(ghe alms and -)rado WINNSBORO, S. C. Thursday, October 12, 1876. JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Editor. FOR PRESIDENT, SAMUEL J. TJLDEA, of Now York. FOR VIcE PRESIDENT, THOS.A hIN'DRICJKS, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR, WADE HAMPTON, of Richland, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, W.- D. SIMPSON, of Laurens. FOR STATE TREAHUREI, S. L. LEAPHART, of Richland. rFon COMPTROLLER OENERAL, OHNSON HAGOOD, of Barnwell. SICCRETARY OF sTATE, of York. FOR ATToRNEY GENERAL, ' JAMAS CONNER, of Charkston. YOR RUPERINTENDUE I OF EDUCATION. HUGH S. TIMPSON, of Rie1-.i.d. FOR AIDJUT.\N: 'ENERA4,, E. W. JI ) I'E, of Suleo:r. FOR CONORESS, FoULil DIS'u T J. H1. EVINS, of Spartalnhirg. FOR soLICIroiF rH SIXTH CIRVVrr T. C. GASTON, of Chetster. Ono point to which Judge Mlackey draws atton tioll in his admir ablh responso to Chamiberlain's prola mation, is very sigiuificant. A mn jority of the Stato canvassers sit upon thoir own election; whilo th< majority of the county eletior managers are appointeeR of the Governor or candidates for .Iadica n1oinIIIations. The history of Lou isianal is to be repeOated ini South C.arolina. Failing in everythlingi else, the ennvI~assers, .ithey dar'e wvill thriow~ oult then votes of 1)ena craltic countiesF. A pleasinig fael however, is that the Legislature is~ the judge of its own meml~bers, a thc D~emocratie majority that will 51m-ely bo0 elected will see' that they retajin their seats. The coniseq uon(es ol the frauds of the Louisiana return ing-board are'( not suchi, however, a to eneourago oiur immaclflulato board to follow their Oxamle~l. An Intimidator Punished. At the recen~it term of thle c'ir'enij court for York, the first ease of in timidtation; of vote,(rs en"or brought ii a State (cour11, wats heard anud de cided(. A colored Dem'ocrat hadit been1 abuseAd anid hecat en by a (colm-,:d Radicall, and the formnt' had the. matter browugh t before the cour't Th'moecase was fully heard by a jury ~ompl~osed of six wyhite aumd si cuh orecd, and the defendant was repre sented by W. 13. Williams, ont' of the nomineos on thei County Demo cratic tiet for York. The jury found a ver'dio.of gUi/t/, anid the Mackey to three nmnths' impr)Iisonl ment in the c'ounlty jail--the lowest sentence p~rescrIibedl by law. This case p)ossesses speAcial im-) p)ortance, in view of the frequent outrages comnmitted upon colored Deocrats. it will t ':ch the intimi dators a lesson, b y . owing themu that the courts of al th Carolina ar'e intnded for tI. pr'1otection of blacks and whiten anim' Now that at precedent is estatL K ed, the ut most vigor should be ':xorc sed ini atlprehending those lR -d'ica who molest colored D~emocra ts and in having the guilty parties pr'op~erly p~unished. The colored Democerauts should1( be assured of full and con stamnt protection, and1( thle pled~ges made to them should beput iln praec tice in the court-house. Troops in Fairfld. We have alreadly stated that one0 Company of United States artillery arrived at WVinnsboro) on the 4th in stant, and wvent into camp. 'We have soon it stated that th'ree comn panies more will soon arrive, and form a part of the garrison at this place. The stationing of siuch a body of troona heraen~ woul semt indicate the oxistenceof disgrders which threaten the public peace, and which the civil authority is powerless to quell. No such state of things exists. Everywhere over the dqunty the profoundest poace prevails. Though the political canvass con tinucs to bo active and lively, and though there are frequent "divisions of time" at public meetings, yet we have yet to learn of a single outbreak of any sort, or any attempt whatever at the intinmida:tion of colored voters. Indeed the only instances of proscrip tion or abuso that have come within our knowledge have been of threats against color:ed men for declaring themselves Democrats. This species of in'timidation is of course n-t the cauiso of the sending troops : it is is only when a Radical cries intimidation that tie national authofity is interposed. 