DR J. G. WANNAMAKER & CO. Will bo plenscd to seo their frieuds aud tho public generally aL II W BIG SEE Next door West of T. KOIIN & BRO. i CHEAP ! CHEAP!! CHEAP!!! GA SH PBIOES FOR DULL TIMES! / The ENTIRE STOCK of BET GOODS, ?00TS and SH?Es, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ' LIQUORS, &C. J, WALLACE CANNON'S Have been marked DOWN to suit dull times. ? Don't forget the Garden and Hand Plows, RUSSEL STREET. ~^jTJ^y||y^n^^9HSaRn!!Tr is in pos Bcsflion ok tlifWfflreoTptfl and Prescription ..T5uoks.of the late Dr. E. Olivere?. AU persons desiring to got any of the above Preparations or Renewal of Prescriptions oa?..flo,0O hv calling on j ( . Dn. WANNAMAKER, .mot 27??>m At his Drng .Store. McMIGHABL HOUSE, . ORAXOEIU'RCJ, S. C. This HOUSE is now open for the recep tion of BOA UDERS. GUESTS well taken rflrrfo'i 'The TAriUS amply supplied, and a IiACK m*c|iMg'eoc'>.lrain at the Depot. Terms 'Mod eraW, may 26 * 1876 ly IJKENES8ES. Tl)? Hulwcriber has secured rooms over J A. Hamilton'., store where Jm is prepared to paint LIKENESSI2S JN OIL, either from lifo,i or from Photographs, the pictures painted to he from Cabinet to Idfepiift. He'1 is /'ahio prepared to take PHOTO GRAPHS and FERREOTYPES card size. W. Ii. COUTANT. june 12 " 1875 lin IDissorution? V ' ' Oiianokiiuiui, 8. C. ...... Jnnu '2S, 1875. ? On or afler this date by mutual consont I herewith withdraw from * the firm of MlTCil^L, OSTEANDEU A JACKSON, hut will, carry on the Fame business by myael f. A. J. JACKSON, jiijy 3 . g( m : 187f> St Valuable business One Lot on Main Street, recently occu pied, by M. Kiel}, measuring in front on Alain street thirty-six feet, and running hack one hundred feet, foiming au L, the L ,.running in .rear o? iot.rof C.i! Thome, njcftSjitriug 18x!>* feet. This is one of the bo/tltihisiuc** Stand? in Ilia town of Orango .biirg. Terms ran be known on application to Mrs. HERTHA RICH. jb"''Or Mr. GEORGE IIOLIVEK. may 22 | f . \ tf Notice of Dismissal. . . Notice is hereby given that I will on the '_!<;di .diiV ol .Inly next file my final account 'with* ?the Honorable'Judge of Probate !(br Oifftlgoburg Couniy as Administrator of IMy ?'Win.' A. Cooper, and :wk for letters of DiPiuis-ul. J. S. C. Ill 1 T.MAN, I <*"' 'Administrator. ..June l]?th 1S7?... ! ? - 1 jimVun ? '; im it Notice of Dissolution. fore cxiat^HHpViKplacc under tlic firm nnrae of W. P. DUKES & Bro. All parties indebted to the late firm, arc here by notified that the Books of the firm arc in the hands of W. P. DUKES at the old stand, and all parties are requested to make prompt payment to him, as the business has to be cloned. Howe? PumpS. C.j June28tb 1875. w. p. DUKES, T. C. DUKES. j'lily 3 1875 3m W. H. GIRARDEAU TRIAL JUSTICE. APPOINTED 10th June 1875 Business attended to pTomptly. june 12 1875 lin THE SXJjST A STRICTLY CONSERVATIVE Weeltly Newspapor, Published By CHARTAS II- H?Tili & CO., AT BLACKVTLLE, S. C, Respectfully solicits the patronage of the citizens of Barnwell aud the surrounding Counties. Wc shall endeavor by untiring energies and labor to give you a paper well worth taking home rt> your firesides and to your counting/rooms. Subscribe at once, and if you arc *n?t. 'patisued wc will refund y mir 'money. Terms, iu advance. ADVERTISING. Our rates arc liberal, for further informa tion call on or address C. II. HALL, Business Manger. Millinarv and Dress IMTalcing? We have just opened a MILLINARY STORE 'in Orangchurg at the foot of Clinch Street, and will keep steadily on hand a full supply of Miilinary Goods. We will also carry on the business of Cut ting, thing and dress-making in the latest fashionable style. We solicit the patron age of the ladies of the County, and will do our uttermost'to give satisfaction. All orders promptly attended to. MBSj E. Mi SM OAK, MISS A. E. AY EES. apr.l 17 1S75 3 m ai .ovk u & ai iOVB 11, A T T O ii N ? YS AT LA W, Oflite opposite Co.irt HouseSquare. r. \V. Glover, Mortimer Glover, J?lich Glover. Feb. 10 tf W, K. CROOK Tukes ploaauro in calling tho attention of the public to his STOCK of GROCEP{ES and LIQUORS W hi 1ms been greatly INCREASED in the last week, and will bo sold LOW for CASH. * Special attention is call to my No. 1 PX2I3 9BB HAMS and BjrosH Ground Baltimore Flour Rocoived from the Mill Weekly. ? C. D. KORTJOHN ^Sontinuc3 t0 scllhis