Vri 4e'q ,n -a' ..,'. 4 a - rr"Uy'T L( -TA LEWA'I .t P ROP, ITOR. Goy-slar ur -2.61m* N. S. RIHA DSN *Jj*; '4. . t7 ~ VOL' IX SUTRII' S o NV, A~t B' E4 It 29 42ISi'4 TH~ESUMTE1{ BANNER IS PURILISnED Fvery 'Wedsiesday M1ornalung BY, Lewis & Richardson. T ERIS., i'VO D&LLARS in advance, Two Dollars ild Fifty Cenmts at tihe expiration of ilm inonth ur Three Dollars at tIh enti of tie year. No paper discontinted titil all arrearages hre rAiD, unless at the-optiont of the Proprietors. Advrtisements linerted at SE V ENTY 'u Cents per sqtare, (12, lines b less.) for hie first, anld half thAt anUt foreach subsetlpmnt nrseridn, (Ofiital adivertisemeints tile samoe Vaci time). g'' Tie number of insertions to be marked bin all Advertismemnsor they will be published Until ordered to be discontinued, and chargeI bccorflingly. gaV" ONEs DOLLAR per square for a sin Vlo imertiont. Qumrmorly and Momtilv Adtver lusements wijl be elbarge.1 time same as a single Invettion, Ani semi-munthily tile samlie as new ' es .-,. e a l . r n For the Balmer. Our Taxes. Messrs. Ed ors: la at Comntinica. tion to tile Baimer published Nov. 5th, 1852, 1 recomimeinded the levy ing a pull tax and without. tigain utnter. in into the argument ill extens I wouldm rmeapitu late a pmrtion of it in cominectiol wlth other recomminie.da. tions fur increasing Ithe revenne of t he' State. The State is ww building a IState Iouse which, if its Iogniience shiild correspond to its antLictipated Cost will be tile pride of the Stato anmd as each and every eitizetn I ipresundil'd to take iim equal intt est, in it, t ap! pears to ime to be it itir aid just thmat. LeVIh bliould contribute his quotim to its eretion. Anid limther the Fivre Shlm ms hav engaged the publie mmind ti) stniwi yxtenmt latterb 1 anmd it i-s evidcltit that tIo render ainy system of' publi ic init - ti iln l g meerl i lit y, a mutI,-. o. U almon'lnt ii' iulyt~3 neimat bei appropm)!ria Ied rom that purpt yise Iil:,n] ill I eI atid mmil gladl7 wumild I hail tihe ime wleln a prilt ical diteuatioin shall lv withiln ti,reae of every Clil din Sm tutu As imeuiiairy iesoi)urces are incli, pealll'e to tie exiteicet 41f' a slati. the tquestimn i tnaturnily arises who shuild contribute ts time support f government '? The priper answer, ~ hieh I thi;nn few will deiy, appears to ime t) be Iii. viz : That all whm eijoy lih bIle-sing, ind aldmvantagi.ies (it goiod goverisientl should coni tribute tm its sup jport. My low opinioi, v,"liehi I have flrmed after mature comsideratimi, is that a pm1ii tax shoIuldmi be paid Iby% ." every free wifite mIian " wh1 is entitled tVo that-iniestimab!e' privilege if f:feemnen, the riqht (af suffrae. 'iere is injIrstice il til - principlit. which is at prestueit neted up11om in this State that a ma' peamtrthehi m.% is no property or " learned pl ofe-sin "m stock. in trade or the like, should be exempt froreontr buti nig one cenflit the support of. that government under which he lives myd whicb governmeit would "avenge him upon his a'd vernary' who should dare tio minolest hir in, any way thoigh said advrsrf shoitd cast his thousands inyto tihe. tremsiry olf the State and he ine ;- amid yet I rejoice that the poorest citizenm is mider the especial care- and imrmteetivn - State svereigity andm] hipe the time may never conme whmen it wiil be othier wise. 'The proceedings of our Courm s prove to the nimost careleOsobserver tihat out code efjustice i.5 1n0 respecter of persons but that the rich anid thepoor alike r'eort thithemr for protect-ort or redrmess anid that time rich cannmot oppresis tihe - oor: with impunity,-that the man ,oijproperty anid the penniy less arm equals ia law unider our well orgaizedm nattittibums and yet time matn of promper yor'" pinfession " amnd a few others sa~pportthe ponderous burden* of go~v ra~sner.t While he whott has health amid et rigth' and perhmaph learnmiig amnd ieagacity to realize hmatidssmely from ils liidividual exertions is exempt from n taxation at all. pu ~tbr of 'mn inm this State ~iy .noFta* 'present icon, siderable and as time state gro~ws old'Wr m anmd advancees in coimmrce amid mnanut naotures t~he tunmber will conrtinmue it 1nereaise.