ROBERT A. YONGU Ba-COLUiM H ZA, S. 0. BiEds leave .to call tie attonon of hi riends and- the publilo ghh Large and handsome Stock OF JEWELRY, &c. In addition to his former stock, lie has just teceived mt new and extensive amortment of GOLD' and SILVER - WA'rClES, Mntmitel CLOCKS of every 'variety, Silver and 'lated pre, a large variety ; 11lltary and Faney Goods; Guns, Rillem, Sportsmain's Apparatm, fine Pocket and 'able (ntlery, and a large assortmentofFANCy G00 i4. ili prices will be fonnd, (in examnination, to be tiu sooderate us nt any othter entallislhinent * the South. Thankful for past ihvors, he 0o cits a continuance of the Intronage of his ormerfriends and customiers. March 15, 1851. 210 ly. -CE ! ICE!CE! UIE COLUMBIA iC E HlOJsE ins heeni - entmirly re built, so as Lto be capable of holdingeoveral thousatd tonts of ICE, nd is now opened for hlie season. Every facility will be aflorded to persons living at a distance to sOuply-thmn regidarly. It will be set oll'every morning, if desirable, by rail rmo, passemger or fre ght train; and the railroad ugemts havin kind yofred to give every facility tor its tranmspor tation. Wo will always have U. mmanm at th1e diTereit depots to receive returned blaikets, boxes, &c. Costofice two centts per pomid; drayage, boxes-and packing37 conts; charges On railroad - ill bo from 25 to 50 cents per 10) pomdtl. wOATWiG11T & BlmjKu I.()(, Propriettor. N. 3. lamnkeis are a very conveniient mmle of transporting ice. Blunketsm will bie furniIhed at cost. Allay 10, 1851 28 tf $100 REWARD, W LI. be given for the apprehensionmand de livery to the Master of either Worklimse ini Charlestona, or any jail in the State, ofISA AC, sometimes called John lBrown, wlo, witmomu any known cause, left the James Hill l'amta tion on the 20th of Otober last. Said fm-llow is 5 feet 8 inches in ieigit, mustee complexion, smart, intelligent spolenm, amd is a Carpente r lay trade ; and whon lust heard f was min tlie imwer country, oal MeCord's pmlniotion. Fifty dollairs. in addition to the above reward, will be paid * upon proof to conviction (if his being huirhored or employed by a white or colored person. Apply to- J. & J. 1). K i t Kl'AI'lt IIT. March 29th, 1853. 22 if. HENRY NUTT, Factor and Forwarding WILMiNGTON, N. C. Will give prompt personni natention to the same, or forwarding of Cotton, Naval-stomres or any other produce, or to the purchase and forwarding of Merchatdise. REFERtENCt: E. P. IALr., Pro't Br'i B'k. Wilming Dr; Tos. 11. VarttT, ton, 0.- G. PARSLEY, Pre't C'l 1'k. N. C. Gen. W. . iAtLn.., McDoxar.n & Ciaw1,Fronn, "INInon, Co. V. . Cnvut frs, G L . W. -MCCAL.t, Darlington. Maj. W51. HA:NswonRTu, JOHN J. MonnE, 1Smter. Oct. 4, 1854 .19 Iy. Just Received, LADIES' Boottees and Walking Shoes, G ni ters, Kid-Ties, &c. Gents' Calf lloots, and Boottecs, Ladies' and Gents. Over Shoes. Also-A fine assortmet of lHardware, Tin - Ware, Sad lery, &c. I "ancy Goo(Is. Ladies' Wood and! Moroca Work-Boxes, Puf'-Boxem, Port-Moniea, Segar-Case', Brace lets, Hair and ''ooth Brnsbes, Dressing, Tuck, :an:d Piobket Combs, &c. Books, ke. Novels, Poetical Vorks a;nd Sohool Bloolks, and a fine assortment of Stationary. GROCERI ES. Brown, Clarified and Crmshed Sugars, Rio und Java CofMee, MIola es, Cheese, taisotns, Dried Figs ,lomr, Candl-s, Soap, 'a, Starch , iedeA., ardine.s, Ginger Preserves, &c. Also, a fine assortmentt oft Caoiking Utenmsils, For sale by .l. T1. 8OLOMO1NS & CO M larchi2ith, 1851 21 if Dyspepsia Can Be Cured!i PAULDING CQLUN'r, D.TaN, GA., Auagust 26ith, P1854. MUr. C1irAn.EsI UKALug, *Dnn Sin: For sev'eral y'ears past I 'a have been se erely ialmle wishm sick hemadm. ?/ aches, and after tryinag every thig I could think of, anid reciving tno benmelit whmatever, I at Iast gave amyself upi as at comlirmed. dyspeptic. But. hearinag of yotnr pmrepatra tioni, "iThe IHalsomt of Life,"' I conctludie - to givo that a trinmi also. nimd parmcured two bottles froma vonir Agent Dr. 'T. A. Da.rgtan. of Darinagiosi, S. C., and froazm the timte 1 began to take it, I heave not laa a statgIle a ittack oh hteadachea, andt noaw tet I in htopes that even theo twvo bottles im~ae madie a cure of mne. But learinag thmat I may have a relapse, I hatvo detaerinted to caa'nt inute it lohger. and I enaclose you $10 Ol foar wich.I you will please senal its many boitt!es ns is eustomary for thati ;amoauntt. Ily Rail Road. Rer-pectfully youtrs, -K.. P. S.