...:rwys+ .iE 1RRW8 41D iihLD. PUIJLISRRD .VERtY W DNE8DA 1r -II waxsumaeo rowe1.ISalu Co01AN S'iM-2.00 por annum, in at Vantce, or $2.0 if not In advanoce. Liberal discount to cluba of dco c t3oi( subscribers. AT OUR HOUSE 4 TnZ MOST } 0010E SUMMER BEVERAGES SU'CK AS SHERRY COBBLERS, CLARET PUNCHES, SODA WATER, LEMONADES and OLD VIRGINIA MINT JULEPS TRY TUI CELEBRATED BU K B1E ER, ALWAYS P! SH A"TD COOL. J.CLENDININO. may a Next door to w. R. Doty a Co. F. ELDER. NEW AND DESIRABLE SPRING GOODS. C?IEAr AND PRETTY SPRING GOODS. L ' k and colored Cashmeres, Al - Momie Cloths, Grena ilernani Cloths. :.us'.ins. Linens. Snitings, S:.s. Calicoes, Nalnsooks. SRenfretu" Ginghans. re Jea:s, Cottonades and LI:.ECUED, Brown and Plaid IAbLE Linen, Doylies, Towels, Sheting, Pillow Casing. IF ANY BODY WANTS A GOOD HAT for a little money, let them call on tme. Nobby line of Straw Hats cp,;u(ing. IF ANY MAN OR BOY WANTS A SUIT of good, pretty, nobby, charm. ing Spring Clothes, let them call on mne. IF ANY MAN, WOMAN OR CLILD WANTS a pair of Shoes, cheap, let them call on me and get then. T HOSE SHUETL AND SH AWLS ARE LOVELY. A BIEAUTIFUL Line of Laces, Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, Cot ton Ed gs GEN TS Silk and Linen Hlandker. chiefs. LA DIES' Lineni Hlem-stitched Hand, kerchiefs. GENTS', Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Hose. GENTS' AND LADIES' SCARFS COLLARS and Cuffs, Rufflng, Etc. Etc. BUT WHAT IS THE USE TRYING TO me*ntion everything in the Store Just come and see me, that is all, ant I will make it pay you. --0-0 MY GROCERY STORE, AS usual, is well stocked with al the necessaries, and a few of the luxu ries, of life, that is, in the eating line Buit If you should need any; hard ware orooeker'y, glasswatre or woodenware why I can su~pply youi. 80 DON'T FORG ET TO CA LL Oh . F. Elder. mnch 26 FAIR NOTICE. WE have now openod' our STOCh o,f SPRING and SUMMER DR3 GOODS3, andc ask an inspeation 0 the samVo I y the 1PUBLIC. T>h D).vrtment is full an< 1rA E. :3 V ncd to NONEi. All wo ;.ek u a) you examwin (!'P :11 Km a .1 we will convinc youl th:;d wo "TALK SOL.ID FACTS." MeMAR; IR, BRIICE & R ETCHE3 TOILET SOAPS! V AL iRGE lot, of the .cheapest Toil< I4. iuap for the prieo ovdr brought Wunsboro. Call and ho convinced. MnoMARTRR. IR( A I(hrnstrar Mr -AT TIF r G LADDEN IOTE I,. WE, the undertigned, reereotf\itly in foreu the citizens of WINN BORO and vivinity that wo have 1tEMOViD to GLADDl:'S IIOTEL, And are now in reccipt of a fall line of new and detirable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Which we will sell at the lowest prices for cash. DRESS GOODS, Laces and Embroideries, which we ofi r at accordingly low prlces. WHITE GOODS. We renectfulle ask the attention of th Ladies to our ebtirely new fresh etock of these good$. LEglih Swrise, Plain and Plaided Nan evoks, Paque*, in great vanetc. SILK TIES. Ladies' Lane Beatfe, Tied and Pow., at fafteen cents, worth thirty-Are cents. CLOTHING I IEAUTIFVL STRING SlITS FINE. MF.DICM and COMMON FANCY CASSIMERE$, FLUE FLANNELS, For MEN, YOUTH8 and BOYS MADE TO ORDER. Suits made to order at very low prices. SAMPLES ON laIILIBITION. P. Lauldocor &Bro1, ap 9 TRY THE CELEBRATED Berger & Elgel PHILADELPHIA LAGERBER, PIN T BOTTLES AT ONE DOL L.!! TER~ DOZEN. HALF PINT BOTTLES AT SIX TY-FlIVE CENTS PERf DOZEN. BOTTLES TO BE RtETUJRNEIJ PROMPTLY. FUMMLERI BEVrERAGES, MINT JULEPS, OLARET PUNCHES, SHERRY COBBLERS, LEMONADES, FJODA WATER. cooLs L.A.