- The overseer, the schomol naster, clerks, agents for meni of' bust ness, public offieers the funmctionflmitl both of' time Statte amnd genecral gomvernm iments,' apd - p.miployers ini ge;'eraj, th~lose inicormes .xmsy bei itndreds on - thmousamnds as lthease umay lie anmd wh<( Imuny live in comfo rt.. perhapms fihmenet and emjoy all time blessitngs of~ a wel: legmuated govemmennt, and' yet. they nieverpay one cent into time StatWi treas ury-ure never called umpont to'lffer ui one dime of' their incom~ies. upom the~ * *itars of their State whichl secum protfection to all anmd the rigid' of sufj 'frage to iali but time mmamn whom ownms min miere or acrtes of lanmd orn ainegro o0 *negroess no matter whmether ihls liire he is in debt fle it he mui tst pay In: taxes or the property is sold from himl, and yet he enjoys no higher privileges thin those Iwho pay nothing with perhaps the simnple one of' being el, gi ble to a seat in the Legislature. I now come to my second pioposi tion fohr increasing the revenue of the State or at least of equalizing tha burden of taxation .so that it may iot fall so heavily uipioi a certiin eliss or classes to the exciliption of others. By the present mode the large portion of the tlLxes aitid ilnto the treasury ol the State is levied upon land and iiegroes while mnoney and property ill variotas other Coris aro e!xemI)t and I must coifess that I fil to see tinC justice of' it. The millionaire Wh-o nia3Y possess his entire we.Itli in money may live in MllInce--may ro l inl IaxIury may dri'v hg " coach and tur 4 with goldeln goblets " nd eat ont or'dishes of silver--nay deck li person inl gild and jewels and Jet he pays nothir-g to thti -'State which svecur-es to hlimi his rights (t life, liib, health and the peaceable pos.;essionl of hlis wealth. The pripe:ty fi illinors it* in laid and nitgroes pays its tuxes but if' it is in money, it, 0.py nione. A man ma have his thtIusald aid tens of* liuisaids ill cas at interest seenfed fIrom pri bability of loiss by seeuiri ties, nir'tgag &e he p'fys no. tiling but it risks uiy p..*rt:1 of it in Irade ill whicb by tile vicissitiudes of i)IuIsiness or by oIe limisstep ill specl.. hitionI he,. rulay lose it all, or it he0 shoulld ilvest tlie sille ill I egr.s which :ln m re-al .mid liable I-, all the ea,nahities of this uife And im y b4 SWept, fom him in ai instanLLt he IS 4 Ilay it taxes. lIe inia:i shaIll relese to pay said tax anld m ha shail be, retunte14d " 11ul11a b),11a " mt11 tila' Sierifl's Ulhiz.'e upn :im a xcuiitiionl ti) ciilleet'said [as sh 11 be ili..Iitgible to Ote filr ai0N Iiitrict oiflicer4 lo 11.imIberlit 1 eith rol ch I the log is iui r rC o01 ClitgS or r i- e.d. ti ulectors(in cascthu elect'Ii 'l c. tors be give tii the peoph-) aid pro vided furher that any I mani whii lector that lie feels ionisell Iunab tle t< pay) his taIY lie sl~LI be exemp i t Iloll payin.g the sIae bt lie shall also, be iieligiblde Luo vote as abosivet 1 11 me itined on I lhe same11 pihie pie thait j pper aln denied the riglit' ot' sulIL'ra\e; Tha !'