77m Z' .~ ' DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE SCIIENC AND AllE ARTS. 4 JOHN S. RIICHEARRVDSON, Ju ROPRIETORS '23 0-- - .N DVAN VOL. VIII. SUMT l'ERVIL LE, S. L., A UGU9ST 23, 18 549 N. THE SUMTER BANNER, IS PUBI.tSit.D) Every Wednuesday Morning 4 BY Lewis & Richardson; T1 ERiYS, "'O DOTI.LARS in aivance, Two Dollars :anl Fity Conts at the expiration of Nix rmontsa -or Three Dollars at the enil of the year. No paper discontiied until all arrearages .are rain, unless at the option of the l'roprietor. /: Advertisements insertecl at SICV-N Ty FIV E Cents per square, (12 lines or lesn,) for ;tihe first, and half that utam for each sitbsenquent finsertion, (Ofijrial advertisements the samne each time). gg"The number of insertions to he marked .on all Advertisements or they will he published until ordered to be discontinued, and charged .accordingly. WjP ONEi DOLL AR per square fora single iinsertion. Quarterly and Monthly Advertise mentswill be chargedt the same as a single ,in ,sertion, and semi-monthly the saunetns new 5atem From the Columbia Banner. FIRST PRIZE TALE. IICIIA EL ALI.L COT ; -ott TINE SHOT IN TI'YiE. A STORY OF MARION'S MEN. I1Y J. W. EIlvN. Ci AI'TEkt I T, [CONTINUED FtOMt t..ST ISSUE.] CitA'TEIt IT. " And now, Dora," said Michael, .aising from his seat, "we must patrt .once more, and sooner than I had an ticipated. I must retrace my steps .with all convenient speed, and inform .Marion- of the varied news I have y,..> (heard from your lips. In two days at most we shall meet again, that is so .soon as we have routed this band of .ruflians and thieves, of whose retndez 'vous you have told me. Marion will .be on his route before to-morrow's sun ihas set, and I trust such a lesson may the taught to the tories on Black river ithat they will never again unnoint another rendezvous here." May heaven grant it," ejaculated dhe maiden. "Ilut, Michael, I know .that you must indeed be wearied with your long travel. Occupy this chain .her nntil morning--and" she added with a blush-"as for myself, I will retire below. Indeed I will see to it that you are not discovered, and have you awakened and put upon the road before the flitnily are astir. Rest be neath our roof at least until morning." "I must answer you, my dear Dora, .as a certain noble but unfortunate sol dier answered his king, when he te turned home from an unfinished cam paign, while his countrymen were still .abroad, engaged in the toils of war 'The Ark and Israel and Judah abide in tents, and the servants of my lord .are encamped in the open field;' thus .it is with me.' I Must even deny myself, wearied as I am, the luxury of Eleep.' The cheek and neck of the young maiden, who well remembered the 4Etory to which the innocent allusion was made, were crimsoned with blush. es which she sought vainly to conceal. "No, Doro" continued her lover in .the same grave tone-"no bed of down -for me. As lust as my wearied steed can bear me, I must hasten back to inform Marion, of this glorious news. Were he not a man of more than or -dinary activity, it wvould even now be .too late to convey him the tidings in season. Rlemember when I amt gone, .1 pray you, honest and loyal 01ld Kerr. le is an unshaken friend of his coun -try, and no doubt greatly nteeds kind. Aess antd care at this time. And now itime constrains me to leave you." -"Not in the same mannier by which :you came, however, Michael. Allow ane to step below, and if 1 hiund all qui. * .et, I will returh and conduct you out ~by the lower door." *Dora hastily descended tho stair ease, and after a short absetnce returned .to the door and beconed to Michael to follow. Michael had already drawn .off his boots and stood ready to follow is fairiguide, who immediately led the wany down the staircase to the lower .apairtment, and opened the door for his exit. Drawing her close to his bosom, and .iprinting a -kiss upon her cheek, lie whispered in her ear as they parted, -"feair not D)oro, we shall soon meet .again." T1he maiden gently closed that door, .and pausing for a moment to listen to her receding footsteps, the young dra goon drew on his boots and hastened o.n toI the copse whore his horse stood tied. As he passed out by the gate. - yay, he glanced back towards the bow~tse, and Doro,,who was again otn the bailcotit aw~aitinig at part glance, waved him a last adieu ini answer to htis own, and retired ontee more to her chambuer. H astily the~n the yotng ti-ooper sym "de atloog)y and soon was seated fjitly in is :s I~e retracing his steps information