VOL. I---NO. 8. WINNSBORO, S. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1876. * VOL. --NO.8..Ih ,*~Iefe-d toriy# THE PARIS EXPRESS, From Harper'H WeLdy. "Take your places!" shouts th( guard, watving his hand toward thE wvaiting train The guard wears his official cai placed juiLltily on the curilng, oil3 locks nodorning his head, and hil olive-tinted face with its hug< black mustache, is noL incapable o miles, yet hie so far departs fron the admirable example of his Ency lish brothier, whIose3 quiet assidii. forms part of an unlimited capacit3 for absorbing shillings, its to ierel2 stand. his gro~und before the glasi doors of the waiting-room, througl wich surges an anxious throng, 3a contents himself wi th the inj ute ion, "Take your plaCeos." Mr. Jeremiah 8wan, armed will portmanteaun, umbrolla, linen coat, and cane, has push1ed his way, glid ed around, and inserted himself he tween his follow-pIsseIgers with thn cel-like celerity for which he is (is tinguished, and when the glas: portal slides back, he speeds wildlI along the platform toward the train actuated by a determination to obtain the best place for himself, 4 Nature and circumstances hav: adapted him to this noble end in a unusual degree. There are no gen (Crous impulses in the soul of Mr Swan likely to impel him to rasi deeds, and there is not a superflu ous ounce of flesh on his frame to 1impede a swift ru11sh1 to all grolnd: of vantage over his fellow-ereatures Accordingly, when panting huinani ty, enculmbered with children, wrap; and bags, reaches the parficula railway carriage in which our travel er has alrenty ensconed himself. .i is no marvel, that lie is discovered t have chosen a place by the windov in reference to sin. the einders an,' the landscape, and isi prepared to beam on tOhose who come after hi with a tiumphant secse of personi superiority. What becones of those Iir'-c'is: passengers who find 110 vacant win dow, much less any seat at all - D< they' melt away altogether from thn depot, like moring mist in tLh sunshine, or are they wedged int, .second-elass carriages, family tie Tuthlessly severed by the inexorabb1 guard of the the olive coml) plexiol Mr. Jeremiah Swan, traveling agen for the great Amereliall honse o( Moon's Polish, ui ther knows no cares, since h liw been able to miako his own little arraingemennts fol 4 -cIomfort and ease. Nevertheless, h4 c ists a speu llative eye on his fituro .comip-mIn.i mg. Elnter Mofn.sieur rind Mudrone o -tho oni,-e bourp.1 ; law-innday. who Ieluctant ly acce(pt the otlhe; Window, where sash and cur'taiiln ar( speedily closed to presm've' .latter's black dress and featthei trimmings from dust andi sun. 'renhll wonumrn will enI-dur'e- mil .mnartyrdom of discome fort IIthel than mar her toilet. EInter a stou 'Gerni., who plumps down opposit Mr'. Swani, flushed, lorsp8Jirling, am<1 ~onver ting his st rawi hat init > a fan Enter an1 apop0lectic 1( oldEngl isl .genltlemnan, with I an apljOhectie wi f "Bless moy soul! No other p':ace !' gr'umbles paLter'famlilias. "WXillI th< hieat be0 too miuch for yfou, Mahriai ?' "I1 can not end(uroe it, I am vor .sure," gasp~s materianiliias. "Good neOss knows how they manage miat .ters out of England now!1" "Try 5sec11 d-class," suggests ti: "I neOver travel seCon1 1. lasxs," ire ?urns the wife, with dlignity. "Oh, iimnna, lea(se' to get ii here:, or we shall be left." impllloret daughter, hovering 01) the step, Visioni of ]oviliness, in ai caIvaliel 'straw hat andl~ black man(13tle. TIho potent spells of femuinimd 'chamis have long been s;ung nm .rhymue andl told inl story. .Per'hap: lihe homage) paid themi hats passet awi~ay from earth. with the miiinstre h~ardls themnselve 4. The sweet, im 'ploring eye~s andI blooming face o the English girl ma~de no0 more im pression ont the chivalrousx souls o Mr. Swatn 01' his German r/l ri ib-m as if they land boon graLvi idols instead of men01. "You don'i clatch me3( giving upi miy seatL to the (old womanL1 ;hlt her stay at home,' r'eflectas Mfr. Swan1, anid heonmes uperciliously absor'bed in ./I. tGzaulois, although