IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE Winnaboro Publishing Company. Tm - - - $3.00 PR ANNUN, IN ADVANCE. Liberal discount to Clubs of five or nore subscribers. R.AER OF AnVEnTISINO. One dollar per inch for the first insertion and fifty centti per inch for each sitseqient. innertion. Transient advertisements inust be paid for -' a ia nce. Contracts for three, Nix or twelve mnontlis made upon liberal terns. -itY Business coinumnientions shionhl be addressed to the Winnsboara l'uiblishing Company: all others to the Editor. It. MI-:ANS DAVIM, I N S. ItEYNOL8 l'roprietos. HLMN. OBEMlt. Miscellaneous Nowa. A largo nmuber of cotton seod-oil factories aro being erected in Geor gia. The Centennial Exhibition is to be kept open nunolicially, as long as a paying attendance is secured. The 'holera is killing a large numuber of hogs in several counties in Iowa. Richard O'Keefe killed John Fitz. simmons, inl New York, last weook, )y thrusting an umbrella in his eye. Peter Dessan & Co., one of the oldest and most respected firmis4 of st-ock broke's in Nev York, have failod. Their liabilities aro said not to be largo. The professional duck huinterq. (i. e. thoso 'who kill dut1ks for the market) hire wholo ilkes in Califor nia, aml tHius keep oif Iuteurs and nival professionals Thirleel Moriian ill issioiarie's left, N ew York for Fl'iglat.d, last w..ek; Itid abemtisixty 'o la-ia'rs will shortly leave 1-1-1'a Ilnd go to difftrn'lt paius of the Unfited stafte. to nisek coil veils. Dr. John Dove. for over ihirty yvears (Iranld S yre arv )f the ( ao l Lodge of Virginlia. and an etnilent Mason of fifty yeu s standing, died r-ecently inl IN-ichmond14. The Le)ishihir * of Nortth Caroali nL stands- enaite, Demo(rats,: mnjoilt v lu e Iov Itt, 3J ulajoli v. The sugar Crop of Lollisiana is estinat eid at. 200,000 hogshead1s, and this is said to be e1ual to only ol( eighth of athIIle tam ountiit con ~soned ini the United States. ThIe ot nit an1 i nal session of the National Grange is now lolhling in Chiicago. John T. Jones, of Ar kansats, is in the chair. Nearly every StatO is represented. 1The Roant Mar lubrill J dean, pulblished inl Mi tclell, North Caruoi. lna. speaking of the lato eleetionl, patheticlly says, -\\'c ha1vo melt the leinemy, aind they are thr/n." IlT he eorgia papers repor't several instanlces of thle mobbint~mg of coloed Democuarats by thie Radical rouighas. T[his ought not to bae longer permuit tedl. TIhie Pre(sidean I hass pardoned -\\il liam O.. Aveory, the wvhis~key ring conti viet, and thie friendcs of MleKee, ani another of this ring, are confident thlat he also will be out in a fe'w d ays. John11 Mt.rissey lhas deOsnait edt $3,000,000o of poo411limoney withI onte (of (lhe New York trunst coimipanit's, and it. is estimated that at least $5,000. 000 is f one Il'ai'l-m "hbov." from Eli"( Th P.inl ha. use of Mrr. W1. It. P]lud, af Wedgeield, in Saiaintr emo tv. nasl4 lat ly hillrned--l ,, t hirteen hills of b ti lonling t) 'Mr. FhLO, luwl tzix (1r se(venl h1-les belon1e ing to oitlol' partiles. The gin house of Dr. Tioma s 4J. D1uo134e, near .1veleaniesville, in Sumiter voinunty. wias det'rove4d hv fire at short tIltie ago. .2 housev. ()Il- hilo of, pit.khe- volt-l, 11n1d one hale in the seed. 'lo elino i the( Amlersonll bicihiell of the . & 1 1. ;. now lies a 1111 ptiln hII , ll 1 is Id(onie.I wvith a larg-e :ill1 he-11itiful wrieath ('1 ea Side. one heIring the inclrip tio ,."Iunp on" int (lhe other, of Ia t ItZ lr .