-3EXE ON D)IAUGHlT ap 30' FINAL DIMCJIARIGE. *NOTICE in he3reby givena that I wil ..IPly to the Juidge of Prol-ato foi A ai fnal Mech~arge aso Executor ot the WII o of am, ph Lauhlon, deceasead, on SatLur day. May 14, lubl. E. A. KENNEDY, ap 14-11x3* Exeuuter. N W Yah ETmis C,EWms. 8 0 11Stopse ThMArIT94G Alt8artogiep. .Addres Daniel F. Ji>es tg, tYH Le end TATNITET..T.A1T. Tloroe Uo . $1OO A MONT H "t aMd ladies taking orders for. the life of J1i FEit$ON DAVIS, by Wn. F. Samford. LL. 1)., of Alabana ieiuding t full history or tie LOST CAUSk. illustrated. Now t&'ady. Snoul /or particutlars. IC. A. TftEAT, Publisher, TOT roadway, New York. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED TH 1AUTHnR ' A n:w & r..iitaOUcS Wor. warr nte.thobetandehep. eatti sIj9igA blo to etertt [nu n t"the 8ciun, o 9111,3ebaaied fn'lit Ien)h i'asos,ernt:.iu,beautiul ste,,l enltra lng.; I ,preacriptioue, prtr,only eont by mai S illustrated rauu+le,. on, now. Addes Pobs Sotedi. HAVE YOU1 EVER KNOWNK . .ny person to be seriou ,y ill w ithou t a w eak stomach or tnactte' liver or kttmeysT .Uit ".hen thet, orgaus ar In ge'it eotltiontto io wu not And tI uhr ro%se-sor etoying goott ealthr? Parker'v Ginger Tonir .e'f%'ys ttg ulat"os thes Impn ortant outans. and tever tails to tuake the tto'd rich and pure, andi to strengthen ever part of ttie system. it has' curer hundreds of ciet patrig luvaidt. .\.k your neighbor about it. CEORCEPACE & CO. uannfacturers oaf Patent Portable Ciroular - SAW XIrLS STEAM ENGINES 6 N.QHROEDER IT. BALTIMORE. 3D. ort and Mills. Water Wheel, Wood Working t+4 ~~~ MIa iqa \ i Cl-ulr s s tS'I LLa c or Catalogue. aip 27.4W Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicino, in proportions accurately ad justed to securo aetivity, certainty, and L luniformity of effect. They are the result a of years of careful study and practical ex perinentt, and are t ti most effectual rent ely yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and U bowels, which reluire prompt and effec tual treatment. Ava's PILLS are spe cially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on the digestive and assimilative processes. and restore regu lar healthy action. Their extiensive use b~ physilclans in their practice, and by a ivl nations, is one of the many proofi of their value as a safe, sure, an'd rfecly eliblepurgative medicine. ing ompondedof thec concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substance, Ithey are positively free from calomeli or any injurIous propertiona, anid can be administered to children with perfect safety. Avrn's Piu.s are an off ectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indi. eston,Dysepsa,Loss of A ppetite, ou