DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHITS. DEMOCRACY, ADS LHt UEAOI1 ~~LA E I, -PROPRIETORS. r~~~l x~ -UN .S. RIICH-AR{DSON, Jut., i D AC A xe SUNII1'ERVILLEe S. Col NOVEMiBER1 I S54 UMTER BAN-NER US PRTLISHED Wedacuday Ioriiang rWO DOLLARS in advance, Two Dollars anti lifty Cents at the expiration (if ix mbnths or Three Dollars at the end of the year. No paper discontintied until all arrearages 'are PA ID, utnless at tihe option of the Proprietor. 8.27 Advertisements inserted at SEY ENT Y fTIV~E Cents per sI nnre, (12 lines or less,) for te first, ari half that-sum for each sulseii.itl Insertion, (Olicial advertisements tho s-uine each tim1). f' 'The number of insertions to be marked 'n il Aldvertisemets or they will he publi-4ited jntil ordered to he sliscontiued, and charged r ONE DOLLAR per staro for a single lnserit. Quarterly nitl lonthly AIvertise .netints Will be oh:Large-di the sate as a sinigle iii iertjion.inI l setmi-oItlyl the 'aitle aS new 111e; gF Obittary iid, 'T'rihtite of ltespct. over tlveiv litnes, cIhargd ts ave-tisement. O rigi"n1zaal PoetIr . For the ainner. The al Gae They'vo planted wil flowers o'er tier tonih, The living o'er the dead ! The violet's witching soft perfule Around her grave is shed As emblemsof bright memory'" sway. I seek the spnt, whcin the last blhsl Of day is 0n the rose, And o'er the wave a deeper flush of burning crimion glows And then I think how more than bri.eht, Was her young slay when near its night! I saw her come like morning dew Iteflecting summers skies, I1er cheek fluislil with aurora's iue, Anti heaven was in her eye's, And he' r bright treswes couhl have won, No brighter beauty irom the sun. Site wa'S with tme', asa dlream, Of fairer worlis on high Flashing, like a sItIliglt o'er a strenm, A . - 1 to ie. .s dlenmv 'r1-, Ith:. 1 iven I qaw her on the coneh of d More lovely in deaLy ; I'listened as h--tr Lt drawn breah, Passed on the breeze aw.ty Herspiritirft itstearthly iower Calmly as itiuens leave.i the hloWr. I cnil.1 tint weettp- couil.1 not wtee; So tranquil litsi' her breath Her eyei he-rin'd e!a' Iin gont le letep - Not the du1tll sl1p of deati H1er brow was still ai m-irble! fdr, Anti on her cheek-tho ros.t W.LS ther' Yen! that which thrmighs life's favor'd hour Blssom'd bit to ht 'tray. Dil not with life los. all its p:e;''r, Nor psts'd in deadh away No! still it gave its lovely blooni, As though in tinking of the tomb. Iut all i.i pass'd-that btqoom ne'er Again shall tirub t- storr ow's sigh; That brow nt'er be the meat of care, No tear again buedew that eye I will not weep that she's at rest, Woul.I I were with such slumber bleFt. 3. ~. #4w. Suinterville, 12th August, 1851. The Loangest %igat iII a A I.ADY'S ADVENTUIlRE. it wasne (1of1L ts' ol fashione English winters illtI- days of the George", wen... thl. e stiow laty onim th le grounid fort weeks, when~' rail ways were iinktnown. antd thne ele ctric te leg i ap had niot been dreamedl itf save by thei ispeceniati ve Coun1t ess of' Liontdon. fThe tmauils lf( habeen irretgur i fo~ ~r a tn othi palst, and the .letter batg whiieb didi ~reach 'the post tilice had beeni brittgh t thither wdh I dilientity.. The lnewspta pers WehU devoid of' all fot'eign mt,iti g ence, the mietronpilis, knew not hing 1r ~ ~ings~ of lthe provincees anid the ap, kgiew little more of te the mtetrppo-is; bult thne ci'1 both were .eruwded ilth mr~I theo itnelementcy ot' .hn . ith herart-rIelid ing acciount s ofit trn and