VOL. I---NO. . WINNSBORO, S. C.. TlHUHSDAY MQRNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1876. --V 90kL(hed $t011. A Camp Meeting Story. "Now, Mrs. Wilder, 'bout them chickens 1" "Just let me knit to the middle of my needle, Draxy." Draxy waited, her busy hands finding something to do in the little pause. The things on the table were straightened, the daguerreotyes (it was the best room) tiited more aceti ratoly on their open covers, a mi nute speck of dust dislodged from the mantlepiecc--all before the gen tle "click, click" of the needles eased, and Mrs. Wilder laid down her stocking. The chickens--lot in see. It was those six little broils of the speckled lien's I was a-thinking of, and the pepper-and-salt roosters." Mrs. Wilder viewed chickens from a pure ly practicalstand-point. "-raiat'll be enough, won't it Y" "I don't know,"-doubtfully "folks eat a licap at camp-ieeting." "So they do. Weil, then, kill three of the black Polands and bake a pie. That'll be a plenty-" "I guess so." Business thus dis posed of, Draxy assumed a chair and w axed confidential. "How many of our folks is i.-guin,' Mrs. Wilder ' "You and me, and Nathan and E.len-that's live ; and Lacy's six." "Lucy !" "Yes. Mr. Wilder said he guess ed she'd better, and brother Parker plead hard about it. He thinks she is old enough to get religion, and ought to have it ; and her pai says there's no harm tryin,' only le won't have her flustered. I don't know what to say 'bout it myself, but I guess pa'H right." And Mrs Wilder ended with a little sigh. "Mr. Parker 1" There was a con centrated and conspicuous sniff in Draxy's voice. She said no more, and in another minute got up and left the room, her errand aiccomplish ed. There were few waste pla: e, in Draxy's life. Satan might have didged around her 'for months, without findinr one idle chlilick in wAicb to )r.actise his nefarious arts. Pretty hool the door opelne'd and Lucy came in-a girl of seventeen, with3 the shy beauty Lof a wild do in her bazel eyes. The delicatC, CaMueo like outline of her face was oi an ex pression of appeal. Not that there was anything to aIppke:iJ Igailist inl her life-the petted only daugh ter of C:is h )moit 8h >. . )11 w.>.n n possess that look naturally, and be fore it, when combined witi youthl and 1oveohineaa the hearts of men go d.,wn like ninepins. Lucy as yet kaew not the value of her klo.wer. bii such knowledge never lingers long. "hIer liave you beeni, de.r ?" "Over to Esther's motnier. Tney're beginning the caup-meeting cake. I staved to help beat tie eggs. "1Do tell ! I sippose they're mraking a great fuss, hke all. the rest of the fomiR." 'Oh i yvs. Mrs. Rabbins ha. killed a turkey and eight pairs of e.icns, had two( pieceis of beef boiled ; and Esther and HoLps.ey were maiking gingerbread, and raise]t cake, and all sorts of p)ies tnat you can think of-mince andt applle aind ,custoxd and Canadaplum.-1 can't remlembiler half." "Land's sake J And who's going, Lucy .?" 'Mrs. Robbins and the squire and .the girls, andl James and his wife, :and aunt Mirey, and-" hiere tie happ)y gir'lish viice sanik a little, just a little ; only a close obsaerver would have noticed the init'ection--'and IKane." "Elkanah .? I wvant to know .! Well, it's time lie got hold of something .goodl. You'il have to help Draxy j.make our pies to-morrow., dear. Theim wveathe'.s splendid. I guess we're .going to have a good week." This camp-meeting ab)out wvhich all Amnmonoosuc waus in a stir, was ai yearly affair, anticipated and plannmied for with eager and invariable pleasulre. After the heat of the .Sumil:n'er, and tho toil of tiue harvest, when the hay w~as in, and the potau .toes stored, the corni and the corni .shucks safely housed-when the ryc .and the wvheat had gone to mill, and the "boarders" to taicir (ity houme-. ,camne, in the hearutiful Septembher weather., this holiday ; which, half ai p ienic, half a religious exercise, brong it neighibars togat bor, brigh t * .0ened the links of church brother hood and ol1d frienudships, andl gave, to soul ad body alike, refreshment. But, oh I what a dlitl~rent thing it was to the different people who wore looking for ward to it. Mr's. Wilder, and other good ma Stranms of her stampll viewed it as a species of noe jollifictioni, 'omf. bmning much good