ESTABLISHED IN 181 LIPSCOMB YS. TILLMAN. THE SECRETARY OF STATE ON THE FARMERS' MOVEMENT. A Manly Letter frem the Master of the State Gran^o? Ko Approves the Conven tion, Bat Repudiates "Moses*' Tillman at a Lender. Hon. James N. Lipscomb has author ized the publication of the following let ter, in reply to one from a prominent farmer and politician in the Eastern part of the State on the "Farmers' Move ment," which has attracted so much at tention and discussion; February 12, 1886. Hon. J. iV. Lipscomb. DeabSib: Pardon the liberty I take in writing to you on a personal matter? yet when looked at from all sides it is hardly personal. Your open, manly, courageous advocacy of farmers' rights has commanded the admiration of our farmers over here and made us feel a public interest in you, and we desire to see you continued in high place. A good many over here have expressed the hope that you would throw the weight ofy??l' influence toward the larmers' conven tion, though Tillman did scratch you a little over here. He wrote me he regret ted having to do it, but could not heip it, to keep from being personal toward others. He said you alone spoke Jfor his resolutions. The wave, I believe, will sweep the State, and we waut you to go with "us, and uDless you do I fear you will$ref left. Please now, don't think me presumptuous, or inclined even to dictate or advise, where you alone have a right to choose. My simple interest In you as our old leader prompts me. to thus write you. You may for all I know have already crossed the Rubicon, but have not seen it. I feared the pres sure around you among the offiee holderr minht keep you from acting till some would say you were driven into it, though I know your indepent spirit don't run in that line, A good many promi nent Grangers over here urged me to drop you a line, so do please don't mis construe my motive and take offense were we wish to helpyou, and shown our regard. Our county is going solid for farmers' convention. Yours very truly, Mb.-: My Deab Sib:?There was no liberty taken in your writing to me as you did in yours of the 12th, and no apology needed. I am glad to receive a letter exrpessing such consideration for me and recognizing my honest efforts in the past in behalf of agriculture and the farmers of the State It was, and is a labor of love to me, and after some thirty years spent in that way I feel no inclination or reason to cQatrg?r~*fTrrn~ja8t'Us deeply interested in and as loyally devoted to the agri cultural interests and clarses of the State and country now as I ever have been, and I am ready and anxious to work zealously and independently in prompting their welfare. None know better than you and your fellow farmers of- how for years I have urged the vital need of organization of the State and nation. This I still deem most essen tial to any scheme, policy or plan that will successfully advance their true interest, and consequently the true and best interests of the entire country and whole people. To secure this, I should say that, as an important auxiliary, co-operative machinery, or strengthening adjunct, a convention composed of farmers, repre senting farmers, knowing what is due to farmers, and at the same time due to others?ready to demand what is due themselves and determine to accept no less; ready to recognize and respect the rights of others; ready to assume a policy true, honest, just and fair; ready to reform and improve the laws, cus toms and systems that govern and effect agriculture and farmers, instead of des troying them?would be extremely de sirable aud eminently beneficial. This I, you aud others "have for years been trying to do through the Grange aud other agricultural organizations, with, I contend, sigrial, though partial, success. Such a conveution I shall hail with jov, and to such I will give my most cordial support aud zealous aid. But to a conveution to be called and controlled, appointed and organized by Mr. B. R. Tillman, who has outraged all the courtesies and decencies of life; who has shown an utter recklessness in his assertions and iusinuations as to men and things, who wants to do noth ing good but what you and I and many other farracrc have been for years work ing for, but I fear desires to pull down, destroy and obliterate everything and everybody, from Hampton and Democ racy down to himself and chaos; who is an avowed dcstructionist instead of con-! structionist; who asserts that no man in the State, farmer or other, has ever been put in office that he did not at onco and then become disloval, corrupt aud venal; who proposes to destroy all the institutions established for the benefit of the farmers by others, and has nothing .to replace them with except a college with him