- *rM iin Hitlee w1.s sht at uh-e wile the run, allnd only hnh. sluer TheC dwellng ho'iH(e *ad 01 t hious s o4f Mr1. Charle Fol0. t tk, whlo hid mai ShOVO(.d ie, about ltev mih44 (1 44troyed' !yv tire a few l1,~ d :lsgo. M'S. thuing~. t hey poissessed' iri thet worl'd, men almgS Ion,ey [:ilives ('t1ock, clothi W.':l4 . Ruft hlefor who( hd been('t set asi a1 ilst e wie .vet sin hef m ieti'm 21} ~ e t(u n e iould not heu~ iuce tor Ahhsc.j{'e I(e a his re4as141n itht hei 1hadS4 irresr 114 l''r fiala, an lturnedWU 14 ve r a t l justie.4 .ie gave 2.y( loliij~i 44) bruaiv mrdred. 1tnmed lilufort doneslh1.'h at iheV4 oe, ift. he ad li fahe(llen is h al was' mashe frinwith la ptlor. evThe toxt lay1 Jones1 :114d hisf4amh I ilpi lodged 04 li in ai to' a it' l. si The ail tk[ lirwl an . last,1.Monda moing~~ii'4 about li 44clo. ('iItl i tpose io4l4 have b1 1 ired by the rits411 4nlerlnine th1114ere1i' tn lhe l te hour11 t ht.hI 1 t Iir knd, ndthmr ii414 seadwa Htit 11ad1eO rederied a doil'rtgsto1Iave thei jAil frless 'an i'1'(Hap'it wasIntilifen IultId loThe 'doosr thro wn 10 i~d iptn by the jil, and4)44'~ th pion l.41 (')Iltly . of 114 alt jabir tandr hi elhmgeroustn ly enat to ek, t byjdt The Man to Live Long. He has a proper and well pro portioned stature, without, however, beimg too tall. He is rather of middlo sizo and somewhat thick set. His complexion is not too florid al any rato ; too much ruddiness ii 1outh is not a sign of longevity. Hik hair approaches to tho fair rathet than to the black. His t-kin it strongr but iot rough. His lcad if not too big ; his shoulders are round rather than 11 Lt ; his ne .k is not toc lon ; his abidoimou does lot pvect; his haus aro large, but not tot (leepLy cleft ; his foot, is rather thick than long ; niaml his legs are firm awl rouml: IL, Ih broad, nrele& chest, :s strong vice, and the faculty of reftaininlg his breath for a lone tiue without difiwulty. There is hantiony in all his parts. His sensea are good, but not too delicate ; hi pulso iii slow mid rogular, hiN stomach is excellent, his Ip)Otite is good antl digestion easy. The joys of the tUble ae e to hii of imuport aice ; they tune his int1d to sereni ty, 1tand his soul partakes of the pleasiure whii they coumnmi(ate. He does nt eat mnerely for .he sakce of eatiig. 1,ut each ineial is atin houir of dIily fe.tivity. He VIts slowly ain lts i.ot inucha thirst, the latter beiig ahv ays a seoinid self. consunlptiou. lie is sereno, loqua ciolls, active. stu.-eptible of joy, love 11ad hlope, but. insuunsible to tihe im JMreSAions of luatt el, anger and avari o Is p.tssiI never ieomies violoit or des tinetive. if lIe ever gives way to anger he Cptrie:ccs atl her a ;sful glow of warruth, an artiificial atl itle fever, without mia overdh ow lf he i bile. H, is also f011 of (1.mplomitient, jutticilarly enhin mediita-tion and agreeable pelulatin. Ie is anl optiiist, a fIiealii to nature ald dimdiic felici ty. ]I. I a-z no third, after honor or richl, n. Iitisies all thought of puriiv.4 thei MInoll, llenovates nIt I inI. igorales I the Whole ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative Toie, Solvent anil Vlloleli. \ !'t:TNi:trNi: ain ilI x iusivi-ly front th. .lub-es; of earn-ftlly-_svb~t, ,Al barks. noltsi laint h r ,. ald -,I Stronll y emn-en..1 itated tha1t it will I-ftl ltally vralittev from Iti systetn e -rv t-tint of Scroitu lat ctrfittlion,-tinier. unaors, Cancer, ('ita tilt it tit-.4 v li S r .l-,rys UtIii.. rNil ltetn til- Sh I -. a d i ta - lwlot lriiE Iioin Iriip r b o1.0 1 s i n i lrtiib tm toy n . i ron l th n ...isn Neurli i, (.1 l tilt 1i ot lainsi ti l. 4I gil1 y bo efc alY :n. thr",ugh theI bhoml. Fo 1-h.