THE TRI WEERLY HER ALD Devoted to the DissemiatiOl. of General Informationo VOLUME I. NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1865. NUMBER 21. - THE TRI-WEKLY ERALD IR PUBLISHFD AT NEW DERRY- C. .K., [From the Richmond Whig.] DETAILS-EVICUATION OF RICHMOND. Te Fraenation of R;chmond by the Ccz,federate Arml-Its LecupeuOn by the F'deral Foreex SGreat 1-Ire.The Eotre Bw nesx Portion of the CityJestroyed-Lit-s Lost, &c., &c. THE C!TY ON FIt. The evacuation of 1ichmond commenced in earnest Sunday n'ght, and closed at daylight on MondaT morning with a terrific contingrationl, which was kindled by tIe Confederate authori ties wantonly .and recklessly Tpplyin,g the torch to Shockoe warehouse 4nd1 other bm.idMigs in which was stored a large q.nmtity of tobacco. The fire spread r-pidly, and it was iomlle tne before the Fire Irigade could be gotten to work. A fresh breeze was blowing fron the South. nnd the fiTe swept over a gneat space in an increible short space of time By noon the flaies had transformed into a desert waste that portion- of tie city bounded becveen Setemnh and Fifteentni streets from Main street to :h river, (omprising the main busifss portion. We can form no estimnate, at this m1oment, of the number (if hdusez .destroyvd, but public ni-d private they wiil ceta nlV nuuther six or eightindred. At present we cannat do nore tian enumeritte some of the :most. prominent btildings destroyed. Ttese inc!ade w Bank of Richmoud, Tradere enk, Bank of the Conmionwealth, Ullk of Virginia, Farmers' Bank, al tlc banking 1o1se., fthe Aierican Hotel, the Coblubian Notel, the 1IN(pirer bdin o Tw w 'e, ctr.iet, the Diepatch Office'and job. room-i, corner of Thirteenth and 4.n .-tres-; .,1J that block,.of knov. as aPl i! '-s~ wk- the~ E ba:r OtIice, engine %.nd mn;ti!ery r mh Conoiovrz Pol-ee I lepirtment builditgs; the State (o etheuse; a 5 ze o d hu ld ig itu -ted im kap: ! t , i. Fr.n!n st e.t entraince the e-e uine - vacated by the Son iaerate tes fr .par:~1!Utent, and %1 t,e ballin; o' le" '9 i *.., ,t igh or*--t and lyk to V;m stre't; tue en:.ver3am a c nal :2md la.ratr.' ce'. h Sstimle ort Mrmdmay mf,rnin ilMmond pre !t*d a -ctjele tht., we hope itevtr i(" witne:F Aue,:in. The L.-L of ih! Cor-'e-3erae efficial. hau oni t; e pir 'AlIF lurid wi.h1 the :Sm11oke anvd eo houses wel:ering il a Sea Till- oreots wet r. crowdcd with furmiturt and Pv ry de!er,piuin of %Mres, diAhtd dox (o be tramp i ed or b'rned up where . y. -, the IOv-i n ient. stor-hOU-1S WerA throwin , p!n andi what cou'd tivt Le gotten off Iv fhe tovernmet %- iteft to the people, who every where aherid of Ohe fittames, rushed in. and -eur-d imniaise, aiaouiits of hocon, Clothing, ) ""s &c. Ne%t to the iiver, ti( destruction of property haen f,.vi ful e complete. Ttio lanville and lorsher..:Rilotd L.ors, and thep buildings n heddtinL ,tta'leil tiereto, fe; the distaice of b-if a fi,e from the north side of Main street to the i-..r, :nd betwtee Fi.hith and Fifteenth treets, emb~re 1g up -m1 oJ twenty blockf, pre ielt-A one wa.te of smoking :uis, lackened Walls ind smoking clitanie:. After the surrender of the city and. it. occu pition by Gen. Weitzel, about te o'clock, vigo lAls effTrs wrc set on foot to stop the progress of the flame<. Tihe solders reinforced the First B3rigade, and lab o-ed- nobty, and with great suc ress. The flames cast on Main street were ther di b th blwig up of thme Tiaders' Banik The fh mnas graduilty died out at vara'ua points ais materiatk failed for themr to ,feed unon; buit in particulamr localities the work 01 es5truet on went on until towards three or four o cioak, 'when the mas: 2ry of the fit ies~ w:asoind and RichmondJ wiis safe 1'em .ut ter