IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BYr i Winnsboro Publishing Company. TniMs, - - - r. V'Ei ANNUM, IN AI)VANCE. Liberal diicount to Clubm of tivo or ioe subscribers. RATA OF A)VEIXT181No. One dollar per inch for the filrst insertion and fifty cents per inch for each mbsequent insertion. Transient advertisenentti nit be paid for in ademnce. Contracts for threp ix or twelve tunths made upon liberal terms. ."-' Business coinmnoientions shoulli be addressed to to WinashloI-o PuIblisliing coinpnny; all others to the0 BAitor. N1. SIEANS DAVIS , JNO. K. REYNOLDS64, - Proprietors. HENRY N. OBEAR. 3MN CHINAMAN. Ils Ways of Business in California. Man I'rancisco Letter. There is scarce an industry in San .Francisco at present which is not inore or less affected by Chinese competition. Cigar manufactiers and dealers are disgusted with the growing depravity in taisto oil the part of the citizens which leads to the annual conuinption of nearly a hundred millions of Chinese cigars, the vilest in odor and appearance of all nicotian prodiuct-s ; the boot an11d shoe manufacturers ire grieved by the reflection that more than three thousand heathens are stetilinig away their custom and turning out at least one-fourth of all the leather goods manufactured in the city; the Italian fisherien and vegetable gardeners sigh to see pig-failed drawers of nots monopolizing the best fishing grounds in the harbor, or the bamuboo polo ind its twin swaying baskets providing "galrdel truck" for whole streets of families, while they themicselves knock uan patronized at the doors. Even the Irishimin, who (xpected no0 coli>-. tition in his profession of scftave14tg., imprecates bad luck t p the saddle-colored gutter .. A.Spe who picks papers and rags froim the mud before hiiii. The maniiiutifatctuire of clothinig, tin-wtare aind woolli fabrics has also 'heeni extensivelv indertalken, and, as is the case witi the other industries which the Chinese have emtered ulpol, mandte profitable to an astonishing degree. IRven as pawnbrokers they have snuown marked Iusineiis adbility, and will grind the faces of the poor in a way which wVould be highly credita ble to their shrewdest coimpetitor. They are betaking themselves to new pursuits every day, and there are now few mielanies and miaui facturers, htow'cver senure t hey might. once have deemed theimuselves to be in their specialties, who would feel surpriseld 110111d a (hilluan si1l denly offer himself in the market i& their coipet.t )r. A CASE Ont TwO IN POINT. A imanufacturer of my acqujiaint anice, who (lid a 4 triving buisiniess h, making a certain article of irc: mongery', wvas recently conisiderabliy aistonishted to see one( Of hiis (eles tial workmnen. wh'lo had left himu a few days before, sudi'-nly set uip a shlop of his own, where lie produced exhietly the samne article, butt of superior finish and~ at a mucnh lower price. A maker of bird-ctges also au short time ago haid in his emtplo y a peculiarly thick-headed Mon)1goium. wvho, notwithstanding his inetieien. cy, one day deomanded higher wages and w~as s~iummaUi .y3 i r tim trades-union and leagues are mor< to blame than has been commonl supposed. Thanks to thera thi system of appreniticeslhip is almos unknown in San Francisco, boyi and youig non who desire to learr useful mechaiical professions ar kept in idleness, many quarters o the city are constattly in terroi fromn hoodituns created by thi Umions and glowing l) to desperat manhood, anld wrge'cs aire kept up t< ii poiiit whici seriouily embarrassel the manfacturers in their ef'orts to I Conpote With E st]ern Capital an enterprise. The Chinaman. seem hig