dest: Inat in, wvithi 'wonde escaO pes oit ad vemuttronit ttraiveller id oh' stil mtore ad ve'ini ~'j enachmelcn anid giuard... vasWf abno~cSt at a stambl.,tiI, o I.carried ion iby is andI starts; eswere mtadeu tuneasy by tihe tdeit ilng siliencit of thirI ablset.'iI Ibers; antd the poortI were suifferiniu '6t imisery f'romi coltd antd faniimn. ~ The 1s(uth road had been bloceked up for nearly a mionth i, whent a uatial thaw abourost cau~sed a public rejiticinig. Cioai~cs liegani to runt, I lieris to lie d ispatchied andI deli vere'd, andit wealtir bound travelers to have somte hopei tot t'eachinng their destinlatin. Amnong the lir't. ladies whio utider too~k the jou rney fr'omi thte west, ol $eotlarnd tio Londont at, ti timet, was t a crtlain Miss St'irling, wh adfo wees past, dsier'ed toi reanch tine tue tro piolis. t ier friends assutred h10 thmat it was a fitilhardy aitmpi, and. tiold hter rif trtavel lers whoi hadm bnecn twicei-ng, ih Ceu tie-snowedc'i ni on teirl~ly L) twli hu iiIt-r :uf'-ic .ind warningsi were of no avail; Niss Stirling's business wias irgent, it Con. cerned others uore thia herself, and she was not onle to be deterred by personal discinhAirt imr by phsvical d iffieuslt c frolfl doing what-a'he thAlM So, slet kept to her purpose, and 'itl'y ill ["ebriar ') Wilk 1101 set il tL1 Iliail for I1111111l, I itilg tille (ullV Inssengers who was booked fir* tlie whlole llitley, Usle tint.\ hladi esil1itilled il -i ole day -; iet i(ttil|s, iiliingil lietvy) , wcee ojoeln; ,ti Wii tIl te ald t I hae l uistiSes her iid there, file fir-NL part, LOf lile str' ey \V S Peit i il etly enal Ll~ligil tediull-sly, Ile s conid d;V W.1.4 liWile trylin1 lhan tile lir.. Tfi wind leew kveii, il1 jienat'iriil tfi et'V t It. lee of IfttI t''iftIl; lt' li tiai il .' li.l bil. s Il l. [) ti (ft'lt (.i; I l utuhar l i if til " et *;L' Illel[ cilli .) lh reti 1 1) t'S 1t1.1d Mid Wilvei till e w t'hll. liltie rbtitt-1sItL. Iti li ( "le ii tt Neg ll it) lIA al-t- 1 , Iell Ihii tilt 4 it,1:1t all e t ' liil] ltli t' l leil t i I*, l l I J'' s li i i le t t11 * Ow liiiIl, iII-t ti-II tilt ' hlitik Ikt I it' ) I Irtb r Ill" 5b t l Vt l tlt -, .\1 t f il . I di -it till itl -tiid j't'l;iitj-I ilui Mt ia lit bi t lt'N It .lil it'tt,-l ' lbib Ine-xt , eIll 1ib l' t il'ille il, bIm t lie lt illi Oiest'id ) Ilit illllS a jelenait pnicti l4) l ili 1ti itp l!, o 1. C I 'i Si t1I I iciib ti I iii 1115 ii I rd t 1'ti Ileii'. .m llif e tl:in, i ti , Iit ' it's tIi e fii t i tI * re \lli i Cle , i t ilvi led liel se f ilt( t of il. il lls, ki' hIrilli tre fi"t a tll i :-I ie'tl tiilyW fri Illli i twil j I,1 l Slitt1 ilt yI u r \\ Ih Ia k e ir, Ikli, .11 ' Se s iti I l li'e thil itv hIl s t tilel lai llV ;1 1ilIW fli 1li, it I, i tilil I tr t-h 1 111 f i I XI lire ena.: sat Si .\i i le'i e ililt' I ilt t ie ck Ilil t 'I v x. :1 L-2 f ica et ll tl I'tit iit- 1, Alureitllitell. e li sil iii rti illilli ' i i'i'n tsS t isfll .st the 0 .i.!I ;tt .i'i t'T. 141i1' Je effill*l ILI Ittlil'tl \l e d -g i\ I'lii liel' tha. ls t it -ilIt . V Iz stI' tli ht i l - i 'V Wi e r' t it~ Io lliii 111111t't' tWwv \\r a)I lid a 1111 ile slt t~ h tii'i thi blea tilie ry .it th -ii tisie rihni tillt or ks.' Utl11 to ; lk l' t -l b Il I li-; d uaL bte. It Ili Ittil t gil Sit t ill tl t l t i ii !'3 1 1 !-- of llt 1 : 11 1 .: lot ' . 1 1 NoW W11i1t6 t)%V Il lt lil a tli In le t itI n '\ i ; 11. lit the nigh o thshe he lls ua 'tl ar la ld I' 1 1 1 S s l li c. I I \r Vtt-l it; : l I ;I .