he had received. Although the silon't mroon above him sent down a flood -of' light upon the scenery through which he passed, ma. king it yet more beautiful than day, yet the attention of the trooper was not aroused by the visible objects around him. Moodily pressing the rowel into the flunks of his already jaded steed, he abstractedly continued his journny in the meditative mood that leaves the outer senses to slumber and repose. lie had already retraced some ten miles of the road, over which lie had so lately passed, when suddenly awaking from 'his reverie and finding that his good steed had fallen into a slower pace than the urgency of the case, and the short time before him permitted, he quickened his pace into a gallop, and with new life his horse answered to the touch of the spur, and lashed gallantly onward. Reib're hiu the road turned oil' abruptly to the right, and as at a rapid pace he turned the corner, Michael found himself un expectedly flice to face with a body of horsemen, some twenty-five or thirty in number, who had halted in the road, and before he could check his fiery and inpctuous steed, he was borne into their very midst. " Ilallo ! who the deuce have we here !" exelaimed the leader of the band, suddenly wheeling upon M icheal, who fouid hiiself' in an instant hem. mned in by the armed I'rsemien who closed around himu, readeriig resistance or escape alike .impossible. "Soie d-4 rebel, colonel, I'll stake my life on it," replied one of the onum ber. "* Who are you?" again demanred their leader in an authoritative tonie. Your mime-vours business ? answer br icily and to the point, we have no time to lose in idle questions." Hang him up!" shouted one of their number, who was scarcely able to sit on his horse, brandishing at the same time a sabre above his head. " I fang him up, and let us on to told Wharton's before the rebel we are at'ter makes his escape." " Put 11l) vouir sword, landal," in terposed another < f the band. "' Put, up your sword, and let's hear what the fellow has to say." In an instant Michael comlrehended the full peril of his situation. IHe at once understood fromn the langu-age that met his ears that the party before were at that time in pursuit of hineislf, and as he correctly. divined, at the in stigation of the bloody llarrison. Knowing Well that they were bent upon his destruction, he scorned to attempt, to deceive themi by falsehood. As dearly as he loved 'lire, lie set a still higher value upon truth. What have you to sad ?""again saked their leader in an irritated tone. "Our time is precious-speak-your name !" " Were your time ten times as pre cious," answered Michael boldly", "you should tarry here a long while beftre I should answer questions of such a character upon the common highway." " Da.arn ie, kernel," squeaked a voice in the crowd, " if thi ain't rank treason agin upon you. Elf it was left to me, I'd say swing him up on a grape vine. " Move !" shouted a harsh but con. manding voice from the outer circle of the crowd, anid the speaker, a tall and stalwvart man, whose thee w~as bandaged up, made h'is way into the midst of thne ciricle, to get a better v'iew c f the prisonler. Michael's heart began to beat, thick and( fast,, for ill that fierce voice and stout horsemani lie recognised that vindictive tory whom his hanid haid that evening stricken alt his f'eet, and who lie well knewv chErished feel. ings ofi the dead liest hautred aginist hiimi. li nowing that to ihl Iinto his hands would be searce less than instant death, withl the anxious eaigerness of despair lie looked f'rom side to side, with the desperate retsoluttion ofmruaking an effort to break fr'om the band ofhlis captors. " That's your manil ! seize him !" shouted H arrisoni-for it was lie-the miomecnt his glance rested on our her'o. With a desperate hope oi escapje, Mlcael tightened the rein of' his goutd steed-planted hiimself firmily in his stirrups, and driving the rowel home1( inl the flaunks of his high mettled char. ger, gave him tihe reins anid attemiptedI to rush by llarrison. TIhie attempt, desperate as it was, hiad nearly succeeded. Two of the hor'semen who stood in his path were borne bef'ore him to the earth, and staggered by the shoek, his good horse for a moment faltered. Time was thus afforded to Hlarrison, who was mlounlt ed upon anl iron grey of surpassing ac tivity, to wvheel his hiorse suddenly around, and raising a heavily loaded whip which he carried in his hand, ho dealt Alichael a blow that felled himt to the earth. Ini anl