his knowledge o F~rench is somiewha~t dlefective It is not until the dowager, with rebellious r'ustlings of her pur'ph llomeesM amnd adljustmenmt oif veil anu bonnet strings~ habout acrmo counltenanclo., has t-iken a m1iddil seat, that Mr'. Swan obs1orve: the eighth p)assenger', who 1111 slippe)d inl quiietly dulring t0: 111o motion inlcidenlt to setlhng the othec inmates. He is a tall, thin imim eccentric in eostumie, with wyhiit< fatigue shoes on his feet, ai silk hat which lhe exchanges for a Turikisl fez with dangling tassel, andh a 1.trgt ring on tho third linger' of the lof hand conitaininig the op descent stomo known inl india as ai "cat's-eye. Whether it is the ray of rosy ligh in the jewel which attracts Mr Swan's attention, or1 somel striking' individuality in theo wearer', ho it unable tlol dec'ide, bult fronm sheci force of pulzzled inqpiry lhe revert; to the tall thin man again and again. The train moves away . and Boulogno-sur Mor, with the bathor already on the beach, the skateir already preparing for another da) of aimless circling around tLe rink, the English tourists already flockinp toward the Etablissemnont for a morning gossip, is left behind in th< hot sunshine, Napoleon I. in bronz gaizing over across the waters from his pedestal on the cliff toward tl< England he failed to coniuor. There is little conversation in thc raihvay carriage; the Freinch couph quietly simmer in their corner, and madamo's black dress is preserved the apoplectic English papa pants the English mama, with symuptoini of asphyxiia, gazos at the roof of th( conveyance, which resenbles p padded box without ventilation ; th tall thin man dozes ; and Mr'. Jere miah Swan, by a happy iinsj)irltioF (liscoveriig that a draught endan gors his right car, pulls )up the sid( sash, thus eonsiderably increasinn the discomfort of his fellow cre. turcs. "I shall die!" exclaims the Britisli matron, waving her large far despairingly. Perhaps Mr. Swan would lowei the window again, but for soveral very powerful reasons with one ol his organization. In traveling or the Continent he is especially (el siirous of appearing (fu faU with t.h situlatiOl, an1l he iias HO C'r been eminently successful in claiming thc bost for himself, with tihe ai(d of coin of the realn. Again, he is a man ol sma1l wits, prolul of tie conlidenc reposed in his own sagacity by the propriietors of Moon's Polish, proud of his business knowledge and pow. era of penetration in dealing witti humanity. Altogether he feels him self to be equal to any emergonev, and intends to impress others wifli the fiet as well. Always equal tc theemrgeniy, Mr. Jeremiahi Swan, wit t[ie tall thiin man gaLzin g at you stealthily throuigh his 3yelashes. The erimm traveler feels the Waste of tissue. lHo prolduces ii pocket flask of Rhine I wile, a Ioil Iand a sansage; his fat cleck wrinkle into ia Smile as his aimoutt: expansis. "I wAit not for ze buff'et all Amiens,," he- says to Mlr. Swnii. No, retunis the latter, al'.ibly Ther's inothing like knowing how to travel in all oun('oitries. I am11 ar old travelecr myself." The Eiglish imp prlise up hi lips and frowns ; the Eiglisl matron's face assumes still mnore th< purple hue of hr own flounces ; thI tall thin num's face twitches as il with i smpprs.-led smile. All tli landse:tje scems to shimber in tl Iheat.. Soil of brown and chroln tints iiterspersed with fitids'of gohl el graina, wlhere reiapers toil at th< - harvest, :md'. thatece otages. Or On Ioriz:i sctanids a windilhl, or the other the sea makes up ii -im:irshes lnd ereek's, IId the sali b. uu comens fr sh fronm that sani tarinaiim of the coast, Berek. At last Montireuil is reached, and tko British iaiitron deseemls to tht plhatform like ai bomiibshiell; pr'oteast ihng thait she is suff'ocatinmg, and wil] go aniywhmer.e else if she isonly per1 I mitted to br'eathie. "We can't all be0 first,' Mr. Swau remairks. withia little enekling laugh, iand lalces his umbirellai on the seat lately occupied by the pr~etty Eng. hishm girl. At Abbe)ville the Germiian (lep-irts; at