cheer with sonme comfortable preachminag and praying. A time, too, for thie exhibitioni of no table house-keeping-of pie crusts and fatted fowls, which, duly par. taken of, might impart to theoc Lioni a certain toothsome solemnity. Brother Parker, of tihe Pemige. wasset Conference, on the contrary, regarded it as IL crucible' in which Louis should be melted and changed ---a foiu' days' opportunity, during~ which the doors of Heaven should standa open for wvhomsoever knocked thereat. In his thoughtm he saw them enter, souls stained an.1 shruken with sin, 'souls nure an-I spotless as Lucy Wilder's-for Brother Parker tuought much of Lucy's soul. Had it 1jeen contained; in a body loss fair, it had. perchance, occul)ied less of his attention ; but lie was a man, though a good one, and having twice tasted the sweet nos of married life, was naturally re.idy to try it again. Only-here I he was firm ; a minister's wife must be known to be of one wind with hiiself. She muinst belong to his church - and no temptation should induce him to lay such a snare and ic.udial inl the path of his people, as to marry a woman without religion. I So Brother Parker looked forward eagerly to the coming week. Elk iah Robbins wts c(ually eager. A strong, brown, handsome fellow, he had been a wild boy; but of late had grown so steady and so attentive to his farm that folks said, "Kane must be thinking of settling ;" only where or with whom nobody knew. To Lucy and other girls the "amap imeeting was invested with a delight fill vagueness, in which merry meals, rustling tree-boughs, sleeping under canvas, whispers, laughter, "good tiies" generally, mingled. In more than one young heart another and more select element of bliss was cont sciously or unconsciously recog nized. In L-icy's it was-Kane. The brown, fearless boy and fair girl had grown up together as play mates till that dark day when, "for his b:dness," thle neighbors said, "Kane was sent away to Uncle Elka nash's at Swift Water, for a ye itr," which year had lengthened into live It was three years now since lie came back ; tall, bronzed , strange, yet familiar : and during those three years womanhood had crept unawares over the little maid who had shared his baby sports. Playmate no long er, Lucy was very shy ; but in her secret heart she was prolud of himi ; proud of the strength that could heave the heavy timber up, which her brother Nathan avoided ; of the skill that could tame the wildest colt. Sme was sure ie would always be giod hereafter. The four days' dwelhling in a grove with him was a delight so great that it almost frigotened her. o he day camee. All Monday the committees were at work arranging the tents in the form of a hollow sguare, beneauth t-he shelter of the trees. A bright little stream curved around t.wo sides of the encamp mIent. In its centre arose a covered platfori, to which was aflixed a derrick painted pea green, whose top: supported a sharp-toned iron belt. RInkls of rough heu-has confronted this st.and, ill the midst of whic., and directly under the platform, was a sn.dl hlencliod inclosure for the use of the "anxious," who were ox poeted to resort thither at tile close of every service to listen to ti.e layorsand appeals of the bretlre). Nor was the earnal man forgotten. Besides the eating saloon, open to ill, e:ch tent bore a long table, duly sp.cad ti ce times a day with amplest, provision. These tents represented e-ich village, and sheltered by Iight and by day a whole neighborhood. The nonue of the lacze-"Pemnige wasset," -"Stowe,' "Lacon"-was let tered 1up)on the front, accompanied bly h'nne floral dlevice or text of Scrip~ture. Uponl tihe Aimmiionoosuc htunt was the inapplroriate recomi membtionto "Waitch and Pray," around wh ich, by way (of am .)te, a wreath of flowery hops) was garland ed. The spacee within was gorgeous in its app~omtnmnts, and boasted, liesides a small11 bookcase (If religious reading, a round tab~le with a red cover, which sup~ported a hunge nlose gay of flowers and11 gave the whole a tasty effect, as Mrs. Wilder (extult ingly reumarked to Mrs. ilobbinis, equalled1 by none of the others, oIf wich effect Ammionoosnec was justly proud. And so the camp)-meetinlg fairly blegan. IAll day Tuesday, peoplle were p~ourinig in. Each one-seated wagon brought three antd a b.aby ; each two-seated, five and two baies. By~ night hundreds were assembled. 