The Pageland Journal Published Wednesday Mornings C. M. Tucker and H. L. Johnson Publishers. Subscription Price - - $1.00 Entered as second class mail matter at the post office at Pageland, S. C., under the Postal Act of March 3,1879. March 18.1914 The price of a shave will not be raised at present, for the long faces are beginning to disappear since the change in the weather. ^ Opportunity knocks once at every man's door, or words to that effect, but she raps so gently we usually fail to hear. m ^ We give it as our exalted opinion that more folks have had measles, mumps, chicken pox, - etc., these last few months than ever before since the other time they had these pests. We wonder if we would be allowed to remain in the community if we should go so far as to meekly suggest that the time of the year is about here when it is not unlawful to clean up iust a bit. The preparations for field day exercises at Chesterfield the last days of March are creating an interest on the part of the students never before seen in Chesterfield count}'. The great bene fits to come from this move will not come from the occasion itself so much as from the preparation at home and at the vari ous schools where the children ?.!al i- - -i ' ? ? vie wiiii eacQ omer iorine nonor of going to the county meeting as a representative of the school. This meeting at the county seat on Friday night and Saturday, March 27-28, should be attended by vastly larger crowds than the -* cennKtug;n meeting**?eirc.tiea -?r any other attractions for it is of more importance than many of these. In fact, every person in the county who can arrange to do so should attend this first field day exercise. ' The thing that has rnndp nncii. ble this great interest in the coming events is cooperation anjong pations, teachers, students and the county officials, Mr. Rouse and Miss Evans. This cooperation hasd>een made possible by the teacher's meetings and the close touch in which teachers and superintendents have worked during the school session now nearing its close. The people of the county who want better rural schools have much to be thankful for, for this has been the best year's work in t-!-/- ' - me msiory 01 ipc schools of the county. 4^- Cooperate. What is it, and why do we see the word so often? "To act together," says Webster. And the reason we see the word in the public prints cn nflnn ic V->.> ? ' w vitvn io uiai me kievu neea for the American people to cooperate or act together in their business relations has been burned into the hearts and minds of a number of public spirited men. Cooperative buying and selling is just ahead of us, and \Vc might as well begin. By this we mean th?tin the near future our merchants will he buying together, our farmers will sell the products!of their farms together and buy their supplies together. Every town is visited daily bv drummers or traveling men who canvass the town and sell goods in snyill quantites to the several merchants and ship by local freight. The salesman's expenses, and they are heavy, and the higher freight rate is paid by the consumer. Merchants should buy together and have all goods nhipped in car loti, tbua getting ? I better prices and better freight rates. Then the farmers and others should buy together, and get the best possible pi ices. By doing this a big saving in the 1 cost to the consumer would be < effected. 1 The farmer brings a bale or | two of cotton to town and asks , what the price is, or a few bush els of corn or potatoes and asks . the price the merchant will pay. , The merchant can't offer much for there isn't enough for a profitable shipment. Buy together and sell together and you will find that it pays. ^ - Will Be Married Today. !V/f.. i 1 ? i vvn 1j. Jllliill UIIU i?l 1SS I Emmie Stegall will be married this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stegall three miles north of town. Rev. E. C Snider will perform the services. Mr. Smith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ran ford Smith of Lanes Creek township, and is an enterprising and worthy man. He is salesman for Mr. C. L. Gulledge at Guess at which place this young couple will make their home. The bride is an' attractive and verj' popular yourrg lady. CHURCH NOTES Methodist Episcopal Hy Rev. J A. Mcbraw A Business engngement off from home, and which was considered by us of some importance forced us to decline to officiate at the burial of Bro. Will Jordan last week. Bro. Jordan was not a member of our church but he was a regular attendant at Zion and we had learned to admire him. We had visited him during his sickness and regret very much our inability to attend his burial. Our quarterly conference at 4. 0-* i? T* ? _ ' /^iuii ut-xi oaiurauy. nope every family of the church will be on hand with their basket, for when -the offieftak* with these preachers come together about 12:30 o'clock, there is some hard work done by way or emptying dishes. Rev. W. A. Massabeau will preach at Zion next Sunday at 3 o'clock and at Pageland at 8 o'clock p m. We will fill our regular appointment at Mt. Crogc.?J? ? :? ?? naii iivai ouuuti,y UHJiuiLig ''I o'clock. The Ladies aid Society will meet next Thursday at the church at 4 o'clock. Baptist J M. Sullivan.(Pastor. Some have wondered whether we were quite orthodox in what we said last week about "Lagrippe." One brother said "I have never had that"?and I hope he never will We were not systematic in our statement of the malady. La-cold should come, or does come any how, (intrude) fiist. Then la-snee/.e followed by la-cough and last of all but not least of all comes the "fourthly" lagrippe to hold on ' like a certain kind of fish. Oh such a 'hideous" monster . to tease and torment the life out of good, innocent people as well as guiltv ones. Why the cruel monster will, in the face of wh?it the wise King Solomon said of the whisperer, rob you of your voice and have you whispering to your friends. "A Whisperer SeparatethChief Friends'*?Prov erbs 16:28. Brethern, remember, voting is not all to be done before we occupy our new building. There may be other things to be looked after. We should like very much to see you there next Sunday at 11 o'clock, also at 8 p, in. The B. Y. P. U. will meet pie ceding the nronrbinor hour I < Please do your best for Home \ Missions next Sunday morning ? and evening. We would hesi- ' tate to give our opinion of the I church member who would stay away from church on account of the "collection/' We never force people to give we only give you an opportunity to do your duty in obeying the commands of our I^ord. Bro, Leon Fuftderburk of Dudley f|lled our appointment at Plains last Sunday to the delight of our^ friends. . ?iLiquid Air. > Liquid air is now being useut For I Week" ? [ US? :dflc, has arrived and JHH oming every day. BJ9 adics, I u come See? T" / of Quality Supply Co. urk, Manager. TC DCaIcrS