Amnieus time French couple fol. low. "I call this coimfIortable," s iys Mr. Swan, with a sigh of samtisfactionm. TI e tall thin nmn makes some gi umb~ling, iwitrt ieulaf e response, andl settles hlimiself for a nap. Mr. Swan gazes at the two little spaceS. omrrrinsertedl in tihe opposOit< wvall, wvith tihe notice, in Fr'enmch, English and Glermnan att'iched: "lin case5 o f any extraordinary emergency rec iniriing the( aitten tior of th e guard, the passHeniger is ire. quested to break the glass with his elbow, pull the tag inclosedl, attachied to the~ engine, amnd signal wit~h hiF. arm from the right-hand window. 1i at passenger ~lceks the traini withoul suilicient cause, lhe wvill beoprosecuted by law." I"We do things bettm'r thau thiS. in Anierica ; the open car is safer, and has more air. Howv is a man te signal the engine and wave his hand from the window if he is being mur dere'd for instance t" Mr. Swani meiditaites, wi th a yawn, and also dlis poses5 himself for at nap. He may have slept mninutes oi hours, s-> compl1leto has been hiS. oblivion, whoni a hot bro.-th scorche his cheek, and a voice hisses ini his "Snakes !" "Where ?" As lie opens is eyes, with a start, Mr'. Hwan inivohmitarily dlrawis up his~ feet from possilo con. ac wihreptiles. The tall man is no longer r'ecogniizab l' ;lhe has cast his foz uponm the floor, his hair' bris tles onm his hieadl, his features are subiject to frighmtful contortions, and] he sits plering into his solitar'y com palnioun's face with a most blood(1 cuirdlhing expression. "Snakes !" he repeats, in the same hissing whisper-"anakes and rats!' "Oh, I guess not," returns Mr'. Swan, soothingly, his pi'evious sur avey of thme floor' now concentr'ating in the tall thin maii. "Snakes anid rats in thn nsti tower, where the wind moans and the ghosts walk at midnight. Hark I" The speaker, vibrating from a droary mnonlotonio to sulddon, lectrified at tention, hurls himself to the other end of the carriage, and presses his fore head against the glass, if his life de ponded onl discerningf. somo1 pasing object. Mr. Jeremiah Swan feels a creep ing chill descend his spine as lie watches his erratic companion ap prehlnsively. Who is he? Whore did lie come from ? What will he do next '? This last (uestion is answered abnost before framed. Tie tall thin nim tifrown back his hoeid, with a loud laugh of iiiiiiite derision, kieels. and gizes under each sent successively, until lie reaches Mr. Swaii, to w hom ho makes a lucid ox plalnation of the singular lanuvro: "I thotght Ite waIts here." "Who ?" questions Mr. Swan, with ill-concealed anxiety. "Never mind. Well, if you 1mUst know, the Tower executioner. Ho promised to come." 'h1e stranger then seats himself o)l)osite his fel low-psssenger, iand placing hands on knees, brings his face on a level with that of Mr. Swan, asking, briskly, Sir, are you the Shah of Persia ?" "No, 1 mil not," respond Mr. 1Swan, dubiously, and unable to per e iv any humor in the questiou. All the instructions respec tilng the treatment of the insano he has ever heard crowd into his mind and bewilder him. The tall thin man is evidently mia( ! In vain Mr. Swan tries to fix and quell his rolling eye --i vain endeavors to follow the other's movements. Tle situation is certainly a grave one. "It is false 1" shouts the strange creature, in tones that cause Mr. Swan to jump nervously. "I knew you froim the lirst, Shah-in-Shah, aid you are doomed, for I can not al ways be deceived. Al ! you turn pale, nolser-Oant ! I tel you thalt I recogm1ize you Iuider all disguises and im any garb. When the traui stops we shall bo (ulits." My good mn11, you aro mistakeln ql1.vers Mr. Swan, feeling furtively for the door handle. Not so, wretclied tyrant. Do you know me now ? I muu the avenger. Wa~s not my belovedl seiized onl t.he1 Persi-tn frontier and sawni asunder' because rth( called yo a rattlepate, i onke ? Anl you ask me for mere~y-me !" The spe:Lker's voico rises to such a elimax of fury with etach word, as he towers aho1,o Mr. Swan, arms gesticulating, featilres convulsed