to offer a relief for this state o things, wi eagerly employed, an< if 1nanufacturers are harassed b, coIpotition and woirkmen throw; i out of elniiloyimeit by labor mor cheaply offered than theirs, th< t.rittles-uion system. which bai CauIld inealculable distress all ove: the country, is to ia groat degre responsille for it. Wili the pres ut nuinber of nianufactories, neitl: er American nor Chiniese nect have much fear for tgx future o their bisiness. Tho' country i; rapidly growing in 'loplalitioll ani11 wealthi, Itiad the maurket for on goods is ctanusbtly exteuding Already the inanmense territory fron Colorado to the Pacifie, from Alaski and t~ritsh Colombia to th< It1m1111us, is prilciially suppliel b, this city, while even the Sandwiel 1411tulis anuid vouni tl ies yet farthe removetl re constantly orderin1 large tIshipliletlls. When the re 01)trl(es of tile State tre so fa developed ats to fur nish most of ou supplies-as8 will soon be the case the pres-leit evils of comipetition wil be turned into ben efits to tniu fictrl -ers, workili ii and constumore EGETINUE Purilles the Bloodi, lItniovate uiiitl lI ivigorate's te IV hole ITS ME-ICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative Toisie, Solvent 11(am IDilretic. '3Ti math- n1l etXelusively fronm th. jices., of ca:-fitily-soeletedl barkN roots ainl herbl, anl so troingIv concen tratte', tIhat it will eiftfetuatlly etradicat froi the syistea t-very taint of Soroftult scroftilons . ulltor, Tiumors, cineer, Can teroui ~utintor, F-'rysiptelis, salit itheuni iyphiltie l)iseases, (aniker, Faintness ia thle stoniswih, arnit all diisvss thant aris fronli isnyttre bloodl. sciatica, 11nt111amma1 zory 11tl4 Chroinie l heumaiin, ralgia Gtonu,. and1t4 Spilt ('4111 oplaintts can1 only 1 efillyeit4 v ir Il tirigh tie bo4d ' 1i r l'leersl. ulIlIluptive 4lisases of th Skinl, 'l'tubl-s, P'imaples, Illotces, Bioil., i Tetter, Seat!th iI anii li iI10ingworill. Vege tine1' ha.4S netver failed to ileht 14e1r11111e I''. Pains il tile 111n1k. K ilney ('4111 - plint6:, 6 py, Vv1-'erna eWe akness, Let] .4rrh-1111. arising 1fm 1 itern. al iticora-tion a 1 ui tterine dise-ass ii Geineral I)elilit y Notile aclts Iilectly lponI ti, callses I tieI eVtul ai ts. it inv l irites ianl strengthenis the. whOle SYStenk, acts 11po0 the e e et te o ganis, 11ll. -s Inflitair elur s I honleeration an 1411lites tile lowtlh For CatarrIhi. Iy 'spvI -sill, I ab110itild C , oloh., il'il-, Ner'lvousnetss anel1 ( ;4l-re Pro st ration ofI the1 NI r'vouis Sv teln 13w1.1icine has4 10v.r1 ie suc p511ct-ati tiret itlil as the Vegit iln. It puriniles thI b lood,4 I ch~llnsts a11 ll ofi 1he organs, 311 1 sssees a ottrollill ' piower over 'th nervous411 systeni. Th11 reina ble~~ cell'. t'leeted4 by Vg tinie in. ve'4 inlneed 1nu11ny phlysiia'a11s an1 e14411 the.1ries when we111'I ku'o.s to~ pr'ecrlb a1a us11 3141it isl the-ir' ow'Itl I .iiliis. -in fact1, V:.1.1 ist-: is thle betst renwid' yv discover ed forI' the' aboveI 4 iel'ass anS. 111 It (only re'liabh-t illo0th Paii1cr vet p)laceL blefore' thet pulic~. HI. R. S'TE lENS, Boston, Mais Wnxv is :t:ix-rr ? It is a eOIl poull ex~trt-te fronii barks, rotsIt 1and4 herb, Ih11ltless I ti 411any h4ad4 4, freet pn th~ 44yst eIn,. It is .1n141rishuiliu 11n.1 streth'len 11ng it acts 41hreetly I ,44 the i1t, 1 11u1iet-s th or leon41s 1y34 nIl. It giveN yol a144441, SWa tll e atlight. It is a gre 34, rve, 11114 g ies thein Nalture'45s we4 .Igedt 1)4rs 'n. It is thle grea'1t 11il41d4 luri .inds. It reIieve'1S 41314 enrs'll d*' 1141ieaseC or iginatin g trata 4444 pur b~loodI 1444. Tfrv thl MaO..3x5. ( ie it a1 fair triaot 1'you -' inpjtlaint