deslhu:uon. LOSS CF LIFE. * We regret to learna that a tsertiu loss of life glalted from] theC blowing. tip ef tim powder magazine'~on the Euburbs early on Monday ,muorn ing. The shock.was tremendous, jarring every house in the city, extinguishing the gas, and breaking a gre:.t quanltity of glass in dwellings. It is said that' thirty or forty p rsons, residents of the immediate neigiborhood of the magazmet, were either killed or wountded, but at this writing we have been unable to obtain particulars or Dames.. The fire made sad havoc with the saloons, and none of' anv accoupt remained. We enumerated IIeury Smith's, Cary and Virginia streets, Cha.t Ilunt's, "Our House," Tom Griffins, "Corngress }Iall," "The Place." "The Ubiekamnauga," and a score of others. The burning of the saloons is very distres.siog, as hundreds of people rendie:ed hetneless by the fire will be untable to obtain food. THE LOSS. Of course we cannot be expected at thmis timue se enter into- an estimate of the 1osses. b)ut they ,are imrmense, an Wili annOunt to hudreds a1 milions of dollrs. , nrsin~ome TYs .PU(ia. When it was made -knyecOt u-Su:May~ -noring s:st the eYS@uln of! 0 i-otd w. u forego"ie co'nclu'sionl, the City (Cour.cil beld a meetng, and is as m-dok pasi ?an orar for the strue tion of al tle liquor in the city. Accordingly, about the hour of midnight, the work coin 1 menced, under the direction of committees of citizens in all the wards. Hundreds of barre: of liquor were rod.ld into the streets and the headg knockc d in. 'The gutters ran with a liquor freshet, nnd the fumvs filled and impregnated the air. Fine cases of bottled liquor were tossea into the street from third-story windows, and wrecked into a thte.aknd pieces. As the work progressed some straggling Confederatd soldiers. retreating through the city, managed to get hold of a 'quantity of liquor. Yrom this moment law and order ceased to emist; chaos c'1re,'avd a Paindemoniu'm reigried. PLUNDER AND PILLAGE. Drunk with vile liquor, the soldiers-said to belong to Gary's cavalry-roamed from store to store on Main street, followed by a reckless crowd, drun; as they. With the butts of their muskets they dashed in the plate glass of the store doors, and entrin, made a wreck 'of everything with the ce-riy age. 'Jewe stores, clcthing stores, boot and hat stores, ad confectionary stores were objects of special it 1ention to xtese pillagers, who be it. remen L-ered, were not F,,deral soldiers, but Confedt. rate s!raggiers. The following are some of the stores thus robbed: Jennet's jewelry store, Mitchel & Tv ler's jewelry store, Senmons' trimmiig store, A*n toni's con.fectionary,store, Plzziti's confectionarv itore, and numbers of oth-,rs-all on Main street.. tLoWING up oP THE eNBOATs-nURNING OF TH1E XAvT YARD AND Br_,DGEs. Aiout daylight on Nonday morning the city wis shakan to its foundations biy the explosion proceeding from the blowing - of the. Cnfede rate ir%l cads in the river. Tie Patrick Heniry waz in imes az Pot-ketts, and the Navy Yail &nd all the public bribrin g therein ituated w-re in proess of destrn.tion. Several of the sm:mlier vessels were Nmrned at the ciry wharves. At zi o'clo-k, the evacu-.l6on havi;n beI comwpleted as far -i the Coidera'e arnmv was voicerned, fire wnas to !ayo's hridge and 1h! Paivii:e Raiiro bridIe, and these :turC were soon in fliames and fell into thc tiver. THE ORDEt Or Tl.E C!T has Cn celXnnt si.en the ocaton by the F,deral fo:ces.. - not h1pard aI co '.lant on the part of citizens the : nd we Are to record that -the soldiers.have found'njo reason to complain of th4 condurt of the citizens. We trust this gratif ing 'sate of a11fairs willcontinue. -11 TUL.CATION OF TITE WHIG RFsMnFf). The pnblicatio.i -of the Wh,g is rcsned this alternoon with the cimserit of the military ni th!oriies. Tihe editor, an till who her.