John Lewis is running up Mr. D. Louis' st ^M^^SfflP timVS JC5^LA.1I:J fitJ Theodore I^&f?&*?fflhJt B&??cT/QdTrf Villa" lot, is frnmsd. clA llOt] One of the delicacies of the season?Dr Duke's soda water. ??rs-tfTiTW? JfrfjJ We never 4TJ?rA^riinlfCloses kl He's rrhM^&\p^^^&d^K M?ga^l^flr^i?aMonoaoP4hB tTo^^fftrnrl) fik? V*r lotl jn a certain quarter, on hand for sale cheap. vontemplatcs putting up a planing nu1 hear the rivor sometime this Summer. Hon. S. L. Duncan wasD^^^L ? "day last. lie was an^ Jfct?ve^iftHp||,tffCHt worjecx.for reform;in tlkojliutt Lcgfcilay.ire, ?^TO^?H grb^tfniSy^era I i^r-tho-Tttotit^y-Trappcaraneo^ of n Dr. Dukes. J .apt We hear of serenades, and /pretty 'songs. Vhcn shnll wefto'arHfa frcdAlhig? ''^feweet nmi^ ? #smm* mn Ii .*llB^r A"na I'ickjniion will lecture in ^^hhBla^Sn'Tu^d'sV crAV ]Wlr}*W ^fitophero and lecture, Miss Anna? There is some talk of getting up a German s splendid iTnlo'ihTr - JT- qTt /1. i Tf; I unite aftair near Wo There was 4 jiaiuitli ^ulK^WlfojlooliUi tMie^rit.flflencU of Ant l^lreU' I i ?Our Darg is i.rolt^t?l^a ftQ ?gdjodj (<\ Vnip^anil MrVVt?elicr)for\a srirdj ???> ~i) Vut the "cviwwr between the; II KaT bei jt?Un> full', hdd, W. T. Mullcr, that *"* he has an excellent crop of wheat eomingW YJ y|r has been lying painfully ill at'his home in Lewistilla.-g )V?j l^a^ipjwiII,Itoon^recovel and co^A^fcivQj i^Apl |e VhJs p.di * in tlio burnt district. There ajrc eight street lamps:'abore the Cottrt .?House, midi but-sv ,>I^\01t(ft^r one in' {he 'cu^Uict m'jentionotljyiX ? j pre?y: i*ny? yronld liolp >' MrJ C'ornchoh'* front wonderfully, ( TEMRERANCELEVTmiE Ightncr, tb.' AV. P. of the f tute here oAtuc 27th in it. He a an f^Bc^orlncui speaker, ami wo hes )eak 5c> }cftut$i ir fellow tcAvns Mr. Wm. Willcock, la a beautyJ and *hcT?vGt?<^Mrs. \Yill l we presume it ^? ?? talc-hearer and the tale-hearer should hanged up both together?the fo -mcr 'll&'uch.-a' .'.last, en tuio'od" ll&fiff won Id make fOrangeburg almost'minus of tongues] LCarjUw-?M?aMii?ia^i?gu>na.'E.twft'.iiii?iiiiiiii?i? mm H why dun'! yon Vit on T?rough ton and street? Come now, don7! forget it. We?likc tion to that-Etrc=t.-niiLl gird \vi a ?nbjrit for > JBL f I Mr. Jamc* Van Tassel lias purchased a Jot. ft-dthVMft WferoneyUn^fftlh^yrw^ ipon two-storv li rick which he designs erecting a tw scums determined to provide PS?1!?^ contingency of tire, the efletJtsoJ We publish oliscwhare the last letter yesterday a week ago. It was cntriiBU d to .he ^^J. htff?"; * to gi re it fever for the are MW^/?-?eraWddlg good wor he State in lerrcting out and cxposin. ftiS?itlent" 3hJf_iV Viat certain partie] jque ifljttegpo\l\wxH^Mrc^ woman ate ?.j? ? *V%T ? ""* TBT t 'iaR liuf|??(I)^t0nJjd ho^^fiSp Iiis Jiar isgc, and says that ho sees a little hell ef err liy?_oW?*H. H fpinion that there was no hall. He vet wc on '?rtj updergtayd^ rt'W7P^f4?S'6j^n of the Coautv fommiasioners inform ua of the cau?e of the l^layjirj lhe,*J> %rf?* ^ ytV>i;AA^yiiaihfeim?.i igh not r-actly "hpart free" ISi<**WI?fc as you are bo far behind Why don't won n front of your store?! It veM/cmcnt. !^iwike\^e(t lifc c e^pab-'drEa entere ,aOAWaf ? ardent ?plr^ is an open one, and they wi 1 never he -fbhn? hehind "G?hl WittV^'' Jr ? | ? * T'" \'? L anything *\*&, lo hide their Idehtily. CHARADES AND TABLEAUX? It is whimpered around that the Indies of the p^^St ChU^C*1 "^^^^^^^^^ young men to preparothemselves with kid gloves boqucts and greenbacks. The spring has been rather backward and planting has been necessarily delayed in some parts of our County, but now that good weather is upon us, we hope to hear favora ble reports from our farmers. Let nomc friend of the Nmvu & Times, in each town ship, constitute himself our correspondent and write to us now and then of the crops. We will be glad of such favors. ?Cltl ! ijlu? (?uty| an< U brought before U. S. Commissioner Bull for examination, on a charge of violating the Internal Revenue Laws. Afier a full and im partial investigation of the matter by the Coinini*noncr, the chargers were answered and the 2>i isoncrs discharged. Dr. M. (J. Sallcy brought to tili? oflice on Thursday last an oak bush, cut from the path made by the recent tornado in its pass age through St. Matthews, which gave us an idea of the severity of the hailstorm in that section of our County. The bark was knock ed off the limbs of the bukh ihrpla^ruid:in ] some spots the body of the oak was mashed and bruised as badly as if it had been hit by a spent Minnie ball, rhejtrc i can be seen at this office now* C D. Kortjohn loves Spring, but he loves his customers much more. Instead of wan dering about in the woods in search of flow" era for his sweetheart, Dijc is always fixing up a plan to please and suit his patrons' His store is jammed in with good things tietk^^??J^ir n^^E'lMnSd { such a creature., for Dick io up to the times in everything. Of course lie is unmarried, and has wild flutterings about the heart occasionally, but for all that he succeed* in keeping a first-rate graccry. Our friend Crook is fond of a joke now and then, and the othtrr day played rather an original one upon a countryman who en tered his store and inquired if "there was any more lisna to be 1 that he was out, but had been v? theie was but one left over at Bull's. The man turned around in a hurry and double quicked o ver to the store mentioned, scream ing as he went, "Don't let anybody have that lien you have; I'll take it." lie van over three peanut boys who were hi his way, besides knocking oil" the beaver of the Jury Commissioner. The Tem^ra^ Society aV*S^?W held an election for officer* cn the 29th ultimo, for the present quarter. The elec tion resulted as follows: Bcv. J. B. Campus.l, W. P. Miia A. Davis, W. A. Dr. E. T. Malene, R. S. A. B. Walker, A. R. 8. A. E. Rickenbaker, F. 9. Dr. Thos. AJjUjgJfcJfca 'SSTSSSal Rev Pettus, Chap. W. A. Mcroney, C. Miss C. L. Neuner. A. C. Miss C. C. Ncufier, I. S. E. S. Hubble, O. S. The Division is growing, and we predict will increase in interest as it grows older. The Free Citizen is wide of the track in Tr our readers could have aeen its eaitor making tracks up the new Btreet on Satur day last, upon our requesting him to step one aide with us for the transaction of a little business, they would at once conclude that our contemporary is conducted by the best di't-thrower in the county. The coun cil had to pay dearly for what sand has been hauled to fill up the <&6>s3$fe&5KS street, but the manner in which the Free Citi zen editor kicked it in our face on Saturday hist, showed that hj^djd got^ in economy in the lines which read? "lie that fights and runs away, Will live to fight another day." that he did aotMft?fc^yuh? as in tJicitilUio^l^^iiJMned^ The popular proprietor of that moat excellent grocery store on Broughton street, has received a large supply of line and deli cious things to cat, ami extends a wide invi tation to the public to call at his establish ment and be served. His breakfast strips arc charming and he sells them cheap. Those who are fond of hams (and who is it that doca not love a good iv" thing of that sort ?} can procure the finest we ever saw at love good things to eit will find it better, bot 11 lor their pockctn mid their tables, to give him a part of their patronage. He has G^gaiM that puts in ^f^^ltt^Q?10 famojis is always f ?