I TWO DOLLARS IKI\ ANNUM, y CiQlD -A.1SJT) OTJIR, COUNTRY. VOLUfflmT MIT SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16 IST5. ALWAYS [N ADV \N'(.'i:. NT! IM BBR33 T i-r TO "TAYLOR COTTON GIN. ORDER IT EARLY. Took the Silver Medal at the OranKcburg Fair in 1S73. And Took tlie Diploma in 1873. It is of Light Draught, Gins Rap-! ?idly and gives a Beautiful Sample. I*rio? Keloiws. an*.-other First ON, OUA'NGEBUBG and IMRNWE^L The fallowing gentlemen are using the gin: It E Clark, Esq., Or W W Wanna maker, Jacob Conner, Esq., Jacob Kcitt, Esq., Maj ?1 11 I Iy drink, Hol in & Argoc,d F Witt, Esq.*, J W Smith, Ksq , D C Stoudemire, Esq., J YV Culler, Esq. This HOUSE is*now open fur the recep tion of BOA K DICKS. CJ U KS'I'S wel 1 taken ?teareof. ThcTARLE amply supplied; anil a HACK meeting each train at the Depot. T?rms Moderate. may *29 1875 ly Dr. J. G. WANNA M A K E R & Co., heg to inform die piddle that they arc belter prepared to fill Ord ers than ovoo; l^jfotv. fflic Orangeburg Drug Store sha fl at Air tliours he provided with competent persons for filling Orders with dispatch; so from now henccfoward the people of Orangeburg aieed not lie placed in u dilemma to know where to find a Druggist. We also express unur grateful thanks to the public for the mvagnammotw mipjKUl given us, and with .-strictest attention to business?hope to ever cmaintaiu tlieir confidence :"*:il.^s'j?'A> Niv'SfTltfef? ^ Co.! j Lli 1 liM ; ; V n I THE ?T?TE (.HANGE FERTILIZE?, ANJ) 'TJJiT CLIMAX." Tvrn first class, pure hone, ammoniated J'Vrlilhers, for sale by D. J ENN 1 X lot-dial Sia2iu of'Sj l ieum and Tonic fl'ills. NKRVOUS DEBILITY, Wowser obscure the cause may he whL-Di ?contribute to render nervous debility a ?Haease i*o previdorvt, aflcrting, as it (Iocs', nearly ccrf-ihailf of *>trr adult population, it in a niclauirSMly fact that day by day,and yearby year, ?ir? witness a most frightful in crease of nervo??- ufiu!tiohs fi'dni lire slight ??fit neuralgia to the: more grave and extreme forms of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, la characterized hy a general languor of ?wonknoMs of the whole organism, especially ?of the nervbiis system, obstructing and pro* v on ling the ordinary fum : iui.i.- oiu.-uury: aience there is fr^^r?PW?| staLa.f^f^ ?ecrotions; eonstq?PdlV VaSir?*- a1W'rnf*rfA oolored urine, with an excess, ofearthy or lime sediment, indicative of waste of brain ?nd nerve substance, frcoticiit palpitatUms of tb*\fte%W?*jfoJtfoTH^i,^ irresolution ?f purju?j*e, And inability to oarry *{nVP t*W'f?on ?ny. TTidbdeihit^bjUiJnisis ?nterprjsft orjo^x?i^ini^.up,? abt?ne-, thing at a time. I here is great sensitive ness to impress, though retained but, a short time, Mtit hflieklWhgnii'd tlhlftriflfffriffdi-' tion of the mental faculties, rendering an individual what is commonly called a whillle-ininded or llicklc-mindcd man. This condition of the individual, distress ing as il is, may with a certainty he cured by THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRICU.M AND LOTdlROP'S TONIC PILLS, Medicines unrivaled aft properties and remi>AJ^>|^& voilrt Complaints. Jneir cfiieacyis i'iji great in the treatment and cure of Cancers, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter, b'ever, Siseases. :tilg 1 I lsT? ly FOR SA5CiXS A Eine Black MA P. E, \1 g.! work HOUSES and a two Ifors? WACtON. Ap ply to W. A. MEI10NEY. M>j?t t I.s7-"j Im A Romance of Divorce. It is not generally known, says llic Cincinnati Enquirer, yet it is probab ly true, that the novel of East Lynnc, allliougli written ill England, had the groundwork of ils .story in a singular marriage which look place in this city, the notice and the attending cireum JVW ^c I,cin? c^$tlf in coii^fllwiiligr g)f llinpcr^ grhoatl& t'rce was granted, and the wife went houic toher lather, who bad, through indors ing, lost his business and all his pro perty. The daughter's and his own misfortunes weighed so heavily upon the father's mind that during a mom ent of mental alienation be look bis own life, leaving bis daughter penni less and to rough it with the cold charity, of the world as best she could. Ihe* womnJv a-'b' jtvc little creature, tried every way she knew how to gain an honest living?in fact, working.