inlstant at dlozen of the con~panions of H-arrison were'uponi hinui al~ stnned bhe hocknn, bmeor por his arms were pinioned and he lay at their mercy. When Michael was fully restored to consciousness, his captors were dis mounted and standing around him. Thu hum of voices sounded confusedly in his ears, but he distinctly perceived it was the desire of the greater number to han;g him up literally to the nearest tree. The greater portion of them, led on by Harrison, were clamorous for his .instant xoecu'tion, while he who ap. peat-ed their leader seemed desirous to postpone it to some moe Le Litting time. lie also ascertained that tire party into whose hands he had so tinfortinately rallen had been collected by lIarrison for the purpose of following hint to Isaac \Vharton's, whither liarri son had learned he was wont to go whenever hie obtained leave of absence from the ramp of Mariou. Stunig with mortification, jeadous and long cherished hatred, IHarrison md his fillowcrs urged the immediate execution of Allscott, but he who seem. ed their chief; and who was treated with mnarkexl deference and respect by all, firmly refused to sanctaon their eruel design. " Colonel Tynes," exclaimed liarri son, pointing with his drawn sabre to Michael, who bore himself unmoved mad proudly in his trying situation, " that iman you know to be an active and datngerous rebel." " I could scarcely consider him such at proeset," returne.1 ,Tynes with a eycical smile, and seemning (illhumhor and impatience of his second in con. rnanil. Ilarrison ground his teeth with rage, while he continued, " A m I then to understalid, Colonel Tynes that fiithfi I and tried and active servants of the king are to sit down patiently and bear the injuries and in. dignities of such rebels as Ie ?" " Yas !" piped in little Hill Stoker from the outskirts of the crowd; "is we allers fout and bled and died for the king, to be knocked down with our own che''rs in our own houses, and nev er be allowed the privilege to hollow -/hu's the question !" A general laugh from the crowd fol lowed this earnest and pathetic state. met of the status of allaiis. I arrison bit his lip with vexation, and looked d:agers at his late fellow suflercr. while Tynes strove in vain to suppress a smile. No, major !" said he, lav ing his hand kindly upon the shoulder of l lar rison, and speaking in a tone at once courteous and resolute. " I do not i. tend that this rebel, or any other who nmy fil into my ha:inds, shall escape the late due to the crime of treason. But holding as We do the commission of a christian king, we must not at with disgraceful precipitatio n. Besides, we thus give the enem y the right to re taliate, and God keep them from that !" he added with a shudder. " On to-mor. row we will give him a trial, and on the next day he shall hang ! And now, to yoiur horses! You, Apple jonn and Stoker, put the prisoner on his horse between you, and see you be watchful that he has no opportunity of escape. Should lie attempt it, shout himi on the spot !' Thus saying, Tynes received his horse from an attendant and put foot in stirrup. In a couple of minutes the whole cavaleade was again il motion, having Michael bound and placed on his horse between two of' their num ber. 'lThus lie found himself unuexpect edly turnied back and carried a prison cer along the road lie had already twice travelled since set, of',sun. The party hmaviing secured their prisonier, weiidedl their way slowly and in cau tious silence toward thme camnp upon Tarcote. Tlhose of' the par ty oven con versed with each other ini whispers, fur the name of' Marion-a nanm e as socated wi th mmiduight surprisesn and terrible frome the suddenness with which lie at tiumes pounced dlownl upon the enemy who deemied him u far dis tant-was a spell of' terror which f'ol. lowed. thme tory in all his evil deeds, and sleeping or waking, by (lay and by niighit, followed him like the whiis. perinigs of' an evil and disquiieted con. [To niE CONTiNc'En. CuAeitrEtsTw.-Somiebo~dy says there ar-e three kinds oif meon in this world-the ' will," the "wont,'s," and the "cant" Tihc first effect every thing, the next opposes everything and the last fitil in everything. "I will" builds our rail roads and steam boas, "I won'C" don't believe ini exp'erimenmts and nionsense ; while "ean't" grows weeds for whleaut, and commonly enids his days in the slow digeston ofa court of bank ruptcy. I low TO (.uN5 Ca2mmT.