TAYLOR COTTON GIN, the Silver Modal nt the i And Td?B ikc Diploma In It i?'?f -liighi I)raugM,.:?mai?ip7 idly and gives a Beautiful Sample. ?rVico Relovr any other First ?UIno? ?in.! ' ? ? 1 JOHN A. HAMILTON, \ Sole Agent for.V- ' V)' - OB ANGEBURG and BARNWELL The fallowing gentlemen rirc ?sllig ?so gin: R E Clark, Esq., Dr W W Wanna ftaaker, Jacob Cooncr, Esq., Jacob. Keilt, Esq., Mai J H Hydrick, Bolin & Argoe, J F Witt, Esq., J W Smith, Era , D C ?toudemire, Esq., d W Caller, Esq. ? McMICHAEL HOUSE r \J 2. ORANGEBURG, S. C. Tkia HOUSE is now open for the rycep- . ?h of BOARDERS. GUESTS well taken ?ri of. The TABLE amply supplied, and ? HACK meeting each train at the Depot.! Tora? Moderate. ??7? . 1875 ly Building Material &'c.' ?? cafcscriber would ask the attention of j fAe reeders of the Nkws A Times to his Steskef Hard war?, Building Material, House Finishing and Carriage Build ing, and Trimming Material, Ac. Oraotaiaf ia port of Fresh Stono Lime, Hydraulic Cement, 'Calcined Plaster, Nails. Jtiair, jLaths, Locks, Hiugeo, Brada, Taoka, Window Glass, Patty, Varuishea, Paints, Oils and Brushes. I?*k?rt,i?i?'largest Tarict v of goods to he ?found' in any eoe bouae in the State. All ^ooda warranted as represented, and prices ? NERVOUS DEBILITY, However obscure the cause may be which contribute to render norvous debility a r.fL^.?i A Modern Samson. * jThomns, or Tom Gardner, as he was fainiliarly called, was horn on the riyer St. John, one mile above the mouth of Mactaquack stream, in the year 1798. Viewed casually, Gard ner gavo no evidence of unusual pow er] but when stripped his muscular development was tremendous, and it is Infermefl \ th^t?on&" Tf tho ordiu BCpat 'stood five feet ten and a half inches, etect and full chested, and never ex ceeded one hundred aud ninety pounds in weight. The late Charles Long informed 113 thut at one time he saw Gardner lift from a towbont a puncheon of corn, containing at least twelve bushels, an;iec,he saw him shoulder a barj&v&Kurk i*billMnd-( iug j iu an ordinary brandy box. When about forty }Tears of age Gard ner removed tethe ?nited States; a^d1 never returned to his native province. It'is commonly reported andbcljiev-, ed that he met with a sad adventure on board ' a Mississippi steamer/ j A heavy bell was on board as a portion of the freight, and the captain, a great, poworful fellow, was concerned as to how he should remove it from its place in order to make more room on deck. While captain nnd passengers were at dinner, Tom, in prescneef of the crey,' to their utter am?fcemeut, lifted tiie bell and carried it to the opposite side of the boat. When the captain re turned ho asked how that had been accomplished, Mien Gardhdr laugh ingly remarked thai he carried it there, the former gave him the lie, and as oiie word brought on another, he presently struck Tom in the face. This wtB too much, and for the first time in his life the strong man gave blow for blow; but one buffet was suffi cient. The captain never spoke again, killed dead on the instant. Tom made his escape, wen t^cst, fitful hnjft-nev^fi been heard of since. A Brooklyn nick girl cleared spaco around thirteen ears of green corn at one meal the other day, and picking the fragments from between her teeth with a hair-pin observed : "If ever could get well enough to cat much I think I could live on corn." ^^&leH5flt ^Iv^lt?g^mpanlonT An Eastern paper relates thofollow ing good story : A gentleman who recently passed over the old Central railroad, from Rochester to Syracuse, relates au amusing incident that came under his observation before reaching Auburn. An officer was on the train, haviug in charge two convicts destin ed for Auburn prison. The. hands of tflcl ^onviots^were free, and. they eat opposite :oue.. another with irons on |thQ|rSnniles,;ine^ifficer occupying the ?ne of them. Presently a gentleman, whose hook-nose, old fash ioned silk hat, and geuernMy steady upponranee indicated inepjisitiveness, came along and took the vacant seat beside the convict, not noticing the irons. The convict was au intelligent fellow and eyed bis fellow passenger closely. Presently the passenger eaid : "Pretty slow traiii, ,thjs." Convict? "I suppose At js.rather^ow when one is ? hu\tf^ jl^ar^r?rf'Yes; are you going down the road far?" Con vict?"No, sir; I stopoffat Auburu/' Stranger?"Ah! Do you live there ?' Convict?"I have not formerly." Stranger?"But you think of taking up your residence there, do you?" Convict?"I am thinking seriously of it, yes, sir." Stranger?"What busi ness are you in, if I may ask V* Con vict?"I expect to ba in the employ of > tho State.'"'1 The stranger saw the irons and the sell about the same time, and ejaculated, "Oh ! ah, yes, I see," and went into the next car, A farmer who lives about five miles west of Faiibault,Minn., named Samu el Johnson, was going along the road Saturday last when suddenly a little Svlm-Jwdnd,. whjdbl described a circle ijPlW^tjlyjnotnjofe fhan^tlirjoe ?ej in ?iar?etor, 'appeared id the road in front of him. It took up the dust pretty lively aud buzzed like a swarm of bees, but Mr. Johnson kept on his intt.'