..1 6 L. ti- -NI VOL. 1---NOr. t WINNSBORO, S C.. THURSDA5~Y MORNING, O A FOX CHASE IN PEASTERVILLE; Or; the Story of Mary and Uor Little Lamb. A stern chase is a long one, but the zest of the pursuor is often me isured by the length of the pur suit, and a triumph is all the more enjoyed after a difficult encountor. The political contest, too, in Sopith Carolina is one of unusual hoat, and is characterized by much bitterness, and it is therefore a relief to enjoy an episode in which the ridicalous is theo pre1oimfaiut . feaituro and in which the game has been at least fun to the boys if the frogs have had a hard time of it. The burden of the present Prticlo is a game of fox and hounds in which A meimbor bf Congress, so far relaxed his dignity as to porsonate Reynard, while the other charactor was assumed by a gentleman who takes a hand in everything and shines inall,and who at present is the choice of the Democracy for Senator from !,airfield. Congressman A. S. Wallace, who has represented the people of this district for four terms, sometimes by the grace of Congress, some times by the aid of Federal bayonets and infamous dragonnades on the people, and sometimes by the sloth of the whites, is too well known to our readers to need a description. He is summed up in an expression of Judge Mackey's that every tiie be sees Mr. Wallice lh expects to fimd protruding from his capacious coat tails seventy-five rattles and a button. Maj. Woodward also needs no description. By a casual observer he would be considered the aitipode of our worthy congressman, with whom he has nothing in common, and with whom it was thought no human mind could be so anoma I ously constructed in birth or mays teriously warped in associating with guileful men as to couplo him in any possible way. But hgw these gen tlemon met by chance-the usail way-,how they became acquaintckd, howv they called up spirits from the Tvaty deep of the samC laIgdu, how they broke broad and cracked jokes with equal gusto, how they became sworn friends, political Sineso twins, as it were, and how thoy ex. empiilied tWe old couplet "Eve.y where that Mary wcnt, the lamb1 wa:s rule to go"-to IIarILte ail this in ,as brief a space as possible is the purpose of the present chronicler. Mr. Wallaco desires a re election to ConCess He seCs moreover his eaiapidly moigfo inder him, and lie knows thaL un~less s.:,mething despeorato is done, Cal. Eria.s wviii succccod him. Fairfield, to her shniAmo be it said, has always been~ his stronghold, and whatoever mum k jorities wvere cast against him else S where they were counterbalanuced hero. His last r esort was to r etain S his grasp on Fairliol. For this pups he con templatedi a canivass in the county. Buit the difficulty with him is that he cannot bear dlay ig.hat. His record in regard to the colored peolie is mnoro vulnerabnl h an thaLt of any mlan, Democrat or Retpublican, in the Southern States. For this reaison heo is compelAled to shun .discussion. Hlis only ;hiope is to send out emiss tries to delid his constituenits or to provent them from attending anay mmeetinig where his card- board character is 7 likely to be perforated. He accords ing ly prepared to move 'in secret. SOn M1 edneday night, September 27th, lie reached Winnsboro, and having sgnt runners through the ~*county to suman the faithful to 6 some1 sedludted spots, set on t onl SFriday mnorninig with Mr. H. A. S tmith in~ a buggy. As a blind it wasw given out that a meeting would take Splace at thme cross- roads near Mr. Pope's p\'i e, seven umdels from the Boro. a Woodarmd, who is developimi nto the most admirable : electioneet'r in tile State, was onl thme alert. Accordingly, ho p)osted ofto the desigiiated