then143 youl will say' to1 'von1 it is recomn111 Iended, is ha11 ing a1I lge'r sal othe one idii.WhVE Me lle Sold by ili Dr"nggists FYfl5I5U R A NCE is: tilw tim~e to insure yIour pro' establ' ihd 't'aipnevz The 1,iverpo1. and11 London01 and1 (Glob The'1o (h-3:n113Asi of44 Newt Yor3k, 'Th- I\-1411'r 'I f New Yor'1'Vtk. Thel 111.1 Kr~N of P hihlt41,pjhia, The4 N-rI. P'A4'-. of N lnneso4ta1, The' ;Ietlh(IA 111om1:, The'1143 itsert 34 13 Fui:Assoviu'no~ 'V'1n liA IA. agenel'v inl til'e stt'. ('oun ltr Fl Dwellilg .iA Nil-'. W. LAW, Agent 14ov'-2l att W~3inn1boro4, S.(C. SELLING OFF AT 0081 P3!r.IO3D !! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAP'S I J offer my1 lilt ire st~c'k of loots, Shloes, .1. 111a14 1and1 Capls, at and11 below ('0$ ness4 by ,Ianl uary 1st, 1877. I also cakll alttentionl to a ine lot o~f enn.1 vassed4t'I Itlls. (Chotie brandsll of' New' O)rleanls, Cuiba al1ta lIla'ck Strapl Molasses, I1igheslCt plrie givenl for tcottont. RI. J. McCARLEY. IP. H. All parties indlebte~d to 1114 are re, queltstedI to call and14 ROttle on or lbeforet th< 15th Novemibelr, 18761.4 oct 264n fl J. nv~R,Ey, NEW ADVEIVINEMIpENT. - - - - -- ----------- _ 7__ - - _ _ 1____ C- A CA RD8,11 syes wih 2 naine, 10eta post PaOW 'j. . t HUBTED, Nassan, Rens. Coq N. NO We will tart you in a businest; you Cnn Make $50a week easy. MON EY 1expectable for either ox. f AGENTS SUPPLY CO., 261 Brewery, Now York. I AGI Ei'S. Investigate the merits of the B Illustratedl Weekly, before determining ) upon your work for this fall anl winter. Tit comubination for this seasonaurpasis c gnything heretoforo attempted. Termsi m ent free on application. Addres, CIIA8. I CTMCASj& CO., 14 Warren St., New Y-rk. TRIFLING With a Cold is Always Dangorous. USE WELLS' Carbolic Tablets, 3 a mure renedy for Coughs, and all Dim easeg of the Thront, Lungs, Chest and Muicoux M embrane. PUT UP' 01,v 1% L.UE DOX F. Hold by all Druggistx. C. N. OKTTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. ATTENTION ALI, I ORIEAT nAN1CHnIPT? SALE OF JEWELnY. On receipt of 5) cents we will send byv imnil, postpaid, all of the following pieces I of jewelry, viz: I pair Gold Plated and enigraved Shi-eve Butto",,, one set Gold F1ront Shirt Studs, I Collar Stud, I Wed ding Ring, I 1oll Plate Watch Chain Ii and I I Gent's it me Coral Scarf Pin. We offer i this great. bargain merely to draw attei tion to our busin e88, as we have fall Lils of watesiek, and jewelry it low prices. Send for Catalogue. Com..'s & Co., 735 Broadway, N. Y. City. READY FOR AGENTS-THE CENTFNN A! EXPOSITION DIs:11E ANK r.8STnAT1Wn. K A graiphi len-picture of its history, grand - buildings, wonderful' exhibits. curiosi 1 ties4, great daym, etc. Profusely illustrated, thoroughly popiular and very cieap. 11 selling inmenmely. 5.0'10 Agents ianted. 8vn(l for full particulars. This will be thie Cbaice (f 100 yeiars to coin mnoney last. Get tie only rliable history. luin, nAIKO Jlnaos., Pe1ns.,7338 anoni St., Phil. Pa. CAUTION. le nKot deceived by premnature books, aosxuiing to be ''ohicin" and telling what will happen in Aug. and Sept. Agoent.4 Wanite-d for the Story (if Chaxaley Ross, Written by Is fiather. A comnplete ate count, of this anost My tsterious Abduction u and Exciting 8eatreb. %I ith Fac-Sinile Letters and Illustrations. Outsells all - other Books. One agent took 50 orderH inl on10eI dlay. Termni liberal. Address dloN E. Porren & Co., Publishers, Phila. MASON & HALIN CABINET ORGANS ,[fave been Unanimously_ assigned the "FIRST RANIK IN THE. Several Requisites" t Of sueh Instrumients, it the S T. S. CENTENNIAL, 1876. - an 1 are the only organs assigned this rink. Their