witui rage, lat the other parries al anticipated bow. Blit the avenger does no0t strikie. Hie! withdrew to the othor end of the carriage wxith a cunning smile. muoutling and ( gibberi'ing, and takes from ai embroidered sheath an Orient-l knife of m wherewith you woro made free by the labors and sacrilices and wisdom of your forefathiere. Go~d give' you and yonr peoplo~ all the wisdom and all the, paftienei(O neteded1 in this hour of trial, and1( this crisis of. the destiny of our common We have full faith in tho justice of the people of the United States, and wec do not enteortain adoub11 t of the final verdiet, which they will palss uiponm the oceurrences of the last two weeks. Tfhe verdict will suirely vi.1 diente their miajoesty, andu will re estaldish free goverinment uploni a lasJtinig basis5. 1 lmve hte honmor to beu, ver~y ro~ tipoctfuily, your obedient servant, Anm S. HJuwerm r, Ch~Iairmian Nat'l. Demn. Conna lii It e0. (Gen. Wa'~mde H ampilton), Comhgmu bia, S. C. Roscued fro'ni 3!m Grave. A nasty4 , d ieojored and( wm non11 lea he iin ekeab ook was sent. to the U~ni ted Sbt":4 treasiury, w Uth the following.. afhldvit, from Arkansas: "W'XXhuJi ploing muy Iiiehl .l lost myr, note, at .W50 andi a 820 N(-: yearI wv (1 hennlowing the s-unue fi iii 1 uu.i cartheud it. I tsendu it and( its c''n Id e-n fr Ui nientiienat ion." Th pockethouok wais given to ai lai ty. who is a greatI expert. She carefu'ly reov'.ed th(e110( uohlan derlir, huf, alas ! 1.he1 legal teondour hadu not ben p~roof agauinst frost and rain and ear'thly muold. There wero only a few b)lack crumbs in place of the (*risp, fresh notos. The lady took 1tissue paper the siz'u of ai grecimbaick. particles, an 1, as if by magi4.p, she( reognizedl at letter here and( there. Th'1lese sher stuick on t issile paiper with iiuiilago, until *iho found a cluo by which shie co~uld identify each1 note. She proved that they woro notes5 of the Nat ional Bank of Baltimore, Mdl. and1( by her knowi (udge and1( patieunce 8)h( caused the -notes to b)e redeomed by now ones, andl the farmer has not lost a cent by panting bank notes, thugh his Crop) has not increased. Iw was a New Jersey wife who said: "ify dear, if you can't really drink La:1 cofree withouti abusing me, how is it that you can always -jdrink bad whiskey without abusing i the harkeeper ?" Opinions of the Pross. Tho following extracts, taken from loading Now York papors, show to sono extent what is thought of the the action of the Stato Board of Can. Vassors. 'Tho //erald says "This is very sharp practico. If the Supro m Court cannot support its authority, which the board havo defied, thcj Stiato must be counted for lHayo m The audacity of this ict bctratyls groat desporation. If undone, in the cours8O of justice, it will stand as a fonimltal til finmy. Tho Post (Rep.) says: "Thobest thing the South Carolina board of Canlvassers (ca1n do is to roasHemble. Th counr y will not bo sati.stled with proeelings which look like Sharp.1 practi(.o. WN ( admiit that tho Supreme Court itself is not freo froum a suspicion of shalrp practice. No appeatrance (f judicial sharp practice, however, cnnl (xclse tho, sharp11) priactic of the) clnvassors. Inl til iirSt pla.iels the conse1rvative (Opinion of .it omintry domandillsi re ipet. for the jinlglnooni of tho con slitutoeo '? tri s and it iq hottor that a dovitiioni whiebi is wrongll shall 1 be obeyed thain that it sholid be disobecd, men to coiri i righlit end. 11t) pr( oledi'' kn y'esterday in SouIth Carol1ina il not vonvince the country that the canvamin ho;lues"t andli fair." 