spot ini order to measure words wvithi a Congress man. He had wearied of worsting cross- road politicians and Senatoriaf aspirants in the mighty fiold oh forensic eloquence. He sighed for fresh worlds to conquer. To, argue ith a real live Congressman, one whoahad sat -at the feet of Butler na Blhaine and Colfax and Oakes mes-who had voted to raise the at on wool hats. and had made a peech on chicory-was glory nouigh, but could he vanquish imn in debate then he was in a ir way to pluck bright honor from o pale-faced moon or dive into 1,be ips and pluck upj drowned honor ythe looks, While a special, aiche onid set be, apart foi' him in Fume's oud templo, o he9. MajQr, intent onglory, ilmed tlhe spot. All along the robad ho had culled fresh flowers of rhoto ric with which to adorn stub born facts. To his disgust he saw three colored t guarding the political Thermofyle; Fog ing that this was no timo for ratulatin' speech, he assaulted the garrison, One he brained with a quotation from Hudibras ; another went down bo lily bofore the pon doLous weight of a cohunn of figures inotchedsolidly from tihe roport oil Legislative and.printing, expenlsOs, alId the third was inconotnenlly chokced by a copy of Ch.mboIl dn's arra- unont of the Radic.d party. The field was cle.ur, the Major was monarch of all he surveyeo1. He porched upon the fenlca to await thecharge of oie -other .knight; e0 rant. Grand, g1ldo y and peciliar he sat like a sccptred herniit, wrap= pod in the solitude of his own originality-or words to that offect. All was still around him. Not a loaf stirred. Not a branch stirred. Nothing brok tle bLillness save tho occasional eaw of a crow, intent on some corn-fiold--or the snore of his sottor at his feet. Dreams of glory passed through lis mind. He saw the Senate-roomn 'with its plul car. pe its gorgeA5ons hanging's and the familiar face of Gen. G try sitting beside him, and ryg peanut sihells in a fourteen' dollar cuvpador. B:it hark ! a iioi..e! It growiuoro dis, tinet. Tio smund of hjorse.i' feet are heard, the trampungr comies ne -.r -It, is-it is-Wall ce, the long looked for, come at last. He draws nearer. A sahitation is exlianged, "Good morning, Colonel." '"How are you, Major ?"-"Colonel, I have cono to in ake a speech w.ti you to day," "A speei, I am not going to mike a specceli!--"Ah, we'll see more about that to night." I promised Col. Evins, if you ever came here, I would escort you iinto every nook and corner of the county, and I in tend to do it. You are a sly old fox, but you have got one of the best. old hounds on your track you ever sawil." "I am going nowhere," said Mr. Wallace.' "Well" that will he Seen. Inl tile nIealtime wo've got some mighty bad hoys aihout these parts, alid Iamn going along to pro towt you, and I'll folloIw you right up to the Chester line." Mr. Wallace rather demurredi at first, but came down gracefully, and the two en tered inito a general convert~ion oil td:c crops nna ' the weather and politics. and other inltters, becoi - ilig (llite soei ble, and gha'ring lunch along tIhe road. For severil minutes tihey travelled on, as the Major says. "mo and Pup being the only two ings along." At last thiy met Mr. Powell, and Major Woodlwaril sent hiim with orde, s to all t; e Dumocr'at s who had started out that te imeet, 111 att tie cross-rioads wts a sham 3and they imtist follow onl, as lie wats going to thO jiulipilg off place . though he had no idea, where tl.at wouhl ho. In tile imeanLwhilo the trio wet on1. -At last the old fox made for Feasterville, but the good lmund still followe.l. At "Possu Branch." ne:tr Mr. J. W. Yongue's place, Messrs. J. W. McCreighit itild Me ns Davis caught up in a buggy, and tbo