'We protest against the presence of troops hero as unnecessary and as virtually proclaiming to the American people what is simply a lie--that bayonets are necessary for a fair and free clec tion in Fairfield. To the simplo presence of United States troops our community enter. tains not th1 slightest objection. They will do us no harm. l he comipany now here i i uind13er iceisOls who have most favorably iminzessed our people, ms soldiers and as gentle men, and the ueon 1uder their com mand have thus far condlcted themn solves witli per-fect decorum. Showing their Hands. Within the past four or five days there havo been some startling even ts in this State. Early last week, Col. A. C. Haskell, on behalf of the the State DemIworatic Executive Com mittee, addrswed a letter to Chini herlain, invitig him to meet Gener al inIptoni On1 thie stump. The letter set fort: the condition of thingF in this Stfat. ini a general way, an, directed the Gvernor's special attun tion to the fael that he himself had been cliarged- b,, the Northern prcss with nlsW Ihir0,lv calculated to breed disorder ill the'I State, and thIt it was d1ue alike In 11he1 peOpleO and t) himself that the truth .-hould be known. Col. Hlaskell a1iro d. mauded, in the nanu of the people i South Carolina, tha1 in (ase of (isallantce, citi zens of the *te, tMe rifle-clul:s iand otle'ris, sh')hl I h' ('alle . l) 1) to - n)o)eri'. '1% letter conclludiel %N.,:i a reji'esf that the Gover-noi woulii niec. Im t'e 411)t.u andi the assurt'ano~ that ho wo-ild ie sneoh cause h1 )dro'atd wi th pmi feo. courtesy. ChmiahoI ,rlain rep'Jlical ini J letter tilling nerly fifteen (coh !muis inl his orgmin, the Colnubia Union /~'/e/d. Ile takes Oventsioni to r vniw t,h nir potitical situationa in andi abusi~ave t owardls thme Democ~'raiii payihrg um. them with vio lence, intimidamtin iiWmd other offenices. Il 'onichlde bI xpressuing his willing. ness5 (o meiet I le Demoeratlic nm mi ludes ini joint~ discussion. Th'le letter is parutisani in) tone, sop~hiisical ini argumenti ., and h uitte'rly un11truthfl i n ii. The Gov1 erno r's ne~x t step wasth iuance, onSaturdayla, ofa rolarnaet ion declaring that r' c'ond~ition of lawlessniess exists ;i? l.3rnwiell aind Aikenm, ani 1 or~deini the po >ple to ''l)i1rso a retre pecebl .to thleir homles," within three dhys. It also onlers the l11110 Clutbs to disband. Tj. thrmmeatens tho suspension of the /A abrasf.' e'n/ws)/, and mar~it ial Ilw. To this t bo St at o Demuocratie' E xcentive (Coneunittee' have r'epied ini a lettem ei 'mp~let ely oIvei whmehnminmg in) its fo e, of argumnt~u. ILLabiounids in farbt t nhig against C'llaiubelaini and liis crew. 'The ( 'oiniitteo hafvei al1so connuniiiiienited ithl several leading lepimliens, aned these all bear' tes tiimnony to thme piev'alneo of pec ir, thme State. Chlief ~ Justice 3[oes Associate Ju ic le Willard, Jud gtas Sh~aw, IMckey, Cooke, Northr'op. Wu*iggin, G4overnmor Scott and1 othiem alutl testify to the quiet pre3vailinig over the Staute. Jludge W'iggin says that. the onily remistaunce to law lie knowsa ini his circuit hams been by B Iarnwell atnd Edgefieldh. Deoputy umalhals hauve .dreaudy gonoi there, and1 5 said that, the brute 21 errill has reciv-ed t)-1'- % to repair t hi ther at ence. If.: lip on mand Ite Execui f~ive 'Conmnuttv,' havo advised the peoplo1 to exQIn ie" constant forhear an1co and( caiutlion, and t~o submit quietly to mmartial law, should it be Ianywhere dleclar< 1. Tfhe whole net1.ion of Chamberlain Rhows a degi ce / diespieration that is the natural resl of the certainty of Hammpton's oleition. Chamberlain has shown hmimms-f to be no better than Ames, Kellegg, Holden andl other politicians who have lied ulpon the Southeromn people; and caused ill feeling, lie is now thoe greatest foe of honesty and guoud govenunent in this State that has over been in pow er here, Hie has shown him.elf an the people, we .advise the utthdob caution and forbearance. The Rifle! Clubs should keep 1bemselves within the law, and, having taken that posi tion, they should moaintain it. The Itadicals are desporato. Their game is up. Tho end is nigh. The Radical