as trustee; who from self-dcli ? ciency cannot realize in any other purity ? of motive or honesty of purpose; to such ,a conveution, called and manipulated by such a man for such purposes, I and you, and the farmers of the State, can not look tor help or good. You say, 'Mr. Tillman wrote me he regretted having to attack you, but could not help . it to keep from being personal towards others.' He said you aioue 'spoke for his resolutions,' still he denies my hon ? csty of purpose, purity of motive, loy alty to my class, and insinuates that I am" a corrupt politician, working in the harness of a ring and for it betraying ?the trust placed in my hands by both the farmers and Democrats of South Carolina. Such a man can be no Moscb ? for me,' nor can he safely be for auv por . tlon of the .farmers of this State. So, .for.a real, simon-pure farmers' couven Col M Glover Jan 1. '86 '9. OB tion, just count me in for all I am or ever expect to be, but for Moses "ill man, and what he bosses' count me out. I have written you plainly, for it is my way and due under the circumstances*. As soon as the proceedings of the recent session of the State Grange are printed I will send you a copy and ask you to read my dadress, which is part of my public official record. As for my being continued in office, it is for the people to say. As incumbent I make no claim over "any other good Democrat. My ouly plea is honesty, fidelity, lovalty and duty done. Whenever dismissed I am ready to retire to the ranks of the far mers and Democrats without question or murmur. But I have too much laith in the people of South Carolina to think I am to be punished for not admitting or accepting Mr. B. 11. Tillman as the '?Moses" and leader of the farmers or people of this Stale. The importance I attach to the inter ests of our classes Is my ouly apoiogy for the length of this letter, as I feel bound to freely and fully give my views on questions of public policy when asked to do so, as in this case, and have noth ing to conceal. You arc at liberty to make this letter as pnblic as yon choose. With the kindest wishes and the high est regard for you and my many friends io your section, I am, Very respectfully and fraternally, Jas. N. Lipscomd. A HIGH TIME AHEAD. The Free Traders to Hold a Meeting in Jane. "The South Carolina Free Traders are terribly in earnest. The Executive Committee of the Association met in Columbia and decided to call a meeting of the State Association June 2, and perfected arrangements for the exer cises of the occasion. They propose to vigoro'us'iy canvass the State for the pur pose of displacing members of Congress Ironi Carolina who arc not in accord with their views on the tariff question. Hot times are ahead in the Palmetto State." The above is from the Augusta Chron icle and iutunates that m the coming campaign we may expect other causes of dissension than we have heretofore contended with. The Free Trader pro pose to make a vigorous ellbrt to com pel our Congressmen tc support their doctrines. The following is a list of speakers who will address the confine: meeting; Gen. Edward McCrady, of Charles ton, will present a brief account of ??The Origin and Growth of Protection in the United States." Mr, B. 0. Duncan will give a "His tory of the Free Trade Struggle in Eng land." . Col. ?Tonn W. R. Pope, of tho Regis ter, wiil discuss "South Carolina's Re cord on the Tariff Question." Hon. W. R. Davle, of Chester, will show "The Relation of the Tariff to Agriculture." Mr. "ST. G. Gonzales, of the Xews and Courier, will expain the "Duty of the Press in the present Free Trade Agita tion." The public may expect a very enter taining meeting when the account is published in some of the so-called Free Trade papers ol the State, but we think it would be rather dull to listen to the addresses. Our friends in the crowd I who arc taking this route to Congress will find it a very hard road io travel. They are about as near there now as they will ever get on such a hobby. They had better get up something bet ter, for our people will not turn out a faithful representative for any such chimerical reasons. It is well enough, however, to have a little fun as we go along,? Abbeville Medium. WHAT A FALL-~ A Sad Keversc of Fortune?From Kichcs to Want. Mr. J. 11. Randall, the accomplished Washington correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle, says : "The other day I met on the street a man, now old, gray aud rather seedy, who has bad some curious variations of fortune. lie is discended from one of the oldest and proudest families in the South. In early manhood he was professor m a Univer sity along with a friend who now holds a distinguished political position. Then hejbecame a popular and