M URC I'A L THIS ATY? JAMU8 MAUI80N, J til if the V. Stain * of the United BUitet and ofJiU nic totijMtu, .iaF- ??'Xu o United fetitoa of Atactica and ht 0 M?tfe?t/bfti0g desirous bv a Coriv< julnto thq CoirtiMrco and Naviaiitfi 1 their respective Countries, ttwpi , 'coplc, in such ft manner a s to rftnder tlm reciprocally beneficial nml BatWfnctory. named Plenipotentiaries and them full powers to treatof and conclude f ili^ _i s'Z*\ ? -Ti'T ZKt l^r^mrKi ,p5"Tr Convention, that Jato the President o I nifed States, by and with the advice Bcuatd: thereof, hath ap eir PloWJpbttrntiaries jy),n QyinCy y CUV,. iml Albert Oaiutln, yrf. ed fur the! ipoteiitiariSthe Right I l?n? Frederick John nnobft 'Vic^*miMdent of the committee ?-1vy Cpiincil "for Trade and ' Plantations, ; I'aymabter Of lila Mnjcstv'H forces. and ?? it>cr of the Imperial Parliament, Henrf" burn, Ktn. a member of the imperial Par ?AUt. arid Uhc. or to or from the .1 United States, which shall not equally ex* .d to all other nations. No higher cr other duties or charges shall be poi'Cdln any of the ports of tho Uuited Statos British vessels, than those payable in the ne ports by vcsselaof the Uniteif Slutes ; nor the |?orts of any of His Hritnnnic Majesty's ?ritorles in Ifiurope on the vessels of the Unit ( States than dhafl b6.|uyable in the same ports The BAtno dutien ahall bo Mid on the importa nt into tho United Htatc* of any article* the ?owth, produce or manufacture oJ^lIU llritan c Majesty'* territories In Europe, whether tc!i importation shall bo in veiMiH of the Unit I State* or in Hrittah vessel*, and the aamo ntioH shall be paid on the importation into the urtrf of nny of lii* Hritannic Majesty** tcrritd^ e* iu Kurope of any nrticle tho growth produce r manufacture of the United State*, whether trh importation *hnll he in Itritiah vcmcIm br ? ve*ielK of the United SfatoM. Tho fame duticM *hnll In* paid nnd the *amft otiitiicc allowed oil the exportation of any or* i( ( 4. the growth, produce or manufacture of I ik llritaunic M?joj)ty*n territories in Kurope ii t??c United Hfatetf, whether *uch exportation hull he in vomcU of the United State*, or in ?,u? .?!? xckmoIh ? 'and the name dntie* nhnll be aid 0 d !.?? same hooutir* allowed, on the ex "iitiition ofnny artirle%lhe growth, produce, I* of the lulled State*. It i* further agreed, that in all rase* where It a v. hack* are or may be allowed, upon the re exportation of any frond*, the growth, produce or manufacture of either country, respectively, *he amount of the jaid' drawbacks shall be the 'aiii>i whether the *'i$d good* shall ha\e been originally Imported in a lli-itish or American ve*?el | but whottnuch re-exportation shall take place from the United State* in a llritieh ve* -el. or from' the territories of VIln Britannic MajeMy in Kurope in an American ye**el, to any other foreign nation, tho two contracting parties reserve. to thomsefv#*, respectively, the i thia article, but each party shall _^*,complctepi ofit* right*, , wtercoarw.. ^'**^sdmUted,a!id heritably received at JCipftl settlement* otthc British dobi|n v m the Rast Indies, Hdclicet, Calcutta, , ilnw,' Bombay, and Prluco of Wales' Inland, and Hint tho dt?7,cn?. ofthe said United Statea mfcy fHely carry oit trado/Mween tlio said principal settlements and the ?nld Uitytates jii all articles of which tho imptfrtation & exportation resnectivoly, to and from . tho said territories, sliallnot bo entirely prohibited s provided only, that it shall not bo lawful lor them in tiny time of war, betweent the - British government and any Mate or power Wiateyer, ty export from tho naid territories, without the special permis sion of the British government', 'any military stores or naval stores, or riou. .'ihqdtiy^ns of tho United State* shall nay fob theiilfflrasels, whcil admitted, no higher or othegrdniy . or charge thou ahull bo ptiyablo on th& Vesscf* yf tho most favoured Kuroiieau nations, ami thoV* shall pay nohigheror otficr duties or charges oii? too importation or exportation of the t?i*oes of the Maid vessels, than aliull bo payable o*n the wme article* tvhen imported or exported iu tl^o vessels of the most favoured KuropenlV nation*. , JJut it is eaprtssly agreed, that the v$i>eU of ttpo United ^States shall not carry any articles from the Raid principal settlement!