~.t fr. all' m, .cy Lat. initeres shialI be palid onie doi ~la for e ver' thlousanid diiihits, for everyVO our her.s canI ing worthinot, less Itihan oniie huna (duI didllars shuallI be pauia the siomi 0 two dolLars, for evlery t wro hoarse p.enu surle carriaige tiir'rkawaLiy wert ii the. less than' seventy live d liars ; l'o every t~1o horse bairauche buggy o other vehicles of pli)r1~e worth no0 less than fifty doilLaes, the sumi of' tifL cenlts; for every gold waitch thie suii otfifty cenits ; 1or every sil ver watel worth enot - Ibss' tih frwe don4ars aUs kept ini use tihe sumi of' twenmty-iiv ents and1( for etveriy race-horsJIe andit fu everystanistLlIion andl jack eneI. lI'it be( objected to LI t ~h ove~t' pi-nS tionl Ithit it. woulni d ralise t much miL~'iiel I wiatdd only say that it will resiuir some mhoneiy toi pay for oiUr nlew Stt ' louse whIeh-is to'(okt (a rrli//iah anii fi; thmer I wouLtd say thai~t I contsidec that the properly at present tatxabI the " learneiiei [pl'ifessionts "' and stioe in trade are ,aIxed beyond its prIope proportion and therefore a reducetio couild be made uiponi t hum until th revemiue be reduced to the absolut requireimnts oif thie SLtate. Itf these propositions or their lik hbould be a~doipted by the Legislatur thena every. inua and all property woul in some degree equally contribute t the snoport o'om-ernmnin .nd ,.....i: ly io nian would refuse to pay thi.-, tax for . Is there a soul so dead That to him-li li ath not said This is my own my native land and those " who drew first breAth " in other climes but who have stUlight homes in our beloved State if tlhe're is aspark of pat riotism in their nature would scarcely grutble to contribute their mite into the treasurv and more certainly the man who is able to all'rd the carriages; watches and race horses wouUld n6t, le so lienuridus as to liesi tate to coitribute to his Statc-his Alhat Mater-a pittance for the pro tecting arm which she extends around him. I will close this CommunitiAtion by repeating the propoJ3ition I set onut with viz. That all who enjoy the blessings anLd advantages of good government should contribute to its .support. -.B~V WD M BEAVE R-DAM.f For the Banner. F1Iiatlers aamd Brotlavea of the Free taIe of Sdiaain Carolinaa. I i;ave listened to Yoinnodio his gret talt . Ile says. " we have great venieratLion for the saiglcity of orit inl tiers, and I'or the wisdom, purity and stability of their insti tutions. Depart no10t then from th16 'elistaJitS an1d iLws, but perpettei t e ths goverimentt hey I have beqdt.-athed ititad o)u, foir oiu alcre eiightened by their wh,d;m, and the strenogth of' their arms have set, you Iiree." BrteS so farl Y,11onndio tallks Well, b'ut inl wh11:11 fllvOWs lhe do.-.s nta11 talk w ell. Ile tells its himself that. le is not wise ; ther eftre I iiv poinlt. out tile errors otf his speech. l Ie 9a)s, " It, is nt), my lHrothears, ill the sIitt of lIve to each other, tnor ik it in1 a revere 'td revollectioni ofl yimr dep.-Imted dien'ar to t:th- the uelction %4 oIf'lectofrs intto y u Mlt i 11 .1141,'. . Il-W U.1an y ill preserve their .lieint hmd1ia iI ou1 livest,% ur I lIreselative body of this ac e e-t"1m. Brcothers ti s is 11'. evidence ofa high Illl lfilty asp.r. tin t pr eserve Ihe trust. lo Subitted ia 'ahi ur ch ao. . uy Blrt hers, the ia ttim of votr ithers ledI toma resa. Iecti~ely ' pp site. It in triets alg u ttit a die regiad to t!!w pelrJet:ty of it repres.- tative's responsibility tio his conlstituients (.I:m alne seetne the manliy ble'.ing's of g'evnum-ust. This is .ot La I )latalemlcvy. lieitlier is it ak lI'n i.n held togethr by .the wit- ill of a Cel tr:rI to wer but LI CteIC tctati af sepja :-iLae, indepetalniit, svereities, uni tel taagatiier only by biolnd, alf initial affctIion :i 1 mterest; a :l rhilst all 1i0wer lests ith the eOple, yet my brther's it may be deieaed tipienits wholia utnder variouts Slatttis taal- re poi ~iliities, inay . xvicise it inl tile Winune 111i11 i v the aulthoarity o tie peo. le. It is ipon this l.r-mlelh of yoit Sivel eigl 1ower that the preel t canllge piioset is des-igined tk act, all ta imamo'1.tIlte o. the altal of the peopjle's rights, the reverted a-itd log establihled rlaxit 4f yorl. fatlhe.rs." Ill this Yoiimoidio does notL tLlk wis -Ay: Li1i t. ttiy speech llty hm aa hers. (i gvernn'eit is inl both i'Is bi 1.chIes, a demacracy. The sov creignty r.sides ill the paeop 1 l e adl iti for tils very reasol n the people have tile righat to delegite any portiotn o' their power (ii t inocaois: tent; aSith thiir du (VL y ~I to trceator) to agenCtits. Thle pele'b of~a Saiinter Distict halve thie tight Lii deleagate a portion oW thea.ir power'ci tao thle IegaislattrofheSa, an i1 to resitm'-- it when it, becorites nieee.