learned minis ter of the Gospel. When the war broke out he joined the C'onfcderats army and attaiucd high command. After the con flict, be affiliated with the Republicans and, for a year or two, led a factioual fight, in a reconstructed State. His side lost the game, and, from that time, he has apparently gone down, down, until the wreck of so much talent and courage is fearful to contemplate. Out of his worn vest pocket he takes a harmomcon to blow the old war tunes of the South; and when he can get boon companions, tells ecrofulous anecdotes aud sings, in a quavering voice, salacious songs. Can there he anything more dreadful than noble gilts perverted to such uses!" An Honest "Warning. The president of the Butchci-s' and Provision Dealers' Association und the president of the Hide aud Tallow As sociation testified before a si.b-eom mittec of the finance cummittc3 of the city council of Philadelphia, a few days ago, that "large quantities of diseased meat, quite unlit for consumption," arc sold in that city. Some of the canned J beef, which is so largely sold, they de i clared to be "entirely unfit for use, be I ing so diseased? as to be otherwise uu j marketable." These statements arc I taken from a Philadelphia newspaper, which says of the witnesses whom it quotes that, they "undoubtedly know of what they speak," and laments that the board of health has "no authority to interfere with" the sale of the meat in question, in any form. "The flowers that bloom in the spring" are quite backward this year. ANGEBITHG, S. C, THX FARMERS TO THE FRONT. CALL FOR AN AGRICULTURAL CON VENTION AT COLUMBIA. An Address Setting Forth the Grievances of the Tillers of the Soil and Urging them to It-ally for the Protection of their Klghts und the Promotion of their In terests. To the Farmers of South Carolina : Seventy-six per cent, of our State's population are actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. At least one half of the remainder are directly de pendent upon the farmers for the means of a livelihood. "We may justly claim, then, that we constitute the State, yet we do not govern it, nor are the laws administered in our interests, and few are passed for our benefit. We pay taxes and vote and there is no further use for us, These taxes do not grow auy loss. While our ability to pay them grows smaller year by year, and nothing worth naming has been done to foster and encourage that in terest which feeds and sustains all others. The negroes used to be the "mudsills" of our economic fabric; but thousands of white men?land owning farmers?find themselves slowly but surely sinking beneath the waves to be added to the foundation upon which a few men and corportions are erecting their fortunes. Impending bankruptcy stares thousands in the face, while other thousands are overseering their own plantations for their victuals and clothes. An insane system of farming largely prevails and our lands are growing poorer year by year. Large areas of South Carolina are being made a desert to feed negroes, while the land-owners, giving no thought to the future them selves and children, stand idly by, or assist and direct this skimming ofX State, which, by reason of soil, climate and geographical position, might-"be made a veritable Garden of Eden-./ The negroes will "go West" wheor^hebones are picked. What will \v??o? We are "farming towards despafry in thus con tinuing to impoverish our lands by ignorant culture, but nothing is done by our Legislature, or its creatures, to stop it, or to try to teach the people a better and wiser system. Forty thous and dollars are spent annually in the State, three-fourths of it paid by far mers, to educate men for other profes sions and pursuits; the farmers get nothing, and are left to grope their way towards the grave in ignorance and its consequent poverty. Even the pittance donated to educate farmers by the United State3 Government is taken from us and appropriated to sustain the institution at which our future masters are being trained. How thank ful we should be to the good Lord for such generosity and wisdom among our statesmen, so-called I Again, we pay 825,000 annually by specific tax, which comes out of th9 farmer alone, to sustain a department of agriculture. A good slice of this is spent to collect the phosphate royalty, which goes to support the State Gov ernment, and the rest is frittered and wasted, so far as we can see, the only benefit received by the farmers being a partial protection against fraudulent fertilizers. A majority of the board of agricul ture are not engaged in farming. Who wonders, then, that so little has been done t>y it to benefit our farming in terests ? Fou. bad crops out of five and the consequent poverty of the