All I *44 DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, THE r. RICHARDSON LOGAN VIPpI. r.eFRANCISt TER S--Two D V . FRNI, -'m ,LLt* S o g MAY n Acvance VO.II. SUlMTERIVILLE, S.0., MAY 17, 1855. .,~ YIICELLA NEO US - A Georgia Jndg4's Decisioi OR, .GETTI'NG , " TiawT " ON DAD Licuon. Many. years ago, while the State of Georgia was yet in her infancy, agi eccentrie creanire, named Young, was one of its Circuit Judges. le 'asa man of considerable ability, of inflexible, integrity, aiyl much be loved and.respected by all the legal profession; but he bad one common fault. His social qualities would lead him, despite his judgment, into frequent excesses. In travelling the circuit, it was his almost invariable habit, the night before opening the court, to get 'comfortably corned,' by-means of appliances common upon such occasions. If he couldn't suc ,,eed, while operating upon his own hook, the members of the bar would generally turn in and help him. Itwas in the spring of the year. Taking his wife-a model of a we -man in her way- in the old-fashioned, -but strong 'carryall,' he journeyed some forty miles, and reached a vil lage where 'court' was to be opened the next day. It was long in the evening of Sunday that lie arrived -at the place and took up quarters with a relation of his 'better half,' by whom the presence of the official er. Thle dtortI was sunnnoned; me founduu his patient weak, but not thierwise ill. A still more extraor linar-y menttal cure haul been effec t ed by the geniius of Sleep: he had totally forgotten his threatened difli eulties, and froma that hour recovered raialvy. Tu-a P--- -ntred a living of somo value 'on him; and when lie was strong en6ugh to bear the disclosure, his wife informed him of the loan so nobly bestowed on them, and the suffering from which he had been so marvellously preserv. ed. The lesson was tot lost. The new rector benceforword strove to unite prudence and generosity; and a career of worldly prosperity, as well as the far greater blessing of an implicit and cheerful faith in Provi dence, attended the renewed life of the sleeper awakened In this instance, the sleep or tranco was dreamless and uncon scious. But there is one remarkable case on record, in which the body only of the sleeper wras subject to this death-like thraldom of slumber, the mind remaining-pwake; and the account given by the individual who entered this interval-? life in death, is very singular and interesting. She was an attendant on a German princess; and, after being confined to her bed for a great ength of time, with a nervous dis 'V, to all ap pearance died. Sh6as laid in a coffin, and the day fixed for her in terment arrived. In accordance with the custom of the place, funeral songs and hynns were sung outside the door of the chamber in which the fair corpse lay. Within they were preparing'to nail on the lid of the collin, when a slightmoisture was observed on the brow of the dead. The supposed corpse was of course immediately removed to a diflerent couch, and every mcais used to re store suspended vitality. - She iecov ered. and gave the Iailowing' singu lar account of her seLsations: 'She was perfectly .onscious of all that passed around he she distindy: heard her friendsasp4 ing, and la mnenting her death; 'e felt the'm eiothe )eil tie -i f.t1 grave, and place her in the coffin., This knowledge produced a mental anxiety she could not describe. She tried to speak or cry, but vainly; she I had no power of. utterance; it was equally impossible for her to raise her hand or open her eyes, as she rainly endeavored to do. She felt as it she were imnpiisoned in a dead blody. But when she heard them talk of nailing the lid on her, and C the mournful imusic of the funeral byrmns reached her ear, the anguish ,r her mind attained its height, and ag.onry mastering that awful spell of Alnatural slumber, p oduced the mois Litre on her brow, which saved her rron being entombed alive.' One more little anecdote of a some. what similar kind, which was related to us on the authority of a Hastings [isheriran, and we will close our pa per. It occured during the cholera. The people of Englan have an .siiscopal horror of this terrible scourle, and nothing will induce them to blieve that the indection is i tire the air., and not in the pIrson alectel by the complant; conrse- I Juently it was difficult: in some pda L:CS, to per-suade tihemr to perform thre I last oflices for the dead, and1 threy brnried tire inrtermntn of the