tmach and Breath DIzzi. ness, Headache, Loss of lidemory, Numbness, BIiousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Erupt ions and 8kin D)iseases, D ropsy, Tumors, WVorms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes Diarrhoaa Dysentery, Gout, l'lles, I')Isorders of the Liver, and all other diseases result ingfronaisrdred stato of the diges As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these PLrS are the most thorought and search ing cathartic that can lbo eInp)loyed, and never gve >ain unless the bowels are in flamed and then their influence is heal ing. 'ihey atiiulato the appetite and digestive organs; they operabo to purify and enrich the blood, and impuart re newed health and vigor to the whole system. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER &, CO., Practical and Analy tical Cherndsts, Lowell, Mass. GREAT ATTRIiA CT11ON --AT Ti NEW STORE --OF 'J. GEOESCHEL~ LADIEiS' LACE FICHI US NECK WE'AR AND) FANCY GOODS. --ALSO TWVENTY-FIVE PAll115 LADI ES LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR "COME TO NEE ME." ap 28 ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To tintrodue or niew slt e' a1ta1 tuttu.iee traidc wo maIke the followII~in -innraltot.ed oilfers for a shosrit timic: " The lt-r.t i lacketiotatus ald ptate.d wa.tch, chi, n.gate sthawl pIn, h.uty*s eli.* ganl set jnwel ry, sea itan4 intr but lons. coratluiek - aco,aet ofatim a t ..ud-s. gildt pt e hitai ti olla r miton, key ring, pocuket book, tenuation.. s.ilk hanutk.rcef, pen. 40, plucl, etafmhic uetelpe. ?nin. tistin ig cards. Al IIu'b thes taalled444 toyu 'r 3tic. In *atf,i tra eket. turI.00. Thle 1iot can bte ro. The Rtoyal ('saiket 'oim,iahu O'tesouerh uametthyst ulng,'elega.nt coral btrouch aol in box, tuandy nck - ace, coral slee've bntlon,. e'ngravedt gild p'tlt braielota, rosedearripin, god platedtllma'.etgoldl platesoheov buttoins, heavy od plate smtds,lovetl cameoscarf t.in. genluine I aurishan dtIunnde atm1 Mal.a eoa with P'. ditamonid center. beaumutruf heSt(iVlev buttons, lateld collar bulton, platedl kwah c-ilio, p lin gotat plate ring, nobbuy cameu ring. Male% e ar-rinigs witht P. ditamut it pated eo wIth whit. ,ntet mlt, g,1an Th whoe of ts maga tii lii o (i~ 41 suti [Aucare by mail for 91. a fr 91.7n.4 for 9. This lot, N Y, JlSW.JIt 0., Atlan it. (19a. Ade [ 4trS Avr.ArITa EJLona,saays: "Tthis comxpany ia pirfbetly teilale, and the amount they gtvu for yeus anoney is astounding.' 8UIt8eedbo to TuiE NEWS AND UI.IIALn CLO T IIN G. IN order to reduce our stock o Coats at forty cents, Mei's Coats at CLOTHING, we will ofler induco- fifty cents. Black Alpaca, in ments to cash purchasers from this Frocks and Sacks, at very low date. I have a large and well assort- figures, and the best selection of od stock of Cents', Youths' and ?oys' LINEN LUCK and MARSEILLES Cassimer suits in all styles and col- VESTS in the 1301;O. Call and )rs. Also Blue Flannel Suits for supply yourselves with a full outfit. 