farmers cry aloud for economy and reduction of taxes. But this cry, which came from every county, was ignored by the last Legislature, which also persistently refused to obey a plain mandate of the Constitution to provide for a reap portionment of representatives by hold ing a census. It is small wonder, then, that nothing was done to protect far mers against robbery by dishonest fer tilizer manufacturers. The Legislature which recently ad journed, though not corrupt, has been very negligent of the public welfare. The thoughtful and intelligent far mers of the State cannot afford to elect another such body of law makers and Constitution breakers. JTSTor can they afford to allow the agricultural inter ests of the State to bo subordinated to everything else, and no effort made to foster and protect them. Other States with. less expenditure than we are making, are doing ten times as much to encourage and assist those engag ed in farming. But the money spent is not entrusted to politicians or to those elected by politicians. The far mers manage and control it themselves. Believing, therefore, that the crisis demands prompt and united action on the part of the true and loyal farmers of the State, and that a convention of such can only redound to the benefit of agriculture and consequently of every other interest and calling, we call such a convention to meet in the sity of Co lumbia, Thursday the 29th of next April, to take into consideration the question touched upon in this address, together with such other matters as they may deem of importance to the political, social, educational or industrial inter ests of the farmers and of the State. Each county agricultural society is requested to send live delegates. Each local or township agricultural club is requested to send one delegate. The farmers of each county arc re quested to send live delegates over and above those from organized societies, and to effect this it is suggested that those in sympathy with the movement call a mass meeting or county conven tion of farmers in their respective counties to appoint said delegates. If the wisest and best of our farmers thus assemble we feel and believe there is enough of both patriotism and states manship among us to find remedies for those evils; and, without trenching upon the rights of others, manhood enough to demand and obtain a proper recognition of our rights and needs. While this s essentially a farmers' movement we invite the sympathy and moral support of good men of every calling. Agriculture is the basis of our economic structure and supports the rest. It cannot rise without carry ing with it the superstructure. There is among the politicians in !# Hi JBSBAY, MARCH 11, 16 South Carolina an up-country and low country. There is no such line of di vision among the farmers. Our inter ests are one. Let us come together from the mountains to the sea, and. exercis ing the God-given right that the ma jority should govern, organize as far mers and obliterate this line forever. J. T. Hanna, J. L. Bryan, S. S. Newell, J. A. McAllister, J. Jameson, G. M. McDavid, B. R. Beaty, M. B. Williams, J. M. Elgin, D. F. Saddler, J. A. Gray, J. T. Cook, B. F. Duncan. J. Watkins, Wm. Wilkins, J. L. Wofford, A. E. Fant, Wm. Jefferies, J. L. Walker, J. A. Major. B. P. Cllnkscales, Wm. Cooper, N. L. Ervin, J. G. McCutchen, D. N. Johnson, Ben S. Williams, H.P.Duvull, C.A. Berry, B. II. Montgomery^. C. Smith, T. B. Martin, Albert Harris, J. B. 0. Landrum, E. S. Allen, C G. Tutt, A. P. West, H.R.Thomas, B. Ganse, T. L. Houces, B, J. Betsill, R. B. Lyons, J. R. Mopsey, Sr. H. H. Gooch, W. D. Evans, J. H. David, W. B. Drake, J. H. Lane, M. D. R. M. Pegues, J. T. Covington, Chas. Crosland, J.R.Morrison, Jas. Blalock, J. O. Jones, J. C. Davis, J. G. Williams, M. S. Stribling, J. H. Bowen, J. W. Sheler, M. L. Donaldson, II. B. Buist, 0. P. Hawthorne, S. P. Burbage, T. C. Willoughby, J. L. Hunter, Sam J. Hutson, J. E. Tindal, Harry Hammond, R. J. Haukinson, J. H. Stafford, D. L. McLaurin, W. J. Gooding, Wm. Stokes, R. T. Mockbee, Benj. Mock, M. F. Barnett, J. H. Whorten. Wm. Long, T. W. Goldsmith, IV W. Anderson, J. M. Whitmire, ?