Mr. I. L. Showem He buys a Coat by Ryan Walker. ' I r\. .... 1/ i sfou Kffowj ^ Sale Of We have cut into 20 or more Small Farms, the beauiful plantation of 428 acres owned by Dr. J. D. S. Fairey and situated only 5 miles from the City of Orangeburg on the State Highway extending from Columbia to Charleston. It fronts this pop ular automobile roadway on both sides for 3-4 of a mile. AH this property will be sold at Auction on OCTOBER Consisting of Residence, Out Houses> Saw Mill, Gin, &c. Sale will commence promptly at 11 A. M., and will take place on the Properly. FREE--A FARM WILL BE GIVEN AWAY to the purchasers of that date. Also Other Valuable Presents. NOTHING PAYS LIKE FARMING, It is the poor man's hope and the rich man's pastime. Buy now while land is Cheap. TERMS 1-3 (One-Third) cash, balance in 3 equal annual installments. Interest on deferred payments at the rate 8 per cent. Plenty of Music* Good time for all. Come and bring your friends. For further information, address Auctioneer H. W. Sigress, Fort Wayne, Ind. , i LIGON LAND COMPANY, Snmter, S. C. ? The Edisto Savings Bark We want you to own one of our new safety boxes which we have just put in our fire-proof vault?never keep a fire policy in the building insured?you should keep your papers of value and your jewelry in one of our boxes and be secure. The United States Government has named tl-is Bank as the depository of its Postal Savings Bank funds?'et us count you among our depositors. ? Your deposits with us are absolutely secure. We have a capital and surplus of $135,000.00 and resources of over | $525,000 which should be sufficient to guarantee you. against $ \o>s. We carry Bjrglar Insurance. Give us your business | and feel safe. t I I At a argain, - - For Quick Sale. 12." acres r> miles South of City on Charleston Road. 1"> acres under cultivation. Gray soil, clay subsoil. -1 room dwelling and out buildings. S9 acres 4 miles north of City on Columbia Road. 50 acres under cultivation. Gray soil, clay subsoil. One house; good barn. 603 acres 5 miles south of City on Charleston Ro?d. 100 acres un der cultivation. One and 1-1 million pine timber; good saw mill and gin house. Gray soil; clay subsoil; one dwelling. 40 1-4 acres 2 1-2 mil?s from City on road to :>t. Matthsws, near Stilton. 30 acres under cultivation. Cray soil; clay subsoil. Good peach orchard; 4 acre pasture; G room cottage and necessary out buildings. 56 acres four miles north cn Columbia Road. 48 acres under cultiva tion: balance in past ire. This is a bargain for a quick sale. Nice, new dwellings and barns: good pasture. 14S acres G miles west of City on Kenley road. 100 acres under cul tivation. 4S acres timber. Land in a fair state of cultivation. One 4 room dwelling: 4 tenant bouses: 2 barns. 72 acres 10 miles north of City on road to North. 4 0 acres under cultivation. Gray soil, clay subsoil. One 4-room house; 1 barn. 131 acres 4 miles north of St. Matthews. 100 acres capable of cultivation. 50 acres fine clay west of Cope. Suitable for btick yard. At the pnces listed these farms will not be on the market long, so we advise prospective purchasers to apply quickly. F. R. Simpson Real Estate and Ins., Co. j Every Horse Owner dreads that most dangerous disease. Colic. Be prepared 2or an emergency by ha vine a bottle of Nc-ah's Colic Remedy on hand. More animals die from Colic thnn all other non-contagious diseases combined. Nine out of every ten cases would have beoa cured if Not-.h'o Colic Remedy bad been given in time. It Isn't a drench or dope, but is a remedy given on the tongue, so simple that a woman or child can give it If it fails to cur?, your money will be refunded. If your dealer cannot supply you send DOc In ?tamps ^nd wc will mail n bottle. ? 9 Noah Remedy Co.. Inc.. Richmond. Vav Japanese Pastime. Combats between animals of dirfor eut species are a source ol great amusement among the Japanese Ono of i be most popular ccbtests is that between monkey and j;c,ose. The monkey Is tied to one of the goose'? legs, by means of a cord, and both animals are set down near the bank Of a river, or pend The goose, stand leg in dread of the monkey, seeks for safety in tlie water, and the monkey afraid of the water, exerts himself to the uttermost not to be drawn into it As a rule, the gcosc draws the monkey into the water, and then the cunning simian sits astride it the goose, in equestrian fashion The goose then tries to dive, and the monkey pre vents her If lie can; and so the fight goc* on until the spectators tire, and the animals are released from an un congenial companionship. Steam-Kissed Oranges. The final ripening process in tho preparation oi' California oranges lor the market is the exposure of the Iruit to steam vapor, which imparts the golden yellow color described on