- ' ILe:tt 11 iJ;IilitiII (11'111. A ';pa ly I v ll e IlI W it.1 1;a 1te l'li l i .1. 11 \ c w w ; t! o 1 1t ille. i k it:1 tit't'', a -11ttlw.r atIlli hllt-si M. ;-; I 'it-,g lI IIli Ilit' e':'ill i i ppc's '.I'!v a Is lidi,; t i :111, a(-l locl- w hkts I '.e il w w here MIII' u t v 1' . ! ht-r 1,. 1 Il ::I 1,1 1.L;-t ii~il ill till \- li ci 'i .1 i ;t .4)1111.1 IW I', till IIet 0 1 1.-1 1-11l vig tl Io W er' /lt 1;1 lll '1 1it t Ill - I ll ho lI. tillel1k41 t , r tillil e.4ti~gl 1:11 i t o.I Ii hle! t $!I ah e ssin hi, ul'I 'ILI.l o t~ Vli W li, :lVlNIl Ii T :6 1 11h1 1 Virrt)S i l W; %o 0 : . 1ilee 1] l ar \ \'iie! t.\ 'la ilet . -I W1:is \ l '. Athlt! IwIhr !' reIted!' i t I lle t til ( ll AIli~voll I C' Va IeF vIll e I'l, Werut4l )taiti g i ready :s it coild hl4d.) , I Oh,' said her anit, 'we shall luan age very well. Bejield is Very cIas tie.' in I She snited as %hesoe but it. striek AsL St irliig thab. < ipwst.) ' was, iUVertheles'., it jul%%1li' (mei. Io .she sh4tok the 'i oppgtmity All ent-ca ting44 ber Ui take no tiitli.e (it lii A (11111t, a eblair yI the 1Ire was n-al I All the aeironinu h411in ' .- -dw car 114 as She wishwl to be ait relhi.- III in su h i joIrnc.*v I; so44n14 a, 1. t A coac l cull proceed. \\'% shall Ibe .1114! to d bitter lilr you tha that i1 lkn,' Mrs. Ater-iii an 4were cieer i'lly. 'i c1inio1, it is till , jIIIllis ' Oll It a Sttle i'4l4Il, Ii.11' tVery b' d inl he hueil-;v is I)ull, andi 1 kin4'1~.w '.4u .: 11i.l o a4.I.'w :i'iy one4 to4 :4' 14i4,\ 1 e i '4 i)4 L 'e1,% 4lle ll t . hut, II t e v char ellit ri ' still it, Vill4r Ser. Vicwhib'11 , :,ept inl 'lie respect, is 'lane fcour1se ? said Mli., -O h I ", nill. it. is n4 t thIat ! I h Ili it lit 4 1 1* i llf br Wh r illi n w 11 1 ito 1.t- li 're Il i e t! tr e l e l (t ) lae . w illl I., i tiI s Icn il *,44 4 t'oilt, as4'44 4 it .is (e ta el i4 ni the ho LI , ti I, i4 r till lt'w.4 ()i! it' tih t b4 ' aLII l, I amll lite wil 1(II4 IIh l Iiitw its 'ivst i, \ Itir J:1 t.. MadAiss ie S lihertiy t u1;e Ill.itte ' w 4s ' e41 1 , ili t 4r4 4 rs w' re "ilot'll tot r O it i \ e [4 :vilitll illr th4,' I ttle liis I\ first. It w nls t-ILr 1 1 1 i -r -I he ti :;.it1 Ib r I CAr ietr lIA aI I It 4 ' 4" - ls'l ., l"4 S tr, 1 li , Ill.- ..r I 4 A4 te4, y I 4 I'4. a t eh -t rI I e I im I t'4 tIl44 ll4 . IIve e4iv e L. 1I di' e 4 1ilt w 11 i . 1 1 vv . 4 i \ % rill W i4 cuIl ct e s :i: 'r-,-I n u 1.: . - . ..k , 10 t wel lih. 4 4 I 14I i, : I ' iJ - 4 urI A d a At v , b 1. 1e 111 h A |1: t1 , 0 he %AA ' 4!. ' ' u 444 til . i \ s '.' its-f I t :! a c . -. l h-, : lI -, II It. I he4 u~~iI Vul i it t I t I v- ha 1. I -b ; . , h . tV I - t ' .t .4i4r 1 '4 ''! 4!'i, . i .4-l'l 1 4 A14 4 i . 44ll I I S41.{ A. 4I4 i. ' I' I e l ' i sii 2. ('i.|- . I1' 1. . 4 11, 1 2,4 411t' 4t-alaisi e I retK I et .I - .\t e ltis a 11 :[1 Al J o;i . Shel lh i ab. ew | i.\ er.I~ ,-l Ihl a ti tsh ..:, o ti , . ' . t I '4,l4 i . [.:.'l , 4 14. ti e d '. 1 -%.-; --.'it 1 i" n d 'o 4rus 44. th 4, -h , '4 w 4 il I I s Iu, 4aI \\ i! . F4 u*.l 1, , b, . 44in Ib .4 4'4 ' . '. 1,'e. ;4.1 jv: 44l 4 . :lb 4 1i 4 44 l i4I4li414( ..,:t 14 1. 4 he: t4- i: 4.44414 hi 4.44'1te 4 44 4." 44 1' Stu4444'ing ' ja:h :. I alhaw4Il b4 t 1 th4u'4i', 244Leilly . .'i.I 44.2 1.2 ,1' till:' I t .4 : 4 ' I\;'i4t411, to4 I 4' ..I 4 etI'll I a it 4 llis'. j ft21it'44l.- -c' lat 44.4 l'.-44' t olt l i at i411 44.- I '4hab. i i'. . 14ot 24:'.a,t the ihar. at all,~ 4.2 44 :444. (444d lay 1. 