Major, taiking lis se it ill the hugpy sor4, Mr. McC. bacek to c'all upl the momner ils'. After trauveling a 11de1 or' moreU Messrs. Iranenus P 'pe D:1. Evaon', Jos. Kenniie ly, W'a. 11leiron and Waml ter R~Iosbor'ougha i'oda iup rnd joiined ini the proe(';n. Maj. Wood ward had met MrIi. J1oe Navi ttimnd hurried him back to tell the people that he thought Wallace was imking~ for a meeting~ at Feas torville, and summmoning them to at tend the meeting. Mr. Nevi 4t did good wvorkc,as w~as afterwards shmow ni). Up) hill and( dlown lill thle prio)oession imoved, not a word being exchanged betwveen tile foremost buggy and tile rest of the company. The thing be gan to beu monotonous. 'The fox would turnl his hicad occasionallly 1back t~o Heg tile pack following, an d the Major' would say to the boys that lie saw his brush dr'ooping and the hiolo w',ould soon1 be io-acheod. 'Then, one by one, othiers began dropping iln 'Jol. F". J. ianmeron, one of our1 next othet s I ;ok their' pl .a' S n thle pro. ('Oesion. It was ai funerall pmees'e~aoni. It was mi h1onor1 of the~ political doe tt~h of time Congremm, and)t Major Woodward wa chief mourner! The sun declined in the wvest. Time1 r'an 'tself down in golden sands. And still the line moved on, grave and solemn. At intervals, fresh arrivals sawelled thle niumber. Oc'casional ly an en thusiastic individual would say, "Followvs, I wouldn't take ton (101 laris for' this trip." Tile gentleman to whlom tihe good 1)eopl1 of Faji' field were assembling to. (10 1101nor lookod b~ack. Still they camol. Still they preserved a r'especctfu1l silence. flut still they stuck. Skilful hunt cirs thought tile hole was not far 'off ; and it was5 not. After p)assing Fancett's s tore, tihe Congressmall11 and his eort turned into a gate anid headed for Mr'. Wyatt Colo mian's. Still up hill and down, still through gates, wvhichl were cou r toously .opened by tihe outriders, time procession moved. Arriiving at time house, the first bugey drove up to the door and Mr. Wallace got out and walked into the house. The second buggy drove close to the first, and Msj. Wqodward" got out 'ude w~1kea into-' thy house. Trho riders disnxiouiged behind the second I. bu.ggy and did not 01 tor the house. Not at word vas spo on, though a law sidos shook wit supprossod laughter. Presently -Mr. Coloman bate. out, seeminig surprisod, we must confess, at the uleXp)ected v.sitors, but ho extonded to them a warm welcome. Tho spell of silence WIs broken, arrangements %voro matilde for a meeting that night, 8nd most of the party dispersed to dif forent placos4 in tho neighborhood for mw.1 er. Mcs -r. W alhwo 'Iiid Smith, however, and Maj. Wood.. wI WA t i 'Ws. DItvis, Koiimoiv and Horron remained at Mr. Col nmn'ls. In a few mfilultos Chris. Coleman, Mr. Colenim's right hand 11111, cam0 e in, and hotwoon the two the guests wore soon mde it ioio. j. Wooo*ard introduced the egNowd all round, and a general conl versiation sprang ip. Supper wits soon annoinced, alnd a1s none of the party had had dinner, and some hiad travelled twenty-five, -ind on had como thil ty-eight miles, their appe tites can be inagined By nino o'clock the party returned, and othors began to pour in. Capt. Quinn and Capt. Legg, and the Feastes and the Colem ns and the CLosbys (of whom the nuno is legioll) and minny otheit assenbled. By olevenl o'clo.--k about on10 hund"red whites mind ton or twenty colored mien lid iviassembled. Tho night was illuiiiiatoit by the moon, anud therO WI it bracing chil iaost ill the air. Mlaj Voodward was callod oil fur ia speech iand responled' inl a few humorous remiks. Calls were then had for WNallaco Maj. Wood ward bespoke for him aill atteitive and respectful hicarillg He re sponded in a short spech1 which might have beeni mistaken for ono from General Hanpton. Col. Cameron was next called cn and made i telling speech, arr'lligi ilg the lRaIdicial parTv. He tonel (d I on the assertion of Wallace that the I result of lCeeIng a Denmocratic C ' gross br. u-ht cott( n to a lov price. \VI-; .