WiNN.SOo, O. C. Thursday, Nuv. "3, 1870. JNO. S. 1EYNOLDS, Editor. Remember the Democratic County Convention on Saturday morning. Audge Thompson H. Cookc voted the ontire Democratic ticket-county, Stato and national. Tho letter of our Columbia cor respondent -gives a very intorosting 1 account of mutors giu on atv thlat place. In a ipeech do1vero1 at 0hester last weok, Judge Mackey stateid that, a short timea. before thu elect ion, h0 wrote to Governor iay3em 11nd in quirel of himn if he su84ained the bayonet p)licy tithad been adopt Od in this Stafte. Receiving i reply, he (e'mo to the conelioii that such plit1cy was approved by HayC3, and he therefore cast his ballot. fur Tildcn. The fight the Radicals are mnking in Columbifa is 0110 of the best sig/ possible that the party is inl t bad way. Ever y act of the leaders, from the timo Chameain l-uii Commieneod writing slanderous documents up t) thu presenlt limiient, shows that they feel that tihf) paty, lolded as it is With cr0'uption aid crime. must 84n sink hieeth their weight and pass out of sight in South Carolina. Thecou:o taken by the Dmcno erats, in carrying their caso into the courts ni hi lding by the haw, hIas evoked very favorable e(ilIu'ult, frozu the Deuwratic an11d indepeid1 (tlt pI'ss througout the country. The (IIV 'I'll- 1- 111 4. )IIIlI \L.'j a d III i t 4' i. l*i i;4 11111( e iulc i (f Dv114 C. Ih v m.1 , w thi 14 t! h"..s or e e1 C( 1. Ui l 11T1lw1h; u a r1( He is not versed in the art of de fonco, aid a icapitulation.. beforoe . a battery of bright eyos is his alniost cor4ain ftto. -The swoxd of the war rior is wreathe(d with orange bos soms, Samnpson finds hiM Delilah, and Heicles' wields a distafl, and is bOgniled by the soft winning words of the inovitable oipliale. But this is a mgressio. Among the gintleimen mentioned for speakor of the Roise (does this not sound like (Id tin.s?) are Gon1. W. 11. WNa'lta-o of Union, Robert Ahtlrich, Esq., of Barnwoilland John C. Sheppiard of Edgtfield. Then there te P, number (if cantldi(lates for iniior posit,ions. By the time tho Legislatur (,, meets, the number will he largely iicre-ised1. and for oneC rine the war, the Deoucritts will go into enticus. It is already known that Rearve ten thoisand persons aro found in the State who did not either vote for Hampton, or wish to do so, and that number is decreasing (1a1 Before long South Outrolina will as of yoro have a whole people of one political way of thinking, ad coim ploto the "Solid South." Arran;;c ments ire making to enlarge the penitentiary for the benefit of the few remaining Chamberlainites. Judge Mackey thinks that Chain borlain, however, will go free he cause there is no coll large enough to hold bim A greater cannot go into a less, and Chemberlain is the grmatest soll of all. He expressed a fear that inl view of the hourl y expected death of the Pope, there will be a general rusli of carpet timggers to Rome, and that Chamn berlain who has seized everything hero h:' Cold lay his hmnds on will bo intidalled there as chiof bf all the Csa-s Whereupon another gen teman remarked that Daniel might return to his old trade of shoe-. making if ho had not lost his all here. Thus1.4. do we beguile the wetry hours of waiting for tho do (ision of the Sipreme Court. Until then nothing definite will he known, and I nmst again wan-fl your reales to "wmtch and wait"D. Co0mjti11, Nov 21.