7, 1414 w -'Z It ' I .~a T.. - se pon cap. ,1 -Z-. yur - t give the word n0te h said8 iiperhapsI can ke .efttihthan yours. Hpn f can but I'm 4--- d If I -stop toseO.t. Sutting t'ction ?o he nvir.I vh' drop pl.hi .gunand took to his hejl. Sindy Matwas for a haltinsitnt paralyzed by th.operation, bul h'e idiatlyilarted In pjsuitt. Probably a prettier foot race. vi ngver seen or will be seen agaiui. The gitYj, be it remnnibered, was the best -uinerj pnd,moreove'r, fear lent speed to ibliheels. His pursuer, too, carried 'ex: tra weight,' for he had no notion of led# ini his.guili ehin4. John worked his wny ike a qu.Atter-horse, for ho had a pretty good.knowIldge of the track. -- For about auarter .of a mile lie kept along the brow of .alight declivity, where there vns scitelf grass enough for a decent pasture, and finding that would bring him into sonic voods ,v here there was a thick uner growth, .h'e struck down into a meadow. where the'griss was trou'iblesome,: aii by this change hispuirsuer recovered several rods of the ground he had. lost. Tie samit obstucle returded the progress of ihe lat ter, hoe#er, and the gap. between the comiatants was again smartly widenied. Johi had sense enough to see in linte tlat thi course ke was noiv following would bring him to a- small stream which meanil ered'through the bottom, and lie chnanged his direction so as to 'mtiakc a landing' at a place .used for fording, wihere the water was not over two feet depth. But anl% body who his ever tried the experiment of running in jhat about that depth of witter, can prolably rediember that it is a job not altogether unattended with dificul'ties. JohnAoundcd into (lie stream like a fright. enedtheer, but at about the third jump lhe exhibited one of the fiiest possible speci mens of 'ground and lofty tumbling.' It was then that Sandy Mas called out, as at the distance of forty or fifty rods lie came waving the long grass '[v'e got you now. you cowardly scoun drel!' Juhn was soon on ' his feet angain and managed without further disaster, to make the opposite bank, but not till the distance between him and his exasperated pursuer had been frightfully decreased. Sandy Mat reached the brink of the brook just as his prey, some three or four rods ahead, placed his hands upon a board fence in the act of springing over, when his course through a clear pasture woubl have soon plated -him beyond pursuit. Sandy raised his, gun and with a sure and steadj aim fired both barrels. jubt as a most prominent, nether part of the person of John Short ofrerud a splendid ma1srk, in the act of vaulting over the tence. Like a log John dropped on the otlier side of the fence, with a howl which could have been heard for a mile. Iow Sandy Mat made tracks across IIhe field, and did not happen to be seen again down Eist--or how Johni Short hpnied to finid his waly home-arc portions of this vel itable history which it is not ineerssat sary to inuflict upona our patient readers. Tlhe last that wve ever sawv or heard at Mandy Mat, lie waes a firemnan on the New rla und Nash ville rail road, before thes proaject waus 'knocked into a cocked hat' while John Stiort bas ofteni beeni heard