silperiority is thu1s declarplI n >t in otie or two resipects only, Int in AL11 the important. qutalities of anll orgia. A Mcdal and Diploma live Also been alwarided theml but medals11 of equal Valu114 were award(d fall atiicies duendid worthy of recognition. so that 1nany 13 akers enulu aidvertise ''lrst niedali" or "'highest Comp44K laralt ive ralnk ini excellne, ihas beenK deLternlitnedl hby the J udges' lIeportx lone~l, ill wichl the AAON & HIAMULN -'OlttA NS arn unahinlously assigned '"The f irK't ran~k Un the several reqjuisites" of such Sinstrulments~ ,1 are the onii ' ones~ as sined thin ranKIk. See JIudgsc ItEpoarts. isj' re'sult wa'ls not1 une~xpected1, for Lihesce orgashv nfomytke ih es wrsinl sucKh c'oKInpetit ions,5 thmere be'gni. less thlan six excep1t ions8U i hudre~ds ofI compa1i)risonms. T.Ihey' were a waired fir'st mtaels, and highesst hlonorc lit PaKris 18(17. V ion na 1873, Hantiago 1875, Phlila dlhia~t 187ti; hain~ig thi u1 bee'n awa'lrded~ tion at w hiu'h tihey' have 'oInpIetedl, nnd14 beingf till only3 A lnericaunorgansx which *. lKvert obtaineettl any aiward in Europe. New sutyilesc, wvith improsvemeKcnts exhiibi dI - led at thei Centenln ial: elieganlt !4Iw ca1s i. in grumat variety. Priuces v'ey lowest con y xistenIt i'thl best matteriael ar'1(1 tworkmuan 4' si.. Organhs sohl lo4w thor caIshl or in. sta11lbnenKts, (or r'e'nt'ed until ren t pa11vs. 1 lhvery organII wa rranlted to giv'o e n tire II 8:a isfact ion to e'vt ry' reat.,llsonable1 prchaser I orI the4 m110n.-y KreturnKiled. Illustratedu Calta :lelgues sen1t tree. ' hIAlsN A' l .u.. OnKoIAN Con.- 1 'rTre 1 11114nt St ree4t, lit stuon: Inioni Squamre, New K or)k ; 80 and1 82 Adlats street, (Chicago4. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I I jrsTr OP'ENIED at time WVinnsbores Dry ~e Goeod s, IFaney'3 (Good41 and44 AillineKry' lIazaar4111, wh'ich'1 werel4 tele'ted withi the grealtest caKre( by '1irs. JIealg inK thle NorthernI I~SKarkets. A coempile'te and4 full linle eof Alii. liwly (;ood1 oIf tile ini lst escigns. Th'e4 stocek of' all kindslc of 44nehandiise wh'ichi tihe plie knoewcu I genle'rlly keep. wiill bec r'epieithledl and1 kept comp4Jekte dulring tihe l'itnii ly Gr'oceiIes, such as~ lcutr, Aleai, Orist, 11ae-n, Lardi, Moilausss Afiackerel, ('akes, ('rackers, Caindy 1c., always fre'sh. Kerose'ne WVeoodeni Ware, T'in Wa4re, ('rockery a full assoertmaentl. InK fact, you ('an1 11ind alii you1 wan41t amt .J. 0. IIOAG'S. One anld alil, greait and( aflil, (Give Iiong a1 call -lat thle (orneor. Priec'a to suit the tinmes. No trouble to sho8~ew gods. oct 12 a. O. BO - F. W. HABENCIT, Proprietor of the T7EEPS constantly on handl a tine ....stock of Wihik eys, lirandies, Winenx. M1ait, iquto'rs. Cigars, T1obacco, ete., etc. Atlho fuav orite and fashilonable beverages -I prepanred from tihe purest liquors and in theo finest style. Cone'to the Cenltennial1 blur, utnder tile W~iinboro Hlotli. oct 5 ' COTTON. WE have resnmed business at our for mer stand, No. 3, Hank Range, and will be glad to see our old eustomon4. We will use every endeavor to please you and to give yon goods at the very lowest prices. Cotton purchased, or if partien prefer to ship, w4 will advance twenty-ivo dollars a bale and hold subject to their orders. LADD B3ROS. Oct 12 _________ MCMASTER & BRICE Most respctfully request the Inspecion of their cheap and well sele, ted stock of goods, which they 1)dier RtS low 5s thle up COUN~iLY. THEIR LADIES' D~epartmnent is full and comiplete in every line. RUFF'S, SILK TIES, Hlandkereiefsa. C~ol ars, Cuuffs &c., ini great variety and at extremely low prices. AMERICAN DELANES, Nice Dress Goods, colored