-Theli sound of your hianuiner, says Franklin, at, five in thme morning, or nine at night heard by a creditor, makes him easy six months longer, but it' lie sees you at the gaming table or hears your .voice at the tavern whenm you should be at ont, Is)iA.sEl OF TIlE IEART. The days of my clerkship were end. ed ; my examination was over; I was admitted ; wrote myself "Nehemiah Ilulbbs, Attorney," put up my new bright little sign, and in my native village ban"':l my prioI'essiotl career. No, I did not, either; I am imistaken I in/ended to pursue the honorable practice of the noble profession to which I had dedicated mily talents and learning. inL the lace of liy birth, but never was truer word iened than the time-honored proverb, "A prophet has no honor in his own country." I he. i4eve if I had remained in the village of'Greera 1ria-rtill my head was white, they would have t1 snght of me as noth ing but a boy, and would have feared to trust Ie. Even after iuy sign was put up, no body caJIed ne .I 11ubb6s; I was still "Xr," with Old aind young, and "..Are" 1 would have been to this day, had I remained in Green Briar. Only one case claimed ily attention during the three months of my paient, contiance in Green Briar, after being admitted to the bar, and that was the cae of an unjur-ty iitpoulded pig "feloniously abstracted, your honor, from the small but secure spkot which my client had trustingly deposited hin in, and maliciously driven to the public .'enclosure called a pound, for the vile purpose, doubtless, of compel ling my client, in his poverty and des. titition), to pay the enormous fee which has been demanded of him, in order to extriontc the atintal from !d Un pleasant position, and restore hint to the bosom of his ahmily !" By thi . meant the client's fatnily; the pig having none of his own ; it was a figure of speech undoubtedly, the fam ily not inhabting an Irish cabin, but still it rounded of the period, and sounded well to mie,as I repeated over my maiden speer! pacing up and down the floor of :y little oflice. lI this, my first cas6, ( as successful so far as to rescue the impounded animal and save my client from the payment of an nijust demand ; but brought no silver to Iy pocket, neither, to my surprise, did it seem to bring honor to mty name. The eloquence of my speech did not f'orn the theme, as I fondly hoped it wo uld, of' paragraphs in the village papers, or of discussion at the corners of the streets, neither did it bri:a to my oflice the rush of elie:ts, ir which day I vainly made ready. It was plain that I should nev er rise to distinction in Green Briar, and so I cate to the sudden determi. tion to remote tromt that pleasant spot, and settle in some great city where nobody knew or ever heard of tme where, above all, there was not a soul to call me "S'c." There I was more successful, and soon had the opportunity of firming a very advantageous partnership busi ness increased ; money began to come inl, slow at first, but after a time more plettifully ; and all things seemed prosperous in mty out ward circumstan. ces. liut alas! as we are so often told poetically, there is no sweet with. out its bitter, no rose without its thorn; and4 trouble caine to me in the shape of'disease, insidious and ,low in its approaches at first, long feared and suspected, but at length betraying it self so plainly, that I could blind my self' no longer to the truth. Yes ! I was without doubt a v'ictim of' disease of' the heart, notittetaphor ically, dear reader, for never had that organt beat with a quiicker pulsation at the alpproach~l of' mo rtal women ; so far as thte genttler sex was concerned, I was a perfect sic ie ; but, that there was an oirganiic disease about my heart, I could unot duobt, and if ever the symptoms disclosed themiselvyes uinmis take'ably, they did so)~l intmy case. There was fluttering, pal pitationt, irreg ular actiont, antd at length pain ; I could ntot work ; life had lost its '?ests ; thte f'ear of' sudden death was eveor with mue ; I coulId enjoy nothing. If 1 had anything to leave it to, I would have maide mty will, for I was quite sure now~ thtat I should either drop, somte dany, lifeless in the street, or that the mtorniing would soont coime, whlen the powVer to rise f'rom mty bed would have Jef't mte. 1 remaiined at my boardintg hiouse, antd f'ound 110 cooirt in any thing but miy eigar, anid ity dread disease grew worse and worse. As y'et I hadie con-' suIted 1,0 phtysician, partly, I thintk, fi-omt the apiprehlensionis of having mty fears confirmed ; but as I sat by my window one day, sumokintg as vigor ously as ever, gazing