-sariy to their it:'tei'st, to do so; and 'awheln it cani be doine with'oiut irju. ry to~ the boady of1 the peoie of the 'talte. Li:i I - lhin k tlke Le~gishnutaraa hiave huihea is geahyi' i re'sp e.'cd t his i ight oh thle peop le of a Di ~trie, byv repeal. oug Muchi Il aws aS opeLinLte to thieir dis L~advatage', when.! called aon to do sa, Lada' lien th'b4 r'eeal would w.aoirk no0 Iijury to the State. Thet people of Sumuter Ditit hdre'oi'e haive the rigt t dlegteand to resume th'eir' poiwer. But they hiavae nto right to rei suiie it, to thei injury of' the State, be. caus~e it've wa fr thet beniel'it of the wh''lole hII thlis coniitts thie freaedoin' af thea peopl1 e. :>epivei'a thiem ofi the riagt La, daelegatle ir iver)~a't, ahd give it Lo thie lew beyaonld the powaei' of' reso iupt,n - ad thien'ir gueriniet.. is nao lontger a lie e aepuei, bu t a diespo t ic arista iera-t " ey. I [cende it. in evidet that the must, ell'ectuai tnt ai of' s'curhLig- thte bless itags of gal aer'innent, is, to mlLae th r re'spionsiblilily of the recpresent(at ivae it i uneica tely to the( pleI aIs greait, as ( possible. No that repre's nttive,' r who is elected iiumedtately by (lie I aeopale is iindelr mtuchi grea'Lter responitsi Sbility to themn'thn the one11 thit is ap. O pointed lby the lacgishture, ahid for1 this reason'ithle Constitution of' the Ullited e States gives thei electiont of~ ilectors 3 (of the l'iresiadent anid Vic te Preisidett ; Lto the people. a " EaLchi State shtallppointI, ih' sabbl V mannilhers thc I2.:s.tu'.. .h..r ..a. dil eet, a I Illliher I f I) tor1.* These words plainly give the ip. pointment. of the Electors to thea peo ple, atid the discretion of the ianner of tile appointment to the Legislature. If the framers of the Collstitltiol had i .tended to give the election to the Legislatire they would have expressed themselves as they did iii relation to the election of Senattors. They would have said, chosen by tile Legislature, and noct jppiinted by the State, in such manner ats the Legislature thereof may dir ect. The petiple tlerefore. have the con stittitinal right to elect the Electors. lut they have also tile right, to dele. gate it to their State Legislatuire, itid it seenis ttt ihi the first instance all the States slilered their Legislatures to make the appointruent, and the people (f SouthI11. CarOlli have CoIltill ied t) du so until this time. Bit tile peopltt iJt' ilin-t of the uth r States -RP, sullied their right. at a Tit whern in''n who were the irtamers of the C..nstitt. tion, and who therefore undertood the truie slealin llg if Itlh. phrase, each State sh:l aIpp'ilt, weli mllembers of Colngre.ss, withouti oppoashtion fromt the ge elilniet,ll and this is plain proof, that they- h ad the ightII to do soi But. YolndIimio tels you, coitrary to litejudgroent. tif our lathers met at SuIIIry tiIies ill Conventlon, t hat the 11101raii n1i iteCLIU i!ioIv'eel.!IL of tlie n iises is n siiliient to entitle thelat I to -le t. \ ' I , ar e t ilas Us ? A cet dllg to ois view of 'c tjii I ad yoil are tile Iliasses. Does le dispaiv 1ich wisdmii by saying that (llr inor. siietntlt ? Br thels tme the nIIUIases Ce aipite t to elect their eirepsenta tives ill tieir Sttot I la'islatulire ;11.1d ill LCIligress. ithey are, wy ale tixv lolL coinpetelnt lo el(ct the