1 1mo001 was brilliantly full, aund sig gurated the assomly, so spirited and satisfactory, that Brother Lit tie rubbed his hands and remarked to Brother Smith that he'd1 been to forty camp~s itn his time', but, in his opjuion, this was going to 1)0 tile greatest yet "How1funny 1" whispered Hopsiy Robbins, ais they watched the bumstle inlside the tent. "See, Lucy,ithe beds this sidhe ar10 for Us, and that for the men-folks. Don't it look queer0 ?" 'But wlo sleepsH oni the table ?" ' ughed Lucy, as a roll of rustling mattresses weis li fted up. "Don't y'ou know ! Why, the elders and deacons, ofecourse. T1hat's Ito keep 1people in order, and stop any skylarking and frolicking among us young ones. SayLuwhc bed will you have y r, 3akenh one next to mine." *"Lucy,". called bher mother ; and and she whispered, "hero's your place, next to mec. I dout want you down there with those girls, for you'll talk and chatter all night, and not be fit foir a thing in the morn-fing. Just slip off your frock there behind the curtain), and put onlyour double gown, and I'll fix you." "Si., like Christabel, "her gentle limbs she did undress," so far as gon and hoop went ; and pretty soon, Cnh neat gray w,-annpe he land, are most formidab'e wien under tl-e inflhence of unexpected emotion. The very novelty of sensation andI expression astounds them. Strong 1m1011 sobbed ; womon became hys terical ; young girls rushed forwaird and fell upon their knees; the elders went to and fro animon the crowd. expOstiulatilg, explaiillig and e treating. Over all rang, at intervas, the voice of the choir in wild, sweet snatche. A dark thnider cloud, for a imoimieit, hid the sunii, anid one low peal shook the air. Brother Parker stood again by Lucy ; he heitid held her hand. She was exei ted and in tears, but she was firi. Just then a stir took place nealr them. A young man with bowedi head was hurried past by two of the elders. His faco was hidden inl his hands, but Lucy could not mis take. A sudden tide of emotion shook her soul. If Kane yielded.-. if Kane was going to that place then she should go too. Was not her place by him-in time and eternity ? Brother Parker felt the fingers quiver ii his 'gralsp, the resistance slacken. Another moment he had led ?rer forward. She was kneeling, kneceling by Kaie's side ; and this victory of an earthly aflection, which was to him all heavenly ofne, had power to brinig tears, like rain, down the good man's cheeks. Sweetly rang the hymn over them, the cloud float ed past, clear sunshine streamed in and bathed the place, and Heaven seemed to smile upon the scenie. To our young lovers-who shall s ty ? To some hearts God has re veaded himself inl this manner. We may not dare to question. But with their deeper thoughts uingled the strange sweetness of being there side by side-the earthly blending with the unearthly, as it will do while we are things of earth. "Don't Ie0 her converse with any one, Hister Wilder," said Brother Parker, as lie restored the agitated Lucy to her friends. "Keep her aloof this evening. . Let no vain conversation or gossip arise to dis turb the impression on her iin '. To morrow I will talk with her further." Oh ! Brother Parker, had you no.ied the haiid-clamp, warmer and more lingering than becamo those who met merely upon a spiritual platform, exchanged between your youig converts ? Did ,you hope to miake matters quite safe for the im po'tant c1v1r'stioni ofthe morrow' 0, Brobier Parker, wli4j shall guess or compute the orpl blindness whieli Cupid can throiv over even a good mian's e )l ? So Mrs. Wilder kept Lucy "aloof.' Poor Kane, hovermi bout thic family group for thPe !C of a word, found only downeast laslhe on the part of his idol, inid d(iscouirajii iiig looks from the rest. Fathe' mother, brother Nathan, sister-iii law Ellen, and faithful Draxy--al] were determined there should be no "pliilidering" that night at least. So the flame ill Kane's soul, tuils repressed, bunied more hotly than ever : al(] at "m1iiirk imidnigli't" ht was still lying, un iebl to sleep, and longing forn the dawtn, 13is eves fixe. on the fair' hiead not at yard fr'oi him. A- slight movement showed him tha~t Luc~y Itoo), slepht not, In a mo1 