P.':. Wardlaw : 8 A. Patteirseonf 27 - W.. F.Daetissure 34 P'*.-Perry G W. Darg 6 - ~' ~ For the 8 ener. 1jdd'toAL. -TRY.] wi E. 01 co m t'lse f ad tekthe upnu my Lyres; AId all lth.h teiiderne pspie. -sig oJ. Lqve soj. f'o~qer'ypelig. .Though 11 e, n itest haveo h hanges rua I si fLove ohtitheme sorever eit ' Trho Mil li ij&e fkt Q hht tioiShelihedsbh te. Ennolinf~ Lovel' by GQds to. mortalUgived-, A buis er .4ajoya of' Heaven!i NA i e tenderutrans,. Wh rj ' Ideios sighs sanal Lovers' ains; Tho' iih' ltin6h that string; my temblin- Lyre, Breatiieswsweetek titda of -m ngled Love and fire. -MjIobe anoble theme ajofilar range,.: A ovo 'that knoWs nor )ealiousy nor chana, VnZvAy oi's vik and waywnrd-sway .6eadbta'nnot chill it, nor'e'en crim' disiy'. And 'f it loves, when changeful fprtune septes, It worships when the Jado betrals her gushm. A Mr's love1, $he holiest.snt. the bet,: fs iirest flame that warmsthla human breast: low o'er our childhood does hcr watchrul eye, 'Mstk.'e'veij.-A dht'sdbiti.dvAry sigh ;-. .And te.-soft magic o Affection's art, tJuqslyis each. Storm and galms'eael little heiiL lier's the iMi14'Influence of the kindly dey ' 'That 'il at eve *innotieed save by few; Fosters tile growthonf Natures lovely .ower! -A . o*r the aftinghart-exerts her.powera kludklistdi jcious caro the evil growth, 711rouildi dMia the soil and choke its wo'rth. ~enu rirt ybrthe emafly bosom warm, A4 add newsbeauties to the b1siden's form; .Wh enAy. wopld'venture, cager to possess T'he 'i toa'wQikch expectance .gives new .eAt, bi he turns them from the'dazzling show, Ai'd'hw ttuocolers paints what lies below, Knye where th Siren, -Plenatre, svgs to sail, Q91nooth sea and with,, favor; g ale; Lures wati inviting mien tho artis Vouth, And wears the semblance ot Majestio Truth. T 1e'ri'd lips a foaming goblet pressed, Andrizidmi hasten to nartake the; icast, lie ,d pi't scarel Fas embraced the Maid, re tleio'ski daikof and the sunbeamu file; Rid ilathelightniiig, thunder nutiers far, LMzT shrelk the windA with angry waves at war; Jqlqpr tm the ;falso one now in vain he creve,, 14" ples her. pinions,; the tossed billows leaves, But eWeis her victim 'whdlined beneath the waves. Ail-tWin' *vith:years,'o0pridious Foroune fled, Still onia Motiter's bosom rest the head; Sweet cMnsolr4ion; 'ever there to find', tooCth'es the qadI heart and calms the troubted ni ilnd Shows Ltroukl ti troubled, vista of past years, ofolow the pleasurds and how great therenrem; Points where Religion stands with outstretched hand, And bids thee welepme to the better land. 911. luo~iier l.,nipthv r.at that hnly sounil. Vialoni'df' Love an 'benuty thrnng around; Wheth we fargdt t' honor the -bright at rain, Angels *ill chant it,andlItts worth proclaim. . ec VIOLA. Suriv41le, Dec. is,8sla. MfA'I1ED-On Wednesd'aey evening, tij 2En34 nst 6y, the Rev. D. M'Qeei, Mr. R.~' . isDLK to Mis4 SARAH E. difuhttr , Eliha .M'Coy,j Esq., all of deoare ith i to an : tice SILLIN -SjillTTEsq. piteCnndidatt. for :Cdlector, at the tnsyirig. Eiection. Steirniville, NoVA 1846. 