-tofore vpteroll,d hs columns, hare taken their depar ture. The- proprietor and one vttache of the re cent cditorial corps remain. Tile former has had a cor:frence wh Gen. Shepley, the Militniv Govet-vor,;who assented Ia the publication of the paper on c0nditinms w ih will he cheerfully and i'ully complied w'th. The Widg will, there fore, b. issiied hereafter as. a Union paper. The sentiments of attachment to our "whole coun try," which formerly characterized it as a journal. wi!l egain find expres.ior in "s, and whatever influence it may have for the restora I.tion of the national authority will be exerted. As soen as T.acticable a full and effioient edito rial force. wi'l be organized. For the present, we ask the indul;;ence of our readers. - We will do the best we e-n under existing circumstanls. 1fomisng a daily improvement in the inte;-estof the coter~s of thme paper, until We shall make the Whmig commemci itself to the favor and sup port of all persons loyal tq the Government of the United Statest We clip the following paragraphs fcm the Chareston Courier : W:.. LLOYn G.Auus6: is A Tnro.-O)n Fri day might last, as the printers of the Courier wire enggecd seuinag up Mr. Brecher%9 ad dress, they were visited by Wmn. Lloyd GarrI son, who stepped up to a "case and putir i: pe the fodowin.g paragraph: "There is scarcely a man born in the South who be.s lifted his hand agal.nst the banner, but had a father who would hwe died for it. Is memory dead ? Is there no historic pride ? Has at iatal fury struck blindness or hate into eyes that used to look kindly toward each oter;- that read the same bible ; that hung over the historic pages of (our national glory tirt studied the same constitution ?", W hen he haa finished, he read the p:rrat graph ever threor four times, then remarked to a tyno who was sta iding beside him, that it was ingular he should have had just those linesi to set up. Mr. Garrison. did .the work like one who understood the business. What would the printers have, thought before the wa.- if' Mr. Garrison had stood beside thema in this same estZAishtnent setting type ? San Fran so has at !ast isued $40,000 in bonds to aid the constructica of the Pacime ralroad. About 1,800 men are at work on the road Th loss by tie hmate floods ir different parLa ofteState ofPervsvivaniai is estmated by ..ams arhiten and ariulaipia as u We re-publish the general orders of Gens. Johnston and Sherman, together with the fhrewell adtiresses. (f the Lee and - Johnston, for the benet. of tihose' who wish them ir. regular form. e General Lee's Farewall Address to his Troops. I'dN(r, Army Norrhern Virginia., April 1t), 186.5, Genoral 0%rders No. 9. i ftr four yeU"ar of ardnous service, rna",Ced by uisurpa3ed courage and fortitude, the Army ot Northern Vir.zinia has been compclled to virld te overwhelm inz numbers and resources. I need.not tell the brave rnrvivors of so inVay har(i fouaht battles, who have remained stead fast to the last. tl.t I, have,eonsci-ted to this re t from *n d - ist of them. But feelitg timat vaior and devot. ould zecompiish zothing thot ivoulld comperFate for the loss that wou!d have adtiedld the continuazCe of the couLp t, I deter .ined to avdd the usele's sacrifice of those hijose past services have M)deared them tv their by the term r.f the aoreement, ofcer. ;and nie car retur; to their homes, and un Lil Cxebanl,Il-d. YGtu vill take wi:h vou the sati-f'ction that proccedF from the consciousnesS ol *A..t- faithfid!y performed, zind I earnestly pray titr a merciful God will extend to you his