The Season for BOWEL TROUBLE is fast approaching and you should at once provide your home with KINGS DIARRHOEA CORD IA A Guaranteed Remedy for DYSENTERY CHOLERA MORBUS FLUX CHOLERA INFANTUM and all kindred diseases. Numerous Testimonials on our files telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Price 25c the bottle. Charlotte, N. C. Vor Sale?Pure King Cotton. Seed at Poultry Yard, Darlington. S. S. Improved farm, 80 acres; 20 cleared; 20 slashed; near two towns. Price, $3,900. R. E. Dalrymple, Winlock, Wash. Money Maker Cotton improved and selected by T. J. Kirven is the best. Seed at $1 per bushel. T. J. Kirven, Providence, S. C. Por Sale-?Good market refrigerator, 5x10 feet; used only six months? good as new. Write quick. P. S. Hollingsworth, Clinton, S. C. Some Rare Bargains in cheap lands in southwest Georgia, the coming section of Georgia. For partic ulars "write to Robert E. L. Spence, Newton, Ga. For Sale?S. C. R. I. Reds, White and Brown Leghorns, Black Lang shang. Plymouth Rocks. Eggs for settin-.:, 15 for $1. M. B. Grant, Darlir.gton, S. C. Mayberry's Chicken Remedy for Gaps, Roup and Cholera. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postpaid, 25c. Telis how to get future supply free. Guy Mayberry, Newberry, Ind. Egg? in incubator lots or single sit tings from S. C. Reds, $1.50 per 15; $8.00 per hundred. Nice cock erels, $2.00 each. Eugenia Ham mond, North Augusta, S. C. For Sale?Barred Rocks, White and ...Silver Laced Wyandotts that are strong healthy, vigorous and good layers. Eggs $1.50 per setting; fertility guaranteed. H. A. Preach er, Br anson, S. C. The Little Tell Tale which tells the Truth. A complete egg record of the day, the week, the month, and the year. Price 10c. AddresB, Mrs. M. B. Roberts, Dade City, Fla. Girl or Woman?each locality, good pay made acting as representa tive, address envelopes, fold, mall circulars, material, stamps, fur nished free. Rex Mailing Agency, London, Ontario. For Sale?Whippoorwlll Peas, $2.25 per bushel; Clay Mixed Peas, $2.10 per bushel; Ripper Mixed Peas, $2.10 per bushel. Write for prices in large quantities. F. A. Bush Co., Preston, Ga. Dropsy C ired?Shortness of breatn relieved 'n 3 6 to 48 hours. Re duces swelling in 15 to 20 dayi. Call or write Collum Dropsy Rem edy Company, Dept. O 512 Austell Bldg., Atlanta Ga. Wanted?Men and ladies to take three months practical course. Ex pert management. High salaried positions guaranteed. Write for catalogue now. Charlotte Tele graph School, Charlotte, N. C. Dobbs' Single Comb Rhode Island Reds and "Crystal" White Orping WANTED BOOKKEEPERS STENOGRAPHERS TELEGRAPHERS SALESMEN AND CIVIL SERVICE HELP. YOUNG Four to six months required to make necessary preparation. MEN Personal Instruction. POSITIONS secured for all who pre AND pare or money refunded. Write for full information. WOMEN LESSONS BY MAIL DESIRED. *ftT?^??lT^ cDoutrperty (^rgrgerci?j !>cr?ooI CHAS. L. PADCETT, PRES. Calhouu & Meeting Sts., Charleston, S. C. Wilmington, Winston-Salem, Salisbury, Durham, N. C. The highest en dorsed Business College in the South Atlantic. tons win and lay when others ;!ail, stock and eggs for sale. Send for mating list. G. A. Dobbs, Box B. 24, Gainesville, Ga. ber Company, Augusta, Georgia, for prices on any order, large or sea all. Wanted?Men to take thirty days' practical course in our machine shops and learn automobile busi ness. Positions secured gradu ates, $25 per week and up. Char lotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. Wanted?Bookkeepers, stenogra phers, clerks, write us if desiring employment. We place competent business help and are not able to supply demand. Carolina Audit & System Co., Skyscraper, Columbia, S. C. Regular 23c Sheet Music?"Don't Forget Me Sweetheart" (Song). "Blue Bird," (Intermezzo Two Step). "Take Me lack to Dream land" (Song). Three for 25c. F. F. Pfeiffer. 