\ tcness ;to Miss Amiability?John, if I marry ydn, tlo you promise that you will never spe1 tk unkindly to me? < Honest John?No, my sweet, I shall il' waya speak to you gently, and do all I cm to make you happy. Miss Amiability?It would kill meto have you snap at me. I think that liusbaid and wife should never be anything else 1 tit; love to ouch other. Honest John?So do J, and nothing wot Id ,nS^kff2r^*dinB month nil br t those /lowers I selected there this mornin j ? Hid yon bring them with you? Honest John?No wife, I didn't hare t te^ change to spare this evening; Iwill|;e^ them to-morrow for you. Miss Amiability?(as a wife ) To-tnorr m the mischief, ami I wanted them to wear in a visit in the morning ! Confound such It I do snyr If I had known this three mon ago, I would have* seen you at the devil fore marrying you. Hotter not to have ajjy husband at all than such a one as you 1$$} ?0n7j$ere (Wad. John walked from ihp house thinkiugjof the deceit fulness of woman, and involuntari ly thanking Cod for haviaglprcpared a hell. Who can blame him ? ?k The days arc getting longer now, and there is lesaactixity and htiitrtc than usual In our jolly old Rurg. The principal buii nejw done by our leading merchants is in the nature of advances to l?rmen?, secured by liens on their crop.*. The liquor dealt rs ;;i^^BvMI?>^|fv claim a monopoly of the steps leading into t tc Court House Square, ckc out a living by t le occasional sale of a ginger cake or a. ] intjof peanuts. Our county officers sccini to lie the happiest set of fellows in town, and daily illustrate their love of the Italian lcc far NiVii/e, by lolling nbo-tt frony ohc o) ice to another. Occasionully they rcVgale each'fuiSn* with hits of history from their past li.-e?, anv^t j>rophecyj>r two jib future. i R. from Aladdin's Lamp, which makes t ic said G. R. smile most blandly at times, and wish for Spring to last always, so that f i<* said Wahlers could continue to find time ;o read and smoke one treat cheroots. Roth nf these gentlemen are single, and are exceed ingly sentimental in Spring time. II er in at n sighs, 'wTufe'liis employer, more joyful, exclaims "Oh love! no habitant of earth thou art-r An unseen seraph, I believe in thrc." \ ^ And in the same Court House Square, bpt in another office, the tedium of the dtAl lull dp hourn is whiled away in the song ''Fill the goblet again," etc. Van Tassel can be seen playing with his dog Fido, while Livingston and Lawtmisj tneir tongueslo pronounce the word Ilocr qucllenwasserlcitungsrohranfalalitatch. Thus the days are spent now by our-ott cers. When they get to work again we will inform the readers of the New;; & Timks. On Sunday last a colored man mndfe his appearance in our Town under ^iroum stances w hich caufujd ot the party who had killed one Jim; Thomas in Augusta da. somo months since, and for whose cant uro the Gov crnor of Georgia had offered a reward This man Reubin Tollivcr, by name left our Town Sunday night on footi taking the Bcllville Road but wna llrf two of our Town Marshal Messrs. Thos. Alexander and W. C. about mid arrest, he confessed to the shooting oi the said Jim Thomas at Augusta, and expressed a desire to bo taken thcrc| upon an examination before Trial Jutico J. Felder Meyers, ho again ad-! nrittcd the shooting and was commit-! ted to our County Jail to await thej requisition of Gov. Smith of Georgia. Mr. Phillip Gerlach is a successful man at whatever he undertakes. He exhibited in our office yesterday three or fo?.r rndisjlics taken from his gar? measured nearly two inches through. "Who can b at this The new office for TitiAE^Tgfpc^ ub *i ak am ra yjgg 1 rstn tu) v Hon. P. derday. He i^c^^^f?csft&eitf scntcd. ^ hoots Vr*aw yaaa: over Mr. '^^tor&^Jifift he ty^ be found at all timen, except Wb^n^on^ professional visits. Sec his card iu. ed his family a short distance over the Kail I-bad, which will not intcrfei^ with his professional business' in ''thin town and vict|^^^|)^^^ tcntion. -??