tom declare that, although the busies of pnay inig rotr shooting horses t.d cires was hadt enough in all conscienice, it wans -funa silive' comnpared with the process of' ex Iractinig fifty bird shot ft 0om the fasble'd seat of hotnoir -Tiic AntssTnaarro,-The recent elections, though discouiraginag enou)g'~h. give no cause for desponding to tihe frienids of the adflinistrution. Th-.: great tises between the two parties have nnit beeni brotught to beer in (lie conitest, an d in-no one rstate have wo evidence of nastionaisl questions dleterminling the result. Il..dl i i been the case, the issue must have been'g otherwise. Whlat measure, what caus. can be !assignsed for the adiniistrationi I' sing caste? The sub-treasurv, in its o'pera tionis, has done no injury to'the peophe no dletrimnent to the government-no injus. tice to the banks. The tariflf, in its hprm spective operations, has comiplete'ly r.,1,i. fled all the predhictions of its eniemnies. ho. stead of ruin and distress, we havers plospeI rity andI plenty.- Manuifactories, though their profits have been lessened, 11und io cause (for cu rttil ing, hbut,ont thes o thier handi, are expanditng their operations. Speie, instead of beinig sent ab1roadh, is, by the ims. pulse givent to the f.irminig inte rest, beinig importedl into) our country. All c'lassesa andI all trades are prosperous, mnoney is abundant, and the wvhole cunitry is oni theii high road to prosperity. Whaiiit, then, casn ba assigned for our tdefeat? It is nothing more or less thtan apathy on the part ofoustr friends, personal disiffeetion amnong aspi. rants for office, ail local State questions, wvhich are in ina wise connected wvith nastioun. al politics. Looking over the wvhole g round, A ~takinag Into consideration all the causes which have heed to our app.irent dle feat, we can fintl no cause for des pondliug. TIhiose -who are at the head of otir government are -pursuing the straight lie of dutty. 'No administration has ever miore anxiously or ofliciently ser v. ett the country, tin the preeptiI'hias more re, A ski - mi 11MIPl"l I .1- 'Qjari ~ hlfkp ii op ai ellmea ?u eJlt. :WIIa)ftlwl~ a'atinis atvi a en w 0.wi ) Astr fill tid ejen 1af iM un'reliW.VerWsii.n lancfe tIntI I Tr ol'tirtnar1eJ, f:Ii vi4heai off h Cis andl . 4h6ig fys ,he )ete i esentisd, W4~~~ wall ~ L oteu I.L S ~uCt1 h -, I'lli .. c t or.ai isiet'M IVa Wlieuth ili'a gIt i ter~lfillve 4) 'tato 'iliisritcy, tin tie itis. hiwsl, 81141 lt(43 ~it either; is peLut~l they wl'illi- celire it) favolr ..4, the farnier. Th'ey hive dane all$rtofore, and tiover, we, ctnceiive, l;a'atreulie nnh( pnfleidi fltiv heen sal firmly pIited on tin- grenspritti jl i -i1 Che 1cn1tiftutlin mts tIl6-v fire ,It 11his, tuomen1v t. We hve i -i' h in 111r. princiiphi'S iil un nhidiung co'ifidl'ue'e inl the dliscerimeni-lt of* the pe p . vy willoat 'all' right, mnd Ite Shi 4 p se' Will 'oikiinu Ito m11 ve o. W11 in ilt gloirius enrl'er." Spirit of Jef. Chu. Va. ~ Tuattu( s~ (1A .) Nov. 21 Ill ADE it- 'rwi.N ( IIA: L 4T'-sN AND T1. KrAL--sA.:-O he su41W eion off JuIdge Poirut-r.itom e of ou r nhant i s have" triied tie experiwni of rdirinr som)e of their o.,ils, p:ar 'i ar'i ia- nrtiIvsl . (Fri'li Cher bi-s Wil. '\!. . * .n We tii'- h~ .ue of 1fowvi & h owni. -II- '[ -r-. I ! w.,rded nil ordler, Gn-1. ,:Ind- Ga.b-Alh1A. w'ituhint gvi Ii'ein s after it! letter vw< mail-d. Oe ThIlrs thil e Ow 121 , ilis.. .M1r. .lol1i Liith-, driq_'y'i. fCir warded-, an' or-der o .