-PlIease forard lay exprenss train Se pt. 6, 18~54 -15 t Seek and ye Bhall Find, * Elotii g of Everyv Kisad. - C. PHI LLIPS wottha respectfuy 11'itn ~nrma the citizents of Sumtter, thmat lie is ridw-receiving atnd openting, nit time store formerly occupied by WV..J. Francis, ammni twvo doors above Perry Moses', a well as sorted stock of Fall amid Wierni R endy -11Made Clot:imag. a-> ---A LSO. ~roceries of all kintds anda descriptions, whch he will. sell at time lowest pri ces for Casah.' Mr. Phdllips wotnld also intimnate, thmat he will open a 'Tniloritng Estblishmmeant ver'y soon. Hie solicits a share of pub. lioK.---nsto received a fresh etipply of Ale andPorter. - C. Phl L LIPS. -'Nov. 8, 1854. '2 t( BOOTS, SHIOES, TRUNKS, 6 GAITERS, &C,, &C. - dHFE Emporium of Fatsihian andi Qatality, thelar-nay bae fpund a. complete assortmenit of L.Iddles'. MIeias' Boys' Maismas atnd Childireams' >H Ioofs2$ljoes, Gaiters,&c., of almt:4t every style ~aK~'.nd qualiit. They are fresh goods anti are mill - arrated togive satsfactoion. x~?~t door to R. C. Webb,& Co. 1854- 'JI tf N&8R CARSON &SON, - COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, " $4 CfARI1XSTON,S.C. A f JNOfe, Boyce 4 Co's J~ W ICAIWO .tsi on Whaarf. ijk~tadw thef care,i Choice Old Brandy and WINES. We have now in store onme very supe rior Old Brandy, which ias been ielected by ouirselves, lor mnedicinal purpomes. Its age and nIlildiness toge'tle-r with Its purity, viII Ie of great Coniisequeice to ilnvalhIis who ure necessitatedgW to use it. ----A L' ,-- -. A variety of very seiect \Vines, consisting (of Old YIedeira, Old Port WIn41, 1Irowun Slac ry, I'ale S Carry & Paar1c Claret Witac, Imported by ourselves, all of which we warranut genuine, and of the very best (Iluldity. For ,ale by ROATWItlTGAI & UARKULOO, Court IIoutse Raige, Colunbhia, 8. C. July 26, 1864 39 tf Boots and Shoes for Sale! W. s. W oDn. an crIer na-d S)-enier i a Boots, Shoes and Plantation Brogans, . I 5 aicharis.osa Street, Columbia 1, C. A'S if,%% oil hiatn a opteisrm't oI the above :nti.:lus, which are ollbr. ed at Ii lmlvest pi e -s Tor CASHI or its ecl'iivalent. 11is stock (if I'laitiaion ll rogants is well northy thle atten-1tion ol'Phanters, coinsistino ol \ 's nled imd e'gged .Broganis alid St ich-Dowilns, A genera I as-rtment of I Milisses :tiid Chilrinis S1ioes ofall classes, ---\LSO Gent's fine Dress, 3113) ;and Stitlhed 11oots of his owit iniinlitctu re, to which le invites an ex;m In intiol, -A .80 ininio.s of ali desicriptions. Fitne Freti-hi aitl American Calf tS'kitis which will be made to order It the shortest no. Lice. W. S. WOOD, 11,5- Itichardson-st., Clumtiz~bia, S. C. Oct. i1, 18.51 .50 t A. BROIDE, Dealer it ProvisionsJ, Flour1, RA ACOX, G OC KRIAES. 3WIkS. LLQUORS, 16'.I RS, TOLAUCO. TA'E. S, &C. ALS 0, Plantation Supplies and COUNT Il Y PR [>)iCE-. TEA, M OLA81-8. CII Il1SN, &c. 1 14-, Richardson S/rect, CO2LlU.3it, S. C. March 15, 18. 20 ly. SU M' tVILLE, . . -. E. MiOstuaaers! Olrhrs for sale at the store f'orierily oceni. pied by B. Greeivaidd, next door to the ofice of Capt. F. Sniiter, a I lRG IE and well selected stock of PA L.1, AN 1) WIN TER Ready Mado Clotilng of all gnahi. ties and szizes, which ie will dispose ot at least Itrenlyfire pr cent lower than ally other hont.e in town. The puhic are re pectfully invited to call and examinie for I eiselves. J. SCillM WR IN, Stuperiicadan lt. Oct. 4th, 18 1 .19 tf A. ANDERSON, Niitmterv ille, %. O. JRispLcifulhly iiinrm the p*eople iof *nm ter I )isic at h ii~ e ha,, just reeile .1 aind nlow oflern for isale thme bies. selected andt mosit chtoice stock of Fall aissd WViaiter Goods, Thlat caniiot h, suirpasswt h unthting in this imarkcet. lIeh has received maniiy now styles which purchasers nt uiil do wellh to t-xainei be fore hoiying else wheire. ,V 1ES'T IN(G S A full and hirge sotluty of ITisiery, Shirts, Drawiers, G loves, Suspend~ers, Cravatsu, 11land kerchiefs, &c. &c., A large assortenit oif ItJCA I)Y MADIC CLO T1IIING, wthichl will lbe sohl how. D uj/ Ga rmenits mtanniitutred thv lie stubcri her, ainid wa.rraned to give samtis~ht'tion. Or d~ers from a1 dhitance- promtily attiended..i to. A. ANOIitSON. Sepjt. -tth. ]85 1- if Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, &c, Ala~uactu, i m',Iimetria iI Wholesale amll RetadsiI Dea),.lier in /iho1t, Guns, Tioietlher weith a goeeral aissri tient of IV. E- Coi'. of W's Val~t tasad SMecesad NIi'Ett" Paiiladel4~plajia. All if whbich, anid siteh other airtwties as beloi to hiis l ine of itn.