leccors i i hey wiuld )lilt be elc till!. the PIa1l -l e i nd Vice I'residen; theinselves. (If w lise ebact r the V wy miust n ecessali 13 be. motre III h'ss ignos '- u", otwn whio live tiiailng tieini, It) elect tile I'resideit adit Vice 're.idllt, anid tiVy iiicly have IIh Nalli4e oplljortuni ty of itiijiiipuing iit tile cbaatcers ol tese Inenl that. the3 have*t of1 inqui11 riig- intoi thle. ebaraier hit any other represetaithe I.Yoitndi , 0ciieroe is i''t wise in s;a ing, contrary to te il-iI llent oii 4,1mr ilthers, that the maa;es we ii li peil imtent top ec!t. Neitier is lie wise in sayi01g tllat tihe peopl~c of otlr tales ha vr bi-.i led 1to walk Idt r "'di iId ill tile folly wt Litir 1w1 liiarils, by ire-.utaining tieir piInl itive ill con. t itution al right. Ii . 111.t11r, 1ni 1l , Cour~tv s; Ior wise inYmolondi to) alk Ini t.is finanlieri el' tour lathers, whoe sgacity, hie s i, lie Venautes. Ihi r ihers, fistein to iy 1.alk. Truly it is ; Itilal error Ill toiloa the devices tofa druniken ainbiti->n. Fiar whilst it baLJbitles ill ti. Iidlics of1, its own devi. CS it leads to) pUlltica1l dari1kne.Ss andl dest ruct ion1. I.t u<, thercefoi, 1.b1r in tIll spirit, of i t? to o, petuate that primivek- prlinciples (if' ait srnn Sol dearlybugt It was foir the ji dht ,i : frce Voh:.ltary represeilatioll tii:t oult Itliers sol ijot l 'ought.. Thli, , IIhe. prin pl -th tr vt I'innittLed too our11 eAuy. 1.,(t thenl eL:.*Ihwrir1-n o" ctitii , know tha inn iimn, lik. the serilt, lies idi under ianiv de i. eeCS. It is youtr duty, It is yomnr pr) vincee to) gnlan with SCrutin% y - tm1!it coniiiiit to1 yur c:'re, :nl to re.--ist wiith flimiless the v ry beigtinnzings <.f evil. l!eh-t separaite dl,-pltt~artu aaf watcihfulnless andii care that it does nio t enier neh'i upjonl youiir rights. SailTr themii to depriVe yout of thle freedo'm of choice-it'ey beciomie i rr-4tpoistile anld your freedomi is gon'c. I ld theni your light, to eleen t'he Electors ill your o Cwn hiads. It wVill be tile mni f'estionll of a trile sir it (at love. t eh 'Ither anld of ati revered re'col lee tion of outr diepial e i Ia thers-of at higi; and14 lofty atspitra ion1 to pareServe theitl anLlci~l ietladomrkl, tid ,t h'eL t't comI mlitted to outr care, when we'strenau 4)usly mitinf tile right fo r w iela they fought andi shed their blood t< seciure i to s. It will be to foillow tI ad vice of the fathler of our counitry. - Whiere-fbre ratl ly alround ilu 1. stanidard lhe gre tters hLae n'ot o e~rilowr th SLlenaea, Cayntga~s, Ononldagas Onlcidas anid .obitroeks, aind tha:t thet l igiht of1 thei signe1 Great, Spitrit, thal stood with Mose on Moiunt, Nebo iaid shoiwe-d to him11 t.!ie lndJ of C'anaanl slinest' 11po n thieir p)ath iand shows ti thleml thle deVices of the enemytk of liI eI ty. GmsNIULA, A Susi or rum: ONonDA A IIHiIEF AnkOUMEIN.--Bad men o devilst would not havo written the Bi be, fior it con lheimna themn and thel works. (fool meii'di dapqeh could nc hai'/e Written it, for in saying it wa ft/an Glad, whenc~ it, was bit thieir ow Irnvention, they would have been gui ty of ftlschood, and thus could nt have been anod.- -The only one wa iOUld have written it is its author God himself. torrspoilne of the Bhnnr.r. COLUMIA . C., Nov. 20, 1854. Souith Carolina Conference-Sunday Serrics-Town Items. I)cuthfrom Yello-v Fever. Military proceed ings. Miscellanca. Messrs. A'vi-ors: Tlie S. C. onifer. en'ee, St. E. Church hats been in Soss ion since WVediesdiay last and will probably Continue its ice.ilng unaatil Wednaesday or Tueiday. Bishops CA pers and Pierce are both preseit-the latter being presiding Officer. As an oflicial abstract of the proceedings alppiars daily in the " Carolinian" we doem it unnecessary to recorint the~m hiyiel The iissioary rmetng was held on Saturd.ay evening in the Washing. tan street