In Act altering tho manner of electing1 *11 District m, Kj^'i'U? *'l? power ofelectni* Utc nanio to tlicpOo i Ik; 17 respective district*. [Itercuficr Uto clerks of courts, commissioners of locations und ordinaries, ?e clcctcd by the otttaciu entitled to vote for jnom f KHsciublv i which elections ^hnll Ihj Itoklcn, on thr oiuUy .ma tlio in Equity, itt Columbia, in the fall one week, wj us olinijf die Court III Chsrlcato:, *l|d declur.tig Hint ik' u in shall lie entered ami exertion* issued m die ivoa l'lcus Court," *n Clurleston, Although the term .?ntled, unaffected by the creation of ivNww Circuit, l>srtict)bir timet Um|t lu? been found to l>e nicniiveii.. , i.nd renders the due performance ol tlie duties pre* lo%co .'iidinent enables tli%|.cgiilaturo to remedy these de* *. XVIieti tliof bill shall have passed Ik a vow ?i" iu.. ?dsof both Houses of ' the next legislature, it u li la - ic a pan of tho constitution. In tins it pa?->e-J w ait y ii'ie di?seni.ent 2. Art Act lo' rmutt supplies for the >ear 1813, i mr oilier ptuiwwi, I'l'lie t?xcs nrc 43 icm? cwry gluil value of Unit, ft I per head on ?uvc. ill .?tfes -ml coad. lions, %2 on eveo free nc#ro, tint ;> or muatrnic, between Hie ages ?i IS and -l 3 i 43 ceiii? I'lU'jn'iu on lot# and hu.ldiiigi in town.i mid Village* t? Hilar per Bluu on (ul stock .n trade, l;?ctor.>ge, employ. iu, lucuh.ei ..mi pr.ii'cM.otu (clergymen, icaclicrn am. exccptcl ;) ? three doli?r.< |>cr ilay for oxiiibii play* mid hIiowk. Persons u.xJile properij i. n lite sUite and reading Williom me Iiiim* oi ilic I . luilpiy ? tr.pplc lux, except they arc abroad ill tin ??cool the 8tatcor U. Suite*. The Pnuen.x Comprint nittcd to juure as heretofore, on p.i> .ny ft3i*w .nm tre^ury. T ixe? to l>c paid tn ?|>eu.c,' p.i(>ei invd.iunJ nc note* of l-'ic ncorporatal bank ; ot die Hiate. Ta.v leclor-t allowed J 4 per cent. lor cniieii.on*, except in Philips and 8k. M.cfucl's, whriv (I ivy .ire ut.uwcd only ii* faJiw. Cinrici Hiiiknev and tlic oilier >ecur.tiC4 0t ?*?l D.ylez aiiuwcd uniu Jiimi.iry, 1?1 7, to pay then n.n.Min fur ilte year lHli, tWtJovcnuSV'a ibda^r, K2572 ? iMtvemor's Hecre.urj tj ? fut Ute7 Jmtges of Common I'lcns, $2572 cach? tdjro-i of Ktjuiy tlic M-uiio? Attorney General forgiV ? c ;r.o? to U?e tlorcmor, and other public olllccrs, aim ?->? diile. RlvKW. Comptroller ( and Clerks - Conunjferit cxivciiccs of ujijkt division hWct d v""? Jt^-K ^t orVTMort . Kiuib^^i.u* Colle?5 ^Je^li-^m.ry of IVoftttsor i glOoo? i'^y of nid to College KiukM? To take in> -Mier Mthl.liin BWdl -~T4^Mi?icht rooroi IttMOlbrt RSoO? ?v-"' '^v/? OiC.'k n the 'I'reaiiirv, (Jlibriv^ton lolpi? yj? K ILimnvond, Coliegt] Htew^rd far tnZni o. a Hnidenuj, l;k> | A . I). Jlarby, f,,r iS ^'TlSSJ S VJS?'Vm- ^tcr.MitcM? iln. iX Pay mailer tiemralN l?cn;irt. Kv ifflf, 'tea: ?#? #S! l\ *?? Itooni fi,,- lyftfUlfcV.rv J ? Hintd ft5~ Jutncsj pv.njf Ablicv.lle M&. r n^tnc iKi'iy . ixl itt F?l((i'fkUl 5tJ i rur miiKi'iig t>ntrl j?. , . , Ik ?i ? i* ??'t Ja I .k/J i do. NcsvlKsrry C. II. 100 1 do. It r'M nil j? I .I'M i il >. lasx.ii|(ton jail ; do. Hparti?n> Ihk,; (!. II. AitO ; Mart.n Witt tor iK-^ro excrmi'd 122 1 Ik.v d Tti.nrr for do. 122 ?, J.'ti 'ib ug*\vorlh tut tfo. 1JJ} II. Cuiipbell, for ropa.r Clerk * IviOin, Colleton "i i i H. (ixiie., e..:iTyitij( reiuiiiH J1 i tl'inrterniJWtert w 8th ll?