victimrs f thre pestilence with urrseemr-ly prne. el-itiIatirn. A poor seafaring mnani, who had been longr abs ent f rorr Ihis Inativye la nd. returrning' hrome at thre thrre it waS' min g', fon that is wife hand bieenr deta-l about three d avs, and thrat h er ~cllinr had b een placedl in a roomi with~ throse of others, who Ioodginrg in thre samec dwelling, had also perishred of thre disease. G reatly afflictcd, tihe m:ilor irnsisted oin seeing~ Ihis dead aife. Ther rneighbor3 wonr2.d have d I u:rle1 I hirm, but, Ihis affectionr anrd grief dlisdainied all tear, arnd Ire rush e 1 into thre chambrier of death. Th1e re, forcin g openr thec lid of thre colli n, an I bending our~ tire corps thre rude rmrarine- sired tears w hich fell fast upon tihe pallid face, when sudldenrly a sound, Somrethriing like a aigh, was emitted fr-om thre whrite Ii ps, r rd tire n ext hmite thre exhauinsted urd death like sleeper nenerrd hrer -yesJ anrd gazed upr hi~ s lace? Thre joy of the poor fellow ninuy he imrrag2in. Ad. , We inighrt, muipl y instzances of Iis pnhrernormnn, hut as they wurdhl [proplably be0 famiiliari to thIe reader, I we shall but add a wish that the old t adage, 'too miuchn of ai good thing,' may not he foumrl a practical trumthIm with regard to Ihis sleepi; arnd wish. To all a:ndn each'I au fair go d night, I And pleasting dre:rnins arr nd m r liht. From the Boston Olive Branch. FCssIe Jilkins to her Friend way Down East. DEAt DOREAS ANNf-I spose reu think its a long time sense you ieern from me. I should a writ fore, but I've been reel sick with he flewenza, and then I had sum bin the doctor said was browncreet irs in my throat. I don' no what :ind of browncreeturs they wer, but hey choked me so that I couldn't peak nor write necthur. I should eally a liked to have seen one on i0, but they didn't gin me a chance. L'hat ere docter did'nt gin me a bit >v medsin; he only made me stick Lout my tung, and then he would ay two little white things on it about s big as the head of a pin, and nade me take a teaspoonful of wa er twice a day out of a tumbler ull with a bit of white powder melt 'd in it. One day I ast him why he didn't ;in me sicli modsin as Dr. Sikes laown in Hodgdon duz. He looked rful cross, and sed he hadent lie happiness ov knoin' Dr. Sikes of Iodgdon, but he resumed he was n all over-pathy docter, but himself vas a morepathy, and that made the lifer. What in time he meant by )r. Sikes being all over sumthin' I lidn't know, for I never notised nuth. n particular, but I thort I wouldn't lispose my ignorense to the docter, o I kept mum and didn't speak nor ay nuthin. At enny rate I found aout that morcpathy means tew my orrer, for that ere docter winted le tu pay him twelve dollars for bem six times lie cum. I never was o profounded in all my born days. Yhy, 1 was perfect struck with hunder, and I was fuller of ilowncreeturs .tan eveorI could. 't sphatjnc Oply think!Dr: uddy sich lots of it, don't hav but wo shillings a time, and this ere more. athy doctor, that is so horrid stingy f hisen, asks sich a lot! I don't leve his konshuns is bigger than ne of his pills. I gess the docters ere make their fortins in a hurry. t enny rate, is dredful dispensive isness be in sich in these ere diff. ;ins, and if I ketch enny more otf hem brownoreetus, I'll jest kite hum. Ilow clew yew think folks git mar id here tu Boston? They don't tay tu hum and pervite their frens u cum tu the weddin like is dew, ut orf they traipse tow sum meet. ii'ns and every buddy goes tu see urn hat is a mind tu. I went tu one toth ri day. Every buddy sot in the iews a waitin' in anxhus inspeeshun ur the wediners tu cum. Bumby he folks all riz up in a desprit hur. y, aid I riz tu, for I didn't know vhat was to pay, and just that min t I see the weddin a cummin up the le. Fust cum a gal rigged aout in a diate silk gown and fixins to match, Aold on a feller's arim. Them was he ones tu stand up, and rite be jind cumn the bride and two fellers ith liur. For the massy's sakes! hiinks ses I, is that creetur a goin o miarry t wo men tu wunce? Then koncluded that the gal had two triings tow bo, and meant tu hold on u ema both till the larst inir. Well, hey all miarched strait up tur the rinister, who stood a waitin in a shtite loose gown with sleeves tu it iigger than a 1 -l bag, and then lie minister tee1id his back and :noeled daown, and the weddin nreeled daown tu. I stretched opin ny ears tu hear they prayed, mt I dildn't hear nuthing but silence -raps the gal was a