m$ '%zh Smiff-Tfit. lASHVj Editors. j 11 - ' 3Tcrsus? H>? it.VFR?.?Cue cop}-, one year, :>pr, six months; 73 cents; 'months,' 40 fonts. All iayfthie iu advance. ? :t?im; Kates.?One s? ?ach subsequent iiiser ? cent5?. Obitnarlcs-"and Tributes ict charged "for as regular adver se Liberal contracts made for six smd twelve months. Communications must be accompanied by ijip real nanio uim! id?'nsso<" *he writer in order to receive attention. No communi catlou of- a personal character will be pub lished except as an ttUvera>wucnt. Exyir.a'noss.?i'arties not wishing to con tinue their subscription after the cxplra tioa of.tho tiiiu' for which they have paid ase lx'.fifv us at once. -All subscribers are earnestly tu "renew promptly, and thoue ? are cordially invited taconie forward and pay up. It take.-, money to rim a newspaper, and we need cve::y cent du?-us. Address, SI?S ? MELLICTIA31P,' Look Pox No. IS, Orangeburg, C. ORANGE BURG, S. Cv Tbi^daj, April 23,18S3. Jute Culture. We have before us a treatise on this important subject written by Prof. S. Waterhouse at the request of the United Stntcs Commissioner of Agriculture. ^hc-42}i]3cr is a fu? and thorough one ?atl should deeply interest every farmer in the,SoutlK The new and growing in dustry is discussed with a fairness anil cautior. tftid apparent freedom .from ex - nggerntion. that give the words of the uutho? special weight. Jute has been cultivated ia India for hundreds of years with unvaried success, but in the last halt century it has entered so largely iu the commerce and industries of foreign nations that a considerable demand has arisen for the article. It lias been proven by actual experiment .that the climate of the South, and especially of South Carolina? is just as well adapted to its cultivation as that of India. Prof. Waterhouse. says: "according to South era testimony, it is four times as pro ductive as cotton or flax, while at the same timi* it takes not more than oue tentjias much labor to raise it." This it an important consideration, fur it is recognized that diversified industry Is our great"need, nud il Jute requires but on - touth the work of cotton, it will give us a great deal more time to diversify our crops. The demand of the world for Jute may be seen at a glance. It is mixed with cotton, linen and silk. It is a material, of twilled stair carpeting and j"< low priced broadcloth. Single or mixed, it enters into the manufacture ofa thous and articles of commerce. It makes bags of all kinds and gunny cloth for .^.bating cotton^ 7The demand then for V "^baggifig our immense grain and cotton crops is immense. There arc also im-" V.portant incidental.advantages of this til lage. Its vigorous growth exterminates weeds from the soli, while the bitterness of it3 juice repels the attack of insects. ?"It has been found that cotton fields surrounded by a belt of Jute were ex """??^rm^Hfr^^ the cater pillcr, while unprotected fields in the sntui neighborhood suffered from its ravages." Prof. Waterhouse shows, by nctuakrfgiscs that the profit on Jute in the United States has becu very large, _.njid__say,s, -in conclusion, "no vigor of language can to? earnestly express my ~~??rfB?nbn>"-ttfaffr.1,',- ^Z'Z^UBST^' ductivc of vast opulence, now awaits thp i "*~I:add of Southern enterprise." It would be well for. oiir fanners tolookjuto the matter. They, will get all the informa tion as to the mode of culture and the machinery needed for working it up b}* reference to the report of Prof. Water house. Massachusetts Sliniue. ^JEhe- elite of the Old Bay State, with the saintly Hoar at their head, must feel keenly the- exposures now being made of the terrible outrages committed at Tewksbury Almshouse. Massachusetts, and the civilized world owo Governor Butler a debt of gratitude for uncarthiug one of the greatest outrages of the pre sent century. The details of this terri they are unraveled before iting committee, are almost That our readers may have an idea^f-the barbarous treatment re ceived by the Inmates of this '-charita ble" institution, we will make a few ex ^tracts from the testimony of sworn wit ' nesses. Mrs. Jennie E. Pope, an em ployee, testified that she had seen Mr. French take an insane woman by the back of the neck and kick her along the yard until out of sight, the women meau while screaming loudly,nud that a woman was put in a cell and allow ed only bread and water for three days because she. cried to se? her child. In the eyes of these human monsters this mother's love for her babu was an unpardonable crime and merited severe punishment, which was promptly inflicted in the manner above mentioned by Mrs. Pope. Dr. Sanborn testified that while he was a student at a dental college he bought the body ot a woman from Tewksbury for fourteen dollars. The idea of speculat ing in human bodies seems to be about as revolting a thing as "cuUuah, ami refine ment" could stoop to, but when John I*. McGover, another witness, who work ed.atr a tannery, says that the skin of a coloted mau was brought to the tannery from Tewksburry to be tanned, we feel" like calling upon Dr. Webster to go im mediately to Boston and establish a mis sion post under the very shadow of the Bunker Hill Monument. Tanning a col ored man's skin ! Such a barbarity would not have been tolerated in South Caro lina in the worst