BSTABLB HED IN 1860. Published Thrui Times Each Week. Tuesday, Thn sday and Saturday. Entered as second class matter on I?nuary 0, 190?, at the post office at Orangeburg, S. OL, ander the Act of Congress of M?"*h, 1870. Jus. L. Sims. Editor and Prop., Jas. Izlar Sims, - - Publisher. SUBSCRI! TION RATES. One Year.81.50 One Year (by c* rrier)..2.00 Six Months...*.. .75 Three Months.40 Bailey is not the only Democrat in the United Statis Senate that should be retired. Happiness c'oes not consist in ?where we are >ut what we are; in character not c jndition., Some people who know the right ? fail to do it. They seem to thin"! that the mere knowledge is sufficient. It would improve i?onie p?ople veiy nnsch if they were as careful c." their character as- they are of the.: theology. . ?? It is a good thing to keep one's . temper in co:i rol, JL?ut it is a sr..I thing to have no temper to keep' in control. One may welt doubt-the religion c? ? a man who as )ires to ".mansions i.: the skies," but is content to iet his family live in :i hovel upon earth. The asdtrtim that women who have the ballet do not vote certainly dees net apply to New South Wales - where nine per cent more women vote than meu. Usually the person most glib in making promises is the most ready to break, them. W'ien a promise is made after due thou ;ht one may generally depend upon it being kept. To escape a defeat wheh he saw coning, Senator Bailey, of Texas, has wisely withdra wn from the senator ial race. The South is no longer a srfe place for political traitors like Bailey. Those newsj-apers that know that ?the railroads are trying to control our politics as they claim, should give the facts to the public, includ ing the namec of all parties to the scheme. Judge Memi ainger certainly takes a strange poi ition in the political' frauds in Charleston. 'By shutting oft investigation of the charges of fraud in regi tering votes 'he com mits a great e Tor in our judgment There Is a rood deal of cheap sen timentalism tl at sheds ..tears readily over the sorrows and trial of some imaginary hero in*a play or novel^ but which does nothing to help those who are bearng the actual sorrows of life. " How incons stent people often are. They expect t* ieir friends to have no imperfections yet are full of imper fections then: selves. If. they love ; themselves wi;b all thelr( faults they ought to lovt their friends'in like manner. Threatened governments, like most threatened man, seem to live long. Almost everj week the press dis patches f tell i>f impending invasions of "Portugal, ret the Portugese gov ernment continues on the-even tenor of its way. Sadness fometlmes follows joy. But it is sootaing to reflect that sad ness also passes even as do the clouds and that jusi as there is more sun shine than c oud so to the average man does Ii e bring far more Joy than sorrow. The shortening days turn one's thoughts to the long indoor evenings by the firel ;ht. Blessed is that home in whijh such tactful wisdom and common sense prevails that the children preler to be at home than to roam the streets of an evening. That worn: n who has been granted a monthly household allowance of $2,112 by the Equity Court of the District of Columbia probably does not enjoy Hie half as much as the: average woman whose husband's! yearly salary does not equal the above amount. How true it is that "Like mother, like child.'' The foot that forms the cradle's mot on, the voice that sings the baby lullaby, the heart that re sponds to th i child's every want, the love that te.iches the infant prayer are forces tvhich represent a per sonality shaping the destiny ot the child. If the i owspaper editors who claim that he railroads are trying control our politics are afraid to give the m mes of the parties en gaged in th s business to the public ?will tell tl" e Times and Democrat who they a e with the facts to sub stantiate the chrages, it will pub lish all the facts for the benefit of the public. A young man has set out to find the ideal woman for a wife. He has pictured in iiis mind the moral, men tal and physical excellencies (mostly physical) h s wife must possess. |If (he keeps true to his ideal he will gain a vast amoi nt of experience in travel and spend .my amount of money but his quest v 111 be in vain. After all what right has he to demand the ideal if he is not ideal himself, and that he is not his unreasonable de sire conclusively shows. They Must Reform. This is a practical age and every thing that is must give a satisfactory reason for its existence or suffer the consequences. In truth the age is so