and black Alpacas, at prico3s that~ defy coinpetition. DOMESTIC GOODS, r'onsisting of Brown Ilomuespun, Cheek. e'd liomuespun, D)enima,- T1ickings, Shirt. inag', &c., at prices to suit the price of Cot ton. THEY HAVE A splentlid lot of Jeans and Cassimecres, Gents' and1( Boys Suits which they offer at great bargains. OPERA, GRAY, White andi Red Flaunels at 5elling prices. A FULL STOCK OF GJents', Youths,' Boys' and Childrens clothing of every description. THEIR LINE OF Gents' Furnishing (Goods is complete in every particular. ' GENTS', LADIES', Youths', 11oys' and ' hildren's Shoes in great variety, and at u adeniably low prices. THEIR HARD WARE Department Is full and complete, con sisting of everything generally found in a hardware store. A NEW LOT OF Good and cheap carpets just received. ('alt and examnine bef'ore bupying your goods bisewhere e5. McMASTER & BIRICE. FOR ALE. oet BE ATY, 13R). & ON. ALL personm knowing thenmselves to ndebtedl to me will please come forward with money or cotton. and settle old accounts, if they expect indulgence atnothmer year. catS F. ELDn . TO OUR CUSTOMERS -O- -- HOfy are indebted to us for PflOVI8. IONS or PHOSPHlATES, we would respeet fully call attention, that your biflla are due on or before the first of November. We are depend~ing on you for paynment AT ONCE, to enablo us to meet obligations made to aessist you, and which aro due at that time. In order for us, as well ats you, to main tain our eredit, it is necessary to meet our promisev promptly. Beaty, Bro. & Son.a oct 12 J. CLENDINING, Boot anid Short Manuf tactur'er. WINNSIBORO, S. C. T~IlE unhdersignedl re sp oetfull annttonn~ers to fth ciien .- airtield thaet hi hats remnovedi his lioo t andti Shoe Manufactory' to onie docor below Mr. C. Mullers. I amt prepared teo maiLeU otur< all styles of work in a silastaentitul it:oz. Iworkmasnlike manner, ceut of the very besi 1materials, aend at p)rices fully ats low aes the samte geods eun be aeenufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep c-onstaently on hand, ,a goodte Stock of Sitlo and Upper Leathter, Shoe Findings &c., whic'h will be sold at reasonale prievs. itel ai ring preotuptly attended to. Tlermts stric*tly Cash. ftr D)ried Hidles bought. PLA NTATION TO RtENT, TO RtENT, for the year 1877, the phan 1tationt k noiwnt as the " albley Place.,' one mtile fr an the obil (Clu-stnutt Ferry, eight mhiles fr, m the town eof Camsdens, it K~ershaw C emnty. Ont the piremaises are I good dlwelling. outhoutses sutitale for e'nants, g.tod gin-house, screw', oec. Goodl faimnng land open, suficient fort eightt or ten plout.irha. Parties wish ing toe rent can apmply to Messrs. Trraenttham A Haty, Attorneys, Camen, 8. (C., or to the owner at lIock l11ll, S. C. oct 5 -8w. MARIY A 3M0llLEY . Charlotte, - oI~tnn bin. & A uiguxf a RIah lIind. Uou.1'MneA, lie'c. 19. 1875 TiE olowngPaeneger $echedubl [.l w ~ hern ivrthe rot-l ont ande 'itter tie dlame: Leave Atuguesa, 0 -. at 4.156 p ''Coluesnhia. b. C., tJ2o p '' Winsbsloro, 12.t00 p "e Cheesser, ,, Arrive at Ulharlotte, N. C. 6. 15 a TRIAIN--Onsd0e soeru,. Leave Charlotte~, N C. am 9 .gt p " Chtest er, 12 o a -, Wtnsboro,~. I :i5 a "~ Cols ubia, 3..6, Arrive ati Augusta 9.00) a m, JAS. AN)ER -'h, Oent'l Stpi. A. POPEL O.Passenger ain i 'j icket Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. Ioffer for sale or renit thte resiene .tloent eed en Vande'rborst treet, neatr thte Associate Refornmed Chlurch, l'Tim house is cottinge style, containing thtree upright roomts, two atties, and kitchten. room attaceed. 'rThe htottse has beent re cently tntted entire. On thte ptremises are a fine well end aell necessary ot-t btuild ing.s. Termis reasonable. Apply to JOIIN W. PtIltCELI. nov2.