?- ? PREMIER "NON-PUNCTURE** AUTO TIRES Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service. These tires bear the greatest know mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a price even less than tires of ordinary guarantee. This guarantee covers punctures blow-outs and general wear. Guarantee covers 7,500 miles SiTvipo oorninpf wv. >IVV Uj^umoi CVUJ CA' cept abuse. These tires are intended foremost severe service. Orders h-.'ve been received for these tires for use in the United States Government Service. As a Special Introductory offer, we will allow the following prices for the next ten days. TIRES-TUBES Tire T ube 28x3 $9.20 $2.00 30x3 10.25 2.30 30x3 1-2 13.50 2.80 32x31-2 14.05 3.00 34x3 1-2 15.25 3.20 31x4 17.00 3.25 32x4 18.00 3.30 33x4 19.50 3.40 34x4 20.40 3.60 30x4 21.00 3.80 36x4 22.00 3.90 35x4 1-2 26.00 5.00 36x4 1-2 27.00 5.10 37x4 1-2 27.50 5.15 37x5 32.60 5.40 All other sizes. Non-Skids 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent discount if payment in full accompanies order and if twn nm ca ordered, shipping charges will he paid by us. C. O. D. on 15 per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest early ordering. We sell direct only, giving purchaser the advantage of all middlemen's profits. Strongtread Rubber Co. Dayton, Ohio. SEXUAL sex forces. PI [life in relation to happiness marriage. "Secrets" of man- . hood and womanhood; sexual 11 abuses, social evil, diseases, etc. e The latest, most advanced and a comprehensive work that has c ever been issued on sexual hy- 2 giene. Priceless instruction for 5 those who are ready for the true e inner teaching. This book tells nurses teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social workers, Sunday School < teachers and all others, young 1 and old, what all needs to know ( about sex matters. By Winfield 5 Scott Hall, Ph. D., M. D. (Leip- ] U zig). f Newspaper Comments: ^ "Scientifically correct."?Chicago Tribune. "Accurate and up-to-date."?Philadelphia Press. "Standard book of knowledge." W Philadelphia Ledger. The New W York World says: "Plain truths J ior those who need or aught to know them for the prevention of evils. Under plain wrapper for only $1 .00. Coin or Money Order postage ten cents extra. Miami Publishing Co. Dayton, Ohio. k Notice To Cattle Ow ners: Anvone I having cattle under quarantine | and wishing to move same should ' apply to me for permits to avoid L trouble. Geo. A. Plexico, B Cattle Inspector Chesterfield Co. B Pollock & Pegues ^ ~ _ LAWYERS _ f Club Building Cheraw, S. C. One member of firm will be in L T A Bottle of Tears (Continued from page one) I believed him. The peach came back to my cheek; a girlish lustre kindled in my eye; a wife's and mother's pride began to lay plans for life and home? but they were soon dashed and broken, for before I was up from that bed he came back home drunk again. My sun went out in sudden, irretrievable midnight my heavens they could be called, became starless; I grew old; my heart petrified. But, sir, you will find it all, and much more, in the bottle of tears. I need not tell you of the next few sorrowladen years, and the coming of the sornnH orirl* nf tVm VI lllV Ul^Ul U1 luxury; of the desertion of friends of the absence of visitors; of the curtailing of expenses and enforced economy; in order to meet your liquor claims: of the loss ot my health; other efforts to keep the wolf from the door; of he time? \ have fled, by night with frightened children, from a rum-crazed husband and father; of a cheerless hearth-stone; of a bare table, and the birth of a third child in the midst of the squallor to which only a drunkard's home is familiar; of my vain effort to keep the children clothed and fed; of the deeper depths into which you pulled my now helpless husband. One night there was such a pain in my heart that I cried out. It awoke Mary, who came to me and asked what the matter was. I told her that I was in so much pain that I must be dying, that she would have to take mamma's ?i * 1 ? "' pia^c auu cuit* xui papa ana iini6 sisters, that papa was a hopeless drunkard, and that she would soon be the only bread winner. You will find in the bottle of tears how we spent