M I. L Showem , SUlJQfiyioNl$Af|IfcATTrtwq * LH**K-f? ^fifcg tmt she )PLACfc , ff n?D??SS IS HfcMAY Paints and Fi for Your H< If thore is s shabby surface in you painted, enameled, stained, varnished or way, we lave just what you need for exact finish desired in the line of fiCMEQUALIT) PAINTS AND FINISHES Let us show you colors for painting barn, samples of finishes for floors, wo< ceilings or furniture. Let us help you places look new and attractive. COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells what Acme { Enamc 1, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be how it should be put on. It not only enables you painter or decorator exactly what you want, hut it i for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about Che Y not require the skill of the expert?the jobs that a p not bo :her with. Ask for a copy. IT'S FREE. A Orangeburg, S. C. This school, with a great faculty or Sixteen College and University trained teachers, will begin its Eighteenth session September .10th. Expenses have been placed within reach of everybocy. Bea d, the best in the State, at actual cost. Fine healthful location. Electric lights. Artesian water. Broad open Sreplacc:s. Thorough courses in Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Fine Conservator}' of Music. Rooms for a ?umber of new students. We absolutely guarantee satisfac tion. No s lfer school for your child in all the land. Write today for o ir beautiful new catalogue. Address President W. S. Peterson, 147 Broug iton St.Orangeburg, S. C. t? BEGINNING JUNE FIRST. Row \% the time to begin to prepare for the fall and new yea? veflltlQX Lesions by mall if desired. Positio ns guaranteed. No vacation. ?outI?er9 Conjnjercl&I School Calboun & Meeting sts., Charleston, S. C; Wilmington, Winston-Sale^ Salisbury, Durha n, N. C. The highest endorsed Business College 1b fbt South Atlantic Enter any time. Write for full information. He Tries a Little r home to be finished in any producing the your house or )dwork, walls, make shabby & QUALITY Quality Paint, required and to tell your nakes it easy tome that do ainter would ty.-..: Do you know that more than one-fourth of the automobiles sold in the WORLD to-day are Ford Model T cars. There must be a reason for such immense sales. It will pay you to investigate this matter Wore you buy. G. C. Bolen, Agents for Orangburg County. Xeeses, . - - ;. South Carolina. Thought Suggestioi NARROW ESCAPE (Continued from first page.) carried the women for 100 yards against the full force of the hurri cane. On one trip they had been blpwn off the road and into the deep ditch, and it was only with the great est difficulty they had been able to get back to the house. Yet after a short rest they were out again bring ing in more people from threatened hoses and carrying reassurance to neighboring cottages. This is only one of the many cases in which people were saved by heroic efforts, the soldiers from Fort Moul trie having scoured the island in the vicinity of the post all night, and res cured many residents in wrecked hoses there. That the damage on the upper end of the island was greater than at the lower stations, is due only to the method* of construction, the houses at tho lower end being older and more substantial. The storm was just as violent in one place as the other, btt the more sheltered position and strong buildings kept the houses below the reservation from suffering as much. The roof of the barrack's piazza wa? blown off, but beyond this and the overturning of the sentry boxes and outhouses the government prop erty weathored the storm well. In the opinion of many of the Sul livan's Island residents who went through the storm of '93, Sunday's gale was more severe, and did more damage than the one 18 years ago. There is no positive way of telling, but several permanent residents, on the island say that tliis one was the more severe. At any rate everybody who went through Sunday's storm on the island is unanimous in declaring that it was an experience which they are willing not to repeat Every Horse Owner dreads that most dangerous disease. Colic. Bo prepared for an emergency by having a bottle of Noah'* Colic Remedy on hand. More animals die from Coliothan all other non-contagious diseases combined. Nine out of every ten cases would have been cured If Noah'a Colic Remedy had been given in time. It Isn't a drench or dope, but is a remedy given on the tongue, so simple that a woman or child can rive it. If it fails to cure>, your money will be refunded. If your dealer cannot ?