forgotten, lie luid genltly pushed his pillowi 5013n4 inc'hies nearer. "Lucey !' Sueh'l a tiny whisj er ! Smnother'ed by Deaconi Aden'is nearity snores, it woultd scruee'ly have catughtI the asl tcntin of Fine Ear' ; but Luec' heard. She half fturnied, heri face dvec wi th scartilet blus~he5 tis she saw tul hold1( head no near1. ''-Oh I don't,'' shri'cli',' whispered Kane. "Thley won't wake. D)o let mne o Lucv. ] shall die if vou wVoni't isten. . This aftenoon, when I knelt there, you know. I said to God, 'Oh I Lord, I will be a goodl manti andi a tchurchC~ miembier' with thy help ; but how cani I be ainythiing good uniless I have the girl .f love to go atlong with mnei Oh ! let me have her, Ljord.' Andi juast then, Lucy, your di'ess rustled, and1( youi camei and knelt down b~y ine. I knew it in a nimment, thiougni I did nmot openi myi) eyes. Ami then I felt thait the Lord wasiL as good as they 53ay, and If took it asM a sign from Hunu that I was to have myi hear't's desire ; anid I pra'iyedl, Lucy, with all my nfight, for the first tuint in my life. Did you pray, too, darii ling '?" " Yes, K ane." "Amid for inc? "Yes, Kane." "Oh ! Lucy, is it real ? Could youl r'eally CarVE. forn tme 1 I hiave loved you aliwayst, deari, did you know it I But till to-night I could not speank it out. Will you really be my love and iie, Luecy ?" "Yes, Ktane" Never' sounded words so swveet as those three "Yes's," breathed in that fairy whiispei'. Kane puit out his hand--littie fingers met andi clasped it ; and just tiien somebody stirred, and D~eacon At water, at thei far 'end of the tent, gave a species of snort, and half r'aised huitmself. With frightened haste the locked hands unclosed. In half a second Kane and Lucy, to all appecarance, weore fast asleep. And from that Limo till morningr not a sound brokn the st'llnems of the tent, Brother Parker was perplexed next diy at the attitude of mind in which le found his young disciple. Sihe Wis Very sweet. and gentle; bore his quest-ionings patiently. And when lie asked. --Did she feel as if she loved Glod ?" 8she said "yes : and she hoped always to love Him now, for He lad -made her very happy." But when the further il (liry was propmunded. "Was this feeling so stlrong-that she felt justi fict) ill heoinil, the wife of ia min ister of the ospl?"-thOe answer wats "No 1 She could never have married a minister, iny way ; and She had proi.mised Elkanal RIob binls to iarry him. But wh.ei lid this promise beeni made ? Long aid sorely didBroth er Parker )IXZlO over the maiiitter: and so did Mrs. Wilder. who, in the heat of her astonishment at "that child's thinkin' of ia husband," was hea rd to sav, that, for her part, she oin't think how they got at eachi other ! Lucy and Kane kept their own counsel, and the aifftir in time got to be spoken of as "Ilappcnin' at the camp :" which fact iade it more than iiually interesting to the neighbors. Small aind tralsieit Opposition had ou....yong.cup1 contend with. They were iarried the next year. Both are members of the church now, and Kane was oil the Coiferencie Connnittee for the list catip-110eting. When peo ple ask if lhe got religion at Cadiz, he is wont to aniswer that "that's a matter between him and the Lord : but if not., he got something most ats grood,"-hiH 01loquen1t glanlCe finishing the sentence. Elder Rob. bills will be an indulgent friend to the lextgeneration in Ammonoostc. And if h should over lie in tabled state, and hear a little silvery con fabulation break in upon the silence of the 'guar'ded tent," we matty be pretty sure tha the will be convenient ly blind ail deaf to what is going oil -remembering how sweetly onee his I'Luey's voice broke the stillness with, "Yes, Kane." Reappearance of the Plague In Europe. An exchange says tiat after an absenei of thirty-five years plague is reported to have again appeared in Europe. The disease, it wis re cently stated, , has broken out in Servia among the Turkish forces o'NlupVilng the line of the river Mlkoravia; ind it is suggested that the matttlady imlay have been earried there by troops coiming from thc district lately infested with the p~lagux i Ahitie Turkey. It 1 little likely that any such importa tion will IaLv'e ocaulrred, for, in the first place, no troops were moved faom the phutl-stricken district in