Judge Mackey's Speech. colored votoers that their only safot) lies in dividing, and in making th whites bid for their votes. In thik c iso the white man who ias beon ol most benefit to thornm will secure liE election. He continued: But demagogues say that Democratic suprenacy destroys colored suf. frago. This is false, That right has ben guaranteed by the seal of throe-fourths of the States in the Union, and it wonld require fifteen Northern States besides a united South to withdraw this 'boon. Twenty-one out of thirty-sevon r tates havo Democratic governors. {Applause.] In Virginia, which is Democratic, the wages of tho color ed laborer is $25 a month, wVhile in Ropublican South Carolina the wages is barely $8. I wish that in South Carolina all the colored po pl had their own farms. Then the problem would be solved. [Ap plause.] Two weks ago the Io publiciln party pledged itself to repeal tile lien law, and therchy struck a deadly blow at the colored laborer. The abolition of this law would prevent the laborer from pledging his miuscle ats the man pledges his capital for advances. Tie number of hired laborers would bo inercased and vages would be 4iminished. The man11li i who votos for Chamberlain votes against the poor.':man. Thils wariranlts at dontand .1, tapport Chamiberlatin and hik But I will Ihot deal inl or votes for corrupt men, a' n-en. I 0do not irgue wi the Hon. Mr. Tillnan, that if one votes for a corrupt mn his soul will be damned: I holievo if Ie votes for any such his 5)ml is iot wortli damning. [Prolonged laughter.] W lien Walila.e [ilughitelr] gets back into him hido aid comes out of his holo [laughter] ask himk for ad, Vice Oil this point. lIo is bouod to coinselI his coilstituenlts opexly ill thin critiel conjuncture. Ask him this, anl1d ask ].,an why lio stands iii Congress. I kove referulred to the record of Cont-' ss. k Iln eight years he hais liever (I I N it hill. Indeed the only tiing hlifs ever drawn Was his paty. i ghter.] Of this lie has takel oN r "'130,000. I find that inl this I i.- period he. halts matde one speemll. spech of flye linos, [latiidel t I rai. the fax oi chickory [loudl hter.] from one cent to fivo cetis a pa . [Pros longed applause.] ''hi.io ys you know is useil to ini. . wil ii' 'c.e to O'ioapon iL.. By this sp<-c-h of 'Wallace's tbe1 poor mani is now W om - polled to plyi a higher Jri'e for every pound of coffee he uses. Inl this sp~ecel lie spoke of the various substiLutes used for this hovwerage (uring the wiir, uld 11 said that oats When parhlled (11lghter ] Ias:I' anl adm1iralble subIstituito for cmo peoplo : [',laughitor] and I suippose 0iat, his l(mve of oafs has .iAi.de the peopl1e1 call himii "A SS WA LLAC]." L (rnt laughter.] He also voted to ralise tile duty on wool hiats. By this duity the( laor'in nmu 1111 is comn polled to paly two dollars0 fori al halt. hei wloulh oftherwise purci'has(e for a doillar. And yet Walhlaein whoimrip rese('l ts a1 11(1 I'..