*jj 'i.cni of Cavalry, .119 i 'I'li'iina* Haley for Wit neHi1. I'JL: \ t4t*.?sor of Hi. I'n>i.pi .?nd Ht. ^idiwl'n 3M | F.i:- I'. ?.*V? 'i'h>is .17,000 1 oi llorry ' ? C*rson fo.* an Indeui lilt H.iul Huloinon's f??r ?>)' 1 fum .*hcd in. I. tin 4h\ , Ii (.'liiipimiii lle|rairs on S ..?! Iloii ?? H-iii ire, H2.? I?.'inli \ p<-r*X# t i'a n . ,. ,i,, st .!?? II..UM- 1 John M'Kce l>r.iij(.iijf a pr.yon* '?l; Hen llui-kner fd ?, \. M'Kee fur de b's Of.. .VKIudil. ?...??< - " . .s. .?? ncc l'ir uc* 3'JU additional eojnes of iieUaml l>r m?j ; 'rier ll. vision I'l.illos 1 f r i-vrrv k n.? ll.-^ule Inspee.torH lo ?ui|K'Hii n liii>;< npfniiiHt tin Tii tinas lliin lion, mil M'oii icrttt.n pas. i ate To purrhaM If ? ????> ???* 1 Ih'^ tons lor I 1 1 1 i\ C'svalr), !? r ?? .? Ii M.htia Ollb'er, iv?'i-nor t/f jiun lu a-? <)llinr< to ?l?-t i\ ? r Ixmk* ' s'll'fl I S Nn art t.? fit tlu> value ol' t/ftuU '"I lliis Kt intnK Hie o i ; pr.tiii* inland Kit 2-1 quality tin. H 50 i ttl ij'iultij ?lo. barren* contijfitotn t i nit mailt ant nliifitt nw?ni|M Iiikj at from ono dollar and 20 to 30 ccnU per acre. Chut J\y 10, nil the lands in tlto ftiriahes of Bt. Philips .tud Hi. MicIl-vcIs, winch shall be avteued ai tlio house* and lots in Cliarlcston ure. No tux to bo laid on propert) belonging to rcltflous, literary or charitable bbdies.? There arc a number of provisions to Insure the collection of taxc* aiul to puuith ucliiKpicuts.1 10. An Act to alter and tunond the Militia Ijaw*.? ,Kvcry ofllccr declared by a court martial iiicompeicnt to dUcluruv the duties of InsofHcu to, be cudncrcd, tliuiaid Court .MurtmU 'to bo ordered by Oflkcra commanding1 Itattalion*, Regiment*, llrigade* and D.vistotu and on M.?jor-pp;ovcd by commanding officers, andl are (lien fluid. ? Olficer* cashiered di olllcer* in the militia to Ih'Uic same as lit tlic V. S. Anns , iiic commandment of a Iteg.inent to l?c Colmiel, tlie 2il illlcer l.t. Colonel. 'Hh ejcli company a captain, I'lMi lieutenant, 2d lieutenant and R'wi|pi? Khaiu ol hucIi |K.nN>us a* d.ed or wire k.lled >n KCrvtSdurmg the late war. [Kacli widow to receive 30 dollar*, and cael. child 20 |>cr annum, to ceaso when the Widows murry, ?r the Children attain the age of 12 year*.] 18. An act to authorize the collcct, on of interest on Judgment* uiul Decree*, >avul I'ciei >.on ami Nathaniel Williams, who had purchased lands un ler the authority of the State. .1. An act to extend the power* of the, commiss.oncrt. formerly authorised to dram certain swamns- on Htono, io dram the swamps and savannahs formed, uy the North' Ki*t branch. Beveic penalties.' nro ciutctcd against those wImi hinder the work or obttJruct tlie drains. 4. An uct to incorporate th? Circulating Library Socio ly, in Cluster district, and tho Ixtdics Ilcnevoleni Soc.ety n Ueaulbrt district. 5. An Act authorisin gtho sttperintet haw Indiana to institute actions for tn "?ibwr l?od.and to oritrain for Hsft; ...4 i S?lJ^S^nfirm the divis.on of ttic City of t "I into four Waril*, us nirawit Vj an jmji |ru? 19, 180?? amMor other purposes. ? 