4 Election Not ice. INptirsunnce of vAs ol' the Legislature passed !it December 1839, nn Election foir CLERKIof t-he Court. of Common Plens and General Sessions Gf( Sumter District, will luke. place at the utsual places ofC Elec tiiiidid District, oni dihe second Monday ic4 iih i ti:ext, being. thme 11th day of N~aces and Managera of Election.. WSurnferville-Wm.. J. Single ton, Wmn. Swiming, ens.---R. L, McLeod, Benj. W.- Rembert, John Hari-ell. . Spring -IldJos. S.;Bossardi Thos-.L. Smith, 1..F.'RhamV,.* Providence--Johnu Ballard, C, C. Jackh son, John. A. Colclough, jur. .$tatcburg-W. H. Burgess, D. F. Wyles, Jolan Iurray. Mllpnchser-J. J. Belser, IR. 13. Caini, F. M. Melletl. . Nettles' Store-E. J. Pugh,- .J, M.' Net. ties and ,Win. Nettles. Fulton-Thomas C. Richardson, A. B. Birails ford, John J. Boyd. -- Joseph II. Stukes' Old Place--J. I1. HJoli eay. Vi liam Shorer's-John Johtnson,W~ mn. .rI WV. Tindal's Old Place-E. B. Bln4kwI, Wn.' A. Janiesy" T1homas D. ,Wpi. T. Peeck's-Isaac Bagual-, Jas. C. Stra dge, 'Vnl'&Cosgrey. 'Thorbas -Smith's 'Old Place-Th's~ E.. Dickey, E. J.TPlodeeryMngn. ry. eny~uign Jae pps.Wmn. M. McIntosh, 11. II. -Nadth'aniel Motta Old Placc-S. B. *Ce, k'~r, John.,V. Baker, John WV..Ploeyd. English's Cross Roads-John C. RI ha me, John 0. Durarnt, A. A. McLeoud. Jane Lowterys-Johtn F. Hanvneswoerhc. Robert B. Muidrow, Robert M%. EngLlishl. Carters' Crcssing-Ed mund Sinekey, junr., alias MtcCulcheon. Joliun D. Sha w.: Bishopiflr-John H. Dixon, J. N. Stuckey, Win. DIXon. Y .. M. DA RGAN, c. c. p. Nov. 2, 1846. 6 Estray. .WILLIAM 8. HIOYT, tik day, tiled be. fore me 'a light BAY HORSN, 13 years old; appraised at Twenty-five finllars. The owvner can have the above Illorse~ by applying to WV. S. Hoy t, Sumnteruille;'S. C. and paying charges. *T. J. DINKINS, Magistrate. Sume...wille, S. C1. O inda 18. 3 ir ThP. i i ra fltel;~It t mter Wenr1 ttlitaset S.U, te i thet;jI Is -uoi 1.n cnniste ltqi'r J fell iiih mititiulin of 11(-0 it i, Vs1i. tes tnd the T'ruaisilti i llic'f He aref itjrt hut(Ulere hthinke' t6 the ( p'ablh~ ii f~eor thir dger~if emil 1ihe rnii jsilrdua- 4, nId liatlea hy, sarc tlea id 'PAN t umr to 0Ytrii its cijhind- a lii esI kthiinent is cetinvetilentdty i..:. vin thiW1 Risin T'tert e, 'ar' the' Cuirit liuse, a~tti' will h0 ful1d (1etiistt in t fanembtwriof ti' ti 5,fei Plainer"'s iti4ra I the Cm-tiil 41n1111 usibluisess, liis tatilt will be cIl-efully aishl ristikilv futrsuiolifd. Il JOllN{Cl NA, Jr Dec. 16, 1840. 7 f a SALE OF PR9OPE WIY Will he qIld, ni thet first 4lny nf'-'innuA-T *ry, 1847, at -ti plantatatitifo s a li. la th f J.h -f Witsn-t,'uI tile Proipiertv tlioreit'rtiil, the., -tafe pfi t1he4 stid Watsill,; Lieweds. eitn itng of the P-LAN TATiION, NE. II. GROPS. CATTLE'8T0'K, FA RMING 'l ad -PLA-NTING UTEN8 ls,. PltO'vi d 'IONs, &c. &c. &. - L At the SamPP limte nnd lpiare A i~W AND 1)qillt t i attached thp At tlipi s"16 Ii. fl~nll latP,. ' At the mai e it iatinl putnee AN 0 1OiCE IN 'STJMTEW1 LLE, sitiuat4d bac of hr Coiurt leost ent. n offier. 1111d the ttflice Fitrtii I-senisi of Bedding, Clair, &c. &c. &e. Terms,made ktnwtn nt ileat r of sale, SAMUEL WVAI'sON, 8 De.. 16, 1846.- 7' 3t Notece.. A NTONY Wi1TR, Esq.. (Suinterville, S. C.,) it my nittiorized Agent, aturting tiny8 aabeniceefrom the Statte. A. C.- SPAIN. Jt'utth-Caralinian will colsv. )ec. fl. 18.6. 