A- r ]DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGH-nuTS., R-I)EM 'A0CY, ]NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRIUI SI T OHN 1. R>ICHAR ?SON J., R I .-Igy Our SaERt-..r DEOL IX. SUMTERVILLE, S Ro NOVEMABER UT ~VILIAM IA~VS, ~ POPRE~on ~O~~al~7 uv 1?atI~ . i4iuAL TIM KU 11 UANN K Is PlUBl~sI.D EvTery Wedmemvsay Morninug .iBY Lewis & Richardson; SER7S, ''WO IIT.LAS in n1lVance,Two lollarv -ant Fifiy Cents at the expiration of toix inhmmirim 'ur Three ilollar at tie end of thie year. No laper discontinmier mil all arrearages -1tro IA ID, un1tless at ti I.option of tle Proprietor. *W Advertisiemn inewrtedatSEVENTY FIVE Cent per viiuare, (P- linen or less,) for -tle first, gil lutirtumint nmmit fr each isbimemietl 4nsertiant, (tIfliiml a1dVertiseUnt'lts 1the Sine .uchti n 11). 2 The nubi-ber of imertions to lit inarkei til idl Ativertisements or tiley wilt b" publiled tuntil ordered to be diisontminaued, at cihage O- ONi DOL.L.A t per ulitnre for a ingle tinsfertion. (juturterly atuit T1intitly WX .ertise 9tants will bie ctargm its*! saaine as a Msigic in Wertion. ani memi-umontitllv tihe Saine imdagiooem .fCV Obitnarys ;pml Tributemis oif ieuspet, over twelve lines, charged! as ad ti ntmetsi 14. Origiina Poe try. For tle Banner. tihe Tlairly Cy anrngi that formIR ise Afecomplnihaesl iPriste. Tie ambitious fair jvipa strives for boaity's prize, And hopes to lieten's glorious fauo to - rise, - TJ'hose thirty charms must have to bloss a a lover's eve. Three white, three black, and thrci of rosy bme, 'hree long, three shot, three slender to tie view. e large, three small, three straight, to attity wide, -All, these togothler form tile accomrplished bride. AN IXL'.ANATIo0 oX Ti-: FonL;UOIN(. Aisist rie love whilst with a pmain(er's art, I ithow the world te Mistress of my hieart, Come Kate, come ; tiou sliudt ily tmodel Ie, Thou art the 4imaid tiat's mnndu 11r lpve nd ti'. White is her skin, more whlite -than win ter's -tows, -iler shining eethi are placed ill ivory rowF, And her fair eye.halls joarly whitencirs shows; .lack are tii spiral irinlets of* her hair, Iller gas.sy birows two stable arches are ; Her large bmlack vees set all ily sorti till fire, 'Jlmey lijok commpli img hove aid soft desire. iler lips are fragrant rose-buds miois: with dfew, JIler tails tranliarent and of a rosy uie, 1er glowimg cheeks the lender tits dis. play, 'Which streak a sautamior sky at break of day ; l1cr neck and waist are slender, long and straight, 4o are her fingers--frmed to captivate; Witih dimpled smiles, her little mouti in. . vtes, Anbrosial kisses and sqimremne delights; *.$mall e:rs lie lurking inI her shining flair, I1er well formed bumpdis are small Ud soft -amd fair; Short arq her feet, Iset mos,_ not hung to view, And short Iter chin, btit rumd amd dimipledl tuo. 41cr forehecad large, buti would a critic Jue timigedi with veints, and bet withi . gracefulI case ; me her fair bosom all my thiughits em-i 51er sipacioius bosom heaves luxurmiant joy; Above her nosec just where time forehead bemnds, Met'weent ier brows, a dlownty space e.x tenids; .A space as wide, to love alone revuieni. Aletween hecr swellig breasts lies close comncealed. l'here cuipids tiestle--there the wvantons pily, T1is luve'su own piath--'lis I~caven's high milky way ;' hast to comipilete her for the acconmplishedc bride, 51cr hips are linely formecd amid ratther wide. Sumte'rville, O~ct., 1%t5. A V 1rix~mu SmLA wr..