7. Aii act to establish one or more, the profits of which shall l>e to the erection of Masonic llall*, for the Crand Ixxlge of Botithroductioha of thasame pen, yrh.chthf diffident and modest author never thought of |>r?*ent? ing to Ute view of tho puhl.c. SALl'UA. TIIR TEA 118 OF 8CIKXCR. AT the teat of Instruction, where once the was blcisM, Fair set user. sat mourning, with sadness oppre*s'U : Iter maps and her volume* lay scntter'd around i Her globes all in fragments w?"r? strcwM on the ground filiert! lay in rude tatter* die often*-, Tlra watte and destruction of genius immense. Hhc wettt, shook her head, and w?th angunh began? " Alas ! for the boy that believes he's a man, When Ins stature grow* tall, and his fingers begin I'j'o ttroke fl?? toft down that comes over Ins chin i AVIien Ira talks of assemblies assume 1 the line air, Falls in Ipve, as Ite calls it, and dreams of the fair ! This scltool and these students I claimed for my n< Here my precepts were uttcrW, my maxims matte It ( displayed the fair honor for wenM niy treasures?around me they came, And I rotis'd their ambition for glory ainl fame t They heard me &ith rapture i I saw m their eyes Fair Imjie, emulation and genius arise ; I huti'd die gla.nd <-x|M'ctation I t saw, with despair. I low soon (hoy forsook me to wait on the Pair. Wh.le / talkM of planets that roll'd in the skies, 77 W>- thoughts wens on dimples aftd beautiful c)cs i / i.? d down positions and strove to CXjdain? draught of Klut, and Mary, and Jane ! 1 ? :i\\ a fme youth, as apart be retirM, Who seem'd with the ardor ?if Ic i ruing impir'd i ll.s lMx>ks and Inspen lie disposed in due place, \nd deep hues oi llnnking were markM m Ins fnfe i Sweet I rape itt mv breast was Iteginning fo swell, And I lov d the ll written? ll?e letter* were acaihiM i'Uc initial* arranged to promote the gn, And hm gcmUN WM working to get the Aral line ! I ahtit up my EmcI'kI ? 1 bluthM
i*np|KMtt|)or:titco in greater I presume than the di5ap|>o'intiucnl of the public, though it c annul deny to my self-love the grat (Uation of cherishing ? hope tint it lias been looked fur with some degree of solicitude by many, atvl vlut Its appearattco will be |welconied by all. Tin- |>..pcr it now l>cforc the public, nn?l must *pe.ik for itttll'i yet be.njj in the la*diti|f firing* ol mliuicy it up |>carn lo lev* /e new ?|>a|x.r lorinuraiit. Whrn-tcr rc<|ime?l by the nuin'ier of lulvert Yemenis, mm jiM lWa by the liberality ol (>utrum>tfe, the kiVte of the |>:?|kt khitll lie increased. f V lit a wmnjr man wlio i? nu>k dig lui fir?t e?*ay in, into whose umbii.on it in to gmn a re|mtat.on m an honor.. blv nut useful |inr?nil, lie ltd cu ? it will l?c nculicr iiideco rpll? nor to ljCt|H'ak, .a th.? manner, tli(j I.1V01 of tin; I.Ural niyl tnl ghtciied. Si:hscnpt.on p:iJKiQji:>ve been sent to ever)' I'ost-MaMer, but the formality of ?nb. ncrib ng m not necenv.ry ; it >* ?.iiiBc.eitt to'y a wi?n to iccvivc lite i>a|>crs, ami to forw.iWl the >csenl>er* who Imvc not already paid die .dvancc will perce. *c thut accord. ng to the tej^iu three dollar* arc now due, winch they Will plcaMs to remit. The legislature ndjourped on Saturday la??, uftci pa? ^9 licit i a few only of wli.rh were for