-h:i'1 <1 co111sf if[eegy ~rtld to ralise' file iuty on wotol hats. [Applhmlale.] Thi is why he went out. yesteirday to) get w~ol, anid Mrli. Wallaee aliso votedi to remouive the duty on i-ice. By the operation oIf tis law lhe (cultur ol0(f rice ill 'lhe lower p)ortion (If Southi CarIolina is dlestrolyed, andii tenl thlouand (c)olred lablorers are0 t.hriownI (out of employ ment. Shlould these remove to this sect ion (If thue Stauti', thleir conulot i tion1 will still furtheri rodns ' the ('le('tedl to Conlgress, anud lie steals away like some1( ghost froml a tombh mi somo1 lonely grauvi yardi, and in two yearsi' woi see him st ealthmilv slidhing bacl(k, and glidling back, an'l wh'iskey' anid shoioting themIl oif at pulhic' mee(t ig. But is ra('i is run11. Ile is al political iduc(kedl orange1~i. I[iaughiter.] Ask himIl why ho Vrreents thiis people. ile doe's not. repriesent the blacks ho--ause he' hais a white faco. ][(' does~ not r'eprlesent theO whites heanase lie is iS not. liho c'hiief of sIliners, for~ he is a wor'thy mani in1 his waly. lBut his wiay Is mllfamlous. [Laughteor.] I hafvo pIled~gelily supp->r )'. nlot 'nly tio I lllto' but huis whioli ticket. Ini county miat t ers, I will suppIlor't the host. mon01. .hIt I enn s~liorL 11o 11an1 whoi( stanids upon Il ticket tha~lt bears Chuamuberlatin andli Elliott at its head. [Applause.] Such a ticket meanis a oelarat~ion of wiar' against the righlts (If the people11 (If thle State, anid any onje whlo stands upon11 it shlouhl be( regarded'l as the enemy of the 1)eop1)1. [Ap And no(w ai worId about thle dim - culties iln thle Shtt. The man11 w1ho( iln consequence .f ai persoinal quar,,'~ rol shall wvave thl bIloody shirt and saiy the rights if c'itizens arle trampilled on1, sq(..M be1 staimpled as tile circullat or of m lator'y charges 0on the peole~h. , . :'ice. Marshall.) But if peaco rois in' South Car'o 1la it is not boow to f the Go.ver nor1 of South Car. Ti?. [Applause.] A few wveeks aig,) l'was upon11 thme train and Julius Iar at ma il agent imformed mae of the 'Irmbles at Ellenton. An arnd's. nd1I,.~i of desper'ados had1( assauited1 ttim trin anid lnurdler'ed a1 paIlsnger. Hie told 111 that lie had informed Gov. Chamberlain, who1 was upon the traini in a berth quiiethy sleeping, gulided onl his wary by thle northernl star. I sought his br'th and cahled his name, and after calling him r'e pentedly lie awoke, and I said, "You sleep soundily for tile Governor (If South Carolina, expected to keop order, wvhen four of the largest counties ill the State are shiaking beneathl the tread of armed band~s, and the soil is made crimson with the blood of both races. Turn back to your post of duty. Put armod menl in charge and deal jiustice." I appoale.. to Governor Climuborlain. I sent HeTy Ken nedy, -who had come fron Elilenton for itid, to plod with him. -:But the Governor said, "I cannot go back. Thor is no train." I replied, "I hivo provided for that,. The down train is waiting at my order. The lam) is li~4tel, the fires are burning to s)Oe-. you on your way. It will do you moro lionor to save the life of one poor wlhite man or one poor negro, than to gathor the freshest )olitical laurels." But the Gover nor said, "I nust go to Maissachu set(s." And as the train sped on, I roflected how Had is the condition of'that people whoso chief magis trato is a stranger, [Prolonged applause.] Would Iampton have left? No! [Lond cheering.] His white p'ume would have been soen in the froWi, and his strong right hand wolIul havo afforded protection to the 1)ooresit negro. [Elnt'isia.. tic appluro.] I say to tle colored pople, "-Go to Gon. Hinpton, hiar him for his cause, spAk to him face to faeo." He was once) the owner of a thouiand slaves, every one of whom living in South Carolinla