Nominations. We publish clsewliore the nomina tions made by the recent County Convention of Fairfield. It is need less for us to give any account of the cireonst:mces attending the making of these nominations. It is enough tL siay that there was such universal disgust over the first tiekot, that it wa.s found necessary to bagin de oc mi, and put out a new ticket entire ly. But where is the improvement? The tieket as a whole is no partic'e better. And it is without doubt the worst one ever yet put out in Fair flid. Messrs. Marshall and Neil have withdrawn, and there is but ono namo upon it. that is not utterly un worthy-that of John Gibson. Daniel Bii d has long been a politician and an ofice-seeker. We are credibly informed that ho can barely writo a little, his knowledge beiig limited to simplo reading. Prince Martin is equally ignarant and1( ineomlparably mlore corru'lpt. John Gi bson hcas beel in the flonmse for two years, aid his couisO there Wa1s rather conservativye Lhti other wise. We consider him by far the bust. manl of the Ivowed Republicans onl the ticket. I. B. Smith is a mulatto carpet-bagger from Ithode island. ie is s:id by those who know imi to be imich muore gifte:1 With h %rew %'dness thRin wiL i pinciple. ie is unworthy to fill the office for whi he nununated. The county board is really a deligltful one! Carter katy is at pretsen1t in office, nd is nowv under indictment for A i miscndt L. 1H0 is ut.terly ineomlpeten1t. John1 WilSOn--com monly known as No-Noso Wilson .'s already well knowin. utterly un worthy to hold any office in the gift of the people. Jim June isignoraint. lissipated and wholly ungojunlifiod. John l'iOusl is absurdly unfit for the .eSpolsible ald ardlouls position of SIllool 'ommismsioller. He Iias neith r intilelligenwe nor editeation, and he would 0b the merest ciplher posNsibl 'n si inljortait an office. The nlolilinee for Coroner is an ignorant negro, tot-,ly ineaipable of perform .nlg theO duties appor1talining to th( .fieo. Sueh is a ticket put forward byv mn emgaisition ehiiiiming to form a part~ of the great Repub1ilican1 pa:rty if thie United States! And such is he( ticket to wh1icoh every mfllm ir heo liepublicanif parityv is e'xpected t<. iIbl! Therei" is now~ b~efore~ you 00aIig t i. h i abi Cno~i ab l thi t c o n - . ml ilntly, vigoouly till ait last it 11ind1: utte'r anihlilatin on thet seve.nth daty of November. To( say niothIinig of Ilhe rest of the tic'ket, thme e'lect ion'of .Beaty, Wilson and Junie 's 'oulnty c'omm~lissioners would be in ibtlfl a dlisast er imore terr ible and meirt) swcej'ing thani any that has vet bie'dlen the~ people of Faiirliehcl. Thew wholo crew iimst be fought to thme bitter f the highlest judicial authority in biho eire'it, would seom to strengthl mn the nnpinion alreay hel tna Taft has, in hbi zeal to help his ILdical frionds, overstepped the bounds of the law. Sch being the case, Mr. Marshal Wallace would do well to exercise great caution in the appointment of deputies, and in his instructions to them. NOT l"IFRUM COLUMBIA. , striring Evonts at the Capital--The last Resort of the Radioals--How it was met. ((brcspmdence Netes and Ikrcdd.] COLUMnIA, Oct. 9.-The lines in the campaign are being very closely drawn. The letter of Gov. Cham borlain, his proclamation declaring Aiken and Barnwell insurrectionary, and the whines of the Radical State committee, are all steps in the pre concerted plan of resorting to the ever-ready gamo of Radicalism-in timidatti(.n. Tlhec devices have created here the greatest indigna tion among the more decent Re publicans, as well as the entire Dem ocratic party. The State Demo cratic Executive Committee have issued an address denouncing Cham berlain's proclamation as false in fact and unwarranted by law; Chief Justice Moses, Asssociato Justice Willard, and Ju(dgef; Mackey and Cooke have denied their knowledge of any facts warranting Chnmber lain's extraordinary course, while Judge Mackey directly charges the Governor and his party with a doop laid conspiracy to suppress free bal lot. The dcign of the Radicals is evidently to furnish- a pretext