-John R. Harrison, W. A. McElvey, ?Alex. C. Norton, Robt. S. Beckham, W. S. Ollen, W. H. Timmerman, S. B. May3, H. B. Gallman. M. A. Morkest, 0. F. Cheatham, W. L. Durst, B. R. Tillman. BROTHER WALLACE ON LAWYERS. Not Such a Bad and "Worthless Set Aftor All. Brother Wallace, of the Newberry Obsever, has this to say about lawyers: "It occurs to us that there was a time when it was not objected that lawyers held prominent positions in the country, and at a time, too, when they served not for salary, but for patriotism. Let us run over the list of the Generals that were in the Confederate army from South Carolina and see what their occu pations were before they went into the war. It may give some new idea to small politicians whose slock in trade is abuse of the lawyers. The list of Gen erals may not be complete, but embraces all that we can now call to mind: VLawyers?Maxcey Gregg, J. B. Ker 8nit~, John- D. Kennedy, Samuel Mc Gowan, W. H. Wallace, M. W. Gary, M. L. Bonham, M. C. Butler, States Rights Gist, James Conner, James ChestDut, Abner Pcrrin. "Planters?Wade Hampton, John JSratton, John Draytou, Paul Trapler, Johnson Hagood, A. M. Manigault, Stephen D. Elliott. "Regular Army?R. H. Anderson, Stephen D. Lee, John Dunuovant, R, S. Ripley, N. G. Evans, Barnard Bee. "Teacher?MIcah Jenkins. "The above may prove interesting reading to those who think that lawyers are too prominent in these piping times of peace; who think that lawyers arc public enemies; that lawyers have no patriotism, but only want the offices for private greed and personal and profes sional aggraudizcment, "Can anybody point out any bad legis lation or maladministration that lawyers are responsible for? How could such a tiling be when they have always been in a minority in the Legislature ? And in looking over the list of State officers the only lawyers we fiud there arc Lieuten ant Governor Sbcppard, who is simply Prcsedcut of the Senate, and Attorney General Miles?this officer must of neces sity be a lawyer. So that if there is auy maladministration the lawyers arc not responsible for it. Then why this whole sale denunciation of lawyers? Lctcvry man stand on his own individual merits. There is no sense in trying to array one class of citizens against another. And It is wrong."_ THE HEATHEN CHINEE DOOMED. Driven from the West by Mobs lie Flies East to Other Ills. El Paso, Texas, March 4.?In the last few days a large number of Chinese from California have passed through El Paso on their way to New Orleans and some Texas cities. Mauy of them are also locating in the territorial towns ot New Mexico and Arizona. San Fran cisco is represented as swarming with Mongolians who have been driven out of Oregon and Washington Territories, and the pressure, it is claimed, is being relieved by the "six companies," which j are shipping them East where the au tagonism against the Chinese is not as ! strong as on the Pacific slope. Iiis in | flux, however, into the territories of Ari zona and New Mexico, had aroused the j latest antagonism there and anti-Chinese j leagues have already been orgauized at Socarra|and other towns in New Mexico, and at Tucson and Tambataue, Arizona, which places are suficring from a heavy increase in their Chinese population, and which may lead to their violent eviction, as was recently the case in Washington Territory._ Perished at Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge, March 2.?A man thirty-live or forty years old came here from Buffalo this afternoon, lie took a carriage to the rapids and thence to the falls, where he went on the ice bound base of the American Fall. It is said he was from New York. It is probable that he came here from Buffalo, ! where he was stopping, iutcudiog to re j turn there to-night. The mau was of medium size, with saudy whiskers, and wore a silk hat and a frock overcoat. He looked like a German. 186. PRIG SHOT TO DEATH ON THE HIGHWAY. A Virginia Farmer Kills His Cousin for Alleged Assault on His Wife. Petersburg, Va., March 2.?A shocking tragedy occurred near Wavcrly Station, on the Norfork and Western Railroad, last Saturday. William P. Rain and Quincy Bam, cousins, met on the road, and, after passiug, ? Quincy Bain turned and discharged both barrels of his gun, charged with buckshot, at William Bain, striking him in the head, killing him mstantly. The murderer then walked up to the body of his vic tim and shot him with a pistol through the back of the head. The crime was committed in the presence of a niau named Morris, who, with the murdered man, was unarmed. The murderer made his escape, but efforts are being made to capture him, and there is strong talk of lynching. The murdered man was a prominent Republican, and for a long time was a Supervisor of Sussex county. A lew years ago ho and T. W. Atkinson be came involved in a difficulty, during which Atkinson was stabbed by Bam and instantly killed. Bain was acquit ted, having been defended by able coun sel. He was indicted in the County Court of Sussex for an attempted assault on Quincy Bain's wife, for which he was to have been tried next Thursday. It is understood that recent develop ments have proven that the charges could not have been sustained and that the prosecution would have asked the court for a nolle prosequi. The murderer and his victim are mar ried and about