THE FARMER FRIEND PLOW Awarded the FIRST PREMIUM after a FAIR and THOROUGH TRIAL, over the Watt, A very and Brinley Plows, at tho Ornneoburg Fair for 1875. Circulars and Price List fu rhished on application. J. Fi? ADftER & CO., General Agent, Charleston, b. C. Plows will be found on hand and for salo by Kirk Robinson, J. A. Hatniltou and Bull, Scovili & Pike, ?rangehurg, 8. 0. nor 13 1875 3m .'I IN THAT NEW- and COMMODIOUS BRICK BUILDING on He's OLD Stand will be found (/?loa T.'i >hU hun r , -T? r;>:i if/nl m R. JONES WUh ofullsnppIy of 2 * ^?steIr'alsm eechandise, Consisting in part of Calicos, 10 cts; 4-4 Browns, 10 cts; i Browns, 8 Blue Goods from 8 to 18 cts; Jeans, Cassimeres, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, &c. My GROCERY DEPARTMENT is COMPLETE in tho way of the Best Flour, Cheapest Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Butter, Bacon, Rice, Grist, Meal, Choicest Canned Goods, Lowest Priced Tobaccos, Shot Powder, Sea Foam, Crackers" Cakes, Candies, Apples, Cabbages, &c, Crockery and Tin Ware, Cheap, Concentrated Lye. DR. A 8. HTDRICK. ? ~ .DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST Iftw joat opened an entire now Stock of 5 DUXJOS and CHEMICAL^, At the Stand Formerly Occupied by the late E. J. Olireros. The aaoBt popular* ** ia, m ; PATENT MEDICINES With rail line of TOILET ARTICLES Constantly, on.hand. The Proprietor will give Personal Attention to the Com Jiounding of Physicians Prescriptions and ? rlvatc Formulas. hjMcians desirous of purchasing will find it to their advantage to >? t INSPECT MY STOCK Before Buying Eisewheie. Recogni*iiigjthe fact that "In Medicine Purity is abore Price," we cbalboparo no p^inajto secure the very best Medicines. A call is rcspectfnlly solicited.' oct SO A. S. HYDRICK, Druggist. 1775 52 ) AT THE CENTRAli DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT OP Wm. D. Love & Co., Columbia, S. C. -:o: The dtixeni of Orangeburg county will save money by buying their goods at the above house. They keep a buyer in New York and other market* all the time; they rereivn goods by every steamer from auction and wherever thev can be bought CHEAPEST FOR CASH. They keep the largest and most varied stock of any house this side of New York, and sell as LOW as the same goods can be bought in that city. We kcep^a full line of Carpeta, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Paper Hangings, Boo?, Shoes, Jeans, Tweeds, CoRsimeres, Cloths, Homespuns of every description, Blankets, Flanntin, :Dresi Goods, Silks,Linens. Towelings, Laces, Notions, Hosiery f Underwear, and. Colgate A Co., Toilet Soaps and Perfumeries, which we sell by the single price at Colgate A Co.'a prices by tho wholesale trade. We arc agents for Keep's Partly Made Shirts, at Fifteen dollars Per Dozen, The Cheapest, tho Best, and the Best Fitting Shirt ever introduced to the market. 3*5?" Sample* oont when requested, and all'packagea over ten dollars sent by express free of charge. WM. I>. LOVE & CO. ?ct.20 1875 ly TO MY CUSTOM&RS. Tha show is gone, but I am here Upon the corner yet, With things to eat, that all declare, Their palates can't forget. Good flour, bacon, checBe aud hud, And butter, grist, and meal; And whiskey that would make a bard, My crowded stores reveal. If something lighter bo prefcrr'd Than what I've named above, Don't hesitate or be reserv'd, But in your orders shove. I'll garantcc that you will get Just what your stomachs crave, j For I keep ev*ry thihg you bet, That customers would have. Candies; nuts, and crackers rnr?, And oysters fresh from town; Canned frulte, put tip with nicest care, I offer quite low down. Bo come along and buy from me, Thus r,ave a dime or two, < And after that I'll guarantee You'll never more look blue. My motto in to help my friends, In all the ways I. can, [ j So I have thought to meet these ends I'd favor ev'ry man. A. FISCHER, FnterprtKe (Jrofery. Seed Rye, Wheat, and Rust Proof Oats. Rockport Lime AND .Liverpool Salt New Crop New Orleans gugiir, Rio and Java Coffees also A full assortment of SHOES, IIATS, CROCK EU Y Ac. My goods arc offered nt lowo8t rates for CASH. TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. Agent for the ATLANTIC, MILVILLK, RICHMOND, and TEXAS HOME FIRE Insurance Co.'s. Representing $2,000,000 Capital. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Next to Court Houao on Market St. CHARLES S. BULL ATTORNEY AT Ii AW U. S. COMMISSIONER AND Notery Public. Crnngolnirg, S. C. on 2:i tf C. D. KORT JOHN Hos just received a Large Supply of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, j Hato, Cap3, &c. Also Tin Ware, Wooden Ware,' Crockery Ware, Sugars, Coffee, Flour, Cigars. In fact a supply of General Merchandise, including Stoves of allaizes and any descriptions. All will bo sold LOW DOWN for Cash. Goods Shown and delivered in Town FREE of cbargo. Call before buying C. D. KOETJOHN. BUY All the GOODS you need from us. We aro DETERMINED to Bell you Your Christmas Goods And all others that you may want so CHEAP That every one will be asking you, who you bought FROM When you will please aay, "THESE A No. 1 GOODS, nt these LOW i?OWN PRICES came from RR IG G MANN & CROOK'S OFFICE OF GEO. H. CORNELSON I would Respectfully inform my Friends, CuBtomors and the Public