local or temporary purpokCii. The greatest unanimity of ojuuioii iiu|i|uly preva.lcd on inott of the kiihjerti which came uituer consideration. Sketches of a few of the ocb*;c< w.ll appear >11 tlua and iU yne or two kiihi>c<|ucnl numl>er? 01 the Tcltocope. ^ It. chard (iantt, F.sq. of Kdgefield. anil David Johnson, K*q. of Un on, luve licen elecied Judge! ol die Courts ol Law, m consequence ol the retigiNUion ol Judge llicvard, and of the rreut.on ol un uddit.onal Circuit In the new or South Kastcni Circuit, .Mr. I'eit.grcw, was elected Solicitor- The election of a Solicitor, in plaic of Mr. Johnson, wm poat potted. In consilience ?>f a representation by tip Committee to vHl^um the subject h?l been referred, thutthe rtxnn appro* l*iuted to the Chy nuci^l Depurttnent, in tho College, w-? and to icconmiudulo ,, wwi tbi ?*tulo#oplncal Apparatus kept in tl.e t*me room wu liable to u\)ury from the uc.d and oihci tubManoe* employed in the Chymieal cxpcr.ment*, the legislature, on' Wednesday but, passed a rc*olut?cn up. prnpriating a sufficient turn to build a hou*c tor Umj ex clusive use of that scltool. Mr. Ooilvib, on Saturday week iMt, delivered before the, Member* of the Ixg.tUtiuc and a largo assemblage of citixens, an Oration, (lie object of wli>eli win to eon* voice the Member* ot die Legislature and tlic public, tliui the interest aiMl honor ot the nation would be promoter to un immeasurable extent, by establishing professorship* of oratory in the Amcr.cwi Colleges. It mint, no doubt, to gratifying to the citizen* of the State to learn Uiat Um> Legislature liave adopted measure* ('or establishing, by alow, yet regular means, a Liumahi, for tlieuio of *U Members, the Jud.c>ory, &c. Tito .in* portaitee of, this to correct, expedition* and cnligntencw iegitlation, was explained in a ncai and perspicuous iiwii ner, by Col. Itayne* the chairman 01 tlio Hook committee, wlio reported Uio project. A small sum is appiopriatet! uffct up one of tliiS rooms ?n the Htate-Hotisc, for uic ro* cepi.on 01 the lluoka, and to proetue tliu semens ol u Librarian. Prtiidenf* MenatfC.?\\ ?* highly gratifying to me to l>c able, hi tin: initial inuniicr ol 't'licTele?co|M-, vo p.e?ciit niyi liulucriUi ? ? .tli no auciuititiK ,.iui ?. ..mauie u iiottuiieiii an tlic Message ol tin: I'ics.itciii ul the L'liueu Stales In lliv Fourteenth tJongie.**, ut theopriiiitK <>i .is lir .i sc*?inn. 1 is written ill the |K* si) le oi e.ejjaiice ihstiii. IguiOies all the proiluci mns o, NJ.. M.(.ii%on'? (* i, and Iia (liberal and View .t lU *.^o, ,i .l.ei.m.uoi inep..|Ki Wollld |H'rill|t'i bill III* IIMI.1I-. 1. 1. 1) tints cal l) llaVC UlC ?..? ti*f?ct.oii oi know .11^' tli*i iii) v.iit import*, U continued until (lie .Jutli day oi In i io, lMlo ; that the pi c?Ciil mi postage Ik* c?ii< tiniied i tliat the ll.rei i 'IVx lie t educed Iroin ?,x to ihree Millions ol dollars i thai the on tliu ijnanhly ul (l.?tilleil spirit* he diseuut.iiucd alter the Jutli day oi June, 1810, mnl hi I.cii thereof, that t lie duty oil licenses to distiller* '>e doulih il niter Miat da) ; that the duties on articles manufactured ill the United Slutts, and on hniistli'dd furn.turc mid watches, lie ic|ie.iled lie rccotciii.elids a National Hunk, at Philadelphia with llraii ehin, whose slock shall lie one fourth cadi, and three fourth* government ?ecuritic*. Tho faint hope* that weie lately excited hy ah article lilt a Norfolk |>a|>er, of the safety of the Wasp, are com pletely diMipated. 