the labels by "sun kissed" and other ap petizing terms Electric beat Is ?;m ployed 'o a large extent In producing this steam vapor, electric immersion coils in open tanks of water In the ripening rooms producing the warm humidity required to give the final tint to the orange of commerce.?Di etetic and Hygienic Gazette. HAVE COCD IDEA OF DRESS Many fyl^r Possess The Artistic Eye When II Ccn-'.es to Matter of Fem inine Drapery. _ i There is an old tradition to the ef fect men lack discretion an well ns artistic -ye In the selection of a becomingly gowned woman A man notoriously at sea In the matter of leniinme I rocks was asked to design what to his mind was a graceful dress for the beautlficatlon of the woman ly figure The result not only vindi cated men ol the charge of Ignorance concerning the becoming feminine drapery, but established for him a wisdom and artistry in designing that many devotees ol the latest sartorial spasm, be ii modestly pretty or dar ingly ridiculous, will do well to cul tivate The fabric of the gown evolved by the mere man was si soft clinging crepe de chine of shadowy blue tone. It was cut in kimono fashion, with loose-hanging Oriental sleeves The neck was slightly rounded out to show the smooth, white column of Jie throat, and the gown hunt; free from the shouloers, falling in long, sweep ing lines, with just a suspicion of a sweep at the ba<-k In front an elon gated buckle of the 'due material, em-, broidered wj*i. dull gold threads, held a wide girdle, which was wound ! around the wa'sl empire fashion, tied i In an odd knot with short uostanding loops in the hack, trotn whence Ions, loose ends, finished "'itii gold and blue, 'fell to the bottom of the skin The j sash gave a slightly empire effect, ami I the wh ile gown appeared to swathe , the figure in (olds ol pastel blue Such :a gown must in the very nature of It self, conceal any offending angular lines, jest as it would of necessity heighten the symmetry of the softly curving ones Grace of carriage and elegance oi attire were its indubitable followers, so much so that one won ders why the distress and fatigue of countless hours at the dressmaker's are endured, when art is so very sim ple That Deadly Parlor Rifle. A very sad and distressing arci dem occurred over in Suniter oa Wednesday, which resulted in the death ol" .Mrs. W. .1. Benjamin, a young married lady, who leaves a husband and four little children. Mrs. r.enjaniin was tidying her home on west Hampton Avenue, and in some manner knocked over a 22 calibre parlor rifle. The rifle discharged and the ball entered .Mrs. Benjamin's neck, under the chin, death resulting in a few seconds. There are scores of homes in Orange burg county, where a similar acci dent may happen any day by the knocking over of the deadly parlor rifle carelessly left in some corner. If you have a fire arm In your house put it in a safe place. THEIR APPETITES WITH THEM 2'/2 Pounds of Meat and 12 Quarts of Strong Drink Per Capita Is French Record. Frenchmen are pretty able trencher men, but the following account of a meal ,'uade by eight Norman peasants surpasses expectations. According to the Medical Journal, a grazier with seven of bis friends undertook an ex pedition to gather fagots. Among them they should have man aged some 400 fagots, but 37 repre sented the sura of their work, the small total being accounted for. pos sibly by the luncheon which the octet devoured They managed to consume 20 pounds of meat, 8 quarts of pure perry. 1G bottles of assorted wines, 9 bottles of champagne and 8 quarts of cider brandy of an alcoholic strength of (ifi per cent A roast goose, placed thoughtfully among the rations, was not required This luncheon represents an aver age of 2Vj pounds of meat and 12 quarts of milk, none of It weak, per capita during the 12 hours occupied by the expedition. euren1 by Noah's Liniment. Where there is no swelling or fever a few applications will relieve you. It penetrates? does not evaporate like other remcdics?rcq uir e8 little rubbing. Xonh't Liniment Is the best remedy for Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lame hack. Stiff Joints and Muscles, Soro Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, ^??v,-si*">tf*^ Bruises, Colic, Cramps, Neuralgia, Toothache, and all Nerve, lionc and Muscle Aches and Pains. The genuine has Noah's Ark on every packape and looks liko this cut, but has RED band on front of pack age, and. "Noah'i Lini ment" always In RED Ink. Beware of Imita tions. Largo bottle, 25 cents, and sold by all dealers In medicine. Guaranteed or money refunded by Noah R cm od y Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. Iii LINIMENT rot hi m net MMMBI mmm-h RIDER MUT m EACH TOW and district to. _ ride and exhibits ntror" bicycle furnished l>y us. Our agents e makingmoney fast /f-W/rtor full particulars ana special offer at once. NO MOM-,Jf EEQUIKE? until you r..