generally that I am now Receiving the Largest and Best Selected Stock OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE and that the same is now ready for inspection, and I would brirg to the notice of Cash Buyers especially that they can save From lO to 15 per cent by calling at ray Store before making purchases elsewhere. As my Stock is too varied, I cannot enumerate all the different goods in so short a space, nud can therefore only assure them that they will find the same complete and well assorted in all its difi'ercut Branches. I shall as heretofore adhere to my old motto, aUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Respectfully yours, GEORGE II CORNELSON. THE CHEAP CASH STORE! J. P. HARLEY&CO. We would call attention to our LARGE and VARIED stock of * GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Wbioh we are dailyroceiring from t ' NEW YORK And other GOOD MARKETS. We make a SPECIALITY of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND FAMILY GROCERTES. And guarantee a SAVING to all that will give us a call, doc 25 j. j>, HABLEY & CO. 36 YEARS! After an experience of thirty-six years, I thi?k I know just how to please my friends and customers, and returning my thanks for past favor*, would say that I have just returned from ill ??ii WITH A FULL STOCK Bought ot LOW DOWN PANIC PRICES. I am not bragging. Como and satisfy yourselves by examining my assortment of every description of goods. D. LOUIS. In Medicines, Quality is of the First Inrp Ortanc0 DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE ORANEBURG DRUGSTORE Can always be found a Selected Stock of PURE CHEMICALS, Gonav ine,?fHS8' Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs end Braake?, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Also Cutlery, Segare and Tobacco. Pysioians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. * IST NIGHT BELL answered promptly. J. G. CT ANN A MAKER, & CO. The Orangeburg Bakery. T. W ALBEBGOTTI, Proprietor. Offers to the Pubic at a Times qt^E? 5? BREAD, CAKES, PIE8, FRUITS, CANDIES, TOILET o?j1TS, id every Description of Fancy Goods. Wedd ng Cake Furnished at the Shortest Notice, A splen?j? Lot of Christmas TOYS and PRESENTS for Children haejuat been Ecceiyod Harness, Saddles, Plow Gearing A>'D A General Assortment of Saddlery Hardware. We beg to inform the Puhlic thnt we have made large additions to our manufacturing Eatahlhthment, and are now prepared to Bell cheaper than any other Hjtifte in the South, manufacturing all Uoodxin our line, we are prepared to warrant all of them, in work, mandhip and material. Give uh a call and hcc our Buggy Harness at per Sett AND OUR ? McriKLLA^ SADDLES AT 83 EACH the same that are Selling elsewhere at $>3.50. Theae are no factory goods but the genuine HOME MADE AND WARRANTED. CHAPEAU & HEFFRON Meeting St., Charleston, 8. C. Bopt 15 1875 3m OLDEST CRCCKERY HOUSE IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1837, 128 MEETIMG STREET. Being now prepared for the FAIjIi TRADE for IB 75, ' winh to call the attention of Merchants to my Largo and Varied Slock of ^Jhina. Glass Earthenware, XiOoRing Glasses, Kerosene Goods, Japmed Ware, &c, A great part of it Imported DirOCt from Europe. Denies Staple Goods, I ways a Large Stock of FRENCH CHINA AND CUT GLASS. My thorough knowledge of the business, acquired by an experience of orcr Twenty Year*, enabled me to buy at the Lowest Figuren, and connetpjeuHy to ?eil at Price* on which the Retailer can realize a Handsome Profit. WM? t,. WEBB. 128 Meeting ?trcct, CHARLESTON, S. C. 21 1875 Sro. JOAB W. MOSELEY. CORNER OF MAIN AND MARKET STREET3. tnko pleasure in announcing to my PATRONS and the PUBLIC generally that I have LARGELY INCREAEED my STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, Which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. My STOCK is so large that I have placed a considerable portion of it in the store CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND RAIL. ROAD AVENUE formerly occupied by Mr. J. S. Albcrgotti where the public will find as fine an assortment to select from a* can be sliown down Town. A fine lot of ALES, WINES aud LIQUORS always on hand at both stores. STABLES. ' I have also rented the STABLES and LOT in rear of my atoro oa Market Street whore any one coming into Town can have their Horses care fully groomed and fed, and vehicles cared for. Saddle Horsee and Vehicles for hire. _ JOAB W. MOSELEY. BUY THE SHEARER PORTABLE COTTON PRESS! Tho undersigned having been appointed AGENT for the above named Press, beg leave to call the attention of Planters and others in need of ft FIRST CLASS PRESS ? i in .?; ;,.-j75 ! To call and examine a model of tho same, at hia Office, before purchasing elsewhere. These PRE83ES have tho ADVANTAGE over any other Press yet Patented, for Cheapness, Durability and Economy ef Labor, besides an be put in the Lint Room, or as near by as will suit the conywai enoe they ties who use them. Should any part break (which is not probable) it an be repaired by any common laborer. A balo of Cftton weighing sue hundred pounds can be pressed with ease by two hands. These Presses , manufactured under the Supervision ot Mr.? JOS. 8TRAU8, a Praottcs Mechanic. Price $125. . " JAS. VAN TASSEL, aug 28 1875 tf