\Ie-, rs. 11-161:11d. ila ral & A'P,. I., ;I - I it reie Ed F.llt, by the day iihOt. Thuts thi - ol o~- ; rd#ri d Im veI conin-- through 11 -mn I Gheormgi:: RailIway.N Vinl Elyt iin. & e. in advance of the mad thIaugh Moitgo'mery. Will (pour citizens Iliger The Ceotton Wormw--1mp.or*taT1 Fact. The Natchit itchi's Chr -*icle ilentioni'lls It discovm' 41111 v i uliii'n io 1the g en I'des toye'r "I" the- Ciito plnii which it nmay be well fr eery Pla nhter tit kn imi l remember. Mr. Gil more of ihat P'arish planted. la 1I Spriig, withi lis tiel ofl C1ttoln a piece of ground in Indigo, thinking that it would yiet l moiif imiigo l Ihan wtuil1 be it c essa ry to fuirtisl his family, he ploughed a part of it til. and put inl cttoll, 1111 p1ugh. ing it befoore it had germinaied, lie scatter ed the sel corer his calton land,aind maniy stocks cif it grew with thecotton. Whven the wioirms baegi to devctir the cottton, hle Indil to his surprire that the stocks near the imligio, were untonched by them. They lef, or rather kept away', from the rows iear the iidigi)o patch. Thie Otder frm the indigo pluat is known to be 'ingen, andua disagreeable: 1his mn) have repelled the worms, i they have hile sense of smell, as all sensible worms otaght to have. A [D RAnia. DoN A-rtoN.-We* have been i.niih grastiit-id to learn that Gen. James Librry a cipy if 'Audbailin's Qutatruteds iof A a-er'ien'."as~ ' ery' ivalu1 ble It' nd14 costly wor4k. Th'is is an' it ~soui l h, andl, among ,annyl oilher r'ce'nI inientionsli, igl~ Les ~t roe lie reivm 'llg ilte're'st whllichi thet g rninn2 tes 4f 111m21 insijittion fee'sl ini its proasperiity andl mnipjle' *i'iy 1:e' fo4llo)wed by'4411 otes am1f.ng the gr:sihenntes, for hijther't. fe'w ro4lle'ge?1lhai het nI lesS indIIeblted tam thir Alimniii t~lhnu ha much foriil (ji-itlia fs t ch ilren verv2 li14h-. Coumubia Ch'/ronicle. to iihe d1owe 4 wardt trans aof eallrs upoiin ite Iably inmjsa-e.d she eng1.ina 111-1 ea.I ntturbed'i, hilt fe'atunate1 ily 41~iF4 no perso lan hur b the. concstl-1i1'. Ii seemis that the, ea rs w111re prt''ti eingiii a41 an.4mmrae rat1 24 short is. Lances' h~ 111 b- I4:'..ie's4 It'. wlhen' thiey :1., a h5 ,hu '1 aal2i in i urely 1111 hisordnar gan wen h engineer bei gt im 14eno the' ta Inay, undelirtooik to mige' n1itie4rs1 t'i a e'riis h~y qici4keing4 1the sper'til ofte rin., Upon' thris the1' l lared inlg ii 144 14iecet's andl dinig mucht'l inijury' to 11he ha1L'2n1!e andii 14as2'en11, r ears, am114 pre-S 1'eaalin2e 41h4 1rain 11iom prtgr4'ssini. iTe no4th1ing' hadI44''I i'r4rl. We undrtand th4i~~ atii 21he4 ii'Rlil Ro48 hn.41' Iilied's at Ilth itsastrouiis restltI iif the4 conite'st ithil the' hull 111h at'he pireferredI n ciom phli4In 144 the( oe'a.r 1and4 hadl himi k'illeda as2 a "d anlger'u FanU111imal" beforeTl theL return c'a till u p.4ruIErntoga Rtepub. A QUE~sT:4N wV~t.L A swE'tCD --AleX anditer