* to any port or jdnce, except ti? sumo port or place in the United States of America, where the same Hhall be unladen. It id also understood, that the permission fronted by thin article, in not to extend to al ow the vessels of the United States to carry on any part of tin coasting trade of tho said 'Bri tish territories, but tho vessels of the United States having, in tho first instance, proceeded to one of the said principal settlements of the British dominions in the Kast Indies, ami then going with thoir original cargoen, or part there of, Iroin ono of the said principal settlements to another* hIwII not bo coiihkIcumI an rjitTyiiiff on tho coasting trade. The vessel* of the' United States may also touch for refreshment, hut not for commerce, in the course of their voyage to Or from the British territories in India, or to or from the dominions of the Emperor of Cni na, at tho Cape of flood Hope, the Inland of St. Helena, or such other places as may be in the poHHcftVion of Great Britain, in tho* African or Indian seas, it being well understood that in all that regards this article, the citizen* of the U n i ted States shall bo subject, in all respects, to the laws and regulations of the British govern meut, from lime tbtirno established. A nr. I V . It sha#c free, for each of the two contracting parties, respectively to appoint Con sul-, lor tho protection of/trade, to reside in tin feifffr other part. ' S:3lSs *^rn-n ???'lliejjhl or Imp,,, , the laws or governmeul ? Y which he is sent, such consul either be punished according to law, if the will reach tho case, or l?o sent back, tl Icitdctl government assigning to .tho otto reasons lor the same* '^njg^ It js hereby declared that either of the W ' trncting nnrlies, may except from the reside! of consuls such particular places as such pai shall judge fit to be no excepted. ? ' Aht. V. Thia convention, when the same shall have been duly ratified by the President of tho United States, by mid with the advice and consent of their Seriate, and by His Britannic Majesty, and tho respective ratifications mutu ally exchanged, shall .lie binding and. obligatory on tho said United States and His Majesty for four year*, from tho dato of its signature, and the ratification* shall be exchanged in six months, from this time, or sooner if possible. Done at London, tills third day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousaud eiuht hundred and fifteen. JOHN O. ADAMS, II. CI.AY, AMIKftT d tf J-.ATIV. FltKI). .?. U<)WNKO.V, v, J l(K\UY (i()(?LHUIIN, . , , WII.I.IAM Aftpjl. Now, therefore, be it known, that I, James Madison, President of tlio United States of A merica, having seen & considered; Convention, haye, by and with ih< Consent of the Senate, accepted, .,?,. Mfl? confirmed the same, and every clause and arti Cle thereof, Hubject to tho exception contained in a i declaration made by the authority of I tin Britannic Majesty on the 24th day of Novem ber last, a copy of which declaration is hereon - to antie|UM^ In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to bo hereunto affixed, and have signed (lie same with my hand, ft .V0o,le tho City of Washington this lv> en v 'ty -second day of December, Jt. D, orie thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and of the lAdepetftlonce of the U. States the dfith. _ : JAMI48 MADISON'. By the President, JAMK9 MUN ItOK, See. of State. I The it ml Chmw vn iMtfict. Thomas D.*ni>cy, Clerk tor llorr/ D.sir.ct. 4 Albert Alliiton, Clerk for York D.amrt. It. (I. Notion, Ordinary Tor ilc..nfi?rt District. J.tiuc* Fura^iulci, Ordinary for Kewlicny Di-ttrxl. Mtdirhi Pord, Ordinary ll?r Colleton l>Mr?t. Willmni I'otts, Onlma*y ft?r Sumter Dintnct. Samuel M.itltii, Ordinary for Kcrdmxv D.ittr.ct llcnry Durum, Onl.oary fur 1 lorry D.atrict. Kpbrmin Lile*, Ord.nfify forCi.e?lcr District. * com. *;fu hwi. in r.nriTr. John M'Cou il?, Comm. in IVjuity for Ninoty-Six B'at. Whitfield n.':>,Co:r>ini*!?ioner IVpnty for Hdgcflcld. Ilcnj. Klliol, H;?gi?tcr in Kcpiity, for Charleston. ri?*c.-tlioiu fur UarmveU D.at. John Young, Com of i/tcationa for (irucnrillc 1> ?