Tiro P,-qd;r d Johth&I: s ** Published Wednesday Mornings by ihe Journal Company Subscription Price - - $1.00 < 1 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Paee land, S. C.. tinder Postal Act J of March 3, 1879. November 11, 1917 } i ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO DO f GOOD The boys who go from home v into army life find themselves t in another world. The whole i some influences ot the home ' and church life are withdrawn, 1 and the young man is thrown ( into a hotbed of temptation. ; The vices are open to him, and, t left to himself, the average boy s will yield to the strong influences about him. Ere he is j aware of it his good impulses begin to slip awav and evil ones to come in. The military training is not to make gcod men. or good boys but good soldiers. The physical side is stressed 1 The biggest ruflian may tight v better than the most devout. Only one channel is open for earn ing heme and church influences to the soldier boy in the camps or in the trenches. Only one organization attempts to carry good cheer and holy influences into the lives of the brave young men who have surrendered everything that they may battle for the safely of home and loved ones, for liberty and for justice. The young men's Christian As sociutions is trying to make army life as much like home life as possible. To do this money is required. The task is a big one, but the American people are this week showing again the stuff they are made of. President Wilson lias asked- that $35,000,000 be raised this week for this great work. Every state is organized, and then the organizations reach right on down to the county and town m11p. aoutn Carolina i-. asked for $2()0,000. Of this I 'hosier field county is asked for $3,500. Old Store's part of this is $500. Mr. L. L. Parker has been named chairman in thi> township, and he has named the fol lowing to assist him in a can vass oi the township this week: |. \V. El kins, R. S. Latimer, S W. Watts, U. F. Moore, H. N. Askins, J. A. Turner, D. B. liar i rington, D. E. Clark, C. B \ Dukes, P. M. Arant. Mr. Parkt i believes that the amount will 1>?*| raised. I a (Full Hoi Im <; Full vai ia, (Full Fore are here lo serve Yo We appreciated line tor the tall tr We have an e wear, Pants, Ovei You alway: t- R at M .a-i 1 - v f-Kl-RCH NOTES ME'IIIODIST PROTESTANT John. W. Quick, Pastor Our fourth and last quarterly conference for the year will bt leld at Rose Hill tomorrow, rhursday at 12 m Our oppointment for nexi Sunday will be at Rose Hill al 1 a.m. This is our last appointment for the year. Wc eave next Tuesday for Me >ane, N. C. for the annual con erence. An old couple in the Soutf vere much distressed owing tc heir increasing poverty. Think ng their son in the North wouk ielp them, they wrote, statin * lioir trnilhlp mill cocinnr if In lie! not aid them they would be ibliged to go to the poorhouse \ couple of weeks passed anc iien came a letter irom the sor ay ing: "My dear parents: Just war mother week and I'll come tome and tro with you. Youi iffectionate son."?Ex. Monuments Now is the time to buv thai nonument you expect to bu> See me and save tune anc noney. G. R. Knight. On Novem est bidder the 5 Head < 1 2-Horj A lot ot All ot in . Remember th : i' i ^aMnaans ISC, we, 0. All these together c u and to give Satisfactio I your Spring trade ade. mormons line ol Sho rshoes and many olhe s iind it at Mum tfiingo ros % As The .Germans See U* An official who has scrutiniz ed the reporls made bv Germu diplomatic representatives t their government before th declaration of war furnishes thi ' extract from one ot them: \ : sea : ? / ! That good kind ot tic ' eat, tresh car just receive* r at the old cheap price. > 6 packages A & H Sod; ^ 1 lb. package ground Cot 1 Safe Home matches still Home made kraut 1 Export and Clean easy s 'r Snow Drift Lard 10 lb. Goldusf old price " Many other things not spac Let the green Truck < i green front store, the home THE PEOI G.C. Man TIA1VT AMI TGUE iber 15th. I Will s ; following: of mules se Nissen wagon i Corn and Fodder iv Farminn Imnfor v le date, Nov. 15th. L. W; iccount (or the increase i II. so much t* at we ha es. hats, Caps, Hosiery, 5; things to numerous t ijjo Brothers. brothers. Meet me ! i, i'A h 'i ill MB Ibii ll^>M?BW?WMi "The Americans are very rough. It you call one of them u a li-ir hi* does not argue the matier utter the manner of a ? German gentleman, but brutally e knocks you down. The Ameris cans have absolutely no kultur." ?New York World. FOAM >ur is what we want you to d, also the following goods ifor 25 cts. foe lor 25 cts. 5 cts. per box 15 cts. per can. Aon C ?- ? ? ^ yjay ?i i ts. per uar. bucket $2.10 5 c per pkg. e to mention deliver your groceries from the of good things to eat. PLE'S STORE gum & Co. SALE SS iell to the high J-* i learly new ncnts. at 10 a. m. alls m n our sales. We ve pat in a tall , Shirts, Untier- c ;o mention. Q r js s at M tingo Bros. | n } Oats i j 500 bushels No. 1 recleaned Texas red rust proof at ^ ^ $ 1.00 per bushel. The very best that money can buy. ^ ^ Come and get yours before they are gone. The best ^ ^ that will be here this season. <# * SALT # ^ Plenty of it and its the good old kind. Better get one # ^ before iis too late. ^ ^ Cheese just received a shipment of full cream-The best ^ r that is made. ^ > FLOUR * ^ The same good kind, the kind you can eat and ^ t enjoy it. ^ * HAY * ^ Sweet feet, Home made Corn and Meal. Just re- ^ ^ ceived a nice line of School tablets for the school ^ ^ children, 5 cents each. For the young ladies and girls ^ ^ the best Talcum powder in town, a good article at a ^ ^ small price. Many other things I can sell you. Come ^ r and see. ^ ^ I still have some Terra Cotta on hand, now is the ^ ^ time to get it. Coffins and Caskets when jou need ^ ^ any thing in that line. See me, I have got what you ^ ^ want and need. Prices as low as any one's. ^ | Dr. J. Monroe Railings |