-intess, will be 1ohl~ as low as enl lhe aitlardied by anyv estiablishi. ment in the Un iitedf Stateus. Itt testiiony o1 his si i as a mnanuttfact iir er, the Frankm luIistitlute of P'hd adelphtia, hais awa rde'd to himt sineo I$10, two) certi cates, six silver mnedlaIs, and nil tincal preiun; andti in I185 , i le Crystil Pa1;late of New Yoi rk, awa rded to lim'iia mtedl , I le ottly onie awariled for Shut, G unis and Ri fles int lhe Uniiited States. "~ rider's Spo~rtotg Ainecdotes,'" ill is rative of certain variet ins of Amluercani G;ame, with rematfrkt ott the Character of lie Doug, Field Dntres, Snipe, Woodcock, Rail, Part ridge, Du)ckI andi Pidlgen matchI shootinog, oin the RIen Ilutinlg or Read Birtd, Grass Plover, Ililulieaiied or Gobiler Plover, Cainvass Bluck and Red holede Duck. Amnericant W Igeon, Senupij Duck anid Canamda (Goose.-Price $1.00. Addrests .IOIIN KRIIER, Second anti Wa 1nut, Ph iladelphl*iat. Aug .10, 1854. d4I ly. ILJLS HOUSE. THOMAS -4.NICK ERSON Proprie tor, . CHARLESTON, S.C. Feb 29, 1854. 18 ly. PAVILION HOTEL, IH. L. BUT1"TERIE 1LD, Feb. 29. 18i4. ja i y " BROWNING & LEMAN 1 IMPORTERS OF Free., BritI-la nid Gerissan DRY GOODS. 209 and 213. King-sroet corner of Mar. ket Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPETINGS.-Ingrain, 3 Ply.s, Brus seIR Ta pvstrV nd Velvmts. CURTAIN MATERIALS, in Silk, Satin, and Worsted. CUIRTAIN CA31BRICS and MUSLINS, in larae variety. E31IIROIDERED LACE and MUSLIN CUlRTAINS, all styles. G IUV COItN ICI'S, in all the new designs. CURTAIN GIMIPS, HOLDERS, LOOPS, TASSELS, &c., DRAPERY CORDS and BELL ROPES, in all varieties. . BIRITISI and AMERICAN FLOOR OIL C LOTI I S. sII.VER ndr GILT STAIR, RODS and STA I R CAR P ETINGS, of all styles. WIlu'ON, VELVET, and AXMINSTER RU(S, in great variety. PLANTATION WOOLENS--H LAN K ETS. PLAINS. KEHlSEYS, CAPS.&c. Ied and White FLANNELS, SIlIRTINGS, &c. COTTON OSNAIIURGS, of all the best Sothern makes. Enaglish and American COTTON FLAN NELS. Freich, English, and American PRINTS. liNENS OF, RICIIARDSON'S superior Tlke, for Sheetinme, Shirtigs, Pillow Cases, iable Danmsls, Dioylies. Napkins, lTowellings, Ilinekahal ls, Fruit Cloths, B. E. Diaper, G ramss Clot his, &c. Cl.OTIIs, CASSI3IERS and VE'STINGS, of best -rench Goods. SEIRVANTS CLOTI1I, in all the shadesof NATINETS. TWEEDS, IEA N and LIN SUEYS, of all gnalities and tyles. WIT11 A FU.L ASSORITMSN T OF Rich Dress Goods, in Si LCS, TISlSUES, BAREGES,GRIEN A )IN ES, 311,1 LINS, &c. 11031 I5AZINES, ALPACAS andI MOURN ING (48 ))IS, in great variety. EMIIilODEiI -Rs nd LACiL GOODS,ofev ery teveription. EV ENING DRESS Gooi in Great variety, Consi:atiitlv received. A 1l 1 htjabove art of onr own DIRECT IMPIORTATgN~l, antI ot-lired at the LOWEST31A RK ET Prices. TEll3MS.--Cash, (or City Acceptance. J' The one price syslemn strictly ad. hered to, iu al al G lc Warranted. IIROWNING & LEMAN, Charleston, S. C., Jan, Gth, 1854. 11 if A rl A, u. SQUIER, NO. 208 AND 210. M A I N S T R E E T COLU IIEI A, S. C. Manufacturer and General DTJALER I.V FINE AND PLAIN n e, a a U a mr D, V.'XW A.lA PE R, &.c. &c. &c. At very low prices for eash. iHe is constam ly reienishiig his large assortntent fron his MANi'FAC1OR' in Colutnia, anti rom New York, and nmw offlers a greater variety thian Isiml, especially st iln FA NCY AND ENA31El.LEiD F'RNITURE, Sitling and lsocking Chairs, &c. &. A. II. GA LE & CO.'S SIPlERIOR AND GIEATL.Y IMPROVEI) PIANOS, at New York cash prices. Ec_" All Pianos or Furni lure sold by him ire warranted for one vear or longzer. All kinds cf Furnitture neatly and prtiptly repaired. A large lot of MAIIOG ANY V ENE ERS tn hand, n ith other Cabinet Maker'n ilaterials, in great variety. WALL-l'A PER A N D BORDERING, a lare and rich assortment. Z- Fmrals .trvld at tsort notice Willh 1talie andttl Wood Corinls. l1e would respeiniully invite his friends and the public genterally to call atd examuine his stock. March 15, 1831. 