>.?.wi nT'lT' Awl*! ?^nibnVloV*^ .fciiroy y-ilx/i lips' pistol went off nccidcntnllv.' "No got unnecessarily scared at the smell of powder, and WjTfyV ^JSPf | jumping through jlu^mi(mw.; Tnr. John Phillips laughed heartly at the innocent .amusement, afforded 1 y tlie snramvd ancle lruptec. . ?:, :.: AKIX , J . .. ," HA i ip A certain; &tKjy?R jwas yesterday asked bv a colored mnn-how much he would require by way of a fee to part a man n.ul his^^^iplr.^ Blaekstonc replied that there was but gUjp. inan in Towu who could give him immediate relief. That certain man was "a^i'n^lcr machauic and brick layer, nnd would, .upon bdiug compen sated for,rrM\B'' work, build .a brick-wall between them in about one hour; but that lawyers would,charge J about $200 anil would mice about sixl nio^l^SlBc^pTilWl? -Moy&fi departed quickly, apparent 'OTJvCE Ih hereby ?ivesi or the loss or ilcstruction of Certificate ^pf .Deposit ^^P^-fj^tr^'^mzobnrg Ilrauch, 'Ci/Izens OTfiffi^'yif? 'rifJSMg Cnrollnn, dsShbd to rile VhtfT B^ff* OirveTo9T*do -.cased, and also of Deposit Hook No, 00, of same 'BraiYcKAjiOncto J. Oti tliree months from dale lor a .renewal of tho ^nnjo.vruyl for yunli dividends as may accruo TkcftottfMo Htc^Prtistcc and Cotnmlttce of the said Dank, at Columbia. S. C. . kM^>^'? GBSTIEHE? o?' orangehuug, LATK Ii sufficient lo jrhraiitco tlio above. He will rbVJfohnd/aWJIv^liSxi?yri]0/)4Ter ready to Vur'vc liis'cuyioiiic)i gtf I he shortest notice. [TA* WAT 005 80 ?T t)01 DIENTISTKY JDentU* HB S, can bo found at bis J.i.#FI<.'K jibovc Captain I1AMIL ?'!:r*.7rt;;..l4},r?^c'itii on*Hsu bovisoan q baa tl?o s??!2! .?a et Jicf|rences--I,ii.s. j. 1*. Patrick, B. A. Mrcar.xrcss, A. 1*. l'r.i.zrn, M. D., and Mhssrs. Pklzkk, Roimieks ^$0??* iwum m hi iMTflniiTMnTTiyrT'TaniTMW Horses andMale3 MImOg aQLyTKII'S stahlk3 IN.REAR rf)Erjr j.i^Ko.y?sErs-^ro^p. Where you will find a COMPLETE stock of the finest JKjRSKS and-M ULKS, that can be prociirclTh-oin The UKST MARKETS in tht United Stales.g^/^J^ ??., Our prices in'ngV 'frWn. 1?? lo $'Jl!?. All orders tilled at I hit shortest notier. If our stock on h.-t?d -. do. ,not please we will order for von nt onco,*-h t{ RA.MJVlwfMj' & SLATER. 4?e 18 ? ltfft <': k*? Cm i, Notice 'lillC undersigned, takes pjcaf ujc^in an nouncing to his many friends, and piUronK that he ha* permanently located at Orangc burgi C. II., S. C./->vhci-e.fu>.^ill devote his entire lime, from every ;JJypv&(bui sati.:*** HAS A STORE T ta* 8?A^3? >. i- - ?>> T;M lb actl atU ni satd? -nr* ":a iaxf ?rfi ???r b&l'.wsm j b ut .Iva Iii* rjiii - tw ,*?u.i*:-p ?*W e/f te ?oapi.l brut wfwcfO fryijfa From one end tc the olhor. lomc 7n 11 M? he Knowing that thtfTlrc^^w^ll^Q^ibltfW faniiliei of Oiangiburg. will endeavor to ?oJ^lMtl'tKihfaj l'^'Kbj!? B?^t ????rd limes. His Btorc is '^WREDa\vltb^P^ requests the peo pie will bear this In mind. I a 'pect fully reiju? FHANTZ BHIGOMANN. oaTj ,yi luvmoMMIM Nine ^e^^mmmm DRUGS nnd-.HED?CIENS.; hm BRUSHES, Ann Mr* a b-ysd no ?r-JUSIN-f MEDlClRftS, TOILBT ARTICLES, ^ ??^ Ol ??'j** .aajdifctttLKKY, /?rn? oat ir, blda *i IU* SfWM9,\ A ?HOIO?* SEEDS a*n ONION SETTS, rorcriptioti's caf?Kily compoun(1 c(!, o?AeV* from the country atrloklv attended to.?t the, roplarDrX^|?o|. ? M X. O. DUKES, jaa 2? 1874 ]y One month from dule.I will file with the fJodjpe of HI'rtfj^V my final B?fflBmit as JaSniinistrat^D *?,(,.v dc roajpl nn