ke, Tooraer, Treicott, Wilkin#, J. L. Wil Yancoy, Youngblood-- 7. ()K8~_MeHsrt*. Alexander, Honbow, Brad E. Cannon, 8. Cannon, Crocket, Dawkimt, d, Downs, Duff, Kmdey, A. Kvan*. Far* .Oarriwin, Glascock, aitnt ^wYtf!?rt, Tliontaj?, Walk Whitfield, J. WiUdn, >Yofd?-14, I 1 u ? 1 IKMitfid'}/, f)if$mbrr II. |r. Martin, pursuant to rfvttce, given, intrn rd a bill tn alter the tiinda of holding the rta In the amithrrn antl.npi^tli eastern circuit*, ct> wan read a first time, and ordered to be tmitttd to the judiciary committee. if r. J. L. W?l???|? submitted a resolution, ap* ?bating t:,?' c mduct of Jatt)c? Madinon, prctd it.uf ?c 1 in led IState.v, ordeicd forconnido ion to-rn irrow* . *??'}'&; to, Dtcem'tcr Y}. ? house proceeded to a ??econd readin* of a ; to prohibit tlio issuing of bills or uo^otml>le tes, umlcr (ho denomination of one dollar, and oti?er purposes therein mentioned. The fol vine c'ntmi beinu under consideration, vis. #t further enacted by the authority aforesaid, it from and after the flr*tday of May next, y person or persons who shall within thin ile, paw or attempt to pass, or receive in pay slit auv bill or bill*, of any bank or bodv co'r rnte, of a lower amount or denomination th;m i? dollar*, bhall be liable to be indicted ttiere f, |)ld on conviction thereof, shall be fined not oi^tdini; tlio sum of fifty dollars. ttj^at moved to ajn'end the clause, bv adding, ftrthe word "corporate" the words, ''tin* bills the bank of tlio state of South-Carolina cx pted." On the question to a^rec to the ameud ent, the aye* and noes were called for, and are ?Ayes .*>9?Noes-?IT. So the same was agreed; und the bill read rough and ordered to be scut to the senate. l-'rirfnti, f)i"critihi-r 13. Mr. Yanr.ev, from the judiciary committee, to mm was rcf<" i ?d a communication from the ivcrnor, together witli otlier coinmunicatioiiH ooi the cxecu'ive* of several of the states, con tying their decision on certain propositions to liend thi? constitution of the United .States. A res submitted by Mr. J. L Wilson I tV 11 tli instant, apnroving of the conduct of "}no-* Madison, President oftho United HtateH, l i agreed to, and ordered to be sunt to the so ii". jMr. Vancey, from the committee on thojiidi l?ry. t-? whoir wan referred a bill to >i second reading to-morrow, and to be prin rd. The following hill wan read a third time and a*?ed, and ordered to be sent to the senate, v'u. 1 Kill to alter and amend an act, entitled an et to limit fho term ofservice of certain officers /Im liavo heretofore held their office* during ood hohayioMr, and fur otlier purpose* therein leiitioned, passed \h? arili day of ,l)ec. WW 0 ?f> t> exempt certain offlccm thetviiv iorntlon who were in office at the of the passage 'the said act, and who hold tlieir offices during ?t behaviour, from the operation of the said The bill more effectually to provent tho per licious practice id' gambling, was read a second lire and ordered to be sent to tho senate. Mr. Ilayne Introduced a bill to provide places >f rendezvous for the militia, and for the ap pointment of sutler*, which wan a read a first time, & ordered to a second reading to-morrow. Pu to notice, Mr. Farrow introduced a till to repeal in partj an art entitled an act to n event persona (tolding certain offices of emolu ment iVuin leaving the state ; and in part, an act entitled an art to alter and amend the law re ?,.??