abstractedlv acro~ss the street, my atten' ion was arrested by a mtodest little sign upoit ant opposite blintd "C. l.. T1odd, M. D." WVhiile thinkintg whether or not it, would be btest to make trial of a phty. sic'iant's skill, a sudden twinge and flutter decided me ; yes I would sentd f'or Dr. Tlodd, and kn~ow~ theo worst' at once ! him to step and ask Dr. Todd to come and see me as soon as possible. The boy grinned. "What are you laughirg at?" I asked, "is not Dr. Todd a good physi cian V" "Oh, yes, sir," he answered, "F be lieve she is a very good physician. but she hav',.t never tiended nobody here." " She !" said I to mysel'f, "'the boy has surely has Welch blood in his veins, tirey -aays .'c everything." The boy soon returned, sayi g' "the )(ctor wasn't at home, sir, but I left you-r name on the slate." In the course of the afternoon, as I lay upon the sofa, with my hand pres. sed on my head, to still its irregular pulsati.oai trere was a soft tap at my doer. "Cote in," I called out, and to my surprise in cane the neatest, brightest, and most cheerful looking little woman, it had ever been my lot to meet.. "You sent for me. I believe .ir?" she said in a quick, brisk, pleasant wav. 111 No, madam :yoo are laboring under a mistake." " Al i bog am w 9er n""sa tle little aor.-an "q tyaPe , ctstiee name of M~r. I It bi,, nurr,'; arteen, Mrs. Gray's boarding borw4., -Aitt ,% request that I would cont and es( him." " Your slate, madam," I exclaime', my astonislhment increasing every m') ment, "you Surety are not a -" " Physician ! yes, sir," she interrup. ted quickly, "I'am p- yscian Dr. "Extraordinary 1". was all I could say, for though I had heard. at a dis tance of the existen -e of snch beings, this was my first in odiction to a fe. male practioneer of thi'Esculapian art. It was rather awkward, but since she had come, I determined to make the bestof it, and acquainted the lady doctor with my case. She felt my pideeraad asked numer ous questions as to my symptoms, and then in her quick bright way exclaimed, " Nervous ! nervous ! that's all. de pend :pon it! Excuse me, sir, but by the air of your room, I presume you are given to smoking." I pleaded guilty. "And how many cigars do you usually smoke a day ?" " I could not tell ; I never counted ; as soon as I threw one away, I took another. usually." "Hum ! cigar in your mouth pretty much all the time, eh ! Chew, too ? Again a reluctant confession was wrung from11 me. " I presume you sit up late, smoking all the time ?" " Yes ma'am, smoking and rea ding." " That's it ! No disease of the hear t at all, sir; nothing but tobacco; do pend upon it ; nothing but tobacco it'll make you fancy anything ; it'll drive you crazy if you don't take care. Now, will you promise to follow my advice closely, or not? If not, I will take my leave immediately." I promised subiissive as a lamb. " in the first place, then, throw away adl your cigars and tobacco, and prom. ise to buy no more." With a sigh given to may solo con. 'olations, I said I would do as she di rected. Many more directions she gave me as to diet, exercise, early hours, &c. Perhaps she saw, too, that cheerfulI comnpanionshuip was one thing I needed, and so remained a while, talking with great glee and spirit about matters and things in general, and promising to call and see mei the next morning, she left. ilhad not felt so well in a great while; indeed, 1 had not given my heart a thought since th.e little w'oamn enitered the room.. 'The next morning I found myself watching impatiently for the ararival of amy little doctor. She came, bright and cheerful as the day befoio. What a pea-feet sunbeam she was! I could not help growing better under her care, nnd the influeance of her cheering pres ence, and yet I managed to contrivc some ache or pain every day, as an excuse for the continuance of hier visits, A t length I fouind that amy hoat t, which had long been quiet and apparent ly free froam disease, began to flutter and1( palpitate again, but I observed it was only when I heard the little wo mian's tap at my door-, or felt her sofi lingers on any wrist. In short, as she had d riven the disease out of may heart that little wvoman herself had walked into it. , I could no longer blind my self to the fact; ar~d when she one day told mec that 1 was off the sick list and out of' her hanads, I determined that she should not easily get out o1 mille. So I told her that as she had giver ease to mny heart in one respect, slu .must not leave till she ha'd done so ir another, or I should