144h with~k t I kL 41t4 I4: .t. 'precise44' L .(h 4.'el ,night4.1 41:'h 4 -(1, " h 441,'d 2,ii b: . t'i4 14. 144' 444 4 l j . 'ati , 44h4.eb Ihi 11 1heill 4 w1 41 t, ele24"tr '4f 2n4w to11 iake a4441 dr4 passage4: Lu~Ly 1 light21 1' : nedl~' l rj . n the4;i h44411 door4144 42)44 I41wned'4 t 4o a-h iit 4) '' ils al tre s Ilal hI e e444 .41.' , riendly44' a4 pect to4.44 the .serne;4. bu4t,444 whe the doo1 clos igt. the. 'L~ liike L~ p4r1 b. the I pa'II'4 lu11,.4' g14.t .44huknn 4-l liln te Iubroaded:I l~nly 4 ky,44 b 4'..'44.4ch ;m . ajI. , l f~ 4soli4 th44a 2ji. 4;.u10 her the dl ' p hI'.'11 in4'4 c \n ate t4o4 4-411pilt141 . ,. the hou e 4a4al ,41.1, let4. he44elf he41 ilieJ up4241 in :4 this lonely 2 'uet lltitit s2'lI44e44. les ily t e . 's, 41a1r '. i .ei' l relagsp tS ie i r iale- 2it4l1 t'S h ebLrr;... the244 dor wase iiillci timiuglts striiyed k I to) the (old ml.'I i cs4.5 Ql I " %1l144 41Qtifl with Nlnry Athcttn "1 ived l.'ic sotid of the ue-* Strs-uj4 twit [III '4I1.Iit. an I li' irue %%-s ollll as i. As slit. Imned to fthug a :tes hlog-I c into) lilt-' '0414', II- uyvPsf J ll i 14(14 114 dressi. ing gi 1as'. . n ill its rellecti, ill Slho Saw I)r at, least. la! cied site saw~, Ihu budl. I'44 4:iits Itn %-t. Silt,!l' 5411 for a 11m lt J 12t2:. i t lict 5111.'MI I411V4'1 t41'44 :11. of't; tl Io II u h hlailledi herselft'bo.I ,~ -4 llf WI. .1lii e.Xert ii4, 11,4. ( 41 ( If'Ili p t l:ve 411 ii. I4 tfl lplrllili t he bedl 414:' 1, ha :w lilt. eu Itiilg'. Site %VIt'; 'e~~il )N 61111111r. t tIii. avo tith'I(. te th 4 ts; 13 ied ast i~-~hipets aovl he pxli' ile *"I hlelll'5 that 14, keI lil lit* t i li i 4a i hto) rut l he ii'' iC 1''l- el it- Il*Ii I"1 I'llV vI e -tt the1 CStep4141 VIt Pl s1CS-111 t-4l) su1'Itl4i4 Ill 1IY hat hr. ( )!,I rtco'10-k-imi4 tlti-t .'tti wuililt l il' it44ls- She 41144 still it ies ) I -f.11ii 1 1tId IIc 'e r: a I Ill (I 11)11'I ics ~ ItV 4.4 1 I i- l 'e tired ll144 41t%% 4 11 4:5 Il it-1 r Ste NvI4 I) (l- I ts re.t 0 t.1"vcl4tidi. and41 tlt veili~l Sla I'tt li t!~ :,)1e: tt tljle t1010 W;k fu 4 .11 1' a \li l lit.' Ihe firet oI* Itll' I de lJ4 e. abl to141' her.p-the 114 obit 1111 141 '1114' i Ilhitm vll teilel Ililil- ' ( II 11 .L i ltlam b oed : t:.iin u, ,1!W''I'4. 1: 4ftt e -I(-.' he~~tjad I - 1. 4 1 o .l l ost Ae' I' '441. 4 I ( 4'' 11II 1 .11 11 V . itt' WI.:it IW11 I I ' 1 ~ 4 41'. 4 l~ of t lie . !Il, it did Me ('()i t(' i . IIIIt 11411 bt4ghz I (d,1111tV Ir mI 1;; W4Ies %I ige1 oI)tl I'll 1 a-lu bet~l ara thea~l t I :I~.4111 sIll- t l 15it d 4 Itill)1.1 it~l p144 .'x1i11.' Ie LOt %i4.14 4 44 14 A itswsatcl i' Il he t"e't,& tIllc I'.d41'. lt 11. 41I :ill.- I Ic asu i.: t' of1 t l l ,1lr g 1 il t m tita ll oile hti t111 I .V. 1 411 h I L' II-I I I )A 1 IIIII - . 1.1 II I*',. V14 F I' V24 4 I I4 v u o L [I., I- Iit a . , i 1 VI l t L C IU Io 111111 c.-1441 Iligl Witi 114 it 5' bc ! Sif ;tiI t;11.- I tile Il.':4 luilpi t. h'g: 4 11,-k til-1 4441 I ; it 1. 1121I l 'IC Pil' lm 44,41 Lii,~ ~ ~~O 4l-s4'Iili 14 illt 144 t! L4 111114 I. I144 Iw tImllick ( i~l .4' 114.4 4 1 4 t ! 1444 t! j -.I I tiit 1~ 11 1 ,- Itl i44' t, ~4~I 111101:1 it, ..j4124l'.( tilt fielhtl ' A14.1l I, t, 4441 s"1. Shliel wasLd it ()lei I*I a.4 tclaM . lrtig. i jeal 14114 vsi. pa 11ill a o st It u t liasl i t, I. 1 her intelliat, she endeavored to sur vey- the daiiger of her position, - and to tiink of the most persuasive Words f1he coul uso to tie.,, 'fi1m %n~to ios- w-wer she had Bo'srring& I)y RITIF. .1iir tfie~~- preS11t, To ever, silo uust be stillI very still; Sh-, must smake no I loment, t betrLay heell'80t,64d i)erhaps l i might overlook her prse'nce ui ntil day light caIe, and with it possilsl help. 