--.In the Cmys. t.al 'alatec, Newi York, thecre is ott ex. lib iitiomn anm Iidia Cahtmuere shawl, matde in Thlibet, by 1tl0e iatienit inidms. try of one of the maost cailhreted air. Lists of' Inidia, lmadji Mewmammced fLs. .saim, for' at prlince es' im t~b oya1 lund~, which is inivoiced for duty at. the Cius torn I ltnsoi at *l70. Th'Ie Scripture is unfto us -what, ithe star was to Lime wiso ainon; but, if we spiend alnl our ti tt)u inl gazinmg uipomn iL, .uibservinmg itsi tmo titons, imand idmiing it's siplensimur, w ithot, being iitd to Christ byv it, the use~n tof it 'iJJ Ibe lost An us--li. T~ jdn The Wreck of the Arctic. In our paper of last week we gave ani account of, the loss of the stcaotmer Arctic, on her passige froin Liverpool to New York, witl, t large number of her passiengers. Since then further particulars have been received. It wis stated by some of the survivors who hastily lied froini the scene ofealaiatv that they saw the wreck io down, anld that Capt. lAica was on board at the t01ie. Nevertheless, the Captain ar rived in saflety at Qiuebue, and with him, nine of' the passengers and crew. A large portion of' the engineers and the crew, as well as one or two of' the oflicers, were evidently fllso to their duty, and deserted their posts at in hour when their aid every wty was essential. They belhaved like owairds and wretches rather than in-ii-and the filet that thus far we have not heard of' the rescue of' a mwoan or rhi i/d, islerhps, the bitterest aid iost witlioriiig coitinvietary that couild be ofjeed uptiu their atrocions Ecu duct ! Cap4ini Itie g remnaiiied on the Are tie to the last. When the shipl went down lie weint dowu witl her, aid on eoirijg to the siur'face again, gainid a foothuld Upip one of the paddle bjoxes tilt (loated4 by, front whieh, - oi;, of cleven who -,it tiere with him, lie hiiniselfanid Mrl. George F. Allen wore alone preseryd. 11e does not give the names of 1,y of the others-but simply says they were " one by one relieved by death." lie saw whin lie first arose " over two limidred men, w0inen1 anid children struaggling togeth er in the water amid Ilpier#c t ' Itj'cC4 '/'cecry ki1d." lie says :-" I was ill the act of' tryi:ng to .save my child, when a portioin of the paddle box cane rushiing ny edgewie, just gra zilig nay head, lallng with its whole weight, upon the hea.1 of Vay darling chii. Ainother ilulnient I beheld hin liteless in . Ile water," Lis s"11, who is lost, is alx.4ut twtlve years of age, and a cripple. Captaitn 1.nce was ta keiii'f' by' a paas..>ig vessel, and .con vey!ed to QUeiec, anid from tiere wrote to Mr. Collins of New York, the owner, a letter of sonie le:.gt.li, detailing .te circuJ)stat nlies. LFronai the letter 'of' Cap't1aini I1nee! weI learn thata .t de time 4d' the-ol i4in 'i 61 fug bal.1 alarm whistle was 0oundtled oin board t&e A-retie; the reason of which was fhat duringr the day the weathwr 1i1sd beeii irwarly ir uifite clear ; at ten Welock that inorn ilng it was so iuelh so as to ,lluw hit to take ai observation, .and11 up to the lirne that lie went below it, lad lieen at Io tirne so foggy :is tio render these rtecautionas iecessary ; the fog would, it is true, oJccasioiially wrap them closely around bir a l'ew itooments, but then it cleared up again suol, so that the eye could reach fron olie mjile to six. Captaiin I iue had beuna below wUrkinig his reekoning about fiftee miinutes, during which time, unknown to him, the fog had becoie very dense, and the two steamers coming head on for caell other, approachod unpercuir ed to the fatal vnset. Claptain Iuce heard iMhC cominm1al to s -trboard the beh1n1, mid 1:aii upon dec Ifjust in [tile to wittipss thile collision.' lie :aegin..