iconoclastic that sentiment and an tiquity count but little. Take cats as an example. One might natural ly suppose that whatever else passed away pussy cats would continue to li tj on / athreatened and unscathed. That it has nine lives is in its favor. Then, too, the cat was an object of worship among the ancient Egyptians and that gives it an odor of sanc tity. Cats also have enjoyed popularity, especially with little children and maiden ladies. Cats shows have been numerous and the blue ribbon has adorned the neck of many an arist?cratic Maltese, Angora and Per sian cat and even the plebian tabby. But cats have their failings. Many a brush, slipper, shoe and other con venient missle has been hurled a: them by irate Individuals who have been robbed of their sleep by the nocturnal serena<2-,o of amorous Thomases. Which experience makes one sympathize with the poet who says: ! T-^tound the cats! all cats?alway? j Calr o' all colors, black, white, gray; ' night a nuisance and by day? i Confound the cats, i True, cats have been of some bene I Si ir '?.-.i.'.iin.j. mice, yet this, perhaps. hT3 pe?n offset by their destruction I birds, including pet canaries. But : frkc? the Kansas state board of I li.-uIJ: ;o bring the strongest indiet j tr ?'? : -' -inst the cat and strike its knell. All I'roonsciously it I pi ts ihem in the same.class with ? hoboes, and verily there is much in common between pussy and Weary Willie. Both shum work -as they would the plague. Whoever heard of a tram;) or a cat earning a livia?? Again, their wandering and pilfering habits are notorious. Then, too, neilher cats nor tramps contribute to the finances of the community or of-the state. The self-respecting cit izen pays* for himself and pays for his dog, but tramps and cats go free. Biut the worse of all is the fact that cats and tramps have an impla cable hatred for water. Never has ore been known to voluntarily take a bath. And it is in that fact the health of every family and commun ity is menaced. Eight kinds of dead ly germs have been found clinging to the whiskers of a cat and its long hairs fairly teem with them. How many are found on the whiskers and unshorn locks of the hobo no one knows but they must be legion. Evi dently cats and tramps must be shav ed and washed or cease to be. Doing a Good Work. The Southern Railway's Road Im provement Train" has entered/ South Carolina and is now making exhibi tion of ex rt road building in the upper part of the State. Thiis train will be at Orangeburg on Wednesday morning, September 20, and at St. Matthews Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 20. The .train is operated by the Southern Railway working in cooperation with the United States office of public roads for the advance ment of the improved highway idea throughout the South*. This train is thoroughly equipped for the work it has been sent out to do. It carries exhibits, illustrations in the form of steropticon views, samples of road building material and many other features that will be cf interest and value to those inter ested in the improvement of |the roads of their section. There are also on this train government experts on road building who de-liver lectures on the subject at all points where the train Is greeted by crowds interested in its mission. The Southern Railway, which op erates this train over its lines with out cost to any one except itself, is doinrg it to aid in the building of good roads because it wishes to see the territory it serves grow and de velop and produce more business. This is a common cause. We are all interested in the South's development and we have come to know that the most certain way in which to pro mote the growth of the South is in the extension and i~onrovement of its highways. This is a public ser vice for which the Southern should be c for Alderman for the City of Orangeburg at the election to Lie hold September 12, 1911. , LAWRENCE E. RILEY. I hereby announce myself a candi-j 'date for alderman at the ensuing ' municipal election. T. A. FAIREY. I I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman in the coming election. Julian A. Salley. I hereby announce myself a cand Idate for re-election as Alderman at the ensuing Municipal election. ABIAL LATHROP. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman at the coming municipal election to be held Sept. 12. WALLACE W. CRUM. I hereby announce myself a cand idate for re-election as Alderman, at the ensuing Municipal election. R. F. BRYANT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as alderman In the ensuing election. J. X. Weeks. I announce myself a candidate for alderman, and will abide by the re sults of the election. W. G. SMITH. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for alderman at the ap proaching municipal election. J. W. JOSEY. Summons for Relief. The State of South Carolina, Coun ty of Orangeburg, Court of Com mon Pleas Edith Edwards, Claudia Edwards, George W. Edwards, J. P. Edwards, Janie Cokeley, Alice Wright, Eddie Edwards and Fred T. Edwards, Plaintiffs against Bishop Edwards, Sterrett Edwards, Gordon Edwards, LVforris Edwards, A. Bianchi and W. L. DeHay, Defendants. To the Defendants: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the comp'aint in this action which is filed in the of fice of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the I said complaint on the subscriber at' their offie Orangeburg, S. C. within twenty days after the service here of, exclusive of day of such service; and if you fail to answer the com plaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated May 13 th. A. D. 1911. Moss & Lide,, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the absent defendant Bishop Edwards: Please take notice that the sum mons and complaint of which the foregoing is a copy, was duly filed in the Oiiice of the Clerk of this Court. Moss and Lide, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Attest: G. L. Salley, (Seal) C. C. P. 9-2-Gt-S Five or six doses "CC6" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price twenty-five cents. In Memoriani. Today one year ago, the death an gel visited our home and bore through pearly gates into the pres ence of God the precious spirit of our darling brother, Manny J. Blaek mon. Dear brother, withou: thy presence the world seems sad and cheerless. We miss thee every where; we miss thy loving care and guidance; but we have the sweet consolation that thou art home with Jesus,?Home, Sweet Home, where no temptation assails, and no sorrow disturbs thy sweet repose. Dear brother, if we are faithful, we will soon be reunited in that known and tears are never shed. \Ve miss thy kind and willing hand, thy fond and earnest care. Our home is dark without thee?we miss thee ev ery where. Tho' thy dar'.ing form lies sleeping, In the cold and silent tomb, Thou shalt have a glorious wakL.g, When the blessed Lord doth come. Sister. Orangeburg, S. C. Sept. 5, 1911. CLASSIFIED CO?JMN One-half Cent a Word Found Notices Free. For Sale?A second .hand piano in good order at a low figure. Apply to John T. WIS9. S-29-tf For sale?One family horse, five years old. Not afraid of anything and gentle. Apply W. H. Tiller, Rowesville, S. C. 9-4-2t* For sale?One mule four years old, weighs 1,000 pounds. Also corn, fodder and hay. George W. Bin nicker, Route 5, Orangeburg, S. C. 9-4-6t* For Sale?One 30 H. P. Boiler; one 25 H. P. Engine Continental, two 70 saw gins, elevator, press, shaft ing, belts etc. Can be seen at W. L. Mack's farm, Cordova, ri. C, or W. F..Smoak, Cordova, S. C. For Side?One 15-horse power gas oline engine in good condition, has been in use o: Jy a short time. Will sell cheap anyone can come ?nd inspect same at my store on ! Rusell street. Orangebirg, S. C. J. W Smoak. Rhode Island Reds for sale?Finest strain, pure thoroughbred, strong, healthy, vigorous. Free from dis ease. Buy now. Win premiums at Staf" and County fairs. Mrs. J. Wm. Stokes, Oracgeburg, S. C. Phone 3 13. 9-5-tf. For Sale*?At a bargain 225 acres of land one and one-half miles from the town of Cope. For further in formation apply to E. E. Ritter, Cope, rf. C. 9-2-3L* For Sale -Any amount up to 10 tons well cured fodder at $1.25 per hun dred pounds. Any amount up to 2,000 bushels* 'enr corn at 90c per bushel f. o. b. Cope, S. C. Vernon Brabham. Farm for sale in Dodge county, Ga., 10 miles from Eastman, contain ing 1,03 2 acres. 12-horse farm op en, 13 shanties with brick chim neys, artesian water, 1 new 4-room dwelling. Will take $16,000 cash for this place to make quick sale. This is the biggest bargain in land in Georgia. Come to see mo quick if you mean business. Lands ad joining bringing $25 per acre. W. Wynne Hawkinsville, Ga. That suit you*ve been planning to buy, the one that will fit, wear Well and not cost too much. Come in and say SHIELD BRAND clothing to U3 and we'll fit you out to a " T " in the clothes you want to buy at the price you want to pay. Cokesbury Conference School Cokesbury, S. C. ? High grade prepatory school. Courses in college preparatory. Music. Ex pression and business. Excellent en vironment. Health record unexcell ed. $120 p-iys board and tuition. Session opens Sept 21, 1911. Write: L E. HINKLE, B. A. Headmaster. Wanted?Good Housekeeping Mag azine requires the services of a re presentative in Orangeburg to look after subscription renewals and to ex tend circulation by special methods which have proved unusally success ful. Salary and commission. Pre vious experience dasirable, but not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references. J.F. Fair banks, Good Housekeeping Magazine, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City. A HOLD-UP. "Here's a quarter, Willie; now you 4keep away from that keyhole tonight when George calls." "Dat'll fix me alright, but It'll cost you a quarter apiece to keep the rest of t:.e gang away." i ??. \j. LT TO BIS. ".\ri- you ^ are it's gi/ir;iiie7" 'Every girl that's had It .so far lias had it tested." Krs. Hansen, In & Letter From Mobile, Tells How She Gained It. Mobile, Ala.?"I suffered for seven years, with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. Sigurd Hansen in a letter from this city. "I felt weak and always had a headache and was always going to the doctor. At last I was operated on, and felt better, but soon I had the same trouble. My husband asked me to try CarduL I felt better after the first bottle, and now, I have a good appetite and sleep well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells me 'I am looking bettec*thaa he ever saw me." If you are sick and miserable, and suffer from any of the pains due to womanly trouble?try Cardui. Cardui is successful because it 18 composed of ingredients that have been found to act curatively on the woman ly constitution. For more than fifty years, it has been used by women of all ages, with great Buccess. Try it. Your druggist sells it j N. B.? Write to: Ladl?' Advisory Dept.. ChatU? I noosrn MedldnaCo., Chattanooea. Tenn., for Special : Jnttivetioni, ?nd 64-paee book. " Home Treatm?n| . or Women," ?ent in plain wrapper, on request. THE SEWING MACHINE OF QUALITY. NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you will have a 11r?- asset at the price you pay,and Will not have an endless chain of repairs. Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. If you want a sewing machine, write for our latest catalogue before you purchase. Dm New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass, Do you know that more than one-fourth of the automobiles sold I in the WORLD to day are Ford Model T cars. There must be a reason for such immense sales. It will pay you to investigate this matter before you buy. G. C. Bolen, Agents for Orangburg County. {Reeses, - - South Carolina. The Common Law. Price $1.40. Postage 8c. Sims Book Store. I AY BITS OF FUN. Walter Wellmnn. JUST WAIT ON. "WH1 you toll your sl.--ter the young millionaire she met at the beach 1b here?" "She knows it. She says a patient waiter is no loser, and she saw you waiting on a table today." SURE. "Now you must treat George nie? wi.en he calls." "It ain't up to mo to treat him. It*i his place to treat me." k XO L'SiS. t "JDeautlt'ul rolling country here, isn't t?" "Who wants to roll?" ALWAYS YOUNG. "And are you sure you'll i;>vo me aa much when I'm old and gray?" "I have a patent pendi? ,' that will prevent women ever getting Kray." i Have You An Idea of buying a piano any time soon? Do you expect to buy one within the next few months? If so, we present you NOW the best oppor tunity you will have in a long time. Call to see us or write us for full details. We have on hand now in our warerooms in Orangeburg the larg est stock of strictly HIGH GRADE PIANOS in South Car olina. We bought in large quant ities and we are prepared Lc sell at figures and upon terms which will astonish you. Don't pay tremen dous profits to dealers away from home, when you can buy better in struments for less money right here from a home dealer, who is near at hard to fulfill every guarantee we make. WE claim to know something about pianos. Come to see us and let us TALK PIANO WITH YOU before you buy. A person al vi *it to our warerooms will sur prise you with the number, beauty and tonal qualities of our high grade instruments. Music Co,, i| ESTABLISHED 1882. 53 E. Russell Street._ Orangebuvg, S. O. jellies Dear Friend: We were away frort home in jelly-making time, Out Mainz says she is not going to wony ove: a hot stove any more to make jell] and jam. She says she can buy il cheaper than she can make it anc just as good. Your^Friend, JACOB. P. S.?It would surprise yoi to see how many different kinds ? jams and jellies and things put uf in glasses and bottles you can ge CRAIG'S gg&p* PURE FOOD STORE For the Best Stationery SIMS BOOK STORE.