20 ly. JOHN T. DARBY: WITIT C.L ,~K LITTLE & C0, G.LIT . . COT G, I. JACKS.ON. Next door to Vicitorir IJlte.. CIIARILESTON S. C. Always on hand---A large anid Fashionsable Stock of Readcy-.WIade Clothiun;, A-r Til Err Poitanl.V. P'alCES, SIIIRTS, IIOSI ERY, ULXIIIRELLAS, &c. &c WI l( LF:ALE AND RF'TAILI. White Lead ! White Lead! 10,000 LBS. PUlRE WJIITE L E.A1) for sale low. J. & .1. Ii. EW.\RTl, Cd imnbiai, S. C. March 15, 1851. 20) ly Who Wants Mfoney ? PIT.ihe subribmer ftor onie, i part sineriy in wan tof it. mami lie hiopjes t hat I hose who have patroisizedt himia so liberally, illi continnle Iheir friendlshipi by jminag up, aiit enaling lhim lt meit the demandiiis of othersi. "Wh1eel cannot moive nt illhnut grease"' Tr. D. FRIIESON. Jan. 18, 1851. 12 I f N. A. COHEN & (COHN, NY'95PORTE hit& DEA $LE:R'Il FOREIGN and DOMESTIC No. 117 Enst Bay, NATIIIAN A. COiIEN, LE:A POLD COllN. ChlA R LESTON, S. C. Mar. 291, 185-1. 22 ly CAMDEN HOTEL, Camadcas, S. C. W, 7f. WATSON Nos. 9, 1l853- 9 t lY Hinsdale, Dealer in Groceries, Hard ware and Dry Goods, 252, itI(IIA III)SO.V NVI'CEkET, :tud~ corner tof (uLrrais' NtreeI,4 COLUSIIIIA, 8. C. March 15, 1851. 20 ly. DR. C. H. MYIOT, COLUMBIA, S. C. YE AJll TIlE CO L T' 110 USE. DEALER IN Drugs,. Mvedicimes, Chemi cals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. SELECTED) EXPREiSSLY FOR TIS MA RKET. March 15. 1854. ln. Columbia Clothing Fullings, Bostwick & Ce, COL UMBIA, S. C. H AVE constantly on Iand the largest stock of in this place, Which they are prepared to sell at Prices lower than any o'her estab lishmlelnLt in Columibitia. Their Clothing is natinnfactured by them selves Witi particular reference to thiis market, nnd they feel warrnnteel to say it is iferior to n1me, atnd S1 JPi'lEIOR TO MOST CLOTHllN; ollbred in any part of the count rv. Their busIins is Cor ducted upon the one price cash priniciple, and the price of their Iroods iar!nn lcd it, plain fiigurcs upon each article by whic i uniformity of' price is olervedI, anld Ilh inexperienced biyer is oiiableti to inllot his purchases at ;. low i rate, as the mrie experienced and better jdree. l'irsois Visititng Cod U nIiia are resti'tfilly inv ited to an examiinati) of our stock t aid I)tNes. February 15th, 1851. 1i-ly. 50 Country Hams, JUST received a 1n far sale lv .J. T1. SOLO "N i). (N'&C. May 17, 1!!5i 2tf E. R. COWPERTHIWAIT, Furniture and Chair KING, 267 S1itF, FiveD orab eWe wru CHIA R LE-NTO.', N.C. Feb. 29, I854. is Gil. For Sale. T III; SUSCI liHlit oll'rs for saleao very ronsonale tierio-e. somue vahtabile improvedt and iinproived tas iii ithe Toiawi of ininterville. For partieiars, apply to Al WIM). ANDtAISON. S tinterville, Jan. 3d, iS 1. 10-tf. MvcKENZIE'S CO.YFECTIONA 1R Y A. I)D PA C Y Store, N'o. 136, ihadoSre, Co)lA'M!!!A, S. C. PARTIES ANt> W*I-:[t)IN:S FUltNISllI AT -SlIOlTI-1'ST NOTICEC. 11'V OLEJS. L IND > Y'.I . .Marcht 15, 1851. 20Uy Fld0 .6 tSI P;'A L Ll C Ci FPI N-S of aI Sizes, coistlitly otn hand mal 7 fior :l by lilulSo'N & ni111 T ltl, Opp. Teiprance Mill Suinterville. June I5t h, 1852 FORNWA R DING Commission Merchant, W li.311NGTO'(N. N. C. PARTIC UL.A t aie.itioni kin to tthe S A LIE or :SllI'3MNl' of -al St!res ai Iotojni, and liber CAl1 A D VANCES iiade on Culn. bigiments. -e. 1 8 33. 7 ly C. T, MVASONr~, WVAT('lI-31.j[ Kl I & J E Wi:L!'iP IS porepared 1,1 la, all ilmlr af n"ark inl hi line, with neatness an d !i. at . ,i I are C.,sit. Ih, is ,,ill at hi old stand jo alave t aiwa ow ltl. Ie b. M, 1851. 15 ( Old Brass andi Copper. Theli Subiscraiber wiil in 1 2-3. eent- s pound1( inl (ash for any clu:m':y v old Ii ra-s or Copper, dlerediaI hi,........the ini Muta.tervi!!. Febdruary 2.3, t1C5, 1I if. G I A S:MV A R . ClllNA~ and Granitt;.- Tea's. Grianitto Iliinr :an ltre.i.fa-i Pl Iates. Steak i)i-lhes, Ifitier I ij.-. , Sany 1ai)'n 15, P'reserve I )ishes, Iietciteri Tatrs Glnass Pueberst, anal a iaomb-r ofi .itlher articles jusot rceived andl for mat- hay TI. J. SGILO510NS & CO. Marek I.22, 15t of. .ardware, Paints, and Oils, &c. C'OL (Jil.. I, S. C. OlI-er for s:iaei a ry liow prnis, a t:irgze anda wvell as-iorteda atc ofi( a ~~~~~~~.1..I...,-..i ...y >.lt[.;tjx C'7' Goads dali vereil at th lie)epait free of charge. Marcha 15, 151. r20 ly. Transparent Window Paper EI:angjiras, UI1RI lAl liiG Au I) lll)I)ING IIILESAJ.E & RET'JAIL, IBerrisford aNiecs, (|i'hai,,o, Ns. C, ,TilF subscjiribear is r~ceivinug a largo assort. menti of Il:th~, bo atoos. of W1indoiw 1Shlaes, I0 t~ Irua.sesa, of ev ery dIesiript ion. Also, Pi llow, llilsiers, I .:ae anda Muin~~ ( utrtains, llamoask, NatinlI Del ties, (C*riceia, Itlnds, Fire Sereensa Ven'tit ianz llindsi, asitH i aly atlpigglpg| to jui itt Its bra ntihes. II. W. KIlNSM AN &. CO. Mar. 29, 185:" 22 ly Samuel Jeffords, COM ISsI ON M1tER CH[A NT, OF,~acE, Notori Co~ti ct:cm. Wnm~~a CilARLEa~STON, S. C. Feb. 29. 