'I he night mu1tIst be ihrl spent; she no3s wait .d hoipe. Sh1e had Wit to wait long. The creallire i ived agaill-StI I l p igi I, --staggered tW11ds the bed4i. For One 1i130111t-onle dreaditll rn11111ment --she saw his Etui, his pai pinched vatuires, his flashing eyes, his black bristling hair; but thiank God! he did not se&c her. Sie shrunk behind tihe cirtains. Ie advanced to 1the be'l, lwl, hesitatinyiv. and the Clanking wounlds o theLlt broken chains fiell Inen. acIllgl. tan her ear. 110 laid his hand 13i1ol thle Curtains, an,41 iar a ew :nlo. Il3 its1, uitblied to fiItd tile (I n 1131g. --2inese uoneits were aill in all to I.- Aiet 6tiriiig. De.psair sharpetted her senises; she louId that, the4 ottither tidle oil the bed was-; not so close againtL, the wall but. that she Could ja1.Ss be tweell. hito the narrow space btween1 she Colitrived to slip Ioiselesty. Shie had hardly accorinplished the ditlicult, fcat, Illid heltered ier.el' be hinId th, eartriaii whel tlie creatitre lii. g i tsell' i the bed, and, drawillg the nedelithes rouind hiitI, it (- ered a sound m4re like the whinnying of 1 horse thall the laugh ofa 3u1nan be Fillr some little time -Miss Stirling st .ul in her narrow hiding-place, trtI. I blinig witi cold and terror, 1arftl least, sine ingiarded nio-.emet,1 shuIld bettray her, :1'id bring dlwn Inl her a We she dared not contelnplat. S lifteld 11) her hearL ill Ira) r ihr 111111rg; and whenl her c.inpouril0 had in sonie degree returned, it occurred * 3Ihr ila'. iishe could.but rgqit -h L. '"il y att'aCt, the attentlLion3 of S l*i.;1 lsser by, and bo relUased froroi her teririblc durance. \,Vry cautiiosly she attenpted the perilouls experiment; her baeC feeUt move1 i'd noiscl-Ssly across th,- 1lu)r, and I i-ientily ray (it moonlight, guidl her saf.ely towards the window. As sheic put ier hand towards the curtains, her liart g!ve a ti-eih bnd t eofiror, Ihr it Can1te in Contact w ith Som4lethin1g soit and warm. At length, however, she remembertd that, sl bail ilungf dowlI her fur Cloak in that Split, ald it was a nilerey12 to com12e1 1p111p it, now)\V, wheni mihe was Chilled to thle bone. She1 wralped it round her a.d reaetbed the w3n4ow without further adveitirt, Or alari 10im tile OccuplIlt of the bed, whose heaVy. regul Ir breathing gave asunIce that .Le Was Ilow .amld ail Ceep.--This was Smle CCOml hIt. and sie greatl needed it. The lo k-ot bli tile wilidiow was an) thing but ilspjiring. The s'ars :-till sh''ne oiee~ l L1n S~he leingearth tile !!olabll still Showed her J'alij v js ag,-; i--t a tight (,Ir Sotnd plressageI dwn .and alter ImIg listening inl vai Il aly sign of life il the oter, world. ,be heiird II the Stable cluck .,trike four. ( hdl % hu:! Sihe felt as if it were impossible t) suriIvive even another h(our of terror such01 'a.; she had just asel d trough Wasi there 3In hpe. N 'nei. bile t~ried( o)suippo1rt, herlse. i lf aginlst the windo41w frame, but her firIst tLI411 cau313sedl it Lto shake and31 creak iI, a11num1 ner12 t hat seemed to hecr stal inlgly 14414d Ion-aIisily on3 its bed at t he sounl~d. I )r4p~ o4fa3gonly fell from11 her brow,a m15inun1131 and31 anon1 a1 rustle othe~i bed clothies, 01 -3a slightr chink11 of tilh manalel hand~ts solt a reOItewe2d chlil t- her heart. Thle clock strucek li ve. Still all