thirty-five years of age. They arc prominent men and highly connected. A. couple of weeks ago Bam, the murdered mau, had his store and its contents burned. He was asleep in the building and barely escaped with his life. CLEVELAND'S WORK. The Knmbor of Offices Filled by the Presi dent In Ono Year. The senate has caused to be publish I ed a complete list of the nominations made by Mr. Cleveland, among which, of course, are those in the place of offi cers "suspended." This publication has reference only to "presidential offices," so called, to which the "advice and consent" of the senate is necessary. There are about four thousand of these. Of these four thousand places Mr. Cleveland has filled in less than a year between one thous and eight hundred and one thousand nine hundred men of his own choice. About one thousand two hun dred ot these appointments were to fill vacancies by death, resignation or the expiration of terms. In the remainder ?643 in number?he "suspended" offi cers before the expiration of their four year terms, and appointed men of his owu selection in their places. It ap pears from this accession Mr. Cleveland has seen nearly a third of the presiden tial office: -4welvc hundred out of four thousand?fall into his hands in the natural course, by death, resignation or expiring of terms. At this rate, by the time he had held office three years near ly all these four thousand places would have become vacant and would have been filled by him with Democrats, even had he refused to remove or suspend a single ofiice holder of this class. AS GOOD AS GOLD. One More Knock Down Argument That Printer's Ink Will Pay. Last week we published a notice from E. W. Watson, Esq.. at Bradley, of the arrest of a nc^ro in possession of a mule and wagon and bale of cotton under sus picious circumstances. The morning the publication appeared (Tuesday) Mr. R. T. Gordon living four miles from town on the Due West road, came into town and reported that a bale of cotton had been stolen from him. His atten tion was called to the article in the Mes senger and lie immediately sent Mr. George Milford down to Bradley, where he identified and received the bale of cotton, and now Isaac Wardlaw. the thief, is safely confined in ja? to await the coming of the June term of Court. The citizens who arrested this fcliow deserve credit for their prompt action.? Abbeville Messenger, March 3. A Dastardly Attempt. Some unknown parties of fiendish na ture broke iuto the powder magazine of McCord & Sou, at the extreme end of the old fair grounds, and bursted the heads of two or three kegs of powder, put them under a barrel and attached a fuse'thirty or forty feet long; the end of which reached outside of the building. The fuse was lit, but it is supposed the rain must have put it out. Had the de mous been successful in their worn, fifty thousand pounds of powder would have been destroyed and great damage done to life and property for a great distauce around. It is to be hoped that the cul prits will be caught and severely dealt with.' There is no punishment that would be too severe lor such rascals.? Augusta Chronicle. _-? A Church Erolvcd. Owing to feeling created by the recent discussion of the evolution doctrine, a part of the congregation of thc'first Pres byterian Church of Columbia has seced ed, and with the consent of the Charles ton Presbytery has organized a Second Presbyterian Church, "it is quite proba ple that Dr. Girardeau, with whom the sympathies of this congregation arc will be called to the pastorate. The church was organized last Sunday with twenty-three members. J. Ilondrlx McLane Coming To. The Feasterville (Fairfield county) correspondent of the Winusboro Xews and Herald says under date of March 3: Rumor says that the Greenback apostle is slipping around and talking of rcform iugancw party called "Independent." Evrybody knows what that means more Radical money in 1838 or sooner. E $1.00 PEE ANNUM. A SHOCKING TRAGEDY. THE BLOODY SEQUEL OF A WIFE'S -INFIDELITY. A Married Woman Elopes "With a Lover and is Followed by Her Husband Who Kills Her and Ends His Own Life. St. Paul, Minn., March 2.?At the Astoria House, In this citv on Saturday night, Theodore P. Rich shot his wife dead and then killed himself. Mrs. Fannie S. Itich and a Dr. II. S. Gale arrived here in company a short time ago from Bismarck. They left Cobles kill, N. Y. on Januar3'2G lor New York city, and from there they went direct to Chicago. Mrs. Rich was a pretty woman of 38 years, with a petite form and a pleasant face. Her hair was brown, thickly silvered with gray, which had been so since she was 15 years old, when she ran away from school for a clandestine marriage with Frank Trimble, a son of John M. Trimble, well