-A edges that tht fital step was the loss of the chief Im ate :nd scamieae w ho aw Coliplaniedl him upli his hin'ane er. iramd. A. a v'er'y early peii'odl after the col lisioi the lirem~en and crew, moreo e'pecialhy the li'rmer, threw~~ till thiei r adllie e to idii-cipline, aiumnd ok ed out four their own saf'ety. The boat on,boardi the ship would, if' properly the brutal sellishiness of the crew~ thiust the miajority bacik to diie. Jn the first boat that, was lowered for the purpose~ f [svn pass.eniger's were several ladies. All of the Iinaijlies on bioard gathered on lie qjuarter'-deck, andI after' the firist shokc of' terror, bme eamie comparai~?:tively e.ahn aniud colleet ed. lin t~hem 'y boat that, reCmiainied. the larges' !ile boat, oni deck, Captain Luce pilaced Mr's. Collinis aiid her liniii 1ly, the: I rownie ihmnily, and miany othei' ladies; and b.ut, for' the uijfortunate Jiecessity that thlis bouat was r'equired to assist i sthe construction of the r'aft, they would ndoubtedly hav'e beena saagd. As it was, lie lauinched the boat; iintendinig alier' fhe r'aft was miade, to againi phice the hidies iin it. II ow his jutenticns weie fi'ustrated is too well knowni. The piassenigers, when a Illihpe wazs pat gathered uponi the quiartei' deck ; hbut insteaid 01'e.xhibitiug exte r nl signs of' terror and despair, they Ibearly all4ssumedj a chaeei'fulnaess. AL kength, withe a sigh of'agony and a wail thwat pi~erced thet heavens, the groat, hull r'eeled to andi f'ro, anid set tied down beneath the dtark waters, Jmig teirboiingsurlee covered draein huaniygrasping at the w~reck of' mlatter- that dioated around thiemi. Like oil upon the wvaters, the maass soon1 spread out in all disrectionis, .aid many of' them sank witint Cr.m Lflmm jAuce-s signs, to rise no more. isut all wqre provided with life preservers, which would buoy them up for a long poriod, id as this spot was directly in the path of European ships, and sig nal guns of distress wero fired up to the last inoment, it is thir to presume tihat some may have been picked up. At this period of the year, too the ships outward bound are as five to one against those dostinei for the Uthited States, so that fQr side time yet we may hlope for the safety of some or then. Capt. Luce said that whenl he had risPn to the surfaco, and gainod a portion of .hu pnddle-bo, he ordered those in the boat to row to it, and take ofl' some of the olove4i per sons that wore crowded upon it. 1But they heeded him not, Iand though they wore without, oars, they ndght yet have reached the frail raft by paddling with their hands. CUaptain Lute., reached his home at Yonkers, New York, on Mondtay vening last, where he was met by his neighbours and fti':iml with every demonstration of delight. Indeed, throughout the en. tiie route from Montreal be was ev. erywl ere hailed by vast crowds, who went, fiorth to muct him with joy ful con gratulations and honiest, hearty sym. p141by, Tihe following is a list of the lost and saved of the Arctic, as far as ascar Wined: Total umaber of passengers (250) and crow 131 on hoard of tha Arctic, 389 Taken to Qjtebec. by the I llron, 14 Arrived at. New York, by t13 Leb. allon, is By tjju ti liats a, St. Johin, 45 By 1,h1 Clilnbria, at Iubec, 10 L.,7 Thera r gee boats as yet un heard- :t'UiiE of these, which was wV 'with water and pro. SisionWs4 fcb'ilUe followinig iamied plor Mr, Gourley. Ist gf1jcer, Mr. (Gra ham, 4th' do, Mlr. Brownm, 1st apssst. eng. Alr. Willet, :;d do. do, Jolin Moran, lI remnan, l 'atrick MeUaigley, do. Mr. 'I huomipsoli, (Jgiieer, TIjflllas, Witlde, boatsw'nI, Mr. 14"ogers, chiefl en'gr, AI r. WalLer, 2d alsst. cng, Dan. Conncelly, firiAtemanm, Juli fiIu;tgan, do Mr. Kielly, enlilcer. There were no less tu sixty 4111 w(OmeIiL an1d ninetelnI1 childrent Ol board L.he Artie, not onie or whom was saved, as fir as intelligence has rCaelaed us. 