1854. 18 l .. Home Industry. -, TIlE Subscriber taken this nethod of informing li friend and the pn b ie, that he has recently enlarged his Carriage Shop, and procured the services of Neveral go( I work men, anid is now ready to build Vehicles of any description at the shortest notice. lie promises to repair with neatness and despatcl and sat isfy all those who inity favor hil with patron age, in cheapneis &c. Ii. G. POT T3. LYNCIiaU Ito, S.C., May10, 1851 28 tf Copartnershit Notice H. C. WEB & (O, I I E undersitned. have associated thern. selves iogther, under the above name and141 style, for the transaction of all bn ne-ss iii the inrcantile line anl mnay he fo611n1d at the old stand of \Vn.. VEIB, where they will lie happy to see aid ac coliollate their friends and the public. t. (. W11 , Mar. 15, 1851. 20 if yegro Shoes. The sibscriber has made armigeanemen for the nutinfaitctire of from Four to Five Thousand pairs of the above article by tIeFALL. For re teretce as to ( nlity le would respectfully ref, r persot who may he disposed to purchare (of him, to tlhoset win patronized himt last year As to irire, hit will guarantee them as low as cal te otlerded. May 2 2 .. MORGAN. To Arrive, DRIU.D-FIGS, lASINS, CANDY, MTKI11ESE, 131011,11.-1AD, 110111y1' E R, &c. A LSO0, lerage DLains, I'rintet .iacollets, French Cainbric.ks--F'il:o assormt 01t of G imtir Iieis, blak :ni colored, and U1ubroidered Goods, &c. &c. .1. 1'. SOLOMONS & CO. M1irch 8th, 154. 19 if To The Public, Aut'itiocsecrsi Notice. -AM .\'; 11. ULA ltK beirs leave tol noti fy th. citizoiis i S'iltervilIl I t!tal the vi. ciiity, that he is now prepareil to give his entire atl etiotn to any business in the autcitin litne. Ile li;s ii some experience. aid hopes by dilietce a nd attention to iuerit a ;hare ofi public favor. Suttrvi!le, latn. I I th, 1-H51. I1.--T KE V GQ 0D. The siercitPt are now in receipt of their SPL'ING A ) ND U.MllEt STOCK, niSti'1dofevery f GetiS' awttl lat..a' dress uiuls. drocries. Ilard ware &c., .hi they art, preparerl to soli is cliap as i his narket can ;iihrd. I'lease call and e.atninc for virselv-s. It. C. WIl31 & CO. A1pr., 5. 15-1. 23. tf. Land for Salc, H1n the '.'own ofl Sumiiiter vilIe. I ofliTr for isale ih:t p:rt of the tract of laml in Sumterville. known as the Nitriin hi1d; IVn)r betwv-een t;io ilag.'e and the run o Turkpr Cretk, in all about t.o htitred acres, I wi:l dividho it into Wots to sn it pua chasers, but would mucih prfe r to sell the whole together. Terms in:ide eayal acconlilurhtting to purchiasers;, -ppy to the subscriber. Wml. LE WIS. Jnne21, 1854. 21 If L1- W'a.i tcht copy. 7 1EW S TORE1 Tir Wihor SOnth Ifjthe Tme JII l 1 I l subiscr iber wvotl rtesprtftully in. tormt iihe cit zeii- of Suttrville and t he pblic er!" tet i Ina lit' htas openeill ait te aboie platc"e general a.ssortmif-nt oif l)ry ('oti i-, lb it- and Shoties, lI Irs anel~ (%ips, l ardlware, Crockteryivare, &c. &c. A .4,t. A I 'tiic-'lot of P iF uly Groceries of every dliscr iption, ithl Fruit of s-arius iki:il, such as ( )ranges, Altpples, Lemons, & c. & c., whichi he' ill i veiry lowv for Ca lh. J. BAlIUIET. Nov. 9, h853. 9 1)y Notice, Look Up Street, WAt i I. R,'s liOTl'L is, -till ini 01) r-r it on-jh 'Iis th ti kitmi nt of good ettaini htem. to their ent ire sattifact ittn. .\lr. ('. is re'sulved tinat his Iloie shall niot het exce~t-d by anyt bontse in Ithe conniitry. Eveythaint lthe iairket (canl furi-h shall cleanitly. Theii luck are all int goiod order, aind shaul libe kept so. Giive him a trial an:1 .\r. CIa rk pledjges sati.--tact ion. .lan. 11, 1851 I1 tf To the Public, .J0hN thllNA - hist tervice-s to the ci'ezes of Sumoter l)i-tric-t and~ the pubtl it gen. e-r:uily ands tiled'e i l f t give every al tion tt the sale tf aill properties etlruistedl to Ihis handis on cotttitt-ion, either at amnetin or piri timu attIlii his hi-priee ini the buineitss are tsaniafhetory enc~ itio of lis abtiliy to do jusutco to tany wihot itmy empjloy, himt. Fe- b 2, 15 I- 17 i Boatwright & Barkuloo, Wi bOLESALTE1 A ND RETAILr D)ealers in (,!