IMPORTANT MEETING HELD BY CHAMBER. OF COM MERCE WEDNESDAY. Several Important Matters Discussed. Booster Trip Proposed for Orange borg Merchants. ' A meeting of-the Chamber of Com merce was held in the City Hall Wea nesday afternoon at six o'clock. There were about twenty members present ?% veiy small crowd considering the association and .what they represent. There should be from 50 to seventy five business men present at these meetings. It is hot fair to make .a few men do the work, when the en tire city is to reap the benefits of their labor. 'From the last meeting's ap pearances work is certainly belrig done for the interest of the city, anu It is sife to say that Orangeburg is Tecelviig more systematic boosting by this orsanization than from any other at any time. President Cart called the meeting to ordsr, and the secretary, Col. A. H. Marchant read the minutes of the last mcetlns which were confirmed The meeting then took up the Secre tary's report. In the first place the Secretary reported that an invitaiton had bJen extended to the National Guard of South Carolina to hold their encam pment near ' Orangeburg this summer A suitable location has been offered, just beyond'the river In the Invitation three arc lights and water are promised. This invitation was greatly ?ncouraged by Capt. A. Cal houn Doyle, of Columbia. 'He reported satisfactorily progress had been made in the matter of secur ing the fish hatchery for Orangebur*,, and from advices in Washington he believed it would foe secured. The sec retary also stated that while the ex ecutive committee vdid not see fit to take up the July 4th celebration as official, business of the Chamber of Commerce, it had endorsed it, and the Secretary In an unofficial way was lending all the aid he could to it. The Secretary declared that engi neers of the Government were now busy at the river, and that the camp of tho surveying officers was on this side of the river. He thought that all the little attentions that could be paid these gentlemen should bo done. The President and himself had already visited. the gentlemen officially and pledged the aid of the Chamber of Commerce In any way they might be, needed. On motion of Mr. Walker it was decided to show Boine little at tention socially to the gentlemen in the shape of a smoker, or anything else :he executive committee might Beeide. The cost of such smoker to he paid by the members attending the sociable. ' The next matter brought forward was the Bamberg-Ehrhardt railroad now being built. It waa thought that it would be a good planjp&" igef the Atlantic Coast Line to build 'a spur from Bamberg to Johnson's siding, several miles below this city, and that the Coast Line then operate trains daily from Orangeburg to Walter bore. The secretary said -he had written Mr. Emerson, the president of the Coast Line, but the reply re ceived was non-committal. Howev er hei Relieved that a determined ef fort could bring; this thing about, and ihe matter was referred to the standing committee upon such sub jects. There was a discussion whether we should request' a union station at the junction of the A. C. L-. and South ern railroads. Some years ago a similar movement fell to pieces, ow ing to the fact, it was said, that the, residents of the streets upon which depo:s now are opposed, so that the | streets would be improved. And it1 was feared that as It was now a sim ilar division, even though in the mi nority might prevent us getting such a building. However it was deter mined by vote to make an effort to wards a union station and more will be heard from it later. Before con sideling this union depot proposition, Mr. William W. Wannamaker, who had gone to Columbia, representing the Chamber of Commerce, and had presented the claims to the Railroad Commission for a better depot at the Southern. The desire was that the | present depot be moved back from the railroad track and from Russell street and that .between the tracks be pav ed. Now that the Union station is to be taken up, this will doubtless be dropped until a decision can be reach ed to the matter whether or not we wi'.l get a union station. Some discussion was entered Into concerning the sanitary condition of the city, but nothing was done. The Secretary proposed that the Oangeburg, Chamber of Commerce invite all the business men of the city into what might be called a booster trip, similar to those of other cties. His proposition was that about sixty representative business men of various firms hfve an automobile trrp over the surrounding country and towns, and in this way each firm would be advertising itself and at the same time the town itself would get quite a boost. This idea received very favorable reception and the time was decided upon as about the middle of July. All other details were left to the committee of three with the Secretary as Chairman President Cart will appoint the Com mittee at leisure. Then tame the presentation of the loving cup to ex-President Robert W. Jennings, who was president of the Chamber of Commerce from 1904 to 1911. Capt. W. W. Wannamaker, in a very appropriate and elegant speech delivered the cup on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce telling him the knowledge that he was held in the loving hearts of his fellow towns men would mean more to him than all the gold and silver of a Rockefel lov. Mr. Jennings responded a lew simple words, telling of his thanks and pride at being thus re DEMONSTRATION TRAIN. Clemson-WIntbrop Train and Bryan Come on Same Day. Next Tuesday will be a big day for the people'of Orangeburg"and **re suroundiag country. For that m'orn the CHernsoir-Wnthrop Demonstra tion train win be in the city, giving William Jennings Bryan. The Great Commoner. opportunity to many to see it. Much instruction and information will be given out by those in charge of the train. The .State expends a igood sum of money for this purpose and an especially large crowd should be out to inspect it. Also on the same afternoon Wil liam Jennings Bryan will arrive. The reception and honors to be tender ed Mr. Bryan have already been not ed. Ths will give all persons who desire an opportunity of 3eeing the train and hearing Mr. Bryan that night. It will be a festive day for Or angeburg and the large trowd that is sure to come, will only increase the enjoyment of the occasion. WHOLE THING A F35AUD. Game Warden John B. Sti ???man Gives Up Job and Why. Game Warden John B, Stroman, of Springfield, who was recently ap pointed by Gov. Blease has resigned. In his letter of resignation to the Governor Mr. Strpman says: '-At the time of my appointment as game warden for this county I was of the opinion that the people would in a ineaBure support me in the enforce ment cf the laws relatk ? to game and fish. Almost daily I receive let ters telling of the violation of the laws^?shooting dynamite, using traps etc.?'but in no instance have I found them willing to go into the courts and testify as to the guilt of the par ties named, i "Having no funds at my command by which the law<8>?*8><$<8>