6 2t Cons m'itssionmer's Sale. Exprte M. E. Mupl. ,e. et :11 In Equity. The minor children if- Sumter District. E Tho. ftmas Mples . J . d WI LL he rohl at Sumter Court innase, n, the first M.iidav in Jimatry next, and, if G not thetn smbl, will be stlid on a sulbsequet S sale dht TiVENTY-SEVEN NEG ROES. L The terms of stile are, one.litil Cash-- 1a1 the bailance on a credit (if one year; lte v ulirchaser miv'inig odtil andel persaonal secu. C rity, witli interest from satle, aid a nort g31ge or the Negroes; ir liy uip the whitle L purchasze, aid isaying for till naecessary pa pers. By order 'f the Cotart. JO IN B. Mi.I.ER, Com'r. Sumierville, Dec. 7, 184G. 4 tsd pf $2] FitM the stubr iber, on the 19ii th l oftNovembr lt at, tier Ne.gr nut :35 y'earsa io age , a outit ftive fevt, live inch--tn it igh I, omf tattme whalit Ivet bow1 efnmlex inn, ailnd ihp a lit le oin hti left finmt.' 2-!t si suppagtjla(t noity to [he in the neig~lhborhmia otf $1 it. cheaster, or in W'illianmshotrg, nar the remai diece of thle late Dr. li Duford. A rewardl ni 820 waill lbe agiven fur thle alpprtleensilon 'tf theii said Jacesb, antd his deliveary to the susHtrat hier re-sidlence, 6 mtile's beloiw Smn itetvill i;e, r iia I stmntai in u Sumitter Jaiil. ESTihER PERDR)lIEA U.. EAND FOR SAE.A lThe suciber ll itl'ers ftor salet hilat 'IT rt of1. iad, ine mile's y it,-htaw Stamaierv ille, onl the rondai si In Chaitrleatitn, nentar [Ithelt. Cttiurch, amti Col. N.'ttles'st Stotre, entiinga 41 tieres; J. 130 aceres is ciredl Lantd, of wi ich, t100 acres is tinder gtltod fenace; 50 anere's miore, Ji deadedtti lat w I ilter. 'lTihre is a gai 4ne1 stoary P~r.t umed n Delini a.louse1 on' i the pre- T mtisesm, wtiith 'ither niuecestrv sut.bibilings. i Fttr furthter partticulhars, catl ail ase, oir ny Tratm: Onet Ihall' c attI, lae blanct ie on ;a el cedetii of irane yeaar .vii hiintere'st. T. L. JONES. C Nttv, 30ltth, 194I6, 5 ~ 4t ri FOR SALE~. TI'll [~subasert le r,~ big destiront is atf ei-ing i htis bttat.ness het ibis p int , tile ras fir SaleI, for lost of Ilatnd int Stiterville Ii n Libet~r- ht ty s triEt, tach I of wa'Iticht ttteatstaret thi rty t I anid atre towa ice ipi el; thel Ii rst bay J'tihot. II AleiGte, thIte sie.m. tby tt Jos phI Fieler. th It l tIrd hv ltheaI Sutbsc'ribeur, and tth le fouth It i i Li t m Johntson.ifi Alsoi, onie Let enn tnain- el mtg thirty Acre's, mtore ttr le'ss, nhtut onte i m Ii~ enat nsi Sttrilleta , kn sown niaa the. A Bric-k Yardt Lt; onte wtheir LEIt, anout two~ r) millea east ofl $ittitera'itlle, con tai ing fih(y C neres, tmtit ioar Itass, Tertms madlel knotiwn V iti1n1 iapplientionto the subticribter in Sum-in aera'ilte. WV. S. !oY T. (G StamiervillP, S. C'. Nov. 25, 146. 4 (It el Mloney, M~onecy, Mloney, A L L esen inted~ti tom ilhe Eitaite of 1] John Dutrantt, dteceutsed, nre re'quired tea mnake itmmeditate pafymen'ft tol the stubsacriber. nt W. LEWIS, 0. 