( ti't; juries, and to make some additional re ^'ii in..'in to the acts for establishing and regu : ?? ' it ruit courts, so far us restrains the. judg c or the courts of law and equity from leaving f ? -into; which was read a first'time, and or ?! " i second reading to-morrow. ?o-ohibit tho introduction of Slaves 1 any of the United .States, > ???rein mentioned, ww j i(l to Ih* sent to of the ? Acs. * A motion uji . which wa>< cjirriuil-?4. '1*1.0 report of tin- com.. on the bill to impose further . ?mancipation of glove* in (hit t>tui> contideiution i?on motion, ordered . further roundel Ation of tlic report) w.i-i Mid hill, he jwodponcd. % A mcHttagtf wah nent to the senate, proposing to Adjourn on Thursday ne?t, iiiHtcatl of Wed ticsd.iv, ii4 Approved by them, which wuh con CUrred in by the senate. TIIR IfDMHK AND I'll KM Is KM, OOCIM'IKD t>y tin1 'iiiWrilKr't fim ly, arc otfetec! for silt. for U'rin?, rn<|unc ?t' III'AIIV \V. ItMAt-'MHt'ltl'.. t>rrr?ti' r ? |f) iMKSl the 9th itMt. ;? Itrd Morocco POC'KK'I' tJftOOK, ?*<>nt*ininff ono note of liuhil ?t rtjiUy*, for JS14I, pMvaM*' to Mr'. M*?rorey. .fosrnli JK.titf ItMjftn tH?lli!irnM?o to J. J. Wiiw?i tor fc?'J 50j and Moutry other t'/jxnitot recotlrctcd. A literal reward will In? K.v?*n flii delivery of iln> abore |x? k<-i liook to the IV,tiler l)c(?i,iltfr Iir IH|(i. jfoiiTHALK, a. an eltjpmt GBbDIXO, tfifl aaddle 9t g f. I . ",'.v- A.;. ' (Vv.-1 X, TUBS I) AY, DKUKMltKIt IT, 1H16. On Saturday last, at 12o'clock, ills Kxoold be my good fortune to grut.ty the wislie* ami ex potation* oi rny friends, tlie measure of my lupn.neis will Ik* fall , oat in pursuing what ! bel.eve to be my public duty, neither the grat.fication of fremiti, nor the cemuftof enemies, shall divert roe from my purposes. The noblie and gereral interest, shall be my ruling principle, ami personal independence my cmiitunt guide. I rely, gentlemen, upon your candor nml liberality, toxl thecumlor and liber-diiy ofour fellowcitiWiii, tii jtid^ njf of my official conduct. li'my error*, f>rernw* I will roo t certainly commit, proceed from the and not from die heart, tlie white nunilu of char, ty ultould cover them; but if they can Ik traced in .1 'lri*v?l mind and a corrupt heart, then let tlie ce.'S re .iitd reprobation of all re?t upon me. I nn now ready to quality.** Ilin Kxccllency then took tho oath of office, and was installed and proclaimed with due so lemnity. At tho nnntial romminuuicntion of the drawl Isnlgr of rirtitii-Cirufiun A. IV.'/uswis, ticl.l at (MtTmliin, in December, IrtMi, tho following (?rand Ollicers tvero duly elected for tlie endu ing year:? Ilia Honor V. J. CVroci*, It. \V. (Ir.ind Master. Col. John IKjj>?it\- (irund Matter. IViUittm itarper,(min,ur (Srand Warden. FMab Kinqmnn, Junior Grand Warden Chartmposcd of sotne of the members of the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons, & of some of those called Moderns, who have been incorporated by taking the test or oath of secrecy ; and thin is now the most im rortant objection to a union. Thus constituted am authorised to *uy that they work as An cient York Masons, and in all respects as \tc do. They no loiiuer admit under the sanction of the teat oath t but according to the ancient usage. 1 la y it down as a fundamental principle of all sorietie* as well as governments, that there is an inherent unalienable ri^ht at an v time when it shall he di'emed necessary by the members oi the body to alter their constitution, or those hu^ principles liy which the* agreed to lie {(overu^P Nor wilt it he necessary, i presume, to go at *'? into argument to prove a position so pei? '' ?evident, and ?o universally acted up "ie not mi, it w mid be to fix a '?irh must he forever progrc?