will voto for him. [ApplaiusO.]' Bar11bor, colorodl O~ ofivsentor "Jiidge), 1110 YOU Itop 11)ulical ?" udge Mackey-"Y , but a Rc, publici is not a robber." [Great gt))pluse.] liarbor -I am for Hampton. Judge Mckey cotinrO1: Le' all etune in and work for the sticcestt 11f lilIpton and his tiekt. A voie-"Judge, are you straight o)111? Judge Mahcey-"Yes! and we mean31 to pu11 TI0141 Ham tonad hiS t icksi et, st'aighit, in. [Voviferouls a.p )lalie.] Ju1-.lge M 11 tekey colulllde.1 The 04-m rats if suc(cesfilIl, wilr lot aill obtain oflice. Forly eitrM thlollsillid vill not get oflico. Nti Ilm- expeInses of the State will bN re.hiie-1, taxition wvill be lessene. and (every itizen vill reap mate i. henefilt. Let every one omilo thom, Of both part a nd races and ail in time work, for "While Oh. La11n1 liolls ont It) burn Jen( Old Wallace 111yr1trn. [Greiat laughteI r. 1 We iarn n1ow paming throlglh brouiblesorne timeits, but, thee (.(In vulsions a. bilut the tiroes of the Itmv birib1 inl Southi Carolinai tlimt will tah.' 0 on1 tle f, cvenitlh (aN of Novi iml v r, 1870. As the c .e concluded the ex ('iIlInent I'. 's lmbhounded, and th<1 sllotiing. 0 , ) llpph11me 1111 wavillngl of hats erat iln Edgelield and belab)ored hun11 badly. 7. T1he mnho etme opened wit an ttack iln Chairieston upon)1 Shwyerl anid ijver, two (co1. 01red D~emoe'.ts. They were, for a1 tinio, in grou~ danger. This (lil nated 11 in th.blody saltuo colored1 Democraits oin theO nighlt of the (th, wv1n two per~.)1)isons were~ killed and several wvounided. Sinc'e then colored Demlocrats hlave been several*t t;'noe thbreatened 01' assailedh when it scmail sale, by colored Rad-. icals, and on1 \Vednesday nlighlt theso lhadicals brok~e up) a gathering of 8. On Sept ember 2 a white man whO) wasR e~mltic in his ainnoune, mlonit, in1 theu streets of Columibia, that 110 was e Domuocrat. waIs abused by a crowdl of negro loafers. One of the agldiers of Company 1B, 18th Infantry, went to his assistance, avowing himksolf a Democrat. This Federal soldier was instantly at. tacked and his coat torn from his back. Pistols were drawn by the n3groes, and after a gallant fight the soldier made good his escape. 9. Simeon Scott, a colored Demo crat, was struck and cit in Columba by the son of a prominent black Ridical. This was confessedly done because Ito is a Democrat. The as, sault was fully provid, but. a Radi cal magistrate dimni uted the case. 10. A joint political meeting was hold at CoJuluibia oil Sept. 2d. Hutchi.n, a colored man, had spoken on the Democratic side, and Mr. Marshall, of Colnbaia, followed on the s une side. Whilo Mr. MIrshialt WAs apoaikig he ais interrupit -d by a threat against the )emocra't t, and especially aIgainst iiHutchin. Dauiols, a itepublicanl, dcelired Hiutchin should not speak, ani that if he atton.pted to do so ho would be killed. 11. Just at this time i coloreJ man was expelled from his church fir having joined the Black O.tk Dam-orarutic Cob, and wts toll1 that no would be taken binck if he with drOy from the (CIub. 12. Oor Chestor correspondent re p rted on Sept. 2,1 that the Radicali, had reosorted to intimidation to pre, vent colored mon from joining Delitoeratic Clubs, and were threat-.c uninig withl death al ny mnit who bo casio a Democrat. 13. 