Iratk-Arabi during the active pre valence of the disease there thi. year; and, inl the seecond place, it is searcely coniceivatble' tlt the plaguel Could have been carried 1)y slowly mlloving", tr-oopI~s from the lower E lphartes landI Tigr'is into Servir without inidienitions1 of iits resenet aong theml, landa its spreadI~ to comi munllities ('n the road. Phlagne hs not ye't, shw itself ill th~m e Asiatit doiions11 of Tm ikey noerth of Fomie 1.300)( mjil s dhist.:mlt, las th< crowv fli(-, f. 1)m thje T1urkish caiti3 01 th~e Morava. It. is niot impJosible, however' i in of her(t i old! haunt.s of phaigie ir ret'3nt ye;as, the ehsasae mnoy have1 r ripp~ ,iare aft er at hmg perliod 01 cessa tin. Thois is whlat. hlas 13a1 lBenpha i~zi, North Afrlien, inl P3eriar KurdII~istanl, ini the A.ssyr distict W~esternti Arlab ia, lando in Mesop.o tam~lia. Duing the gauld elninof the plaguie inl E'urop~e which, bexginninlg atfier thea gre.l ouitbreak iln thiis coun~try ill 18(h5 to be! the (entire ceOsation (If the disease in 1841, the nudao ly probal Ibly lingered longest ini Serviat an11 Bualgaria. It was inl Bulgaria that the last, great EurIop)eanl utbr'eau of plgu heured, iln 1 838-9, wher: froma 80),000) to t90,000( of the 1)opu1 hation weres destroyed by tihe dis. caist. It. may be, therefore, thiat ir one3 oif the1 later haun~lt~s of pla1gu( inEuoea ill some of its formoc hutinAfr ica and Asia, the dlis. ease lhas algainl shownl itself. Buit this conelnsion is not to be0 ne'eptedl without v'ery preOcise evidenice T1here ale p~elliar lialiities t(: error iln fornming at judgmnent 1a5 tt. thme existenc'e of plagIen 01n til Lower, D anube and it s traibutaries. Th'lere, onl the bottom lands, mnalaial fever's, often of the sever'est typeo, hamve al hIome. It 11as happened thiat Rumssian and( Trikish armies, cam palignling along the Dainubo htave~ been01 terribly scourged by dhiseases. Before the cessation of the plagtu inl Europe it was often a mtatter ol doubht with medical staffs (of armies in the field on the line of the~ Danube whothler thecy wvere dealin~ with malarial fever or with plague There is nothing more sulggestive to the thoughtful ind thlan the telrrile oarneatnces with whichl a man in haste to catch a train, stops to tin hlis shon-atring. was lying comfortably tucked up in the bed her prudent mother iad provided with pillow and qilt. Sweet, musty smells filled the air from the liay-covered floor. The straggling moon-rays, the flapping curtain, the chewing and chainping of the horses tethered close by-all was odd and novel. She couldl not slep. By-and-by the men came in, spread their quilts and blankets, and subsi ded into repose. Good Elder Adams occupied te end of the table nearest to Lucy's couch. His righteous slumbers quickly became audible, and peeping round to look at him, Lucy sai a pair of eyes in tently fixed upon her. A strango thrill came over her brain as she met them. Only the width of the narrow table and the elder's boots separated her from Kane ! She blushed unconfortably, and dropped her eyelids not to open themii again ; but, for long after, fairy lights and visions seened to dance before, her and trouble her repose. At dawn the camip awoke. Small chance was there for sleeping. Thin blue smoke began to curl from early fircs. Horses whinneyed for their corn. Impatient hands waited to pack away the beds and restore the tent to daytitme order. By eight o'clock breakfast was eaten and dishes washed : and white-haiired Elder Adams took his place, Bible in hand, at the head of the long table, to lead in prayer. Lucy sat just ui ,hout the door. The stillness, the beautiful peace (if the new-born day, seemed reflected in her face. One golden beech leaf fluttered down and lay upon her fair braids. Kane wasn't given to poetry, but somehow a line came into his head as lie looked : " ''Oh ! my love is like the morning !" He had seen it somewhere and lie thought it was true-abouia Lucy. At ten o'clock the clanging bell announced general service, and the crowd aseibled. Truth, to tell, it WAS not a picturesque crowd. The American of the rural districts is rarely at handsome aniinal. He is lean. He is brown. He loses teeth e rly. Hard work and soda soii tianso.'mm th lovelinoss of youti into palor id sharp outline. Satle ratus