/a.:,.tare,.~q' .'/ye.Rt. andal uIindits of GIMNiNl- A N I) l'OPUILA R 1>ATIENTI Medicines, A compjlete atssirtmnent, of the best qality, atnd at thc lov-st prices. Matrch l5, 185 . 20 ly. Boots & Shoes. JAMES FENTON, 10f)7, R i chareds on Street, II AS contanittly on handI antd is daily receiv inig fresh situpplits tif all kindst of Lahies andt ttintlemen'-ts ltitmis aint Xhoeis of the latest ftashs ionst. Ah. lso, Filt CA L F-XK INS rind SOL I L AATII lct foir lioot- makers. Mlarch 15, 1851. 20 1y, J. B, NIXON, PRIOPIETORI OF' THE Corner Queen) and Chiurch-sts. Charleton, S. C. Fob. 29, 1854. 18 ly. DR STRONG'S CO3OPUND SANATIVE PILLSs THESE PILLS ARE EN rIRELY VEGE TAlILE, AND ARE A AmOST sUPEitOit MEDICINE in the cure of all Bilious Coin plaints, Dspepsia, Costiveness, Liver Com plaint, Sick Icadarhe, Loss of Appetite, ard all hjngering diseases. I THEY PURIFY TIE BLOOD, EQUAL IZE TIlE CIRCULATION, RESTORE TIlE LIVER, KIDNEY'S AND OTHER SEICRE'TORY ORGANS TO A HEALTHY TON E A ND ACTION; and as an Anti Bilious Family Medicine they have no equal. Price 25 cents per box. ALSO. DR. STRONG'S PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS, A remedyfor Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bron chitis, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Con sum pion, and all diseases arasing from a de ranged state of the Stomnach, an- (o relieve the distress and h/bd fecling from eating too hearty f'ood, in weauk and-dyspeptic haubits. W1arranted to lie ilurely Veg etlable. These Pills act as an Expectorant, Tiico, and Aperient. They promote Expectoration, Loosen the Phlegm, and Clear the Lungs and other Sec. retory Organs of till morbid matter, and there is nit another remedy in tihe whole Materia 31eihica capable of imparting' such healing propetrties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these Pills. They Cure Costiveness, produce a goiod, regular Appetite, and Strengthen tihe System. Price 25 cents per box, contaning 25 loses of Mledicine. Call on lite Agents who sell the Pills, an(d get the P'lanter's Almanac Gratis, giving lull par tieulars and certificates of cures. Hoth kiidls of the above named PIlin ace for sale itn Sumterville, by DAIRG(AN & CO. And PERRY MOS-S. Who also keeps a supply of Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills, and Dr. Ilull's Celebratel. Pills, which stop the Chills and Fever the first July 26, 1851 39 ly. Improved Cotton Gins, 'ha'htnk ful for past favours the sub.scriber wish es to itiform tle public that lie still manifac lures Cotitot Gins at is establishmiretat in State humrg, on the most improved andl approved plan ni hih lie thinks that the cotton giined otn one of those gils of tile late improvenient is n-ort at least a quarter of it cent more that the cut ton ginntel on the ordinary gin. lie also matt tilatires themt oni the mnost simpls construction, of the fitest finish and of the best materials ; to wii, Steel Saws andt Steel Plated Ribs Case halrdened whiehm lie will sell for $2 per Saw. lie also repairs old gins antI puts them inl com pete orler at the shortest not ice. All orders for Gis will beproiptl- adtlp nctualy attenled o. VILLI AM ELLISON. Statehurg, Sumter Dist, S. C. Feb 17,- 26 Veterinary Surgeon. .R.OBiERT _W. ANDREWS notoies the eitizens of this, nid the aljoiniig Districts, that lie has retored his Stables near lie )e. pot of the V. & 31. It. Roat, where lie is realy at all ti-es to tak e charge of diseasel IHorses fir a molerate charge ; it all cases where there is ino cure no pay will he expected. lie also entinues to take Passengers to rtd from the Oiniibus for that pulirpse. Gomds he wil! haul at tile olbl rate of 10 cents per liekage, and solrits t he patronag'a of tie public. Felb. 22, 1853 - 17-tf C1RRI I CARIAiES I LEONARD CHAPIN, MlanufiaCturer and Dealer in Carriages and Harness, OF every deseripthon, Nos 12-1, Meeting street, antd 33 Wentworth street. next to the olil stand of Gilherts & Chapin, Charleston, S. C. Oct. 190th, 1853. 