-ccive and approve of your bicycle. We ship to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit in advance, prepay freight, and allow TEN DAI'S' FKEE TRIAL during which time you may ride the bicycle and -ut it to any test you .wish. If you are thcti not perfectly satisfied or do not wijh to [ccp the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense andyou will not be out one cent. FA?TARV PiMflFS "6 furnish the highest grade bicyclei it is possible to rnaka v Hwivni irniVM at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save Jin to $35 middlemen's profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. 1>0 NOT BUY a bicycle or a p.iirof tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers to rider agents. VAU UNI I RP ACTAMIOUTn whcn >'ou receive our benutiful catalogue and IVU WILL DC NOlUfllOnCU study our superb models at the wor.aerfullp low prices we can make you this year. We i.ell the highest grade bicycles for lets mone? than any other factory. We arc satisfied with profit above factory cos*. ? BICYCLE DEALLKS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate it double our prices. Orders filled the day received. HECON'D HAND BICYCLES.. We do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, bu*. usually have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices, ranging from S3 to SS or 810. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. ?tfl?CTTD DDAKTC single whoola, imported roller chains and peduis, parts, repairs and. wUAd I Cn'DIMtnCtff equipment of all kinds at lialf tiie usual retail trices. A SAMPLE PAIR TO INTRODUCE, ONLY The regular retail price ol these tires is S3.S0 per pair, but to introduce we will sellyouasamplepairlur$4.bO{cashzuithorder$4J5). NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS. Tacks or Class will not lot uho Notice tho thick rubber tread "A" and puueturo strips "JB** and "D," also rim strip "U** to prevent rim cutting. This tiro will outlast any other? make-SOFT, ELASTIO and EASY. KIOIA'G. nlr out. Sixty thousand pairs sold lost year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. DESCRIPTION: Made in nil sizes. It festively and easy riding, verydurabiennd lined inside wi;h a special quality or rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allow ing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fiedeustomersstating that their tires haveonly been pumped up ouceor twice in a whole season. They weigh no more t baa an ordinary tire, thejpuncturc resistingqualities being given by several layers oi thin, specially prepared fabricon the tread. The rcgu lar price of these tires isfj.50 per pair, bu t lor advertising purposes weare makinga special factory price to the rider of only fj.So per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. Wc ship C. 0. P. oa approval. You do not nay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount, of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S-1.05 per pair) if yoa send EULL 511 WITH OUDEK and enclose this advertisement, You run no risk la sending us t order 09 the tires may be returned at OUK expense if for any reason they are not salisfaclo 011 examination. We are perfectly rclinble and money sent to US is as safe as in a bank. If yon order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We waut you to send us a trial order at once, hence 1 his remarkable tire offer. rmm \rg^na AIFK?H% YfBrC don't buy auv kind at any price until you send for a pair of tr B*J4? twfit?J a if/tffio Hcdgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which, describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. 0-3 ^3 ni/r*T MS AIV" but write us a postal todav. DO NOT THINK OK BUYING a bicycle BJt? mwM? B wV/il t or a p.iirof tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers wc arc making. It only costs a postal to learn evcrythicg. Write it NOW. Sa L ILL F. V/. MEYERS & SON 1 WHOLESALE FRUI [5 AND PRODUCE ~. 168 E. Bay St., Charleston, S. C. < From now on and through the whole season, will carry ,Ji a !in: of G)?ij to ticUe the pilate of the greatest gourmet. P YOUR ORDERS SHALL HAVE THE BEST OF ATTENTION. \\K CARRY TIIK LARGEST HKLTS IX STOCK IX SOUTH CARLOIXA. We have the 14 in C-ply and the 16 and lS-ln S-ply Gandy Holt. It is the Original Red Stitched Canvas Belt. There are a great many imitations on the market, but you can always tell the Gandy, for it is stamped ev ery 10 feet (Gandy). We also have the 11-inch S-ply Giant Stitched. This belt has a national reputation. It Is the Original Seamless and Stit ched belt. Write for prices.. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, 823 West Gervais Street, Columbia, S. C.