8. D. p Nov. 27th. 1840. - 9 - St E Y VRTUm O- SUNDRY DXECUTIoMB To RE WILL Le. sIld it Sun)f Court Hors, n the firs: Msiny. afl'dfi folowiig in sinItar, aert4 *i.ihi t.ll h legal hipurs sit ale, totthelsighest bl hier, for Cash, .tie, >Ilowing Prolpeyrty. Puichusers to -a, r Titles. ~* Vne trai. ofil41000- acres of Land *i-n ylern, U~joiiniig linds .of ---, levied upon i the prordy or Jacob P. Sturgeon, at iF,0luit' f John t-nnt. One irit of 225 neres of Land in Ujjpve 1161., ad.jsiiing la1slds off - levieil-utpollr tho.) property ofr iram Stoskes, at the tit of lbirdy Stsckey. One itraet ofi 56 ueres of Lanti. in Clare, 01n1. nd1joinliffg in1.11114 ir;- -.Iteviedf uopon .tile prperty of Wm.J. A tkinson,- at alh lit f JshiB.Allier,Um'r. Oas'e rs.t of 175 n.c'reo fof 1J,119l in Clirr'. tant. 1,adjoinng banIh, of - . levied up141 the por of .omas Giddels,' at tihe it f A. L. 1:seltine...... I Interest in one tract- of -105 acres of rnal inl Cliremint, aitjosining lnndi o vied auon us the property sof.:Wm. E. hi'arils. at the suit of F. J. Moses. ,irest in (sils trict of 1.000 acres of at in Claremppi, itdjoining lands of vi ,ed ulpomlnj a 4 tiepropoerty -rof Wm. E. icrlds tn, it the..tslit (Df. F. J. Moses. ' One tnrct 50 uer. of Lund in :M1iddle alern, ndjoiining lands fr --- levied Alp. it as te priprtv .4f Tlonas ilaincock, the s 1ilt of. . .E. Wilision. Oe. trnet .o .25 nere!s ,ir Lnm in Clare out, its1 jainlinig *iuitli.Asor - le.vieid mu pon the propery o I.N emiry, mt ite suit .\1n Mrtin. . . THO110. J. WILDER, SibrifI of Sumier Dist. heriff's Office, Decr. 9, MS40. 7 p f 64 50 SEERIFFIS SALES. PERSNVAL PROPERTY. V VIRTUE OF SUNDRY- EXEC'TIuNs TO 61R DIRECTED, Will lie sold.at Sumter Court loisuse, on e first Monday said daty folliowiig in snuary nexi, within the legal hours of ie, to the highest hidder, for Cash, the llowing Prsopent). Purchasers to pay ir Tiatles. 6 Negroes, -levied on as the property of d. A nderson. at, the suit of Bunk of Cumti. -in et ill. .I. I Negro levied on as the proiperty of S. C. Deschunaps, at the suit of the Lute. 2 Nearoes, leviel on as the property of .'. Dinkins, at the suit of T. Lynn, et 2 Negrpnes, lovied on us the property of 1. C. Guerry, at tila suit of Rubinson & ab iswell. 2 Negroes levivd on as the property of P.Loring, at the suit of Jus. M. Pitts, al.* 3 Negroes, levied on as the prioperty of /m. E. Mellett, at the suit of Jlhn B. (ile r, Ads'r. et al. 3 Negroes, leviesd on as the property of Moody, at the suit of C. Mathison, et 2 Negroes, lev'ied on as the property oh mi. Rhoss. nt thme suit of T'. J. Coglanu, ia . I Ne'grn, leviedl on as the piruperly ,of nasing Jeninaimgs, tat the suit of the Blank (Cainden.. I Negrui, levied on as thle property of L, Feler, at imse suit of A, AlcKenzie, I Negro, levied on as the property of .B. Sinigleaon, at the suit of hooth & I Negri., le~vieds on ats the property of .J. I lllladay, eti1..-suit oif Utarr & WVil hO N.-grae's, let ieds onuas thei propserty of I. B rasilsi-rd, at the'smt sit o the Blank of e Stae if tsou Ih Ciarshlnu, et al . I N mgro, -lied s on as thme prsopem ty oif f. F.. Buiter, ati thes suit of J. J. itihrdt int, et asl. I Negro, le"ieds sin its the proplerty tif J. Birsown , uat lie sit sif E'. Ca rson. 1 Nej re, lev ied ont as thme property of is. S. Bossnesdrs, att the suit sof the Sinate. I Nsegro lev ied on teals he ropetrty sif 1. W,'. Cioulleut, ait thle suit of J. B. Tins di, eta al. I N'egrno, leviedl