Poetry. Pruy onse for Another. JAMIS v. 6. When sin and tenptation encircle my wiy, Froin 'virtu&.iAwd tinty to lend ine astray ; When wea riede wit h st riving any spirit is filint, And ready to yield to the tempter's foul tana ; Oh I then, wheirny %oul from his power woatiti i free, 'T Is sweet to rememober-hey're prayitg for ine. When aickness and pain fill any bototn vith fears, And e'en in the futuro no bright ray :appears When life seenmo a vapor-at lonqag't at spiu, mnd vain all the pro:opectt so cherish-al by aman: WIen cleath seemals to claihn ine his victim to lot., rr in sweet to retuaber-they'ro praying fur uie When cares and anxieties harrass my lrenat. And with feelings of sadnieass Iay soul is op presaied ; When, in weaknwss, I feel I've no strength of mny own, Bit snust trust in His goodness nnd mercy alone; Oh blest is the voice that comes whispering to 1110 "Fearnot r but proeis onward-they're pray -ing for thee." SWlantever any station-, whate'er I muay do, 7 lhere,'er letds the path which iny loostefs pursue. -AB onward 1 press through the dangers that rise; To biaaer my pilgriningo up to th skit's, This thoughat shall still cleer, and bring comn fort to mn, "The loved and the cheri4hed are praying for thee." [From the Darlingto:a Flag.] Fenei Inig. Mt. EDIToa :-t Is gratifVings to perceive that the pulj'ic milnad is grad Ually becoming ai oused nl the. iulbject of the pifescnt, systemn of ec:loau c : Permit me to eoutaibute may uite Iowvecv or small, to the mass to testi inouay which hans beenta abedy adduced in Iavor ofan ntire change of tha preseat. wasteful anad destrautive poli cy of beig compelled by 1av to ea lo6se our coin nii;d ctton leds -to prevenit tile incursions of g:1aunt iad fhnishting cattle and lhgs whaich prowl like spectres about our eces in . -eWa I h of something to prevetat starvaitiona. The present is the old coloni-I sy tm, wahich was adopted in the iI tnaey o! the country whem the fields were Sa:Ul and thestock very extelsive, and the advocates of reform- have to conat-end with the inveterate prejtudices uhicb attach to ancient uages, and. the re vered authority of an iunored taics try If our fathers (bless their mtet-I crles!) with all their prude..ee :tal foresight in many things,-yet with the infirmity Comaainion Uo hutinani ty, chose to earry their wheat inl oe enad of the bg wad a stoaie of* c<>raesi unad ng weighat for a balance in' the oilier, we are surely not botaund by the la.s of reverence and filial devotion to them, to resist our conlvictions thant the grain1 can be balanced witi'out the sto-ne, .itnd it be dipensed With as a detad weight. The present systemat ta 0eacCg.is. t dead Weight tapoa the vital iattre-ts of the agricultural coiuItani ty L:Lus then drop the sOe mid i;4l hiif the weigiat in tle othi'r en-. of he Lag- Can it be donae? The ques tion is superfiluoas, unless tny illa tion be coansidere~d ats inapproiaaite anid inaapplicable. Thant it i-i noat, is I thin~k, suisepti ble of caonv~ininlg prat. VWitNi the exepjtioni of a few locxalities, stocl. iainot antijattaina a tharafty eaend ' tron by celusive depenadanace uapont the -rantge. TIhe crib anad thec gleiani.:gs' tf the tields must come toJ their resicuet, og their hides soon adher-e to th.ir buones, withI a tena~ ity which notin short of decomaposition enin de taeh. Thle fenciang aaecessaray to keal> ,tt ck out..of our fields inivolvyes an auothga at timber and .labor tterly dispiroporo - tind to thet value of staock. Whle this~is faequmentaly adamitted,. it is sti urgred b~y somela that the suppljay oft tiain ber Wvarrants the otutlay. L it tr ue that the abzu'ace oft tiamb er