thei (rent se'eing Diagenies looiking aiilttent ieilyit al purcel tof hianai bones, askeda the phailosophe111r wvhat he wias Ioiaing f'or. '''1haZt wichirI I cannoa)t find,"' wa's the re. ply', "'iith dJ'arean beftween'I youir faths~r's honles and thiue of iS Sinl1Ler" N d 9 .? O IYla 04 0 e h r i copy ot tle" Wit n . th lont tre appointed to noV with.n statcildr'i' Fi.tj tiii Hupso" of Repfeiseial ies, enfl to conicryli Lfr. Ellet on its-.Iscoverfyf gun cotton;.,, a enpy of 'Dr. Eitt in lett r commnicitia N~iI Fionsec or Representatives the proess whi4 tia cov ed for the Clehp and expeditiou maraniufta i i tll Ixplosive Cotton';-also, fos a emall q uantili nf'gun cotton, prepared liy Prof. Ellet, rtsceived du ing the week plrevitoub to- this, which was exhilfitc Ivy expteriment to a large ninber of perwons. Ti coit of the article as prepiareil 1.y Dt. EHet. dues n exceed forty or forty-five cents per pound. "It. said to posssns four times greater power tIan gil pmenvde, n n1 it ha-g leen estimated in weight as biA ns one of the former t) seve'n of the Iatter." GcNEllAL SCOTT. - It is'now certain that OG,:. Swrr is to take Il co-ninnd of the forces i.i Mexico; ind it isreporti tllat this imeisnre was taken ret the request nnd co sent of Cen. rAV1.On. It is n!so reported thlatGe S. wail! ake out with him'half a million of Mexice dollars to supply the immediaste linessitles of-ti ary, and that t ians declared to the Prestilent ni his calbineL, that he -will bring the war to a tlose Jnly next, with nn nblitional expense or twent five million of ellars, p'rovidel the whole direction the war is inmediately .orilmitteil to him. Wi two such genesans in the field, there is. but Jitt dtliht. of the continuedi success of the Amyricr aris. It is to I hosped that the Scnt-and-Gaini scenes of the Vloritn war will not be re-iteruted MNexicn; an I that ilh Senti anid Taylor scenes this war will adit ou'ly new glory to these alre illustrious gener.as. PROFESSOR PELIHAM. C. P. PEr.nhiu, Esq , ha lieen e!ected Prot. Itoinan Litrature, in the S. C. Collere. lie is gralunte of the institution, an8d is said to be a g.i schonr. LOSS OF TH.E ST.ICAMER-ATLANTIC. On the 2(ith of Nov., the splen-lid steamr Atlai tic eplodted her st- nm chest, on Long is!a nd Soun a little after midnight, A. M., during a violcnt gal After drilling about 48 hours, or more, she struck ' a ledge of rocks on Fis!.er's Island. In five minut after striking, she was in pieces. In these five mil utles, one.hal1 of those on the A tlantic were destro ed, arnounting to -10 persons including 6 femalea. CjTTON. The Chnrlestmn M irket tietnsactions in this ori cle, for the week ending Friday, Dee. 4, give sa! of 15,300 bales, rgainst recc ipts of 14,128 bales, n king a dlifference in favor of sales of 1,172 bales.. The prices, accrding to quality, ranged from 8 9 3-- cents; the greater portion selling at from 9 to 9 1-. The latest advices from New York at Liverlemi shew some advance in the price of cotto CITIZENS' MEI'RING. - VOLUNTEERS' FA31ILE2. At a meeting of the citizens hleld o Mondv, the 7th inst., for the relief " the destittte familie's of the Voluiteers fe [lie Mexican