claims its own. Here and there one sees a sweet, young face, or an o11d one with fine sthrong lines deep-cut ald inscrutable, like a carv ing ill stoe ; but personal beiauty is tihe exeeption. Beauty apart, how ever, we nmay be proud of our mul titudes. For decorumi, for good humor, for general nieatness of ap p-arance, for civility to strangers, for asense of propriety whiehailmiqt r mnk ats Ji'gnity, it wvouM 'be hard to find their parallel in any other cou try. At this Cadiz caip-nieeting, even the babies caught the siprit of the occasioi, and sucked their thumibs contentedly throughout the service withouit a cry. Thirteen ministers ocpied the platform. With able generalship the lesser lighlts were first brought forwaaIrd, le~tving the greater for the third day, when the exeitment was expected to euhiuiinate. TIhe sermiion wasiL a quaie(t one ; t..0 wild and beaul tiful songs of thme Methodist hynmald blended with the so ft rust1. ling of the ti ers abaove, and1( the morning spedl quickly aiway. (Greait cheer was hield in all the te(ntsH at nion, and1( unliamitel quti ti ties of pie were eat en-Jit prepara tion for thme after services. Pie usui ally pr1ecedes repen~itanlee, ais pie eaters kniow. In thme eveniniig, underi the blaze of the harvest-moon ,'1lroth er Parker arose for the first t ilme. A till, thin man, with a sallow, ten der' faice, and etioaal nlatuae. His serimion wais uanusuadlly fervid. A ocrtatin thr'ill mioavedl over the aissem bly, anad, at its close', a mnmber of p)ers5ons passed( qutietly and without e3xcitemienit inito thae "anlxious s~ it,. as caindidaites for the prayers of tfla congrega tioni. Some Cwerepae wocarried their ich'ildrenm thither ; soame memO~bers of the church'~I, who felt that their faith had suffeiredl a dlecadenc'e. All were welcomedl and1 reOjoicead over by the goodi brethiren, and muentionu wats miades of thme fac't that still there was room for others4, fuirtheri urigenc'y beinag held in re ser've for thme next daty. it was then, after two long and1( "'searchain" discourses, that Jirother' Parker' hadl "fixed"' to have Lumev sucemnb. Hie cameii to her amnonu thme tharon g andmo pleatded cam nestly. HeT even took her hand and1( starove, wvith gentle foi ce, to dIraw her' to thme front. To his surprise, sheoresistedl. The giirl had heri own reserve of e'iaracter, her own thioughts ia to spiritual things. T1he smaall inco sure of roughi boards, within which it semed to himt so iimpoitant thait she should kneel. wais to lher no sacred laMce. TO her~i, God had ap pearedO~ often nearer-in the w~oods,< on the hills, alone in heir little room. Even the spectacle of her friends, Hepsy and Esther, conducted weep ing to the "anxious seat" failed to move her. "I cananot ; it would not be honest." Such was Lucy's creed; and heri flower like beauty concealed an ulnderlying strength, even as beneath the mount rin slopes, enamel led with butter-cups, spre'ads1 the indestructible granite. By the afternoon of the third day a wide-spread excitement had seized upon the camp. A rugged and re. served neonle like those of New Eng. 81)ecial- weapon forged to destroy Pool-Holling at the Park. At a criti, cal moment the chief promnoter of the bill was absont, and to this day "fmutuals" in New Jorsey have been undisturbod by the nuthoritis. In Now York the question of the legli ty of the sytoi Ias been put to the polie departnIct, but no answor has as yot boon0 recoived, The ohaneus of winnin.g at tihis species of gamlbling are not regardl(l ast speially promising, itt tho bes, but it has boeen asserted that they ire rendered loss attractive to e perieniced peronos by thbe knlowledg that the operator has8 always the up portluiity nid not lunfrequently the ehiination to defraud the winers in the following manner - One of the Cl I)lOVco 1(eeps i 8ha1r!) watch 111)011 the race, and when anll olU itder comes up1) the homesxt'etchI 1111 eaSy winnler -anl event oIt of very ra.re oCUr renee-le quickly chaingexs the re. cord of the mdintor, taking tein to fifteen from the nuimbe 1r of tie( d4s sold on the favorite, aid iniig Ia like number of tickets on the win ner. The s11um total in the pool" appoursl to ho uiclangod, hnt the value of tho Winning tickets isi. (e creased ill diret proport ion to the number fraudulently