known iu New York and Albany years ago as an ar chitect and theatrical manager. Trimble still lives in the town from which the two fled last month. She was unusual ly bright, a fine scholar, and of good parentage, being a daughter of the Hon. Heury Smith, ot Albany, at one time Speaker of the Slate Assembly and a leading member of the Albany Bar. Her marriage brought upon her the rage of her father, but he relcutedaud spared no wealth to make her life pleasant. But after a short houey-moon her love for Trimble died out, and the two part ed, and for three years tiicy did not meet. Ten years ago. after obtaining a divorce, the woman who retained her beauty i" spite of her troubles, became the wife of Rich. Less than a year ago Dr. Gale be came acquainted with Mrs. Rich at Co bleskill. He is a well appearing man, thickset, with agrayishbrowu moustache and with a well bred air. He dresses well, and is appeartly a man of educa tion and standing. When he first saw Mrs. Rich he was struck with her beau ty and with a feeling of pity that her lot with her husbrnd was so hard, for he says Rich used to abuse and annoy her iu every possible way. Feelings of pity for her lot and admiration for her beauty? soon grow into love, which, he says, was returned. He was her physician. His visits to his charming patieut were thought by the gossips to be more fre quent than necessity required, although she was said to be a victim of the mor phine habit. Finally they decided to elope and get married as soon as a di vorce could be procured for her. Dr. Gale left a wife and two children desti tute.' Mrs. Rich took $6,000 with her. From Chicago they went to Bismarck, were proceedings for divorce were be gun. They then went to St. Paul. Yesterday they received a letter from J. B. Smith, an uncle of Mrs. Rich, say ing that Rich had discovered where they were, and was in a terrible rage. They had heard from their attorneys at Bis marck several times, and in three weeks the divorce would have becu executed, aud then they would have been married at once. Rich arrived yesterday morn ing, and the first the couple saw of bun was at the supper table. From there Rich and his wife retired to Gale's room where the former tried to prevail on his wife to resume her relations with him. This lie was unsuccessful iu doing, so finally agreed to accept $5,000 and allow of a divorce being taken. Within a few minutes after this result was reached two pistol shots were heard, and on breaking into the room Rich and his wife were found, each with a bullet through the brain. The man was lying on the lloor, his head against the wall, with a rcvol cr clutched In his right hand. The wo man had not fallen from the chair, which was near the centre of the room, but her head had fallen to one side, aud from her left car a stream of blood was running, which had trickled down on her dark dress. A book she had been reading had fallen, half opened beside the chair, aud the blood had turned some pages crimson. The book was entitled UA Wife's Ilouor." It is quite certain that there was a struggle. The woman's hand was found clinched, and it was burned, and the flesh was lorn some what by the fatal bullet. It is thought that she attempted to push away the muzzle of the revolver, but he overpow ered her and rammed the muzzle into her car and fired while she still grasped the revolver. A will exists giving all her property to her uucle, J. S. Smith, living at Coblcskill, in the event of her death. ltefuge For Criminals. By examining a map of the United States a small strip several millions of acres in extent, marked "Public land," will be seen dividing the State of Kan sas aud Tcxaa. Tins strip of the coun try was left out by mistake in the origi nal surveys and is not included in any State or Territorial jurisdiction. Neither is it reached by United States law. It is wholly without judicial authority aud is consequently the abode of the very worst classes in the country. Cattle thieves and criminals of all kinds resort to it as a refuge from justice and lately cattlemen have partly taken possession I of it to evade the action of the President excluding them from the Indian Ter* ritory. There they have established their ranches, without fear of molestation. The bill introduced by Senator Plump is Intended to destroy the nest of criminals and outlaws and place that strip of country within the limits ol law and civilization. The bill exlouds the United States law over it and for judi cial purposes attaches it to the State of Kansas. Parched and swollen lips indicate worms. Shrincr's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and eject theso detestablo creatures from the intestines, thus restoring tho child to health and beauty*