-o hard giving music lessons and doing embroidery fur her old schoolmates that her health gave way, and. having no money to pay her board, must beg, starve or go to the poor-house. To turn .to the ptberijidc of,ibe.picture, t)iy/ll?sLKiAl, /a'j|?rj ^low njoiitbs* ?;c-. jHUrio \ fro a j ? l lie (^narrtuj lhmds., a&ain' uiarritd, and at the time of which we speak luul not only the three children by the first wife, but aho in addition thereto ti litt otwo-year-old girl by the second wife, 'flic bitter lady being ill, the husband advertised lor a nurse an^,,!bot*t.*edcrepeV, which'not ice reach ed the eve of the first wife, and sbe. in lier trouhl went to the furnier partner of bei" heart, luld him of her .-ad coin lit ion, and appuetl for the position in bis household,.. The.luis baixl knew not what,to say; but, after giving her amj>le fuifda An* "all fth tnetliate wants, askciLUer to C:Ul again at Ins oilioO on the tijJ[^wing..moriung, promising to consult Iiis wifo.iibout the matter in the meantime. Promptly as per agreement wife No, 1 was on time, as was (he hus band, and from there they went to the residence, where the two wives had their first conversation, ending in which ?be did, seemingly delighcd a>. having il peaceful homo over her head, n. ft withstanding the very grange oueu-uustauees ,under >vlueb such a I flselteri: giSJcn.ov Neeca-dty de nrist care for the children?her own offspring?and the other child the same as any hired nurse would do; that she must cat at the second table itp care for her charges. All those lujitf i 0 poor woman show, never by sigh, word or look uxhibiling the least evi dence of (li-content. What, however, pmsfc*havc -bepn the true feelings of hctarliiu-t'w$tfn seeing another tilling ibe place that .-be lutd once tried, a sbe thought, so hard to fill. The above is from an old Uinciuiiati paper, bill the stqlttl^Tfs toUl" J)v fmojeqnvoy ; saht with tue whoTo fuels, is stranger lliiiii whnt we have already narrated. When the cholera was raging in in 180(> the second wife was v ilLwiih if, and being 11 * - lb* .physician I hat she could a few hours al tin' most, as she was than in a collapsed condition, she iiskcd that all go nut the room, except ing her husband and the house keeper, when .-be told how milch she dreaded leaving her child amongst -I rangers, and as a !dyihg wile cut rou ted 11?ein bold to marry again. The proposition was a staugo eu?>. but both promised, and a few mbnihs a ft or ward, when the second wife had been dead a sufficient length of time notj to eati.se remarks, the two were again married, brought together after a qruel separation of so many years, an< we believe arc now living happily in A cosy West-End house. ? The Actor's Old Love. Vrr. Maorcajd^ |^r]Qved^is^^t^rc-^| Sjut from t Tic stage more than twenty a Yetis, which he spent first atShcr _r|io, and afterwards at Cheltenham, where he . d^eiLo^lliq 27,th ofApril, l?Ttl. It, .