War" Capt.. Jm IN IUn.1AD.: was called to the Chtair and J-t - A fihtowNFIEIl.D, Esti., was requtestd tonct a S'ecreta ry. On miotiocn of Cocl. Tu as. J. W iton:t t e feelloiwing Preamblel atnd Resoluttji ye re tnitml usl.ti y adiopled: Wh1Iereas. siomet if' the Snoiter Volutit i fori thce Aexicen War itt their z.iealto serv thiir coni try andai Fphold the iinanor eof lth District nad the S;tate have been eomltttle tot letae their f.m iilies dest it ne of iih teaens oif suppoirtc: Andi, nt herenacs ilhe tt genicy' of thtis soccasianz dlcennsald ithnt iwt :eia ~te ameaseu res hce taen: Terei-'fore Reesol red, Th.eet a omitllee he~ appin er1! (callsistillg ofI thle Unptaci i oi eh Bee Uenmeptey itn the District, Ill rteive suil scripstionts for ther .duport ofi theL deistini fani.iies oh thie Voilnteet's for the.e' ~c. ien War. IThe (Comniitte.ewas dly atppcintted i Ott iojn, the mierlinig iaijocued. JOllN UHIADLEIY, Ch'mt. JotitN W. Onowt~NFV.I.D, de.''. lit pttires tle eef thie ab1oveC ittesouIttitti it list wais openeil d, eundl liberaI subsecriputim obltainedca, thce itmoun t ofI whichi i notI ye Itnownt. Atin oppotnnttit y of subhsc ribinig nowht opent to thoese det.sirutns of so dlint undca reh aevin g the0 dest ituI t'etailies of i Volun iteers during the'ir iabsentce. CiIARIILE$TON VOLUNTE[ERS. at'e g.rcoundrhi wol~ omn ientme Git beoth iluaasaes onl the 2r4tht-2 u. TuesdayUa 111 aa ia~,N r.Eliot. 24. e - Si s c.-Gov. Aie'g.esg a a recv, rend and ordre toC el taen uig alufo referrene tion Ghe.ill'erentComis e m ju TheU.day' then26th. ndypiin r. ar mens werte prsented. A beenslu. -t intrucit the Cmte on.itPrivile. t-lr.sis tohgav in a Bill o ieer.th r~ia heion of Elctortst Prsdn and oVio-e e for aonsiraton to the2, 2th.nl' c. Wedlusd-Th Nim. 2o. 8~Abibod was prshaipnlyea orpe t hhe rgo enangr N Ith Goer's hmiersg n thegnton presn . roo aofe wno oisina. A folertn several . ofneIt~cra hlortinsair. Eiott 8.T. layes waais eletd .\sicesener.a~ot a Tlpresaitib me r.g cmmuente the- reig nain ho. Ge Lal'stie of is I).-niau in the . . ncope. h Ln a a the heaof' t Clmitte ofPrivitle i Cairmn. -eiar eiin eepemid M xpr. Mseas ave notice cf-toBHweconmern r ing the hmwofn t derlctesColeg, amoftn e nemrd tofhe isBtuns' Acs. Wedneirihsdu, NOV2. 25. SENA.-Pc r.on - wase doneanid. App opriatemliions byr Mr.f .snier fort citezncorponitionmof the -fen byi .hr ie Lnster of a billrsa fo ton abolih Brgade- Enampmnts;by . Durga of Hil to , inoprt th Ln 4 nte u Wimn tnR4.C m ay W,, r - nI"n pie irirenign a the eililidwp- t i stiz reasthe'irst )lir .5rt~fs - MnTjhgstrt .A anatar~id iii:( p~g ot Sheris as 4 oilons'i hci, e. The'~i? lq g 1Namble and Desnittion ,waistrimidued l ir. Mammnjit onidetr ed.l'ulin'sidmf: 'reesi 'tie. 116, .01i j~ W1'hereaij thon hit. .4ly beet tade upsAi'slogil f th-C ariaapis 1cxmiar,-hal imes~s-tihee fItus be _ romponespion seciflb her e . zens i a~ p tueilnl th.Stoieffr .. a i2:dy. fifftispn, ani ~iheeninpot. 