LIQUORS ?W SEGARS at COST. He keeps on baud aud is rccoiving daily, FRESH SUPPLIES of Dry Goods, Groceries, Tin Ware, Crockery And a GENERAL SUPPLY of MERCHANDISE. Cull before buying.] C. D. KORTJOHN. ENTERPRISE GROCERY .A.. FISCHE R. Has just returned from Charleston with a COMPLETE STOCK of FRESH GROCERIES And a full supply of Ijicmors, A-les, AVines, &C, hoth Domestic and Imported, Best brauds of CHAMPAGNE. Imported RHINE WINE, warranted genuine. . The finest lot of HAMS brought into this market lately. ENTERPRISE SALOON. The BAR attached to the Grocery is well Stocked with good Liquors, Wines, &c, and attended to hy polite and attentive clerks. A. FISCHER. B W. M0SELEY CORNER OF MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. ^"^ P^sure in ? ^outfeing to my PATRONS and the PUBLIC STOCK OF MERCHANDISE,, Which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. My STOCK is bo large that I have placed a considerable portion of it iutho store CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND RAIL ROAD AVENUE formerly occupied by Mr. J. S. Albcrgotti where tho public will find as fine an assortment to select from a.? can be shown down Town. A lino lot of ALES, WINES aud LIQUORS always on hand at both store*. STABLES. I have also rented the STABLES and LOT in renr of my store op Market Street where any one coming iuto Town can have their Horses care fully groomed and fed, and vehicles cared for. Saddle Horses and Vehicles for hire. JOAB W. MOSELEY. J. STRAUSS J. J. STREET JAS, Irl. FOWLES J. STRAUSS & CO., Proprietors of tho Orangchurg Kicc Mill, Grisl and Saw Mill, Onr Mill* being now in full operation, wc are prepared to fill orders for Itict and freshly ground Orbit and Meal, (bolted or unbolted), at living prices. Onr SAW MILL, being idtuatcd near the Town, is now turning out superior Lumber und bills for all irtjpcB can he tilled at short notice. We can'Supply Pecbnd hand Stenm ETlgirifjiai Portable or Stationary, anil SlAAV rVlil guaranteed by otir-Mr? St'ran*?, al le*s that half the usual price. lligbcKt price paid for Eough Kicc and Corn. The Orangeburg Bakery. T W; ALBERGOTTI, Proprietor. Oners io the Public at all Times ; \ FR SH BREAD, CAKES, PI ES FRUITS, CANDIES, TQILET SETTS, and every Description of Fancy Goods. Wedding Cake Furfoished at the Shortest Notice. A splendid Lot of ChrMiiuisTOYS :?n?l I'ltESENTS for^ChildVcn jiiufjiwt beoit Received of CALL AND SSS FOR VOURSBLF. J. Gr. VOSE Keeps constantly on band a CHOICE and WELL SELECTED Stock GROOE .UES, . DRY GOODS, CLOTIIIXG, SHOES : AND .. ' TT^-l^MHSTGr IMPLEMENT?. .... ? - . if\ " ?'..?.:?:'.??? i . -?'1/ Sa tisfaction guaranteed both in PRICE and QUALITY. < ' ? . - ! GOODS DELIVERED. - . A Choice Lot of Hams Very Cheap. TO MY FRIENDS AND '/' \\ \ * *A",V ? ' - ' * v * I i f - r * i ?vi if1 it * *i *?'(tjr,fii'i *^ i * * Change of Business a The Old Billiard RooYri IHAVE FITTED UP tbe above place arid have now on hand a well assorted stock of Groceries, consisting in part of FLOUR, HUG A It, u " SOAP,! 1 BACON, COREEEy , fJTARCH, LA KD, BUTTER, CANDLES, POTATOES, TEA, - KICK, AIho a full a&ortiuent of CANNED GOODS, All of which will be sold at the low est living -price*. ? .? w, < . . - :tf MY SAMPLE ROOM [eJ LT^QUPRS^CIGARS. pleased to'sec l>is friends. DE MARS. 3 EC!!!; > P the HI PEOPLE! ortment of GEOCEEIRa aeon, Breakfast StripvPIg", Hajow? Cod Fish, Rice,, Gri^t, iu| j . ., etables and Meats riptiona. LIQUQR8 nnsu rpassod tltlp side of Baltimore. :' In fact. I havo just the store for the people, asd am often'r.?- jRax"? BargftinSi Give me a call, and eo home happy. " , JrRANTZ 'BRIGGMAHN. ;., I?, E, CLAUS, J. P. HA?LEY. HARLEYS COMPLETER ^ jgjj STOQIt* OJP BOOTS, snOES, WOOD: TIN CRQCKJERY, tp$M&WTAK*i..-. Witli a FULL and COM PLETEJiiupply of _l-Mt.. - 1HEAVY AND FANCY GRO CBBPSfj,-' supplied with eVeryi!* jnj^ ^e j.;f. Parley'C^m In fact the housekeeper and larmor will be supplied with eyeryifcjn^ \?J, need, at prices that will defy competition. fob 27, 1?75; , ly ... ,t ?!?.??! !? \ ?'??'] 'dl :to [iiv,.iui U' /< "V ,a! ALTHOUGH 1SIY LOSSES BY THE LATE FIRE HAS BEEN HEAVY, I A>C STIL prepared to supply my omtouiera and the public generally with everything la lb* Dry Goods, Groceries &,:^s^Awb^ LINK at my USUAL MODERATE PRICES. D. LOUIS. jan I? 187? > : i liii if