muakin 'up her rind which feller tu have. She had an a proper nice white gown, but loii't yer think rite on the hack of' ier lied was hitched a grate long >iece of white lace that hung way laown her back. I ast cuzzin Jem na what that was fur, arid she sod twas the bride's vale. I never knew fdo that vales were tu kiver folks s back inistedl of their faices. Thelm t'eddinr gals didn't have nothiin on heir naked backs, anud I should a bort they would have kort their leths a cold. Pretty soon they ri u'p oirf their noes, and then the minister began lie sacrimony, and thort I to be arc that ore bride was a gittin mar 'ied tum the feller next to her, but if ~ou'll bleve it, the parson nst that eller it' he'd give the won an awpay u other man, and sur'e enruff ho did itc orf; lie took holdit on *hur hand ind stuck it-inter the other feller'o hand-, and backed out the scrape in tirely. I deklare! I pitied him reel bad, tho he didn't seem to keer nuth in about it. At' enny rate I should rather a had him enuff site than the feller the gal finished gittin mar ried tew. Yew wouldn't ketch this child be ing' so ficklomindid as tu git half marrid tu one chap, and then gin him the sack rite afore every buddy', and finish orf with another feller. I'd stay an old maid one while fust, but then they aint no akountin for Bos ton peeple's noshuns. Well. after the erupsliun, the wed din went on nicely just as if nuthin had okured. The feller gin the bride a ring, and promised tew give lur all his worldly goods (I sposo he keeps store) and she promised lots of things, and at larst the minister told the feller he was a man, and the Val that she was a wife, so she haint got no husbaud after all, only a man. -When 'twas all threw with. the weddin went daown the ile, and all the folks rushed aout pell mell to see um git inter a carriage. Now look a hear, Dorcas Ann, if ever I dew git marrid I'll be spliced in Hodgdon meetin'-us. Ill set the Boston fashun daown, there, and won't there be a high old time about it. Parson Stebins shall have a loose gown, for I'll make him one out of a sheet drawed up a round the neck, and a pair of piller-cases for sleeves; but I know one thing, I'll stick tu thofust feller-he begins tu maary me tew, and It will be mor'n Parson Stebbins cari dew tu make ime swap. Well, good by till next time. Yer needn't expectme hum yit, for I shan't see all'oston till. I've win tered itad summered. it tew. Politeless. In offering a few words on polite ness, we must do as it is said of cei tain ministers who tell their hearers to do as they say, and not as they do. We make no pretension to extra po liteness; but wo do like to see per sons polite. And by this we do not mean a sickening Frenchified dandy isin, which deals in soft words and foolish flatteries. All bows and smiles is not yet essential to that we want. Smiles may be better than frowns, and bows than a stiff neck. But the thing desired is a proper attention to the wishes and feelings of those who happen to be in company, and in matters of business, kind words and a respectable deportment. Politeness will study to plenee, and to do this, it will give up its own pre ferences where principle is not com prised. It never uses hard words, nor speaks in an arrogant or over bearing manner. It uses suavity and kindness to inferiors, and is affable to equals, as well as courteous to superiors. It will go out of its way to accommodate, yet it will never put others to needless trouble or inconve nience. It will show the same re spect to a stranger, that it does to an acquaintance. All are viewed to be fricnds, when they are not known to be enemies. A diSposition and course of con duet of this kind, will surely lead to success. A cross, sour, unaccommo dhating or impudent' man, will be marked and shunned. Ihis credit must suffer and his business move heavily. His affairs will be embar rassed by frequent change of help, and his ill-will beget the same dispo sition in those who have dealings with him. But the kind and accom modating man will have custom and friends, and every body will court his society, and give him a good name. Policy, if nothing else, should lead every man who relies on .public pa tronage for a support, to use polite neoss to all. A single impudent clerk in a store, will drive away more cus tom thtan t wice the value of his wages; whilo one noted for politeness, will draw erowds of customers, wherever he is. A saucy or unaccommnoda ting omnibus driver-, is sure to cause an