1006 Republic Bldg., Chicago. Wanted?Hardwood logs and lumber. We are cash buyers of poplar, ash, cotton wood, cypress and oak lum ber. Also poplar, cedar, walnut, dogwood and persimmon logs. Write for specifications. Savan nah Valley Lumber Co., Augusta, Ga. Bargain for Quick Sole?Forty-eight shares 7 per cent preferred stock, Fountain Inn Manufacturing com pany, Fountain In j, S. C. Forty shares common stock Simpsonville Cotton Mills, Simpsonville, S. C. Address, Quick, bo:: 475, Durham, N. C. Southwest Georgia Bargains?1345 acreB of good farming land about two hundred acres in cultivation balance, excepting about 75 acres in lake, easily put in cultivation only four miles from Bainbridge, a hustling town of 6,000, and touched by one of the counties fine thirty foot roads and only two miles from main line of A. C. L. R. R. The soil is sandy loam with clay ranging from three to twelve inches of top and will produce abundantly, when properly culti vated, Wrapper Tobacco, Corn, Cot ton, Sugar Cane, Velvet Beans, Peas, Peanuts, Irish and Sweet Po tatoes, Turnips, Cabbage, or al most any kind of garden truck, Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Melons, Cantalopes and almost any of the products of a Southern climate. Southwest Georgia is making more rapid advances than any other sec tion of the entire South and Inside of two years no land can be pur chased in this country for less thaD $25.00 to $50.00 per acre. $?,000 buys this 1345 acre tract or will sell desired amount at $7.00 per acre. Better act quick for this Is the greatest bargain in Southwest Georgia. T. A. Ausley & Co., Bain bridge, Ga. Good Live Agents wanted in every town to sell a meritorious line of medicines extensively advertised and used by ever family and In the stable. An exceptional oppor tunity for the right parties to make good money. Write at once for proposition to L. B. Martin, Box 110, Richmond, Va. He Left Politics For Love. Ambition did not satisfy nor did a guilty conscience make a pleasant companion for solitude. But the love of a woman could do both, so the hero of "Coniston" began to try to be j worthy of her. Winston Churchill's novel is a great moral lesson, whole some and true. Formerly published Jat $1.50; now fifty cents Sims' Book Store. When Medicines Pail, will take your case. Diseases of Stomach, Bow els, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs and de bility (either sex) permanently eradicated by Natural Methods. Interesting literature free. C. Cul len Howerton, Durham, N. C. Wanted?Every man, woman and child in South Carolina to know Negroes to Canada. The exodus of negroes from Okla homa to Alberta, Canada, which started several months ago, is con tinuing despite the fact that it is not encouraged by the Canadian government. Twenty negro farm ers from near Fallis, Lincoln county, left the other night to join the colony in Alberta. Fatal Mistake. Tuesday night through mistake, A. that the "Alco" brand of Sash, L. Green, a resident of a suburb of Doors and Blinds are the best and Rome. Ga., administered to his in are made only by the Augusta fant son a dose of morphine under Lumber Company, who manufac- the impression that it was calnnel. ture everything in Lumber and The child died dur'ng the nigh-' from Millwork and whose watchword is the effects of the narcotic and the "Quality." White Augusta Lum-, heart broken father is prostr-tted. DON'T SUFFER WITH I It is the most distressing and discouraging of all troubles. Nine cases out of ten can be cured by Noah's Liniment. Where there is no swelling or fever a few applications will relieve you. It penetrates? does not evaporate like other remedies?requires little rubbing. Noah*. Liniment Is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lamo Back, Stiff Joints and Muscles, Soro Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, Neuralgia,. Toothache, and all Nerve, Bono and Musclo Achc3 and Pains. The genuine has Noah's Ark on every package and looks lileo tbla cut, but has RED band on front of pack ago and "Noah's Lini ment" always In RED ink. Bowaro of Imita tions. Largo bottle, 25 cents, and sold by all dealers In mo d I c I n o. Guaranteed or money refunded by Noah Remedy Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. PRICE25CENIS 