* ?f the human mind. What ' ???ed as beneficial to iH'ri'd to he the same sentiment* iprovemcnt, we linn test of wisdom. I 'ted, why tnav v e nm ?iiatln by ouenhli^ution her? lot inn obsurve, ?*i I > instructed. It h then, not even admitting or making Mason* under the solemnity of a single obligation. Hut it in conforming those who have been muile in a different manner to our order. It it however that this in contrary to the principle} hml usage* of our Lodge, ami will he a removal of tlu> ancient laml marks of mason* ry. I'mAi I confess that I once entertain* ed great doubts. ami that when the proportion wan llmt niade, I was opposed to it) but after a diligent investigation of the subject, and a refer* ence to \he most learned brethren with whom I a i acquainted, as well as a recur' renco lu tin most approved writer* oft masonry. I *tn pcrttta ted UuU the contcmpUtoJ unioo wut ... not infringe any of those pirnciplci, and noes not in tho smallest degree aftect those ancient land mark* ko Justly estimated. ('an tho fact bo denied tlmt an intercourse has taken* place between the two orders an of Into yoarti estab lished in our state? It canfiot. Many living witness can attest the truth of it, and by refer ring to that luminous and excellent writer brother l'rcston, we shall ilnd that in Europe at difterent periods in the history ofmasoiijg, there has existed occasional division, and owasional re-union. Will any brother, instructed on thin subject, nay that there i? not in thaiiistory of mxHonry, the most irrefragable proof, that we all spruug from one source ?? I presume nut. I am awaro jjtft by some, it is said *hat an | oath has bcefHMministurcd on their admission, j forbidding them oven to sit in a lodge with a modern Mason* or to admit ono to enter n lodge, knowing him to be such. When a separate took place in England* all that was dono was to resolve that thoso^who Acceded, (and who tewj were may admit a doubt) should not bo re admitted, except on terms. Such an|outh was never Incorporated into tho constitution of Anciont York Moaona, nor evejr pre* scribed by tlie Grand Lodge: it has therefore been introduced without authority < is illegal, .ind not binding, llut as 1 am disposed to meet tho acrupten of the most ? conscientious, and to eflect the union on a basis which can. never bo shaken, I will endeavour to obviate the objec tioit in a manner still moro satisfactory. Every obligation resulting from an oath, may be re leased within n legal and moral point ofvieir 44 unlawful directions are countermanded 'ay the authority, 'which declares them unlaw ful." Members of Colleges in the Uinver siticK, and of other ancient fnniidntiou*<, ar re(|uired to swear to the observance of theii | respective statutes; which observance is he.; come in some cases unlawful, in other*, im-1 practicable, in others, useless, in others, iucm.