Church. An unistially lar&e and respectable coigregation assem bled at an early hour and the vast building was soon filled. Rev. Chats. Betts )resided -*nd W. M ighi D. D. read the Annual lieport. The Illeetig was lien addIressed by Bish D. 1). The address of the Bishop was excelliet, both inl coupositii t nd delivery aid wrs liStdried to with great atteltion. Dr. Smith's effort was a hapl)y one and abouided in eloquent aid beautiful sentences. The Collection amounted to over Fifteen Hundred Dollars. Bishoi Pierce and his fani. ly Wcre imiade iiie ieimbers of the S. C. Conference AMissionary Society. Siuday morning, t no of the largest pre~s , ... m a l' l ,ar gop, n .. - elit to hear Bishop Pierce ; and well were they repaid for the crowding aid squeezing ill iabd to (1dure. IHis lirmioni wits bIa rhactertv istic ofI the mat), stroig ani bold. Vhien lie first eu mitenieewwer rather surprised and a little disatfppiiited -not ha'. inug ieard him fr'-but as he wen t I i gaining strength aid vigouir becoining imore id mtore eloquenat-t lie orator hecame aplpiharelit .id we could but ai his enius. ta. and ratory. Such is George '. Pierce the yoa:gest ad the most taleiited of tle llislhopus of the M. E. Chureb, South. Sernces becing ciuhadeLd! seven m emiliers were or dained D~eacons by isop Capiers. In the afternoon, Bishop Capers deliveredi a sermonI for the benefit oh thr-e % hIo at the close of the sanie serice. er.u ordained EIlders by the l'i.pition of hand " by Bishop l 'ie-re'. lithe eveiig-a-.ut her t reiidous croiwdl and a serim from Dr. Cross, waicb inl our opiin, w as as regards comiition ar.J !vci- e%'y, 1ie t the bye,t ever delivered. We but speak lie sentiimeta s of ma~iny when we exin'es~s a hle thah~t D r. Cross may beh senit tolCci n unlbia lby t his Coniifeaerce. Tihe weatniir is eaou and this (Mon day ) miorninilg, ice is p'lenty. Columia bina i "brushin g up"i' for sessin. We see that Judge O'Nefll re commiiiends the burilding 6f at New hotel large enoutgh to accoammodate vieitaar- to our town dluring the ses sioni ! lIe says maoreover that he wil advocate a remiov~al of te Capito uniless good acconodatioans for visitorn cair be had hiereafuer as a reasonabbi price !r~~elkont Soloni JeankinsJrwelkont the peo.ples of your Distriet as a Da guerreutvypist in our city, died here or Sunday from the Yellow Fever wiil disease he contracted receiuy ii Charleston. II is reniains were lbur ied by the Odd Fellows, "1Caroin;t Blues," anad "Cvltumbia Flying Artil On Saturday, accoadinig to la', "matde and providecd" for, theo uppe~ Battalion 23d. Regimenit 8. C. M~ p'arade~d in full feather. Lieut. Col WValilace e mmtandinig. The Volur tedr Cuompaizhiesa paoaded strong an went throtih the evoltutionis iri' gooi s'oldier-like style. Thie Beat Comptn t niies-Chi val rous .fellows !-lthoung comanaded lby efieient Officera, nu turnedi from the field knewing abor vIas much a4 they did bskife. ,eRihland Light Dragmwa np ided on the sane day and appealed to advantage. Yours Ever, . tICLAND.. Correspondence of the Sumter rtnuer. The Know Notlainags Again. Pntnt.ATnst)rIA Nov. 28 1854. Afessrs Editors: In commenting upon the result. of the recent election in this State, nost of the Solutherj .Journals have Lttriultited the defeat of the Democratie party to thc uttioi of Whigs and "Know Nothhl g." which, as they say, alone enabl'd 'the oppo. nents of the Democratic party t.o Car ry the State. And, as might be expec ted, this "flul coaliti'n" has L'el 'dc nounced inl no measured terms. But, Messrs .Editois, is a gzi l Democrat, of the States lRights school, we must protest rigatinst our brethren at the South beliuving any such.state ments as they are calculated to injure our party. 'The Democratic party proper of Pennsylvafiia is invincible whet united. When divided, it, is coatmparatively speaking, powerless. And such was the case in the recent ,iections3. 