that night, Mary and I in praying and planning. How little Mary took her seat at dawn in the doorway and watched for papa's return; how, with the rising of the sun, he came staggering up the once flower-bordered, now weed-infested road; how Mary ran down threw her arms about her father Ijmrtaair^'Qnivntinfl'^Onr ig and pleasing to all. To 1 very one sending us but 50c _ nd 5 stamps to cover shipping osts we will ship a big box of J !0 regular 5c packages of the ipearmint Gum and include the slegant, 'Tango" necklace and "Evelyn rhaw" bracelet absolutely free. This offer is for a short time mly. Not more than 2 orders o one party. Dealers not allow. J A. it. ju 10 accept in is. United Sales Company. Dayton, Ohio P. O. Box 101 AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES Save From 30 to 60 Per Cent. Tire Tube Reliner 28x3 $7.20 $1.6S $1.35 . 30x3 7.80 1.95 1.40 30x3 1-2 10.80 2.80 1.90 32x3 1-2 11.90 2.95 2.00 34x3 1-2 12-40 3.00 2.05 32x4 13.70 3.35 2.40 33x4 14.80 3.50 2.45 * 34x4 16.80 3.60 2.60 36x4 17.85 3.90 2.80 35x4 1-2 19.75 4.85 3.45 36x4 1 2 19.85 4.90 3.60 37x4 1-2 21.50 5.10 3.70 37x5 24.90 5.90 4.20 All other sizes in stock. NonSkid tires 15 per cent additional, I icu iuimjs icn |)t'i ceni auuvc gray. All new clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best standard and independent makes. Buy direct from us and save money. 5 per cent discount if payment in full accompanies each order. C. Q. D. on 10 per cent deposit. Allowing examination, tire Factories Sales Co. my precious husband \hom4B?| me, at the break of day, and him dead on the floor, and bjVrT ried back, I suppose to the sgH^ I bling table, over which npn victim had just been sho?j?ff found some friendly negroefiXI dig the grave in what I thouJj|| was my garden, and we laid dm down under his favorite apgro tree. I thought to put flow#r there this summer and shells li winter, and teach my girls of how noble he was before he fdl into your clutches. But it seenAS I buried him in your garden and under your apple treel Indeed, < he was laid on your floor. It ii marked with your victim's blood. After some kind colored friends helped me to shroud him and while sitting up with his preci ous remains that night, I tried to wash out the stain of blood, thinking I could not bear to look at it and walk over it. But it turns out that it is your floor, .on which he who gave you his vast property, his manhood, his family, his very soul, found a cooling board. You will find it all, sir, in the bottle of tears. You order me to vacate. I ob^y. When you read this I will be on my way down the road east.%-1 take this route only because lit leads me away from you awl your den of destructions. I donjt Know wnere 1, witn my msge little girls, will spend the ni ?t. But one thing I promise you, whatever there is in a widowjs wail, or an orphan's cry, if th^re really be a God, we will nleet you at His judgement bar, tb ere to tell and the truth to say, as to how 3 ou came by this hame which we now leave. You will find it all, sir, in the bottle tof tears."?South Carolina A!mSaloon League. I Photography w I am now ready for ^Ky kind of picture work. Be and have your "bet^^B' struck. 6 post cards and Mercantile Company^ ???????? ox Lumber CompaV" Manufacturers of rough ^By lressed lumber, colui^Hd clusters, moulding an^Hs, rinds of turning. Give Hn :rial. No order to smal^B a R. A. Carpenter, Man<^H Everything Man NmIs ^tompieie suaviug 10 Articles (fl To advertise our Shaving Outfit and Ui^^Hpal Products we will for a ^^Bed time only, send ihis well^^B>rth $3.00 Shaving Outfit fo^^B>00. We sell our products to sumer direct and there^^Byou save all agents' profituj^^H as you know are very InnPHH 1 Hollow Ground Rs^Bj 1 5 inch Lather BrushHS 1 Razor Strop, Canvag^^Ht. 1 Nickle Easle Back S^Hr. 1 33 inch Barber Tow?l^"\ 1 Bar Shaving Soap. 1 Box Talcum Powder. 