14.tie Bituler, i colored Demo crat, of Muillit:s, in Marion cornty, imst se 1verl.1 t.1ues been beset by ltadical biullies 'ecaluse of his princi p.0s. 14. Ed. Honderson, a resceta be.1 c)ioretd mi:n in Abbeville, who siceeded in gltl,ting tifty-four co ored m1embeis for the Tilden and Heiidric'ks G.Jibi at that place, was watit.ed on by a comtiitto cansisting if loldoln lill and Cornieliis Press ly, who tOld himl, "hlis p)olities wmO obtnoxiolus to the Colored people abolut tw i," and advised him to lea.ve. 15. About Septemfber 7th a coloi ad 111:111 named Charles SInis was .tltackel y )y mv. i'l Itadicail negroes, OCCeLUSe it(,- de(e3llr(ed himself al )1110 i'it. Sitialls says he~ was knocked downt, bea.ten1 alit Ikicked, and 0110 01 the negroes iplaced the is uzzle of its miusket at his liead and threated to kill him. The of'enders are known, out the loe d m iagi4strat.e. at Republi c n, refiksensc to issue warittist foi elli aiT est,. 16. At Mars ' u" , oin Septembet 9 'o, it tnimber of ttadicals m1ado do. iii >ns14 .ti1ions against at few colored D .moitis, biut tle two parties did .it coe1 to I 1) ys. 171. Several colore,l mn attended A Demociratfie neting at Dry Creek, in Limenst-er couity. They wee set upoi by a band of Republicanis, tInd woild have becen idriveln on' but ;Or the in ter:..cLe..r of the whiiloI. 18. A coloriedl matn on the farm of Mrii. Eur ikhal11teri, nearli Aiken, was told by men1 of his owni colori thaI ntuuned at D~emoent. On the flight ;f the 1 5th, his '>arnu with his share or thme c: op was buined by icn dIi rics. 19. J. .D. Jolmsion1, tan Oranlgebur'g colored mantu, dclare'd himself a Demsocrtat. As soon1 as5 this w1as doneit htis troubletis begn. His cob * red3t nei3ghblors ostiecsed him, thies 1told, titey 1lay in) wi for htim in the hjild, tand, to capi 111e clitma~x, the neg8roet , on1 Sept. 17th, (engaged him .n combil~at anid tried to chatis2e hi.. 20. On1 Septmberl 16, Win. Black, a1 colred Demoi~crat of Yorlk c'ountty, wvent to a D~emtocratic meet~tinlg, 1e tvin his hors ini the staleo A h1 el en otf ai bltak Radical cursed 1inm, telliing himi 11e would 18 losooe thanfl he would iimtke. On his returln Blaio f~ton his5 hormio had1 been~ ciOked to deth~ 21. 1n Clareldon county', thei Re~v. Andrew Godrdon and ('Cufee 11(-en repleate dly attacked by Rladi - 22. Rosser3i McInltoh, anf aged 'olor'ed manll, wvas set uponi bv a mob ofllnegro womenll nlearl Darlinlgton, verely beatetn because of his hamvina joinedlt the Demnocrtic Club. 23. Tlhoma~s Marutin, a colored1 muan, ex llnember of thie Legislature from1 Abbe)(vilie, anntollunce a few alny. ago hiis illtIent ion tot vote for 11 .,mpto n. Ot Frtidlay, Sept 22dl, he was tambhedi(o andit shot. vi,il erry Churc, near' Reet vill,(i'Chrenoni counlty, hais ex-. plledt at colored1 tmem1)be ~cause he w1or3 a1 Thildeni bad ge. 25. A ('tcresondtenlt of the Co., hunb11 ia Rei~f erh', wri ting from Oranulgehburg on Sept. 27th, says that t~o vote thle Demnocratie ticket have beenl distmissed from their church'Cl, andi notifled not to at tond the meet mtg anye morei' untitil they renlounce ws visited ait nlighit, tak(,n fromn his huouse, and( severely whtippedi ; and Emmilel lRobinson, who has always voted with thei( Demsocrats, met a1 simihir fate' a few nigh ts ago. Hie is ai 'oloredl man31. 