'lhere are hundreds and thousands of Democrats, "good men and ti-tie" who ire bttei ly oppo-ed to foreigii sale. Who believe that Catholicismi--Itman Catholicism we should sij, s yet to gain a powetfu hold inl the Union ; and when sufli Ciently strong and powerfull then to radically Change the political Instiitu tions--to destroy the pnliiiedil privi liges which. the people of our great. and glorioi. i* 1 ', . These I.I !C tanow Nothingp,." 'n it was that Pennsylvania was carried. The Whigs of this State are a cut. uiiing, ii t riguing set. They are wil ling to unite with any party--to join in coalition--so as to defeat the De mocracy. And when by any such meia, ii victory is galined, then tie% claim the victory-they boast of a tiimph. The whig papers Soth there are yet a few of them--joia in boast greatly and thu's the Democracy ofthe So'uth a e* induced to believe that, the Pennsylvania Whigs have triumphed &ver th'e Uenorats. The Know Nothings are gaining ground every day among the Demo. erats ; and if the Whigs could only be keptout. of that order, all would be right. Y',ur A(,rrespo?:det "Quaker Cit " has return ed, and will resumime his du ties short.v. PaNss. A Leaf Eromna ie Volume of'a Dry14 Goods Olerk's Experience. Theri i iot in tle wlhl e range of humIm hf a clmas of the cnt*a#Ini.y whose wlngs and tfis widl for a nomeitnt bear a compjarison with lttie of t whoni I have tak'en my pem to give youi a .simngle leaf. The neverthelecss pay, enyoy less pileasture. have less sy umpat hy from the public. aind less thanks fron e':iployers, wh:l1, they ex. ert more errergf. devote their etntre' tiimne,anid call inlto t'ivi~e operation eve rypnwer. both of body and mitnd, to ac. comn plish less thant could be achieved withm one half the labor in any other position in lje 'Tis t'n old saw, 'the paiendeO of Job.' . I t all niy darling piiblic, Job was nicer a clerki i'n a dry goods storec. If hes had been 'tis mnore than probable that hie would have taken Mrs. Job's advice ; for then -in deed his afilictions would have beeni mmore than lhe cou2ld bear; and all the cardinal vi-rtue would nt have been as niuchb as i daily called into requti sition by those wvho wouldi serve the culicin the position of a dry goods cek;and, if you will allow me space eniough, I will etndeavor to show you a -single page frorm my journah, regular ly kept tip duaring a service of seven ,years in that capacity in, this city, taking good card, su to change the NovEMtDER 2d.-Yesterday being a rainy day, we had a moin'era's respite fronm the throng w hich' hias poured in upon us from the beginitng of the fall season. Ardse at six, dressed, break fasted~ duid at the store by eight o'dlbek, in the beat hnmor imaginable and with the pi ospeot of -a fair day's dtrde rT ook my position near the dor edy' to wait upon the tiret fair ctustonier wvh~'shoid make knjown her wants. Ah. Just Tn Thr&c thinks I tb mysm~ Ilere is Mrs. Flounce making her way hither. I shall'now have a pleasant !ustorner to begin with i and slie Lnters tlhe store. "Goodimorning Mr. Tape.' 'Good morning Mrs. Flounce. What shall I have the pleasure of showing you this moiniig ?' Plaid silk, if yci Ilease I hear you have some very iandsome, jus. out.' 4*Yes marm; walk back. Any colors you preer?' 'liue and black is my prefer. nce.' And itmniediately I began. to sho heI. The hlige plaid being most desirable, I show themit first. But, no ; being a very fishiioable lady, she prefiers something smaller. But she does not like , the small ones; they look just like gingham, for all the world. Then another and ahother, but the thinks that blue is not at all beconing, and wotild l'e a green and, backl pl aid. Dvu 1 h( ,OMf, Uie-:-. ight, until fitily he' Illney is pleased with one. 