wtieat, waLs silent. Sud{ den11ly, a1I 1311's whi3tle was hea'31rd ii Ithe com111, and31 theo driver of thle mail11 I 'cna, 13a1tterl iln hand11, croSsedI ti s yard to' ar1dS thie pa~'vilion). WVo)1uh toi God shuj could call1 Lt) him, or i any3 waly at tract hies at ten3t ion! bt,1 Sill Ia red nou t, mlake t b~e silighest sound. ] L w hiebi heI abnoflst birol 1bed. ill passm1 I' and3( 11 th ghlt, lhe held 1lashe2d 0o1n1 Mis St iilng's Cr1 uching1 li Igure. Ile paused24 1.ltig a1ga1in. anld sIemled aboiult LI speak,3 when shet hastily maildo sign thatt lie should lbe slilnt, but seek21 as Ssistane at 11h0 house54. lie ga1ve he1 a1 glancee of inltelligence and1 ha1.111sten e 1d a1way. Ilow lng hlis a~bSence semed 'CoulId he ha11ve un3der~tood he01 TIhl g teunpan~lt of' the lied watsgrowinlg eVC ry mltanlt, nore10 restlejss: hie waIs r'isin 11om1 tile bed--he was groping rounhi -the roomi. T,' ey would eunI. e ot g late, too late! o But, no1! steps in the cou~r yard--th d key turns3 in the lock-the door- opeC p~ -t11hen, with 3a yelk thalt, rang '.n E~tle d Stirlinig's ear until her dying daty, th n Creturo' r'ushed to hecr hidinlg-plaet >f dashed the slight w indow-tfranin t pieces. and finding hinself bailked o: his purposed uscape by the, strength oi the irem bars outside, turqed,- like a SIm dbaW i6:i his ptfrgnora. She 'ty I4c sped her throat-his face was.9 elo.'so to hers-his gltieriig eyes were glaring at her in Irentzv-w hent a blow fromttt behintd felled him. She awoke from a long swoon t lind her.elf saie inl Mrs. At herton's dressi g room, and to her that no one hirrt, buit the i poor, mainiiao, atid that he was agrin in the charge o' iris keepers, from whom he had escaped a few hourns belbrle. 'A few houts!. A lifetime, Mary! itt I Iaveti le tiaiked, it is paist like a wild dreamn! It Was not. all passcd. One( emilaring elleet remained, ever after to imiji print on Ellell Stirlinlg's ilemt ory, dl oil the i. eillories oi al11 who kmwi I her. the evints of that Iiong night. Site. hail been her stifering., anxiety, id terroir, that in tiilse few hi irs her hair had turned as white as snow. Sue-D 1tv inas- a mrR2t il n e. We have been lookiig at tle por traits of these celebrated authors. t painte(d by Mr. l'owell. and exhibited with his hrge picture De Soto, at tit rtimsll 01f the AcademInY. Lamartie is-yes, young ladies positively-a piHuj1 youtg tian, with a bng hiee, -ihoirt grey hair, a slender igutre, inl a suit of iilack ! Put a pet iehiid his ear, and he woijld liiok like a " coilidential clerk." Give his fh6e tinre character, and he would rmbid you of 1 leiry Clay. Ile hat a tite head, p-hrenoligically speakin --large and roid at the top, with a sieiis lorehead, and a scait altit, itieit of c lCeck. Print is the word, t hough. Thete is nothing in hi ap pearance which is ever so rejaotely siugestive of tle! rontileitle. 10 is io even i.mle, and as for a rolling sii . .. or a Byronic tit---he is evide:nt .ine, itn fact, is the article - i lives by, and11 like other Imeli he choos es to sitnk tle shop," at least, whel he sits fihr his portrait. ,liuias, oni the conLtrary, is a hi r fellow. Ilis large, red, round 4:ee stand out, till they se. Iml to stie: h ibl very skin that. covers tem, .a I looks as otihilt as a polished apple I is black, ei isjwd hair is piled higi above lis forelheadi, aId statids dividet inito two onlediuial mias-ses. onle inclinlinl t, the tigh1t atd tile other to 1ie itlIt I is eys a1re dak alld his insultit sen stious, but not to the degree of vul garity. ills persol is largi', and hi: tiowing mantle red. IU is tle gen tienitam to lay bare the throat, am1 Sook ronantii; not Byrotically so, bii Pi ratically. Yet ie looks good 1 hum1tt led aid like a nati whose capaeity fui Ilysical eltjoy illnt of all kinids j: bounill.