26. Le3t (Iera fr'omi Newberry County, of recent dti,' report that the latest style oIf itimiidation is atmong the negro w~omen(0, who warni their hus band1(1* not) to join the Democratic Clubs or to vote with the white p01)pl1- If they do, the women will no longotr be their' wives ; for they (thme negro womenl)ar told that thtey w~ill be p~ut back into slavery, andl~ be mnade to suffer for their husbatnds' b~eing Demoorats. 27. A colored DOmo)cr'at, by' namfO Billy Mc'Caskill, was set upon by Radicals of htis own color'i several days ago, at the plantation of Mir. J.'L. Tiller, fiv mies south of Cam den. His offence was that he boldly avowed his n~oliti prinipls, an he would have been killed but for their interference of Messrs. Pearce and Tiller. 28 At a hot supper given by the colgred people in Spartanburg on 86pt. 22d, a disgraceful riot occurred. Pink Eaves, a colored man, was severely cut in the shoulder, and several others badly beaten during the row, which originated in an attempt on the part of some of the negroes to abuso and intimidate a c >lored Democ, at. 29. As Billy McCaskill, a colored Democrat, was returning from Cainden to his home in the Beulah neighborhood the other evening, lie was attacked by a Radical bully who announced his intention to kill him because' ho was a Democrat. Billy drew his knife and wounded his as sailant in tho neck. 30. On Saturday last, Reuben Seigler, of York, a well-to-do col ored man, was attacked by Andy and Groon Jordan, who cursed him for being a Democrat, ard drew their knives and threatened to kill him. The two Radicals have been arrested. NOW IS THE TIME TO B13UY DIR~Y CO+ODS, NOTIONS, Hats, Shoes, and Clothing. THESE goodii are cheaper than evei tfore, and great indu cements are offereJ to producers of cotton. Be snee to call and sc n e. Ulysse G. Desportes. 0n) & Connior & Chanler -OFFElt Fevery des.cription and price from Seuts to $5.00. --ALSO A newv lo~ of Spectacles and Eye-Claisses. apI 21 ARRIVALS. I AM just. in receipt of a b~eautif1ul assortment of new SPR NU AND) SUMMER GOODS alnd call upon my friends, 1both old a: d necw to examine my stock before making purchas. s. The finest line of' Gents' and lloy' Fur arid Straw H ats in town. Ladies' D)ress Goods BOQTS AND SHOES, Gents' fine Drecss S3hirts, Fur nish ing G~oods, Trunks and Satchels at SOL. WOLFE'S new cash store. may C MANUFTCTUREH80FW WIIOLESALE DE.ALERS IN Tobacco, Snuir, Pipes, &c., TRADE STREET, JACOB M. ME.NDEL Chrlte1 A. DAUMoARTEN, * lte *. C. oct 10-ly $5 TO $20 ~ dayat hAo-me o. 8cdnson & .0O.,, Pertian d, Maine may 10.-i1y J.F. EcIaster & Oo. NEW GOOD1! NEW GOODS I JUST RECEIVED I Consisting of all the Latest Varieties, OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING IS AS COMPLETE AS ANY IN TOWN. PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS Gtcts. 8cts. locts. BLANKETS, SHAWLS and LAP ROBES AT THE LOWEST We would call special attention to our complete stock of Ready-made Shirts mnade to orfer and a fit C A-x %zk t 4m 4e cL. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, Pegged. Cable, and Hands.sewed. Ladles Shoes of the best make, and EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE AND WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE. J. F. McMASTER & CO. oct 5. 