51 1 y Business Card. BROWN & DeROSSET, 180 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK DJ:ROSSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cotton Jactors and General Conis sion .Aferrltants. Bl1. Mch AURIN, Esq.. will give per. asonal and special attentiott to the int tcrests and orders of his frietnds ini this a:ntiln the adjoining Cotmnt ies of Notrthi Cahrolitnn, wvho nmay lnvor these H~ouses witlh their pa~trona~ge. Connsiantinents of producte tat the Ilous~e itn New 3ork, eithecr biy wny of Chatrleston, Geordetownt, oir WVilmtingtonr, will h'e covered by insuriance, if notice of the shipmient he protinpt ly giv ent. Miy 3,'1853 27-tf Negroes Bought and Sold. 'Ill K undeilrsignaed has openeid an ollice at No. 16 State Street, Charlestotn, where lie has r.p handi a nunb~ler iif LIK~ELY YOUNG N-.. GItOES for saile from which'l he can suphply the wn tts of tiny of the coimmnaity. These Ne. gres are putrchiasedl in Matrvlanad, Virginia, Niorth andtit Sonths Carolina. 'l'o his lot lie is cmoiumually receivinig necessions. "The highest prices paid at all times for niegriies. J. M.E. SIIA RPE, 16 8tate Street. ChiarLston,Dlec.21,h853. 8 hy Law Notice. J. B. N. HAMMIVET, ATJTORNEY AT LAW, SUMTERVILLE, S. C. Olliee next door to J. fl. & R. C. Webb's New York Store. Ma rch 22, 1853 21-tf AT Tills Ot.D~ STAND OF S. & J. GIt.ll1tRT 'e~~ co ntie 1he C~A RRIA GE B-- -IUSINEsS at the -above at amnd-No. 35 iad 40 \Ventwort h-st'reet, Chtarlestton-whaere they- will be pheased to exhibit Io their old friends and cutstotmers a v'ery extensive Stock of Vehicles., com-. prmiiime those of their owvn mantufacture, totrethier with various other styles usually fotund int this maurktet. 'Their loing Acqultainl anice with this mnrket na manutfneturera and adealers wilh eniable them to ofl'er great imducnements to purchasers both in styles anad prices. Mnarch 15, 1854. 20 l Cabinet Wareroom. F. M. ANDREWS, 'rakes this method of informing the citizens of Sutmtervillo andt vicinity, that Ito has .iust openenud on * the corner aboive Clarks liio tel, his NEW CAIJINET W A R EIIO0M, where he will keep for sale, cheap, all stuchi furnitutre as comes unditer this department of his trade; and will furnish for cash, at Chiarleston prlces; all descriplioms of F.urnmitture made. Repairing executetd at the shorntent nttCE. Mahogany and plain Coffis furnished with ot dlelay. Fe b. 8,1854. 15 'tf. L ADIES DRESS GO0l8. Tissues, Deoragesm, Cohoumread 6hke. Pliin and friinged Black Silks. Print ed antd Phltitt Jacotneta &e, &c. For antle bty 1.T.SOLOMONS&Cpp SUMTER VILLE, S. 0. Dealers in English, French and AmeOrican It Drugm, iMedicincs and Chuennicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and I)ye.Stufro, Glass, Putty, Glie and Sand Papr. Paint, Varnish, (,aimel lair and Whitewasl Brushes, Fine and Choice Perfumery and Fatrey Goods, Pure Liquors and Wines, for medical purposes, Lancets, Scarificatrs, and Cupping Glasses, &c. All the Popular Patent Medicines direcr from the proprietors. Agents by appointment for Dr. Ja 'nes' and Dr. Dennis' celebrated Fatmily-ledf cities, also for Farrell's Arabian Linimentr Mortimer & M awbray's- Hanipton Titc. ture. Carter's Spanish Mixture. &c. All articles from this Establishmtent are warranted fresh and genuine. Physicians, Planters and country Mer chants senditg to us, can rely npon getting Prime Articles, and having their orders promptly a xecuted. Ju ly 2n, 18l .39 Gm. NEW GOODS AND NEW FIRM.. Ti LE subscribers having purchased the interest of .l. S. Titi'al in the firn of Tindai. Watson & Co., give notice to their friends and the public that. they will carry on Iheir business. at the old stand, under the natte of! Watson & Gardner. They have just received aud are daily receiving a large, coimplete and handsoine assort mncti of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of all descrihtion. Qutalities and Styles to which they inrite the attention. ot the IUllilc. WATSON & GARDNER. Oct. 4. 185 t 49 11f Lot's Wife Found, Lieutemint Lynch, in is voyage to the Dead Sea found a huge plikar of salt on the shore, and the Arabs said 'it was Lt. Wife, shore enough, whether it was so or not we c.ntiot say,-it mn'y turn out to be a catch-penny as the [log withoumt a sh'ad ow ; but this we do know if you have any 10nigraving, Fnmcy Paimting-, Lettering, Architecturing or the rep;,irmtg of Accor denn, Flitesias, &r. &c., and will call on the subscriber ie promises to do his best, and will be happy to do all work with nentness and dispaitch that may be entrust ed to his care, at Charleston prices ti the cash only, lie can be found. at' Ar. E. Somnters Clothing Emporium, Sumterville, South Carolina. C. W. DAVIS. Oct. 18. 