( initerrupted, but wis tuot w wait for a reply. ii. Datvis rollowed, compiliment. ing MIr. Wamlace oin his cnriioni to the Demo cia y, and thwn enter ad into Stato politics. Mr. Wal latce replAied, and to show his colored licarors tihat he wNas Still a Radical, he began one of his accustomie'd 1,sljk!hs, mal1 touichinig onl 6the cavalry." This broug ht .Col Ca li ern out. ngain 1111d ho pitched into the record of tihe gentleman in a lively nunor. Then 0Maj. Woodward had a few 1110m Words to sa:1y, and l.stiv Mr. Davis begg-ed for ia few umiomien ts to explain Mr. Wallace's connection with the Black Cudo and other mat toris. The CoglressImllani talked pretty stitlly for awhile, but his ar, gumnc weio tied Igilst him, especially when h1o said he walited lonest 111e11 inl ofli'e, and theni positively refused to say whioth or he would miupport Chutmberlain illd Elliott. He subsided it last, 111141 throw iu) the poll'e. By this tieii it Iwas onei o'(c lock, an(1 Mr. Vllaeo lgreed that it' the party dis pursed lie would return quietly to WVinnlsboro inl the mloringi~. Alaj. Wood ward replying that. hoielikod his c3omip:miy and woulisl follow him a1 week if 110 wishied, taking him to ml tiie arrangemen1ict, and1( the paty~ dispensed wvithl cheers for TLilden, and1 KIemiptni anid reform1. Mr~1. WValae tlumked themn for their 'ouirteous tica.tmenC1t. Th'le nlext 1201rninlg after a hoamrtyv breakfast and1( a cordlial lowe-taking wvith Mrl. C Jlomanl, anid CJhris wtithm prom11ises to retuirti. M~,essrs. Wlllace( anld Smiithi 1 oturned ini one0 huggyf anid Ma~j Woo lwardi~ and M'tr. D)avis inl the oth1er. The1( ridle was rathier more sloci:thlo lhan tiIt of the (liy pr1tviouis, The M (jor anld t he Coh n'Al became es, pcilly fiiendi~ly, 2and( passed' assu runees of the higl 04 consi5dertionel, eYach1 claiinig that1 toe had (con1verted thle ot her. Thme news had spireado of the ad(vnltio of the elveni ig beo; , and1( (ver one V w10thite, or' lacmk, miot iaho retuing11' par'ty with ai br~oad grinl. Th10 two can~iteisit tied~ their hands(l on1 the colored inwni, andi found eh I other wvorthy foemen. For01 ta(3he bInefit of the ninot0eenl hun-1 Ited and o;ld othetr cand1'idates who are soliciting the sutffriages of te inelgent voter, we appenld a fwinsftane~os of the many that oc (curred. Shortly after leavinlg Mr*. Coleman's, Col. Wallace's keen eye osp~ied an intelligent voter picking cotton in the field. "Good morning," saLid he. "Good morning," ro-. spond11(1 the I. V. "I-llo, howv are you?"chm8 ill the Major ; "como1 you? oanigo a chawit of toblacco." I. V.01 approacho with a grin, and tie Mlajor dlismots~~. The ioColone~l also dlismfouts. Both ap)proach the fence together. T1hie Colonel, iln qluisitively- -"Is hto a Democrat?" The IMajor (who we risk all that we possess in this sublunary shore, hi as nover' seeni tihe man.f before) "Democrat, yes; why he's the big gest Democrat in the county, and theopresident of a couple of clubs." The Colonel to I. V.