--ales lai :rtiv-eo , ,1i-a-a s 4 , he plan, ~ I i .ue. Vltuph-s, liv~. iis. T, t itr, l it I atn Iit in igw ril. Vtedf. Terms sont free on application. Add ress, C1 1AS. CrUCAS& Ct)., 14 Warren St.. Now Yirk. TRIFLING With a Cold is Always Dangeroue. USE WI ELLM' Carbolle Tablets, a aure rein .dv for Cou im, and all Dix em.1es of the Throat. ings, Chest and Mucouis .\lerbranxo. 'UT UP ONLY IN BLUl DOXE. Sold by il L Druggists. C. N. CITrEx-roN, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. A TTEN'TON A LL GRIEAT 1tANRitI'lrT MALE OF JEwELBY. On receipt of 50 Centa we will send by 11111il, postpaid, all of the followinx 1)10c'4 of jewelry, viz: I pair Gold Plat edl and en.raved Sleeve Buttons, one aet Gold Front Shirt Stids, 1 Collar Sttx, I Woed ding Ring, I Itll Plat-- Watch Chain and I Gent's 1. use Coral Scarf Pin. We offer this great hargain merely to draw atten tion to our bisin es, as we have all kinuds ot wittch-es and jewelry at low prices. Send for Cattalt'gue. 6Corrm & Cso., 735 Broadway, N. Y. City. 1WADY FOR AGENTTS-THE CE NTENN M EXPOSITION rs11S011) .Ni IrLUTIrsre:i). A grapihic pt-pi't'i rxo of its history, grand biuldinmgs, wo .-rfvrl uihibts, etrosi tie <, greatt dlay. xt x. 'r. fasely illustratetd, thorough ly popu Ii .10 Var -lL.1hea. 1:s-11lng unmene~lVy. 5,11.0 Agents- %%antedl Senil for fill partiu lars. This will le the ebxanet. of 100 Veatrs to coix llonx fist. G4-t ilei nly rel iilble lstory. ip. .un Jasx., Peis-,733 Sansom M St., Phil. Pa. CA UTION. lie not ditoxved by premature bo iks, asu-iming to be "olicial" and I telliug what will lippen in Ai-. id Splt. Aollts Wni'd e 11 tile 81ry of Charley RLoss, 'WritteIl byl is father. A coipleto aic oinant ,of tiiis muost Mtlsterious Abdtutioln aII Exciting SearehI. n itl Fac--SiIIil, Letters a IrA i listrations. ottsells Iil otlher Joks. 0ne agent took 5S orders III lne dty Tie.rauo liberal. Addres -xi~I'*1 Pos A- , P Iublish,' Phila. JIA80N~ & HAMLUN CABINET ORGANS IMove wei Unaiinou .y assigned the .FIT RANK IN THE Several RPquisites" . Of sxloh list rtiett-;, at. the U. S. CENTENNIAL, 1876. in1 art the only orgatis issignd this rank. ilieir sui.riority is thus declared nt2 in nell1 it wo reipects only, but in all th ulpt( tnt qinalitis of on organ. A alxdal Iid I )iploxii have also been aw1 . th but mliedials 11 ,x qluil vitlu wy itwarled ll a rticlts dt ied~l worthy of r. egllitiox. so Mitt many mllaitrs extan ulxvert1 t,- '-i rst n1ithlIs" orx ''highx-st aLwardxs.' *t-xomiipartiveis rnk iln ex 'eIlxence, has I ''n dettrmie byix( theI x .hnIilges' Ixtlots lone tt. itn witichx tie MASON & I lA.\ll,1N II (m.\N S xarce111 unaiously ti-A-dixx '''he t'irst ran Ik iln these 5veral retjiisitxs" of such inl-,ttrelets, tl areO thxe only ones0 as 'Tsigtndx this rantk . See .Jxudgt s' Iteports. I is re(sul wa ntxxtot unlexpletedi, foir - thxesx xtxgansx hatt uniifortixly txaken high .test awardsx ini 1 suchl comxpe'titions11, be ing less thtan six exepjtionxs in huntiiretdsx "tx xi comparisonxs. Tlhey were iiwaxrxied first 2221l, unexrxl hxighes't hxoniors xat Paris i'e7. Vienna2, .h7:t. Satiatgx 18i75. Phila hi hxest hxonori at Every'I' noxrld's Ilxhibi xxix at witch xl they' haxve, cou~tpeted(, andit bexinl thixxii nly An-trjitnn oirganls whxich everxi li ob inet any1 awardiix'x ini Europet. Nw xstyles x, ith iiap lrxoveents exhtihi tedI at th lx' Cnitin211niah ~gx~ flegan t e catses in groat variety'l. Prices4 very lowest con Site n t i 14ihoest itnterial and1 workman sI 41.) Ora silxhl lxxw for cash1 or in st ldhnitis, tir reixtexd unttil renxt ays. saxItisatint o vt ry xixi realsontabbe i urebaer xxx thle moneyx rotutrnedx. illuistratedl Catax ILsgiues sent frIex. Mb~sotN & liAir.rN OinAN Co.