- r From tie N. 0. Coom ernrcial Taiine o' fti e LATC A ND IPOirTANT P ROMl "IC.L . For tile folloliib f11ormIation -alg a Ietreetig nccount of tlhe mIrev ts Of the Govornmnut of Ale'co to a iteo dat'e Ve aru itdebt'd to-the tPatria, a Syntish - pa per printed hiere,. th eilltors; of ivhih ks.lled an extra paper yestertlay Iuorning. One of tile passenigers w ho arrived in Ne% Orleans flnt Thursday afternoon with Con . Sloza t, brout hither a .inaI e " py ofC te Daris de ;' ' lainina of tilt 8th ins-t., which was handed to our Spanisi. conternporarv, and i:n Which. appear tihe, Mexican news above alfilded to. ih Englist Roytil MtAil steamer the Thaimes, arrived in IHavana, froin Vera Cruztl on the 7th insiant, having o. board $174,000 in speeie nnd frirty passengets, a1mng whom Wtas -General Purdes. Site brhiiaght Vera Cruz papers to the 30th ulti mno. The Indicador of the 17th uIf. conains a circular signod by the Minister of War, adressed to the departments, directing the extraordinnry contin gentie of lenl a:id naonitions, lately cafled for by a decree of the Erecutive, to he forwarded to San Lu. is Potasi and tihe city of Mexico. On the 1th i u: it was stated in the capital, that al itae that nthe tnext day the seat of Government of the State of Mexico wts to be transferred o Toltuca. The departmeniI assenbly at. Chilmtz-n hni ahad appoited Senior Frias Governor, in rJmil of Senor Irigoyeti, so perveded through ill healith. Sta FC-ACv Me.rico.--Cul. D. Mau rico Ugarte, colmm-atndini (tie force march. Ang to the assistnce of A rmaij, .taving found, on the 23d of A uguto.;, tile Dei 'r nent quite paic stricken tt the approach of 'it Aanerien-an arroy, decided on retiring to V a 'erde, ha,1viig .haan donef-d III Ihope ,?a iuncnrpora log his jtiiiaries with the troip. o1' that. (;ceral. u aoit Jlavino' been broiug t. in that aln A merican forcc of w00 men were mirrIing to tie aintel of' i.he garrisai ;a tie N.ar;h). Ilere faidloivw relation -if tI,, hior remnikabc evei.ts hh ar rzed the opera:ions of Gt [. ernt! heariay ini New Mxico4, tijm the c a4n'.enfLt of the Itit. eioni, wiLth whiclh ourl .' a r, ahi-aidy acquainted. A c. ;r . : tli' 1 -xean nppcai s. it a r. ilha! I..r.0 Armigo rallird tog-tisher, o tile 4t a'10 an , a fit, of I e thouslai' InI' fl t h 5th1, .a disult I a rose aunr..s: the pi inip.d . i rsof the ataxiiat.ry force's. tie resnit oJf whI .' w ts h;e ui'baliaqg of these budics, when ( ' A rmijo retired to Gaah ilmen, landoing inn the ,r~icia1 ComIl I ''I an ieS ahLogetht er. The inIh.1 tant attri bute the loss of the Dep'ri tmient to General A r:nijo. O;1 tc 10th, !(:i. li 1r:nim v, aL tbe hed of M0menOt il, toti, lsse.'.ion f n'ita .e, when theit .' merican flag w ahoi. ted, and the clergy 'il the aithurities siorTC obedience to thet. I 'w Governmcent The army, it was stated, wI..b contime its tWairch for tha purpose of aaking posscssion of the Pai.o de! Norte. -Gen. A m ijo lad sent an express to lit Government, with information tiat Ic American were aaboiut Sei-ingtX ('hih ahat.a. O(' the 1l4- Airujtst [lhe Sipreme T:u-i byv Genraaa'a .i ut z . I'Thena ' ollows' ali ac thle ca pitm, rl~ejicin , etc., etIc., whaih wIe J *omu~.nianth ( ':arpen'aser, thae o,~taeurs aanda menP~ (o1 the Traavon. whoa wlere i" be ex.' 'ebuniid4a Gener(a'aa'~il Lui Vega. Genaeral! Sa1b--, thie j'r~ lat E'xfce;uve~ of !MILgeCa,1 h~ao isasua.i a 'h'"ar, in: iting ~ fori crhi, ex orca'i-og '~a m j-n pion 'nitan, to ituralize, the' wei'ves,'i pron~a.i4,h themt immeiatc:a. (41 MeiewiI cita'etn. On the ai h ofI' ept-a ena:ber the .Amea ns~'al tool?. pia'.s an iino mi a .t cijhapni o Newti MU :,:('O. ('I tinl: f0thl, thae Anmr'.r.t.-On; thei tib, (-etn. A ria air rivedf in: \i.: i 'a. reache heatalaatia a whiath on: Ithe resultat o'It ie :a:t,on. 01 o h "'th a'd '.hf r~f '\aisy. ')n tie a~lanwi dar,~ a meeuttie (Alt~:tItm Finance' io ar:n4 1) a boull: t at thIaat ptartieninaar junia ara, :tamd in the prea'.'.ot)' dih-maa:u:a 1n whichft i t 'iod. Oni te 2d ta mee'(untg of4 :he juiti wa~s ciara;geda with the Iusk~ pr.