days of slavery. After death, our slaves were not sold to medi cal colleges, but were decently interred, nnd the idea of making leather out of their hides was never entertained by the mielest of masters. But then we hadn't got go far along in "cultuahand refine ment^ as our Massachusetts friends, and we devoutly hope we never w 11 This is not a huudrelh part of the sickening story,but;tis euough to show that Massa chusetts has seine very bad people in her borders, and that, instead ot sending missionaries South, she had bet I er em ploy them at home. Old Ben Butler, bad as he is, was not elected Governor ofMassachsetts one day too soon. A Practical Age, Tins is certainly a utilitarian age. Up. in Massachusetts not long ago the body of a colored man and brother, who died in thS Tewksbury Almshouse. was sold to a medical college, his hide taken iuado into leather. >To doubt fni? very same leather 13 now being worn in the shape of shoes by so;ne pious Mas sachusetts Republican while shedding crocodile tears over the Imaginary wrongs suffered by the negroes in South Carolina at the hands cf the Bourbon Democrats. A Pious Old Rftt. The report that Jay Gould is about to retire from Wall Street reminds the >Tew York Twhm of the fable of a pious old rat who called his friends together and told them that, in consideration ot lue remorse over !us predatory ami uot very honest life, he had resolved to hie him to a hermit's retreat. He would forswear the world and live solitary hi an enforced and painful retirement. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he took his departure, to the great sorrow and edification of his former assoein'es. Vainly was he sought for weeks by those who would discover the'cell of this self-denying recluse, until a venturous explorer found the pseudo hermit snugly hidden away in the heart of a lame Cheshire cheese. Thus it is with this reformed stock jobber. lie may wipe his eyes sanctimoniously as he bids a sentimental' farewell to all the "wicked devices of Wall Street and its surrouuuldgs as he hies himself to private seclusion, but hunt him up whenever any great rascality is going on in Wall Street, and you will (lud him at the very heart of the financial cheese, where the Lest pick ings are to be ha'1. 'Stiil on Iii? War Path. "A Colored Subscriber" of the Xcw York Sun, writiug to that paper from Georgia, gives the Republican brethren something to think about. lie says : "We are still on the war path with our Republican brethren. They arc getting worse than the Johnny Rebs ever were. In my opinion, the Johnny Rebs are fast becoming our best friends. A few days as;o a colored man here received a letter front the Frecdinan'a linnk Commission er, in which lie said' that he would uot pay the final dividend until sometime in the summer. He had made a promise to pay this dividend in the Sprmg, but April is going fast . All we want of the Republican party is the money it stole Iron] us in the days of Grant and Colfax. Then let the party go to the dogs; there will be no mourning for it among the negroes of Georgia. Wc want justice, not pity." In Georgia, as well as Rhode Island, the eyes of the colored people are being opened to the treachery and meanness of the party- of ''great moral ideas." We agree full with "A Colored Subscriber" that the Southern whites are becoming the best friends of the colored people. The white carpet-baggers have no use for them, except as a stepping stone to office. Too Much "Affections." A dispatch last week announced that a "young man" in Xew York had com menced suit against a young lady of the same city for ten thousand dollars for "kicking" him. claiming that his affec tions had been damaged to that amount by the aforesaid "kicking." This fellow must have had a powerful stock of "af fections" on baud, and the young ladv must have been a "kicker" of the first maguilude. or he certainly lOuldu't have suffered so severely. The jury ought to acquit the fair defendant on the ground that no man ever owned ten thousaud dollars worth of "allcctions" at one time, and. further, that it is one I of the inalienable rights of our girls to "kick" whom they pleasg. This is the. pcoition we hold on this question, and I if an Orangeburg voung man ever gets so ungallant as to su-3 one ot our fair maidens because she exercises her right of "kicking." The Times and Demo crat would advocate "ridiug him on a rail." There is no room la Orangeb?rg , County for snch a "tender hearted" man. ?-.?T-iiMtt. "?.i iearii The Washiugton Gazette says Arthur, as" President is "an imbecile^- but'm mercy to him and to save the country j from shame, it refuses to speak what it knows of the personal habits of the President. It also magnanimously refuses to tell what it "knows of some of his Cabinet Ministers." It concludes a dou ble-leaded editorial by saying: "All we have to say is that, from knowledge and belief, no sucli an Ad ministration ever before existea in this country, aud none like it ever should ex- I ist again. We admit the shame." What all this means we canuot guess. It looks like there is something ugly be- J hind. The Gazette claims to be of Ar thur's party, and it is printed where it ought to be able to gather such informa tion. If Arthur aud members of his Cabinet are guilty of conduct that "de grades" and "shames" the