*; venient." Mr. Faley says, they are released from such obligations. May not then the voice of a majority, or two thirds of the masonic body, now forming a union, dissolve tlie obligations so imposed ? It cannot bo doubted. Again ! Can those who have been admitted under the sanc tion of the test 0:1th, (if wo give validity to that,} be any longer considered as modern masons r Surely they cannot. This objection. I trust. m:iv be thus overcome. Now, as to thn sordini ohjrctiou, that it in removing the ancient land ill arks ol' masonry. How fatally Imvu men been ?lirlii(ic* it may be conliilently said, that they huve never been stable. No two master* ever ndmiuuteriug the.'i in the name word*.? The ancient land marks are the word*, sign*, and Ki ip* and it i* not conteaiplated to make any alteration in these. Kor n> oS-rrved at first, the (Jrand Lodge of South*('aroliua now work ah we do. anil admit according to the ancient usage*. l?et ii* I ien no longer be kept asunder by iiu adherence to form. Our brethren through out the world aiv united, (-nit it be expected that the craft can Nourish while these disagree, ments continue? It it impossible. The well J disponed part of mankind ar? a*touish(Ml and distracted, while the wiekeii laugh us to scorn, saying how enn that institution be conducive to the happiness of man which destroys the peace of its own members. Let us rise superior to all improper prejudices, toil approaching in one Imdy the grand architect o| the universe, sacrifice on the altar of universal philanthropy every discordant sentiment. ? Preston. Saving Banks.?-A saving fund Society, af ter the plan of those established in Great Britain, has been instituted in Philadelphia. This is the first establishment of tho kind which has yet been act in operation in the United States. WALIM'M OU/YMMAR, &c. flltlR suhscrdwrs wishing to conti.hii.c all that lies I. n tlier power to the promot.on of useful knowledge, >eg icavc t<> cull the Attention of their fcllow>c.t.zcii* to lie Utely written mid published by Mr. JOHN \VAI.IM> (if (icorgetown. Those works, wo eonrcite, p ?<.?:** great merit, and sottMof them, p.irtu ularly the Kngi.sli CSrannnur, uncommon mer.t.' rll.s now mi' it w .y .ntu wiinf of the l?est schools i'o*, and we l*-l evo wdl noon hecon?i lard work The other work* of Mr. "ilcitfoic t lor elementary instruction in tv<)C> th*. 'I lose which aro e ch.r.l-.en the eorrect orthography <; ti'in ot o-ii own tongue, arc evidently tlw >n.?c*|K' ence -n teaeli.iig, und arc mhnihtbl; ei f ??? tin* ruiniii m -chools throughout the ? <>r.Tc' |i''inunc.K'>wii of words is ot' the port. ne<\ .ind tin* t> t me to aequiro it ih when l ? en .. e lint tiiiight to re..d. The true standard of j u it- -?t???:? % the unge of the best sneakers and ? ?? nnpl.Nbed scholar i. Mr. Waldo s l>ookft urc i I. rl in le.d directly .o tin* standard, und in th<* ;n r. ,i'-e e<'.dc?llv ni.4T.or to any ever published. mirve the l.ienN, iiidcl.itigalde industry, . it ro?-? o Mr. \V;dd i, li in high claims to tMifitUf . .iron .go, ..lid we sli.ll ?,merely to nee his per* f ?rjiwiire-. hro' igbt into general use throughout this s'a'e, <:id tin.'I'tnted .Vlrikk (.S gned) JON'.VI^mV MAXCV, ('resident Ho. Carolina College. TUOMA.V I'VHK, fill MOVH.OWKVY, r |;i>\V\MI> l> HMITII, f r"Jet,ort CIIIIHTV IIWCKKI.J T' .?'* f I-.I .? 4V t .. |?in MAitO.MC. k "O'-lMrSffJATION 01' itic Ku.^lit w?l. J\ .k<- pi .oe on tlii? 'JJi'i iiim. prcc n>l lir.wt nviMn'*! (Jiff (J CSnlr H?rne*i~ ] I'm!I sIikIIcmI S,nl.llet o|' tliehtoM full on#, w.di pi .tr?l iroAH atwl Immnrf*, ?omplrlt!-?Plain tonhltf*, with plat. 1 c I ifoiiv?1>?. do inl;? <1 wii|? P.twn *k (i?<:r Plutotl ///< unit Bfadooit //??