1onts, Youths and Boys, at a small Underwear in great variety and at tdvanco on COST. Oents' dingo- VERY LOW PRICES. In addi, il Coats and Vests, in Frocks and tion tu my Clothing Department, I 5acks, and VCr stylish and light keop on hand a fine stock of Dress uuner dress suits. Children't Goods, Iats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, anley kilt and linen suits. Boys Trunks, &., &c. Give me a call. may 5 ~. SUGINI-IEIM~EDR. The.Earliest Fiowers of Spriig ! DUtS P OE TE S &c iDm-T JSF ~DS,: C0lOL MBIA. SOUTl CA'oLINA, lhAVE Il'Cl'l1VE l l;eautiful Cb'd'~l"rie at 1. cnts. 11tatif.d L n t s nt T I cents e"autitful (laheoes at 1 ce: ts. Large l.inen 'T ls at 25 'ents. I arge Liien 'Towebk t 0 ects. Cenits' ilk 1lain .lktrchie-fs . -ti utlts) at I coets 1_a n.ie,' Lawn IIand erchiels at10 cenlts. Ladies' L.invn 1Haud1echit-fs O olrvs) at :i5 ente. -----BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SHOES IN ALL QUALITIES ADV1'I-1N* to our large and : eh et stick ude every wteek. Samples sent ou Mr .COLUMIA, ,o. GBANi) OPEN1NG OTH JA>J30 1.1R 11I o GO--.--. 1AVE. in: opelled and have nowready for vour inpectionl one of thn xrest and bte.t selec:tedt ,,t0Cks. tPf M11LIINERli, FANCY GOO DS .AND OTIONS ever b'ught to this phlce. MRS. BOAG, with the a s.istanice of her w milliner. MISS BLACK, ot' altiuore, intenids sparilg uto pains i tl tlhes depatments, and will replenish Id keep themat till durin the sebol. A FULL. LINE O1F 1)1? E S (OOI)S, uttouns and trimnings to match. The est and cheupest line of CU01SE'S. Also a lot of Linen Ulsters and Under ear. SEWING M0HINES. NEM bot in the market for plain oir heavy and fine family sewing. ONE TIIOt'SAN) I)OLLAI 1E 1WA1 I) to any one who ean coilnete wth t-bothl as a m1innehille anlld the raln'r of work it Zn'r s out. Warranlted1 to wear vith any of the lirst-hiis luachine on the market. Two hundred of these Ma hiues in use il Fairtieli County. -A.LSCJ IS STC JTD A fine lot ot I'lanting I'otatoe, Ouion Sets, Seeds, Corn, Oats. Cheese, 'ckers, (.Cakes, ('l and B. dacon, Flion r, Meal. llanls, Sinoking anid Chewing ou>acco. Ciirars. Bcldsteads. iattIrees. T:bles, Sates, Chairs, etc. To arrive, 15.011(1 telet of (;oo(d Assorted Lumber. ry G oud. ot all kiinds, Millinery, etc., low down, to make roomn for a new 01of Spriuf, Good'. nla - -- J. O. BOAG. DON'TBU Until Hv -Yo Seen St Y STO(K of 'turnittire, wiieb will he tle la -Cst, hall(dsoiest an1d chenp a .i ucc ci to ualit y, a for desigir n in w.ktntlshlipl unIuilel. rIteen h i\gootlis are W1 arrated to be as 1tprepsented. Price vonlr lts e ne thle te -onei to the first--elass store wheiore you will have the bic't selectio loll(]: 11y ("Li ii(l cr. 1;(',,It il l Mind t hat I shil h1 oods CO ItidAe Wav, IC evood, White' Oak, 1'oodward's, lltcksfork, and mi fus Che to an(u 'ol-k. 1 his as it 1-eollmimlation of the (Imality and price of iny goods. A nw supply of 1 indow Shades, Wall Pockets, lrackets, Mirrors, PiettirC I'ranies. C'briouos, latI Packs, and Book Shelves, cheaper t1h1111 the cheapl est. be,i largnf s11l11p1v (t 'l C bi1i1i1i)r.1. Sel , llade to nmtch Cottige aid Cham bbl Suit . ('ill a1ai see thli1iii. A iucw s112 > >lv o Sew i \Ii ?