country.ought not the American 'people to know it. The Gazette ought to tell what "it knows about the Radical Administration." S. W. Melton. The man whose name appears above will live in South Carolina history as the finest specimen of the renegade that this State has ever produced. His vindictive persecution of our people in the Uuiled States Court at Charleston will never be fonjottetf, and will make his name a by word aud reproach with generations yet unborn. lie has certainly earned his thirty pieces of silver Irom his Radical masters, and they certainly have no just right to complain, because everything that could be done to insult and harass innocent men has been done by this modern Judas Iscariot. Let him enjoy his venom, for. in a few short'years. the only thing that will be left of him will be his name, aud that ivill be covered with infamy. It Wan it Honx ? A dispatch from Port Worth. Texas, says: "Enquiries have been made con cerning the accuracy of-the report that a large meteor had fallen near William's Ranch, Brown County. Texas, auch the whole thing turns out to be a hoax." There must be sonic mistake about this second dispatch, because, wc are inform ed, two of our citizens saw the meteor fall, arid they arc satisfied it fell in Tex as. They may be mistaken, however, as It is a good ways from here to Texas, and if the Texas folks insist that no meteor fcH in that State, we arc bound L) believe them, and our friends will have to drop their meteor somewhere else. Wc would suggest the Gulf of Mexico as the place most likely to suit all parties. Tho UiP.crc-nce. When the Chicago saloon keepers voted with the Republicans, they were spoken of by the party press as "our patriotic fellow-citizens." When they voted for the Democratic candidate re cently the party press denominated them "thugs of the slums" and other pet names. The Wic-hmgton Post says the "saloon element" in the Uuited States voted ior Garfield in 1880 by an immense r.iajority. Senator Vest, m a speech delivered last winter, demonstrated by official statistics that an overwhelming majority of the saloons were on the Re publican side iu 18S0. Why do the Re publican organs rage when they see this element getting on the otLssr side of the fence? Old Ben B?tleuj is making the dry bones rattle in,Massachusetts. Set your face towards the morning, "Mr. Hoar. Tit for Tat. The Echo, n paper edited and publish ed in Savannah, GaM by a colored man, speaks thus concerning the New Era, a paper owned and edited m Charleston by colored men: "The principle reason why the Repub can party of South Carolina has gone to j the dogs, is because they have trusted 1 too niucn in such men as are publishing the Nac Eva." Instead of the editor of the .Veto Era foiling on his knees and asking for forgiv ness for having helped to break up so grand a structure oi modern rascality and knavery as the South Carolina Re publican party, he exultlngly replies: "And so it will ever be when rascality enters the list with honesty and decency. The Republican party, as it existed in South Caroiiua. was a disgrace to civili zation, and. at bi st, was but a mongrel .concern, made up of designing aud ques tionable white characters and a plastic colored element, who took these adders into their bosom, ouly to be bitten when they were warmed and comlortable. Such a gang as was here, deserved to be routed, dock, stock and barrel.' and if the principles upheld by the Era have been instrumental in aifecting so much good, our ejaculation is. 'God. be prais ed !' We are not the mouthpiece of any party, but rejoice that a respectable ele ment is in power. The situation may npi y. if not elegantly, be expressed in the sentiment. 'Every thing is lovely, and the goose hangs high !'" Yes. we have bung the goose so high that the old Republican party will never get a cuanco to pluck it again. Milwaukee's "Ouly" Female Lawyer. A Milwaukee dispatch, of the 20th in staut, says "Kate Kane. Milwaukee's only female lawyer, threw n glass of water in the face of Judge Mallory in the Criminal Court this morning and was lined fifty dollars. She claims that the Judge iu suited her, but will uot say how." If the Judge did insult this lady lawyer she did perfectly right in washing his dirty lace with a glass of water, and we glory in her "spunk." Any man who will insult a lady, and then use any offi cial position he might hold to protect his cowardly carcass from being decently washed, ought not be allowed to soil the ermine of the judiciary of any State of this Union. A DESTRUCTIVE CYCLONE. Terrible Loss of Life anil Property?The Storni Widespread In Its Scope, The storm which visited our State last Monday seems to have done considerable damage in other parts of the country, as the following dispatches show: New Okleans, April 23.?A fright ful cyclone passed over Wesson and the town of BeaurcgarJ. two towns in Mis sissippi, yesterday afternoon. As soon as the storm bad somewhat abated and people began to look about, loud peals of church bells were rung out. and peo ple were seen running from all directions towards West Wesson. The rain mean time was pouring in torrents. Peach Or chard Street presented au indescribable scene. This street is lined with a large uiunber of houses, in which the opera tives of the Mississippi Mills are domi ciled, and here the