GENERAL SESSIONS GRAND J?RY PRESENT NUMBER O3? IXMCTMENTS. Several Cruses Disposed of Bat There Are M iny Yet to be Disposed of. The C?nrt of General Sessions convened here last Monday morning with. Judf e George E. Prince presid ing. This ia the first time that Judge Prince h is ever presided over the courts of this county. The roiter is replete with cases for thlB tern: and two week's jury has been dra wn. Several murder cases and other interesting cases are on docket f<:r trial and the court room is pseketi with witnesses and onlook ers. Monday was mainly taken up in organizing the court, instructing the grand ju ry, then finding of true bills by te grand jury and the trial of two cases. The grand jury found true bills in the following cases: Hilliard Sumter. violating the ?Quor lew; Robt. Chestnut, murder; McQueen Lewis, violating the liquor law; Ar hur Martin, assault and bat tery with intent to kill; Jerome Herley anil Victor Phillips, murder; Johnnie Moorer and John. Glover, murder; Johnnie Moorer' and John Glover, arson; Cornelilus Wade, grand Urceny; John James, larceny from th-ii field; Jasper JefTcoat, point ir* fire arms at another; J. R. Comp ton, assault and battery with intent to kill; Edward Gleason, Daisey Cha vis and Mary Jane Chavls, adultery, Meritus Bolen, adultery; J. P. Ley seth, house burning; R. L. Poole, H. H. Leyuath, arson; William Jackson, larceny of live stock. .lie llrst case called for trial was that of Hilliard Sumter, indicted for violating the liquor law. He was found i uilty. The next case was that of Mc Queen Lewis, indicted for violating the liqior law, who was found not guilty. John James was tried for larceny from the field and a verdict of not guilty was rendered. The next case called was that of John Clover and John Moorer indict ed for arson and murder. This is the cane in which a woman and a small irirl were murdered and their bodies burned. The crime was com mitted last February on the planta tion oi Mr. W. L. DeHay, in Provi dence. John Moorer turned states evidence and the indictment against him was nolprossed. John Glover was aoguitted of the charge on yes terday morning. J. 0. Compton was found guilty of a simple assault and was fined $30 o;r serve 30 days. The fine was paid. The Court at the time of this article is engaged in a larceny bi bycle case. COLD WEATHER HERE. It wan a Great Surprise Throughout the Whole South. Th