*~ii~ ,i uoda any~~ I)o t upyo e gMchine,s as goo0d as any. Do't Bly a Ma liue nierely beanase your inother or your neiglbor hits it and likes itt. ltrnivitihc' lh1 I1i(s, of'the mlichilies Iht are lost, largely 1 ufll have h(liIt little inecrit. 'l'liu; oue volt w ant is thle uir I,hat. will save yotl0 time an d ve'xai on, is 11okr ~less, lrnls light a liild w.ill ]liust it loill., tilne1. I lhave i. [lle111l1ci l(i. (old 1leda1 was iward ) o1e of the %lauhiues I represen. over ei-hIlty 10111ipet itoes. I (:.ill retl'r" you to 11f1111" Vlitha' 111in,C; it , 111(1 it. hils Oh Wahs givenm l,t ire0 saitisthle.ionu. Uemiiciniher t hut I a1m2 agent. for It D.oor anud Sis Fartory. All o.ldas entrusted to1nc, will havep t r lttentionti at thle lowest. p;-icces. l'iil"Iiiitu' 10eat ly repa ir fn. 1n io(Pi'flt.e pr'ices. 1 atn1 iaiso preparezurd to imk e to order. 1,11 n1her manid Shinieths For sl,l I tt Smiall profits. Sew Iig Maehi e Needles and tfaclenus a(1 parts uf achianes caii be had through te. I)oi't fiil to call hlbre pirchasing elsewhere. t. W. P11l P141.'S TR EI a =LI A UO2 1 ik TkO 10-NivP SEWING MAUHiE LAUG Al rt. SETTINCG NEEDLE, THREADING SHUTTLE, WINDING 13013BIN. RLEO.NT IN E1N31, AN ) ".' r A. & A. G. ALFORD, LA^.TliMORl.. M6-l Aetsj for BA'4AP. PATTE1tNS, OH RIVALRY, CALM YOUR EXCITEI AND REST--A LONG RELEM ' TIS ANNIILA 'TIS BETTER THAN THE' END] AND STIUG GL I[IMNAUQI'S TREN 3,488 yards of Calicoes at 5 conts 2,000 yards of .I Shirting at 41 c< 2,000 yards of Joans and Cottui BRAINS, ENERGY AND CA 200 pairs of Ladies Cable Shoes, i prico of $1.25. F'RC>l . 50 Marseilles Quilts at $1.00, fori 25 pieces Piques just received in 15 and 20 cents. PRICE THESE GOODS I 100 Men's Stiraw Huts. The bigg for CASH, only 50 cents. Just think 81) Mnii's Hats at ;1.00 each. 5 dozen Ladie ' Tritumed Hats fr+ & CO., at half their original value. GROCERiES! 4 Teas, Sugars, Cof'eos. M\Iolusscs COST. 25 Boxes Soap to arrive this weel BOX ONLY. SPACE DOES NOT PERMIT ME T BARGAINS I AM OFFERING bTo Fictitious Or I J. 1L. MIM 'I'I1 EXCELSIOR CC Manufactured by ISAAC A.8SHEl AND FOR 8AL3 BlY DUNLEIVY SPRIl\(iGoDS CORNER STORE. U)RESSGOODS1), HAN !KEltIlIe'. H1O"IEItY CA.\lO(CS, NECK WEAit. COltSETS. P'IQUES, 'TRIttMMINOS, CA LICOES, M USLINS, L AC ES, AN ELEGANT PIECE OF U)OVILE WIlyIlI FRENCi l BUNT1IN(i. ALL KINDS OF l'OMENTICu DRY (1OODS. 51001L illitEAD). MILIWAltl)5 hlIX NFEI)DFM, F1El U'ATS WOOL liATs, SFIIAW H ATS. UL.Oil NO. A IBEAUTIFUL LINE OF SiOE:S IN ALL, QU'A LITI ES. OLO)RI KiD (ILOVEX TO AliIIVE IN A FEW DAYS. *J. 31. B1WAT Y & CO. OOBOCERIE!S.j WVe have havo thi:s depar'tmneni .in the rear end( of our store, andit are, uffring' at the lowestL pricos AN D) APPEI,S. UIIOICN (ANNED) T).. M ATIOE8, PEAlIIl1'. PIN liA I,ES, ETIO., UllOlUE JIICE, ('Il0ltE TESA, Mf38 M ACKEEl, IN UANS, ETo. ALWAYS GLAD TO 81EE O)I?it FI'IENDS AT ilE COltN ER STOltE. J. M1. BEATY & (C). SUU1SCRlH1. FOIl TilE WEEKLbY PALM ETTO YE OMAN, COLUM HIA, S. O. It is an oight-pasge paer, dlesignedI for tho perI)Ie, tlled< with inItpredting s'at kr Subscription: One year, SI. .0i; Soven Months, $1.00; Threo ~ \onths, 601 onuta ,aIvabd0le 2I(avance. For Six Na5,nes airol t oI)lars ani ExIra Co py for on. vi:ar. opeinis furnished. 