'Tlhe life insurancce ollices OF New York vit y sulfer to the amount of i i.hty thousand dollars by the lUsS oWf life o; board the Arcltie. TIhe Aretic was Iilt in Naw York hi 4R50, by W illiam 11. Birown, and was considered as statibi a vessel as was ever constructed. She measured 2500 Lolls retgister, and cost 700,000. fThe' ship awl in achinery were insured for P5.10,000 by various American insurame compamies, and it is under stood that they were also in England. The Cargo wis iinsured for over $300, 000, principalily in New York. The French steamer Vesta, which caame in collision with the Arctic, and was supposed to have immediately gone down after the crushing collision, arrived at St. 3Iohn's, New lBrunswick on the :0th it., in a shuttered con d1ition. The V.esta belong; -to one of the wvalthiest, houses of Gratnville, which euips vessels for the fisheries of Newfotudland. She wetit to St. l'ierre with a load or salt, anid was returnting to hirance wit I ho hundred andie foty sevent pass.engers, (hsherpcn antd salters,) anad tw~ejt"y of 'tle crew. A t the timec of t.4e accident, the Vesta wes travelhing at the rate of tena kntots. l'xteriorly she lhas even been worse hiad led than the A retic, for herl bowus wvere literally carried away; but the 'ivisin or her hold into cotmpartmenctts saved her. The water which was precipiitated by the large openinimg into the forward part of the shuip was arrested by a comtpartmient of p)ULatd iron TJhe- Vest'i carries ti rit ten in ineffiaceable traces the history of the naval drama in which she played so terrIble a part. Herci hold ipen t~o the light, and one of her masts brok en, tell ho'w violent, must, have beetn the colsion. Hiut what tells mote are the boat, sides of her ir-on coihnpart, mnents, ini which ske still carries pacees of wood fromt the A retic-the lad tud mnelanchboly rettna~nt of thjs mnagnifi eentt ship. The Vesta lost in thte col lisi~m thtirteeni of her men, whto,.seiz~ed with fear, either thbrew tlthennelves into, the sea, or wete in the boat, destroyed by the Arctie. Wreck of- the Aa-tic. INTt.RE'NtTI~t J'II4s(P&At, NAttt4TSVEs OF M4. sMITii, OF MtIsSis'P'g. I was a passiengver on the Arctic. WVe had been out fromi Liverpool soy en days, and were in about longitude 52 degrees, and somuewbere abuit fif ty or sixty miles 00a' Cape Race, on tlhe coast of Newf'ounadland, when the d readiftul occu rrence -tookc place oni Wednesday, the 27th Sept. Durinot thp ,1av, upo e i,,. n. . We ?ecseiyItn thio weather had beci quite foggy, and I was somewhat- as tunished and alarmed several timei when on deck, seeing the weather e thick, that Iincied not rnore tha three or 1our of the ship's length ahead pould be secen, anid she goint. oi) at full speed, without any alarl: bell, stcain whistle or other signal be ing sounded at intervals, in some sucl mianner -is I had been accustomed, tc in a fog on other vessels.', At abjou 15 aninutes after the meridian, ei4h bells had been struck, and while sitt n' in my state- room in the fbrward cabin: the earnest cry of a voic on ; dcek (who I at the moment took to be man on the look.out,) to f'Stop her,' "stop ier;" "A steamer ahead," wa, lierd wiLh alaria by myself and ill others in th o ibin; at thlp same tima the man giving the al ri4 pould bc heard runing olI towards ille ongin, roomlt. I stepppd Put of my state root, .1114 while endeavoring witi Mr. Coolk, Illy room tmate, to ealm th excitement auing the ladies in thb cabin, aid bef'ore Lite man- giving the alar:ni oil deck had reached the engint routo, we were undiip 4ware of the coleussil by a somewhat, slight jip to our ship, accompan ied by a crashing noise agtainst the starboard bow. IN wat a monient of awe and suspense but I thiik we all seened to satisfy ourselves that .the shuck was slight and that as we were on so large and strong a vessel, and io serious dama age had hapijipented, titr could well hap peul to such a ship, in anl occurrence 0 such a nature. W ith such a reliance on, nly owr mi!!