-The Snprome Court met i-day. at filurther tlis eulssion onisiimed lipon 1he right to go belinld the Ct 'ii tity retun-s i.n 1 ox -inine the preeinet statement.s. The oilt reserved its (leislionI m1F il to IIorrow i (.l4even o'eyp l0c0k, . f A ! hieh time it, int iiait ed that th e e t..v, m rs shold1 report the rmClt of thir figm-ing, espOi:dly as to the L:'i biri. Inl caev thIis is not dne, he Coumt. will issue an oler COM I)ling~ the re~t in. It was sug. d n lpe Willard1 that the Imoera xlis Sla l apply for a writ f r if they wisle ]to have the n.nag-er-i' ret urns n'1o brought inhi court This 1easurie will .ioubtless he taken. will. i'ocai. u Noso~s Whleni a 'ro)wd of admring1j1: sper-ta 4''irs in New~ Yo: kc was; pri v->i< 4 4 Ip i--, '*i I :-ah for 0l nhm !'' :un1 im-1' di ite ,y it wa (ehd by ai ii~ a i h .-:andlers. the (1 tiler, at ltihet.l negro w~hio ai'Ut*ed at CJarmet JUill, ~in Cheste-r iates dety m v arshl 1, ser.ved ai 18-7, f. * r hmog-xtealinig. Heo hax re ently beeniarrestetd, 1 byiordr of -uh M-tA~el:ey,, fori iiitimikling *. f hail. to stit aide 1tuioi Presi len ialt eloetion by fainl, are iali found to point iun uoirmcfy to (ian thing. It, is now c;r ain t hat thuis inft uious schemo was all phmaedl :umd arranged beforo t.he. eleict i m. Forutunateuly for the counitry, iho plt failed. TIii on is to be thle next .President." Six 1R ihlical nlegroes, from the pihn)t itioin of Mr. TI. C. Dun Jose in iter)hw1couty', weore tried an 1 ee. 'l t. few dlays since0, boeo Tial -h ieic DT.m a.n., of heoiting two col 4(red D)emioer its h)oenuso they voted the Dem. eratic ti-kot. T1hoe finesn, cosit s, o .e.Lggr-egto .1 the suuig 1 n.tle 51u11 of m8141. Good ! Genu. Jax. R. C.ihlmers, Democrat, li-s b~een- ele(t.ed to Cougress from the Viekshnrig (Miss.) district, by a im ljOrity of mo' re than four t homs and( 'oer .Lynch, colorod1, the pres ent inimnhent. T1hiis is the stron11g .4 bl-rek district in Mississipi i; a11l theO Vie kshnirg //er,/d n:ays thiat Chailme~rs' 51uccos 18il e to the fact that over one-half of the c >lore 1 vo)t( cast was given to 1him1. Ho ix a g.'neral favorite with the coloreod TPho Mil wankee (ConnercTimes sas:"It. will be the duty of the ollh'iul Canivassxors of tho vote of Wmestonsxin to declar~iie its electorl vo4 te for Tlilden and IH indrick~s 11'rom all porions1i of the State coili( well :;utthient.iented reports of un pro codlented lBopublican fraud anid in a! re ily b1e n~eu 111, showing that the poi~l ulr legpd vot' giv'es a large mia jor. ty fo r the D~emiocraitic cleors.' Spea;kinig of Lthe fact, th it (Gen. Phil Sheridan has beeni ork. e to New Ochu~ ns, the New~ Y.o K sayvs : "The sol 'etin of 4Mniiidan to go) to New O)lea;ns at this tina, is very -i..;niiat. lHe is ai imani after Grun ii ow tiW eaIicrt, anid (ine Othier of [tie mi my whoim lie trusts imlii it ly, and who unmderstads best andi sympalsthizes miost with his pulrposes. W\e l)ok w~ith niimy misgivings (In this triansfer' of Sneridatn to New Orleans, (on(iden1(0t thant, instead of 'onit ributing to) order andi' to the peacefuli operation of legal mneth odis, alyt~ Suiliin1t for the (imer g'.ney, the audaciiious~ m'fr)'ur will niot hesitatci to ('ut with hisE sword the~ knot which wiser and mo~ro legitimiate means might untio to the satisfa-'tion' of 'all right--mindedm Tho South Carolina LeglIslaturo. The following is a list of the mombors of the Legislature receitly elceted froi the iincoteen couities which gave Democratic majorities: A bbeeille.--Stto Seintor-Johin Maxwoll. 1tepresentatives--William K. Bradley, 1obert It. Hemphill, F. A. Connor, William Hood, T. L. Moore. A ikca.-State Senator.-A. P. Butler. 