the legal hours for sale, the following described real estate: All that certain parcel or tract of land, containing twenty-three and three-fourths (23 3-4 ) acres, more or less, situate in Middle Township, in the County and State aforesaid, and bounded on the North and East by ands of Emanuel Keitt, on the South east by lands of The Bowman Land and Improvement Company, on tho Weft by lands of J. J. Johnson, and Gavin, and on the Northwest by lands of J. J. Johnson and repre sented on a plat made by Samuel Dib ble, Jr., surveyor, dated March 22nd, 1905, and being the same parcel of Someone is Going to Win the $300 Piano By Just a Little Effort. WHY NOT LET THAT % SOMEOXT BE YOU? Cut out and mail today. Date. 1911. THE TIMES AND DEMOCRAT, ORANGEBURG, S. C, Contest Editor: Please enroll me as a contestant in The Times and Democrat's Gracd Voting Contest from. Township. Also send me envelopes, order blanks, receipt books, etc, so that: I may begin work promptly. Name _ P.O land sold and conveyed to J. J. John son by the said The Bowman Land and Improvement Company by deed bearing date of March 29th, 1905. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mid dle Township, Orangeburg County, in the State aforesaid, containing twen ty-eight (2S) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of A. D. Johnson, by lands of H. Felder, by lands of E. M. L. Keitt and by lands of Eliza Johnson. All that certain other tra,ct or par cel of land, situate, lying and being in Middle Township, Orangeburg County, in the State aforesaid, con taining fifty-four (54) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the Nbrth by lands of R. H. Johnson; East by lands of G. W. Johnson; on the South by lands of G. W. Johnson and on the West by lands now or formerly of Minnie Harley. Being same iand conveyed to J. W. Johu ?on by J. J. Johnson by his deed of Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay conveyance recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court, for Orangeburg County in Book 45, page 4S7. for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the1 purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said prem ises will be resold on the same or seme subsequent salesday, on the terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. State of South Carolina, County of Orange-burg, In Common Pleas. J. D. Bowman, Plaintiff, vs. G. Marlon Barton, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court, of Common Pieas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Monday in December, next, during the legal hours for sale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain lot or parcel of land containing two and one-half acres, more or less, situate, lying and being In the town of Cope, in Union Township, in said County and State, and bounded North, South and West by lands of Margaret L. Cope; and Bast by the corporate limits of said town of Cope. Being the same tract or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, conveyed to G. Marion Bar ton, by'Margaret L. Cope, by her deed dated January 4 1 904, and recorded in the office of Clerk of Court for Or angeburg County In book No. 4 2, page 502. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the pur chaser shall lall to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises wtill be resold on the same or some subsequent ?alesday. on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble. Judge of Probnte. as Special Referee. November 10th, 1911. j 1 (State of South Carolina, County of being in Orangeburg County, and J Orangeburg, In Common Pleas. W. R. Livingston, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. OLiver D. Cam, as Administra tor of George W. Livingston, de ceased, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Monday in December, next, during the legal hours for sale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of land, containing sixty-one (Gl ) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being partly within the corporate limits of the town of Woodford, in said Coun ty and State, and bounded on the North by lands of Mrs. Mary N. Aim ar; East by Waters Ferry Road; South by other lands of Mrs. Idella State aforesaid, bounded on the North, by lands of Samuel Dibble; East by lands of Samuel Dibble; South by lands of John T.VRobinson and West by lands of Geo. F. Robinson. The fifty-nine (59) and sixty-one (Cl) .Tcre tracts above described, will be sold in two parcels to each tract, and a plat of same may be seen at office of Judge of Probate before day of sale, and will be exhibited on day of sale. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, E. Livingston and West by lands of J Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. \\ atson Inablnett and Richard Har-j November 10th 1911 ley. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In Eliz abeth Township, in said County of Orangeburg. State aforesaid, bounded North by lands formerly S. F. Wil liams; East by the right of way of the Southbounc Railroad Company; South by lands of James M. Robin son and West by lands of Samuel Ina binett and containing fifty-nine (59) acres, more or less. All that certain tract or parcel of land containing thirty-three (.13) acres, more or less, situate, lying and Mirrors in Decoratipns. In the sixteenth century no lady waa considered la full dress unles3 she had a mirror at her breast- It was oval In shape about 4 by 6 Inofce? in size. Authentic, Indubitable Truth. No mere man ever recognized a woman by the style of her dress. How a worein dresses a man does not re member five minutes; but how sho looks be doee.?Ohio State JouroaL A J jf YL/i * The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Oct. 21, said of this company and play: "An excellent ,/\C8tU6IYlV Ol IViOSlC performance of a famous comedy, for straight comedy., pure and undefiled for ?7 character drawing so perfect that the people portrayed in the play are simply men r\?? m:?i.?. w?j?,??J?,r m?vr?.??U?? 9?? and women whom most of us have scene and known; for cleverness and wit without One Might, Wednesday, November 22 a suggestive phrase-give me 'The Country Boy.' ? A play of city life by Edgar Selwyn. With a big company and TTvta ?TVii ii"ifv*?r R/\t r production. * V^OVlIlUt jr SjOy You will be very sorry if you miss this dramatic treat. Prices 50c to $