185t 51 3m The Far-mamed Medicine 5- 9 HOLLOWAYS PILLS, The.e Pills being ctcp1oed entirely of medi einal therbs are of -a minost harmless nature while the extraordinary virtues they possess have remtered them universally poplnar in nearly every part of the world. The immense suces-s they have nie't withi thnroughout the State Is miost, extraordinary. Owing, it is pre snnmedn, to their wondmierful efficacy in thme cure of hliioni cmplaints and disorders of the Liver and Stiomachi. Pernins who persevere in using thm in accordlance with thes directions, set dunm fail in being restored to health. W EA N Ess ANI) DEB ITY,--RERTOR ATIONTOllEAiL!'l OF A GENT1LEMAN, AGED) -45, WihlEN AT D)EATII'S DOORt. Lopy1 of a Letter from 1he Rev. Charle. Smith, date'd Norton, St. Phili ,s, 'near Bath, Somei setshire, 17th A ugust, 1853. TO PaIovF:ssoc nIottiOWAY,. . ir.-A Mr. Jos~t1 Er ux To?, formerly at res idenmt of this place., had been in a declining state of hiealth for upwards of three years,gradually Iyastimg away to a shadow by nightly perspira tions and wvantifappetite, wicht caused great unenelm,,os to his friends, as he had consulted various medical men in liath, without effect. lie at last used your Pilla, and under provi dence, wvas resto~redl tolheali Ih by their, means. lie tately emigrated to New York, and hasjust written to say, that he was never better in health, and desired ine to acquasint you with thie cireumstance. I ought also to mentiion, that my wife had derived great benefit frnm the use ol your Pills. I remain Sir, yours respee zfuliy, CilA It IKS 83tITi, Dissentiner Minister. A P'i(ltaANENTl CUttis OF A~DJISEASED Ll ,.lIUF MANY YEA)I8' DJUllATION. Copy of c .uetter from 3 f. G3amis, Chemist, i od to P'ro'essor Jlollooas. D~ear Sir,-ln this district your flls' coim muandl a inore extensive sale th'in any othier paroprietary medicine before the public. As a proof of their etlicacy in Liver amt IBilious Com-. plajint5 I mniy mention the folio" ig csu. A laity of this town withi whomt I am personally neihiainitedl, for years dfas a severe sufferer from, disease of the Liver and digestive organs; hormedical at tendant assured hier that hie bald ' do nothming to relie ve her sutferinigs, and%1 was not izkety she could survive miany months. Tis announcement naturally caused great atlarm amiong her friends and relations, and they induced her to make a trial of-your Pills, which so imiproved tier general health that she was inducedt to continue them unti. tshe r,-ceivemi a perfect cure. Tihis is twelve tmonths ago,. and slie has not experienced aniy symitoms of' ye lapse, and often declares that youm' Pills have beent the means of saving tier lie to.. .. 1 renumin, bear Sir, yours trnly, July 53rd, 1853. (Signed) J. GAta. These cdeba'td Pills are avons$f'fdly efcacsoeaa in the followoing comnpaintsi.- :i Aguze, D~rpsy, inflauininten, 2Sure 'P'hroats, Ast hma, 1)) sentery, Jaundiced, Stone and Gray. el, Bilious Conmphiirits, Erystpelas, Liver Coiii plfaint, Seconpidary Synmptoms, Bl'jtcies oW, 'the Skin ,'Hwel Cointplaints, Colles, Constipati n of :he Ilowels, Consumption, Debilitylem a Irreghlariies, Feversa of all kIinds, Flzts, Go, llead-auche, lndigestior, Lutibago, Piles5, Rhmep mamismar, letonnson of Urine, Scrofula, om' King's Evil, Tiic Douiloureux, Tuihuira Ul cers, Venereal Alfectionms, Wormas of a'll Itinds, WVeakness, from whatsevei- cause, &e-,& &c '* SOLD AT ritnE EBTa stIIrat NT OF 3. - FEssoR hlOL L'owAY, 2.44, ST RARND,(near Tu at PL E i3a,) L OMDoN, atI, also at itis - AoUgis NEW l ota. Onnmas for aletiniess mis States, adldressed ,Tl. IJLtLOWA i. NE3w Yoar, will receive due attention. Sold alio by hi respectable Druggists ail Pealera in JI~dicines thiroughiout the Utimiad States, i tt otcas 25, 62e l-2 ets aind gh,00 cen tsaeol adt W holesahe of the prinicipal e~rug If~pses iii tho Umion. I g7" There Is a considetae a'Ing-by taking the larger size's. N.Bl.---iireentot for iha guIio af pteuta in uery dhsorder~itu atlbte eb~e For m.--by. March Sth,851i ' 'S3'3~ ..