>pVort.ittolog t'. saacc'r to he fair wlard'ed t' !ae Sup:s tae Ga'v.ar:ret. Gent A 'jblu.'in, jani r dat ' math :sept., fora rded '2~ ha dbepai a h nege' saii." his G''"ovrmet tie.. thei. .' m11: ici ;.- a il m ~thad a'aced tiat tert'iy '. 1 'hen :b . th i a 1)had i r '4'.-fJ I ir ia.c us (Ea t e.jfa:.i ua '''.a Th Ilu .p.i d * bI e (i av'uo 1''',j~ " irn ati a-t. 1 . u i hvot il i .aih': at he ' i ~ia '. of' u Inter.~mI~a. arbea oft hihah hia i anthfa sed-h G'~.4,av;a.e :rn r '' co r:.a fi lia of, barc t .J sica'o.. y a !au'v: . . '"i t at; a a , I . tli a. ar 1e ''a te a epa'.,'a wih a I;-r'm nu o for . ro i(ps, for Ti. pie i --d 'ta * las, ' in ' ir. It''' I ar i he sl . -n so hoei . in --eaI 'e'aa~ i. a oe ta a t; I .i:f i r 'e ad i' -at ,.nc I '; ta . 'cu,'a r'.s to p h b. .w ....3. ,\ * ' ' a'e '.!l m m i N(thI InI) r was kilown, at Vtera Cruiz, up to the Wil, ofilie caqpture of Monterey. Departure of Santa Anna to take the chief commuandof the a r Pi opposing Gent 'a(ylor.-On i tic 21th uIt.. it wits announ. coeil that the ist Priplde ti of Cavalry had left th cit. of Muico', en route for Montercy, and that Sanita Alna was to Iave thie next morftiin. it order to expedits the mrtch of tie forces lestinei to operate with those titder Amptdii, againlst the A Imleri'.ans he had pledge'td his wit personal credit. The National t'utard iubil! amin- firm tile gar ri.n of tle city; titotr brigades were then niarched ot, with Santa Annta at their head on the '25th. Am1 :pudia iq said, in the Vera Cruz ta pers, to have resignedi the command of the army af the North. whicti szaeo mint agrees withI the fato which we published recentiy, froti itformatlion received at the hi141:s of one of the officers who cume hither fromn Monterey, by the lamt arrivi. rimE SUMTERmt BANNER. Friday (Morisng, Nov. 6, 1 S41. WQ" We issue the first nutimber of our paper on this moriiiig (Friday). lcreaf-1 ter, wve propose to isstie it finW morting. It wais Our intertlion to have published this inmber ott Wedticsda.yv 1 ii. but we were preveit--d by uav,!idnble dlif'iculties. TO QUI 1'A'TRONS. RI:.\i:ES, A N D l * PUm .tC. In presceutihtg to our Patrons und the, public, the first tin: hcr ;C "Tit-: SoIt -mi ANNEl'," it is proper It set forth t. U jects of the pipur, which ve ptopose to cesn ita lih. In doing this, aI short and uru - of (the ability of' ,umter Dirtie to sIu p port a1 niewspapnr.:, a meditttr, of commor. ad 1110tlni ap tiltotipil v.'lielh the g g elf the coulntrV and f 'h" istrict nr h.e cotnieymind to its inhanAritn: mayn' t be Sum ter, us is wi'li kuor, N n: of t hrgest, mm.t pritlht, w ni -ind ti gent tric-ts ili th snwe. At Lhe I election for Stat' St n;ator, ill 0 ; se ' coltlic's of Clarenl."nt atd Clareno !eu, ip watrd of elef'n himr l votle wee p eil in Claremont, and wvren Iidred ill (larendoin, tuak1atig an agtrewite amoutt v'e -ightueen htuidrod voies in the w hoi Ditit nexteNit anld situlationt' of terri- 1 tory, it compares fav'mrably with trnny, amd SurpssitgIly with nost of the sister P. istricts of the State. Its soil, is watered by many rivcrs tnd streumv,< of greater tind less nagiitiude, whi:ch, though riot af. fording great facilitit for navigiation, iiip p&y sutfieientt for all presen':t pra::tical nur p.-e:Q; biut their hcedit is pr:incipaitly per ceii ec in the pr:h.- whirh the rich! low. groist~! ot their baniks afhhrml. Tfhet ct ton lawuls. .;retnrally. ere level or slight'ly of th great agr!:claral :and earmri: etuiury weahhit, for wvhich, in, foru-r i itr. tthis District wa":s celebhraute., and 'u Sh- is said!, at i generhl.v telieved to belhon' to het exp~cted al ti-,, le4 iii-.: ha.t. !! i tt hear witn t;' o the imlte'puti.. : etlriVy and1. in'telligen,.e of 'tc.4 ue ' t he peole ii lct tt rept~rse ntisem..ttc point ofi view; astt! 'Ne titigmlI.itn it 'ur cturu5, both, of I',v and~ teqity, is soh't, and a good. 'ad~i-~ict of the amou~tnt of cotfraet' eteredl it by our pee.c l',5ltrict, the bttunes; aId thbetttrs, ittn the pecan:iti:y) mease andttu~ it-lh:. one f it- jietiji. . ~mt to wvat ir t