on as the propierty of enury Cassels, tat thne suit of Wt. (hurris, ail. I Negrot, levied on ats ihie property or ,.J. Carr'enter, sut thes. stiit of B. J. liar tenm, etI il. Gig. I isrse anid Ilirstess, leviesl on us esrpe~ f C. W'. Fehler, at the suit 2 NeL'rssss, 2 11 orses, Uggy andis louse lId andss Kiimchen Fusriaiire, h-iedl sit ats e' pa tperity sf P. A. Mdills-r, iialumh suilt of1 amrgunni &5 hicthalrdlsin. Ex'sors. 4 Ne~grsss, I Cierriasge, '4I uinrse, 20 endt of II lost 25 Sluep. ISI all mof Cast r, 2 WVng us, I50 hurshels sf Cnrn, Mndas e andI Brisle, I Gumn und Ilsuse ai K it ten Ftuniture, letviedl (ln Us the pirhoperty Johna RI. Splahnn, at. the suit (if thme State, .Nsraib, et ali. To' be sold on 'mTesdlay, hi Januaary, at defenanat's resisdence ini ianrernin, except Negroes, Carriage, rigontssatd II rses. 1 Negro, levied sin as thme prstperty of rO. Farrson, at thme suit of John A. CsuI snugh. I Negrui, lsevijesd sn asm the proiperty of amal. J. T'inaisll, at the suit of Brsigsl~di lIhouse and Lot in Suamierville, knsiwni Dims k ins's T averan, le-vised ont as athe pr rrty of L. Hi. Dinkins, at the suit of W. .Iiicahi...s.a., p... . .Co.sgen, Wagoi t etile Wtge4~ Ilp properhy. of lklzjsoviuvn ergd ceasedl, mt,.thessu ot tLtvy '&IW'Hilk .C. K Jila Oe W R D Sheriff 's 0fice,' jnfi ak aa v -IN ORDI. RY. M~ry McCh vs. aCJ Bron and MY34 * .ere.-Sudnin'ns ltIPar~flaoi;^ lyn aprirng~io my su d)o^t than, Kinsey .amld. chiltlren. defendat In h9. 'ab oVe stated cae rei utWf o " 8'ht:Ii .Is thu'refoiie oralere gha t theydy - :eppear, amti object to the diiliionaor sald ,ir-the lIetiL'Esatesf fluir ell Brown d4 rena~id, on or before t427th dy i' rtairv ner t. i q0 f consen it %ill bela .1 o'f rer.ord. - W, 1LEW-6.-* E40 Nov. 2ith, 1i40 5 1St .1Notice. The- .subsciber, would respefIlyr form the Plantors of Sumter Distri;ietytit lie las j'ust, received a fywpieces o GEORGIA PLAINS, which, for stoutnuess anddurability is - i. sirgiassed bY anyV thitigiever offeredin this market. Call and satisfyryourselves.*of the. fact,-at my,. store, where-GROOERIES and11 other goods, will"be sold-repinrkabli chenp for Cash. i? JVDINKINS. D--c. 2. 1846. - : t The Ameriean Agtcnturist. ' Puliseudmontbly, by SaxTON-& M1:Las, 205 Broadwtny, New York, containing 32 ,T1ERMS-One Dollar:per year in ad Anvee hrcopies forxswo Dullar'd; eigh~t c7palis for Five Dollars. When ,Agricultutral,Soe-iaties order the woork for distribution, among.the nenibers, the price will lie only FPIETYCFNTS e year, for the Monthly Numbers.and SEV ENTY-FIVE CENTS per copy foiribound volumes. It will be expectedlthat thes orders carre pflicially, and Tibe -xignied by the President or Secretary of theiSociety. Thp object ofr putting our periodicalist this vefy inow rate is,- to betefit the Ar.ning comnunity mtore extensivelv than It could oetherw ise-be damp. Wehope, Ienicifori to see the Agrienituristis thpl.hnds of every Farmer and Planter in the- cann1try. Eacli number of the: Agricultsirist- con tains but One sheet, and is tratsported by Mail unler the same regulations as inewsa papers, viz: free any distanceohot orer 30 miles- from its :lace of publicasiounpvr thiq and within 100 