greatest destruction occurred. People were seen on all.sides sobbing, aud the groaus of the wounded beneath the ruins were heartrending. Dwellings were torn to atoms, and a pine forest just below was blown out of existence. It is estimated that the num ber of killed is twelve and the wounded seventy-live. The citizens are doing all they can for the wounded, mauy of whom it is feared will die. Help is arriving from other towns. Other portions of Wesson was unhurt. Beauregard. about a mile from Wes son, was completely destroyed. It is in truth a mass of ruins, There is not a house of any character standing in the 'IMS tiinbci is scuUvCT^t "ti'r 'nines1 around. The number of killed aud wouuded is about fifty or seventy-five. Sacksux, Miss., April 23.?Tillmao. a town on the Natchez aud Columbus Railroad, was destroyed by the cyclone, and several persons killed and wounded. The town of Lawrence was also badly damaged* At West Poiut, Miss., the business part of the town, iucluding the court house and hotel, was destroyed. No lvcs were lost. Eastmax, Ga.. April 23.?A cyclone passed over this town this morning, de molishing a number of bouses, and kill ing and wounding several people, The storm destroyed many houses aud killed a great mauy people in South west Georgia. At Aberdeen. Miss., eight or ten per sons were killed and many wounded. The destruction of property was great. TBE KNIGUTS oTioNOR. Meeting: of the Grand Lodge?Election of Ottlcers. The seventh convocation of the Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor which was held at Aikcn, S. C. closed on the 18th instant, after a very harmon ious session of thin i days. The follow ing officers were elected to serve for the eusuiug year: R. 0. Sams of Gaffney City. Grand Dictator; Colonel Coward of Columbia, Grand Vice Dictator; Jul ius L. Mares of Charlestou. Assistant Dictator; Rev. B. G. WofTord of Union. Grand Chaplain; J. L. Robertson of Ab beville. Grand Treasurer; H. Kohn of Orangeburg, Grand Guide; J. Maxwell of Anderson, Grand Guardian; M. B. McSweecey of Hampton C. II., Grand Sentinel; J. W. Perry of Abbeville, Post Grand Dictator. Standing Com mittee on Finance?W. II. Lockwood of Beaufort. Chairman, II. S. Williams of Grauiteville; aud J. N. Cochnuie of Grauiteville. Committee on Laws and Supervision?S. S. Moorman of New berry. J. S. Ilughson of Sumler and J. L. Bronson of Florence; Committee on Printing?The Vice Dictator, the Assistant Dictator aud the Reporter. M. L. Bouham. Jr.. of Abbeville, W. U. Delgar of Sumler and J. L. Addh- n ofEdgclield were elected Grand Trus tees. The Supreco Lodge of Knights of Honor meets at Galvcston, Texas, on the 9th of May next. a Sensational Suicide. , A letter dated Norwood. (Ja., April 15, says: ,-Miss Josie Hill, a young lady from Alabama, has been on u visit I to relatives here for some lime. Mr. North Hill is her father's brother. She was about sixteen years old. aud charm ing in all her ways. Last night, about ten o'clock. she retired with her eonsms to their room. Before wooing tired na ture's sweet restorer, balmy sleep.' she drew a chair up neat the bed, and, with a tumbler in her hand, blew out the j light and drank something. Miss Alice, her cousin, says she heard her make a uoise like the rustling or unfolding of paper. In a Few moments she began having spasms, and before they could send for a physician she died." The poi son taken was strvchuinc, but the cause of the rash act :s shrouded in mystery. Dismissed Till Wanted. Gov. Butler has given the Republican members ol his council to understand that they are- dismissed until further wanted, that is, that when their advice is wanted, they will be sent for. One of the counsellors said yesterday: "I do not see how the Governor is going to get State warrants audited without us. All the expenses of the State must be ap proved by us. If there is no council to approve bills, no payments cau be made by the treasurer. There is one comfort, however, the State government will be lapsided without us." Rev. John Sclicnck. a Roman Catho lic priest at Long Praire, Minn., was found dead In bis bed room Sunday uuder circumstances which plainly point to sui cide. His death was occasioned by a bullet wound, and a revolver with "one chamber empty was found lying near his body. The cause of the act was despondency. NEWS OF THE DAY. The erection of a church in New York for colored Catholics ha3 just com menced. Tin* Supreme Court has declared the Prohibition amendment to the constitu tion of Iowa null and void. The Louisiana political prosecutions have laded utterly. Every ir:al ha* re sulted in ncquiuaj and tiie remaining cases have been postponed until fall. The Spirit of the Times compla'ns that frauds were perpetrated at the hue nsuni cipal elections Iu sumter and Mnysville, and attributes it to betting on elections. One of the chief dvnamile heads men tions, in an nil-hand way. that the larger part ?l London will soon he destroyed by explosions. Cod help Ireland when devils like that misrepresent her! The. steamer Kearsarge that had the celebrated encounter with the ConJedcr ata ram Alabama came into the port of Charlestoi last week, and has been cur iously observed by numbers of people. A large number ol colored people have returned from Liberia to their homes in North Carolina in a most pitiable condi tion Iro'iu disease and poverty. They express themselves as disgusted with Africa, Charleston and Columbia are both agitating the question of establishing a ljue hotel for the accommodation ol Northern tourists. Orangeburg says litllc. but she may be the lirst to carry out the enterprise. Governors will be chosen this year in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Man laud. Ohio. Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. A Senator is to be elected in Ohio to succeed Peudlcton, Democrat, aud in Iowa to succeed Allison, republican. An exchange savslhat Rev. S. Lan der, ol* Williainstou, .S. C, has recently received a patent for an improved device lor lioiding tools in position ou the grind stone while sharpening them. We hope our good brother hasn't any axe to grind. The Providence (R. I.) Journal virtu ally advises a policy that will disfran chise a large majority of white men in the United States and about nine-tenths of the negroes. Universal suffrage is mairing the Republican party sick at the stomach. Here: In the midst of all the hurrah ing over the inglorious postponement of the election cases, does it occur to any body that the re.:...it may be only a fern! designed to secure juries suited to the purposes of Melton & Co., than the present one? The New York Globe, a colored organ, puts President Arthur aud *'the grand old party" upon warning that the ncgru balance of power must be fairly recogniz ed in the distribution of ollice. In case of refusal, the Republicans may as well, prepare to abdicate and let the Demo crats get in. Jesse F. Cleveland, a young man of most respectable connections, and for many years a teller in the Greenville National Bank, absconded from Green ville last week, being a defaulter to the amount of 85.000. He pretended to be going to Florida to get married? but has since turned up at Houston, Texas, the story ol h:s getting married being all a fabrication. There is considerable gossip in Wash ington to the effect that Mahonc is work ing to get his partv into line so as to be represented iu the next National Repub lican Convention. - Ili> proposes that his party, through tlic aid of Federal patron age, shall carry the next State election in V rginia. and then demand the second place on the National Republican ticket for Malione. At Montgomery, Ala., Win, Dorsey. a machinist, bad been on the lookout for burglars and had put a pistol under his j head to be ready for them. During Monday night, his wile left the room iu the dark, while Dorsey was asleep. As she was coming back he awoke, and hearinga noise iu the room, fired in that direction. The ball struck her in the breast and she died in a short time. Dor sey is overwhelmed with grief. Mx_J. C. Sims, llvinjj siv miles below "Columbia, made last year with seven "mules SB two hundred 'acres of laud one hundred and lif'tv-four bales of cotton averaging 500 pounds to the bale, or. reducing the bales to the standard aver age weight. 171 bales weighing 4?? pounds each. Besides this. Mr. Suns made on the same land an abundant tup ply of corn, fodder, oats, sweet potatoes and other food crops. This is g.wl farm ing. The Aiken Recorder says : "Last week a report reached our ollice that, a fine fat dog had been killed by an Aiken butcher upon the order of a consumptive visitor from Minnesota, for edible pur poses. Upon investigation we learned Irom the butcher himself that the canine was not killed for the sake of his meat, but for the oil-contained in his fat, which the gentleman proposes' to drink as a cure for consumption. It is ''15s C!lc'h 10 00 Agents Sewing ? Ordinance shall be payable within 30 days from the 1st day of April. A. D. 18.83. All taxes unpaid after the expiration of 30 days shall be subject to an additional tax | of 20 per centum on real estate ?mil 20 per centum on licenses. Sec. XV. Be. it further ordained. That all approved claims against the Town be re ceived in payment of taxes and licenses, and other dims against the Town. Sec. XVI. Be it: further ordained, That this Ordinance slut]] remain in force until amended or*repealeQ. Sec XVII. Be it further ordained, That the fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of April. 18R3. SBC. XVIII. Be if further ordained, That all Ordinances or pirts of Ordinances con flicting with Rri*~-Ordinance be and the same are hereby ro&ealcd. Ratified March 2l 1883. ILA. C. Dukes, Mayor. C. R. Joses, Cie jc. _ For all kinds'" of Job Friut'ng go to Berry & Co. -. 'They duplicate Cuarlcs ton prices. THEODORE T/"OIIN, AjlEODORE X^OHN, OfiAItGEBUBCI, S. C. -o?:? ? 