blessing and protection. With an ieea intg admiration of your con Izt.)nev and d;;-,)t:(on to your country, ani a Ilrateful rente rance of your kind and generous cun:iidration for :mrself, I bid you an affectionate fre ve!L R. E. LEE, General G,wmRFNSiORo. APIUL 29, 1865. Gn~. .Joh u. deires vou-wii! publish the fol owi,ng (rde : . Un ach-d n;-n and ofTeer. of the Army and n;.e,~ of tV- Navy. within the coun;ry of the -'H tnhohe--. may also accept the terms oFthe i'I Q'1s Aastv or TF.NN. ; m:.yr.nno, ' G., A rm -, 1865. enera &&n N.. 1?8. he'termo f .t I",*tnrv Convention :oadt of; h( :th, by ?Laj. Gen. WV. T. znrmm u. S '' QK. J E.ohnstol, C. S. A. The oflil Sce. :and .en of this arnmy are to hin thzeiselre '1 o tal up arm :gainst the' Uhited States unti! pperly reli--vd of their obligatiq, aLN siiall receive' gi:1rAee from the Enited States, .insttmolestaion by te United States authorf tic I; los th--v observe that obligAtion and the ia in f-ce where they reside. For theSe ohjeCr4 duplicate muster rolS Will b made I.-i(mdhelv and after distributon of the,- ''stsarr pa perI, the troops will rvarch .nder their respetive oin:ers to tlei*r St-te,. and there be disbnnded, all retaining personal property. The object uf this convention is 1aci3iction Eo the extent of the ,authority of the couimanalers who made it. Evnnts in Virginia, wh;eh broke every:hepe of' success by :a*r, imposed upoa the General the duty of strin. tte bluod of this galant nrn. nndsaving our country from turther devast.t')n and oir r-ople from ruin. i Signed. J. E. ZOHNSTON, General. Hi:xn Qr.Arfr.s, M.T'Y ?IV. 1119., IN THE FIi.D,-!ALA.wH, April 27, 1865. 5 'SPEC.L OEtaS (FELP) No. 15. 1The Genteras commandir.g annonces a further suspenion of host.ilities, and a final agreement with Gen. Johnsto which terminates the war a.s to the armiet.s t.r his com tman d and the cot;. try east~ of' the Chatahoochee. Copies of the trms of te conventionl will beC .furnished Major Generals Schofield, (uilmiore and Wilson, who are cpecially charged with the executioun ot it-s d.ails in 'Nortli Garolins :he De'paritnent of the South :tod at Maceon ';tndt We tern Georgi.. (Cap. ,iurcr Myers. f)rd. Dehpt't UT. S., is here b'' d.-'-In: ''uo rec"i "e the arms, ., at zt.t.t'"-o- and a:iy Cenonauding UffEcer of' a Pot.t ma re rceive the arms of any detachmnent aid see that they are prope-rly stored and ac co;*ted fo,r. Gien. Scho.efield will procure at once the neces ary b:niks and supiply the atrmy commfan.ders,. thtuiai. ma prevail, and great care must be taken that the ternmsand stipulations on our* part he fulilled with the most scrupurotus fidelity, whilst those imposed on our hitherto enemies he'received in a spirit becoming a brave and,cgenero-u.s army. Any comnmander may at once loan to the inhlabitants suchl of the capTulrPd mules, horses,' wagons.and vehuicle-.4 as cans be spredl fromn immisediate use. A nd the comn mndring general of' armies imay issue prov%6s'on, anmr4ie, antd any 'public s'ippie tht ,eanb spred to relieve pre.sent w.aniN, ani.o enwrg inhiaitanlt5 to r'enen the ir $z.acetli purisuits arnd to' restore. the relatial~ of friendship amuong our' Forngintg wi forthwith cease, and.when~ ne eessr' ling miar'tce compel the taking of fo-g' prvdos or tany kind! of priva1te -Wo p"ri", elnm'oen'ion will be marie on the .fO4 or -A 1e:'. disturTh,' opi.. aie not. p,resent, ,n otiew~' 'are .te te'prvdedl with furw'i. i'ouh ma! be Mr in ro1x: fort'a. po;.ble at the 11NADQ11S AR&LY OF Th"NNESSEE~. May 2d, IS64. rjiN.3AL OR'DER6 No. 22.) COMRADES-' In terin,a'tin; our offleial reiation 1 earnCStly exhort von to observe faith fIlly the terms of pacificktion agreed uponanI4 to discharg the