'I lhe I) . ILIY Yt)O MAN, an afternoon paj,er is $1 a your. . .McUN K IN, 12t Editor und P'ulish'er 310NEY SA VED 18 MSAON EV3 MA DE ! H~Ut(lA1E your Enginues front nts, andi Oae I0 on .10 IIlorre; $-'!I0 Ont I 20 Horso, andus $300 on a:10 1Iotorse-Power. Enghine. Sentd fot our pries ht-f ore pur-1 chasintg Enginres, ( ins, Prsss Sow antd inst .Millts, Thtreshers, or liny k ind of Machinery. 'We aire Miti facturers' Agonts andit gIturatoo Si saliOtion1 in iTea lity? and prioc. WALK I. R & Lot-U 0 No. 135 MIotintg 8t., Wesit ide Nea~r ('harleston Hoftel, CharlIebtoni, ?;. C NERVES, I BRING YOU "PEAC3l E FROM TQIL AND CA1RE. 3101I---ObliOnaP JESS, HOPELESS, WEARYING ING AGAINST EWDOUS LEADERS. o --- -----. worth 7 and 8 cents elsewhere. it, worth 6 and 7 cents. des at 12 conts, worth 20 and 25 eta. .SH IS BOUND TO TELL. vorth $1.75, at the astonishingly low TTOTIO]T. nrprice $2.50 and $3.00. ti variety of pI otty designs, at 7}, 10, EFORE PURCHASING. est drive over offw ed in this placo, Af it. >n the great slaughter sale of HART -ROCERIESIi at 5 per cent. over their original , at four cents per pound by tho 0 ENUMERATE THE DECIDED THIS SEASON FOR CASH. .Olla Time Prices. NAUG.IH, O ACKNOWLEDGED LEADER. 10K STOVES! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Fourteen different ize 18and kinds. Five sizes with Enameled lienervoirs. Adapted to all requirements, anid priced to suIit aiH purses. LEADING FEATURES:. Douible Wood Doors, Patent Wood Grate, Adjustable D)amper, Interchangeable Auto. mnatic Shzelf, liruiling Door, Switiging flearth. Plate, Swinging Flue-Stop, Rleversible Gas. Ilurning Long Cross Piece, Doublo Short Centers, IIeavy Ring Covers, Illuminated Firo Doors, Nickel Knobs, Nickel Panels, etc. Unequaled in Material, in Finish, andfi operation. 'PARD & CO., Baltimore, MdI. 6 FANT, Winneboro, S. C. i Ii 611 ulItuiJEIE S AIR F ennshtanl1y being receiv'd by me,. II syno(p1.is nt w..hichi I give belowY. NEW~ oItLEANS NOL,ASSRS .\ND BYRUS ALL tRlADiS. StioAlts, FiC(M THIE HIIGHlEST TO THE LOWEST GIiAADES. l'ATENTi FA.\ lLY"--Al.So A LL tAltDIES J ACK8ON'S nIEST F"AMILY FLOUR. CANNEl) (OODS. CA LI 1Oit NJA PEAR1(, 8o netIng Cholco. IUCCOTVASIH, llennii and Corn CombIned. TOM ATioEI, U'EACH!E8, i' A l.MON, SAlit DIYES, 1PiEPPER ETC., UJT0. . SALSO iNINvfT YOUR ATTENTION TfO OUlt ItOASTEn) COFFE E. Give me a call and examnina for yourselt. Az i.;1C8 toiz nmnenrous to mention. 0. 1. FIENNIIKEN. FRESH IIROCERIBS QUGA RS, assorted. Coffees, Rro, S Liigut -rai andi Old Gov. Java. TJenIs, JBlack, Unpor:.i'tal, Gunlpowder anid Y'oung 11lyson. CANNED) GOODS. Pear", Pces, P1ineapp1Ces, To malitoes, SahnIlon, C2orned lieef', D)eviled Maucaronl andi Cheese, (GimIrer Prec I etlati, M usttrd, Black Pepper and Nutmeiigs. . aldin~'I Catsup, Cros & Black w'll's Chow Ch~ow, Empire Chow LUhow, Assorted Pickle,i, Lea & Peur- P 'ln's Worcestersire Sauce. J. 1F. MoMASTER & 00.