6 A 11 roads lead to Rome," quoth an old jtx. Latin orator, anrt every road was thronged with travellers to the Eternal City, full of zeal and perseverance, for which the old Romans were famed. Pilgrimages in those days were no doubt as beneficial as in out own modern times, and travel Is, as it always has been, an admirable remedy for over-fastidiousness and prejudices. One who never leaves his own country is Invari ably full of prejudices, which visits toother lands remove and give character and a lib erality to our knowledge. Pilgrimages in shopping are also beneficial. Sedentariness is as hurtful ns disease, and those who stay at home and continually trade in a narrow circle read but one page ;>f the history of the shopping world, which is now a great book. To see THEO. KOHN'S GREAT EM PORIUM would be equal to reading an in teresting chapter of a picturesque book. Therefore take a pilgrimage to the Great. Establishment of Theodore Kohn and take a survey of his Immense Stock of m SPRIE GOODS. We are now offering all the latest In the following Goods, which have been selected with great care, and cannot be found else where : Novelties in Spring Silks, black and colored. Novelties in Spring Oress Goods, black and colored. Novelties in White Goods, all kinds. Novelties in Housekeeping Goods. Novelties in Hosiery for ladies and children. Novelties in Gloves'and Mitts in all colors. Novelties in Millinery, Flowers and Ribbons Novelties in Laces aiid Lace Goods. Novelties in Notions, Buttons and Fans. Novelties in Fancy Goods and Neck Wear. Novelties in Upholstery and Lace Curtains. Novelties in Parasols. In all of the above departments w> Invite inspection and def\ competition. -o "Spring is the time ef times for being well dressed. Tobe well dressed will oftentimes supersede the rest." Your attention is specially invited to the un equalled display of CHILDREN'S, ROYS', YOUTHS and GENTS' Clothing. Those wishing stylish, well made Custom Clothing will do well to examine our hand some assortment. Prices moderate, work manship first-class. I undoubtedly have on hand the largest and best selected stock of 'ients' and Youths' clothing ever brought to Orangeburg. -o We invite particular notice to our im mense stock of SHOES. We have given our special attention this season to Men's Hand Sowed Shoes and be lieve them to be uueqalled. Also would call to notice our specialties in Shoes for.Children's school and Sunday wear. We fee! confident in making this assertion, that we can please any one in search of Shoes. TH Light Running DOMESllu SEWING MACHINE, Also, the Unequalled "Household Sewing Machine,1' Arc always to be found for sale on easy terms. Sewing Machine Oil, Need les and supplies at reduced -Prices. -o JtgrFurther particulars in weekly local column. Theodore Kohn. I Can Tell You How to Be Your Own E>octor. If you have a bad taste in your mouth, sal lownessor yellow color of skin, feel despon dent, stupid and drowsy, appetite unsteady, frequent headache or dizziness, you arc bil lions. Nothing will mouse your Liver to action and strengthen up your system equal Simons' Hepatic Coiopoii or Liver and Kidney Cute. Removes Constipation, Relieves Dizziness, Dispels Sick Headache, Abolishes Billtousness, Cures Jaundice. Cures Liver Complaint. Overcomes Malarial Blood Poisoning, Regulates the- Stomach, Will Regulate the Liver, Will Regulate the Bowels. Tito. Liver and Kidnoj* Can be kept perfectly healthy in any cli mate by taking an occasional dose of * SIMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, the cjke.vt vegetable liver and kidney MEDICINE. DOWIE & MOISE, Proprietors, Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, S. C. R7"For sale in Orangeburg by Dr. A. C. DUKES. Fcb8-lyr Too busy supplying the* wants of our customers and open ing Spring Novel ties to do much talk ing. Look for us later. In the mean time call. We will bfc glad to sec you. BRUN SON & DIBBLE. JOHN C. NOLAND, Saddle and Harness Maler, R?ssel Street. Next to T. D. Wolfe. ORANGEBURG, S. C. Repairing Done Promptly and at Reasona ble Prices. I will also reseat cane bottom chairs, recov er and repair cushioned chairs, sofas, &c. EgTAll work warranted as well done as can be done by anybody or anywhere, or no charge_ March 15-lyr 3?u?ic School. npiio undersigned will open his Music -L School in way's Hall' September 1st, 1882. Instruction on Piano, Organ, and in Solo Singing. Price ?20.00 per session, pay able half in advance, balance December 1. Session five months with three lessons week ly. For any reference, or further informa tion, please apply at my residence, Orange burg Hotel. . ANTON BERG, ? Aug 21 WOMAN !'= DB. J. BRADFIILD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. Tliis famous remedy most happily meets the demand of the age fur woman's peculiar and multiform afflictions. It is a remedy for "Woman Onlt, and for One Special Class of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of the womb, and pro poses to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derangements and ir regularities of Woman's MONTHLY SICKNESS. Its proprietor claim? for it no other medi cal property, and to doubt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such con trolling and regulating 'powers is simply to discredit the voluntary testimony of thous ands of living witnesses who are to-day ex ulting in their restoration to sound health and happiness. BRA DFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is strictly a vegetable compound, and is the product of medical science and practical ex perience directed towards the benefit of ? SUFFERING WOMAN! It is the studied prescription of a learned physjfian whose specialty was Woman, and whose fame became enviable and boundless because of his wonderful success in the treatment and cure of female complaints. The Regulator is the Grandest Remedy known, and richly deserves its name: WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND, Because it controls a class of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of af flictions which sorely embitter her life, and prematurely end her existence ! Oh ! what a multitude of living witnesses can testify to its charming effects. Woman ! take to vour confidence this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH ! It will relieve you of nearly all the com plaints peculiar to your sex ! Rely upon it ns your safeguard for health, happiness and long life. Prepared only by DR. J. BRADF1ELD, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by the Druggists of Or angeburg. Price: small size, 73 cents; large size, SI.50. March 2t!