\v/aa,CIlis.fatb to see many of his n'dear ones laid in earth." His wife and most of his children pfccleuS ed liinL^tu, Mus grave. He married most happily a second time in LSGO. licilioVctl ffQir the stage and its jealousies, all ? his find qualities lmtl freer "scope; anil we think now with pleasure of his vehcj'abLft'iniljjo'(R?. hcatl, as we saw it bist? in li>7"J,.aiid of the sweet smile of his beautiful mouth, which spuke ol'lhe calm wisdom of a gentle and thoiightfui old age. We have, reason lo knojjy/ llytf h'e^lohte^V. back with yoarning^ToiKmess'fb the" studies and pursuits which had made hi in famous. Tlio fretful jealousies, the I passionate willfulness of the old times sceincil to have laded into the dim' past, and no longer inarVcd the memory of kindness done ami loyal service rendered to him. He had done, much good in the sphere which Providence had assigned him, and we believe hadv-^earned to- kupw that-it was! not fotliinr-- to' repiiie, if "the divinity that shapes our ends" had so shaped his that his work was to be accomplished upon the stage. It is of the man as we t,hcu saw him, the ?man whom we had knowu as a highly cultivated and e,-sentially kind-heaft ed gentleman", that? wc would father t'iink llian of the actor with all his weakness and cruelty laid'bare.? Lohuoh Qu'ir,tci1)/. What io Teach Our Daughters. Tea oh them self reliance. Teach theni to ijinkc bread. Teach llioru to make shirts. 1 Tench Ihcni bot to wear false hair. Teach them to wear thick, wann shocsi. Teach them how to wash and iron clothes. Teach them how to make their own dresses. ? I Teaclr them that u ?biliar is only a hundred cents. Teach them to cook a good meal id' victuals. / Teach iUiom how to darn stockings and isu\y. on buttpiiB. | Teach them every day dry, hard, practical colli mon sqnsc, ; . ?, ' Teach llieni to say uo, and mean it; or say yes, and stick to it. . Teach tljem to wear calico dresses ami do it like queens. Teach them that a good rosy romp is worth fifty consumptives, s ...; Teach theni to regard the moral: andjniiUtlie'ifioilcyiof their beaux. 'Teach theni all the mysteries oi the kitelicn, the dining-room and the par lor. A Bkautif?L ? A i.i.KIIOKV.?A '^vidier in Turkey relates a beauti ful parable which* seemed even more beautiful than Ptciiu's celebrated figure of the aociisiiig spirit and re cording ttiigel: "Every man," says the dervLh, "has! two angels, one on his tight shoijhltM', iiuit one on his left. When he does anything Kood; the angel on ht3 right shoulder waitos it down and seals it, because what has been well done is* nolle1, forever. When' he does evil, the iingoljbui the left writes it down und waits iPl midnight!, If fore tl?il liine I lid man hows his bend and exclaims ''Gracious Allah! I have tinned,*' forgive me ! Ilia itugel nibs out llio record; hut if not, at midnight he seals it, and tin. beloved hngcjl on the figlit shoulder weep-;." \Yliy is the stin like a good loaf? 1'localise it's light when it rises. A Council Bl?fis doctor hangs out a -i-in inscribed "l'r. II. O. (Jre. no, Medico i:iectricio." 0! * A Shabby Swindle Exposed. A pretended exhibition of spirit power in' the huge hull of 'Vnmihaiiy Ha1!, Now York, on Sunday evening, was broken up with much confusion and excitement. George Willis, who claimed to be*a mcdiuiu, attempted to show his ability to ring bells and do various other things after he bad been tried by!a committee chosen from the audience, and his arms bad been en closed hi wire eases. But the impos ture was- delected by members of the. ou'nimittens/' and it was found that Willis ch;e\v his hands from the wire cases aim slipped from the cords which bound him sufficiently far to enable liirh to perform the tricks which he - declared -,-ere done by the aid of Spirits. When the fraud was announced' by ? member of the com mittel, Willis and bis business mnn ng^er n.,d ticket-faker fled from the vdmilding.t-'- There was a large number of persona present, who word much enraged pat the