opposition line, and drive' his for mer customers to patronize it. A railroad conductor of the same class, will send the same travel on to the 'other route. And so with the cap tain, clerks, and other eflicers of steamboats. The public soon 'will find out who are polite and attentive, and' such they will amply reward... What-it in tru.c in rmatirm f buna ness, is equally true in tions of life, Politeniess 4pa P, one's way through the ~dd more than is generally stigoed And it produces bappinesalti at who experience its favora.irrealit'; " costs nothing, and f0ield, rything iu the 'aof s6bi mnent. .Try it, yo sour,a accommodating souls, who thought of any body but 1 Olivesl. Pcu"1 From the Journal of Comlu - GENTi.EME:--Pleage infrmy through the columns ofyour Iiab - paper, whether it was an AMrI an English steamer that :firstero the AtlnntiesOcean, 'ndwsIat a name of such*isteamer, ajd, o Vgb so doing. Yours ver# respect New York, April 2d, 1853..' 'T1his question has been repeate yi ery yCar or two for thelast. .ecade - and replied to in the fullest a4nser but as there may be othei ihe dition ofour correspondent we drawn from our files the folle formation. The Aimerlean Steamship Sa i nah "was the first ship of t e struction that undertook to. mak6 h voyage across the Artlntie 'he the words of Marwade's 4(Lieor^oo Commercial Report, which fchromie r the arrival of this vessel in Liverpool The same writer adds that' her-alp proach to port unaided withr ain gle sail, displayed the power-and a vantage of the application ofsteam t vessels of the largest size. "The Savannah" was built ai o lors Hook, in this city, by Croe Fickett, fr a number of gentleme who desi ned selling her to die 6Ei peror of g ussia. Shie.icasurcd 3$0 tons, -as rigged,'and provided ith a hor zontal e :ne .She sailed 4ro M tho c.nna, n Geod 0 M9. ter a voyage 9f twentyfivedys ne cording to Marwade's Com Report eighteen of which she ias understam. Another account, furnished us, fron.d the recollection of one of her, officers who went out in her, gives the tme 0 cupied by the voyage as eighten daya seven of' which she was under steam. When partially across the Atlanie, het r wheels were taken off, on acdu ent it fiel, so as not to impede her progress when inder canvass, but replaed u on nearing the English ceast,.i-as to enable her to finish the voyageas it had been commenced-under sten As it is now nearly thieebygars since we alluded to these facts tiavo lowing incident, then mentioned i bear repeating: The sight of so novel a craft, described by the English pa pers as of "beautiful inodel" 'ei tering the harbor "withqut theas sistuanec of a usingle sail, ed not only "gratification," b 's tonishnent." As she wAs go ing up St. George's channel, the oln mander of the British fleet yi tierei. was utterilv it a loss to ae~od for her remarkable appearance, eivel6ped as she was, in heavy clouds f iiok'e and movmg without the aid ofeaa vass. Ile neturally conjectur'ed st.o must be on fire and in distress, a'a sent off two cutters to her rpliof; bn finding his assistance was not wanted, lhe brought her to with a shot, and sat isfied himself by examinatloji tha all was right, when she was permitted.n to proceed.. She was receitedit' the docks by large erowds tliathmdaas semabled, with cheers and .conigratula \ tuons. In after years, the Ro0 atl@Vil+ liam and Sirius followed, and.I 838, the ' Great Western (all British.) The first British steamei that erissed the A tlantic was the Sirius frafl(Cork,* which entered this hairborion Th'kern. ing of the 231 April, 1838. 8he was followed four hours aner by the Brt ish steamer Great Western freon Bris tol. Tho voyage of the Sirias ivas made ini eighteen days; that 'ofthce Great WYestern in fifteen. 'The Siri us was conseqiuthy the first Biish steamship that arrived in the Uinited States direct from England s4' the first that arrived from ainy qart" as a regular trader. Thle faicts contained in theane \~. commnuniicaion, which *e' ehauee to find in a Georgia paper just otie o hand, havte chiefly appeared inu~ u coluns; but we copy it in connection with the informnation sought by onr own correspondent: 1?keeipt for a Cough/.-Take 04 of sweet Alhnids, and Syruptof Bal sam, of each two onees; u~ fouo of Barley WVater, and thirty dops or Spirits of Sal. Volatile; shake then well 'together, and take ~ telage spoonfuls when ithoW9ugh is trouble sonmc. sif this.Medigine..dosantt move llimg iiae~3 in :eg i, wi .jhabsolaielynecheasa tobe bledai