be worse off that I was beflore. The~ lttle idonin Iol ed perplexed. T!hnn 1 stated my mfe, nnr1 e6p1adi ed my symptoms the second time, showing her the distressed state of mly heart, and she alone could cure it. The fornr -disease she had rear oved by an occasiorikd 5%?t the latter could only be cured by ier promising to corm and take up her abode w ith me, as resident phyaiciun. She understood me now acrd try the way she pressed her hand on her owtn itle Muttering heart, you would have thougfit'the dis ease was contagious ; and I 'verily think it was. So now we are now de terminod to cure each other, and to-day we are both to apply to clergyman, who is to form between us a life part nership, as lawyer and physician. But one thing troubles rme, of which I had not thought till now ; that it is necessary to have our cards engraved. Married people are usually "Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so," or "Mr. Such an one and lady," but will any one ;Leese to be so kind as to tell me how I and my little wife are to be designated. Will it be "Mr. and Dr. IIubbs," or "Mr. and Mrs. llubbs, M. D.," or as the ladies are go-ing ahead so fast in these daysof Woman's Rights, will I sink iits stj lesser insignificance, and shall . nd gdencna" or must I a of i bbs altethrer, " "''1 d Somebosly pi , Ia - to have those INI t~ -s li'a 2..t2.,1 ou a eltnadei. Dear Editor:-, hae been to the Niagara, you know-Niagara Falls big rocks, water, foam, Table Rock, Indian eurk ki.es, squaws, moccasins, stured snakes, rapids, tvd5he. Clifton House, suspension bridge, ylde where the water runs swift, the ladies faint; scr,-am and get the paint washed off their faces; where the aristocratic Indi an ladies sit on the dirt and make lit tie bags; where the cars go in a hurry, the- waiters are impudent and all the boys swear. When I came in sight of the suspen. sion bridge. I was vividly impressed with the idea that it was some bridge, in fact, a considerable curiosity, and a considerable bridge-took a glass of beer and walked up to the Falls-an other glass of beer and walked tinder the Falls; wanted another glass of beer, but couldn't get it, walked away from the Falls, went through, mad, triunphatnt, victorious, humbug-hum bug! 'ir, all humbug?.except the dab bliness of every thing, which is a most, certainly, and the cupidity of every body, which is a diabolical fact, and the Indians and niggers every where, which is a satanic truth. Another glass of beer-'twas forth coming immediately--also another; all of which drank. I thqn proceeded to drink a glass of beer, went over to the States, where I procured a glass of beer-went up stairs, for which I paid a sixpence, over to Goat Island, for which I disbursed twenty five cents hired a guide, to whom I paid half a dollar-sneezed four times, at nine cents a sneeae-went up on the tower for a quarter of a dollar, and looked at the Falls-didn't fIel sublime any, tried to, but couldn't--took some beer and tried again, but failed-drank a glass of beer and began to feel better -thought the waters wore sent for and were on a journey to the--; thought the place below was one sea of beer-was going to jump down and get some, guide held me-sent him over to the hotel to get a glass of beer, while I tried to write some poetry; result -as follows: 03 thou (spray in one eye) awful, ( small lobster in right shoe) sublime (both felet wet) master-piece of ( jim meny, what a lie,) the Almighty Terrible and miajesti-c art thou in thy tremendous m ight-awful(orini) to behold, (cramp in my right shoulder) iganitic, huge and nice! Oh, thou that tumblest down and risest up again m misty majesty to lleaven thou glorious parent of a thousand i-.inbows-what a huge, grand, awful, terrible, tremendous, infmnite old swin. dling hum bug you are; what are you dlomng there, you rapids you-you know you've tumbled over the rocks and can't get up again to save your puny existence; you make a greaT fuss, don't y ou? Man came back with the beer, drank it to the last, drop and wished there had been a gallon more-walked out on a rock to the side of the falls, wo man on shore very much frightened I told her not to get excited if I fell over, as 1 wvould step right tup agajnA. it would not be much ot a fall anyhow -got a glass of beer of a man, anvth. or of a woman, and anothier of two small boys with a pail-fifteen minutes elapsed, when I purchased some m'o'ro of an Indian wvoman and .mnbibed it through a atraw; It wasn't good--h to'get a glass o'fbrer to tak'6 tlwe-taste out