1IMASTER & BRMIt7 Most respectfilly request the inspection-of teir cheap and wvel seletted stock of goods, wh10ich they anly house in the up COUNTRY. THEIR LADIES' Department is full and complete in every line. RUFF'S, SILK TIES, Ilandker--hief'-. C'ol ars. Cuffs &c., it great variety and at extremel~y low prices. AMERICAN DELANES, Nice Dress Goods, coloredl and blac AlpaCaR, at price's that def'y conspctitioni. DOMESTIC GOODS, enisting of Brown Hlomespun, Check ed H~omiespunr, Denimis, T1ickinigs, Shirt. inigs, &c., at prices to suit the price 0. Cotton. THEY HAVE A splendid lot of .Jenns and Caissimeres, Gents' and Boys Suits which they offer a: great bargains. OPERA, GRAY, WVhite and Rled Flannels at selling~ prices. A FULL STOCK OF Gents', Youths,' Boy's' and Childirens clothing of every description. THEIR LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods is complete in every particular. GENTS', L ADIES', Youths', Boys' and ' hildren's Shoes in great variety, and at u ideniably low prices. THEIR HARDWARE Department is full an d complete, con.. sisting of everything generally found ini a hardl ware store. A NEW LOT OF Good and cheap carpets just received. Call and examine bef'ore buying your goods elsewhere e5. McMASTE~R & BRICE. Gawden Seeds In every variety for sale at the Drug Store, by WV. El. AIKEN. 1 gross German Cologne, for sale byjan 35 W. E. AIKEN --AND I NOW OUCUPY * the ilvery and salo stables opposite the TVhespian Hall, wheore will alIways be found ilrat-.'lass horses and mules for sale. Ve. hiles always on hand for hire. I keep constantly ofi hand r large- antity of Corn, Oats and1 lay, a hlob I'se for cash only. G. WV. OIAWFORD: Fall and Winter Dry Good M0CREERY, I Colum1 E are now opening our Fall and Winl DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I Lnd beg that all in want, of gooda give us v Stock full of the most desirable gt.ds CANHI and sell for CASED, aind buyer who is in the market all you goodI at prices which side of Now York. Cv fr Ramples sent by mail when requestet ver $10 in value it accompanied by the olivery will be sont free by express. McCreer Sept 21 * C NOW AS EVER LANDECKER & CO0 -OLD STAND LEW STOCK JUST IN! IT IS OUR PURPOSE TO SELL OUR GOODS AS Low as Possible. OUR STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF BLEACHED HOMESPUN, 6ct PER YARD. SAME, 1 YXRD WIDE, FIN AND GOOD, 10cts. Togethor with dress goods, et,. ate., and all articles usually fun. n a first-class Dry Goods Store, a ~qually low p~rices. (Iothing~ anil Shoes .n full rassortmecnt, at prics lowe* han ever befor0. Come andi es imline for yourselves. We guaranteu that nobody shaill leaveo our stors ,vi thou t perfect sattisinetion. A'Tow is th a Tim; TO BUY L~ANDEOKER & CO.'s. sepl 14 E , the unersignedl, desire to in . .form the citiz'ens of Winnsbor, mmd vieimity that we hav~e assoiated ouir .elves uinder thme firm name of JoumxwroN & L'rTenI.:w, anmd will koeep confstanmtl . Oin zmndm a large stockl oIf fine Whimse ies, Ve ines ijn, &e. Also McEwvans dontchm Ale onnmmessm' Dublin Porter anid lbe faH linger Ale Also a large stock of ots md( hIoes, Dry (00o-1s, Clothing, G1rocrie ind uveryling uisually kept ini a lirst-clas .1ouse. Thlankftul for thme liberal patroInag JinMtolwed on thlie old hiouse, we solicit o0ltntiace of the samon Juo. JOHNSTON, IOTon.P]ETTIcREW oct W100D PRtESlVEl, O\NE Barrel Oil '-nown as ~esiduum t m'd for coaling wtoodl to preserve t, either in building or mnore partiontlar y on Fence Posts. .'r smale by _oct 21 _W. E' muKEN MT, ZION COLLEGE. THlE exercises of this