*.. Samuel llrown, Coin. H l. tfations for Kcrsliaw Dist. vxX rou.M'ron?. John Hell, Tax Collector for taxington District. John 8. Conv.le, T:>x Collector for Newberry t) itnet. Alex. M'Ntell, Tax Collector for Chesterfield Diitr.ct -riioniM D.i\v?cy, T..x Collector for Horry D.stnct. ' fflDiU. lt.cb.inl Oantt nml Duv.d Johnion, Judges of the Common 1'lcas, Ste. aoiiriTons. JnincvL. 1'cUigrctv, Suite. t?r for the South-Butem Circuit. tlftpointiueul l?j the ttftoVMr. Caleb Clnrke, Solicitor for the Western Circuit. ? The legislature (if (icorgiO, h:.vc passed an act to *1 terthc 3d hcctioit ol' the constuut.on of that t?iatc, in which it 19 provided, that the Uovcrnor klidl he elcctcd by tho people generally, instead of by tho Legislature, in hereiotino. Tins act, howe ver, require* the sanctiorfof ano'4 or 6Cssii)t),uf tit.. i Ixxly before it become* operative. liie Lcg.M uurc of NortlwCArolna adjourned on tlic I 2l?l mU- Amount Important in?a*ltNM, 'hoy huve jipo provision for the improvement nnd extension of in. Isnd navigation. Tho bill for ercct tig a Pl-mtcntiaiy wm postponed with the view of obtaining full and correct information on tho suhjcct t for vvhidi put |mmc cotmnU* sioncr* were appointed to enquire m'.o,the proVable cost, the proper dimension*, and the mo?t c^g.blo situation for such a building, with tho quantity ami cost of ma* tc,on. taiivc*; /ejecting the amount of mwtcy duo this Mate !>y tlw? general government, for lands ceded to tho lat. ovc tlio city of Augusta, Ivis passed the llouso of Itrprcvntativc^ by n large majority. tiro. Journal, $ A Charle?tnn paper, of tho 2.1(1 of Decetybert #aya, 41 the until lor Auguxtii, f hut Ud't this city Oil Saturday la*l, was robbid attmhagi'H Per- . ?"? HuiiUny night. jflPf ^ F.dh >t from the. Jfalit4rrantf$? Bv ilic Schr. 8in lowing Mfor, addressed by Cautiuii <*ain!>lc, of tho Marine#, to Cormnodoro lWcr, on the re turn of the former to tin) U. State* f|k August bht . Captain Gamble (the reader will rwollect) wed left by Commodore Porter with a few men, in charge of. two or thrco Vessels end souieptib tic property, when he sailed from Madison lei - and fur Valparaiso. previous to hU ever-memor*-' ble battle iii tlto Ks:,c\. The following letter cbpiprir.e* all the subsequent occurrences i Cthj if a fethr. Jl+M Vafttun Uvmbk /* Ctf>nfrie ?lck> one Juit recovering , JmHwrta, and alt..?.*> lavigairng tho ship, tfujjffi odth%8aTTdwieli!slniids after a passage of !#? venteen davs, and suffering much fron|ifttlgu$v und hardships. I was there unfortunately cap tured by the Kngliah ship Cherub, remained a. prisoner on board of her seven months, during which time my men were treated In ajnost shameful manner* W'o were then put on shorn a t Itio tie Janeiro, without the po**Hril$rbf get. ting away, until after hearing of the peace. 1 then, b? the advice of the physician attending mo, embarked on hoard a Swedish ahlp bound to Havre de Grace, (thorn being no other mean* of ?;4iting away at that time) leaving behind act* ngVvnTdslii|iman Clapp, and five men, having lost one soon after my arrival in that place with the small pox. On tne first inst. Inf. 47 N. long. 18 W\ we fell in with the American ship Oliver Kll s worth, bound to ildf port.* I took a passago on board of her, and arrived here two days since, after being upwards of an hundred days at sea. I am ut present unablo to travel, and shall therefore a wait either your orders, or tho orders of .tho commandant of the marine corps at this place. $if DtP.n, lately In Newberry District, Jf4in trendemon, ckj l|t?! a rcprosetiUtiro of tbst distr.ct in t>,c tUte It ff ?Im. ?tiro. , TO COttltPAI'ON OftNTS. 8mppro prlato vVVw.rwr'4 <(/>.? fl.'S l>eauttftil lines wiV I apcv.V tlioirownprabe.? Ha future correspondence is solicited. The emy dgried " K," W under consideration, . AVr4/o.? In the tat Ko. of the Tefcteope, In tfe 13th I'ne of the 3-1 article under the heod law TuttUiience, (i?t " according ? a the mwm might fe?t comport? ttoJ " accordipg a? Oie ftc.?17ifi I. re of themmo pumgrftph, f>r " apefio p*yir.enu by the CWf#," rtail " ipofl-e pxytritnN liy the fiunkt." la the. 4th page i* ibe pretcnt \e fcatr IWte? from the bottom of i^re* con i column, f>r " trUn T n e." rmi M tftPf,