justifies to w hich it is subijeted lay thae pra!eet sy stemn? I submit tha.it it is noet. TIhe nauble Forest is a magniicen'. gili, if the Athoir of' nataure, tea be prize:d like1 all other gif tts fraoaa thle .ii.am a'saourie as a'rae to be pres-ierved~ lura nee essar~y eses. A ny tt-:rj ppi :o itian f'it is eaquivaAat to the detstraae~tam of so mluch cap~ita!i-the t hro win into tho'tire, of so mlucht monea. W should we thus conatimaie to stliht noble a gift, ad tocereby a dapab~ e aty of -a v'aluable inhleritttnce! Tibe however is becoinag very .'a ere ian - many sectiolas of our' coutryta1, and' hecte the maore uarenat laece s:y oh too, is a coinsideraition (if very grat irnportance. WNere the labor row sio unp14~ioitablly expended upona fencing,' emp~leyed.- in maalatrinag, ditchaing ani ?aisinag iad gatther-ing thae suirpl a pr ryenadear ~mecessary to the supptoie t, a enadlose~d stuck, it would work a chtage in the 'alue oftlanad and stock involv nag milhlions of deillairs. A- htw -trequtin 1g -thae CnedOSUre of stock would reduee fencainag to an in cosdrable item, andI tenid to redtae the,tianber and grceatly impafrove the .quai4gefstock. Onae well led Cow - might. then.- be made moreYC,..proaftalie than a dozena of tho gaunt -sktelete aai that now haunt our latnes, amnd adver tise our valnt of' hutmanaiy. A few hogs well fed and cared for, could theta be made more valutible thani a nerdl of the pa esent pinec root eattets t hai scatree *-ly betray by their looks; the genus to) which. they belong. Thae [penning t sy s. temi w~onld thent follow, tad by~ indus. try and wveUL directed eoomy, aan onuled in. value to the ihtproved kecep. iogpf-the animnal, tnight be.atde. ihope that, every Agricultural Soci etft end. every seular' paperin the State, will agitate this sublject with a zeal and~ ability equal to- its imi-o; t nde~ I hopogevy~y argunmnt int fihvor o-he-presenlt ysteliwill be present-* ed and fairly weighed; for L m-ektmow .: ed bytltits there- age arruments -in its 'eaiipld to consideration;- at tire ize it is a dcad weight uponi our agr: cultural prospeity. Messrs. EKlitolrs: Ilaving. hecard that a belled rat would . 10 4 i i A .'s.:r N - T'I i iT (* 11 li . : .1 4' N & 14 :V I. i i : -ep co l ns tnt 1:ir- ut : m~mert-- o :4-- , I ii t -o ..ry ,n.1 I/uner I \ri h 4a n 4 h \..undiN. the 40: h-i) ' v....... 4h ) vi1 , i. n te n.'t i.vra e pr pl -, t'' '. .\ p .1 i-: I..5. t . . 3 v . t0 .2 N . f.m Im44t'. 4 P ILS.o T . ,' r'l i . Al','.44 k'. l'i ;l-.1, V .* r T !!?. 4A .~4'-, . !-i14.\ .i t T S,'l' Isliti 44.4,] i -' iir 1,. o.1~ 814A etia i all I 'j .'T Ti:4 .'tn 1:.003. I.iA41..1 II7.i. T - 4 !4. 'id ' .\ il.N'. I i.'i ic flr T !! 4'. 1 4 i. 4 .14 . 44) ' . N l' l:t 's.'T~i 010; \N NT)*IlA .\ & CO\ .I '' 1 -. 'T ().p : ':4 .I a'44 an Ar Si' Hiliolr *': j:. ' .d ; l i n ot s 44..t v l4si' t' I 'rt 4I r .i i 4 ..'44 e ti per 41 : a. l e e h i I J ii' lM A 3. 9 I). .\ -444.' )1e i;'t t i - n : i e 444.!.* (' i:h.; r:"I . 4)nt cir''i :. ('eras4 p.4 i'. Iii r i'filhe: l';b 44 A.-''w . - .4;4 ('n 4 ii .. 444::: 1 a.| ;4r s)e i 4) 1 44from44 ane i iid in ;;: a t .' . t4i . :', . 'l44 444 44( 14'.'' 14' 44. 