for pouring United States troops into the State and placing them under the control of irresponsible and un scrupillous villains who will make arrests. But the people aro not in timidating worth a cent, and the Democratic p a r t y is merely strengthened in the State. If the white peoplO only remain cool, and refuse to engage in collisions, the victory is just as sure as ever. Care has been taken to correct in the North the falsehoods conveyed by Chamberlain and his crow, and the reaction there is favorable. The only chance of Federal inter forence is by obtaining affidavits of intimidation of persons in the Presi dential and Congressional election. In tinidiation practised against sup pI' tors of the State ticket is beyond the jurisdiction of the Feleral authiorities. Matters in Columbia are un ch mged, despite the assortion that tocrorism exists at the capital. A 1 trge number of Columbians atten ded the mcoting; in Sumter on Sat 'day, at w ic F,')00 no. R 11 A were present, and the enthusiasm was un dumded. Gen. Ii .mptjsi.u mi.sde b exti ful an d touiching ilusion ti Qho fact that thme best~ R~-I~oumicansi wer~e ronginug (1heuiselves beside him, and then' exprVesseda hope01) thai the Chief Justice himself would soon be in the band. J udge Mose, suecd tears, andu shortly aifterwar-d. Gien. Hamplton and himsmelf clas~pet iands for the Ii' at time in eigh. years. H1( has not yet dlarh~ied ,imself, b ut will sooni range linseg under- Hal1mpton'l.- sinner. At Ridge Singin E 1''efield, ailsoi, a tremenl d'eus gathering was a-Id eased ot -atrdamy by a nuhmbler of splea~k(ejs. .mng them wasn Judge Cooke who received ti co d y e in bon iucts from the ladies, and who says lhe never saw such enthusiasm in his life. Hie says the torchlight procession wats eight miles long--stretching from Ridge Spring, to Bateaville lie is mneh disginste:1 with Cham berl:in' s sandaldous asser-tion that I ny is defiel1 in the ni;;h t, eh-euit .Judge Mackey is in the city, and, a urunal, with his. po1wer-ful intellect his keen wit and is peeling Chmberlaim aind his ,party. Thle colmp:'ign is '.rogressmng satisfactory a.l along the limn-. D. A Day of Fasting and Prayer. Tile following circular has been published by the State Democratic Executive Committee: Roonis STATE Dinni. Rx. CoMTEE, ' Cowsuir, S. C., Oct. 4, 1876. Several communications have been received by thnis committee from diffl'erent quartor-s of the State ask ing thlat, at an earnly date, a day be fixed, and that all citizens be invited to dedicate flhat (lay to fasting, humiliation and pray'er. The cenm mittee has no offieial authority to ma~ke a call, and fools that undler ordmiary eireumstan ces its p~rop~riety as relatmng to tile tiumph of a pairty in a political contest might be (ques tioned. But the present is no party contest, nor do we strive for per' sonal gain or office or honor. Eith er we are laboring for tile nioral anid material adlvantage of thle whole people, or our protestations are all false. This being our firm conviction, we ventur-e to 1)ring our c-ause b~efore thle Tr'mibunal of Almnighlty Justice andi invoke divine aid in b half o'f our afflicted State and its people ; there. fore, our fellow-citizens ro- earnestly invited to set apart Thmursdlay, the 26th (lay of 'the present month, as a day of fasting, humiliation and p)ray er. It is requested that al11 places of business be closed and( lbor sus.-. p~endled, that all may assemble at the several places of divine worship andi the ministers of the gospel ar-o solicited to open the chu'rches for service on that dlay and lead us in tile prayer unto Almighty God that justice, peeo and prosperity, mercy and truth, wvith followship and good feeling to all men, may come back an~d pirevaiil among our long suffering and1( muchi disturbedl people. Ini reverence and with humility, A. C. HIARKELL, Chairmnan Sua De.. lm.Co. A CARD. WiX"Osono, Op. 11, 1870. Jn,- Gibson,;&., $iwrmn Rep*ean Party qf eld County: It Is with s$prise and pait at I have heard of the tioket nominated by the Con vention assembled here on the 9th inst. I respectfully but firmly decline to be a candidate upon Mhal ticket for the office of Clerk of Court. Please let this notico be at once extended in the proper direction, and oblige It. JNO. J. NEIL CARD. Wiyisnono, S. C., Oor. 11, 1876. 