-lyr RYANT O rglHONI'SON III" ANT CC XlIOMFSON AT Railroad Corner, dealers in FAMILY Grroceries A SPECIALTY. We arc prepared to meet the demands of the Orangeburg Public in everything in the Grocery Line, keeping always on hand a large, varied and fresh stock of Mer chandise of every description. Call and try us. Feb 2 I have just opened a Select Stock of DRY GOODS, NOlIOE SHOES, X &C, AT THE RED STORE, Where I will be pleased to see my frieuds. I. S. CUMINGS. "Sewing Maclrncs of any make repaired Mandl l-lyr Patterns! Patterns! DRESS PATTERNS. At last we have succeeded in securing the Agency for M'CALL'S BAZAAR Glor?E-fittini Patterns. B. B. OWEN & CO. JJave just recei" d our Full Line of SPRING GOODS! Nun's Veiling, different shades, Only 25 ecuts per Yard. Lace Buntings, From 14 cents up to -10 cents. Clothing, Clothing, From $-1.20 per suit up to $40. Lawns, Piques, tfec., Straw Hats, Shoes, ifce. 'Call and see us. B. B. OWEN & CO. April 5 When Furniture you wish to buy, Before you purchase RanstSule try. Good bargains here you get indeed, And satisfaction guaranteed. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bedding, Sofas too, And Chairs and Tables always new. Mirrors, Glass and WiMowware, Wardrobes and Pictures rich and rare. These and much more his stock comprises, Are offered at rock down prices. All other linns are fairly beat, By BCau*dule ?& ?L'o. on Russell-street. To School Truste???. School Commissioner's Office, Oranuerurg, April 3, 1883. In consequence of the busy season with the fanners, Trustees of School Districts in which the Public Schools are not yet opened are hereby advised not to open the same un til the summer months, when the crops are laid by. and the children can be better spar ed to attend. Stiles R. Mellichamp, April 5-4 School Commissioner. Piano and Organ Toning, Repairing and Varnishing. Or ders promptly attend to. No satisfac tion, no pay Anton Berg, Aug 21- Orangeburg HoteL fljy!, a H- MAYHEWS . Rfini 0BAN9EBUB& HUBBLE WOBKS. \ j ' TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS furnished at -^^^^S slot'k t0 cuose ^r0? for lettering at shortest ^^^^^^f^^g A large selection of tlie most modern designs of j^w^jMptBHwag '1 hose in want, of anything in my line would do well to give me a call. Prices as low as Charleston or any A full assortment oi this celebrated Tlircad in White. Fast Bluck and Colors, at whole sale and retail by April 3-3m03 TB3EO. BSOHHi. ' ?TRY? Carolina Tulu Tonic, The great remedy for Pulmonary Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Etc., And ? GENERAL DEBILITY. SURE CUKE FOB MALARIA AND DYSPEPSIA In all its stages. g[0F~Fov sale by all grocers and druggists. H. BS3GH?FF & CO., Charleston, S. C, Sale Manufacturers & Proprietors. Sept 2i-ior> of .5. <'. Pike. rPhc undersigned hereby give notice to all A parties Indebted to John C. Pike that unless satisfactory arrangements are made the claims held against them will, after due advertisement, be put up at public auction .Old sold to the highest bidder Please come forward and make payment and save your credit. H?ht. Corns, Assignee. Feb 1j Johx C. Pikk, Agent. S'iano.s and Organ.**. Iwill sell from the best makers for cash or on time at the lowest prices Pianos and Organs. No pavniont asked before instru meilt has been put up in the house, inspect ed and approved. Second hand Pianos for sale very low. Axtox Bkko, Aug 31 Orangeburg Hotel. Wood! Woodi: Wood!!! TO THE PUBLIC ! TO TBE PUBLIC I Ihave established a - "WOOD YARD in town, and can funish any kipd in any length desired at shortest notice. Leave your orders at Brunson & Dibble's store. CEO. W. BRUNSON. Terms cash. April 12-Smos South Carolina Kai Sway. On and after February 1th, 1883, Passen ger Trains will run as follows until further notice: GREENVILLE EXr-RESS Going West, D aily Through Train. Leave Charleston at.7.00 a itt Leave Branchvilleat.9.00 am Leave Orangeburg at.0.37 a ro Leave. St. Matthews at.10.03 a r/1 . Leave. Kingville at.10.33 am Arrive at Columbia at..:.11*38 a m Going Last, Daily Through Train. Leave Columbia.C-.W p tn Leave Kingville.8.01 p in Leave St. Matthews.8.32 p m Leave Orangeburg.-..~.9.00 p xa Leave Branchville.?9,45 p m ^, Arrive at Charleston.11.30 p m wav freight and passenger local train. Going West, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Charleston.8.35 am Leave Branchville.ll.oo am j Leave Orangeburg.12.25 p m Leave St. Matthews.1.27 p m Leave Klngville.2.3G pm Arrive at Columbia.4.42 p m accommodation local train. Going East, Dady Except Sunday. Leave Co'umbla.8.00 am Leave Klngville.8.58, a-m Leave St. Matthews.9.30 am . i LeaveOrangcburg.16.02 am ' '' Leave Branchville.10.50 am Arrive at Charleston.1.00 p m Going West, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Charleston.5.30 p m ? Leave Branchville...7.45 p m Leave Orangeburg.."TTrr:?