414 binte .: tj'r:t ' i'~~ i3 l y rT/ aT he4'tS 'i 44 rle )4I : t I n . n e tortn t, Tnco,. T:14 i-y 1-inute 1u :"' . to44i)41 ct tiionLw n-n th w:.: $ei.'l d i" -. : 444S el~ P1 w!24 ih--r .ame r.:n .. : ::.. h .ir .!r. -rh nii e4 4tli:,i ind thr z*.f nt - .!er ti~~orei:dy ic1. Anl o taer i f :-r:s rvii-- to ro hejuy ad puVtall Orgenslas th. - W!. hyILLe tivees proIhON e a t-t-b.re:;la Apetit, andU Atrenghe 1,he erry Moses, Offers for sale, for Cash, or to a roved customers ord time, a general rissortinontof BRYG00DS, GROCERIES, IIARDI1E, CIIOCKERY Building Materials, Carpenters' Tools, Cutlery, Carron Ward Enammeled Ware, Coopers' Ware, Ti n Ware, Pa .tent Medicines, Stone Ware, Carriage Trim mings, and Carriage Hardware, Sadlery, SCHOOL BOOKS, LIGIT LITERATURE AND STATIONEft, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, COQNFrfuECT[ONER Y ; NAiLS, LLW, &c. &e. He particularly invites attention to his extensive assort7 ment of January 1855 13 tf A.e JAA. MOSES.4 M CM" F.4A.3..3E0 '!!i (E a S'-."O .3rD~5W33E" 3Et3 C3E||3E73!D3 I am now receivig and opening for isale ONE OF TERE LAIGEST STOCK -IF GOODB ever brouglit to this market, which I will so .ow fior cash or to approved evtvomers on timo. Having ten year nxp 1)rinence tacl tle re:riuy tlnoIey to buy goods with, enables ine to oi'er the folowin. :iratelsx remn irkah'v cheap. vi: A 0A' STOKD O DRY CODS, mostly donmestic. IUAT: , CAin 3 8iloES, COOPlE'.'-S WARE, BASK ET WA RE, &c. IlI MDWA IRE, of all dea.ariptions, 1ots. Ormt, Skillct?, &c. STONE JU(S AN I) .IAltI. STON l CIIURN.S. CAll ItIA(GE TIll.\llNG;s, CARCIAGE iltI)WARE. lIATiI E It0 ALL KlI N IM), Saddailarv, Ifarretss, &c. &c. TATIONARtY AND CO.Wi-CTiON.-\tY. ClMCKEiftt. i rit hnr setts aid otherwise. G 1 ' 11 1-:8, 1)r all kinldg And alm.oit any article that uay be called for. Se pt. 211. 1d-A. 47 tr DR. Ws JAS. DAiRGAN'&M O, for -.tie FOR C-II, or aa approved crulit, at tV lowest market prices, a woll 'eie'ctaaI aisortinviat. of Drugs aid edicines. Fine Chctn;cai, Paints nnl Oils, Fatraet, Wines, 'erflfn-:ry, Ive-stitrs. Trimaesa , Iemo:: Syrup, Faney boapq, W'aiu-low Glass, Lanlvet, Fine robacce, Fanray Articles, Spirit..G1an, 8:aritiators, CifaIr, lirnshe.4. 1;,i it1 .-'rrpent -e, Stationery, Vinegar. l'ogedher with every article elnmprising th Stock of a Druggist or Physician. Also, a var riety an ath mt Paopular Paten: lediieis, among which ar--, ('ad .iver Oil, (best) Jacob's Cauhh-ri , c Wistar' u takai of Wild Cely Y, Carter's S'pattih lixtitre, Aver's aherrr I'etoral. Hlaniaptons' Vegetahle 'l'leurre, II'll.way's I'illi aid Ointment, DeLutrmne's Balsam of [.it, Davii' Pain Hiller. Tattersall' Heave Powders a' eaDr. Jayne''al;edicines, hIattwary's llnovatin-g iesolvent, Phicenix Bitters and Pills, J'arre!l's Arabian LimilatenLt, Iloofland's Gertan Iitters. Illexican S l n I .a mt . 'irtpaiiiu. ( ing's, nilr'J, Thaw are 011ly a w-edlt for any article in our line of basinets n itd will be supplied JOhN .. A - IN- W. JAS-. A RGAN, . -. Jan. *.1, 18m-12 REEP T ~E BALL T T fI 20,40 Pair Plantation Brogans at the EDWARD DALY'S BOOT AND SHOE EMYPORIUV, TIill.u-ce t wystr a t ave .. to tannunneet' to the latersa and hliera nts, of Sumter atnd Wii him:rt-hutrg I)i trit t, tht hle has tnw ton han~d, atnd ctitstnttly receiving Large suppljies of P.ANTIATrION si l0.)E, toge'ther wvith an unnrvaled stock of Ladies5. aisses, Bos Youtt hs, ,ad Children's iuots arnd Shoes, of every kind, and fromt the ;tnist f*taa~rable I lorkm.??ct [2'' Orders frna the country faithfulily and promiptly artendedi to. ED)WARD) DALY, 306l King-St, Charleston, S C., a few doors abotve tue 3lerchant's llotel-same side. S'ep1tt te,hr !7tlh. 18531 49 - t GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY, J1AGOWB' CRDOI U1. Such ne, ('hrah-ra. Dyrecntarv. Diarrlrnea. Chofe ra MIorbrus, flilirins Cholic, Cholera Inglantumn. A L.', A1II:ABlVl A I)AI"'EID TO M1A.NV il IE ASES OF F&IIALE Y, . Iajsq Especijally, Pa iful . llaenstruatrin. Tl'ae Uirture of .Tco~!'s (.:erel are taao ieell kanmen toI rerquire Encomiumans. I st t ue the irorst ense's aof irriace. 