1tepresienitatives-C. Kj 8.awyer, J. d. Woodward, L. M. Asbill, John C". (-*uIignpard. A nderson.--Represenitatives-W. C. Brown, IR. W. Simpson, .James L Orr, H. It. Vandiver. Bar-nce//.-Stato Senator.-Jones M11 Williamts. Rtepresentatives--Jolin W. Holines, Isaitc S. BJbnhiurg, L. V. Youmans. M11. A. Roundtree, RobeR t Aldrich. Cht Oilc/d.--Represn tatives. - J. C. Coit, D. T. Itedfearn. (.dletount.--Iepresen tatives. - H1. E. Binsell, William Mlarce, Joln N. Cw-mings, L. E. Parler, Robert Jones. E " ic/Iled. - -Stte Sena11tor.-M. W. Gry. Represen. L.;- ? -W. S. Allen, J. C. Sheppard, .s Calli son, T 1. Jennings, 11 A. Shaw. Urcenril/e.-Stato Seitor.--S. S. Crittenden. Representi-tivos--J. W. Gray, Jas F. Donald, J. Thomas Austin, John L. Westmoreniid. //orr/.--Stato Seiator.-Willimiam L. Buck. lI epresentativoes. --L. D. B m yn, J. K. Cooper. .Lan,, caster.-RItposncitatives.--J. B. Erwin, Blikeney. Luren.--state Soinator.--R. P. Todd. Ilepresent tives- J. Watsh ington Watts, 1). W. Andersoi,-J. B. HLuinbert. Laxiny/ton.-State Senlator.-H. A- 3Meetze. Ropresentativos.--er hard Muller, G. ieaphart. Mairion.-State Senator.-R. G. Howvard. Represenitatives.-J. G. Blue, James McRae, R. -I- Rogers, J. P. DaviA. Mur/borino.----Repr~eenta:ti ves. -. Phillip M. Hamer, Tioiuas N. Edens. Oceiee.-State Scnator.--J W. Liviiigton. lItepresentatives----. F. Sloan, 'John1 S. Valrner. Pic'/Cn.-Re-- 1tpresentatives.--D. F. BraitdiOy J.. H. L":Iate-4. Xpa~anmrt.--t a eSeniator.-G Caninon1. *Represtalltives.-W. P. Co'anpon, Johnm W. Woflord, Eber S. I Allen, Charles Pettv. WvallLce, G. 1). Pea1kc, Villiam Jet feries. In'/k.---StatO S1ator.-- D. Wit11,herspoon.i epeetaies-J ., W. 1,. Uyuis, A. E. Hiuitchin Tii f. a ove co1uti3. elected 12 SnwAtors aid G I RepresienLttives, All c. wI hioi ie wlite mn11c. The 'Senate, has 33 memlibers, one from eachi counity. excepqt Chairles ton, l wien has two. The D-moc sa elEt 1.2 -WenAtor., and the epuldi. ean1s elee t , .c. ini Im otho t, ( iiaiesox 1. n, ied,(~Ii G rgtownI New. CheLsterliuhi. .1'i kIn I .ndj~, ig. SetorsLI ) (friom Ander-t~;( , ( arles tOIn, G~Ioiuste, ( C ino, Colk11(ton, li-usb~urg) do( noit expre.1t ui il 87 Thei new Ben.: e id, ine. otor--, con 81ist of : Democu~rat S iet . . . I ...I I RJelubie.miseleet.. .. .. . .. . Republ&Iienus1 holdIin gover . . 12-18 T.otal1..............3 In tho the Seieile, theirefore, the ltlpublicanfs wvill haive (only onei morei' last eniato thiey had1( a twodhirds(1 majority. The Democr~eatic g..i is T1heo Houise of Represen~CitaLtives has me)1 lmdreid and twentVy-four mfeml be: - o will stand as follows: D~eocats.................. (;4 Repuiblwian................. t) Thei( D.eimoeraita will have what the( Rtepubl lianLs hlave ini the Senate1, ,no' mioreC Elan a ma~ijority, aL Democoratie gaLin of thirty-fouri. skaiil as follows: Deniioterats-Senlato (... 1 HIouseW.......G.-79) Reulc s.Seae....18 House l. .0-78 jimt. ballot1. .. .. .. .. . . . Th-itL maojority of 0311 onl joint bal lot will eklec aL D~ueortire Uited Stae~s Senator0 to sn1~eeOd Sendaor ltobertsoni next MahirchI. As shlowing the uttor' falsity of the chartigos made(1 by the Raidicals oi' fraud andl~ intimlidat.on inl Elgefiehl counity, the Kee andi Uier~q, giveIs sono mieurextmgu facets. Tlhe State ('ensus1 of 1870 gavio thio county i 8,90)4 votes, anid thlat of 1875 bi. 7,122 votes. A carleful een i Su ta~keni by the Democerats just besfore the election1 sholwed the enir iio vote & to be~ 91. The whlol 'vote eaist on1 the 7th inist. wJas bIuL 9,289 sholwing LIhaE 