^,....8.28 p m Leave St. Matthews..,.9.02 pm Arrive at Columbia.'..lfc'w p si through freight?local train. Going West, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Branchville.1.20 am Leave Orangeburg.2.51 a m Leave St. Matthews.3.52 am Arrive at Columbia.7.00 am. Going East, Daily Except Sunday. Leave Columbia.9.15 pm Leave St. Matthews.12.21 a m Leave Orangeburg.1.24 am Arrive at Branchville.2.51 am Arrive at Charleston.8.04 a m cam den train. West. Dail y, Except Sunday.' Leave Kingville at.10.40 a m 8.05 p mi Arrive at Camden at_1.40 p m 10.12 p m East, Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Camden...!.6.45 a m 4.30 p m.' Arrive at Kingsville.8.52 a m 7.30 p augusta DIVISION. West. *Daily. fDaily Except Sunday. Leave Branchville? -3.37 a m |5.55 a m *10.50 a m Arrive at Blackville? 4.45 a m G.55 a m 11.45 a r.i Arrive at Augusta.? 7713 a m 9.10 a m 2.00 p m j Eist. Leave Augusta? ?-".OSam f4.30pm *9.o0pm Leave Blackville? 9.45 a, m G.45pm 11.30 pm Arrive at Branchville? . t 10.40ani 7.45pm 12,38am j? Passengers to and from stations on Cam den Branch change cars at Kingville. Passengers to or from stations on Augus ,ta Division chauge cars at Branchville. Those taking local trains change cars at Branchville to or from stations on main line or Augusta Division. Connections made at Columbia with Co lumbia and Greenville Railroad by train ar riving at Columbia at 11.28 A. M. and de parting at fi.58 P. M. Connections made at Columbia Junction with Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta Railroad, also by these trains to and from all points on both roads. Connection made :.i Charles ton with steamers for New York on Wednes days' and Saturdays; also, with Savannah and Charleston Railroad to all points South. 3 Connections art! made at Augusta vdthi? Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad fcjfc-^j and from all points West and South.- . Connections made ft Blackville with Barn well .Railroad to and from Barnweil. ThrougTr rk>keto can be purchased to all* points South amniiafcriv ^^x^mi^- ; - -"?^?d. c. Allen, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. John B. Peck, General Manager. J. G. Postell, Agent at Oranceburg. NORMAN'S rl?-jT65ALU||vc ?MARK? ASURE and effectual Rc-nedy for tho enreof all lm.'*ularitl.;s and disorders of the atom nch and Uowabl, wfc ether In children or adults. It Is acceptable to tho stomach without belnff offensive) t? tho tone. _ Promptly .x-Ueving Dysentery, Dlarrhom, Chol ent Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Flux, Griplnsc I^ina, Flatulency, Kausca, Aclilty ot tho Stomach, Heartburn, Kick and Nervous Headaoho tiul Dyspepsia, May bo used in all derangements ot theSfom.-icu and Dowels from relaxation of the liiteatiues or a char go of food or water. ISTOEJMr.AlT'S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL Is as pleasant and harmless as Black berry \Vlnc. Docs not contain Opium and will not constipate. Specially recom mended for Soaidckncsa and Teething Price 35c. and $1.00 per bottle. ? So'.db'jallDnrjgtstaand Dealers In lledlcine, IIZCELSIBR OHRlffTQAL CO,, Sole Proprietors, Walhalla, S. C, U. S. A, Jan4-lyr ESSEB OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, FOR ALL CLIMATES. VTo tire ?10 largest farmers, lar^-eit seed srroir cr.i and largest seed dealers* anywhere; Uenco Lava ;;reatc.:t farilltics for producing Kent Sccdu A l o-jr &e>ll are let'.cd, and only tho best sent out. o.tr Annual Caialogu* and J'riee liitbringa the <;:ItEATEST rSEF.I) 8TOKE IN' tue WORLD TO YOUR OWN DOOIt. It la. c! ides all t'10 desirable new and standard varicUc? of Flower, Vorctafcto, V'.fUX s:id Trco 3oeda, aaa PiituU Sotit FItE? to any address. HIRAM StSLEY & CO. Seedsmen liccisotcr, Ha Y. and CUlcaeo, IIL Janl-ly ,. [?lc?kFOil JS83.a_, will be iii.tiHa mix In all applicants, and to cu*.. toiijornnf lastycir without oiderintr it Itcontalna about 175 pa-res, O'l illustrations, pricflo, aocurttc-? - descriptions u:id v.iluablo directions for planting lf>t>u varieties of Vctrctablo and Flower seed*, ' ? ? l iantH. Fruit Tree*.etc. Invaluable to all, aepeo -? tally to Market Gardeners. Send for It 1 D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT MlOH. | DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY 12i 1buying rocerics? y uv Ing vT rocerics ? IF SO. SEND YOU It ORDERS TO WELCH & E?S0N, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Choice Family and Fancy Groceries, Fine Liquors, Teas and Segars, 127 and 129 Meeting Street, Southwest Cor ner Market-street, Charleston, S. C. ~T\7"e cany an extensive assortmeniTDf \ V Goods and we have everything you want at astonishingly low prices. Holiday Goods in Great Variety. Country Merchants wishing an assort ment of Fancy Groceries will find it to thcir^ interest to correspond with us on the sut ject. Packing and urayage free. 237~Send for catalogue and price list. Nov 23-0mos PIANOS AXD ORGANS. D. H. MAUCHANT, AGENT, For the worlds best makes of Pianos and Organs, which will be sold for cash or on time with easy terms for payment, satis faction guranteed. Consult your Interest by consulting me at Geo. U. Cornelsetfs Store._ Office Hours on Scsoat at De. j. G. Wannamaker'b Drug Store : ^ From 9 to halt-past 10 a. xr. From half-past 5 to 7 p. (