'I'he grate of its brave < rew is doffhl io?? the element was the scene ol glory. CJ?nera1 Jft'jksMi, the hero ol the west, is now at Wxili ington eity, whvie he has Ikxii received with time dis tine t ions which ate due to h.s pre-eminent services. Tht Danish Minister to the I'nileit Slain, Mr. Pcder* son, was on the 1st, received and ack'tvtvfcdgr ? . by the I'i^iUcitt of tlic Viutcd^tntiJ: Moat or tlx 8ln(c li&UlaturM ore now in tcast^PPM Governor of Virginia i?commcndi tbe buptwcm&ejp*^ Inland Navigation, ami tbe construction of icvewf?^' turnpike roat^, particularly the mail routo thn/ the atttcjs luiin nor 1 1 1 tp ninth, from Ablngtott to tl.e l'otownv.c, w * t >rUto Blue Il.Ogc.niKl the ro.-uU leading fWrtn the westward U> the inurJio t towns. If adventure radiough m ? nut f?unck. The tiovernor icconnncnd# aointi rcguhtioti* ttv i|tccting the arming oftlie m.litia i of 57,000 auiml oturnv* lielonguig to the'*tutc, he believe . not one-fourth to Ik? ! be found or fit toi; Krvicc. In Sorth42arolina, tlic (!ov? ; ci no;; called tlie attention of the lx-g.>bture to Internal Na ligation ?nd to mi amelioration of the I'coul Code. Mr. Murphy, chairman of their committee on Inland Naviga tion, liu? delivered ill the Hcnate n moat eloquent and lu inmotu report, in which it m rceonni.ciuled to form coropc ? tlie* to improve the navigation ofltoanokc, Tur, Neute and Cupc-I'ear ll.vfrt, nnd the *tatc take the uecc&suty <|ii:int ity of Htoek after individuals have Mibserihcd i A bill li.v? been ordered inconfnitnity to tin* recommendation.?. The committee on that pari of tl.o nicwgc winch iclatvf lu the penal law*, have reconin.cnde I the ci vet ion of n 1*6 nlicntiary? a measure it is believed will be adopted. ? The l/^giidatui* of No;th-C .>vid Stdhc, Esq. icogncd i :uul The lxg.MLitiilC of V irgillia h:?ve e'.cctcd John W. Kppci P.?q, a Senator of Uie.L'mtcd Staler, vice Hon. William 1). t.ilc*, rcn.gncd'. NRW8.? Tlwrc is no ijcw* of importance afloat. Tho ot:ly items worth notice, uie " the Kiiigot' hjciiii lias Uift li>* fclm.stry, mid more tolerance y. uapcetcd to , p.tva.l theic.. ? K i.jf l-'juis'i parl'aii.c'it lo v-.le, hilt the people u.-e uny u.tiil ..i.v. .. . ? Tmr Drtl.slt pariiaii.cnt i* prorogued, m> that ti.i- oju..i;*.Uon ?if tlio iluiic* will not afl'cct t5iCi.jr. MiK imp n ations.-? King Alu i*ut| wlio wirt some time i.i, lus m^'Ic It.s e-.c/|tc. The Kmpr.or ot H>i?>ia anu K.i n' o> have left Fiance.? The MaiHiti>c\uri r? aru .iwl a; I. '.erpoot, liavo jf.vcn MXtiray not to depar". tor A me: ex. ? Lvirpooi ac ?-ounta to Oct. 27, say tlu! a note to l. i lolti.iKi mae re. wed hy tlta*. The French cxpics great (litaaimlaclion at l>eing depnved ol lhe?c troph.e* oi their victor.cj. II) a late observation uuitv liy Mr. Jiflcrson, it appears llui the Niirdi IV;.ke of Oner, tile highest luotmtaiii ill too tiiateoC Virginia, ?