imposture, sonic of . wliom rushed upon the plntiorin, broke tJfey*,S]Uljfious' .niediuin's casket, and carried away his apparatus. It is be lieved that WHIis aud those who were associated with him made about SI,* ?r)Ut) from the admission and extra scat, tickets. ' Read Your Country'3 History. ?f ' In the action of Lumly's Lane a Colonel O'Ncil (General, be cti.inc to call himself,) got a scratch on his leg. The wound was a matter of great joy. ami bo nursed it through after days growing lamer with every year, thai the memory of his bravery might be ever near Kim. Gradually, from sheer pondering over hisstories he grew to think, that the success of the battle was largely owing to his services. Oho day. bO^ in his life, as be sat nursing bis leg*?nd pondering ever the glories past, a young man, visiting the family fur the first line,approached and smy pathetically remarked, " Lame Gener al ?" "Yes, sir," after a pause, with, inexpressible solemnity,"I am lame.1' ??neon riding, sir?'1 "No," with a re buking sternness, "I have not been riding." "Ah! slipped on the ice, General, and hurt your leg'/'' "No, sir," with actual ferocity. "Perhaps you have sprained your ankle, sir ?" With a painful slowness the old man lifted his pe.t log in both hands, set it carefully on the floor, rose slowly from his chair, and looking down upon the unfortunate youth with a stare of mingled wonder, pity and wrath,burst forth in the sumlimity of rage. "Go read the history of your country, you ??puppy!"! Taking it Easy.?Old Roger was a queer Dick, and in bis own way made all things a subject of rejoicing. His son lieh came in one day and said : ??Father, that old black sheep has got two la nib.-,." "Good," said the old man, "that's the most profitable sheep on I he farm.'' "Hut one of them is dead," said Hen. "I'm glad on't," said the old mail, "it'll be better for the old sheep." ' "Hut t'other's dead, too," sod Hen. ".So much the belter, rejoined Hog er, "sbeMI make a grand piece of mill ion in the fall.'' "Yes, but the, old sheep's dead, too," exclaimed Hen. "Dead ! dead ! what, the < Id slieop dead ?" cried old Hoger, "that's good; she always was an ugly old scamp." ''.Sti re pup"?champagne. Musical piracy?stealing a inarch. A t-.eliberaiive body?a slow man. Sweetness and light?a love match. Fruit for halloonists?currents in the air. When is an egg not oval *.' Whim Von nu n it round. Chieknnory?-palming oil" an old 1 hen as a young chicken. A well-bred woman never hears an im perl incut remark. r.Vergreens-?tnerehan! ) whoo.vpi'ei | \,\ make money will.mit advertising. I Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, HL1M)S, FLOOKING, &C. Dealer in Builders' Hardy/are, Vain Is, Gils, $t. Sole Ag< nt for THE NATIONAL MiXED PAINT CO. THE CHEAT AM EH I CAN Kill 10 EXTIX (fljisHEK CO. PAGE MACHINE BELTING COMPANY., OFFICE & W?IIEB.OQMS ZVos. SO start ao Ilayae Uil(I :i.*5 and :M Pimkmw Sis. FA(I?K1 ami YAliJiS. Ashley Kiver, West End IIroad St. C I I A IM, KSTON. S. O. sept 2"? IST*) lv J. H. PARKER & CO. AND CO M MI SSI ON MKlicil A NTS, C O T T O iST AND NAVAL STORKS. ACCOMMODATION WHARF & YEN DUE RANGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. If. l'AKKKK. A. S. THUM lit). K. ('. (SRKKN, .Jr. is connected with the ahove firm, sept m2~> tf A. pSIcOOBB, rJr, ?KNKRA L COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DKALKt, IN 1:>1 is to i* Poris, And Other IJuihlinjj Material, ALSO J iiiud PI a.si ei'ttnd lila^tei'ii 1 I AY, OfHec No. 1 Central .Vharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. .T :il v 17 1S7"> Sill cotton oiiisrs. COTTON BLOOM COTTON GIN, Price St 00 per saw. MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Price 6-1 00 per saw. HALL'S PATENT COTTON GIN, I'rice 8-1 00 per saw. HALL'S PATKNT COTTON GIN witlt Feeder Attached, Price S-r> 00 per saw. The ahoyc arc price* in store at Charlies tun. Send for Circular. (". (JRAVF.EEY, No. 111 East Hay Strei t, N< rth (M the* I'ostolliee, any 11?2 Charleston, S. C. D){. \i umvm\ ft co. SPKCIAK I'liAC'TK'K. ('aneers. Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula, Epilepsy, Female hiseascs, Liver |>Ucascs, Venereal l>i.i-;tM-, Skin diseases, and ;tU kindred alllietious .S7 ('( hSSFl 'IA. Y THEA TED. Cancer* ami Tumors will !>e heated vrilli our Specifics, without the use of the knife, without loss of hlond, and with hut liitlii pain to the patient. CONSULTATION FREE. Terms of treatment easv. Wo Imve opened a Branch Ollice at M A Ii ION ('. 11. S. C. O.'?e" under the Star otlico, Marion, S. C, oppnnitc the Court I louse, 1)1?. .J. MILK? I II." NT ER A CO. sept 2? tf (Joihiiii^sion Mcrcluml, DUM.Kit in (JK< CEE I ES, EIN E WIN LS, &t\ Agent for Marlon's Planter, Avcry's Plows, ?tut all kinds of Aj>riciiliural I mph incut*. At New I'.riek Store ihm to I hike V l>rug Store. .?? p! -?"> ?>? A (JAlib. i>r. .1. (J. WANNA.MAKlir. i* ia pns -? ??-ion of the Hcceipl.? ami I're-eriptiun Itooks ..f tlie late I>r L\ J. (?live-ros! All persons desirin* to i_el any of the alum IVepariitioiH ??r Heiiewal ol IVcscripiioii ??an do mi Iiy ??:il!i:i?: on i? ?/ go t<) your Druggist DU. A. C. IH'KKS >nd get a Sample Pottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 7"? rents. Two doses ,,? will relieve you. DR. A. C DU ICRS. ?'; ACHT.. If any person saflering with 1*kvi:ii a>:i> Arilin Intermittent or Itilioiis PeverwIII call at the Driig Store of it'll: A. t;. DTK KS and get a hot t le of At; 1" K CA )X< Jl' VU'( ) u, their immediate euro is certain, anil the ( hills \\ ill not cuttle hack during that s ason. It contains no Quinine, Arsenic'or other Poisons, and after taking oric-lialf bottje yoii will fee! heller in health than you liavu u lt pevliaps for years. It entirely cleansed the whole system, pulilies the liver and oiiier secretory organs. Price !?!.() Oriuigybiifg, that he lia? pi rmaner.tly located himself in this place and requests a share of their patronage. ("ad at No. '6 Law Hange, opposite Post Oillce. sept A 1ST5 ly DENTISTRY. OPEltATIVE AND MECHANICAL. IIY l A. M. Snider. T. J. Calvort. ? JEfdy Orlieo open at ;tll times. LIST A BlilS11 III > 1780. TIIK CHRONICLE k SEHTlilSTi, AUC1USTA, ga. One of the Oldest Pa pel's in the Country. One of the Leading Papers in the South. The Largest Circulation in Kastcrh Georgia. TI.Q < Iflieial Organ of Several Counties. PlTlJI ISti KD Daily, Tri-Weekly ami Weekly. The Daily OintONlULK and SKNTI Sl.L is tilled with iut;-resling Heading matter of every description?Telegraphic; Local; I'.ditoi ial; Georgia, and South Caio lina and General News; Inicresting Corres pondence, and Special Telegram- from all important points. Subscription, Jf'iO the Tri-WVeklv ('iiKONli.'i.i-: .\xn SkxTi xki. is intended for points convenient to a Tii-U'eekly mail. It eonl tins nearly every thing of interest which appears iatliol lily. Subscription. !?">. The Weekly t'ui.i.xn i.r ash Si:xTti:k!. i< a iiianiinr.li sheet, gotten tip especially for on- stih--erihers in l he.country. It is ?le- oi' the largest pane:- published in the South, ami givis, besides editorials, all the current news of the w .!.. a lull and accur ate feVRw id the .\ ;_.. ;.i Markets aud i ii.?-* Current. I he t "onimercial iJcpbris ?jvr u sp-.iial feature oi the edition. Sub scription >i vinicn copifkofunv bsuo sail free. VV.\LSH Si WlUlili 1'. Pioprielors At gttsta, (la. bet '1 ?? FOR HUNT. The New IbieK Store on .Main .Street, Si;-. uos \ oi.iyi*HC)S. Kept 1S l^""' ,l"