0RANGE3UR9 MACHINE SHOP. Steam and Golosinc Engino repairs. Glenn & Whetstone. Day Phone 384. Night Phone 302L. Warfieltl in "The Music Master." Could make the story more vivid, but you can have the old Music Mas ter's humor in your own home, in the form of an exquisitely illustrated hook, for fifty cents at Sims' Book Store. LOUIS COHEN & CO. 232 and 234 King, and 203 Meeting Streets, Charleston, S. C. THE ARCADE STORE. The largest Wholesale and Retail Mail Order house in the South. Write us. Try us on an order. Your near est mail box places our store right next door to you. mm showing of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Silks, dainty white and coloren Wash Fabrics, Notions, Gents Furnishings, Shoes, Floor Coverings, Muslin Un derwear, Ladies and Children Dresses, Walking Skirts, Tailor Made Suits, Millinery, Etc : : : : : We Solicit Your Patronage, anrl Guarantee Sat isfactioa or Your Money Back. The People's Bank. Orangcburg, South Carolina. Capital S'ock 30,000 Surplus and profits 25,000 Liability of Stock holders 30,000 Protection to Deposi tors $85,000 Highest rate of interest paid in SAVINGS DEPART MENT And will pay 4 1-2 per cent on CERTIFICATES or DEPOSIT We want your account.?We guarantee absolute safety to de positors and every, courtesy to all customers. We keep your money for you free of charge and pay you interest. We have ample resources to give you accommodations. Safe, conseri ??? tive, successful; protected by Fire Insurance and Burglar i^ uurance. Call and see us or write us. D. O. HERBERT, President. B. F. MTTCKENFUSS, Vice-President J. W. CULLEB Cashi_ A Big Stock Of SEED CORN Improved Marlboro Prolific. Garrick--The Famous Prize Corn. Batt's Four Ear?Jerry Moore, 228 Bushel Corn. White Dent 90 Days. Golden Dent 90 Days. Pop Corn for Forage Planting. Horse or Cat Tail Millet. Rape Seed for Spring Planting. Get Our Prices Oni OATS AND HAY Can Save You Money. Our Feeds for Horses, Cows and Chickens are Manufactured by us from the best Grains which means a big saving to you in your feed bill. PHONE 50 AYERS & WILLIAMS > Don't Wait for next fall and higher prices. Or angeburg dirt is on the move. Buy now and reap the profit yourself. How many people can you count on your fingers that have lost their mon ey in buying Real Estate. Think of how Oran^eburg County is increasing in population every year. And do you think they will ever leave this grand old county of Orangeburg, thinking they can buy better farms that will produce bet ter cotton, corn, wheat or oats than this grand old county? How much Real Estate have you heard of being made in this county? Now I have one of the best farms for a quick sale there is in the coun ty. This farm is close up, propert) on one of the best country roads in the State, five miles south of Orangc burg on the Charleston road. About one million feet of good pine lumber and one good saw mill and cotton gin in good repair, 00:$ acres, 200 acres in cultivation. Will make a bale 01 cotton to every acre if properly cul tivated, near a good school which runs nine months in (be year, one mile of a good Methodist church, preaching every Sunday. Don't de lay if you want it. Will sell you part or all of this property. Special price if sold quick. F. R. Simpson Real Estate Co. Papa Looked Out For Us, "and that's why mamma doesn't have to work down-town like Benny's mamma does. Poor Benny, his papa didn't take out SU?ANCE POLICY' Life Insurance Policy like your papa did; and that's why they are so poor." A little story, but it carries it's own moral. If you want to pro tect your family in case of death we will write a policy you can afford to carry and that will be paid if you die. SEE ZEIGLER & DIBBLE TODAY. Special Agents Equitable Life-Strongest in the World. Sprightly New Styles For You Embodying nil the advance ideas of the world's mast famous creators of stylt?The Walk-Over boot makers. Tans?Patents?Gun Metals?Special Materials Low and High Cut Models for Men. $3.50 to $5.50 the pair. Renneker i l?\ , f) Easter! m Sims Book Store for the best Stationery