* 3,103 fret h.glicr tlcui die hurluccoV Oner ll.rcr. | ? TO COUItF^l'ONUn.NTS " Saluda" t* inu.rmed lint L ?hall be mucli gratified hy llic rejiet iiiou ol ii.i> I'uVurs. " '1 lie Tram of 8c.wict', cannot lad to plc4?c, mid tl*s author, it Juiown, I am con fident would lie a favorite w.tlt tlie puln;c ? but Ins up parent d.flUlencc may lie the rcnci\c uii|iu>e?? hy a coricct judgment. It ?* iiiiially the d.cvaie of pmdcuco for a wnicr lo hear the award* ot crit.cisni upon It.n work*, be fore he export* to tlx: giurc ol noior.viy. M Zk*<>' hit n?i, giitd hinutew a ,ii the *c?lc of gc iv. us which 1 cannot admit, to Kt correct. 'l'iioiigli lio uiayuot be elevated to u poetic fervor, he htw warmth c n>Mtgh of drought And expression to baimli every feeling of it g.dity. He shall he .mroduted to the public, f #.Urank " I ?tineiiinsrt," fur lit* friendly ndmonitivmi* ,.vl inform hint ho has ample necunty lor tlir,ir re garded, uah.a opin.oim conictpoiul exactly my own. Correspondent* arc resocctlully informed that tlio post ?gt> ot alt letter* to tlic Kd.tor mu?|bc |>aid, or tliey w.ll mil lie taken out ol the l'out4)ifkc. Tint precautionary notice is not the icsult of my own cxjiericucc-; hut occn ,.?>ned hy impositions which luve lieen pruct.scd upon o then. If my iriendnpny po.itage ut>on letter* tlmt ought io have been at my own expencc 1 tfluill atway* lc careful tocicditthein fur die amount upon my book* j and to guard against the possibility ot the om union to do th.?, I icqueit they wilt also make it a subject of c) large upon dieiw. ?.yA lift*- ? 111 MAIIIUBD. Ill Columbia* few dfcj i, igu, Colonel Abrnliam Warni ng, ot C'amdeiii to Mim Caroline lk.&?uMUi?, daughter ?u ihc lion. Jiulgc We** Ufeiirc. DIP.I), 1 In Columbia, on .Sunday ia*i, Colonel Muggins, -Mnator ironi .iur.% l)o la Ma.*, forhicm /nrve> . r.^vncfa). ? f balm* At Auction. V&TflJL .eomnicnrr, on Kn>! in*tt. in If tlu' llmi >c o|>|x?Hiic Ih*. flrcch's T %??? n, .lit- >.?ic '>I>.s, n-. ?? f?t tin*. t'illow.nj{ nrlit'lc* J ? Hii|k:i fiw \j ii ( l..'lix ;unf fine (;.i*?nncrc4, line 1 Foir?-*i Cloths, roisin.ou 0-4 d?> ?lo. IIi>iii!mi/.i'(U, UiiilircllAAj Toil.ncU*, S ik? lor IKmncls, '?? ? tfUK H.Ik ll.-tMlt'rctiiCiD, w hit ?? Omi'.n Porl.ct m ?. ???, Cu'.on l??ct, ?M' X"?'ck II.M\(lcrch luw(,'..ikot*?, J,?r?ifH t tw, Canihr.c ?!??. colorctl Thiiu.l, (11 r ii i gh jf ;iwl CMtur.C. < I'.n-f, ir?ni<" ??? inv.I \t> ?,,j. ? ., s||l|llU III iHfd OI lew or ho H-ptir*, mill has convti. eat |ot f,jr ? gl,r<|(.n Mtiiclicil to it, U-jiiif nearly uii term hi cxtriit. Tliciii . .... w . V MllVV ??l?V iMiildinM rm (lif Int. 'I In* II'mim? In* two rooms tlic gro>iiul i1<>- rare two cxrtllcnt i.fllrev?otio vcrv fit f< r ;i k.trheit, In* W.ills IkmiiJC pl&ntl'tCil itll lixil'fl, :it!il tlio fl.rtir J>HVC;?ly nt tlii? offiie. I .It lVor I, 1ft 1 5. -?nnof UN RV MjKN I'lVl N'l'F.itH. OVKor two Juiirntf) nu n I'r inter#, win ? arc komI work men, unci of *te?(U lubil*, will inert With employ ment, by iimncdiuto Cirtion (it thufOfihe. Ikremlter 19. IOM'I'^HUppOiiC'd tullUVI! bectl lel'l at HUH.' i tlcm-in'* toofn, oo XVAI.KIXt; STICK, l.tu k-J.orn !tcsi?l uiwt t'lvcr toji, w.tli the iuiIio o?iIh- iiWiier cnjrmr J ? it, Ii JTo Icmvc it M the 'Ve >*i c>ft Ofict U<*. 19, 1815 ?