of my mouth; legs began tb tanighe up, effct of-the sai in my y 6 S hungry andwn - wntino a ege ,.n plate of beans, when the plate brought the waiter in his hand I tgols it, hung up my beef and - beans on t n:}il, cat my hat, paid a, dolljrio a nider, .a l sided out on toe step-walk, bought i. boy of a glass o. ddg withl a smil b ht.r and a neck on his tail, with i colfar with a spot on the end-fult funny, sick-gut some sodariyvater.in.a tin cn. drank the cup and placed the soda in tlieecernter, and paid for the none' full 'df qoket-very bad 'hea'ach ruh e 9tt aghi.t 'the. lamp *Pst,. an then. ttimped along; station :hdbse canbe altnr and said if I didn't fo straitgt he d take inc to the watchman -tried to oblige the station house very civil station house, very-met a baby with 'an ;lrisi.h won and a w heelbarrow in it, epn'ldn't get out. of the way, she wouldr' walk on the sidewalk, biit insisted on going oi both sides of the street at once; tried to. walk between her consequence coll.is ion, 4wful, knocked tsat the wheel Li U. row's nose, broke the Irish worna tilI to pieces, baby loose, court hous handy, took me to the constable, jury sat on tie, and. the jail said the magis trate must take me ;to the con stable; objecteJ; 'the ai'con pirt me in'to tf 'dat'ke'st 'cinstable in th'e city; got out, and Yere 1 ini, prepared to stick to reiy origiial opinion .Slagara units hiumlug'! non excelsus, non indignus udniralconi. 'Yburs -tm4uestionably. Q. I. Iarri..drh . DoESTie, I. 11. ram the .'etcbcrry Sentiiel. Ncw iiurry Agricultural Re port. Suomitted at the ;Annueat >lMeeting ' Cotton, best seed, cativalio,, fithi ng, prepartion for market, time a place to sell, ev'eratge price for ten years. Mr, President:-Y see , Th. appdha4t1 ot the C6nimittee t4 ,reort.. on cotton, iest. seed, cultivatioda ering, preparation for 'arke n ?.' and. place to seli; also, average price for the last ten years. 1st. Th'e hest Seedr=I i ae' ti-ied various kinds of recd' auf find that the seed called the ;ingranate, is t he-le. . These seed dl'e small, not much more than half as hsiige as the Pettigulf, and resembling the old green seed very much; the bolls Are small, but still it produces mo're to the stalk than any cotton I have ever tried; the lint too. is better, and it is easy picked out, and yields more lint in ginning. 2i: As to the cultivation of cotton, I will refer you to an article writteh by me, -mid published in the Newberry Sentinel, vol. 4, No. 36. 3d. '(athering.-Cotton should be gathered as early as possible, we would say as soon as it opens sniliieently for a hand to gather one hundied posiida per days all hands should then l)i -p to picking, aid, if possible, gatte it as fast as it opens', by this means platiftors may have all their cotton gathered by Christntas, which ought to be done. 4th. Preparationfor .Market.-Cot ton should be picked tiear of trash and kept dry, and should be ginned in a good gin. I fid that the Georgiii. gins do good work. ' When ginned it should be put up in Gunny bags; ths . bagging should be cut sufficiently longs to close up the Mead of the bale, ani at least tour good ropes should ~be put round each bale. Farm'ers shbuil take more trosb!e ini putting- up theft cotton for market; this nmattei- has' been too much negleeted by tarni~s generally. No man should ever: put up: bale oIf Cotton in Dundee bag. ging, for it is sure to bring loss 'either' on the farmer or merchant. WVe hvo Keen bales of cotton put up in this kind of bagging, entirely .stripped and left with only a few ropes to hold it togeth er' before it reached Charleston market; WVhen put in Gunny bagging and.done well, it willreach the European rmr ket without damage, and tlierefore without expenwe to farmer of~ me~ chant. - ' 5th. Time tad placx to sel.i. vey farmer should sell his cotton as fast -~s he can get it ready for marke~~h~ should over, venture to talie a from picking, rather tihan to sre'i cotton to lie over until thet'oll ihp spring, or perhaps summ'er, beo sold. It is a wvell known c4tb cotton will lose fromt 15 td o iut s per bale, by being kept thi~rb~ months on hand. I bei planter has always m'add mr6~ selling his cotton as fit as-ho h* d prepare it fo'r ma'rk'el. T'he best place'to~ sell, is undoubtedlj #t the mgst qo nie~nt market s6't hat the fdaue u - -, attend to' th'ei4ling of' lniscn tni and to'btfi g' hitsuppimes in ATsIo, h'e sh'o'uld see lia cotton hed I woutrooiime~ndd 4ewer, as ite eetin& 'mirke tfo W~l are sutlibiently'inear k'reachiit -~~ hh attny~u ''$rd