ob;igation of good and pe;iceful citizens at home, as well as you have perfortned the dutie of .thorough soldiers-in the field, By such a coerse you will best secure the comfort of your families and kin dred,--and restore tranquility to our cotintry. You will return to your homes -ith the ad'miration of our people, won by the coura:e and devotion you haveilis played in this longrar. I shall al ways remember with pride the loyal support and generous confidence you have given ie. I iow part with you with deep regret, and bid you farewell with feelings of cordial friendship, and with earnst wishes that yon may havte heroafter all thc prosperity and happiness to -b. found in the world, (:igr:ed) J. E JOHNSTON, General. The f.>!To-!ng dispatch was laely received bY bis Excel1ency the Govervor, from General Johnk stont. GaF-snow, N. C., Api 80, Forwarded fromir t.ezter May 1, 1864. IJis Execlenct -Gov. A. U. Magrath. The! dis;,ter in Yirgria, tme capture by the enemy of il our .ork-shops for !he prep.ration of anuilon k and r6pairin of arms; the im pa,iiinr er recrui;ug our little army, opposed by te times !tS inber; of SUPp*ying ifaxeept by robbiig our OwN ciz n,w destroyed all h9pes. ol' sucesdal war. I hv, th.'refore, made-a mulitary tv,-::!ion-i witi Gen. Sh.,rman to Lerni :ate hostilities 'in North :rd South 4auolina, Geogia and Flori-la. I mad this-condention to spare the blood of the gallant little army com itted to me; to prevCt lirther tutering of o= - people by the devastation and ruin inevitablo Irom the marches of inva6ing armies, ant tO avoid the &imne of waging hopeless r,ar. igne,d) . J. E. JOHNSTON, General. CRETALaT SYwRD. -The latest news we havs from the North announces that Secretary Seward and his son :tre improving rapidly; and the pros peet uuw is that boLi Vill speadily recover. GFTrILLAS AT -WorK.-AccordIng to the Charletou Courier. guerrillas have bedn at work injurint the railrond near that city, and commit ting other depredations. GICN. S11FRMAN IN SAVANNAI.-GeO. ShOCa is at present'in Savannah on a visit. Ports C OAED.-The Chicago Tribune of the 1 ith instant has a telegr.phio dispatch, dated at Washington City on the day previous, staftng that the Preside-nt of the Unied States had -. sued a proclamation closing all the ports this side of'Richmond, on the \tlantie and Gulf. costs, anid on the tributary streams, leading to the waters of both, to IJrownisville, Texas, "andl furter notiee." Wha-, de this mnea:n?' Dresden is to have,-next JTuly, -a mnonsthr fstival, to last four and a half days, and: to consist of t '.n thousamd'singers, 4ho will be conducted yan 'elect ricail argaratus. Coat esmLiated1 at >!OO,000. A FrencTh firm, Mes.;rs. IIackett, are up the most magnificenit illustrated edition of the Bible ever published. A hudf million dol lrs his been expended for illustrations. Ot'nAWyn-Gen. Mosby andl a portion of his men h we refused to surrender, and sti'd * continue their-operations i Virginia. Tly have been pronlounced outlaws, and a prie of two thousand dollars set upon M~osby's head. Someit of his Ilte comarb:s in arms it is stated are now' hunting him. .i.{j'By direction "if the President, the De. paaLw'nt of Virginia; a.d-such parts of Norrth Crolinra as may not be pecunpiud by the com-. mandti( of Majmi General Shiernem, and including the Army of the Potomac, will constitute the - Military Division of the:James(~. Maor(Genleral II. W.IlIalleek,United St:ates.\rmyv,is assigned* t the Miltar A~ i.ion of the James. It is said tiitt Secretary Trrenholm ownted rP int.riNt a thirty'-ve %ck'.nlx de run'ne-s, . . t, emmetOU witn others, had amas:ed t..e'ty nilliu in4 g". 'l of 0 whi^"i I ... LaQ 4e ':,~E-'5. of -a oat.*