'VT Tim. (.un.) 0.., : "The South Carolimt board of cnivassers ha:Lvo reen'Ognlize l sI1OWha9t. Iate1 their mistiake inl subui tting their action to theroviow allcolLrot of the Supreme Court. In issuing its ordurs to a judicial body of entirely indopend out jurisdietion, that Oourt was guilty of a manifost usurpation, and, ill consenting to argue the case ho fore the Court, the board of can vassers gave those orders an appear anceo of validity which could not othorwise have boon claimed for them. The clear intention of the majority of the Hupreno Court was to do the work of the Democrats at what-everi sacrifice of coilstitiutionlal right and common justice." The World (Dem.) says; "Tho board of canvyasiOrm yesterday stolo the olectoral vote of that Stato openly from thi Supremn Court, with tho avowed objOt of offoring it to Hayes. The robry waFs brazon und shimieless, and it rests with the American peaOpiO to decido whether they will sillronldor the control of their government to such hand-, or maintatin their liberties, iolf-rosipeoet and prosperity 1)y enforcing the remheidies of the law against a lawless conspiracy without parallel in our Pitching Twenty-Dollar Gold Pieces. While the dis~puto was in progrs,09 Sim Ornidoff and Joe Stewart sot up ia couple of pegs in the ground, and began to piteh half dollars. A crowd gathred about 1h pegm, and the pitching was so abominably bad that half ia dozen moro took a hand in, )y the kind permission of James and Joseph, who immediately began to develop 80om1 exeClhent, pitchling, anid rak~ed inl tile pots1 alterniatoly, to tile surprlisO of abou~it a dozen 2m101 who( eniter'ed the gamlo unider' tho imrfi1e5 510o1 thazt they haid something soft. Alli nltereist inl the race was no0w lost, and eachb pitchi was~ hiled witht a uhbout of derision or au bursvt of ap lausei5. TJ'ie way3 tile two( original plit.c113her bgan 1to gafthler ill aL hafrvost (of silver was1 a- cauion11)1. Fin~ally it was suggested thtt, they pitcih twen% tv dolir gold pieces, and this change of p~rogramml1e hadh a thlinnring effect grach iimily a pretty stiff game13 devel oped, beginining at two dlollars andl~ a hlf aL pitch, antd graduially crawl ing up to twenty dollars. Onuly ono pot of this kind, ho'we'vor, wats played. f~lf a dozeni ltwon23ties had11 boon lanideud w~illi 1 radius of six uinces of the( pog, wheni ~Jo0 Stowart, whot had1 ret1ired on)1 is iorei'ls, was asked if hie waiibed a'oy of it. After taking IL efuil sulrvey3 of the ebanLIces, wh:ich were' desper)tlltt', ll) drew3. aL twenty from his~ p)oket , and0, with aL calIcuIli the peg. Th'iere wasl( a ii hurrah, and11 of ~ourso5( Jloe, w.ith his prover btial generos01ity, Iro mteds thet cro0wd(.. Vifiia (Jit| Ch1lronlic/e. On Thullrs hyr, aftornoon Mrs. Caroline S. B rooks, of A rkansas, w.1holso butter' 5culpjture ha1 beenCf 0one of the c'uriositie ISOf tile woman~f's building, made(1 a temporary studio of 1th0 judges' hall, and in the1 pres once of the judges, somfo mtomboe of the conunlision~, tihe board of f'-mee, mnembers of thin pressl, and other in)vited~ guests, exoented a line headL~ inl buttor. T1heo butter was churned in thle butter' anld c'hoeso buIihling on Thlursday miornling. Its gennmiencssI was attested-if that were nlecessar3y to satisfy unholieovora -hy3 thle commlfissioneors from Ohio and1( Missouri, wvho saw it made, and( by the judges anld audlienco, whlo wore permitted to taste it. Mrs. Brooks p)latced her butter..howl on the top of the chlurn, and first using the ordinary butter paddle, to give sh LpO to the golden muass, then the finer paddle and cedar sticks, in the couirse of an houir and a half of q uiet work, another beautiful Iolanathe was framed in tile milk-pan. .-Philadeipkia centuru. Genoral Sherman on the Criti8. A Washington (impatcll, datod November 16th, says: General shoruau, in an interview to-day, iaid : "Everything ia very quiet in the South. All the rif clubs have dis perRed, so far as I cani hear. I do not approhenld alny trotlblo from the Southern1 people. They are all quiet and law-abiding, and apparently dis pose(d to he guided) by their friandt at the North." "In canso of there being trouble next Marcl, you will have a great responsibility Vinust upon yotir Hhlouldors, Gonel'al ?" "I don't know. My God, I lopo thero is not. going to ho any troitble. I on't noW 1tpprelhIdlhI 1Nv. filudl try to do mvN du11h *always."' A geileian pro'lni* with i'w eintit'led 'Falloun Empir ml hi'is arpassed nrear) Ge'n. :hm-wl.:] asiked him if ho di f not, t hink our Co11tst)ry V 'i i rint