{l task the moulding of the hearts and conscien ces of sons and daughters; to feel that by God's grace you will be ?ble 10 do it; to know that yon have no womanly endeavor undone to found the prih ciplcs ofyoiir children upon tlie pat tern of the rock that, is higher than us all. Six sons havo J?two of theiit men; lour daughtiis are mine?two just budding into womanhood; they arc my companions, yea; my unwit ting instructors in the law of upright ness. Do 1 have to seek for au aiiini ly? -Not I. A in 1 lonesome? Sever. Du I sigh for the infinite? I have it.' A Boston murderer,in poor health, wants his execution delay od. Who was the wisest man ? Know er. What did he know ? lie kiiev? enough to go in out o! the- rain. ".'ho circulating story .that Charles NordhotT fell into a geyser in the Yelowstonc Yalk'y is a regular guy, sir. What shall it profit a man though ho, dances with every girl ;:t the pic uio ami his wife finds it out lb '; ne.ti day ? A Virginia widow refused to marry a bald beaded man, though lie was n mijlionaire. Slic explained: 'We'd have a family light* sometime, and lie has no hair to catch hold of." They ...?ay that .hiccough* e:ni he cured by catching the Kujeoughor by the lhro.il nod hanging on uu'il his eye)3 stand out 1 ke the face til au eight-day clock. "Ma," said :\ sum!! boy, approach ing his mother au 1 exhibiting u imi. tnkublc symptoms of severe pain in the beweis, *V.> gt'veii apples grow in heaven ?" A Milwaukee mati man made three attempts to blow his brains out, ami then Iiis wife told hi in : " I'on't try it again, John; you haven't got any." Hej pots about now saving that lie owes his life to that woman. Student?''Well, proTessdr, I have just discovered what I was cut hut for.': Professor?"W ell, what is it V Student?"For loafing;" IVo?'asor ? "The- than that, did the cutting under stood Iiis business." -. ? Stronger than iron when im?,is Iii? ihi?, $;rotigcr than beauty when beauty isids?usr. Stronger t!ian wine when itsbubbl s at/, I Hashing; at roller th'ij? lightning; ?Uiui oak treesjjre i j crasmiig? Is gold, gold, >;old? UcaulHNil :'.'il>!! The Pittsburgh pOsl-ofilco recently received a package containing two scalps, two arrow heads, and a little bell. The post muster is frighTcncd and would like to know what it means. A lady correspondent, who assumes to know ho.w bo}souglit to be.trained, writes us folio wo : "0, mothers! hunt out the soft, tender genial .side of your buy's nature.*' Mothers often db-r with an obi shoe. "I comprehend now," *nid John Henry as his wife's four story'trunk went up stairs . Never bo east down by trifles; If a spider breaks his thread twenty times, twenty limes will he mend it again Make up your minds to do a thing j and you will do it. Fear not. if troubles comes upon you; keep up your spirits, though the day be a da k j no. Si??!:iu??=-i prevails everywhere, and oy^rjffA. hod;- honiptniuH. bi sonic disease during (Jsoir, life*. Wlicii biefcj the object ik to'gel w.cfi; ???MW \vu kny plain!y tliat no person in this ?? world that is. Buflaring- will? Dyspepsia,' * Liver Coin pin i nt find its effects; mich n*'Ilt" '* digestion, Costivou??;?,"Kieh Headache, Sour!;' Stomach, Heart-burn, Palpitation of.the,,.' .'bar!, Depressed Spirit.", Diliousncss,iSc.,, > (;;>? take G kKES's Ai'iii'.-r Ki.owmt without getting relief and cure. If jou doubtrtht?,' go iu your Druggist DR. A. ',*. DLKRH *ml rret a Sample ftot'.le for 10 cents and trv it. Regular hiae 7? cents. Two'doses _ :., .. * -in will rur.eve you; , dr. a. c. liurdss: i ? IJOIV 'i'l> WZ**: I eve? AXD '^ If nny person sutiering with Fever and, Aciik lotciuiili. ut jr Bilious Fever will eall at Hi- Urn;,? Store of DR. A. 0. DUKES ' ' rind ge t a litttle of AGUE CONlQ?KIi?R; P their immediate enre is certain, and the ..le by 1)1 J ENNINGSA SON mid J. !)? AIKKN; Agents, Charleston, .S. C. The highest testimonials can be given, I'ica.tesond for circular. auc 28? 31it !A: O AHI). Or. J. G. W A N A M A K ERA C, beg ;.? inform the public that they are better prepared to till Or.i ers than or er before, t'be Orahgcburg Drug Store ?h?ll at all hours be provided with competent percens for tilling Orders With dispatch, so from now heuccfowurd the people of Orangsburg netil hot be placed in a dilemma to know where t.> Pint a Druggist. We also express our grateful thanks to tho public fur the inaguuiiiinous support given us, and with strictest attention to business?hope to ever maintain their confidence Dr. Ji 11. W AN N A MAKER & Co. auu - \ - out Xoi u-e ol* L>issol?.ti?n. There having been a dissolution by mu ti?il ir