-"Woll, my main, you must comlo out andc vote for Wallace for Congress." M ijor ".e, and just toll all your people Major Woodward's riuning for the Senate, and he's going to stop all histaig, and make things better'. Tefl 'em all to .voe for himn." Look here, that's a good looking dog; how in ho after coons ?" T. V. "No, sir ho ain't muen on coonP, but he's powerful good on 'popsums." Major. "Ah hal well, next timeI come along I'll take a hunt with you. Come on Colonel, lots go; its gettihg late. " Some time: aftAr 4to party inot two more colored voters. The Col onel stons his buggy and shakos hands-Major. "Look hero, come sha~ke i:m s with 1110. Don't you know I took good care of the Colo nel ? He w..s goitig out in a bad part of the coanty, and I just got on my horso and weft along with him and brought him back safe. Did you iear it I" (elored voter, who has imonbod somewhat freoly "Yes, sir, I did." "Well, what did you hear ?" "Well, 4.-sir, I hoord that Mr. Wallace liadygono out and you was gone out to take care of him, and I think thqt was mighty good! in you too, Majff' Woodward. "Major-"I told you so I" Col. - "Yes, ho got a hundred anl fifty cavalry Iand"- DMjor-1-Yes, antlid I took 'el iight straight up to the house whore he was staying, 11a I wouidn't let ia single lian colie near liim to hi t him, and you know thercs some powe iful bad follows in these parts." C. V. excitedly. "Yes, sir, uiey is." And the Colonol drives on, and the Major swallows two uliekles and chokes on a fhird, an.t makes the mildjioannered re porter besiido iiiii juimp half out of his skin by a vigorouwt elutch on his left leg. "Such is life, remarks the Major," "Such is politics" conclu(des the reportoi; and the processiol Moves. Prosently a white man comes by and ma -es a fearful grimace in the effort to suppress a gul'aw. Hre has hoard th news. A.s ho ipasses the first buggy and 1 caches the second, he says, point ing over his shoulder with his thumbi. "Yo .mve got him yet, have you?" "Ion bet," and the r(3Ortor is sup plied gratis with ainother clute:i which niakes him speulate whether his limb, will be a doeo black in the morning or only a r ld blue. Of course the gentlemanniust know all the pai ticulars of the affair and some time elapms in #ho narration. Tihe Colonel has pussql out of sight, and the Speed is someiiiwhat accolora ted to ovei take him. In the bond of the road lie is sTn conversing with three colore< men.' "Good gracious, Major," ex .imed the re porter with' an ' ey io fuin, "He's getting ahead of vou ! Get up, you vidain," (to the horse) and oiT we go, at break-neck spool, and I nearly run into the other buggy be fore we can stop ouiraolves. "My friends, did you know that the Colonel and I had struck hands and were rimning on the same plat form ?"-Colored voters, "You is I:" Yes, of course we me; I am a bett,-r Ppiblican to -day thanm Colonel Wiallac ) is. The ,>l.ml-' o4, I think I'll imako a good tepublican (of him yet." "Hoora1w for Major Woodwa:'d," shout three pair of able lungs, and three hats whirl in the air. Mr. Smith, smnilling, and in all under tone e-"Look hemc, Colonel, if you piut anly such notions inl their, hl:ids, I'll be hanged if Major Woodward won't be elected." Major -"Of comn-se I'rm gcing to be elected; June-Mo~hbley followed ma arotod1 the other day an td he told me if I. kept on like 1 haid beguin there was no doubt~l) ,bd bOel Cltd." T1he Colonel -1 lsl you '/'om, you 'e taught mte somec '.nrnkies ini cicetionleiniig. M1 tjor "We~linow, Colonel, 1 knowv 1il be elected. Anmy muan thatt can tealch y'out dodge is bound to go By this time, it will be observed , the sival canvassers had gotten so ti,enm with a sp~oon. A miutual ad m~a.ion is ;'poundi to spring up betwoon foemt.-nt worthy of each othomr's **tec. Even Goliath ofsGath wou~ild have h'ad r espect for DavidJ~ hi ,d hie f.i. the si-.e nid weighac of A iulndred other siimiilair instance's might be r'eported inwicldog the facet that two colored men01 on the road gave three cheers for Major Woodward andit Hamnpion. In the iintervalhs of elctioneer ing the party