-l, at. ay rate, I was very quiekly on deck, and in detaelud, aceouist frot other lass'engirs, eitreIC - that a screw stenasieI', with ill sail sie' -alw truck us (it tile st.rbnoard boy, anI(d ghleitg nIt our 4twrhoard wheel and whvel-41,ulse, struck her again, and she piasseil i' astern of us n1,hi of' sight, inaimediately, il a thick fog. I saw on the first glance at our bulweigp that all wgs r-ight with uy, bit ilstant. ly beg.ml tW g't z&larirpd fromtn our carceliing over on the sjue we -had beien struck, as well as from1L the call for the pIssenagers to kop on the port side. I understood, alsi, at this time, that one of' our boats had been cleared away and lowered with our first of licer and six of the men, to render as sistaincie to tO other vessef, and that our ship was making round in senrch of her also. I saw Captain Luce on the paddle-box, giving orders in onie way and another, atid most, of the of ficers aud imien runiingu here and there nil deck, get.ti.r into an evidet state of alarm, without seeming to isnow what was Lo be done, or applying their energies toa ny one thing il pa ticular, except im getting the anchors and other hev)3 articles over oni te the port side of the ship. I lAnned over the starboard bow and saw sov eral large breaks in the side of o* ship front eight to twelve or Guurpeeui feet abaft the ctt-water, and I was convineod that in the ten ir fiftepi muinites titie our wheels were l'irther subinergod fit the water than usual. Our' sl'hip seemned to right, herself someiwhat, after,,etting the deck weight upon1 the larbIard, but it was tI evidtejt tfrut fpupt 3A4Ue hiimself, aS well as it hands, were becon.iii" aware rf our danger, and from lie tremiindous volnie of water be.. thrown out froma our steant) p~ump~s,'I was conivinceed we were mzakinig water a. gfrtl rate. Then camne in full view beitbre uis thme utkbr vessel, pire. 'Jentmlg a mi ost, heartrendiingv spectacle; the'whole of' her bow. for at least 10 feet abaft hier eitwate-r, was Ii ter' ally czrtslbed auway, legring to all ap-) paarvibime an~ openm ontrance for liin sea; and how she haid remlainled abhove wa':ter for' so miany mlinlute's seermned a imystery. lier decks were covered with people, and all her szgils (ip all threu of' her mgsps- wyere set, W\e mnerel' p'assed her* zgg i]n she was in les's thtn a :t ttnute hidi in~ tho fog, hut searsely out of' sight, whIeiJ we heard a ri.'je f'romi her deck a loud antd general wail of ittonning and lamnen. tation that, ti hl us of their bmurial en masse. I should timk there were at least 200O souls (41 the deck of that ship, It, wais jst, previous to, or ,y .the samn., that, we thuts camg in sight of' and pas'sed tier that OUr wheels went over two or three separate individuals in the water, as well as a boat an crew who had evidpnitl y left. thbe other shipl fur safe'ty on oijrs.