///>*?IV (5iiri> IMtU't, (jiiulity^f^i.inr^n curb h tUtr4~Nl>anl,:.ud door l/>cki, knitting1 l?in* p.B'itlo:ii, bridle and clivr U t<, Candlottiek* HKitivci and Fork*, ttddlcr'* Hammers and Knivca Haddlcr'a Tack*, Foot U>ols, Iron Square*, Uc. < ? te?? no oo uo ,v4 large mahogany Fr <; J* les* rig?, i/c. The whole to be wild in lot* to ?mt pmchaMt*. Tertnt?Under R50, cadi; over > t-u, 60 days i ipprovcd endorsed Vote*. A*. H.?f'tirr/intei i ni firnirr tnfn, wc particularly rt 7?> ??//?// to nil' iiinl rtviriv? //< I ? ? ? ? I* f M ' IV. ?. ?? int on !t ? ?<; H vci jj.i.n ..jfltfile I > ,i<, awl our. a n iij; uImmii 8)') ucre? o ?Wm1 I.1111!, i'iic as jfvsl ;is aiis mi ilii- r.viv iiir die cu? val'iri ?{* ? ' >rn,< ??;ti?i>, i'ii* A w-rj li.iitii?>im: dwell njf'lou.e, mi -?> 11111 inly well fin.shrd, cutti-iiuiiiff 7 l/irffe r<*om?; * :li .111 excellent if.ti-dcn, ynnnjf orcliirm ??. apple a".l peach. Wuli nil the mil house* necessary, !i1m> well The K-n home .s larger, .-mil heller limit t'mn ?1n1.1l, Willi a iifw fiin. Also, hImhiI 30 NKGIIOi'S, ..ii-nip lliein :i very ^*>d r.-irpcntcr, blacksmith, ?!ioe. nukrr, Mini scvcnl iuni?c icnunli. If it should le made known hv apply.nif 011 the* to rr.iT.u onr.i.u I Mini sold by 'he I ?l of Januar\ next, w.ll he .oivnt. Ita-eiulier 17, IHIrt. HV OltDKIt OF THK COL'itT OF KQtJITY. I^IFTV-PIVP. Nivyroes, belong.iig to the Kit:. 10 of John K.i g, iltTC.itril, ivill lie sold n^ t ho lii'Ht doy o: J.uiiiHt-) ne\', at lleueon lldl, near Weaver Creek, 11 l > jjeniv. i niii he coiumne* *o rum1 on ilic WATII I AN!> CMV:K M VKINMi n all iU vunoim '*r iodic*?I' *>?*k' a. every ?!o pt 011 nude, .iml war :? n'f.1 'or lliC r (piaity and | on e.xm.o'.e e:;n*. C^ch can l>c ftii1i.*licd of' II <1, or fllter ry, completely (Inched. \V.itclie. ?>! i.. k ;is < ^lu/uily rcpt-rtiu, uml warranted for'hi*. |xv. ftiii oho on hatul, which will hs ?->/// fa-.? for cotb, ~ gihiliri/ ictu'n.ii/r /, A general aiwortiaent til" NVA'l'CllKS, cosmrixu 01 flold Patent I/sveri 8.Ivor do' ilo (told repeating ?!o (Japt and jewelleddouble bottomed Hunter* Plain do do I'lain single do Plain atop SccomW I>o fashionable double eased English Do do Ficncti AI.SO, fiold, gilt, and steel Chants tin do do Keys Do do do Heals. Anil a general a*nortmcnt of JEWELRY. f'hetter Court-Home f.V t' ) Ike. 16. J' p TIIK COPAKTNfcK&HlP OF W1M.1A.M80N U Ui:UUM?ll, will CJtpil* the l*t 01 January 1817, by mutual content. They cult ?n ?il those .ndehlcd, to muk? arrangement* tor payment, and time to whom tbeyaure indebted, will call ttnd rcccivepayment. ; On the Monday in JanajSHBlfce FURNITURE, ' K,nKto wid e?tnl)li*hme*f^^^k'( ndit ions?All niimi unh, til above, lay# | note* onatamps, witfnBMFendor*cri. C. lTwfM.UMHOV, Mk'm M. J. KUDUI.PII. ^MWyi'AVKltN. npllB Copartnerahip of WtLI.1A MHON h Rt'DUI.PIf JL havmtr l>een dltiolvcd my mutual cotwent. the hud. Mm will hereafter I* conducted by M. J: HUHUI.PIt, who. gratend for the patronage Willi which tlie limit# hat been f.ivorcd, asvurea h'm fhend* and the public, that he intend* to keep accommodations inferior to none Hi Columbia. IIih IIAR w.ll be constantly aupplcd with ihc t>e*t of L <|iior?, mioh n<< Madeira, ) Teiicrilfe, I WINF.S, (|? |?.) fihrmr j Old Jumnicn limn, l it IWfi ' C.ciiMiiK' llollmul (? iii; licit Cojfii ac II: -tii'ly i ! ..-tj l.'tiidoii 1'irte/, firat quality i ?'?* CliO'TI U'l'IIK'O j COW 1)1 M.S. :,n orted? Hjrujis, fce.&f. Al*>?hev. ll.iV.iiit (\\'ooflv':lle) Be far*. lltHtuMo w.H I'lw.iyt lw ?cned with the licat the teaVMi .nay aH'onl, uiid hl.i ?t*l?to? plentifully provded With (Join, 0.?t<, Fodder, etc. una attended by experienced ; ?