627 quaIlIified voters white vote ii shown to ho 4,7418, and the c3olored .5,11 7. T is small colI ored miajori ty waLs easily ovoeomel, andi L e hea'ivy 01ne for E Demo~~ erats is readily accouinted foi' by the faict tha~t there was widespreadi - dis gust amilong th ni iegroes with the .Raudical leatdca s 1 in Edgefield. N'um bersi' of I hemi youd~L ith~ the D~emow (Trats, andi others refused to taOke any' part. what&e~ver' inl the( election.1 It was fromi Ehese ent1IRE) and these ailonet, thati thei D~emocracy of Ed ge did1 trilinh wvhich Etey plalIimied LIn the day13 after' the elecCtion. An Atlanta dar~ik(:y wants Lto knlow h10m- (i0 ,a- JI .~ ,ae , Trunsfusion f Blood. From iltheLondon Te legra)Ii, S9pt. 26! Wo dare say that Mr. H., Irwin, medical studeit, of Malineiestor, has no idea thjalt, ho is it peculiarly horoic person. 'Peradventure, ilke many others of his craft, he has had to work so hand in the emise of charity that custom "hath uiado it unto him ia inoperty of easiniess" to be gehn etrouis. Yet we Cannot help thlinkillg that the following facts, as narrafod in thle coluituns Of aL meiCAlV COn temporary', tell it tale of simple de votion to duty on the par-t of Mr. Irwinl, such 11 lifts Us high above that SH)hler(o of Sordid self-FeTking'' which too often bouds the lorizoll of workaday life: Onl the 22d of July laRt, we tro informlled, it Weakly serofulois youth ld one of hi limbs amputated in the Malnhesiiter Inlirmary. Four days, afterward ie was foumd bleeding to death, and in SuCh1 at deISperaIte plight tha.-t, to sIav him, Mr. Hardie, the smrgeon, resolved to try a desporate remedy. known as "transfusion"-thatt is, the at, of trianforing to th 1e m)oribuld mtaient's veins thle warm blood of 1110 livilg lln). Where w:lK the blood to be hid? In old historic story we read of i - gentle queen, who bravely sucked the deadlv poison from heir royal husband's wounitid, in order that she -might save his lifo. But I1S these da vs of ours are s Ilid to bo (nlly the da1ys of 8111111 thingS, We dalr0 hardly (eXpe Ct to find even1 iel rea soml..ble her'oisinl merely for the asking. Yet. when M11r. Hardie intilriouinced his ilteution, on0 of the shtdents. M1. i. Irwin, wit-li I golierolus a Spir-it as that of the royval Imdy afores-ail, of1'ered to su1pply fron his owN%-) veiins tio blood required to revivify his pule01so fellow creatll'e. A piint of the vital 11uid was driawi from th1e vein11s of the kind-hearted siuden t Havilg been freed fi oi fibrinie. four olllces of it Were theii slowly "injected, by Ml1eaOIs 4 i extvllporized appant'tls into tilargest visibleo vein of the patient's arm." in a colloie of Ilolls the dying lad recovered, .nd reenltgnized those around hiin, al(] sincve then he ha1s got well enoihli to be tralnsferred to the Con vales cont IHo)spiti it Cheadle. EDUC.Ai'r41N IN (IJto1!GIA.-Accord ing to the Atlanta Common, m/j/,, ill 1873, the fi:st year'of Democratic Iule in (eorgila Since the war, tch colored plpils, ehiented at. tile ex Pelse of tihe St.tte uiler the. State free school syste in, were 19,755, or 13,0-.1 1oe thani the year bet-re uIer liepuibHicanii rule. In1 1874 the lored c mp1)111)ils numewred .12, 374. or anil incr e-ase of 22fil) over 1873. In 1875 tie tnnher cf coloreds Sars etheat C 4l 1 y tihe Stte' was 5,)35. It will timus Ih seen timt il eo'rgia 112,4-8 coloreu chiiilliren werie ediateuni111 M. .o erri.t 11ule in hcluel iv!i y ear, ogins Theisa ll(e l atic ilt so.In. c. in tlto i'w.-.--.())ee in stret 'oIn -1r in1 Deot cit and a -k a