1 Decorated China Mug, 1 Aluminum Barber'(Comb. 1 Bristle Hair Brush, j Agents need not wrii e. Each outfit packed it neat box $1 .00. Coin or Mo?ev order, postage 10c extra. i Universal Prodi els Co. Dayton, Ohi . d B| ' r i ym*i SSSsSajS^ Si 1 S I Cles I II We have determu lj[ and to do this quiet articles at and below |V give it away. We Now this is no idle jj*| New goods arriving Just received a bi || and rubber soled 1 || doing. ff ii II If PAGELA m______ Partial List ot Claims Paid by Philadelphia Life Insnrance Co. Throngh The Roby Ay cm. D. M. Peterson $22.00 D. B. Jones 15 00 J. E. Dixon 7.98 D. F. Little 58.00 Ellison Mills 16.60 M. P. Gale 18.33 Leonard Brewer 29.00 J. N. Campbell 32.49 J. D. Melton 36.66 A. J. Smith 31.54 n /\ ii.ia / ' ' r. ivieuon b.bb J. C. Jones 7.50 J no. R. R&tliff 5.83 C..M. Haskew 11.66 M. J. Deese 8 33 J.C.Jones 25.00 D. E. Redfearn 20.00 Mrs. J. E. Meehan 10.50 D. H. Laney 40.00 Ed McCaskill 6 66 Fred Rivers, Jr. 12.50 Fass,(Dillion, N. C.) 2500.06 Place your life insurance with the Philadelphia Life, and should disease or accident inca pacitatc you from earning a livihood, you will have no reason for worry regading the premiums and the leaving of your family unprovided for. The Philadelphia Life will keep up the payments on vour Policy, increasing its value every year. The contracts issued by this Company are up-todate in every way are incontestable from date of issue, and have no restrictions for residents, travel or occupation. S. J. SELLERS, Agent MflNFV IN IHCAfi niwiiMi iii miinii Bell, Howe* Singer* and other millionaire inventors began life as poor boys. Fortunes await other inventors. Can YOU think of something to patent? Am&ica's greatest f Inventor tells HOW TO INVENT Kjp^ in a booklet sent to you free by COPP & CO.* Patent AttorjSjjL neys, 745 8th St., Washlng(|HL ton, D. C. M^Be sure to name this newspaper In your letter. Ask Editor about cost of Patent. I L _ T # iummei iranccJ t tied to clean up on all lines fl.r n?/l ~l ~Xf 1- 1-- - uy anu uium eiiecuveiy w cost. We mean to clean must have the room lor ( talk. We are going to d< almost daily. ig lot ol Oxford and shoes. Tennis shoes. Come and NP MERCAN1 <^l ft f Your Si on a check gives you dig^^H ty and substance in tl^H community?presuming, c^H course, that the check i^H bona fide. Plenty of mei^l who can easily afford to 1 keep a bank account will J not do so because thev fear the bank might fail. There is less chance of the bank being robbed than of themselves being "touched," and our bank is solid as a rock. The Bank < PAGELAIV Special Hosiery Offer. Guaranteed Wear-Ever Hosiery For Men And Women Ladies' Special Offer. For Limited Time OnlySix pair of our finest 35c value ladies' guaranteed hose in binrir or tan colors with written guarantee, for $1.00 and 5 stamps for postage. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN. For a limited time only, six pairs of our finest 35c value guaranteed hose with written guarantee and a pair of our well known men's Paradise Garters for one dollar, and 5 stamps for postage. You know these hose, they stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort Thry have no seams tO ri r? Thpv nnvor _ -r- MVJ UVTVI UV^V/IUU loose and baggy as the shape is knit in, not pressed in. They are Guaranteed for fineness, for style, for superiority of material and workmanship, absolutely stainless and to wear six months without holes, or a new pair free. Dont' delay send in your order before offer expires. Give correct size. Wear-Ever Hosiery Co. Dayton, Ohio iStetBHgfeigi m , il ir M 5alc 1 ii II > ot summer stocks, j| e will offer many it 11 it up if we have to |?l If >ur new fall goods. a just wh*t we say. if ill New lot of pumps see what we are j| ij M II iff PILE CO. I lif aeasaesefeial ? '-V M fl n^KMm vi- SL^fle - -- 1 m of Pageland i ID, S. C. Winthrop College Scholarships and Entrance Examination. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students wiil be held at the Countv Court House on Friday, July 3, at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 3 thev will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions goyerning the award. Applicants for Scholarships should . write to President Johnson be- " fore the examination forSch Warship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next rp? sion will open September 16, 11914. For further information and catalogue, address Pres. D. B.Johnson, Rock Hill,S.C. (Advertisement) Hanna & Hunley ( Attorneys CHESTERFIELD. S. C.