--Onhe man only we pielked up, ain Ohl weathnr. leaped fromt thw' snmil b loat, beforeo she weut under our whleel, caught, a roptL haniginig f'rom our ship, and wams finially paul led ont board of us. iad f'irom whoni we learige4 something of' the oth er vessef. Captain Luce had, by the time o our coining in sight of' the Vestsi be come su contvlnced of' our ow critica situjatiwi, th~at our only or best, ch~auei was to keepi unditer head way as faaL a ~ossible towards the land. A decj seated thoughtful look of dospair be. gan to settle upon every Cdditntenanc -no excitement, but ladie'7and chil. dren began. to collect --on deck with i anxious and inquiring looks, .receiving I no hopm or .ensohitioj, wiet and hus. band, father atid daughter, brother and sister, would wcep in each other's embrace, or kneel together imp'oring Almighty God for help. Men; would go abutL the decks in a sorpf 'JXvil dornln- as to what was lpft to be done, no - aying hold of thb hand pumps with re-doubled energy or with sickening effort, applying: their ppwor to the hauling of freight out of the fbrward hole, already floating in water before the lower hatches wcrc opened. System of management or concentration of ellbrt was never corn menced or applied to any one object. Two separate ineffectual attenpts to stop the leaking , by dropping i sail down over the bow were made, and the engines were kept working the ship ahead towards the land, but in the course pf an loui, I sholId think, from the time of thp collisim), the low or furnaces weire drowtied out anld the steaml) pumps stopped. Then it seem ed to become only a question "Of 'how many hours or minuLLs w . wbld be above water. - The first oflicer, with his boat,'3 crew, we had left, behind from tie first. The secoild officer, wioh a lot of the sailors, lead lowvred aiothi boat, anid 1I4 flie sdlip, 4!nd a general scrambling soprled tQ be gonseg onl as to vhio shuld have pileos in the only twq rumaining b.ats that I saw on decl. Thim stevrn tcklinq of imother hzd-giv. enr way fromth loeight'or person. i-n i wild itwas swinging. over. thi rs4le, mnd I tilink seyeral must have . heen lost with that. I s'aw one lady hainr ing to the how tackle'of it afterti'&e -terni It;! broketi loose. -~ -oe -o-tkose st3ill remaining was %A hrge ono.on thle quarter-deck occupied by, ladies and *hild run, and sonic - few gentlemen. hla uttlwr was on tWi upper- deok tifr ward, and inl the possessions of a lot of .iremen.Things were.in this conl 'lition atabouttwo bours after thea. cideit.. (aptain Luce was superin, tending the lowerinig of Spars ;nd yards, aided mostly by poawsetngers, f'or the- purpose of making 4raft, and complaining thatall his ollipers au14 menL1 had left, hisi, Nu.4 of tje wj. - rmtep' and children weir cdllected rener the boat onl the lnmrLer deck, seeming ly resigned to itfieir . fato. Some fe w gentlemten exerting oll their power to prevail ont others to work oi, at. the pIuImps, but all to no Iproe) c sj kpt ,II gm nlinig il quitlty a- tcad ily is time progreswiJ. The engines had stopped working, and 1, seeing that the Chief Aiuginecr, with some of his anjisJants and jireImpq /fIly gut theforward boat in the watr over 1/ the boto, under the pret'nce I saw of working at the canvass, which was hanging over the blow, so as to sink it, down over the leaking placus; but seeing, as I thought, sy mptAorns of their real Inte11letionr tq gut 411 from thp ship without- Ulp many in the boat, I dropped myself down niear by them oin to a small raft of three planks abIott a lt, wide each, and tenl or twelve fzet long, and an inch in tbick. neI.SI, -lhel together with some rope and CbUr handspikes, and which I had just, pre'viotusly helped to1 lower into th le 'u ter ihrr the purpose of wvotking fromn about thne bo0w of thie shiip. lVind inig it bonre mec up I shoved ofl, inten ding to get, alongside of the engineer's boait, bt as. I shoved ofl several tire inen undl one~ or two gyt.sngers drop. ped1