miles,.org. k' to-14 inl the State of NewYrkc, one stage on each mnmber, and one and a f cents if over 100 miles, without-the.Staci. Bock Volumes of TuB AnkrICAN AoR CULTURIsT, with tabIes of contents com plete, for sale at *1.00 each; elegantly. an11d. untiflormly :bound in' clooth, 1.2. Tihse are handsome, tasteful bookis, and inake very desirable premiums for distri" bution with Aricultural - Societies, and shntuill also find place in all our - District School ;Libraries. They, constituta tIme best and most co mplete treatiseon Aieri'-n can Farmimng. Stock-Breeding, andori culture, extani When: several copies are ordered,. liberal aliscount will be made. semtnling such ntie to this tffice. (orrusTat TitE CANDENH .AtK.) ItJ. D)RUOREII & CO. Womuld resper -fully 'iform -the citizets ofn Sumter and thes .ijmcent coat~ry, tliaa thmey herp 'onstntily oa:' handla large and sjilrendide autsortmenuat of ENGLIMII, FRZENOLE AND AlIERICAN DRY COORS, TrLethber " ilt a large amaanrtment-of RE ADY ADE CLOT'HlNG, of thet latest style, ansd all qualities. --ALSO A large and well assorted stock of. -GROCERIES, of every dlescription, with. flagging, R ope andi Twinse, (prockery, Ilartevare..A'Cutler y -ArLsI, A large Stock of Hlats Cape, Bonnets, IBomots anud Shoes, of all quaclities and pri ce, andi maiuy-nmany articles, too numer ous to mention. For sale by M. DRUCKERI &-CO. Camen, S. C..Nov. 0, 1846. -- IKentucky, N. Carolina and N5 .Orleans Wyhiskey. 4 Bl. Old KentuckyRye Whiskey, vin isuge of 1836 10 dim. Old North Carolina Rye -Whibky 20 do. " low p riced 50t do. 1oew Orleans Rectified WVhiskey -AL~SO 50 ilbIs. Newv Orleanus Molasli 20 4. North Carolina Floqr, fo r ale by 'DICKSON &tj LATTA, Camden, S. C. Nov. 0, 1846. Naddles, Bridles, &c. A good assortmenL of Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Wagon andi Rimding Whips, for sateclow lhv M. DR UCKER, & CO. Cau nulen. N'ov. 3,.1846. Congress and Pavilion Water' 20 Doezen Conagress Water, pints, 10 " " qtuarts I5 " Pavilitat " pints I5 " " quarts Foirsale by. -DICKSON &.LATTA Camden. Nov. 0, 1840. I V WA let A -.4 :7t i . v4 r%~ a. IWO' -It'~~. E 'T 1. ise the... c ll mft 'd hl1~ ,he;W3 6 Fea of nia0rOh WJftU if.rsr nr.at sit eysi-o ~u~ee~~ vew 9oro~ah. A~l~~f Aw erv severe wleAser, ihbt,~4J ies"s 4f 'the unshred.ir6fp 1he best 'altr as v *PAjr Prn country,. As rvg .ahi i t~, nmu freecoIMA-om 9h inikh"A'CMe rt -s the 'Or'~~ s4~1 Jlidtirefindilnc'0. in.gn'd A el Im ind. atlhov~m -i '' mo idl4ilu .,cdueir'tfa~ .rr~t~' I~ l'~ 1.. 1.. Iisfii lhia I 4ld tiifit"~ln .iodir A~rf *r~e~ibayt, f' ie ls te cf dmiinftt d rMadc:i'mi~fi it .fl !n~i:o~r~I~ar the aind I ntfIgenti member of eo y'l Delicaey, robids tie "Prncif6id t6 sikk rif 66t Compc'lcncy-of himself.ap"dilMr, but' tie 'pled'ges-8 lfrMf l( k'1h Teachers -A iChahel-ha be 44ad~ r1~ta regular religious serficee evierylSabbahb - The sclholastic yjear. will'ost of 6en months.' ~ wi" A ',d6ftvwe*1 *111l Rrid did extrd~deoeonh 27th. i6f**d L446ivi 6*4a.'60.,00 logdraine#P sig Freuc i., ':.phnhs) era otat, 40n0 "kZ~e tntmO except. the. fuvuqstalg of. Sti inery., will1 both. samne Ac ility .hato beem. during Iii. .present yearit Ra; . 3'DUBOSE," 19* Mr~ E. 0-iba