added. In vestors find their returils cut (ownI, whilo the operittorti pocket the ditf forence. Take, for initaine, the ca0se mentioned whore thtre are $1,395 to ho divido 1 among th >so holding winning tickets. Tenl tick ets have been sold oi F, and to tho surprise of all F wins. Tho opera tor may take five from the number recorded for A and add them to F. There aro now 15 tieketa on F, each apparently worth $93, The tell holders of genuine tickets re ceive each $93, and the balaneo of $465 is appropriated by the oper,' tor, John E Wishart, of Now York, publisiled a letter inl Wilkes' Spirit of the Times on May 15, 1875, in whihel lie mentioned an inlstalnco whero "Imutuals" were sohl on tho Nashvillo'races and tickets oil Verdi. gris added as soon as he had won the race. Complhints have been made also of the muanageentt., at. Jeroie Park, in the race between M. H. B. and Shylock, which was run during the fith meeting of 1873, j lust Iofor John Cihamiberlill censed to control the mutuals o4 that com so. Since that time John Morrisiey ha" obtained t c fran chiso, but the c0111)Ilints hiavo not eansed, On the third day of the spring mneetig Lloyd's colt wop and tekots on him paid $125 or It is alleged that fourteen added to the record of his tief the indicator by one of the tors. On the fourth day ofA'8s. mguting the Colt AlgoriussWU a tick pa1ed $154 Oach, !'g, thant fiftee were add& , pool had boon closed, - 0d that if those myste lators of tile indiCiLt frognentit and notori. of gambling will -yable invarIt-. Popularity. A strango brae 4f promiso caso ion trial in a 8fin 'FraishcoiC court, the pcu'hliarity beinig thait a womanII 81u0s a man10 for refusxing to kciep I miatrimioial nigatgemen noul.1l2e t witIh hier whlile she( was* the wif of(I 11 nii *111 grewi tired (of the j lIinmgruous(1 relationh. Mr. Keating wasH nearer s411 1 0eto wed o I Ihu the all'oction which heri' 1hband co uild nlot galin. Mr.I K iating gave'. her2 his hearI., and1( promised40( to give herP his hand as11( 1 soon111 as sh coutld he0 freed fromt Mr. ie Hi seninig thaiit fr'eedomi, for Mr. Elwalrdl' be0havt1ior a* Ia husband~I~f wast* not, bad1 (enouigh Ito maeke aI di. vorce eas~y to get ; but ai legal sepaI Sie mean1t1 imo1 thec(ourthip between proIgressed in a waiy that woul huave hoen1 propjer had1( sh1e noit b)e(en IL wife. Many love letters were writteni and1 p~repa)Irationsl wVorO mado(1 for mar.. ringe. After the husbanud was 110 loniger anl obsttacle, however, Mr. Konting's ardlor cooled gradalhfIly, until lhe no longer des*ired1 to imarry M~rs. Edlwards. Thloreup~on *4h1( b)rouight the suit, which thei pr'esid ing Judge says is unp11rocedented in the history of-law. The "eighty-one ton guin," the monster cannon)01 which has1* been so long constructing in England, has boon for some timoe past, under trial at Shioeburyness, the resuilt, as5 we are toldl, entLirely satisfactory, antd showving that the gun will do over'ything expeted of it. Such mlit ary muons t ers aire, however. very costly playthings. Every time this large gun wvas fired on its trial $100 to *150 in gold vanishled inl smoke, although the shlot was ah ordinary iron bolt, tweighing 1,750 p)ounds. The cost of each shot, vhen in action a complicated shell and a delicate fuse atre emloyedl, will b~e much greater. A propos of the announcement ,ta a sword, studded with jewels, 'and valued at $1,500, has been presented t~o Gen. Butler by the . colored peo phe of Virini,he Chicago 'I'Wotne a igebtsi the list of the Gen i41)l victories haveng'aved otr the "pi of the wiestonr.2 1' "i GAMBLING IN FOOLS. Explanation of the System-.-How Cheating is Alleged to have been done, New York contains many gamb iing houses0, but inl the past they have not obtruIded thomlselves onl public atton1tionl. Recently, how ever, Rais the New York. Tribune one formll of gamlbling" hals become more bold and eonspicuouls, and It least six establishillents in this city whose proprietor-s openly invite, Speculation oin iny event in the Isortinig calldaH, through "Inletion 1;o0l1," "-Pariis multuals," and "coml binlation mutuals." The "ParisI mu11tuals" anld "-comlbinationl mu1tuali", ar (e eent ilvention. Joseph Oller, of Paris, well known for mnoiy years it the France rice courses, intro duced theit to notice', Ind 