- 154 Tire Ot int St rxxt, Ilxxostin I'niion Square. New'. THE~ CAMWPAiGN FAIRLY OPENED. T Aireu nedan will now isplay for titi.-.ens of Fairliehtl, thxe Nlbbxicst, Tlilden-x, Ifllnton, ('xuster andx atll xthi r lt iLes. The'xx moxxxt xtylish Sxitif, oxf the laitest and mio t ap~prxoted make andl~ style. xxf tlxh ltet ati ndtmot bxeorijng styies, to sxiit t the o t fax~ stidioustl. Ail I ask etofimy lriitdsL ixx d I lthmsxl ves thexx j ulstice, and SOlL Ithe fiivxxr. tox look at huis Stoxck before ma1k itng 1purcVhalses. .Mly Stxeck oxf BOOTS AND) ShOES ix 'otmxphtt. Hoiery, Uderwear. Shawls, andxl lilanxkxxts. 1 ('ilan(11 compete wiht anly tinlx inxII im mariket, ori elstewihere. All I aitk ix xx .ixhi. to con i inee myi friens th tti a buisinxess, xoxatit oct laSOL. WOLFR~ exG OO.D ADVERTISINS $3,250. 10 worth of spaco in varlous . tntwspal (orsxdistribxuted through thirty States will bIio sold for $700 enaah, Acouxrate 'nisetis guaratiedl A list. j thles lx.aperst, giving daly3 arid weely c'iremti lien andt pirintedi sobedule of rate's, sont tree on application to GlEO, Pi hOWlyL & "O, -wspaper Advertising Agents, No. -11 Anx.r twm New vor. TO OUR CUSTOMERS -0- - HO are indebted to us for PROVIS. IONS or PHOSPHATES, we would respect fully call attention, that your bills are due on or before the firt of November. We are depending on you for payment AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligations made to assist you, and which are due at that time. In order for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is necessary to meet our promises promptly. Beaty, Bro. & Son. oct 12 J.F. IVMcMastor & Co. --0 NEWV 00ODS ! NEW GOOD)8! JUST RECEIVED ! Consisting of all tho Latest Varieties. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS AS COMPLE~TE A.- ANY IN TOWN.. PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS 6{cts. 8Acts. 10cets. BLANKETS, SHAWLS and LAP ROBES AT THE LOWEST We would call special attention to oiur complete stock of Ready -made Shirts made to or. er and a fit G-naarite e cc. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, BO)OTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, Peogged, Cable, aind Han dss.CWed. Laies ShIoes (f't lie best mlake, and1( EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE AND WE GUARANTEE~ TO PLEASE. J. F. McMASTEIR & CO. oct 5. NOW IS THlE TIME TO BUY 2DET~Y 0OODS, NOTI ONS, flats, Shoes, and Clothing. .iESE goods are cheaper than ever before, and great inducem ents are oft'ered to prodlucers of ootton. lie sure to call and see n o. U. G. Desportes. CONNOR & CHANDLER -HAVE A New Supply -OF Morton's Celebi ated -ALSO, Desk, Slide and Telescopic PEN HOLDERS. -ALSO, Gold, Ivory and Pearl MIAGIC PENCIL CHARMS, TOOTH PICKS &c. nov 9 TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT -OVER THE UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES OF Dry Goods, 'Clothing, boots, Shoes, Rats, Trunks, &c. -AT . F. Leetch& Cogs. B EST line of N otions in the County. Gents' Furnisihing Goods of beht