Iinsiu tion will conmnenece on Monday, S eptemuber I1. For terms &c., aipply to aug 26-1m Prineip'al HAMS! HAMS!! Just Received a lot nice uncan vassed Hamis, small sizes ALSO, C. R. Bulk Si'es. ALSO, A lot Fresh Augusta Flour, BY R. J. McCARLEY feb 21 s, Boots, Shoes, Hats &o. OVE & CO.'S, ia, s. C. or Stock of OOTS, SHOES, HATS &c. call before buying. You will find our to be found anwhere. We buy for with the long exporience of our ' the time, woe ropose to give cannot be duplictited this 11 and be convinced, , orders promptly attended to and en money or requested to be collected on 6Lovo & Co., "O LUMBIA,s, 1776. 1176, R. L. DANNENBERG TAKE8 pleasure in calling your at tion to the large and well selected stock of JDIWTY c3-ooDs, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' and Gents' Hats, NOTIONS, &c., All of w'.ich have been purchase I in per. .0n in Now York, Philadelphia and Daiti nore markets, with a view of meeting the *vants of a First Class Retail Trade, My arragemnents are so complete that all leading houses will supply ine with Ml be latest znovelties at, the lowest market cates. My system will be continued is STRICTLY ONE PHICE: .hereby guaranteeing a uniforni and fair rice to all. Earnestly *soliciting your .mtronige, which you have always ex. .onded mne ir the plist, I remain, Yours respeelfully * 4"ZENBERG. 3elow please reau a y List o I ]oods and prices, of which I shall always keep a large ajsortment: alce, .,8 and 10 cii per yard. ;rown Ilomeajpun, (}, 85,, i.o and 12 ct. pe'r yard. l.eacihed 1:o -acspun, 8A, 10 and 12j ets per yard. yard. n)r's Goods. Mylish D)ress Goods, at 25 and 30) ets per 'Yro AIallmeS, at 26, 30, 40 aind 50 ets per yatl. ~*I,hirs, ait .'5, 05 and 75~ ets per yard. .hb:eSilks., P'oplins, &c , in aili stylies. Men's Wearll. :ans, from 24 eta to S1.0)0 rer yard 'isuneOrau, at 6i, 7$5, 8d es anid $. (0 per ard. Lins~s, FianneL, ed and W:11te, at L ow PRices. lIend.-Made i'loiL in1g. \!'on's Suits, all Wool. 100, 12.50 and $ 5 In,. \Ien's Suits, mx'd, 7.00l, 8.00) and $0.00.) Men's P'ants, i.50:, 200tt and $2. 60. .\len's Snits,. all Wool, 4.011, 5.00 and r Over Coats 5.00, 7.00, 8.01i and $l0.00. Yo lths' and1( 11oyS' Suits in all styles and prices. iadlie' 011(1 Oenut..' 8hlog, front 1,50 to $? 50 per, pair. A larg' stouk of BROGAN PLOW SITOES, HEAVY W~ElH Tr and LIGIIT DREFSS BO's. Trunks, Yali~ses, Unil.rela And a large line of FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS, too lnmerous t(e mention. Call and see that I will not be undersold 1by any house in Charleston, Columbia o Wmnsboro. I mean what I say, and do what I promise. No trouble to show goods, and polite Clerks always to wait on 'ou. Winnsboro, S. C. oct16 -THf P11 (EN IX, PUnIIIHIED IN COLUMnIIA, 18 Thne Uheapest Daily Paper IN 80UTU5 CAnOLINA. POLITICS DEMOCRATIC Of the Day Condensed. Suabscription, $250-6s Monthsj .;2i' Pronounced the host Democratilor Daily at the Capital. Address .JULIAN A. SELIBY, Manager. , NHI IRTIS?! SHI1I"T J UfST received, at ne* eupply of com C)plete Shirts at *1.50 eae h. Unldaun dried $1.25 each, Also 10 pieces Pique at 124 ets. per yard. aug 1 4. 1". MoMASTER & C0 IV~onoy Wantedl XTE hope thatt all preions w~i owe usl V'for goods, wil payu NE for we need money badllyY"PA NE jan2 .V ..oMASTEB & SR1IWE .~J son. il, ' jt0: Oil just received at thme g1?rig ttoreo