-A. l is negro blood is Cvideni enutglh t, o e who knows hte has it; III it would not. be detected by :lne wit knew it ntot. It appears in :he po. nlia rotunitlity titf the mnan and all his parts It crispei ftd hieahisil li- hair; it gav tie LIlness to his itothitl; it male hi.11 dtei op in lon ing e. to havi hi pletulre t:laken. But Iizi Cotmildexiin it oinly a shade datker ta:n1 the average i lie pilr- rait reminded ] its Ir a ito ment of the late Thnitas tamblin tlt actor. Etigtente Site is ttei lte prim in o burly. -lie as a mtuat ot latge l'rame over whtichi a lioo se black ciiat is care lessly bu~ tted.-Comptjlexion Iligh -e, blute-halir, on~cej black, nrot IIppperoand sal t--whIiskers, vol uinjir1 outs-ey e- brows, black anid tntick goodiorieadl, antd the lower face aim lO. This contvey'es no better idea i the matni's aplpeal iance thani the~ descr1 tiont ini a French passport. But tht trth is, Sute's co' unitenanie and iigur havye tnotne ol thiise peCuit arities wI c ziile deseriptioti ptosible. HeI look. itt his lpol trait, like a1 cnoitable eart less, elde tly genitlemiain takinig I case it ant eatsy chirt and ant cas coat, lie doe noS t(t look lIke ant mi tiir. Anittnirs seldiott do. llis air t tathier that ol' a prosperons citizet --Site isit nly fori ty-livi e y ears old, bi hie has ived fa~t, antd looks fifi live. Lamtartinie is sixsty-three, at wouitld iass easily for' lfty-thr'ee, l)i ms is f'ity, and coiul.t get, credit, ft thirty eight.-N. Y. Toneos. i Discovstny or' CoFFEEt.-Aboiit di y'ear 1258, a dertvis narged I lad Omter', was dIrivent ot of the Commtai nil t ofiocha. I lunager huilueed lii to r'oast thte Kahiva berries whic gr~iew near his hiding place. lIe roa ted andi ate them as his only mieants< sustaitting lif'e. Steeping themt in th water which quehed his thirst, I discovered very agreeable qitalitie ,anid also1 tht this effusion was nteari equtal to solid food. HI is persecnt or a who liad intended him to die of'starv, s tioni, re'ga ded his preservation as ,miracle, le was transmnutedl into e saint. Such are the facets relating , eottlee. T1here are nowy suipposed to 1 E, LtT o apan .0*, F water be placed withi eiiher.side of the te > uki and Will' lbe f ouid it the moIt ring, with iC of its leaves floating on the water. This experiment, minay be continued lightly uniitil the plyant begins to fruit. If a prop be placed witliii si.j inche3 of a yonIig C'onvolvulus, or scarlet, run. ner, it will find it, althouigh tihe prop may be shifted daity. lfi ufter it has twined settc distance n , the top, it be unwound, and twined in the oppo. site directt->n, it will return to its orig inal pusitio'n, or die in the attempt, yet littwithstalnlding1r if two of these planuta grow near each other, have no stick ar ound which they can t wine, one of tema w i I alter the direction of its spiral tuid they will twine around each oth er. Duhamel piaced some kidney beans in a C% lilder of earth; after a while they commened to germinate of course, sendin; the plume upwards to the liglt., ad the ro-ot down into thu soil. After a l'w .'ays the evlindiirj . was turned one Iburih round, and in this