-4t or tf. To 0u Patronas. .EINIIE undersigned desire to remtndl .1. their old friends end cusetomei~rs and the public generally that they are still to be found1 at their old stand, witht a full Stock of Plantation. end Pamily (Oroceries, Boocts, Shoes and Domtostic D~ry (Good1 &e' All of whtich thtey are offering at prices in keeping with the hard times aend scareity of money. Give us a call andt be con vinieed of whtat we say, P 5.-Those persons Indebted to us are hereby notified to come forward and make ptaymentiat one, or they will find their accounts in the hands of an officer for c olleetlon, We need our money and muetst nov 2 JOIUNSTON & PETTICREW. ZjWW__a2.'c~m. THOS. R. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law AND TRIAL JUBTICE. $i# All business entrusted to him in either capacity will receive prompt atten. tion. Office on Washington street,.ono door east of Winnsboro, oct 5 If. A G.AI.rAun. JNO. 8. it.:Yorng GAILLARD & REYNOLDS, AT.l'ORNEYS AT LAW, NO. 2 LA W RANGE, WINNS U80Oi iOU'111 CAlOI INA Sphool .Dfoticu. P EISONwishing to teach in the pub. Hie schools in Township No. 8 are noti fied that the Trustees will mteet at lidge way on Saturday the 11th of Novembler, for the'purpose of contracting with thoso who have complied with the order of tho Board (if I-xaminers. 11 EDl.NUNDS. CORNELlU3 MECANS, Trustees. nov 2M2 State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. By Jno. J. Neil, Erguiere, ProbAle Judye. W HEltEAS.tJamos Turner, Esq., hat mualo suit to ie to grant hii letters of administition of the cstate an effects of A. Yongue Turner, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and credi tors of the said A. Yonguo Turu tr, de ceased. that they Le and appear before me, in the Coirt of Probate, to be held at Fairtielid Court House, S. C., on the I Ith day of November next, after publication ereof. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show ciuse, it any they have, why the said administration s(ould not, be granted. (liven under my hand, this twenty-fourth day of October, Anno Domini 1876. JNO. J. NEIL, oct 2'-tx2 J P. F. THE CAMVPA1GiN FAIRLY OPENED. I AS retiniel midi will now dlisplayfo the benefit of his Patrons, the citizens Of Fiirlield, H ATS, the Nobbiest. Tilden, Hampll)toln, Custer and all other styles. CLOT H INC: The meint'stylish Slits, of the latest and most approved inke and stylti. DIRY GOODS df the latest anid 111st becoming styles, to sit thue iost fastidtious. All I ask of my frien Is is di themelves' tle justice, am'l Sol the favor. to look at 4is Stock beforn making purehiases. My Stock of 1300'TS AND) 8110EN ii complleit,. Hoir.lerwear, Shawvls. 'Ad. liianke.ts. I can comilpete with any .u-- ini t Iis tmarket, or elsewhere. All I ash , ISis a call. toi convince myl frensha I mean SOL. WOLFE. (ct 19 COLUMBlAREST , Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly4 TElRMS, IN AP'VANCE: SiXcy si oniths..-.---..--.--- 50 il-Wi.EEL. Six monlhthls - -- - - 250O WEEKLY, six nlths - - .. - } 0t 114)13k Saad .Dob P'aIumtIlg Ofilce IX TVIlE S'VTl ** Add~lress ll commicalljitions, of MANiltr'n liunm -e t nt sroCo rs May 1:1Cor.UnnmA, 8. ( Th le chleapest IDaily Paper POLITICS DEMOCRA'tfC ALL THE NEWS Of the D~ay Conidensedl. Suabscri piltin, $~2 50-6 Moths. .7 Pronlounced thne best Decmocratio Daily at tihe ('apitai. Address JULIAN A. SELIIY Manager. .I..EEP4 conslutanitly or. handl a full sup pliy of (Choice FAMILY (lROCERLIES and PL ANTA~TION SUPLIESl. is stoek has recently bee replenished0, and 11 is noW readly to suplply tile want of a