7th. It cures Painfud ~lenstruaticnl. ''n:d. It cuares tu- tra'r-ti Irnas' of 1)Nienrtary, fWh!. It relieres Pa~ins in Iiar.kan~d Loins, :l.!. it ca~ -s Cai.%&rnia or 'Me.dican Dir.-~ift. It Couranteracts Nerrusness anrd .Des. -1! treliecrs thae severkt Choic, I l i. It nestores Irregularitie's, htM. !t ciar-.-s !!w- ("t'.ra .1f'ribus, lI t. It dispedsgoomy, Tyserical Feelings, t;.'a. It cures ( 1,,V imia nt num. i '2th. It's an admnirable TIontic. A G-'w Short ExIacts ~fom Lv-f ers', TesCtianonialsa &c. "I hatve, ntee:t1 Jacob''s Cotrdlial in my family, anid have fointxl it a most eflicient, arnd In my: jndgmaent a valauble remedcay. - loN. Ittr nAat WAOnN.It, J0dge of supreme Court, Ga. "It gives met pleasurents in baring tibie to recoammi Jacoh's Cordial-tmy ewn persosnal espe riencae, a thet exp-rano' of mny neighbonrs and frie'ndst around me, is a aullicieat guarantee foar tme tot believe it tao bet all that it. purpor:. to bie, viz : a sovereign remtedly."' W:.:. ItI. Uui ra waoon-, F'ornerly .Jnalge oaf Stapremae Court, Cherokee Circuit. ''I take *creat tjieasnre ini recuommnl-nding thtis invalablfe medaicinte to aill atillicta-d with bowe tlieaus~a, f.;r whaich I believe it, to bae a sovereign remaedy-dlecidedty superior to arny thingelse ever trical by.me.. A.A .Ur.nna. D. G. RI. of the Grandi Iodge of GeorgIa. "'I have naser 'Jacob'sa Cordhi' ini may toaily. awd tiris, witha all 1 hear abont it as a remiedy bay thote whor havse :rie'd it, induaaes n.e to believe that it starnds at the head of every preparatioD fC the kindf, anau I woulad rercommeand its rise in thus disease for wthich it iscomapoanaded. tIIa.Rs G. I~ontta, Cashlier of rthe tlanak raf the tte o'f~eorgia. - ''If there is anty creetibility in humarr t--.t litmy, 'Jaculh's Coradial' tauss Atandl pre-eminent ruhosve all eth.r pre paratiaens for the enre of iluweDisess Fo h -nn ofetimony in its' ftavor csr'minaa in fromn alt q,att:ra, it must bo very faina x e tas asrtveaet of oss iato: :tli othaer 'patent' preparationrs." A Firstne . Cashier Marine r nd Fire Insrurance Bank, Grimfn. "'1Thiq emcnt temedy is aravellinig isnta; ce le brity as that as Ilonaparte pushied his columus inito Rtussia, anad gaining commencadationt wtferever used." (;eorgia ,iefrsonimr, May 17th 1853. W M. W. hILISS & C'oi., r'rrietors, Savannah Gai - :ngtoan ; T. .1. WOirii.as 4 Co., Camnden ; Fisutn 4. 1lsEN'rSH Colnumbia, S. (2. llavitaso, IAnt~tA, Resly & Co., NeweYorks. Principal Depots, IlaviL AxN, Ilanntttt & Cna, Charlestan, .C.. .J.Wrtrt & Cao., New Orleans. aArnd by the Principal Merchanrts and Druggists throungh-ut the State. July '2t;, 1854. .. 9 li)-1 Special ?40ticeTesbcie iata opee i r1 H E firma af RI. C. WE Bh~lt Co, heet- yl .g .sfunsar - fore existinirr, is tis dary :issolvedlb h i-airrtioi peae ounaha rtmuaien- (nlt. 'IThe lbts of tlie firmin r oie ahoalsuspie tdgae, are as-uaumed aid will. Ire set t'ed by R; S. liattouiansIcwnwprandrnt. WebbI, tand the notes tafnd ccounita dlee tr auisiIor l nnz u ae b the farmo or" pil-ed in his htandsa-t being tht-lswr aaldIeh aa4adotogo. only anathrnrizerh person 'o collect or-other. se- ndaaeil wise, dispose of the satuo.inegasaS 0 ahrayfo eiey - R. C~. WV~fI1 oulwidBB(1,loi~lha Felb. Ibi'185. R. S, WVEIBBJAL BL W''R. il-. W E BB takea this-enaa orf mevle piJ,15. f ifr ingke public that he will here- --_____________ atrary on the mierennttile 'bta 'ps ,atd upnh awn. res~ponsabhiity, atthIdr TRENQQBQ8 oxr1t stn f1.C. WVEBBI Co,:wheorae in- yasoaa prit~~t h~C~n vie afrom all the customecrs of the rduneBEFtin@'Ws#*j,4 laei r R. C. VEB&Co ai well as' 1m e hn,1"Pt Ih~~ b titepubli generally. ,auer emnt for~ kn a, B. laOan Pan - e"ao~ es v oifrn~i red m