was repeated, utril the revoltion was compete. The beins were then taken oiUt, of th'e earth, and it was found that both the plume and radical had bent, to aicom imodate theninelv&s to every reto-lition, and 11:o one in its ellbi-ts to aseiid perpendicularly, and the other to decend; they had tirmed a perfect spiral. iit Ulthough the natural teideioy of the roots is downward, if the soil beneath b6 dry, and any damp substance be iibovr, the roots will as end to reach it. A SCeooLmAsTEn, hearing one of his schuulrs read, the boy, when he canme to the word " honor," pronoued it fIuli, the master tdd hin it should be prouonneed Without the 11., as Ous: L Tolw " *el, t," replied t i iid, A the niaster, "a ays ithe II." I. ext morning the tnaster's tea, w ith a hot inuffin, had been brought o his desk; but the duties of his voca. tion made him wait, till it wag cold when addressing the s:ne bv, ha fold him to take it, to the fire and heat It. " Yes, sir," replied the boy, and taking it to the fire, eat it. I'resently the master called 'or the muflin. " I have eat it. as you bade mel" repliel tihe boy. "at it, you scoundrel ! I bade you take it to-the fire and heat it." I" But sir," answered the lad, " yes terday y eU told m always to drop the LBEN JoNSON'S WIT.-LOrd Craven was very desirouis to see Ben Jonson, whichli heing told to Ben, he went to mv lord's hiouise-; but being in Is vefy L tattered (on'fditial the porter fefused thim adlittanice, wi h1 some sauey lian. Lkguage, wthich the other did not fail to return .\My lord, happening to Come ollt while they were wrangling; asked the occasion of it. Ben, who stood in need of nobody to speak fir hini saii "lie iiinderstood his lordship * desired to see him." "You. fi iend!" said my lord; "who are you?' "lien Johnson." teplied the other. "i ..o," quth his lordship, "von canmoit lie lien Johnson, who wrote the SilIunt WVoman; vou look as if you could tiot say boo to' a goose." t Boo!" cried Bell. . "Very wvell," said my lord, who waIs het ter plidsed at the joke then of fended at the affront; "I am niow con-. -vineod you are 1Ben Johnson." Ga OowTI IX SJs.-Thie: -i.s a tree cii the Island of the rivet- Ganges, a single C shout of which, i fset out, soon be. co zrmeg a tree, with brainches drooping down to the ground. Euach branch on touebing the edrth, takes root, and h lecomes a new tree; this also senudz forthi branches, which enter the ground and giveo hi rih to other trees, until at length that little Ban~yamd shoot, first phant*d, has become a thick shaded fo(re-st. So it is with every sinful pirito ie. and every sinfuil habit. Sin re p lroducees itself with rapidity. Th'ie first sin is the little shoot, plan ted and rsprinlgin tiup with lifeu. Each stiecess ive sin is a new branch, talkig rot. e \Vould it iiot have beeni an easy task ji tol have pgilied lip that' first Batnyadi t- tree, and throuni it in the Ganges? ii But, is it not ain easy task, when in the h course of years, that tree isua forest? >f Tus iMfAIItfAo RELATION.-ThO eel e ebrated English writer, Addison, has eo left o.n record the following ihnportaniut m, sentence: "Two pet-sons wvho have y choseni each other out ot aill the spy. s, cies, with design to be each other's ri mutual conafort~ itnd entetainnenat, a havo in that actioen bound themnsolves a to be good-humored,-aflmble, discr-eeff to forgiving, patient, aind joyful with r. >e spect to each other's frailties and i , perfecthons to the end of their his~