'Tik just the thing she wanted ; and while I am inwardly :ongratulating myself with making the iale, she happens to remember .th1t Nir. Flonce does not like green at all, but if Abe could get purple ofjust that Idaid she would purchase it at once. 'Wegll, madam. here it is, just re. -eived from tewait's. this morning, and you have tle good fortune to be tile first to see ir.' 'YeS, ves, that is just what I want. How inany yards have youof i t 1" 'TURentV tjur i'iud.3 enouLgh for1 tw JresseS.' ;0h, iniv, I nim sorry for that. You know I Ci't bear to have anly one dress as I do -. Why do you not purchase your silks im patterns, so that all the city shoiuld Iot be dre:sed alike ! lowev er, it do es iit natter. I'll call some atler titte wi th a friend w Io wiht s to erchase a dns: or, two, and thii perhaps % out w I sell theimi cheaper. Will you show ne same delail.os, if A ;-J-'. 1:!\*CJ1n:.r ..- - Aid r . 11 1 lai , ot.Etar variety, style, color anid quantity. They are gone through with the like stICCess. Raw silks, cshneras, aiind ineritius share the :ttune fiate ; and M rs. Floince is sorry that our -t. ek is not as we usually have, and is about to leave, when it occurs to her that the servanti eqestl t her to pntehase a .tlico dress, antd she Notili lo k af them--somcehing at 12 i 2 cents. They iln their tolnt. are cal led over, and at lasNt alre select d. 'But really, Mr. Tape, those are very course. Could you not sell those at 10 cents? (the goods cost 11 1-2, and of course we could not. Well, you will at least give ili ,e yards for a dollar. Well, rath. r 6in not sell, I cut it off; but 3 et my customer is not satisfied, and asks to have a spoo of cotton, a feW hooks aid eyes throii in. This is graited also 'Please charge it,' says Mrs. Flonine.., 'and send it home. Good momingi, sir. I'll call again in a few dav. in hope you uill have uie thing new. caree.y had she left the store when up steps ainother customer, pushes open the door a< if she would wreak plion it some of the wrath which is beamning in her countenance and flash ing from her eyes upon all she meets. She passei I y Ine' wiihApt a ghdabb; and n.ves on to ile b'aek part of the stie. As all'othier clerks are engg-d, I fo.llow Fier until she to. a att the~ cloak counter and matkes known her wants by one short werd, uttered ini a toneC of atngr, 'Cli a:k s ! 'W htieh kind nmadam, eigd,5 o~r velvet ?' 'Show me whiat you hai~ve, sit-,' is her rei, ly, 'and inake in e*wit selection'i.' . Cloalk ,after [e'o.ik is shownt-cloth, ielvet, silk, satitn, ti immed and plaini, long anid short with yokes and without, and' in fact evetry imnaginable sty'le under the sim ; atnd ntot a word, eitlier of ap ptrovial or disappro'vtil boies lnv custo mcer itter, At last a bl.mek' ielvet strikes her fimey, and asks the priee. In the most qjuiet manner I answer 'Forty dollars.' 'Is it possible ! Did any one ever hear of such 'a price r W hat is there abotit that, cloak that should umake it oost $40 ? I can bav such at cloak in Neid 'Vork ror $25. I know a' ladly wiho got onte there juist a-c good in every respect, anid onily paid *25 for it ; and I just, sa-w one at Messrs. Y~ardatick & C2o., ihr $30, just is good. .Woc-n'tyou, take that for yon's 1' 'lin'deed mn'al coul~d' not.; the cloak'dost mis mucb more thanm that in New' York. You will see at once that there are three vards of velvet in the cloak.Zwhich is'wprth M. least *8 pe/gpy~rd, which, w'omml leave but 6 dollars for thes making and the tritmisig.' *',Well. I holieve hLb logklIsai at 'Mesrs . 'ai is just as good, just as prettj, 'but if vyd de~4 take 35'dollars for It J"W'll tali'1't Fi-. nally, w~e agree to split th,.dIfferetion ajlsetaker tie..loale at $M50. jutakgn iti Noew Ytmrk for 5 and iitt'n Ftore fut ego, yet sh -puw chs'tmj doak fbrs. A'il Mut in