7b Joan Gibson, Kaq., Chairnamn 1cputblican Party of Airfleld mnofy: SiRn:-I have respectfully to decline the nomination as Senator for this County, made by the Republican Convention. In doing no. I do not renounce my Re. pivneanismn, but aillrmn most solemnly that the ticket (al a whole) which has been put forth by the Convention in such that I cannot give it my full and cordial support. Yours respectfully, it. WARREN It. MARSHALL. J. OLENDINING, Boot and Shoo Manuracturer, )tINNS1ORO, S. C. THE undersigned re speetfully announces to the citizens of Fairfleld that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Manufactory to one door below Mr. C. Mullers. I am prepared to manufacture all styles of work in a substantial ind workmnilike manner, out of the ve ry host materials, and at prices fully as low as the silme goods can bIe -nizinufactured for at the North or elsewhere. I keep constaitly on hand, a good Stock of Sole and Upper Leather, Shoe Findings &c., which will be sold at reasonable prices. Repairing promnptly attended to. Term strictly Cash. _1- Driod Hides bought. oct 12 J. CLENDINING. TO CUR CUSTOlMXR rV WIV O are ind~ebted to us fa PROVIS. IONS or l'H)'IPATES, we wouil- resp-eet sully c~ll att i ntion, that your bills arc dm nm or before the ist of November. We tre depe ndinmg on you for payment AT INCE, to enable us to maeet obligations marde to assist you, and which pro due at that time. In order for us, as well as you, to main tain our credit, it is ncesary to meet our promhises prompltly. oat 12 NEW GOODS ! TUST OP'ENEDr at the Winnsbmoro D~ry e Goods, Fancy Goods and Millinery BIm'aar, which were selected with the greatest care b~y Mrs. IRoag in the Northoe n m.rkets. AconetanfulinofM. linery Goodls(of te latest~~ design o u stock of all kinds of merchandise whivb the public knows I generally keepi, will be relabnshed and kept Complete (luring the ucadnon. Fantily Grocer'Ies, sulch as Flour, Meal, Grist, Bacon, Lardl, Mo1hasss Tea, Coffee, Cheese, Macaroniy, iice,' Mackerel, Cakes, Crackers, Candy* &c., always fresh. Kerosene Oil, To'ebacco, Cigars, Pipes, Vvooden W"are, Tin Ware, Crockery-a full* assortment. In fact, you can find all you want at J. 0. BOAG's. One and all, great and small, Give Iioag a call--at the Corner. (Prices t suit the times. No trouble to oot 12. COTTON. EN have resumled basinu. a~t etir for mor sitand, No. 3, Bank Riange, and will be glad to uco our old cutm~ WYe will une over~y endeavor to please goft and to give you goods at the very lowest pric Cotton purchased, or if partiew prefer to ship, wo will advance. twenty-five dollar..a bale and~ hold Rubject to their orders. LADDl BR1OS, oct.12 TREMEEOU0S1 LXC1TEMENT THE~ UNPREGED)ENTEDL~Y LOW11110ES OFi Clothirig Ilat', I T ruuiks, &c. -AT IL.F. Leetch &Co's. B3EST line of Notions in the County. Glonta' Furnishing Good8 "of best quality, Blankets, Shawls and Boulevard Hkir.,, at the low est prices. Special attention called to the largest anel besut selected Stock of Kentuoky . Jeans over before offered to the Fairflold public. Ladies' trimmed Hats in great variety.~ Theo ab)ovo goods will bie ~ol either at Wholesale or Retail. All goods offered low for CA81H. i CALL AND SEEd US. WE DEFY COMPETITION, R. F. Leetch & Co. oct 5 Adjoining . ldes. ST'ITO~Fj NOT CAitUluNA COUNTY OF FAIIRFIELD. By JO H1 N . NEil4, Erq., Probale Jud W IIER AS,8. Morgan Dawkinu bl md itto mce to grant him letteri ofuadminijstration of the esatet and effet# of W~ii am D~awkins, dece-,sel: These are therefore to cite and adm ,nisb all and sing Jar the kindred and ereditori oPthe saidlcVilliama Dawkilns dee'd, that they be and ap >ear befor'e me, in the~ outty ot1Probato, to be hetd at Fairfield Court lIonse,. 8. C:.. on the J4thi day of Oco ber next, after publication hereof, at iI o'clock in, the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the staid administra tmn sh