1111ssed great welth by the percventage or, "comlimissiol" of tenl per ceit. whicht lie charged oi them. The Parils imutuals rfpiire two opeittors, aln ind:ietor, aL crowd ovltfspectators, amIl anl event, that may be settled inl ainy one of Heveral ways. It m1ny1), be a boat race, oria ball maitch, or it may be at race of a dozen horses in which any on of them Imay come under the wire first. The system is best ex plainled by anl ilhistraItioln. Suppose six horsesi nanmed respectively A, B, C,1, ant Fa0r enterled for a rce. The operators set up IL black tin box with round blank spaces like staring eyes cut in the lid, over each of which is placed a catd inscribed A or B or C, &c. A specuilator approach cs, hand to the operator live dollars, aUnd 1s1ays, "Givo 1110 C." He reoeives ia parti-colored ticket with a nunber printed oil it, and simultieiosly the operator gives the indicator a turn, "click" goes the machinery, the blank eye apportioned to C gives a wink it the folly of the humlan race, the figIIe 1 appears therein, an th_ young 131man remarks in itpliilosopii Cal monotone, "One (." Another speenlator payst hisi money. and by eye and uar the spectator is informed ho has "gone twenty on four C." At length the bell for tiiarting tile horses soinds, when the pools close, or shBoilld close, the eltile llinmber of tickets sold being indicated at the top of tile liachille, while it glance at the space uider-h nliiiame of each horse reve.ds the patticulars of the 1)pOL. 8111)po that p1)o1 have io'd as follows it $5 a ticket: 100 tickets on A, 80 on 13, 60 oi C, 40 on D, 20 onl E and 10 onl F-a total of 31.0 tickets, representing $1,550. First the operator takes out his peremnt age, the aunount of which varies. At, first Oller charged ton per cent., but competition in this Country has reduced it to 5 and 8. Malking the eculation on tile 10 per cent. basis $15 5(%less $1 55, deaves $13 95 to be divided among -the holders of tiekots4 on1 the winning ioro. If A wins, each ticket pays S13 95; if B wins each ticket payst ,17 45 ; if C wins each tiwcket pays $23 25 ; if D wins, each tichet payt S .34 87 ; if ' wins, eIahIi ticket pay4S $59 75, and if .F' will, fteeh ticket pays $139 50. The 1ICe is over', e0110 of the lorcses hai wull, tId his bachelsi receivo the return'ls fr'omi thir~ iivestmenuits. F~ew pocke(ted, but yet it, will b~ seen nuoun)~ht paid14 ontht L mi lost vluale~d ticket,~t and ht'Imt tIoo, I)1in 8 a pool os. *halrdly occurs1 on lce inl fifty race('s. 4111)hIbortion)is of thle ori ginaIl "'PariH nmt u111ls, 'Tih(e5 speculatr nam3es310 the imwr of j' hree311 r'aces, an~d alil of tile threeoc events umst fuilfil his prophecy to (ent1ite im to1 th) pool jai. 110 hits reci ves only i the am11ountii in the pool' whuiiichi may1, be verly simall, and)4 wh'lichi never0i by anly possiilitiy t(Jua1ls his b)er1 of Clban ces aigain st. success38. Thei~~ first 'Pairis mutual" indicaltor at Jer'omel .Park was5 se1 upl dulrmhg the spring meetinig of 18j2. It hatd been1 sa1id that at well knlown WVall street spenIliator iit.intted tile pulic into its miystmi i(s, andlc even31 man~ipul inidicator's, and( since' thait thne they3 haive atppeared0( at mianly racing moet ings. . TheiIy wiere takeni dIown to Lon)1g Branch rtt the time of the swH~irm)ning ma)itchl betLween JohnslonI 'and( Trantz' ill 18741 ; they have beenf catrried1 to a cellar iln Now street in the attempi1t to bring stock specube tion withm the1. reach of five dollar cap1italistH *thiey halve aittendoed upon01 the 'ollce b)oat races unitil men31 are dleclruing thait the evils accomnpany. ing such contests overbalance tile benelfi ts of thbe athletic * Lraining;~ thley) haveO poplar1tized gamlbling under the guise of a fair doaling, and they have got their toils ab~out the rising generation. Night and~ mfornling, ill the p)ool-roms of this city, boys may be 80011 buying Paris In tile sess~ion of 1874 an attempt was mnade b~y the Legislaturo of New .Jersey to su1ppress5 pool selling ILL AoJlomothi Park, which lies within their jurisdiction. The only argu men~t against the proposed bill was advynneed with bland innocence b~y the two members for iolnouth County, wvho declared that tile then existing enactments against gamb ling were Auffient to cover the ground, without the aid of any