4he ee of tit iepiartute' oftime VoI fif6 wartt ihtbeconiig thaf't) nm int stioulexpires her undimiin. ~tnitrC iii tiebravery ansli jIrit wi;i inhesb resphnded to timeecll foi)thIeir6FI ssumm Io (lffer bo thfmnios glenceaf its & pproabation of th~1 pdeig b -ResohiccTight a Commtteoj4v.be appointed. to mseet a simiar ~u~r1ite from thme other H ouse to entry the bets nto eff'ect. - Thime Commrnee on ah. preof ieSyqe is. .compnsed of~ Messrs. Mnsrng B. F, Ferry,.Hluey. Henneganand-Eave Il(Us.-Petltiolswcreprebenitpj No. tiees of the introductiomn of biiJs weritsed/ Among them, oneby- Mr. Or aRil S give jurisdiction a4 i)agistrales i e frisl Pof Iespasses on personal property here the haninges do nuixeredi twventidolllats. A The followinig:Bils were introdafoed t.t'i slay in' th House aind-read -the fir t ir'nv viz: A~m .0i s Owhi A Bille to OincrAIIi ejuisitioider Ofi dinary, astam the najieinment of guardivtrd of personal estate. A Bill to preventmhemat'iaal right.i i'f-th'i hiusband from. atuaing to heestates o married oilmetn. A Bill td5 inerense the jurisdictiop of the Orsinary in the partition and litsion of real andersonol estuetes andintheappolina of guares iron. .W A Bill to afrer ods amen, d tFelw irk re. lationi to grantumig licenseI, to retai iii' , ols lHquors, or.to keep tavern. 0 o. aturda,.Nor. 28. E - Senate met .toesdat at a'closck. hie. ilolving gentlemen w 6b eto !e eda . .Comins oners tn Equmity for the r'ullowin* distriets,- viz: - - Jamis Hemphill.for Chiestipr Distrie" Oiey Cleman, faor Wiiamumlong; E. J Ar. ibhur, for. Richslanmd; H. A. Mentze. Tor fLes-' ihgtonn; J. W. COAcuaJ AN, for Geirgetu*M H. J..Jones, for Albbeville. Pititions were presented by Mr. BeNYS ( from th'i hIon. Wsa.C. Preston, ProfessoA, - J. Ifl.sThornwell and ilooper and time ft. - A.- Wn. 'Lelanid and 'other- citizens.of Ti land, p r ying' an eration o the lows. Mhr. Moses gave nlotice that'n NiAlonday ' next heo willask lea~ve to introduce a Bill ti rejpeal so muclh ot lime atlh secetion of-the A49 entitlesd "An act to regulate the ofilco dUi Lusioptroiller Genera!- on or bifore theiires (liy of October i each yenr, and Air. Per ry a Bill to repeal an Act refsing t'ac eept time surplus revenneL from th'n General Governmecn t to 'vhiclh Sout~haCaroline is en titled; also, Pumrsinni to tntice, Mr."'Perry inirodlucedn a Bil to incorperate-the Green. ille, &laimsfndiuriwmg Company. - Ihs'usr.Gme following Bills were remI tihe tirst timc inl he .house and referred, riz:-A JBill to increase tihe jurismdiction of. time Courts or Ordinary as to the appoint ment of -guaidian, of p'ersonal estate. A Bill toi prevent time mlaritalarighna of' time humsanidjromi attaching to tie esteteo miarrirdi women. A Bill tolinerease the jurisdiictioin-o aike Ordinsi, in thme parthiionm and dlition OR reali amnd persomnal'esiate and Iin thpppoujht ment ot'~ guardians. - A bill to 'mier. said ampna the law in'rein. tinht'Is granting liecensas to retail spirizaus hiquoms, or io .keep tavern, 2 Mr. Middletoti gave ~mtico of aili- -n amepd 'tlhimthseetin of an *et ntidtl "An-aet ihriie hotter reguimion antid ernmnt offreec negriles ant.d eporsns~4 color,andi'gotpher 'purposes" ratiacd~1 the 28u('icenber,d t22. - 2' n-. - inday, $. 30. "S~Tu,..The Senate met q.dny at Mr. Mamnig, from 'tihe Special Joitn' C6oi ee appointed to hinquire Itnto an~ repot if any amnd what action shout1l~b